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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mimosmluvní instituty užití autorského díla / Non-contractual legal institutions of the use of copyrighted work

Čuřík, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to summarizingly describe non-contractual institutions of the use of copyrighted work, to define this legal branch under the system of copyright law as well as to briefly introduce the essential institutes and concepts of copyright law as such. The second chapter focuses on the explanation of the concept of copyright law and its placement in the system of law. Afterwards, a brief historical background of copyright law on the territory of the Czech Republic and the most important reasons for providing copyright protection are introduced. In the third chapter, the essential concepts of copyright law are defined, such as author's work, the characteristics of author's works, categories of author's works, exceptions to copyright and the concept of authorship. The description of when the copyright protection is created follows. Then, the definition of the content of copyright, including the scope of moral and economic rights of author of the work, is presented. Finally, the institution of public domain is explained. The fourth and main chapter of this thesis contains a digression in the field of copyright contracts, followed by the introduction to the field of the non-contractual institutions of the use of copyrighted work. Next, there is an overview of the European and...

Les exceptions environnementales et sanitaires dans la jurisprudence de l'OMC / The environmental and sanitary exceptions in the WTO Case-Law

Choquet, Uriell 07 November 2015 (has links)
L’étude du sort des exceptions environnementales et sanitaires à l’OMC permet de mettre en lumière l’équilibre qu’assurent les organes de règlement des différends entre les valeurs commerciales et non-commerciales. Ces exceptions sont pourtant vouées à une ineffectivité systémique au sein du droit de l’OMC. Les organes de règlement des différends fonctionnent comme des régulateurs exclusivement portés par et pour les intérêts commerciaux. En refusant d’infléchir les principes du libre-échange au nom des exceptions inscrites dans les textes, ils appliquent un droit rigide, vecteur d’insécurité environnementale, sanitaire et alimentaire. Une première approche linéaire de la jurisprudence révèle que les organes de règlement des différends cultivent l’apparence d’une régulation équilibrée dans ces domaines. Cet équilibre de façade est néanmoins contredit par une recherche approfondie sur le véritable sort réservé aux exceptions environnementales et sanitaires. La présente étude démontre que les organes de règlement des différends ont en réalité interprété ces exceptions de manière tellement restrictive qu’elles en sont devenues ineffectives. Une seconde approche, plus transversale, révèle que la rigidité du multilatéralisme commercial est ancrée jusque dans les mécanismes juridiques et techniques du droit de l’OMC. Ainsi en va-t-il du droit de la preuve et de la reconnaissance des normes externes au droit de l’OMC qui neutralisent les exceptions environnementales et sanitaires. Pourtant, ces verrous actuels représentent les clefs potentielles de demain, à même de relever les défis contemporains. / The use of the environmental and sanitary exceptions’ study highlights the balance between commercial and non-commercial values provided by the WTO’s dispute settlement organs. Yet, these exceptions turn out to be mere decoys, since they are doomed to ineffectiveness in the WTO’s law. The dispute settlement organs appear to be exclusively motivated by and for commercial interests. By refusing to inflect the free trade’s principles on behalf of the textual exceptions, they turn WTO in a rigid law, vector of environmental, sanitary and alimentary insecurity. A first linear perspective shows that the dispute settlement organs claim to ensure a balanced regulatory activity in these areas. Nevertheless, a deeper study of what happens to the environmental and sanitary exceptions contradicts this apparent balance. As a matter of fact, the dispute settlement organs have adopted such a restrictiv interpretation of these exceptions, that they have become ineffective. A second cross perspective shows that the rigidity of the comercial multilateralism is deeply rooted into the technical juridical mechanisms of the dispute settlement. Such is the case of the rules on proof and the recognition of external norms: these locks in the present could be keys in the future that would enable the WTO’s law to meet the contemporary challenges.

Onboard computer fault-tolerance detection and mitigation

Olofsson, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
The aim for this thesis is to design a software library responsible for preventing, detecting, handling and logging faults caused by radiation in a representable flight computer system based on the Cobham Gaisler GR740 quad-core LEON4FT processor chip. The LEON processor family is commonly used in space applications and it is based on the open SPARC instruction set and has been extended with fault tolerant features to cope with both on-chip radiation effects as well as upsets in external memory. The new GR740 device introduces a new computer architecture with multiple buses as compared to previous chips, Level-2 cache and a memory scrubber accelerating fault mitigation in external SDRAM memories. As the processor system design keeps getting more complex it also requires software to handle more hardware and new events, including central handling and logging routines of faults. The report describes the analysis performed to identify sources of faults and proposed suitable mitigation techniques, the established software requirements and how they are translated into a software architecture, then implemented and finally demonstrated on hardware. Along with this, it is shown how the developed demonstrator application software library can be integrated into the RTEMS real-time operating system commonly used in European space missions. The results are based on the demonstrator execution, and the results show that the software is functionally working and validates that the performance of the scrubber matches the derived scrubbing timings. After the project is completed, the software library design will be evaluated for use in Cobham Gaisler’s payload computer platform for the GOMX-5 mission. Radiation upsets will be emulated by injecting faults while running the developed API on demonstrator applications. Furthermore, implementation of software into NASA cFS/cFE will be analysed.

