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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Resultatbaserad lön genomsyrar allt” : En kvalitativ studie av fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om resultatbaserad lön

Pekkari, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om löneformen endast resultatbaserad lön och dess betydelse för deras livssituation. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte undersöks även hur löneformen kan förstås och förklaras utifrån tidstypiska samhällstrender och processer. Vidare studeras fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om löneformens betydelse för deras yrkes- och privatliv samt önskvärda löneformer i framtiden. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats, baserad på hermeneutisk tolkning av intervjuer med åtta yrkesverksamma och före detta yrkesverksamma manliga och kvinnliga fastighetsmäklare. Resultatet visar att löneformen upplevs inverka på de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarnas livssituation främst utifrån att den bidrar till gränslöst arbete, vilket kan ha negativ inverkan på fastighetsmäklarnas möjligheter och förutsättningar till privatliv och fritid. Löneformen kan samtidigt tolkas ha positiv inverkan på fastighetsmäklarnas upplevelse av balans mellan ansträngning och belöning. Resultatet indikerar att löneformen kan tolkas som ett uttryck på mikronivå för övergripande samhällstrender och processer såsom globalisering, teknisk utveckling och individualiseringsprocesser som sker på makronivå. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet att framtidens löneformer förespås utgöras av resultatbaserad lön, med eller utan en fast lönedel. / The purpose of this study is to study the real estate agents' perceptions of the wage form only results-based salary and its significance for their life situation. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, we also examine how the wage form can be understood and explained on the basis of time-typical societal trends and processes. Further, real estate agents' perceptions of the significance of the wage form are studied in regards to their professional and private lives as well as desirable wage forms in the future. The study has a qualitative research approach, based on hermeneutic interpretation of interviews with eight active and former active male and female real estate agents. The result shows that the wage form is considered to be of significance to the interviewed real estate agents' life situation, mainly because it contributes to boundless work, which can have a negative impact on the real estate agents' opportunities and conditions for private life and leisure. At the same time, the wage form can be interpreted to have a positive impact on the real estate agents' experience of balance between effort and reward. The result indicates that the wage form can be interpreted as a micro-level expression of the overall societal trends and processes occurring at macro level such as globalization, technological development and individualization processes. Finally, the results show that the future wage form are predicted to consist of results-based salary, with or without a fixed salary component.

Základní právní otázky realitní praxe / The Basic Legal Issues of the Real Estate Practice

Becis, Michalis January 2010 (has links)
rea of real estate practice is extremely extensive and real-estate market as a whole conceals and connects many scientific disciplines that reflect and contribute to its functioning. Differentiating market and curiosity, whether existing legislation reflects the current need for real estate market in the Czech Republic, played an important role in choosing the theme of my final thesis. I performed an analysis of adjustments related to business in real estate activities. With a view to these facts has been made establishment, that the current legislation appears to be "totally inadequate". It does not define any criteria that would select those in participating in the property market in Czech Republic. The only solution to this absurd situation of trade law is an amendment or other legislation to ensure the entry of new players on the real estate market, provided proof of professional competence and moral integrity, or the introduction of compulsory licenses in real estate activity, which should lead to an overall improvement in the real estate market - not only commercially and ehically.

Realitní a související judikatura / Real Estate and Related Judicature

Dvořák, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis maps the decision-making practice of courts in real estate cases and related areas. Judicial decisions are organized in logical parts and there was an effort to provide an overall and comprehensive overview of the opinions held by courts on the individual legal questions arising in real estate cases and thus define the most frequent causes of the disputes and their subject-matters. Explicated in the light of the decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, or even the findings of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, are judiciary’s attitudes to the basic principles of real estate agency and real estate activity in general, as well as to relating legal questions, with special regard to the contracts usually entered into in real estate practice, primarily agency contracts and mediated contracts. So far, case-law of this kind has not been comprehensively studied, despite the fact that there still are uncertainties regarding both the real estate legislation and the approach to resolution of real estate cases, as well as ensuing typical contractual obligational relations between parties on the real estate market. This is also the reason why this particular topic was chosen for the thesis. Based on the coverage and a thorough analysis of the judicial decisions at issue a conclusion is made that decision-making practice has already stabilized in some real estate areas and these decisions are used as basis in future cases. Nevertheless, there still are some legal questions which have not yet been tackled by courts or conflicting judicial decisions, which may even be rendered in the most essential and fundamental issues of real estate activity. This is partly due to the fact that the real estate market is still a relatively young business field and partly due to missing or inadequate legislation which is to provide for real estate activity, including real estate agency.

Zdroje informací pro realitní činnost / Information Sources for Real Estate Activities

Klišová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the sources of information for real estate activities. Given the wide range of necessary resources are all subjected to detailed analysis and the information is still processed to form a unified system of comprehensive search of necessary information, especially for the general public. Based on knowledge gained from research, it will be followed by a summary tabulations, including mandatory and recommended resources for various types of real estate.

