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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'encyclopédie d’Éric Chevillard. / Eric Chevillard's encyclopedia.

Bouanga, Patricia 27 September 2017 (has links)
Nous nous fixons pour but, dans cette thèse, de contribuer à la lecture des récits d'Eric Chevillard sous l’angle des savoirs à l’œuvre. Pour ce faire, nous nous intéressons aux questions d’insertion et d’appropriation de discours étrangers dans sa prose narrative et autres écrits. De manière générale, si les questions d’interdisciplinarité ont été abordées via l’étude de quelques-uns de ses romans, cette thèse se consacre à l’œuvre entière en analysant l’importance et la pertinence de ce qu’il conviendrait ici de nommer l’esprit encyclopédique chevillardien. En se servant de l’épistémocritique comme approche générale des liens entre savoirs et discours littéraire, ce travail s’emploie à lire cette relation dialogique qui induit de fait le rapport de l’écrivain à la science, au savoir et à la connaissance. Le but de ce travail est donc de questionner cette inquiétude proprement poétique du savoir. L’examen porte ainsi sur la manière dont le langage poétique et romanesque articule le savoir, le met en œuvre. L’approche encyclopédique permet finalement de constater, chez l’auteur, une continuation de la tendance qui, depuis Flaubert du moins, montre une appropriation « palimpsestique » de discours de savoir. D’autant que, dans les récits étudiés ici, ce rapport au savoir oscille fréquemment entre logique dissertative et réflexivité. / In this thesis, we aim to contribute to the reading of Eric Chevillard's work by analyzing the relationships between science and litterature. In order to do this, we are interested in questions of insertion and appropriation of foreign discourses in his narrative prose and other writings. In general way, if the questions of interdisciplinarity have been studied through the analysis of some of the author’s novels, this thesis is devoted to the entire work by analyzing the importance and relevance of what should be called chevillard’s encyclopaedism. Using epistemic analysis as a general approach to the links between knowledge and literary discourse, this work attempts to read this dialogical relationship which in fact induces the writer’s relation to science and knowledge. The aim of this thesis is therefore to study this properly poetic concern of knowledge. We thus examine the way in which poetic and romantic language articulates knowledge and implements it. Here, the encyclopaedic approach finally reveals readers to see in his work a continuation of the tendency which, since Flaubert at least, shows a "palimpsestic" appropriation of discourse of knowledge. Especially since, in the narratives studied, this relation to knowledge oscillates between dissertative logic and reflexivity.

Ecologia, fatores associados à virulência e diversidade de Escherichia coli isolados de amostras de água de lastro, água de regiões portuárias e moluscos bivalves no Brasil. / Ecology, virulence factors and diversity of Escherichia coli isolated from ballast water, ports areas and bivalves samples in Brazil.

Lílian Sauer Albertini 05 October 2009 (has links)
Escherichia coli foi isolado de amostras de água de lastro, água de regiões portuárias e de bivalves. 49,6% (164/331) apresentaram múltipla resistência variando de 2 a 8 antibióticos. Dos sete fatores associados à virulência pesquisados: Toxina termoestável (ST), Toxina termolábil (LT), Adesão agregativa (EAEC), Fator de invasão (INV), Toxina Shiga-like I (stx-1), Toxina Shiga-like II (stx-2), e o gene intimina (eae): 4 isolados continham genes homólogos para EAEC, 3 para eae, 3 para ST e uma para stx-2. Um total de 80,0% (24/30), 72,3% (68/94) e 75,3% (55/73) dos isolados de E. coli de amostras de água de lastro, água de regiões portuárias e moluscos bivalves apresentaram plasmídeos, respectivamente. O método ERIC-PCR apresentou melhor desempenho para a análise de agrupamentos. Os isolados de E. coli, com as características encontradas, nos permitirá avaliar o perigo de sua presença no ambiente marinho costeiro e na água de lastro e programas de vigilância sanitária devem ser implementadas para proteger a saúde humana, animal e do ecossistema marinho. / Escherichia coli was isolated from ballast water, port areas water and bivalves samples. 49.6% (164/331) had multiple antibiotics resistant varied from 2 to 8 antibiotics. From seven virulence associated factors investigated: heat stable toxin (ST), heat labile toxin (LT), aggregative adhesion (EAEC), invasion factor (INV), Shiga-like I toxin (STx-1), Shiga-like II toxin (STx-2), and the gene that codify for intimin (eae): 4 isolates had homology to the EAEC, 3 for eae gene, 3 for ST and one for stx2. A total of 80.0% (24/30), 72.3% (68/94) and 75.3% (55/73) of E. coli isolates from ballast water, port area water and bivalves samples had plasmids, respectively. The ERIC-PCR was more efficiency to analyze the groups. The presence of E. coli isolates with the characteristics found will allow evaluate the hazard present at the coast area ecosystem and ballast water samples and sanitary surveillance programs must be implemented for human, animal and aquatic ecosystem health protection.

