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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da fluência verbal em categorias múltiplas no comprometimento cognitivo leve / Study of verbal fluency in multiple categories in mild cognitive impairment

Roberta Massariolli Mirandez 26 February 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A queixa de dificuldades cognitivas, especialmente de memória, é frequente entre idosos e, no envelhecimento normal, pode ocorrer um declínio mensurável da memória, que não acarreta declínio funcional significativo. Levando-se em conta que o comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) pode representar um estágio transicional entre o envelhecimento saudável e a doença de Alzheimer (DA), o estudo das alterações de linguagem no CCL procura comparar os déficits descritos em ambos, com o intuito de detectar prejuízos que possam auxiliar na identificação precoce de indivíduos com declínio cognitivo que apresentem maior risco de conversão para demência. OBJETIVOS: Verificar o padrão de desempenho de pacientes com CCL em testes de fluência verbal (FV) semântica (frutas, animais, meios de transporte), FAS-COWA (fluência fonológica) e fluência de verbos; determinar qual categoria de FV dentre as estudadas permite a melhor discriminação entre idosos cognitivamente saudáveis e CCL. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 67 idosos (37 cognitivamente saudáveis - controles - e 30 com CCL) por meio dos testes de FV descritos. O desempenho dos grupos nas provas de FV em função de intervalos de tempo (15, 30, 45 e 60 seg) foi também registrado. RESULTADOS: O grupo CCL apresentou pior desempenho em todas as tarefas de FV (p < 0,0001). As notas de corte obtidas para as diversas tarefas foram: 14 (animais), 12 (frutas e meios de transporte), 41 (fonológica) e 11 (verbos).As provas se mostraram equivalentes na diferenciação entre controles e CCL, com discreta superioridade para a fluência de animais, que classificou corretamente 73,9% dos indivíduos (p < 0,0001). Pacientes com CCL apresentaram desempenho inferior ao dos controles de forma consistente durante todo o período de cronometragem das provas; o número de palavras geradas decresceu progressivamente em cada quartil de tempo em todas as categorias de FV, em ambos os grupos (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com CCL apresentaram pior desempenho em todas as tarefas de FV, sendo a fluência de animais a mais acurada para a discriminação entre CCL e idosos cognitivamente saudáveis / INTRODUCTION: Complaints of cognitive difficulties, especially memory, are frequent among the elderly and, in normal aging, a measurable decline in memory, which does not cause significant functional decline may occur. Taking into account that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may represent a transitional stage between healthy aging and Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the study of language disorders in MCI seeks to compare deficits described in both groups, in order to detect impairments that may aid in the early identification of individuals with cognitive decline that pose a higher risk of conversion to dementia. OBJECTIVES: To verify the performance of MCI patients in semantic verbal fluency (VF) tasks (fruits, animals, means of transportation), FAS - COWA (phonological fluency) and verb fluency; to determine which category of VF among those studied allows better discrimination between cognitively healthy elderly and MCI. METHOD: Sixty-seven elderly were evaluated through the above-described VF tasks (37 cognitively healthy elderly - controls - and 30 MCI patients). The performance of both groups in all VF tasks according to time intervals (15, 30, 45 and 60 sec).was also recorded. RESULTS: The MCI group performed worse than controls in all VF tasks (p < 0,0001). The cut off scores for the different VF tasks were: 14 (animals), 12 (fruits and means of transportation), 41 (phonological), and 11 (verbs). All tasks were equivalent in the discrimination between controls and MCI, being the animal fluency slightly superior in accuracy (correct classification: 73.9% of subjects, p < 0.0001). The MCI group exhibited worse performance in all time intervals; the number of generated words decreased progressively for each quartile of time in all VF categories in both groups (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: MCI patients performed worse than controls n all proposed VF tasks. Animal fluency was the most accurate to discriminate MCI patients from cognitively healthy elderly

A relação entre aspectos cognitivos e aspectos motores em pacientes com doença de Parkinson / The relationship between cognitive aspects and motor aspects in patients with Parkinson\'s disease

