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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Stalking Victims

Nelson, Megan E. 28 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Family social networks and mental health service use among Vietnamese-Americans in multigenerational families

Lee, Alvin Shiulain 09 November 2015 (has links)
While there is a large body of research demonstrating that Asian-Americans underutilize mental health services compared to other ethnic groups, little is known about how Vietnamese-Americans use formal mental health services. The traumatic war, post-war and refugee journey contributed to incidences of PTSD and other mental disorders. This mixed-method study aims to understand how multigenerational Vietnamese-Americans view their serious mental illness and how past experiences, family structure, and social networks influence mental health and use of mental health services. The theories that guided the research were the Network-Episode Model and Social Network Orientation Theory. Quantitative analyses using data from the National Latino and Asian-American Study (NLAAS) examined the relationship of variables assessing acculturation, social support, cultural identity, and health/mental health status with formal mental health service use for the Vietnamese-American subsample (N=520). The qualitative study explored how Vietnamese-Americans in multigenerational households experience severe mental illness and the reasons that influenced their mental health help-seeking and service use. Semi-structured interviews with 17 members of six multigenerational Vietnamese families from the greater Boston and Los Angeles area were conducted in English, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings from the study highlight the differences between 1st and 2nd generation Vietnamese respondents and provide insight into how generational culture – the prevailing attitudes, values, and beliefs of each generation – influences the social network support of Vietnamese-Americans and affects their mental health help-seeking behavior. The forced migration severed social networks, restricting 1st generation respondents to rely on small family networks for information and support. The traditional matriarchal hierarchy limited access to treatment as younger 2nd generation Vietnamese-Americans were unable to convince their parents to seek help for serious mental health problems or to get their approval to seek treatment. Cultural values such as belief in spiritual healers and self-reliance also insulated families from seeking professional help. The study found that the types of interactions respondents had with their social networks—whether positive or negative in orientation—shaped their beliefs about who and where they could go to for help with serious mental health problems and was instrumental in creating pathways to mental health service use.

Observance en début de psychose : acceptation, refus ou processus?

Artaud, Laurence 12 1900 (has links)
Objectifs: Les études quantitatives ont documenté l’ampleur des problèmes d’observance en début de psychose et les conséquences cliniques qui en découlent. La compréhension du phénomène demeure toutefois limitée. Notre étude propose d’explorer, à partir de trois perspectives (celles des patients, des proches et des cliniciens), les raisons pour lesquelles les patients en début de psychose acceptent ou refusent les traitements. Méthode: La collecte des données s’est faite à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-structurées auprès de 18 patients d’une clinique spécialisée en psychose débutante classifiés comme étant observants, ambivalents ou non observants, et auprès de 13 de leurs proches, ainsi qu’à l’aide d’un focus group réunissant 8 cliniciens de la clinique. Résultats: L’observance semble s’inscrire dans un processus marqué par une certaine ambivalence pour la plupart des sujets. Cette ambivalence est modulée par: des enjeux identitaires, des enjeux relationnels, la compréhension du diagnostic et la signification du traitement. Conclusion: L’ambivalence et l’inobservance seraient des étapes normales du processus au cours duquel le patient lutte pour reconstruire son identité. La présence d’un lien de confiance permet la résolution progressive de l’ambivalence, facilitant ainsi le processus de réappropriation du traitement par le patient. / Objective: Quantitative studies have documented the extent of compliance issues in early psychosis and the ensuing clinical consequences. However, an in-depth understanding of this phenomenon remains limited. Drawing upon the perspectives of a sample of patients, their families, and clinicians, this study explores why patients suffering from early-stage psychosis accept or refuse treatment. Method: Data collection was conducted using semi-structured individual interviews with 18 patients from a clinic specializing in early psychosis who were identified as compliant, ambivalent or non-compliant. In addition, interviews were conducted with 13 of their family members, as well as a focus group composed of 8 clinicians working at the clinic. Results: For the majority of patients, compliance appeared to evolve according to a process characterized by varying degrees of ambivalence. In particular, identity issues, relational issues, the understanding of the diagnosis, and the meaning of treatment were key to understanding patients’ sense of ambivalence. Conclusion: Ambivalence and non-compliance can be seen as normal stages of a process whereby the patient struggles to rebuild his or her sense of self and constructs their ongoing identity. A relationship of trust may facilitate a gradual resolution of the ambivalence, promoting a patient’s sense of ownership and empowerment in the context of treatment.