On the analysis of ink content in recycled pulps

Körkkö, M. (Mika) 13 July 2012 (has links)
Abstract The amount of printing ink in a pulp suspension produced from recovered paper and its impact on overall brightness is commonly estimated from the reflectance-based ink content measured at a wavelength of 700 nm or 950 nm. The method uses a light scattering coefficient that can be measured from a slightly translucent test medium, i.e. of an opacity less than 97%. This is the case with machine-made papers in most instances. Alternatively, suitable opacity can be achieved by preparing a standard low-grammage sheet on a wire screen, but this results in poor retention of fibre fines, mineral fillers and printing inks, which is especially detrimental to ink measurement when the pulp suspension contains substantial amounts of printing inks. Hence opaque pads are often prepared on filter paper to achieve high retention. Unfortunately their high opacity prevents measurement of the light scattering coefficient, and thus a constant coefficient must be used for the determination of ink content. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the effects of retention and fine material changes on the light scattering coefficient in ink content measurement. The results showed that the light scattering properties of pulp in the wavelength region used for ink content analysis do not remain constant when the fine material content varies. The grade of the recovered paper, hyperwashing and flotation alter the fine material content and thus affect the light scattering. Printing ink also affects light scattering, but its practical impact is smaller than that of fibre fines and mineral fillers. The light scattering coefficient used for each ink content measurement needs to be representative, otherwise a systematic bias in ink content measurements may result from changes in the nature of the fine material and in its content. It is recommended that the light scattering coefficient should be measured in order to avoid this. The measurement should preferably be performed from a low-grammage sheet prepared on filter paper, as this ensures high retention and a measured value that represents better the initial state of the pulp suspension. / Tiivistelmä Mustepitoisuusmittaus perustuu hajaheijastukseen joko 700 nm tai 950 nm aallonpituudella ja sitä käytetään usein arvioitaessa keräyspaperista valmistetun massasuspension soveltuvuutta painopaperien valmistukseen ja painomusteen vaikutusta massan vaaleuteen. Mustepitoisuuden mittauksessa käytetään valonsirontakerrointa, joka voidaan mitata hieman läpikuultavasta näytteestä eli näytteen opasiteetin on oltava pienempi kuin 97 %. Tämä opasiteettiraja toteutuu useimmiten paperikoneella tehdyille painotuotteille. Riittävän alhainen opasiteetti saavutetaan myös valmistamalla standardin mukainen matalaneliömassainen arkki viiralle, mutta tämä johtaa kuitumaisten hienoaineiden, mineraalisten täyteaineiden ja painomusteiden alhaiseen retentioon. Matala retentio on erityisen haitallinen piirre mustemittauksen kannalta massoilla, jotka sisältävät huomattavia määriä painomusteita. Siten usein valmistetaan läpikuultamattomia arkkeja suodatinpaperin päälle, joiden retentio on korkea. Korkeasta opasiteetista johtuen näistä arkeista ei voida määrittää valonsirontakerrointa, jolloin mustepitoisuuden määritys perustuu vakiokertoimeen. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli selvittää retention ja hienoaineiden muutoksien vaikutuksia valonsirontakertoimeen ja mustemittaustulokseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat että valonsirontakerroin, joka mitataan mustepitoisuuden yhteydessä, ei pysy vakiona hienoainepitoisuuden muuttuessa. Hienoainepitoisuuteen ja siten valonsirontakertoimeen vaikuttavat keräyspaperin laji, hyperpesu ja vaahdotus. Myös painomuste vaikuttaa valonsirontakertoimeen, mutta käytännössä vaikutuksen suurusluokka on pienempi kuin hieno- ja täyteaineilla. Mustepitoisuuden määrityksessä käytetyn valonsirontakertoimen on oltava edustava, muutoin arvot voivat olla systemaattisesti virheellisiä hienoainemäärän tai laadun muuttuessa. Virheen välttämiseksi olisi suositeltavaa määrittää valonsirontakerroin mustepitoisuusanalyysin yhteydessä. Tämä olisi mahdollista tehdä suodatinpaperin päälle valmistetusta matalaneliömassaisesta arkista, jolloin saavutetaan korkea retentio ja näin mitattu arvo edustaa paremmin massasuspension alkuperäistä tilaa.