Výkon realitní činnosti / Performance of Real Estate Activities

Zejda, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This thesis illustrates the real estate environment from a professional and legal perspective. The first part of this thesis will refer to the legislative components and organizations, which affect the development of laws related to the industry. Then, the real estate market will be defined from two angles - a broker's and the competitors, as well as illustrating the differences in the Czech and Slovak markets. A case study will show the process of two property sales. In the first, a family house is sold under normal conditions and in the second, an apartment building is sold under shared ownership. The final segment of the thesis will summarize a research, which was focused on service quality in the Czech and Slovak real estate brokerage markets.

Vikten av kunduppföljning för en fastighetsmäklare / The importance of customer follow-up for a real estate agent

Nyström, Johanna, Gustafsson, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Syfte Konkurrensen i fastighetsmäklarbranschen ökar vilket innebär att fastighetsmäklarna blir allt mer beroende av att vårda sina kunder och skapa långsiktiga kundrelationer. Syftet med denna undersökning är att få större kunskap om hur mäklare arbetar med kunduppföljning i det dagliga arbete samt få en djupare förståelse för varför det egentligen är viktigt med uppföljning. Undersökningens problemfrågor är: Varför är det viktigt med kunduppföljning för en fastighetsmäklare? Hur arbetar fastighetsmäklare med kunduppföljning i praktiken? Metod Undersökningen är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ metodansats då den huvudsakliga frågeställningen i undersökningen kräver en beskrivning av verkligheten. Intervjuer, med en låg grad av strukturering och standardisering, har gjorts med fastighetsmäklare. Tillvägagångssättet är deduktivt, d.v.s. undersökningen utgår från teorin. Resultat & slutsats Fastighetsmäklare arbetar med uppföljning av den främsta anledningen att bevara relationen med kunden så att den genererar lönsamhet på olika sätt. Detta sker genom att få nöjda kunder som blir lojala kunder och återkommer vid nästa bostadsaffär samt rekommenderar mäklaren till vänner och bekanta. Förslag till fortsatt forskning  Undersöka vilken kundernas syn på uppföljning är. Undersöka till vilken grad kunduppföljning har positiv respektive negativ effekt på kundrelationen. Ta fram mätbar data över hur lönsamt det egentligen är att arbeta med kunduppföljning. Uppsatsens bidrag Undersökningen har lyft fram frågan om hur viktigt det är för en säljare att arbeta med kunduppföljning. Det har även kartlagts hur fastighetsmäklare arbetar med uppföljning av kunder i det vardagliga arbetet. / Aim The competition in the real estate market is increasing which means that the real estate agents are becoming increasingly dependent on customer care and to build long term relationships with their customers. This study aims to gain a larger knowledge of how the realtor work with follow-up in the daily work and gain a deeper understanding of why it´s important to do customer follow-up. The question at issue is: Why is customer follow-up important for a real estate agent? How does a real estate agent follow-up the customers in practice? Method This study is based on a qualitative method, because the main question in the study requires a description of the reality. Interviews, with a low degree of structure and standardization, have been made with professional real estate agents. The approach to the study is deductive, i.e. it´s based on theory. Result & Conclusions The main reason estate agents use follow-up is to maintain the relationship with the customer so it can generate profit to the realtor in different ways. This happens through satisfied customers who becomes loyal customers, returns when it´s time for the next property transaction and becomes recommended to the customers friends and acquaintances. Suggestions for future research Exploring the customers´ views on follow-up. Investigate to what extent the follow-up have positive or negative effect on customer relationships. Develop measurable data on how profitable it really is to work with followup. Contribution of the thesis The study has highlighted the issue of how important it is for a seller to work with customer follow-up. We also have mapped how estate agents use customer follow-up in their everyday work.

Choice a real estate agent / Val av fastighetsmäklare

Pantelic, Marija January 2014 (has links)
Every year a hundreds of new Estate agents is examined, and new agency comes to, which increase the competition for estate agents. Property sellers have the option to choose the estate agent which they think is the best one that will best mediate their property at a flexible and a correct way. It has been common that property sellers choose and compare estate agents in the city, the competition is today equal outside the city as in the city. Possibly, these are other criteria that values higher in the city as outside the city. I wonder therefore what factors are important and crucial in the choice of estate agents in Nacka Municipality. The studies intentions is to give the public a better understanding of which criteria consider to be important when it comes to the choice of estate agents. The study is based on survey examination, made in Nacka municipality, and an interview with a real estate agent working in the Nacka municipality. The theory was based on previous studies in the area but also on the selling decision process and service quality in service. The criteria that were important for sellers was, that the object was advertised on Internet, that the estate agent is well-versed in the district, the estate agent's behavior, that the real estate enterprise is comprehended as reliable and serious and personal chemistry with the estate agent. A top decisive criterion for the choice of estate agents was that the real estate agent was well-versed in the district. / Varje år examineras flera hundra nya mäklare och nya mäklarkontor kommer till, vilket ökar konkurrensen för fastighetsmäklarna. Bostadssäljarna har valmöjligheten att välja den fastighetsmäklare som de tycker är bäst som bäst kommer förmedla deras bostad på ett smidigt och korrekt sätt. Det har varit vanligt med att bostadsäljare väljer och jämför fastighetsmäklare i innerstan, konkurrensen är idag lika stor utanför innerstan. Möjligen rör det sig om andra kriterier man värdesätter högre i innerstan såsom utanför innerstan. Jag frågar mig därför vilka faktorer som är viktiga och avgörande vid valet av fastighetsmäklare i Nacka kommun? Avsikten med studien är att ge allmänheten en ökad kunskap om vilka kriterier bostadssäljare anser vara viktiga när det kommer till val av fastighetsmäklare vid en bostadsförsäljning. Studien baseras på enkätundersökningar, gjorda i Nacka kommun samt intervju med en fastighetsmäklare som arbetar inom Nacka kommun. Teorin grundades på tidigare studier i området men även på säljbeslutsprocessen och servicekvalitet inom tjänsteföretag. De kriterier som var betydande för bostadssäljarna var, Att objektet annonseras på Internet, Att fastighetsmäklaren är väl insatt i området, fastighetsmäklarens beteende, att fastighetsmäklarföretaget uppfattas som pålitliga och seriösa samt personkemi med fastighetsmäklaren. De högst avgörande kriterierna vid valet av fastighetsmäklare var att fastighetsmäklaren var väl insatt i området.