Modifications structuro-fonctionnelles cérébrales chez des sujets dépressifs sévères avant et après traitement par électroconvulsivothérapie : étude exploratoire ECTIM / Structural-functional brain changes in depressed patients before and after treatment with electroconvulsive therapy : a pilot study ECTIM

Yrondi, Antoine 26 June 2018 (has links)
Introduction : L'électroconvulsivothérapie (ECT) est un traitement non pharmacologique du trouble dépressif résistant. Bien que son efficacité ait été démontrée dans cette indication, les mécanismes cérébraux qui sous-tendent ce processus restent très imprécis. Il n'existe actuellement pas de travail étudiant l'effet d'une ECT efficace au niveau des modifications structurofonctionnelles cérébrales. Il semble primordial de poursuivre l'étude des corrélats neuroanatomiques précoces et plus tardifs sous tendant les processus neurofonctionnels responsables de l'amélioration de la clinique. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude mono centrique menée sur le CHU de Toulouse. Chez des patients présentant un trouble dépressif résistant, des évaluations cliniques et en IRM multimodale sont réalisées à 4 temps. La 1ère évaluation a lieu avant le début de la cure, la 2ème après une 1ère ECT, la 3ème après une 1ère ECT efficace et la 4ème après rémission.Résultats: Concernant le volume de l'hippocampe et de l'amygdale à la première visite n'était pas diffèrent du volume à la troisième visite (t(135) = .329, p = .94). Au contraire, il y avait une différence significatif entre le volume de deux structures entre la première et la quatrième visite (t(135) = -2.47, p = .039) et entre la troisième et la quatrième visite (t(135) = -3.51, p = .002). Concernant la diffusivité moyenne en tant que l'effet des visites tend vers la significativité pour la DM (F(2,136) = 2.67, p = .072). En IRM resting state, il existe une hypoconnectivité précoce entre (i) l'hippocampe Droit et le cortex Cingulaire antérieur dorsal (t = -6.20 ; pFDR : 0.0123) ; (ii) l'hippocampe Droit et le noyaux caudé gauche ( t = -7.69 ; pFDR : 0.0035) et (iii) le vermis cervelet et le precuneus (t = -5.93 p FDR : 0.0363). Il existe une hyperconnectivité entre V4 et V1 entre (i) le cortex orbito frontal médian droit et le gyrus occipital médian (t = 6.58 ; p FDR : 0.0146) et (ii) le gyrus frontal inférieur droit et le cortex fronto median gauche (t = 6.83 ; pFDR : 0.0104). Il existe une diminution significative des symptomes de depression entre la V4 et la V1 à l'échelle d'Hamilton (V4: 3,08 ET : 1,62 ; V1 : 23,17 ET : 3,21 ; p <0.001).Conclusion : Il semble exister des modifications structuro-fonctionnelle à l'issu de la cure d'ECT sans modifications structurelles et micro structurelles précoces. / Background: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a non-pharmacological treatment of resistant depressive disorder. Although its efficacy has been demonstrated in this indication, the brain mechanisms underlying this process remain very imprecise. There is currently no work studying the effect of one effective ECT on cerebral structural changes. It seems essential to continue the study of the early and late neuroanatomical correlates underlying neurofunctional processes responsible for improving the clinic. Methods: This is a mono-centric study conducted on the Toulouse University Hospital. In patients with resistant depressive disorder, clinical and multimodal MRI assessments are performed at 4-step intervals. The first evaluation takes place before the beginning of the treatment, the 2nd after a 1st ECT, the 3rd after a 1st effective ECT and the 4th after remission. Results: Regarding the volume of the hippocampus and amygdala at the first visit was not different from the volume at the third visit (t (135) = .329, p = .94). On the contrary, there was a significant difference between the volume of two structures between the first and the fourth visit (t (135) = -2.47, p = .039) and between the third and fourth visits (t (135) = -3.51, p = .002). For mean diffusivity, the effect of visits showed a trend toward significance for MD (F (2.136) = 2.67, p = .072). In the MRI resting state, there is early hypoconnectivity between (i) the right hippocampus and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (t = -6.20, pFDR: 0.0123); (ii) right hippocampus and left caudate nucleus (t = -7.69, pFDR: 0.0035) and (iii) vermis cerebellum and precuneus (t = -5.93 p FDR: 0.0363). There is hyperconnectivity between V4 and V1 between (i) the right medial orbit frontal cortex and the medial occipital gyrus (t = 6.58; p FDR: 0.0146) and (ii) the right inferior frontal gyrus and left fronto medial cortex (t = 6.83, pFDR: 0.0104). There is a significant decrease in the symptoms of depression between V4 and V1 at the Hamilton scale (V4: 3.08 AND: 1.62, V1: 23.17 AND: 3.21, p <0.001). Conclusion: There appears to be structural-functional changes at the end of the ECT course. However, we do not find early structural and micro structural changes.