L'utilisation d'oeuvres protégées sans le concours de l'auteur : contributions sur l'équité en propriété littéraire et artistique / The use of protected works without the assent of their author : between law and equity in the French copyright system

Gonon, Cédric 19 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche traite des rapports entre le droit de la propriété littéraire et artistique et le principe d'équité, qui permet à chacun des acteurs de la propriété littéraire et artistique : auteur, public, exploitant, de se voir attribuer des prérogatives à sa juste mesure, en faisant en sorte de léser le moins possible les autres acteurs. Les rapports à l'équité sont dans un premier temps étudiés dans le cadre de l'exploitation traditionnelle des droits d'auteur : d'une part par l'intermédiaire des sociétés de gestion collective et d'autre part du fait des contrats d'exploitation portant sur des œuvres. Dans ces cas de figure, l'équité sert de référence dans les relations contractuelles entre l'auteur et l'exploitant. Les rapports à l'équité sont également étudiés dans le cadre du phénomène des œuvres évolutives et des licences libres qui les accompagnent. Les rapports à l'équité sont ensuite étudiés dans le cadre des limitations des droits de l'auteur. Certains de ces limitations font l'objet de compensation, telles les licences légales et les exceptions rémunérées. Les exceptions qui ne font pas l'objet d'une rémunération font l'objet d'une rationalisation. Sont évalués à l'aune de l'équité les moyens de rationalisation d'une part et les exceptions rationalisées du fait de ces moyens d'autre part. L'équité est mesurée dans cette hypothèse entre les prérogatives des ayants droit et celles des bénéficiaires des exceptions. / This PhD thesis deals with the link between the French copyright system and the principle of equity. The French copyright system should allow each of its actors: the author, the public and the manager of the work, to receive attribution pertaining to their role without being overly affected by the other actors' prerogatives. First, we shall study effects on the principle of equity within the framework of traditional exploitation, namely when the author confides the exploitation of his work either to a copyright collecting agency or to a publishing company. Influences on equity will be measured in the nature of the contractual relationship between the author and the copyright manager. Impact on equity will also be studied in cases of open artworks and open licences, such as Copyleft and Creative Commons licences. Next, we shall evaluate the influence on equity within the framework of copyright limitations. These limitations can be offset either by payment – such is the case with legal licences or remunerated exceptions – or by a restriction of their use. Unremunerated exceptions undergo rationalization; we shall examine both the means of rationalization and the rationalized exceptions from a point of view of equity. In the various cases of limitation, the impact on equity will be determined according to the relationship between the copyright owner and the beneficiary of the limitation.

Les mécanismes de flexibilité du droit de l'OMC / The flexibility mechanisms of the WTO law

