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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika účetnictví a financování školské právnické osoby zřízené církví / The issue of accounting and financing of school legal entity established churches

Pechová, Blanka January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of accounting and financing of school legal entity established churches. It solves the regulation of school legal entity, the specifics of accounting and taxation. Furthermore, the diploma thesis focuses on sources of financing for school legal entity. The main content of the diploma thesis is the description of accounting, taxation and funding of school legal entity in certain conditions Bishop gymnasium J. N. Neumann and Primary Church School in the Czech Budweis. The diploma thesis is complemented by an analysis of the financial economy of the organization for the period 2008 - 2010.

To mobilise and demobilise : the puzzling decline of voter turnout in post-communist democracies / Mobiliser et démobiliser : le déclin énigmatique de la participation électorale dans les démocraties postcommunistes

Kostelka, Filip 21 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le déclin de la participation électorale dans les dix démocraties post­communistes qui ont intégré l’Union européenne en 2004 et 2007. Ces pays ont connu la plus forte baisse de participation électorale observée en régimes démocratiques depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Afin de comprendre ce phénomène, la thèse adopte une approche qui est à la fois systématique, théorisée, quantitative et comparative. Elle est structurée autour d’un nouveau schéma directeur conceptuel pour l’étude de la participation électorale au niveau agrégé. Ce cadre théorique distingue quatre types de facteurs qui affectent la participation en fonction de la nature et la temporalité de leurs effets. Le rôle de chaque type dans le déclin post­communiste est théorisé et considéré l’un après l’autre. Les sections empiriques emploient des méthodes quantitatives et une comparaison à l’intérieur des dix pays mais également avec d’autres démocraties établies ou nouvelles. Elles analysent plusieurs bases de données originales, dont la principale contient pratiquement toutes les élections législatives intervenues dans le monde démocratique entre 1939 et 2010. Les résultats remettent en cause l’idée selon laquelle le déclin participatif est principalement dû à un désenchantement démocratique. Ils montrent qu’au moins six autres facteurs causaux y contribuent. Ils tiennent aux contextes de démocratisation, aux changements institutionnels et aux évolutions dans la composition des électorats. La magnitude exceptionnelle du phénomène étudié est, ainsi, le produit d’une multiplicité des causes. / This dissertation studies the puzzling decline of voter turnout in ten post­communist democracies that joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007. These countries experienced the most spectacular erosion of electoral participation in democratic regimes since World War Two. To solve this puzzle, my dissertation follows a systematic, theory­based, quantitative and comparative approach. It is structured by a newly­conceived master conceptual scheme for the study of aggregated voter turnout. This theoretical framework distinguishes between four types of turnout drivers based on the nature and temporality of their effects. The role of each type in the post­communist decline is theorised and considered in turn. The empirical sections employ several types of quantitative methods and intra­ but also inter­regional comparisons with established and other new democracies. They draw on several original datasets, the most important of which comprises the quasi­totality of democratic legislative elections held around the globe between 1939 and 2010. The results question the conventional wisdom that the post­communist turnout decline is mostly due to citizens’ dissatisfaction. Instead, they show that it is driven by no less than six other causes that relate to democratisation, institutional change and shifts in the composition of the electorate. It is the multiplicity of causal factors that explains the unparalleled startling magnitude by which voting rates decreased in the ten countries at hand. Besides solving the central puzzle, this dissertation yields a number of new middle­range theories and insights that pertain to electoral participation in both new and established democracies.