Reconhecimento de expressões faciais de emoções básicas por pacientes com depressão psicótica e controles saudáveis com e sem história de estresse precoce / Recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions by psychotic depressive patients and healthy controls with and without history of early-life stress

Borges, Vinícius Ferreira 13 September 2018 (has links)
O reconhecimento de expressões faciais de emoções (REFE) possui valor adaptativo, sendo importante para o funcionamento social e o relacionamento interpessoal. Evidências apontaram que alterações no REFE podem estar associadas a transtornos psiquiátricos como a depressão maior (incluindo o subtipo psicótico) e ao estresse precoce. Associações também foram verificadas entre a vivência de estresse precoce e o desenvolvimento da depressão na vida adulta. Considerando esses aspectos, além da escassez de pesquisas na área envolvendo o subtipo psicótico da depressão, este estudo se justifica pela pertinência de averiguar se a interação entre a depressão psicótica e o estresse precoce altera o REFE. Assim, objetivou-se investigar a possível influência do episódio depressivo psicótico e da história de estresse precoce, considerados individualmente e em interação, sobre a acurácia e vieses no REFE. Adicionalmente, foi investigada a existência de associações entre a gravidade geral do estresse precoce e a acurácia específica no REFE. Participaram do estudo 49 pacientes com diagnóstico de primeiro episódio depressivo maior com características psicóticas e 49 controles saudáveis, emparelhados e subgrupados de acordo com o sexo e a história de estresse precoce. Todos os participantes passaram por uma bateria de avaliações, incluindo uma entrevista diagnóstica padronizada, escalas de avaliação da gravidade de sintomas psiquiátricos e funcionamento global, além de questionários sobre aspectos sociodemográficos, histórico clínico, uso de drogas e medicamentos e história de estresse precoce. Por fim, os participantes foram submetidos à Degraded Facial Affect Recognition Task (DFAR), uma tarefa comportamental de escolha forçada no REFE, composta por fotografias degradadas (i.e., com contraste visual reduzido em 30%) de expressões faciais de neutralidade, alegria, medo e raiva, às quais foram atribuídos rótulos emocionais correspondentes. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, utilizando os testes qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher, U de Mann-Whitney, ANOVA de três vias com post hoc Bonferroni e Correlação de Spearman. Os principais resultados apontaram que a vivência de estresse precoce foi associada a uma maior acurácia no REFE de alegria nos controles e menor acurácia nos pacientes. O REFE de alegria também foi correlacionado com a gravidade geral do estresse precoce, tendo apresentado uma correlação positiva nos controles e negativa nos pacientes. Alterações no REFE de medo também foram associadas à interação entre depressão psicótica e estresse precoce, mas somente nas mulheres. Aquelas com diagnóstico de depressão psicótica e história de estresse precoce tiveram pior acurácia em comparação com mulheres depressivas psicóticas sem história de estresse precoce e com mulheres saudáveis com história de estresse precoce. Em conclusão, os resultados confirmaram que alterações no REFE foram associadas com a interação entre a depressão psicótica e o estresse precoce. Isso chama a atenção para a importância de se considerar a influência do estresse precoce em interação com outros transtornos psiquiátricos na investigação do reconhecimento emocional. / Facial emotion recognition (FER) has an adaptive value, being important for social functioning and interpersonal relationship. Evidence has indicated that FER alterations may be associated with psychiatric disorders such as major depression (including its psychotic subtype) and with early-life stress. Associations were also found between the experience of early-life stress and the development of depression in adult life. Considering these aspects, as well as the lack of research in this field involving the psychotic subtype of depression, this study is justified by the pertinence of investigating whether the interaction between psychotic depression and early-life stress alters FER. Thus, the objective was to investigate a possible influence of psychotic depressive episode and early-life stress history, considered individually and in interaction, on FER accuracy and bias. In addition, it was investigated the existence of associations between early-life stress general severity and specific FER accuracy. The study included 49 patients with diagnosis of first major depressive episode with psychotic features and 49 healthy controls, matched and subgrouped according to sex and earlylife stress history. All participants underwent a battery of assessments, including a standardized diagnostic interview, assessment scales on severity of psychiatric symptoms and global functioning, as well as questionnaires on sociodemographic aspects, clinical history, drug and medication use and early-life stress history. Finally, participants were submitted to the Degraded Facial Affect Recognition Task (DFAR), a FER forced-choice behavioral task, composed of degraded photographs (i.e., with visual contrast reduced by 30%) portraying facial expressions of neutrality, joy, fear and anger, to which a corresponding emotional label were assigned. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics, using chi-square test or Fisher\'s exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, three-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test, and Spearman\'s correlation test. The main results pointed out that early-life stress experience was associated with greater accuracy in FER of joy in controls and lower accuracy in patients. FER of joy was also correlated with early-life stress general severity, presenting a positive correlation in controls and a negative correlation in patients. Alterations in FER of fear were also associated with the interaction between psychotic depression and early-life stress, but only for women. Those with psychotic depression diagnosis and early-life stress history had worse accuracy compared both to depressed psychotic women with no early-life stress history and to healthy women with early-life stress history. In conclusion, results confirmed that FER alterations were associated with the interaction between psychotic depression and early-life stress. This draws attention to the importance of considering the influence of early-life stress on interaction with other psychiatric disorders in the investigation of emotional recognition.