Rosso, Catherine 31 March 2016 (has links)
Orienté vers le libre-échange, le droit de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce est basé sur plusieurs principes fondamentaux : la non-discrimination, la réciprocité et la réduction progressive des obstacles au commerce. Il existe des mécanismes répondant à l’impératif d’adaptabilité nécessaires aux membres pour faire face à des situations exceptionnelles afin d’intégrer de la souplesse dans l’application du droit de l’OMC et de déroger aux principes et règles régissant le commerce international. Cela vaut aussi bien en période de crise qu’indépendamment de l’environnement économique général, dès lors que les conditions sont réunies pour que les membres les mettent en œuvre. La crise économique de 2008 a fait craindre un recours accru, voire abusif, à ces instruments d’exception, de dérogation, de sauvegarde, ce qui signifierait un retour à des pratiques protectionnistes. La réflexion sur l’utilisation de ces outils permet la mise en évidence des instruments proposés par le droit de l'OMC pour faire face à des situations qui nécessitent un frein au libre-échange. Elle précise également les pratiques des Membres, la logique générale de ces mécanismes de flexibilité et l’équilibre entre les principes orientés vers le libre-échange et les exceptions qui supposent des restrictions au commerce. Les questions qui se posent doivent conduire à étudier l’ensemble de ces instruments de flexibilité, l’articulation entre ces instruments et ceux des autres organisations internationales en lien avec l’OMC, le rôle du juge de l’OMC dans les différends liés à l’utilisation de ces mécanismes et les perspectives d’évolution ou de réformes des instruments de flexibilité du droit de l’OMC / Oriented toward free trade, the World Trade Organization law is based on several fundamental principles: non-discrimination, reciprocity and the gradual reduction of trade barriers. There are mechanisms that respond to the need for adaptability necessary for Members to deal with exceptional situations in order to incorporate flexibility in the application of WTO law and depart from the principles and rules governing international trade. This applies both in times of crisis, and irrespective of the general economic environment, as soon as the conditions seem to require Members to implement them. The economic crisis of 2008 has raised fears of increased use or abuse of these instruments of exception, derogation (waivers), or safeguard, all of them constituting actions that would mean a return to protectionist practices. Reflection on the use of these tools allows the identification of instruments proposed by the WTO law to deal with crisis and more generally to situations that require a barrier to free trade. But beyond that, it specifies the practices of Members in the use of these tools, the general logic of these mechanisms for flexibility and the balance between the free-trade oriented principles and the exceptions that involve restrictions on trade. The questions then raised should lead to consider all of these instruments of flexibility, the articulation between these instruments and those of other international organizations in connection with the WTO, the judge's role in WTO disputes related to the use of these mechanisms, and the prospects of change or reform of flexibility instruments WTO law

Les effets pervers du formalisme (études à partir du contrat d'auteur) / The perverse effects of formalism (study from the author's contract)

Noel, Sophie 29 November 2012 (has links)
Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle est dédié à la protection des auteurs. Sur le terrain contractuel, cela se traduit par un formalisme important qui entoure la cession des droits patrimoniaux. Ainsi, le contrat d’auteur doit être rédigé par écrit, doit détailler le contenu du transfert, et doit préciser la rémunération de l’auteur. L’objectif du législateur, en recourant au formalisme, est de tenter de protéger l’auteur partie faible, de mieux l’informer, de restaurer un certain équilibre contractuel. Une étude de la matière révèle rapidement l’échec du formalisme en ce que le dispositif est inutile et inefficace. Pire, il crée nombre d’effets pervers, qui ne peuvent qu’inciter à douter du bien-fondé du choix du législateur. D’autant qu’il n’est pas possible en la matière de s’appuyer sur le rôle modérateur du juge qu’avait décrit Flour : en droit d’auteur, le juge est très exigeant quant au respect des dispositions formalistes et va même parfois au-delà de l’esprit des textes. Le juge n’assouplit pas le formalisme, il le rigidifie. Face à un droit d’auteur compliqué et exigeant, le professionnel, cocontractant de l’auteur et cessionnaire des droits, a souvent recours aux usages et se détourne ainsi du Code de la propriété intellectuelle. Ainsi, un droit parallèle des contrats d’auteur s’est progressivement mis en place. Devant l’échec du formalisme et sa mise à l’écart par la pratique, le législateur a dû réagir : il a choisi la voie de la réforme (très incomplète et imparfaite) en introduisant dans la loi quelques exceptions au formalisme. Le juge quant à lui semble finalement hésiter sur la démarche à suivre. A côté du mouvement très formaliste qui existe en jurisprudence, un autre courant, plus récent est à noter : certains juges décident de faire de l’interprétation du contrat la pièce maitresse de leur intervention pour faire reculer le formalisme. Ces magistrats, bien plus en phase avec la pensée de Flour, semblent nous indiquer la solution aux effets pervers du formalisme. / The Code of Intellectual Property is dedicated to the protection of authors. On contractual grounds, this translates into a significant formality surrounding the transfer of copyright. Thus, the author's contract must be in writing, must detail the contents of the transfer, and specify the remuneration of the author. The legislature's objective, using the formalism, is trying to protect the weaker party (the author), to better inform, and restore some balance within the contract. Studying the material quickly reveals the failure of formalism in that the device is useless and ineffective. Worse, it creates many negative effects, which only encourages one to doubt the validity of the choice of the legislature. Even more so, since it is not possible in such a matter, to rely on moderating the role of judge Flour who described: in copyright law, the judge is very demanding with regard to formalistic compliance and sometimes goes beyond the spirit of the text. The judge did not relax the formalism; he has made it more rigid. When faced with complicated and demanding copyright, the professional, the contractor of the author and assignee of rights, often resorts to the practices and so turns away from the Code of Intellectual Property. Thus, a parallel right of copyright agreements is gradually implemented. Confronted with the failure of formalism and sidelining the practice, the legislature had to react: he chose the path of reform (very incomplete and imperfect) by introducing into the law some exceptions in the formalism. The Judge, meanwhile, seems ultimately unsure of how to proceed. Aside from the movement’s very formalistic jurisprudence, on another more recent note: some judges decide to make the interpretation of the contract the centerpiece of their intervention in order to turn back the formalism. These magistrates, more in line with Flour’s thinking, seem to indicate the solution of the perverse effects of formalism.