Identificação de linhagens atípicas de Yersinia spp. por métodos moleculares / Identification of atypical Yersinia strains by molecular methods

Roberto Antonio de Souza 25 May 2009 (has links)
O gênero Yersinia compreende 12 espécies. Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis e Y. pestis são patógenos de vários animais, incluindo os humanos. Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. aleksiciae, Y. mollaretti e Y. rhodei são encontradas sobretudo no meio ambiente e alimentos e consideradas, usualmente, como bactérias oportunistas não-patogênicas e Y. ruckeri é um importante patógeno de peixes. Usualmente, as linhagens de Yersinia são classificadas em espécies de acordo com suas características bioquímicas. O Laboratório Nacional de Referência em Yersinia spp. outras que Y. pestis recebeu mais de 700 linhagens que foram identificadas bioquimicamente. Entretanto, sete linhagens de Yersinia não puderam ser identificadas pelos testes bioquímicos convencionais em nenhuma das espécies até o momento conhecidas e, por esse motivo, foram denominadas Yersinia atípicas. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram identificar as linhagens atípicas de Yersinia spp. em espécies por técnicas moleculares como Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR), Eletroforese em Campo Pulsado (PFGE), sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST) e definir dentre as metodologias empregadas a que mais contribui para a identificação precisa dessas linhagens. Foi estudado um total de 59 linhagens de Yersinia spp., sendo 52 linhagens representantes das diferentes espécies do gênero e sete as linhagens bioquimicamente atípicas de Yersinia. As técnicas de ERIC-PCR, sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e o MLST foram eficientes na identificação molecular do gênero Yersinia, uma vez que conseguiram reunir todas as espécies em ramos espécie-específicos, com exceção de algumas linhagens de Y. frederiksenii e Y. kristensenii. A técnica de PFGE, pelo contrário, não agrupou as linhagens estudadas em clusters espécie-específicos. Os dados de ERIC-PCR, sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e MLST, sugerem que as linhagens atípicas FCF 229 e FCF 231 pertençam à espécie Y. ruckeri. Os dados de ERIC-PCR e MLST sugerem que a linhagem atípica FCF 487 pertença à espécie Y. enterocolitica. Ademais, os dados de ERIC-PCR, sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e MLST sugerem que as linhagens atípicas FCF 216, FCF 465, FCF 457 e FCF 494 pertençam a espécie Y. massiliensis. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho fornecem dados importantes para a caracterização molecular de linhagens bioquimicamente atípicas de Yersinia e contribuem para uma melhor descrição do gênero quanto a sua diversidade e reforçam o MLST como uma técnica confiável e reprodutível a ser usada na identificação de bactérias pertencentes a esse gênero, sendo dentre as metodologias utilizadas nesse estudo a mais indicada para tipagem molecular de yersiniae. / The genus Yersinia comprises 12 species. Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. pestis are pathogens of various animals, including humans. Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. aleksiciae, Y. mollaretti and Y. rohdei have been mostly found in the environment and food sources and are commonly considered to be opportunistic nonpathogenic bacteria and Y. ruckeri is an important fish pathogen. Usually, Yersinia strains are classified into species according to their biochemical characteristics. The Brazilian Reference Center on Yersinia spp. other than Y. pestis received more than 700 strains that were biochemically identified. However, seven strains that were typed as Yersinia could not be biochemically identified in any one of the currently known Yersinia species and for this reason they were named as atypical strains. The aims of this work were to identify into species the atypical Yersinia strains using molecular techniques as Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR), Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST) and to define which methodology better contribute to the identification of those strains. A total of 59 Yersinia spp. strains were studied, being 52 representative strains of the defined Yersinia species and seven atypical Yersinia strains. ERIC-PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MLST were efficient in molecular identifying the genera Yersinia once they grouped the strains into species-specific clusters, with exception of some Y. frederiksenii and Y. kristensenii strains. However, PFGE was not capable to cluster the defined Yersinia strains into species-specific clusters. The data obtained by ERIC-PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MLST suggest that the atypical strains FCF 229 and FCF 231 belong to Y. ruckeri species. The data obtained by ERIC-PCR and MLST suggest that FCF 487 belong to the Y. enterocolitica species. Additionally, ERIC-PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MLST suggest that the atypical strains FCF 216, FCF 465, FCF 457 and FCF 494 belong to the Y. massiliensis species. The results obtained provide important data for the molecular characterization of biochemically atypical strains and contribute for a better description of the genera regardless its diversity. Furthermore, the results reinforce MLST as a trustful and reproducible technique to be used in the identification of bacteria of this genus, being among the methodologies studied the most recommended one to molecular type yersiniae.