Prédire et influencer l'apparition des événements dans une séquence complexe / Predicting and influencing the appearance of events in a complex sequence

Fahed, Lina 27 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, un nouveau phénomène lié aux données numériques émerge : des données de plus en plus volumineuses, variées et véloces, apparaissent et sont désormais disponibles, elles sont souvent qualifiées de données complexes. Dans cette thèse, nous focalisons sur un type particulier de données complexes : les séquences complexes d’événements, en posant la question suivante : “comment prédire au plus tôt et influencer l’apparition des événements futurs dans une séquence complexe d’événements ?”. Tout d’abord, nous traitons le problème de prédiction au plus tôt des événements. Nous proposons un algorithme de fouille de règles d’épisode DEER qui a l’originalité de maîtriser l’horizon d’apparition des événements futurs à travers d’une distance imposée au sein de règles extraites. Dans un deuxième temps, nous focalisons sur la détection de l’émergence dans un flux d’événements. Nous proposons l’algorithme EER pour la détection au plus tôt de l’émergence de nouvelles règles. Pour augmenter la fiabilité de nouvelles règles lorsque leur support est très faible, EER s’appuie sur la similarité entre ces règles et les règles déjà connues. Enfin, nous étudions l’impact porté par des événements sur d’autres dans une séquence d’événements. Nous proposons l’algorithme IE qui introduit la notion des “événements influenceurs” et étudie l’influence sur le support, la confiance et la distance à travers de trois mesures d’influence proposées. Ces travaux sont évalués et validés par une étude expérimentale menée sur un corpus de données réelles issues de blogs / For several years now, a new phenomenon related to digital data is emerging : data which are increasingly voluminous, varied and rapid, appears and becomes available, they are often referred to as complex data. In this dissertation, we focus on a particular type of data : complex sequence of events, by asking the following question : “how to predict as soon as possible and to influence the appearance of future events within a complex sequence of events?”. First of all, we focus on the problem of predicting events as soon as possible in a sequence of events. We propose DEER : an algorithm for mining episode rules, which has the originality of controlling the horizon of the appearance of future events by imposing a temporal distance within the extracted rules. In a second phase, we address the problem of emergence detection in an events stream. We propose EER : an algorithm for detecting new emergent rules as soon as possible. In order to increase the reliability of new rules, EER relies on the similarity between theses rules and previously extracted rules. At last, we study the impact carried by events on other events within a sequence of events. We propose IE : an algorithm that introduces the concept of “influencer events” and studies the influence on the support, on the confidence and on the distance through three proposed measures. Our work is evaluated and validated through an experimental study carried on a real data set of blogs messages

Avaliação de propriedades psicométricas e de resultados da aplicação da versão brasileira do \'Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING\' em usuários da Estratégia de Saúde da Família acompanhados com ou sem cuidado colaborativo em saúde mental / Evaluation of psychometric properties and results from the application of the Brazilian version of the \'Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING\' in users of the Family Health Strategy accompanied with or without collaborative care in mental health