Críticas às exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação no processo penal brasileiro e análise de jurisprudência após a reforma da lei 11.690/08 / Criticism of the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process and cases law analysis after law reform 11.690/08.

Takayanagi, Fabiano Yuji 25 July 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar as exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação incorporadas no processo penal brasileiro pela Lei 11.690/08, especificamente no artigo 157 e seus parágrafos. A inovação dada pela Reforma trouxe mudanças significativas e benéficas, porém, ao mesmo tempo, em determinados pontos, apresentou confusa redação a ponto de se questionar sua constitucionalidade. Para tanto, o caminho neste estudo escolhido perpassa pelo conhecimento da importância das provas no processo penal, a limitação do direito à prova pela ilicitude, a teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova, as teorias estadunidenses das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação que foram adotadas pelo legislador infraconstitucional brasileiro, bem como a comprovação de aplicabilidade em outros países. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se construir uma estruturação para melhor possibilitar a definição da interpretação do inciso LVI, artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal, como regra pela teoria dos princípios, cuja Reforma seguiu plenamente na adoção da teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova e das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação. Por fim, essa consolidação de conceitos serve de base para análise das decisões dos Tribunais quando se referem às exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação, chegando-se à conclusão de que existe uma interpretação deficitária e diversa da raiz estadunidense. / The present work analyze the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process incorporated by Law 11.690/08, specifically in article 157 and its paragraphs. The innovation given by the Reformation brought significant and beneficial changes, but at the same time, at certain points, the confusing writing presented allows us to question its constitutionality. For that, the path chosen in this study moves through the evidence importance knowledge in criminal proceedings, the limitation of the right to proof by illegality, unlawfulness broad theory of evidence, the American theories of fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions that were adopted by Brazilian in ordinary legislation, as well as its applicability in other countries. Thus, from these subsidies, we aim to build a structure to allow the definition of the interpretation of section LVI, Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, as a rule by the \"theory of principles\" whose reform has fully followed the adoption of the broad theory of unlawfulness of evidence and fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions. Finally, this consolidation of concepts is the basis for analysis of the decisions´ Courts when referring to fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions, coming to the conclusion that there is a deficit and misguided interpretation of American roots concepts.

Expression de la dynamique du discours à l'aide de continuations / Expressing Discourse Dynamics Through Continuations

Lebedeva, Ekaterina 06 April 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse développe un formalisme théorique pour la sémantique du discours. Il s'appuie sur l'extension des grammaires de Montague, sur la notion de continuation et sur les mécanismes de levée et de traitement des exceptions. Le formalisme permet de traiter des phénomènes dynamiques tels que les anaphores d'une phrase à l'autre, les présuppositions déclenchées par des référents et les projections présuppositions. / This thesis develops a theoretical formalism that takes into account semantical discourse dynamics. It focuses on the extension of Montague semantic with the notion of continuation and an exception handling and raising mechanism. The formalism allows to handle dynamic phenomena such as cross-sentential anaphora, presuppositions triggered by referring expressions and presupposition projection.

Críticas às exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação no processo penal brasileiro e análise de jurisprudência após a reforma da lei 11.690/08 / Criticism of the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process and cases law analysis after law reform 11.690/08.

