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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Joining a Discourse Community: How Graduate Students Learn to Speak like Astronomers

Baleisis, Audra January 2009 (has links)
Almost half of all graduate students leave their doctoral programs without finishing. Who leaves, taking which skills and strengths with them, is still poorly understood, however, because it is hard to measure exactly what graduate students learn in their doctoral programs. Since the expertise required of a PhD holder is highly dependent on discipline, the development of a better understanding of graduate education and attrition requires studying the process at the departmental level.This is a qualitative study of the cultural values and norms of academic astronomy, as transmitted through the socialization of graduate students into giving talks, asking questions, and participating in departmental speaking events. This study also looks at the conflicts that arise when implicit cultural norms, which are practiced but remain unacknowledged, are inconsistent with the official, explicit values and norms for speaking in astronomy.Doctoral students and faculty members in a single astronomy department, at a large western university, filled out a short survey about the stakes involved in astronomy speaking events. A subset of these individuals was interviewed in-depth about the goals of, and their experiences with, five departmental speaking events: Coffee Hour, Journal Club, research talks, Thesis defense talks, and Colloquia. These interviewees were: (1) graduate students who had given a verbal presentation at one of these events, and (2) graduate students and faculty members who were in the audience at a graduate student's presentation.The desired outcomes which were expressed for these speaking events included: (1) lively, informal discussion among all participants, (2) increasing graduate student verbal participation in these events as they "learn to speak like astronomers," and (3) the utility of these events in helping graduate students learn and practice their speaking and reasoning skills related to astronomy research. In practice these goals were not achieved due to: (1) the ubiquitous, but unacknowledged practice of judging others' speech performance to come to negative conclusions about those individuals' intentions, intellectual abilities or efforts, (2) a lack of feedback for graduate students on their verbal performances, and (3) a lack of faculty members making explicit their own solutions to the inherent dilemmas of academic speaking.

Faktorer som kan riskera patientsäkerheten vid sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering / Factors that can jeopardize patient safety when nurse handling pharmaceutical products

Eriksson, Johan, Lindoff, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
Patientsäkerhet är ett viktigt ämne inom hälso- och sjukvården. Läkemedelshantering är en del av omvårdnadsarbetet som kan äventyra patientsäkerheten. En fjärdedel av de vårdskador som inträffar beror på fel i läkemedelshanteringen. Studiens syfte var att beskriva händelser och/eller omständigheter i omvårdnadsarbetet som kan riskera patientsäkerheten vid läkemedelshantering. Metoden är litteraturstudie och omfattar 17 artiklar i resultatet som visar att det är flera händelser/omständigheter som bidrar till och ibland samverkar till att medicineringsfel inträffar. Händelser/omständigheter som kunde utgöra en risk för medicineringsfel var: hög arbetsbelastning, övertid, långa arbetspass, kunskapsbrist, låg erfarenhet, kommunikationsbrister, avbrott/distraktion, otydliga ordinationer, bristande kontrollåtgärder av sjuksköterskan samt relation och ansvarsfördelning mellan personalen. Fortsatt forskning bör fokusera på metoder, hjälpmedel och system som kan förhindra att medicineringsfel inträffar och på det sättet spara både pengar och mänskligt lidande. Det är även väsentligt att utvärdera effekterna av den nya patientsäkerhetslagen. / Patient safety is important for health care. Handling of pharmaceutical products is a task within nursing that may jeopardize patient safety. One fourth of the all documented health damages that occur are due to medication errors. The purpose of this study was to describe events and/or circumstances in nursing that can jeopardize patient safety when it comes to handling of pharmaceutical products. The study design is literature study which covers 17 articles in it’s result that shows it’s several events/circumstances that contributes and sometimes work together to make medication errors occur. Events or circumstances that could pose a threat to medication errors was: high workload, overtime, long shifts, lack of knowledge, lack of experience, communication gaps, interruption/distraction, unclear prescription, lack of control measures from the nurse and the relation and responsibilities among staff. Further studies should focus upon methods, tools and systems that can prevent medication errors from occuring and thus save both money and human suffering. It’s also essential to evaluate the effects of the new law concerning patient safety.

Vem syns i rutan? : En studie över SVT:s och TV4:s sportsändningar ur ett genusperspektiv / TV-sports : A study of sports programming from a gender perspective

Andersson, Jonna, Neselrot, Jonathan January 2010 (has links)
This report is an analysis from a gender perspective of more than three hundred minutes in sports broadcasting on SVT and TV4. The study explains how air time is divided between male and female athletes as well as which sports, male or female, get the most air time. The sports are also categorized according to attitudes about the sports being masculine, feminine or neutral. In this way the study also shows the categories of sports that are given the most airtime. Our view before the study was that from a media perspective, the Swedish sports world was very male dominated. The results show that male athletes get more exposure than female athletes on both channels, this despite the fact that the membership of the Swedish sports clubs is fairly evenly divided between men and women.