Moscovici, Leonardo 23 August 2013 (has links)
Objetivos: Estudar a confiabilidade e validade de uma versão brasileira dos módulos Episódio Depressivo Maior (EDM) e Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizado (TAG) do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview TRACKING (MINI-TRACKING); comparar a evolução de pacientes com diagnóstico de EDM e TAG seguidos por equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) com acesso ao modelo de Cuidado Colaborativo (CC) em Saúde Mental versus um grupo de pacientes seguidos por equipes sem acesso ao CC. Metodologia: O estudo envolveu quatro equipes de ESF vinculadas à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), sendo duas com acesso ao CC e duas sem CC. Um total de 147 pacientes foram entrevistados com o objetivo de rastrear transtornos mentais com a aplicação do WHO-5 e do COOP-WONCA Quadro Sentimentos. Após a confirmação diagnóstica de EDM e/ou TAG, com a entrevista MINI, 42 pacientes foram selecionados e concordaram em participar da pesquisa. Estes pacientes foram acompanhados por doze meses por um médico de família (MF), que aplicou periodicamente a cada oito a doze semanas os módulos EDM e/ou TAG do MINI-TRACKING. Para avaliação da fidedignidade e da validade concorrente, um psiquiatra (cego quanto ao diagnóstico do MF e quanto a qual equipe seguia o paciente) aplicou, com intervalo máximo de 72h do MF, os mesmos módulos do MINI-TRACKING, o PHQ-9 e/ou o GAD-7. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os pacientes das equipes com e sem CC no que se refere as características clínicodemográficas. Os itens individuais dos dois módulos do MINI-TRACKING mostraram boa fidedignidade inter-avaliadores (Kappa entre 0,78 e 0,98), bem como seus escores totais (Coeficiente Intra-classe de 0,996 e 0,993 para EDM e TAG, respectivamente). Os módulos EDM e TAG mostraram também boa validade concorrente com as escalas PHQ-9 e GAD-7 (coeficiente de Pearson 0,994 e 0,976, respectivamente). Trinta pacientes (quinze de equipes com CC e 15 de equipes sem CC) completaram as cinco avaliações no decorrer de um ano de seguimento. A ANOVAmr destes pacientes mostrou diferenças significativas no fator tempo e na interação tempo x intervenção, com diminuição significativamente maior dos escores do MINI-TRACKING nos pacientes seguidos pelas equipes com CC. Conclusão: Os módulos EDM e TAG do MINI-TRACKING são uma opção confiável para o seguimento de pacientes com estes diagnósticos. Este estudo também mostrou, de forma preliminar, que o CC em saúde mental é uma estratégia eficaz na redução de sintomas dos pacientes com EDM e TAG na Atenção Primária. / Objectives: To study the reliability and validity of a Brazilian version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING (MINI-TRACKING) modules for Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD); To compare the outcomes of patients diagnosed with MDE and GAD followed by teams of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) with access to the Mental Health Collaborative Care model (CC) versus a group of patients followed by teams without access to CC. Methodology: The study involved four FHS teams of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), two of them with access to CC and two without it. A total of 147 patients were tracked for mental disorders with the application of the WHO-5 and the COOP-WONCA Chart Feelings. After confirming the diagnosis of MDE and/or GAD using the MINI interview, 42 patients were selected and agreed to participate. These patients were followed for twelve months by a family physician (FP), who applied regularly every eight to twelve weeks the MDE and/or the GAD MINI-TRACKING modules. To assess the reliability and concurrent validity, a psychiatrist (blind to the diagnosis and to which team the patient was followed) also applied the same modules of the MINI-TRACKING, the PHQ-9 and/or the GAD-7, with a maximum interval of 72 hours of the FP. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the patients with and without CC teams regarding demographic and clinical characteristics. The individual items of the two MINI-TRACKING modules showed good inter-rater reliability (kappa between 0.78 and 0.98), as well as their total scores (Intra-class coefficient of 0.996 and 0.993 for MDE and GAD, respectively). The MDE and GAD modules also showed good concurrent validity with PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales (Pearson coefficient 0.994 and 0.976, respectively). Thirty patients (fifteen with CC and 15 without CC) completed the five assessments during one year of follow up. The repeated-measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) showed significant differences in the time factor and the interaction time x intervention, decrease significantly higher of the MINI-TRACKING scores in the patients followed by teams with CC. Conclusion: MINI-TRACKING MDE and GAD modules are a reliable option for following patients with these diagnoses. This study also showed, preliminarily, that CC in Mental Health is an effective strategy in reducing symptoms in Primary Care patients with MDE and GAD.