Tipagem molecular e caracterização do potencial patogênico de linhagens de Yersinia enterocolitica biotipo 2 de origens diversas / Molecular typing and pathogenic potential characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica biotype 2 strains of diverse origins

Miliane Rodrigues Frazão 06 November 2013 (has links)
Dentre as espécies do gênero Yersinia, Yersinia enterocolitica é a espécie mais prevalente como causa de doença em humanos e animais. Y. enterocolitica é dividida em seis biotipos. Os biotipos 1B, 2, 3, 4 e 5 compreendem linhagens associadas à doença em humanos e animais, enquanto o biotipo 1A consiste de linhagens consideradas não patogênicas. Apesar de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 ser de importância clínica, há uma escassez de estudos no país, o que dificulta avaliar o envolvimento dessa bactéria como causa de doença em humanos e em animais, bem como, determinar o impacto de sua presença no meio-ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o potencial patogênico, determinar o perfil de suscetibilidade a antimicrobianos e verificar a diversidade genotípica de linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 isoladas no Brasil. Foram estudadas 40 linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2, isoladas de humanos (5), ambiente (34) e animal (1), entre os anos de 1979 e 1998. Ademais, nas análises filogenéticas, foram acrescidas 26 linhagens de Y. enterocolitica pertencentes aos outros biotipos, com o intuito de comparar as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 aos biotipos 1A, 1B, 3, 4 e 5. As linhagens de humanos e animal foram sensíveis a todos os 14 antimicrobianos testados. Dentre as 34 linhagens de ambiente, sete (20,6%) foram resistentes a um ou dois antimicrobianos, sendo esses, amicacina, cefoxitina, gentamicina, e sulfametoxazol - trimetoprima. Todas as linhagens apresentaram os genes inv, ail, ystA, hreP, tccC e myfA. Os genes fepD e fes foram detectados em 39 (97,5%) linhagens, o gene virF foi encontrado em três (7,5%) linhagens, os genes ystB e fepA não foram detectados em nenhuma linhagem. Todas as linhagens apresentaram comportamento relacionado à virulência frente aos testes fenotípicos de atividade da pirazinamidase, hidrólise da esculina e fermentação da salicina. O dendrograma de similaridade genética de Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) agrupou as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 em cinco grupos denominados A, B, C, D e E. Todas as linhagens, com exceção de duas, apresentaram similaridade genética superior a 88,3%. O dendrograma de similaridade genética de Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) agrupou as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 em três grupos denominados I, J e K. A maioria das linhagens (72,5%) apresentou similaridade ii genética superior a 78,3%. O dendrograma de similaridade genética de Multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) agrupou as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 em dois grupos denominados O e P com similaridade genética superior a 37,7%. Pode-se concluir que o potencial patogênico das linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 foi evidenciado pela prevalência da maioria dos marcadores de virulência, bem como, pelo comportamento relacionado à virulência frente aos testes fenotípicos pesquisados. Algumas linhagens apresentaram-se resistentes a antimicrobianos de primeira escolha no tratamento de yersiniose, o que pode acarretar em falha terapêutica. Os resultados de ERIC-PCR e PFGE mostraram a alta similaridade entre as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2, sugerindo que as mesmas pouco se diferenciaram ao longo dos 19 anos e que possivelmente o meio ambiente tem sido uma fonte de contaminação para humanos e animais no Brasil. A técnica de MLVA agrupou as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipo 2 quanto à sua origem e a