Carolina de Oliveira Souza 18 July 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos recentes mostram que fatores cognitivos podem estar relacionados ao desempenho motor em pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP). Aspectos motores, como o equilíbrio e a marcha, e aspectos cognitivos (função executiva) podem ser usados para estimar o risco de quedas, que são causadas tanto por instabilidade postural, quanto por disfunções executivas em pacientes com DP. Entretanto, a correlação entre escolaridade, função executiva, equilíbrio estático, equilíbrio dinâmico e marcha permanece pouco explorada. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se há correlação entre variáveis cognitivas (escolaridade, função executiva) e motoras (Escala de Berg, MiniBESTest, Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), TUG Dupla Tarefa (DT), UPDRS - III, posturografias estática e dinâmica) em pacientes com DP. MÉTODOS: Setenta e um pacientes com DP participaram deste estudo. Os participantes relataram seu tempo de estudo formal. Para a avaliação da função cognitiva dos participantes, foram usandos o Trail Making Test e o teste de Fluência Verbal. A avaliação do equilíbrio funcional foi realizada por meio da Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg e do MiniBESTest. A avaliação da marcha foi realizada com o TUG e TUG DT. A posturografia estática foi utilizada para quantificar os deslocamentos do centro de pressão (COP), como medida de equilíbrio estático. A posturografia dinâmica permitiu avaliar o controle postural, enquanto os participantes fizeram algumas tarefas que exigiam equilíbrio. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson indicaram que houve correlações moderadas entre a escolaridade e aspectos motores (todas as escalas clínicas de equilíbrio e marcha). Houve correlação moderada entre função executiva e aspectos motores (ambas as escalas clínicas de equilíbrio). Houve correlação moderada entre a posturografia dinâmica e o TUG e TUG DT. CONCLUSÃO: Houve correlação entre aspectos cognitivos (escolaridade, função executiva) e motores (Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg, MiniBESTest, TUG, TUG DT e UPDRS - III) nos pacientes com DP. Apenas a posturografia dinâmica esteve correlacionada com os testes clínicos / BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that cognitive factors can be related to motor performance in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). Motor aspects, such as balance and gait and cognitive aspects (executive function) can be used to estimate the risk of falls, which are caused by postural instability and executive dysfunction in patients with PD. However, the correlation between educational status, executive function, static balance, dynamic balance and gait remains poorly explored. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to verify if there would be correlation between cognitive variables (educational status, executive function) and motor variables (Berg balance scale, MiniBESTest, Timed Up and Go (TUG) TUG dual task (DT), UDPRS - III, static and dynamic posturography) in patients with PD. METHODS: Seventy patients with PD participated in this study. Participants reported their time of formal education. They were assessed with Trail Making Test and verbal fluency test (cognitive assessment). Fuctional balance evaluation was performed by Berg balance scale, MiniBESTest and UPDRS- III. Gait was assessed with TUG, and TUG DT. Static posturography was used to quantify the center of pressure displacement (CoP). RESULTS: Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that there were moderate correlations between education and motor aspects (all balance and gait clinical scales). There was moderate correlation between executive function and motor aspects (both clinical balance scales). There was moderate correlation between verbal fluency and balance (balance scales and dynamic posturography). CONCLUSION: There was correlation between cognitive (education, executive function) and motor aspects (Berg balance scale, MiniBESTest, TUG, TUG DT and UDPDS- III), in patients with PD. Only dynamic posturography was correlated to clinical balance tests

Teste de desempenho da função executiva: adaptação transcultural, avaliação das propriedades psicométricas e validade de constructo em indivíduos com acidente vascular cerebral / Executive function performance test: transcultural adaptation, assessment of psychometric properties and constructo validity in individuals with stroke