媒介對不同政策性議題建構的理論初探-以「彰濱工業區開發」和「黑名單開放」為例 / The research of the media agenda building--how to build the policy agenda

蘇湘琦, Su, Hsiang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討媒介對不同政策性議題建構的理論初探,研究問題為:1)議題在媒介體系間的傳散方式為何?2)媒介如何處理這些議題?本研究的議題分別是「彰濱工業區開發」與「黑名單開放」。   在研究方法上採內容分析法,以中央日報、聯合報、中國時報、自立晚報及民眾日報五家報紙的相關報導為對象。而研究時間分別是「彰濱工業區開發」為民國76.1.1起至81.12.31止,「黑名單開放」為民國76.7.16起至81.12.31止。共得2165個樣本,前者有165則,後者有2000則。   研究結果為:   1. 官方議題(彰濱工業區開發)由建制媒介流向另類媒介,公眾議題(黑名單開放)由另類媒介流向建制媒介。   2. 不同類型媒介對不同議題有不同的側重面向。   3. 不同類型媒介對不同議題的報導態度並沒有明顯的正面或負面評價。   最後本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並說明本研究的貢獻,以及研究的限制與建議。

"Jag vill inte bara överleva dagen" : en essä om organisationens och etikens betydelse i skolan / "I do not want just to survive the day" : -An essay on the importance of organization and ethics in preschool

Jansson, Marie January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Etnisk boendesegregation i Södertälje- En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter av att bo i Ronna

Karim, Kira, Samri, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate segregation from an accommodation perspective. The essay questions how the residents of Ronna feel about their neighborhood and what they think of other people's views of their area. Our purpose is to conduct a qualitative study of whether or not individuals experience residential segregation in Ronna. The essay is based on qualitative interviews, which were conducted with five people who have lived in Ronna for at least five years and who define themselves as Assyrians/Syrians. To analyze our empirical data, we have used two theoretical perspectives. One by Westin and Elias & Scotson, which is the theory about social groups - established and outsiders. The second theory explains how ethnic boundaries and enclaves occur. With the support of previous research, we highlight and define the fundamental factors causing segregation. After analyzing our empirical data, we concluded that residential segregation is a broad concept and that there are several factors that lead to segregation. The result of the study indicates that all informants thrive in their neighborhood and feel a solidarity and cohesion with each other. In Ronna the Assyrian/Syrian is a dominant ethnic community which has formed a strong “We” – group in their neighborhood. / Syfte med denna studie är att belysa boendesegregationen i Ronna ur de boendes perspektiv. Med stöd av några teoretiska perspektiv besvaras frågan om hur invånare i Ronna upplever sitt bostadsområde, samt hur de förhåller sig till andras uppfattningar och föreställningar om sitt område.Studiens syfte uppnås genom en kvalitativ studie om individers upplevelser kring boendesegregationen i Ronna. Uppsatsen är uppbyggd utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka har genomförts med fem personer i åldrarna 30-45 som för närvarande bor i Ronna sedan minst fem år tillbaka, alla dessa individer definierar sig som assyrier/syrianer. För att analysera intervjumaterialet har vi använt oss av två teoretiska perspektiv. Den ena av dessa är det samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsinriktning som studerar sociala grupper - etablerade och outsiders, därefter har denna teori kompletterats med ett ytterligare teoretiskt perspektiv som redogör för hur etniska gränser och enklaver uppstår. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning belysas och definieras olika bakomliggande faktorer som kan orsaka boendesegregation inom ett bostadsområde. Analysen av intervjumaterialet visar att boendesegregation är ett omfattande fenomen där flera faktorer ger upphov till att segregation uppstår. Studieresultatet påvisar att i Ronna är assyrier/syrianer en dominerande folkgrupp som har skapat en stark vi-grupp i sitt bostadsområde. Samtliga informanter trivs bra i sitt bostadsområde, samt känner en stark gemenskap och tillhörighet.

Privačių asmenų teisių gynimas pagal Europos Bendrijos teisę: valstybės atsakomybė privatiems asmenims / Protection of Individual Rights under European Community Law: State Liability towards Individuals

Stančikaitė, Dovilė 16 March 2006 (has links)
The protection of individual rights arising out of EC law,and the state liability for a breach of EC law entailing damages to such individuals, are the issues dealt with in the thesis. The thesis deals with the state liability doctrine as formulated by ECJ, identifies grounds for giving rise to remedies as a result of a breach of EC Law by a member state, examines the practice of ECJ and national courts in application of the state liability in the light of EC Law.