Fabiano Yuji Takayanagi 25 July 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central analisar as exceções legais às provas ilícitas por derivação incorporadas no processo penal brasileiro pela Lei 11.690/08, especificamente no artigo 157 e seus parágrafos. A inovação dada pela Reforma trouxe mudanças significativas e benéficas, porém, ao mesmo tempo, em determinados pontos, apresentou confusa redação a ponto de se questionar sua constitucionalidade. Para tanto, o caminho neste estudo escolhido perpassa pelo conhecimento da importância das provas no processo penal, a limitação do direito à prova pela ilicitude, a teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova, as teorias estadunidenses das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação que foram adotadas pelo legislador infraconstitucional brasileiro, bem como a comprovação de aplicabilidade em outros países. Assim, a partir desses subsídios, almeja-se construir uma estruturação para melhor possibilitar a definição da interpretação do inciso LVI, artigo 5º, da Constituição Federal, como regra pela teoria dos princípios, cuja Reforma seguiu plenamente na adoção da teoria ampla da ilicitude da prova e das exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação. Por fim, essa consolidação de conceitos serve de base para análise das decisões dos Tribunais quando se referem às exceções às provas ilícitas por derivação, chegando-se à conclusão de que existe uma interpretação deficitária e diversa da raiz estadunidense. / The present work analyze the legal exceptions of fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine evidences in the criminal justice process incorporated by Law 11.690/08, specifically in article 157 and its paragraphs. The innovation given by the Reformation brought significant and beneficial changes, but at the same time, at certain points, the confusing writing presented allows us to question its constitutionality. For that, the path chosen in this study moves through the evidence importance knowledge in criminal proceedings, the limitation of the right to proof by illegality, unlawfulness broad theory of evidence, the American theories of fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions that were adopted by Brazilian in ordinary legislation, as well as its applicability in other countries. Thus, from these subsidies, we aim to build a structure to allow the definition of the interpretation of section LVI, Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, as a rule by the \"theory of principles\" whose reform has fully followed the adoption of the broad theory of unlawfulness of evidence and fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions. Finally, this consolidation of concepts is the basis for analysis of the decisions´ Courts when referring to fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exceptions, coming to the conclusion that there is a deficit and misguided interpretation of American roots concepts.

La justification du droit d'auteur dans l'environnement numérique

Torrijos Alföldi, Éléna 10 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (L.L.M.) option Technologies de l'information" / Les progrès techniques qui caractérisent la révolution numérique modifient les rapports au sein de la société. Elle est sans conteste à la base d'une profonde modification du caractère de la création artistique. L'avènement de nouveaux moyens de communication de masse tels que l'Internet permettent la diffusion des oeuvres et cela sans frontières géo-temporelles. À ce contexte se superposent des prouesses techniques défiant les rêves les plus irréels. Le droit d'auteur se trouve confronté aux nouvelles techniques qui s'améliorent sans cesse. En réponse à cela, la gestion numérique des droits est apparue en tant que solution la plus appropriée: la technologie venant contrer à son tour la technologie. Cette approche a nécessairement influencé les initiatives législatives menant ainsi à une refonte du cadre légal tant en Amérique du Nord qu'en Europe. La récente vague de lois a-t-elle eu pour effet de modifier la conception du droit d'auteur ? Le droit d'auteur apparaît alors tel un instrument permettant la métamorphose économique du droit d'auteur. Le droit d'auteur se perd et se dissout non seulement par l'influence croisée avec le copyright mais notamment par la prolifération des droits au profit de personnes non auteur. Face à un tel constat, il est primordial de s'interroger sur l'opportunité économique que procure le droit d'auteur. Toutes ces réformes n'ont-elles pas eu lieu pour des enjeux financiers ? L'analyse économique s'avère indispensable afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure le droit des marchés s'en trouve affecté. Au regard de l'analyse économique, est-il possible de rendre la loi pour la protection du droit d'auteur plus optimale? En tant que propriété utile et vouée à circuler, une logique d'investissement semble dominer. Le cas de l'industrie musicale est une bonne illustration. Avec la construction d'un marché du téléchargement légal, la concurrence s'ouvre et amorce l'avènement d'un nouveau modèle d'exploitation des oeuvres. / The technical advances characterising the digital revolution do modify relations within society. This revolution is without dispute the basis of a complete change in the character of artistic creation. The arrivaI of new mass media such as the Internet allows works of art to be spread regardless of space and time boundaries. Technical miracles defying even the most unrealistic dreams are added to this context. Authors' rights are confronted to new technologies which are continually changing. In response to this, digital rights management has appeared as the most appropriate solution: it is a case of technology confronting technology. This approach has necessarily influenced legislative initiatives and led to an overhaul of the legal framework in North America as weIl as in Europe. Ras this recent wave of laws changed the conception of authors' rights? Authors' rights thus appear as an instrument for the economic metamorphosis of authors' rights. Authors' rights become lost and dissolve not only through cross influence with copyright but particularly through the proliferation of rights for the benefit of persons other than authors. In the face of such an acknowledgement, it is of the utmost importance to look into the economical opportunity offered by authors' rights. Raven't aIl these reforms been implemented for a financial stake? An economical analysis becomes essential in order to determine to what extent market law is affected. Is it possible, in regard to the economical analysis, to optimize the law for the protection of authors' rights? As useful property destined to circulate, the logic of investment appears to dominate. The case of the music industry is a prime example: as the competition opens up, a new mode! for the exploitation ofworks of art is initiated.

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