Fastighetsmäklare som profession : En studie om yrkets professionskategorisering / Real Estate Agent as a profession : A study regarding the occupation´s professional categorization

Arnshed, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Fastighetsmäklare som profession - En studie om yrkets professionskategorisering Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i ämnet Fastighetsvetenskap Författare: Jesper Arnshed Handledare: Karin Staffansson Pauli Datum: Maj 2021 Syfte: Med utgångspunkt i de fördelar som tillkommer av att nå en högre profession, är syftet med denna studie att undersöka fastighetsmäklarbranschens syn på kategoriseringen av mäklarprofessionen Metod: Denna studie har applicerat en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer har empirisk data kopplats till den teoretiska bakgrunden, om de bakomliggande aspekterna som bidrar till fastighetsmäklarens professionskategorisering. Resultat & Slutsats: Resultatet visar att mäklarens strävan mot högre profession delvis försvåras till följd av glappet mellan teori och praktik, samt de odefinierade regel- och ramverk som mäklare har att förhålla sig till. Om den nya lagändringen istället hade varit förankrad i de reella utmaningar och faktorer som påverkar förtroendet och yrkesintegriteten för mäklaren, finns där stora möjligheter för yrkesgruppen att nå en högre profession. Uppsatsens bidrag till ämnet: Studien har bidragit med ytterligare förståelse för mäklarens profession och vad som förhindrar en högre kategorisering. Förslag till framtida forskning: Efterhand som lagändringen har blivit implementerad vore det intressant att studera vilka förändringar som fått genomslag i branschen och för mäklaren. / Title: Real Estate Agent as a profession - A study about the occupation´s professional categorization Level: Bachelor's thesis within Real Estate Science  Author: Jesper Arnshed Supervisor: Karin Staffansson Pauli Date: May 2021 Aim: Based on the benefits of reaching a higher profession, the aim of this study is to examine the real estate industry's view on the categorization of the broker´s profession. Method: This study has applied a qualitative research methodology. With the help of semi-structured interviews, additional dimensions have supplemented the theoretical background, about the underlying aspects that are derived from the real estate agent's professional classification. Result & Conclusions: The result shows that the brokers´ aim towards a higher profession is partly prevented due to the gap between theory and practice, and the undefined rules and regulations that brokers must deal with. If the new law change had instead been rooted in the real challenges and aspects that affect the trust and professional integrity among brokers, there are great opportunities for the occupational group to reach a higher profession.  Contribution of the thesis: The study contributed with additional understanding to the broker´s profession and what prevents a higher categorization. Suggestions for future research: As the changes in the law are implemented, it would be interesting to study what changes have had an impact in the industry and for the broker.

Olika statussignalers påverkan på kundens uppfattning av en fastighetsmäklare : - Inom conspicuous consumption och penalty effect

Maric Larsson, Theodor, Tengmo, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

#InstaMäklaren : En kvalitativ studie om fastighetsmäklares användning av Instagram

Hygstedt, Tilda, Holm, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Title: #InstaRealEstateAgent - A qualitative study of real estate agents' use of Instagram Authors: Marcus Holm and Tilda Hygstedt Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how and why real estate agents' use the social media platform Instagram as a work tool. Furthermore, the study also intends to investigate how they create credibility and present themselves by using Instagram and what the pros and cons are when mixing private and work-related content.  Method/Material: The main method used in this study is qualitative interviews with five real estate agents from different agencies in Stockholm. The interviews have been complemented with content analysis of image and text of four Instagram posts from each real estate agent. Main results: The main results from this study show that the real estate agents who participated use Instagram to show who they are, maintain contact with existing clients but also as a type of portfolio. They want to appear open, positive and hard-working and therefore combine content from both private and working life. In this way, customers and others can get a clear picture of who they are and what they like. However, they believe that one must be careful when sharing events from private life. Too much and the wrong kind of things can damage one's reputation and credibility. Number of pages: 63 Course: Media and Communication studies C University: Uppsala University, Sweden Department: Informatics and Media Period: Autumn semester 2021 Tutor: Göran Svensson

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