Maktrelationen mellan ”etablerade svenskar” och ”flyktingar” : -  En kritisk diskursanalys av ”flyktingkrisen” i svensk tidningsmedia

Gottfridson, Emilie, Lukkarinen, Mari January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna kritiska diskursanalys är att öka förståelsen för diskursen om den så kallade “flyktingkrisen” i svensk tidningsmedia under september och oktober 2015. Denna specifika och aktuella diskurs har, som vi vet, ännu inte studerats med vetenskapliga metoder då tidigare forskning främst behandlar tidigare flyktingmigrationer i Sverige och i andra länder. Det finns således en kunskapslucka inom detta område som vi skulle vilja medverka i att fylla. Undersökningen fokuserar på hur ”flyktingmigrationen” och ”flyktingarna” samt den ”svenska nationen” och ”svenskar” framställs i diskursen utifrån en figurationell och maktkritisk utgångspunkt. Norbert Elias och John L. Scotsons teori om etablerade och outsiders, Ulrich Becks teori om risksamhället samt Edward Saids teori om orientalism används som orienterande bakgrundsteorier för att studera relationen mellan ”etablerade svenskar” och flyktingar såsom den uttrycks i tidningsmedia. Som metod har vi valt att använda oss av Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys, då denna kan användas i studerandet av konkret text såsom tidningsartiklar samt kan kombineras med en sociologisk analys. Resultaten visar att flyktingmigrationen samt flyktingarna framställs som ett omfattande hot mot samhället. Flyktingarna porträtteras ofta på ett avhumaniserande sätt, exempelvis som okontrollerbara vattenmassor. I ett fåtal fall är framställningen mer human och personlig, dock präglas dessa utsagor av flyktingen som den stereotype andre. I motsats till detta porträtteras Sverige och svensken som moraliskt överlägsna, goda, och icke-rasister. Den sociala relationen mellan dessa grupper kan på så sätt ses som en illustration av figurationen etablerade och outsiders, där spänningarna mellan grupperna verkar öka då flyktingarna uppfattas som ett hot mot samhälls- och maktordningen. / The aim of this critical discourse analysis is to create a broader understanding of the refugee discourse in Swedish national newspapers during the months of September and October of 2015. The main reason for this study is a perceived knowledge gap in this specific area of discourse, since extant studies focus on earlier refugee discourses in Sweden and in other countries. This essay attempts to understand how the social identities of the refugees and the Swedish population can be upheld in the media and how the relationship between these groups can be perceived. Norbert Elias and John L. Scotson’s theory of the established and the outsiders, Ulrich Becks theory regarding the risk society and Edward Saids theory of orientalism are used as orienting concepts in the analysis. The overall method is inspired by Faircloughs critical discourse analysis, since it enables the study of tangible texts such as newspaper articles as well as the use of sociological analysis. Our results show that the refugees are depicted as a considerable threat to society as a whole. The refugees themselves are often spoken of in a dehumanizing fashion, for example in metaphors of uncontrollable waves. In a few cases the refugees are portrayed in a more personal fashion. These are however unbalanced and stereotypical. In contrast, Sweden and its people are depicted as morally superior and good Samaritans. We have thus concluded that the relationship between these groups can be seen in the light of the established and the outsiders, and that the tension between them seems to be growing as the refugees are seen as a threat to the social order and power balance in Sweden.

Oceňování zemědělských staveb cenou obvyklou a zjištěnou

KRÁLOVÁ, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis is solved valuation of agricultural buildings using the usual price and established price. It is also prepared an overview of basic concepts relating to property valuation. This thesis is mainly focused on the valuation of buildings and halls, which are the most common type of agricultural buildings. In the practical part is described and awarded a specific object selected to agricultural use. Established price will be determined by cost method based on the latest valuation notice number 443/2016 Coll. Usual price will be determined by comparison with similar types of properties.