Juliana Conti 10 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As alterações cognitivas ocorrem em 30 a 55% dos indivíduos com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e contribuem significativamente para a dependência funcional. Dentre as alterações cognitivas, a disfunção executiva ocorre em 18,5%a 39% dos casos. Quando o sujeito apresenta uma melhora funcional, consequentemente apresentará um ganho na qualidade de vida. Para o planejamento da reabilitação, é necessária uma avaliação adequada da disfunção executiva. Não há instrumentos de avaliação de disfunção executiva em língua portuguesa que tenham sido validados para serem aplicados a indivíduos com AVC por terapeutas ocupacionais no Brasil. O Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva (TDFE) foi desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos por terapeutas ocupacionais, com o objetivo de avaliar a necessidade de auxílio para desempenhar quatro tarefas básicas do cotidiano: preparar uma refeição rápida, fazer uma ligação telefônica, tomar a medicação prescrita e pagar duas contas de consumo. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: (1) realizar a adaptação transcultural e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas (consistência interna, confiabilidade teste e reteste e inter examinador) da versão brasileira do Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva em indivíduos com AVC; (2) avaliar a validade de constructo do Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva; (3) avaliar a relação entre a pontuação no Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva em indivíduos com AVC e variáveis demográficas, localização da lesão, sintomas de ansiedade e depressão. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no Laboratório de Neuroestimulação da Divisão de Clínica Neurológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram avaliados 86 indivíduos com AVC entre 02/05/2013 e 06/05/2016. A consistência interna foi avaliada pelo alfa de Cronbach. As confiabilidades inter e teste e reteste foram avaliadas pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI). Para avaliação da validade de constructo foi calculado coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre a pontuação no Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva e desempenhos em outros instrumentos de avaliação de função executiva, assim como de escalas de comprometimento das estruturas do corpo, atividade e participação. RESULTADOS: O alfa de Cronbach calculado para a escala foi de 0,819. O CCI para avaliação da confiabilidade teste e reteste foi de 0,435 (intervalo de confiança, 0, 096 -0,684). O CCI para avaliação da confiabilidade inter examinador foi 0,855 (intervalo de confiança, 0,516 - 0,855). A pontuação no Teste de Desempenho da Função Executiva apresentou correlações estatisticamente significativas com as seguintes escalas: Fluência Verbal, rho=-0,452 (p=0,001); Teste do Relógio, rho=-0,324 (p=0,002); Teste de Extensão de Dígitos Diretos, rho=-0,219 (p=0,042); Teste de Extensão de Dígitos Inversos, rho=-0,324 (p=0,002), Teste do Mapa do Zoológico, rho=-0,388 (p=0,001); teste Modificado dos Seis Elementos, r=-0,463 (p=0,001); Mini Exame do Estado Mental, rho=-0,352 (p=0,001); Memória Incidental (Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo), rho=-0,252 (p=0,019);Memória Imediata 1 (Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo), rho=-0,308 (p=0,004); Memória tardia (Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo), r=-0,239 (p=0,027); Questionário de Atividades Funcionais de Pfeffer, rho=0,420 (p=0,001); e escala de Lawton & Brody rho=-0,313 (p=0,003).CONCLUSÃO: o TDFE pode ser considerado como uma escala confiável e adequada avaliar a função executiva em pacientes com AVC / INTRODUCTION: Cognitive impairments occur in 30-55% of patients with stroke and contribute significantly to functional dependence. Executive dysfunction occurs in 18.5% to 39% of patients who present cognitive impairments. Occupational therapy aims to facilitate independence and autonomy, hence improving quality of life. Adequate assessment of executive dysfunction is required in order to plan rehabilitation. There is a lack of validated tools that occupational therapists can use to assess executive dysfunction in individuals with stroke in Brazil. The Executive Function Performance Test was developed in the United States by occupational therapists, in order to assess the need for assistance to perform four basic daily tasks: prepare a quick meal, make a phone call, take the prescribed medication and pay two utility bills. The objectives of this work are to: (1) perform the cross-cultural adaptation and evaluate the psychometric properties (internal consistency, intra and inter rater reliabilities) of the Brazilian version of the Executive Function Performance Test in patients with stroke; (2) evaluate the construct validity of the Executive Function Performance Test; (3) evaluate the relation between scores in the Executive Function Performance Test in patients with stroke and demographic variables, location of the lesion, symptoms of anxiety and depression. METHODS: The study was conducted at the Neurostimulation Laboratory of the Clinical Neurology Division at Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo University. We evaluated 86 patients with stroke between 02/05/2013 and 06/05/2016. Internal Consistency was assessed by Cronbach\'s alpha. The inter- and intra rater reliabilities were assessed by Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC). Construct validity was evaluated by correlations between scores in the Executive Function Performance test and scores in other tools used for assessment of executive function, cognitive screening, scales of body structures impairments, participation and activity as well as instrumental activities of daily living. Spearman correlation coefficients were used to assess these correlations. RESULTS: The scale´s Cronbach\'s alpha was 0.819. The ICC for assessment of intra rater reliability was 0.435 (confidence interval, 0.096 -0.684). The ICC for assessment of intra examiner reliability was 0.855 (confidence interval, 0.516 to 0.855). There were statistically significant correlations between scores in the Executive Function Performance Test and the following scales: Verbal Fluency, rho = -0.452 (p = 0.001); Clock Test, rho = -0.324 (p = 0.002); Digit Span test (forward), rho = -0.219 (p = 0.042); Digit Span test (backwards) rho = -0.324 (p = 0.002); Zoo map test, r = -0.388 (p = 0.001); Modified Six elements test, rho = -0.463 (p = 0.001); Mini Mental State Examination, rho = -0.352 (p = 0.001); Incidental memory (Brief Cognitive Battery), rho = -0.252 (p = 0.019); Immediate memory 1 (Brief Cognitive Battery), rho = -0.308 (p = 0.004); Delayed memory (Brief Cognitive Battery), rho = -0.239 (p = 0.027); Functional Activities Questionnaire (Pfeffer), rho = 0.420 (p = 0.001); and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale rho = -0.313 (p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: EFPT-BR is a valid and reliable tool for Occupational Therapists to evaluate the executive dysfunction in daily routine tasks in patients with stroke in Brazil