Varumärkeskommunikation : En analys av Borkas och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS

Larsson, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Brand communication – An analyze of Borka and BayIcons communicative labor in relations with WJOS. (Varumärkeskommunikation – En analys av Borka och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS) Number of pages: 53 (55 including enclosures) Author: Johan Larsson Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communications Studies C Period: Second term / autumn 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/aim: The purpose of this essay is to study how two small Swedish clothing companies, Borka and BayIcon, manage their brand communication. Brand communication includes work with target groups, brands, media and finally communication in a bigger perspective. The clothing companies are compared and analyzed thru a perspective of an advertising agency. Material/method: This essay uses two case studies with qualitative research interviews as methods. The material is combined by three interviews, one with Borka, one with BayIcon and one with WJOS. Main result: Borka uses newspaper adverts, fairs and sponsoring as their mixture of mediums. BayIcon uses web pages, events and sponsoring. The events, fairs and sponsoring are arranged under the definition arrangements and it is the richest form of communication because it gives the opportunity of a dialog. The dialog is a good way to get in touch with the customers. Both Borka and BayIcon use a strategic way of working with communication, which emphasizes that communication is created in a dialog between the customer and the company. The biggest difference between WJOS and Borka and BayIcon is that the clothing companies work more with what they think is right and less with strategies. Keywords: brand, communication, target groups, events, strategic communication, dialog, advertising.

Urban management and sports event planning : a case study of the A1 grand prix in Durban.

Barnard, Julie. January 2006 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.

Project Success Evalutaion of Large Events from the Perspective of Destination Management Organizations

Muehlbauer, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
Due to confirming characteristics, events can be considered to be specification of projects. Large events are particularly described by their complexity and the many stakeholders involved. Because of these characteristics, the achievement as well as the evaluation of project success are extremely difficult. This is aggravated by the diverse perspectives on success by the many different stakeholders involved. A key stakeholders in large events are destination management/ marketing organization (DMO) of the host community. Rationale is the tremendous impact events have on the destination. Particularly, the enhanced tourism development, the increase of tourist arrivals as well as the improvement of the destination’s image and brand awareness can be highlighted. By marketing a destination to potential tourists, establishing a destination’s image and managing an increasing international attention, DMOs play a primary role in handling these major impacts. Nevertheless, managing the major impacts as well as leveraging them into sustainable benefits for the host destination is extremely difficult. Like any other stakeholder, DMOs have certain expectations for large evens and may determine success based on whether these expectations were met. Identifying certain success criteria allows the stakeholders involved to evaluate whether a project was successful and whether it met ones expectations. This thesis shall increase the understanding on the evaluation of project success from the DMOs’ perspective as a key stakeholder in large events. In order to identify the role of DMOs in large event as well as their perception of project success and the success criteria used for evaluation, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted. By doing so, managers of particular DMOs were interviewed, while each DMO represents another large event. It was found that DMOs of a host destination are usually neither involved in the organization of large events nor in managerial tasks. In fact, the large event is used for marketing purposes and is further included in marketing activities to promote a destination to the specified target markets. In order to draw the potential benefits from a large event, it needs to be implemented in a DMOs long-term strategy. At the same time, cooperation between a DMO and a large event is crucial. This underlines the important role DMOs have in large events. DMOs perceive large events as successful if the related marketing activities fulfill the previous set expectations for amount and content of media coverage. In addition, success is perceived by the DMOs if a sustainable destination development can be recognized. Within the distinct task areas of a DMO, different perspectives on success become apparent. Multiple different success criteria used by the DMO to evaluate success are identified, which can be allocated to three different success concepts. First, event success is marked by the impact on the tourist and impact on the DMO. Moreover, destination success can be recognized, while organizational success is specified by preparing for the future and for future large events. In addition, the success concepts can be allocated to medium- and long-term dimensions. It becomes apparent that a short-term dimension and a success concept related to project management success can be neglected, as DMOs are less involved in project management tasks related to the event. From the empirical material collected and the existing theoretical matters, a framework is developed accordingly.

Kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas Lietuvos ligoninėse / Implementation of quality management system in Lithuanian

Treigytė, Loreta 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate the implementation status of the quality management system (QMS) in the Lithuanian general hospitals. Objectives: 1. To survey the attitudes of the hospital managers and the managers of the local medical audit group towards QMS. 2. To establish the key problems arising in QMS implementation process. 3. To establish the benefits brought by QMS to the hospital. 4. To survey the attitudes of the respondents towards the adverse event management. Results: QMS have been implemented in 63.9 per cent of the Lithuanian general hospitals. This system is currently under implementation in 22.2 per cent of the hospitals mentioned, and no QMS have been implemented so far in 13.9 per cent of the Lithuanian general hospitals. More than one third of institutions have implemented the ISO standard. Institutions wich have alredy implemented the QMS enjoy higer patient satisfaction (accordingly 5,36 (1,05) and 4,18 (2,14)), improved quality of the services provided (accordingly 6,09 (0,32) ir (4,83 (1,64)). The functioning QMS improves motivation of the employees (4,60) and the patient safety (5,83). Hospitals with the well-functioning QMS more actively record (accordingly 4,78 (2,19) and 2,73 (1,62)) and analyse adverse events (accordingly 5,41 (2,01) and 3,09 (1,97)). Recording of adverse events helps to identify problems (6,41), improve the quality of the services provided (6,13). Conclusions: 1. QMS have been implemented in more than a half of the Lithuanian... [to full text]

Renginių organizavimo sistemos konceptualinio modelio transformaciju tyrimas / Research of events organizing system's conceptual model transformations

Greičius, Domas 24 August 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra išnagrinėti renginių organizavimo problemas, sukurti Renginių organizavimo sistemą, bei naudojant konceptualaus modeliavimo metodikas atlikti modelių transformacijų tyrimą. Darbo metu buvo išnagrinėta eilė kitų panašių sistemų, ir kuriant šią sistemą buvo atsižvelgta į jų trūkumus bei privalumus. Modeliai ir modeliavimo metodai yra būdas nagrinėti ir valdyti šiuolaikinių sistemų uždavinių apimtį ir sudėtingumą naudojant įvairias abstrakcijas. Pats modelis yra tam tikra abstrakcijos rūšis, įgalinanti atvaizduoti sistemą ar jos dalį abstrakčiau, išryškinant esmines savybes, praleidžiant ar paslepiant mažiau svarbias. Sistemos projektavime buvo naudotos konceptualaus modeliavimo metodikos, kurios yra sėkmingai taikomos grafiškai atvaizduoti informacines sistemas konceptualiame lygmenyje. Vėliau taikant šias metodikas buvo atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas su viena iš sukurtos sistemos dalių. / The object of this work is to analyze the problems of events’ organizing, and to create Events’ organizing system, that would correspond clients’ requirements, and expectations of users. During this work I explored a number of similar systems, and all their pros and cons has been taken into consideration while creating this system. Models and modeling techniques is one of the ways to analyze and control the complexity and volume of problems of modern systems using various abstraction levels. Model by itself is a certain type of abstraction that helps to visualize a system or part of it more abstractly, highlighting key features, while skipping or hiding less important ones. In the development of the system, I used methods of conceptual modeling that are successfully applied in graphic development of systems at the conceptual level. Later using these methods I did an experiment with one of the parts of the system.

Kultūros renginių prekių ženklų komunikacijos ypatumai: Tarptautinio Kauno kino festivalio ir Tarptautinio modernaus šokio festivalio atvejai / The communication act of brands denoting cultural events: The cases of Kaunas International film festival and Internatnational festival of modern dance