técnica de ERIC-PCR agrupou as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica biotipos 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, e 5 quanto às diferentes patogenicidades características de cada biotipo. / Among the species of the genus Yersinia, Yersinia enterocolitica is the most prevalent species that cause illness in humans and animals. Y. enterocolitica is divided into six biotypes. Biotypes 1B, 2, 3, 4 e 5 comprise strains associated to illness in humans and animals, while biotype 1A comprise strains considered nonpathogenic. Despite of the fact that Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 is of clinical importance, there is a paucity of studies in this country, which makes difficult to assess the involvement of this bacteria as a cause of illness in humans and animals, as well as to determine the impact of its presence in the environment. The aim of this work was to investigate the pathogenic potential, to determine the antimicrobial resistance profile and to verify the genetic diversity of Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains isolated in Brazil. Forty strains of Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 isolated from humans (5), environment (34) and animal (1), between 1979 and 1998 were studied. Besides, in the phylogenetic analyzes it was added 26 Y. enterocolitica strains belonging to the other biotypes, in order to compare the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains to biotypes 1A, 1B, 3, 4 e 5. Humans and animals strains showed susceptibility to all 14 antibiotics tested. Among the 34 environment strains, seven (20.6%) were resistant to one or two antibiotics used such as amikacin, cefoxitin, gentamicin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. All the strains presented the genes inv, ail, ystA, hreP, tccC and myfA. Genes fepD and fes were detected in 39 (97.5%) strains, virF was found in three (7.5%) strains, and ystB and fepA were not detected in any strains. All the strains exhibited behavior related to virulence against the phenotypic tests of pyrazinamidase activity, esculin hydrolysis and salicin fermentation. The dendrogram of genetic similarity of Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) grouped the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains in five groups, designated A, B, C, D and E. All the strains, except two, showed a genetic similarity of more than 88.3%. The dendrogram of genetic similarity of Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) grouped the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains in three groups, designated I, J and K. The majority of the strains (72.5%) showed a genetic similarity of more than 78.3%. The dendrogram of genetic similarity of Multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) grouped the Y. enterocolitica iv biotype 2 strains in two groups, designated O and P with a genetic similarity of more than 37.7%. It is possible to conclude that the pathogenic potential of the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains was highlighted by the prevalence of the majority of the virulence markers searched, as well as by the behavior related to virulence against the phenotypic tests. Some strains were resistant to antimicrobials that are the first choice for yersiniosis treatment, which can result in therapeutic failure. The results of ERIC-PCR and PFGE showed a high genetic similarity between the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains, suggesting that the strains differed little over 19 years, and that the environment has been possibly a source of humans and animals infections in Brazil. The MLVA technique grouped the Y. enterocolitica biotype 2 strains according their origins, and the ERIC-PCR technique grouped the Y. enterocolitica biotypes 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4 and 5 strains according to the different pathogenicity characteristics of each biotype.