Função executiva e desempenho em leitura em crianças do ensino fundamental

Mansur-Lisboa, Stella Fernandes 22 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-07T14:45:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 stellafernandesmansurlisboa.pdf: 669260 bytes, checksum: d37b061167e3674caf10ce164a39e074 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T03:51:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 stellafernandesmansurlisboa.pdf: 669260 bytes, checksum: d37b061167e3674caf10ce164a39e074 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T03:51:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 stellafernandesmansurlisboa.pdf: 669260 bytes, checksum: d37b061167e3674caf10ce164a39e074 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / A leitura envolve vários processos, que vão da decodificação das letras até a compreensão do texto. Estudos têm buscado identificar os processos que contribuem para a leitura, dentre eles a função executiva (FE), que é o conjunto de habilidades que permitem direcionar o comportamento. Para analisar a relação entre FE e leitura, foram realizados três estudos. O primeiro analisou a produção científica sobre a relação entre dificuldade de leitura (DL) e FE. Observou-se que essa relação ainda é controvertida, existindo tanto pesquisas que a corroboraram quanto aquelas que não observaram tal associação. O segundo avaliou o desempenho em leitura de alunos do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental, associando-o ao resultado da escola em um sistema estadual de avaliação de alfabetização. Eles foram divididos em grupo com DL, grupo médio e com Talento em Leitura (TL). Observou-se um número preocupante de alunos com DL, denotando fracasso das escolas em alfabetizar esses alunos. Porém, observou-se que o TL se manifesta até mesmo em escolas com qualidade de ensino baixa. O terceiro comparou o desempenho em FE desses três grupos. Não foram encontradas associações entre as variáveis. As implicações e limitações dessas pesquisas são discutidas. / Reading involves several processes, ranging from decoding the letters to text comprehension. Studies have sought to identify the processes that contribute to reading, including the Executive Function (EF), which is the set of skills that allow behavior directioning. Three studies were conducted to analyze the relationship between EF and reading. The first one, analyzed the scientific literature looking for the relationship between Reading Disability (RD) and EF. It was observed that this relation is still controversial, i.e. there are researches that corroborated it and others which have not observed such association. The second one assessed the reading performance of students in the 2nd year of elementary school, associating it with the result of the school in a statewide literacy assessment system. The students were divided into a group with reading disability (RD), an intermediate group and a Talent in Reading (TR) group. A disturbing number of students with RD was noted, denoting failure of the schools in alphabetizing these students. However, it was observed that TR manifests itself even in schools with low quality teaching. The third study compared the performance of these three groups in EF. No associations were found between the variables. The implications and limitations of this research are discussed.