Avaliação da eficácia clínica-cognitiva e segurançaa da estimulação magnética transcraniana com bobina h1 no tratamento de episódios de depressão bipolar / Evaluation clinical, cognitive and safety in the treatment of bipolar depression with h1-coil repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

Myczkowski, Martin Luiz 18 April 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A depressão bipolar (DB) é uma condição altamente prevalente associada a déficits cognitivos que persistem mesmo na fase eutímica da doença. Os tratamentos farmacológicos para DB podem agravar ainda mais o comprometimento cognitivo, destacando a necessidade de desenvolver intervenções que tenham segurança cognitiva. A Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana \'profunda\' através de bobina H1 (EMTr-H1) é uma nova modalidade de neuromodulação com eficácia estabelecida para a depressão unipolar. Este é o primeiro estudo em caráter exploratório e controlado por placebo, a avaliar os efeitos cognitivos da EMTr-H1 em pacientes com DP resistente ao tratamento. MÉTODO: Quarenta e três pacientes foram randomizados para receber 20 sessões de EMTr-H1 ativa (55 séries de estímulos direcionados à área pré frontal esquerda, a 18Hz e 120% de intensidade do limiar motor em repouso) ou de EMTr-H1 placebo, em um ensaio duplo-cego, controlado por estimulação simulada. Uma bateria de avaliação neuropsicológica contendo 20 testes cognitivos, agrupados em seis domínios cognitivos (atenção e velocidade de processamento, memória de trabalho e função executiva, controle inibitório, linguagem, memória verbal imediata e memória verbal de longo prazo), foi realizada imediatamente antes do início das sessões de EMTr-H1 (avaliação basal - semana 0) e após 4 (20ª e última sessão - semana 4) e 8 semanas (seguimento de mais 4 semanas sem novas intervenções - semana 8) do início deste estudo. Sintomas depressivos e maníacos também foram avaliados. A medida clínica de desfecho primária foi à redução percentual do escore basal da Escala de Hamilton para avaliação da depressão com 17 itens (HDRS-17) após 20 sessões de estimulação (semana 4). A medida de segurança durante as 8 semanas incluiu, além da Escala de Mania de Young (YMRS) para avaliar ciclagens de mania emergentes possivelmente relacionados ao tratamento (TEMS), principalmente, uma bateria de testes de avaliação neuropsicológica, que avaliou a possibilidade de sequelas e/ou reparações cognitivas em relação ao método. RESULTADOS: Entre os 50 pacientes que iniciaram o estudo, 2 do grupo placebo EMTr-H1 e 5 do grupo EMTr-H1 ativo, desistiram de participar do ensaio e não completaram as avaliações, sendo excluídos da análise (\"dropouts\"), portanto, 43 pacientes finalizaram o estudo. O grupo EMTr-H1 ativo apresentou uma resposta clinica antidepressiva superior ao placebo na semana 4 (diferença favorecendo EMTr-H1=4,88; 95% CI=0,43 a 9,32, p=0,03), mas não nas semanas de seguimento. Houve também uma tendência para maiores taxas de resposta no grupo ativo (48%) vs. placebo (24%) (OR=2,92; 95% CI=0,87 a 9,78, p=0,08). As taxas de remissão não foram estatisticamente diferentes. Não foram observados episódios de TEMS. Foi constatada uma melhoria cognitiva em relação a todos os domínios cognitivos, mas que ocorreu ao longo do tempo e independentemente do grupo de intervenção e da melhora da depressão. Não foi encontrada correlação entre a melhora da depressão e da cognição. LIMITAÇÕES: Ausência de um grupo controle saudável. CONCLUSÕES: A EMTr \'profunda através da bobina H1 é uma terapia antidepressiva de adição potencialmente eficaz e bem tolerada em pacientes com depressão bipolar