Newspaper serials in Tanzania: the case of Eric James Shigongo (with an interview)

Reuster-Jahn, Uta January 2008 (has links)
Newspaper serials have a long history in Tanzania. Since the privatisation of media in the 1990s, the number of newspapers and tabloids has multiplied, and serials have become abundant. I would dare to say that they are the most popular form of fiction at the moment in terms of quantity of readers. They are especially prevalent in the tabloids, where there often are more than three stories being serialised at a time. Some authors publish serials only occasionally, while there are also established serial writers such as Sultan Tamba, Faki A. Faki and Hamees M. Suba.However, the most prominent writer specialising in newspaper serials is Eric James Shigongo, who probably is also the most prolific author of popular literature of the last decade in Tanzania altogether. In his case, novel writing has reached a new quality as a well organised, apparently successful, self-owned business.


THEO MAGALHAES VILLACA 04 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação pretende explorar o debate entre os pensadores germanoamericanos Hannah Arendt e Eric Voegelin sobre os fenômenos dos regimes totalitários, em especial o Nacional-Socialismo cuja ascensão ao poder foi presenciada por ambos. A correspondência entre os autores revela a discrepância de análises, que julgamos ser benéfica para a compreensão dos eventos. Arendt observava no totalitarismo uma originalidade terrível ao passo que Voegelin ressalta que o fenômeno era apenas o clímax de uma crise espiritual que assola a modernidade. Para levar à cabo a análise, foi estudada a teoria de cada um dos autores sobre o totalitarismo, de modo a aprofundar o entendimento sobre as questões levantadas / [en] The present dissertation intends to explore the debate between the GermanHannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin thinkers about the phenomena of totalitarian regimes, especially National Socialism, whose rise to power was witnessed by both. Correspondence between the authors reveals the discrepancy of teams, which we judged. Arendt observed a terrible originality in totalitarianism, while Voegelin emphasizes that the phenomenon was just the climax of a spiritual crisis that plagues modernity. To carry out the analysis, it was studied on the theory of each of the authors the way to deepen totalitarianism, the understanding as raised.


PEDRO DAMAZIO DE BARROSO FRANCO 11 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é examinar o quadro teórico proposto pela obra do filósofo germano-americano Eric Voegelin (1901-1985), seus paradigmas orientadores e suas possíveis contribuições para a ciência da história e da política. Tomando como pressuposto a existência de uma dimensão espiritual na experiência humana, a obra voegeliniana procura oferecer instrumentos conceituais aptos a vislumbrar pontos de encontro entre a política e a religião. No cerne de sua problemática está o papel que símbolos exercem no ordenamento da vida humana e a natureza das experiências às quais esses símbolos procuram se reportar. Procuraremos explorar como Voegelin discerne as experiências que denominamos religiosas, como elas se manifestam na realidade política ao longo da história e como elas adquirem autoridade social. Paralelamente a isso, procuraremos explorar como símbolos podem se desprender das suas experiências engendradoras e gerar discursos ideológicos em desarmonia com a experiência da realidade. Na medida em que examinarmos como Voegelin trata esses e outros problemas, procuraremos expor os parâmetros através dos quais esse pensador elabora a sua própria filosofia da política e da história. / [en] The objective of this study is to examine the theoretical framework laid out in the works of German-American philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-1985), its guiding paradigms, and its tentative contributions for the science of history and politics. Presupposing the existence of a spiritual dimension to human existence, Voegelin s work seeks to provide conceptual instruments fit to explore the meeting points between politics and religion. At the center of its problematic is the role of symbols in the ordering of human life and the nature of the experiences to which these symbols refer. We shall seek to explore how Voegelin discerns the experiences we term religious, the way in which they manifest in political reality throughout history, and how they acquire social authority. Parallel to these questions, we shall explore how symbols can detach themselves from their engendering experiences and develop ideological discourses removed from the experience of reality. As we examine how Voegelin deals with these and other questions, we shall seek to expose the parameters through which this thinker elaborates his own philosophy of politics and history.

Eric A. Havelock and the Origins of Philosophy

Fisher, Jeremy Eleazer 09 1900 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.

A domain-specific search engine for the construction sector

Zhang, Qi January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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