Relação entre memória de trabalho e compreensão da leitura: um estudo teórico

Faria, Elaine Leporate Barroso 15 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-13T19:36:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 elaineleporatebarrosofaria.pdf: 477711 bytes, checksum: bac054ff6e9a740be7167c1ace7640f8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-26T20:16:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 elaineleporatebarrosofaria.pdf: 477711 bytes, checksum: bac054ff6e9a740be7167c1ace7640f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-26T20:16:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elaineleporatebarrosofaria.pdf: 477711 bytes, checksum: bac054ff6e9a740be7167c1ace7640f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / Este estudo apresenta considerações sobre a memória de trabalho, componente da função executiva, e os possíveis impactos no processo de aprendizagem, partindo dos pressupostos teóricos da neuropsicologia cognitiva. Discutimos, também, a relação entre a memória de trabalho e o desempenho dos leitores em tarefas de compreensão de textos escritos. Os objetivos visam compreender como a memória de trabalho se relaciona com o processo de aprendizagem, para se tentar explicar o porquê dos déficits na memória de trabalho poderem causar prejuízo no desempenho de tarefas cognitivas e, também, investigar a relação entre memória de trabalho e compreensão da leitura através da identificação dos fundamentos teóricos que sustentam a hipótese de que a memória de trabalho esteja associada com habilidades de compreensão da leitura. Estudos sugerem que as dificuldades de aprendizagem enfrentadas por algumas crianças estejam relacionadas com a sobrecarga na memória de trabalho o que pode comprometer o desempenho em atividades cognitivas diárias tais como as atividades rotineiras de sala de aula. Os recursos da memória de trabalho parecem afetar a capacidade individual para realizar muitos dos processos associados com a construção da representação de texto, como os processos de integração e inferência. Falhas em variáveis de processamento e conhecimento podem levar a dificuldades de compreensão abrangendo processamento lexical ineficiente, prejuízo na habilidade de inferência e na capacidade de monitoramento da compreensão, além de limitações da memória de trabalho. / This study presents considerations on the working memory component of the brain executive function, and the possible impacts on the learning process, starting from the theoretical assumptions of cognitive neuropsychology. We also discuss the relation between working memory and the readers‟ performance on written texts comprehension tasks. The objectives aim to understand how working memory relates to the learning process, in order to try to explain why the deficits in working memory can impair the performance of cognitive tasks and also, investigate the relation among working memory and reading comprehension by identifying the theoretical foundation that supports the hypothesis that the working memory is associated to abilities of reading comprehension. Studies suggest that the learning difficulties faced by some children are related with the overload on working memory which can impair performance in cognitive activities such as daily routine activities of the classroom. The resources of working memory seem to affect the individual ability to perform many of the associated processes with the construction of the text representation, such as the integration and inference processes. Failures in the processing variables and knowledge can lead to comprehension difficulties covering inefficient lexical processing, impaired ability of inference and the ability of comprehension monitoring beyond working memory limitations.