resistente que receberam farmacoterapia adequada. Os resultados cognitivos deste estudo exploratório fornecem evidências sobre a segurança cognitiva da EMTr-H1 para pacientes com DB. Não foram observados supostos efeitos deletérios e nem pró-cognitivos da EMTr-H1 na DB, mas pesquisas adicionais se fazem necessárias por meio de outros estudos similares e que contemplem a cognição / INTRODUCTION: Bipolar depression (BD) is a highly prevalent condition associated with marked cognitive deficits that persist even in the euthymic phase of the illness. Pharmacological treatments for BD might further aggravate cognitive impairment, highlighting the need of developing interventions that have cognitive safety. \'Deep\' H1-coil Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (H1-rTMS) is a new modality of neuromodulation with established efficacy for unipolar depression. This is the first exploratory, placebo-controlled study evaluating the cognitive effects of rTMS in patients with treatment-resistant bipolar depression. METHODS: Fourty-three patients were randomized to receive 20 sessions of active (55 trains directed to the left prefrontal area, 18Hz, 120% resting motor threshold intensity) or sham rTMS within a double-blind, sham-controlled trial. A battery of neuropsychological assessment with 20 cognitive tests, grouped in 6 domains (attention and processing speed, working memory and executive function, inhibitory control, language, immediate verbal memory, and long-term verbal memory) was performed at baseline (week 0) and after 4 (20th and last session - week 4) and 8 weeks (follow-up of 4 weeks without further intervention - week 8) of trial onset. Depressive and manic symptoms were also evaluated. The primary clinical outcome measure was percentage reduction of the baseline score of the Hamilton Scale for assessment of depression with 17 items (HDRS-17) after 20 stimulation sessions (week 4). The safety measure during the 8 weeks included, in addition to the Young Mania Scale (YMRS) wich evaluated the emergent mania possibly related to treatment (TEMS), mainly a battery of neuropsychological evaluation tests, which evaluated the possibility of sequelae or cognitive repairs in relation to the method. RESULTS: Among the 50 patients who started the study, 2 of the sham H1-rTMS group and 5 of the active H1-rTMS group, gave up participating in the trial and did not complete the assessments, being excluded from the analysis (\"dropouts\"), therefore, 43 patients completed the study. The active H1-rTMS had an antidepressant clinical response higher than placebo at week 4 (difference favoring H1-rTMS=4.88; 95% CI=0.43 to 9.32, p=0.03) but not at weeks of follow-up. There was also a trend for greater response rates in the active (48%) vs. sham (24%) groups (OR=2.92; 95% CI=0.87 to 9.78, p=0.08). Remission rates were not statistically different. No TEMS episodes were observed. A cognitive improvement was observed in all cognitive domains, but it occurred over time and independently of the intervention group and depression improvement. No correlation was found between improvement of depression and cognition. LIMITATIONS: Absence of healthy control group. CONCLUSION: Deep H1-rTMS is a potentially effective and well-tolerated add-on antidepressive therapy in resistant bipolar depressed patients to received adequate pharmacotherapy. The cognitive results of this exploratory study provide evidence on the cognitive safety of H1-coil rTMS for BD patients. No deleterious or pro-cognitive effects of H1-rTMS in BD have been observed, but further research is needed through other similar studies that contemplate cognition