Cruz, Cláudia Alencar Lopes 24 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CLAUDIA ALENCAR LOPES CRUZ.pdf: 999060 bytes, checksum: 69d10487f53e314510d50c360f65d53b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-24 / The research presents an analysis of power relations within the Early Childhood Education of Ribeirão Pires, focused on the work of teachers and non-Educators Teaching Child Development from two schools located in two distinct regions: one in the central region and the other in a village away from the center. The main focus is the conflict between these two groups of professionals, a secondary and complementary are the malfunctions that contribute to the existence of conflict between groups. The hypothesis that guides the research is that, not educators-teachers, while veteran group, relies on the old, asserting itself through its tacit and empirical knowledge, and PDI, in turn, rely on titration/diploma. The survey was conducted through interviews and observation at schools, aimed to understand the differences between the established groups of educators and teachers, but above all, understand the way that both express the power relations in space and time in school.The research required as a base, three analytical frameworks: Norbert Elias (2000), which deals with power relations; the Study of the Sociology of Deviance Becker (2008) and Erving Goffman's Stigma (1891). From the three authors of the study was observed within the power relations between groups of educators and teachers, some trends and collective provisions, such as assertion of superiority by tradition, affirmation of superiority of securities, inclinations stigmatization, feelings of victimization and low institutional bureaucracy, we can see properly, with respect to the secondary focus of the research, studied in schools The presence of a low level of institutional bureaucracy, which helps to stimulate faculty conflicts between groups analyzed. The research could contribute to the debate around issues related to the mode Childhood Education and their agents, such as it takes shape in Brazil. / A pesquisa apresenta uma análise das relações de poder, no espaço da Educação Infantil do Município de Ribeirão Pires, focada no trabalho das Educadoras não-docentes e das Professoras de Desenvolvimento Infantil de duas escolas, localizadas em duas regiões distintas: uma na região central, e a outra em um vilarejo afastado do centro. O foco principal é o conflito entre esses dois grupos de profissionais, um foco secundário e complementar são as deficiências de funcionamento, que contribuem para a existência de conflito entre os grupos. A hipótese que norteia a pesquisa é a de que, as educadoras não-docentes, enquanto grupo veterano, valem-se da antiguidade, afirmando-se por meio de seus saberes tácitos ou empíricos, e as PDI, por sua vez, valem-se da titulação/diploma. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas e da observação na unidade escolar, visou apreender as diferenças estabelecidas entre os grupos de educadoras e professoras, mas, sobretudo, entender a forma com que ambas expressam as relações de poder no espaço e no tempo escolar. A pesquisa requereu como base, três referenciais analíticos: Norbert Elias (2000), que aborda as relações de poder; o Estudo de Sociologia do Desvio de Becker (2008) e o Estigma de Erving Goffman (1891). Partindo do estudo dos três autores foi possível observar, dentro das relações de poder entre os grupos de educadoras e professoras, algumas tendências e disposições coletivas, como: afirmação de superioridade pela tradição, afirmação de superioridade por títulos, inclinações a estigmatização, sentimentos de vitimização e a baixa burocratização institucional, corretamente podemos constatar, no que diz respeito ao foco secundário da pesquisa, a apresença nas escolas estudadas, de um baixo nível de burocratização institucional, o que contribui para estimular conflitos entre grupos docentes analisados. A pesquisa poderá contribuir para o debate em torno de assuntos relacionados com a modalidade Educação Infantil e seus agentes, tal qual ela se configura no Brasil.

K problematice frazeologismů na 2. stupni základní školy / To the Phraseology of Elementary School Pupils

HAMPERGROVÁ, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Topic of this diploma thesis is The Issue of Idioms at Upper Primary Schools. Phraseology is the integral part of daily communication that is why I decided to explore how pupils understand it. The theoretical part is based on publications of our leading linguists. The practical part studies not only the knowledge of idioms but also whether pupils understand it and if they are able to use them in sentences. The questionnaire consists of idioms, which have emerged as the examples in theoretical parts but also with the help of dictionaries of Czech phraseology and idioms.

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