Aerobic fitness and healthy brain aging : cognition, brain structure, and dopamine / Aerobisk träning och hjärnans hälsosamma åldrande : kognition, hjärnstruktur och dopamin

Jonasson, Lars January 2017 (has links)
Background: Performing aerobic exercise and maintaining high levels of aerobic fitness may have positive effects on both brain structure and function in older adults. Despite decades of research however, there is still a rather poor understanding of the neurocognitive mechanisms explaining the positive effects of aerobic exercise on cognition. Changes in prefrontal gray matter as well as dopaminergic neurotransmission in striatum are both candidate neurocognitive mechanisms. The main aims of this thesis are: 1. To investigate the effects of aerobic exercise and fitness on cognition and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived gray matter volumes using data from a 6 month physical exercise intervention in older adults (Study I). 2. To simulate the effect of atrophy in longitudinal positron emission tomography (PET) which could pose a challenge to interpreting changes in longitudinal PET imaging (Study II). 3. To study the influence of aerobic exercise and fitness on the dopamine D2-receptor (D2R) system in striatum using [11C]raclopride PET as a potential mechanism for improved cognition (Study III). Results: In Study I, aerobic exercise was found to improve cognitive performance in a broad, rather than domain-specific sense. Moreover, aerobic fitness was related to prefrontal cortical thickness, and improved aerobic fitness over 6 months was related to increased hippocampal volume. In Study II, we identified areas in the striatum vulnerable to the effect of shrinkage, which should be considered in longitudinal PET imaging. Finally, in Study III, the effect of being aerobically fit, and improving fitness levels was found to impact dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatum, which in turn mediated fitness-induced improvements in working memory updating performance. Conclusion: The findings in this thesis provide novel evidence regarding the neurocognitive mechanisms of aerobic exercise-induced improvements in cognition, and impacts the interpretation of longitudinal PET imaging. Performing aerobic exercise and staying aerobically fit at an older age have positive effects on cognition and brain systems important for memory and cognition. Specifically, fitness-induced changes to the dopaminergic system stands out as one novel neurocognitive mechanism explaining the positive effects of aerobic fitness on working-memory performance in healthy older adults.

Influence of executive function on medication adherence in neurologically impaired and non-impaired elderly.

Zartman, Andrea Leigh 08 1900 (has links)
Medication non-compliance has become one of the most prevalent reasons for hospitalization and doctor's visits by the elderly. As the elderly population is more likely to have decreased cognitive abilities, it is suggested that neuropsychological factors, especially executive function, are more influential in medication non-compliance than once thought. This study looked at executive function performance on a traditional battery of neuropsychological tests, self-report of perceived ability to perform executive function tasks, and the newly developed Pillbox Test, a performance based IADL measure. The Pillbox Test is designed to replicate a type of medication-management specific IADL as a means to asses executive function. Standard executive function measures only tap a portion of executive function, but it is believed that the Pillbox Test incorporates all four theoretical domains of executive function. The multiple measures of executive function performance were compared in three prevalent subgroups of the elderly population (mixed neurological group, cardiac medical-control group, and healthy community-control group). Results found significant differences, where the community-control and cardiac groups outperformed the mixed neurological group on the large majority of executive function tasks. Smaller differences were also noted between the community-control and cardiac groups and between the cardiac and mixed neurological groups. Together, these findings provide support for the diagnostic prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in the older adult cardiac population. Results also indicated the level of executive dysfunction on standardized neuropsychological measures was highly correlated with performance on both the Pillbox Test and the IADL based Direct Assessment of Functional Status measure. Finally, the Pillbox Test has moderate to strong ecological validity with 75% sensitivity and 87.5% specificity for five or more errors on this test.