Avaliação de propriedades psicométricas e de resultados da aplicação da versão brasileira do \'Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING\' em usuários da Estratégia de Saúde da Família acompanhados com ou sem cuidado colaborativo em saúde mental / Evaluation of psychometric properties and results from the application of the Brazilian version of the \'Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING\' in users of the Family Health Strategy accompanied with or without collaborative care in mental health

Leonardo Moscovici 23 August 2013 (has links)
Objetivos: Estudar a confiabilidade e validade de uma versão brasileira dos módulos Episódio Depressivo Maior (EDM) e Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizado (TAG) do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview TRACKING (MINI-TRACKING); comparar a evolução de pacientes com diagnóstico de EDM e TAG seguidos por equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) com acesso ao modelo de Cuidado Colaborativo (CC) em Saúde Mental versus um grupo de pacientes seguidos por equipes sem acesso ao CC. Metodologia: O estudo envolveu quatro equipes de ESF vinculadas à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), sendo duas com acesso ao CC e duas sem CC. Um total de 147 pacientes foram entrevistados com o objetivo de rastrear transtornos mentais com a aplicação do WHO-5 e do COOP-WONCA Quadro Sentimentos. Após a confirmação diagnóstica de EDM e/ou TAG, com a entrevista MINI, 42 pacientes foram selecionados e concordaram em participar da pesquisa. Estes pacientes foram acompanhados por doze meses por um médico de família (MF), que aplicou periodicamente a cada oito a doze semanas os módulos EDM e/ou TAG do MINI-TRACKING. Para avaliação da fidedignidade e da validade concorrente, um psiquiatra (cego quanto ao diagnóstico do MF e quanto a qual equipe seguia o paciente) aplicou, com intervalo máximo de 72h do MF, os mesmos módulos do MINI-TRACKING, o PHQ-9 e/ou o GAD-7. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os pacientes das equipes com e sem CC no que se refere as características clínicodemográficas. Os itens individuais dos dois módulos do MINI-TRACKING mostraram boa fidedignidade inter-avaliadores (Kappa entre 0,78 e 0,98), bem como seus escores totais (Coeficiente Intra-classe de 0,996 e 0,993 para EDM e TAG, respectivamente). Os módulos EDM e TAG mostraram também boa validade concorrente com as escalas PHQ-9 e GAD-7 (coeficiente de Pearson 0,994 e 0,976, respectivamente). Trinta pacientes (quinze de equipes com CC e 15 de equipes sem CC) completaram as cinco avaliações no decorrer de um ano de seguimento. A ANOVAmr destes pacientes mostrou diferenças significativas no fator tempo e na interação tempo x intervenção, com diminuição significativamente maior dos escores do MINI-TRACKING nos pacientes seguidos pelas equipes com CC. Conclusão: Os módulos EDM e TAG do MINI-TRACKING são uma opção confiável para o seguimento de pacientes com estes diagnósticos. Este estudo também mostrou, de forma preliminar, que o CC em saúde mental é uma estratégia eficaz na redução de sintomas dos pacientes com EDM e TAG na Atenção Primária. / Objectives: To study the reliability and validity of a Brazilian version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - TRACKING (MINI-TRACKING) modules for Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD); To compare the outcomes of patients diagnosed with MDE and GAD followed by teams of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) with access to the Mental Health Collaborative Care model (CC) versus a group of patients followed by teams without access to CC. Methodology: The study involved four FHS teams of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), two of them with access to CC and two without it. A total of 147 patients were tracked for mental disorders with the application of the WHO-5 and the COOP-WONCA Chart Feelings. After confirming the diagnosis of MDE and/or GAD using the MINI interview, 42 patients were selected and agreed to participate. These patients were followed for twelve months by a family physician (FP), who applied regularly every eight to twelve weeks the MDE and/or the GAD MINI-TRACKING modules. To assess the reliability and concurrent validity, a psychiatrist (blind to the diagnosis and to which team the patient was followed) also applied the same modules of the MINI-TRACKING, the PHQ-9 and/or the GAD-7, with a maximum interval of 72 hours of the FP. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the patients with and without CC teams regarding demographic and clinical characteristics. The individual items of the two MINI-TRACKING modules showed good inter-rater reliability (kappa between 0.78 and 0.98), as well as their total scores (Intra-class coefficient of 0.996 and 0.993 for MDE and GAD, respectively). The MDE and GAD modules also showed good concurrent validity with PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales (Pearson coefficient 0.994 and 0.976, respectively). Thirty patients (fifteen with CC and 15 without CC) completed the five assessments during one year of follow up. The repeated-measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) showed significant differences in the time factor and the interaction time x intervention, decrease significantly higher of the MINI-TRACKING scores in the patients followed by teams with CC. Conclusion: MINI-TRACKING MDE and GAD modules are a reliable option for following patients with these diagnoses. This study also showed, preliminarily, that CC in Mental Health is an effective strategy in reducing symptoms in Primary Care patients with MDE and GAD.


Pham, Khoi Minh 01 June 2018 (has links)
Cloud computing is one important direction of current advanced technology trends, which is dominating the industry in many aspects. These days Cloud computing has become an intense battlefield of many big technology companies, whoever can win this war can have a very high potential to rule the next generation of technologies. From a technical point of view, Cloud computing is classified into three different categories, each can provide different crucial services to users: Infrastructure (Hardware) as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Normally, the standard measurements for cloud computing reliability level is based on two approaches: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Quality of Service (QoS). This thesis will focus on IaaS cloud systems’ Error Event Logs as an aspect of QoS in IaaS cloud reliability. To have a better view, basically, IaaS is a derivation of the traditional virtualization system where multiple virtual machines (VMs) with different Operating System (OS) platforms, are run solely on one physical machine (PM) that has enough computational power. The PM will play the role of the host machine in cloud computing, and the VMs will play the role as the guest machines in cloud computing. Due to the lack of fully access to the complete real cloud system, this thesis will investigate the technical reliability level of IaaS cloud through simulated virtualization system. By collecting and analyzing the event logs generated from the virtualization system, we can have a general overview of the system’s technical reliability level based on number of error events occur in the system. Then, these events will be used on neural network time series model to detect the system failure events’ pattern, as well as predict the next error event that is going to occur in the virtualization system.

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