Bubnovaitė, Vytautė 02 March 2010 (has links)
Kultūros organizacijos rinkodaros strategijas taikyti pradėjo visai neseniai. Kadangi jų pagrindinis tikslas dažniausiai yra šviesti visuomenę, todėl dažnai jos inicijuoja įvairius renginius. Kultūra gali būti dviejų rūšių – taikoma auditorijai (populiarioji kultūra) ir orientuota į produktą, kurio išraišką nustato prodiuseris ar menininkas (aukštesnio lygio kultūra). Kai renginių pradėjo gausėti, aukštesnio lygio kultūros organizacijoms teko labiau prisitaikyti prie auditorijos, norint, kad renginiai būtų sėkmingi, o bilietai išparduoti. Todėl jos, nenorėdamos pritaikyti produkto vartotojui, pritaikė jų viešinimui rinkodaros ir komunikacijos strategijas. Prekių ženklas yra skirtas organizacijos atpažinimui ir emocinėms asociacijoms kelti, todėl jis taip pat ėmė ženklinti kultūros renginius. Tyrėjai mato prekių ženklą kaip svarbų visos organizacijos identiteto veiksnį. Tinkamai vystomas ir viešinamas jis gali tapti kultūros simboliu ir sukurti organizacijos paveldą, kuris veikia kaip sėkmės garantija, kadangi simbolizuoja pripažinimą vartotojų aplinkoje. Tačiau kultūros renginių kontekste prekių ženklas iki šiol nebuvo nagrinėjamas. Tyrimui buvo pasirinkti Tarptautinio Kauno kino festivalio (TKKF) ir Tarptautinio modernaus šokio festivalio (TMŠF) prekių ženklai. Žvalgomojo žiniasklaidos tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad žiniasklaidos susidomėjimas kultūros renginiais mažėja, tuo tarpu, statistikos departamento duomenimis, kultūros organizacijų ir renginių daugėja. Todėl norint, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the aims of cultural organizations is education of society. They usually apply events or projects to reach this aim. Cultural organizations started to apply marketing strategies in case to be noticed and unique among their competitors. Brand may serve to the organization as a tool to be separated from the others. Also it is a device to attract audiences and affect their emotions about making a choice. There are two kinds of culture – popular and higher culture. Popular culture applies its products to the customers and higher culture is regarding the producer’s or artist’s opinion about products. Brands are a part of corporate identity and they are useful for higher culture in case to reach the audience. Also it is important to apply a communication strategy for the brand. A good brand does not only give value to the entire organization, but it may create its own heritage as well. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the particularity of cultural organizations and the communication of their brands. The brands and cases of Kaunas International film festival (KIFF) and International festival of modern dance (IFMD) were chosen for the research. The current situation claims, that media gets less interested in public events and at the same time the number of events is growing. In case to reach the audience and make their events successful, cultural organizations are ought to make their communication more effective and their strategies more concentrated. A brand may be a way... [to full text]

Komercinių sporto renginių pasiūla ir paklausa Kauno mieste universitetų studentų požiūriu / Commercial sports events supply and demand in the city of Kaunas from university students’ point of view

Urbaitytė, Melita 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo pavadinimas - „Komercinių sporto renginių pasiūla ir paklausa Kauno mieste universitetų studentų požiūriu“. Darbo objektas – komercinių sporto renginių pasiūla ir paklausa Kaune. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti komercinių sporto renginių pasiūlą ir paklausą Kaune universitetų studentų požiūriu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėši komercinių sporto renginių terminą, bruožus bei tipus; 2. Išanalizuoti esamą komercinių sporto renginių pasiūlą Kaune; 3. Išanalizuoti komercinių sporto renginių pasiūlos įvairumą Kaune; 4. Nustatyti kaip studentai vertina egzistuojančią komercinių sporto renginių pasiūlą, nustatyti studentų poreikį šiems renginiams. Darbo metodas – teisės aktų, mokslinių straipsnių, kitų pirminės ir antrinės informacijos šaltinių analizė, anketinė apklausa. Anketos sudarymas ir jos pateikimas tiriamiesiems internetu. Darbą sudaro dvi dalys – teorinė ir praktinė. Remiantis užsienio autorių nuomone bei teorijomis, atskleidžiama komercinių sporto renginių samprata, jų tipai bei klasifikacija. Remiantis antriniais šaltiniais: interneto duomenimis, renginių kalendoriais, atliktais statistikos tyrimais, pristatoma komercinių sporto renginių pasiūla Kaune. Praktinėje dalyje atliekamas tyrimas apie komercinių sporto renginių paklausą ir pasiūlą Kauno universitetų studentų požiūriu. Originali apklausos anketa pateikiama prieduose (1 priedas). Tyrimas atliktas siekiant išsiaiškinti kaip Kauno miesto studentai vertina komercinių sporto renginių pasiūlą, bei atskleisti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The name of Bachelor thesis is “Commercial sports events supply and demand in the city of Kaunas from university students’ point of view”. The aim of this study is to analyze the supply and demand in commercial sport events in Kaunas. Study Object – commercial sport events demand and supply in Kaunas. Study Aim – determine what is the demand and supply of commercial sport events in Kaunas according to university students. Study's tasks: 1. Establish commercial sport events terminology, types and classification; 2. Determine commercial sports events supply in Kaunas; 3. Determine commercial sports events supply diversity in Kaunas; 4. Examine the demand for commercial sport events from university students’ point of view. Study method – legislation, research articles, and other primary and secondary sources of information analysis, a questionnaire survey. Questionnaire’s formation. Survey’s implementation. Bachelor thesis is completed by two parts – theory and practice. Following various foreign authors’ theories and studies, in this work commercial sport events definition, its types and classification is provided. Also was given the present commercial events supply in Kaunas. In work’s practice part there is a survey taken about students’ point of view about commercial sport events supply and demand in Kaunas. Original survey questionnaire is given in appendix. Conclusions are drawn in to investigate primary and secondary sources of information existing commercial sporting... [to full text]

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