Programa de intervenção psicomotora para crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade - TDAH = Psychomotor intervention program for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD / Programa de intervenção psicomotora para crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade - TDAH

Carvalho, Mariana Coelho, 1987- 28 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Cintia Alves Salgado Azoni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T03:56:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho_MarianaCoelho_M.pdf: 4326973 bytes, checksum: 9e3d420b0e1ceeb561a2e2992442bd99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficácia de um programa de intervenção psicomotora em crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Especificamente o estudo comparou o desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo (atenção e funções executivas), pré e pós testagem, em crianças com TDAH submetidas ao programa de intervenção psicomotora; comparou o desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo (atenção e funções executivas), pré e pós testagem, em crianças com TDAH não submetidas ao programa de intervenção psicomotora; além da comparação do desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo de crianças com TDAH e crianças controle na avaliação pré e pós-testagem. Participaram do estudo 26 crianças do gênero masculino, sendo 14 com TDAH, divididas em grupo experimental I e II (GEI e GEII) e 12 com desenvolvimento típico agrupados no grupo controle (GC), com idade cronológica entre 07 e 11 anos (M=9,00) e cursando do 2º ao 6º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas e particulares. As crianças passaram por avaliação psicomotora e cognitiva. Os resultados deste estudo foram organizados em dois artigos, o primeiro referente ao desempenho psicomotor de crianças com TDAH e o segundo apresentando o efeito de um programa de intervenção psicomotora em crianças com TDAH. Os dados apresentados no primeiro artigo mostrou que as crianças com TDAH foram classificadas como "Eupráxico" 2(42,9%), 7(50%) "Dispráxico" e 1(7,1%) "Deficitário". Enquanto no grupo controle 11(91,7%) crianças foram classificadas como "Bom" e 1(8,3%) como "Superior". O desempenho psicomotor dos sujeitos com TDAH foi pior que do grupo controle em todas as áreas avaliadas. Os resultados sugerem que meninos com TDAH apresentam dificuldades psicomotoras que podem estar associadas a características do próprio quadro. A avaliação psicomotora pode favorecer o processo diagnóstico e de intervenção no TDAH. Os resultados apresentados no segundo artigo sugerem que a intervenção psicomotora foi eficiente para o tratamento de crianças com TDAH, uma vez que houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos escores de classificação do perfil psicomotor e nos testes de atenção e funções executivas. Além disso, houve melhora qualitativa, indicada pelo aumento das médias das funções de noção de corpo, equilibração, estruturação espaço temporal, praxia fina, lateralidade e tonicidade, respectivamente / Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a psychomotor intervention program for children with ADHD. Specifically, the study compared the psychomotor and cognitive performance (attention and executive functions), pre and post testing in children with ADHD, subject to psychomotor intervention program; He compared the psychomotor and cognitive performance (attention and executive functions), pre and post testing in children with ADHD not subject to psychomotor intervention program; beyond comparison psychomotor and cognitive performance of children with ADHD and control children in pre- and post-testing. The study included 26 male children, 14 with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), divided into experimental group I and II (GEI and GEII) and 12 with typical development grouped in the control group (CG), aged chronological between 7:11 years (M = 9.00) and attending the 2nd to 6th grade of elementary school of public and private schools. The children underwent cognitive psychomotor assessment and pre and post-intervention. The results of this study were divided into two articles, the first referring to the psychomotor performance of children with ADHD and the second showing the effect of a psychomotor intervention program for children with ADHD. The data presented in the first article showed that children with ADHD were classified as "Eupráxico" 2 (42.9%), 7 (50%) "dyspraxic" and 1 (7.1%) "Underfunded". While in the control group 11 (91.7%) children were classified as "good" and 1 (8.3%) and "Superior". Psychomotor performance of subjects with ADHD was worse than the control group in all areas assessed. The results suggest that children with ADHD have psychomotor problems that may be associated with the frame itself features. Psychomotor assessment may favor the diagnosis and intervention process in ADHD. The results presented in the second article suggested that psychomotor intervention is effective for treating children with ADHD, since there were statistically significant differences in scores of psychomotor profile classification and tests of attention and executive functions. In addition, there was a qualitative improvement, indicated by the increase in average body notion of functions, balancing, timeline structure, fine praxis, laterality and tone respectively / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestra em Ciências Médicas

Efeitos agudos do álcool em universitários, considerando o fracionamento de funções executivas

Mata, Mayara Silva da 10 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-17T18:50:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mayarasilvadamata.pdf: 1134340 bytes, checksum: c4c65cefb5b2804563f056ccd867cdfe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T15:09:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mayarasilvadamata.pdf: 1134340 bytes, checksum: c4c65cefb5b2804563f056ccd867cdfe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T15:09:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mayarasilvadamata.pdf: 1134340 bytes, checksum: c4c65cefb5b2804563f056ccd867cdfe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / O álcool elicia prejuízo em habilidades cognitivas, tais como as funções executivas (FE), que incluem vários constructos distinguíveis. Assim, o conhecimento dos efeitos agudos desta substância sobre os constructos das FE é necessário para melhor caracterizar seus potenciais efeitos cognitivos. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos agudos do álcool no desempenho de seis constructos eleitos das funções executivas (alternância, atualização, inibição, eficiência do acesso à memória de longo prazo, planejamento, dupla tarefa) em jovens saudáveis. Metodologia: Foram recrutados 45 indivíduos do sexo masculino com idades entre 18 e 30 anos que eram bebedores sociais. Eles foram alocados aleatoriamente em três grupos de 15 participantes: um grupo cuja dose de álcool era de 0,6 g/kg de peso; outro de 1,0 g/kg de peso; e o grupo placebo. Resultados: Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre grupos nos testes executivos. Discussão: Foram determinados os tamanhos de amostras necessários para a observação de efeitos de álcool nesta população, que foram em geral bastante elevados. Conclusão: O presente estudo foi pioneiro no Brasil no âmbito proposto e encontrou magnitudes de efeito de relevância clínica para os constructos: alternância, fluência semântica, inibição e atualização. / Alcohol (ethanol) elicits impairment in cognitive abilities such as executive functions (EF), which includes various separable constructs. Thus, knowledge of the acute effects of this substance on the constructs of EF is necessary to better characterize its potential cognitive effects. Objective: To investigate the acute effects of alcohol on performance of six elected constructs of executive functions (shifting, updating, inhibition, access to long-term memory, planning, dual-tasking) in young healthy individuals. Methods: we recruited 45 male subjects aged between 18 and 30 years who were social drinkers. They were randomly allocated to three groups of 15 participants: one group whose alcohol dose was 0.6 g / kg; another group whose dose was 1.0 g / kg; and the placebo group. Results: No group significant differences were found in the executive tests. Discussion: It was determined the sample size necessary to monitor the effects of alcohol in this population were generally quite high. Conclusion: The present study was pioneer in Brazil in the proposed framework and found effect magnitudes of clinical relevance for the constructs: shifting, semantic fluency, inhibition and updating.

Disadvantaged Preschool Children: Public Policy, Education Models, and Kindergarten Readiness

Byerson, Virginia H. 01 January 2019 (has links)
There is a high rate of academic failure among disadvantaged preschool and post preschool students in some school districts in Virginia, yet little is understood about the relationship between education models and academic performance among economically disadvantaged students (EDS). The problem explored is the absence of classroom exercises in pre and post preschools that capitalize on cognitive development to improve executive function (EF) and self-regulation (SR) skills. The purpose of this study is to understand if a change in current classroom practices impacts academic performance among low-income students. Narrative policy serves as a theoretical guide in this qualitative case study that focused on the perceptions of principals, teachers, and administrators regarding best practices for preschool and post-preschool students and, secondly, how teachers implement classroom exercises to capitalize on the development of executive function and self-regulation skills among economically disadvantaged students. All data were inductively coded and then subjected to a thematic analysis procedure and included archived school report cards, preschool enrollment, and semi structured interviews with 3 former teachers now serving as administrators who supervise classroom activities. Findings indicate that best practices for EDS were a responsive classroom approach to correct disruptive behavior while developing mental capacity and simultaneously capitalizing on exercises to improve EF and SR skills in a classroom environment. Implications of social change begin with the empowerment of students, teachers, and administrators. Policy recommendations for social change include mandating two years of high-quality preschool for EDS as well as pursuing policies supporting SR and EF skills.

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