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Conhecido, assenhoreado, criado e conduzido pelo SENHOR: um estudo exegético do Sl 139Nyékplola, Gbedey Mébounou 02 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-02 / This thesis is a study on Psalm 139. The principal aim of the research is to present the image of God transmitted by this poem and investigate how mankind, created and known by God can relate to his experience of faith with the struggle for survival in this world, marked by people who insist on injustice and violence due to their wickedness. In order to justify the research on psalm 139, the Hebrew text was chosen, since it is the language in which the text was originally composed. By so doing the guarantee of being close to the first meaning of the text is more assured. Particularly being a language that lays emphasis, on knowledge of other important parallels in the whole canon of the Scriptures, especially other writings (books) that form the Hebrew Bible. In the light of what has been stated above, the Hebrew Concordance of Old Testament has become the most important research tool. Always attentive to the literary-stylistic dimensions of Psalm 139, the study aims to describe the theological dimensions of this biblical prayer. The research progresses along the verses and stanzas that compose the poem, commenting word by word, sentence by sentence and stanza by stanza.
Psalm 139 meditates on human existence as determined by God. For someone who feels unjustly treated and threatened in his life. It is interesting to see from this biblical poem, the divine omniscience, omnipresence, divine omnipotence and God's creative act; God, the good shepherd and liberator. This religious perspective offers hope because at the long run GOD is aware of all life experience: being omniscient, powerful and the one who liberates mankind from all sort of danger and slavery / A presente dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o Salmo 139. O objetivo é, sobretudo, apresentar a imagem de Deus transmitida por este poema e investigar como o ser humano, conhecido por este Deus, pode conciliar sua experiência de fé com sua luta pela sobrevivência neste mundo, marcada pela injustiça e pela violência instauradas por quem insiste na impiedade e até nos crimes de sangue. A pesquisa justifica-se na medida em que é promovida uma leitura do texto hebraico do Salmo 139, língua em que o texto originalmente foi composto. Assim, a aproximação ao sentido primeiro do texto é mais garantida, em especial, por ocorrer uma leitura que insiste no conhecimento dos importantes paralelismos em todo o cânon das Sagradas Escrituras, em especial, nos escritos que formam a Bíblia Hebraica. Desta forma, a Concordância tornou-se o instrumento de pesquisa mais importante. Sempre atento às dimensões literário-estilísticas do Salmo 139, o estudo se propõe a descrever as dimensões teológicas desta oração bíblica. A pesquisa avança junto aos versículos e às estrofes que compõem o poema, comentando palavra por palavra, frase por frase e estrofe por estrofe.
O Salmo 139 medita sobre a existência humana enquanto determinada por Deus. Impressiona imaginar, junto ao poema bíblico, a onisciência divina, a onipresença divina, a onipotência criadora de Deus e o agir do Deus libertador e pastor. Para quem se sente injustiçado e ameaçado em sua sobrevivência, esta perspectiva religiosa oferece esperança, pois, finalmente, toda a realidade é ligada a um Deus conhecedor, potente e libertador
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Godliness unveiled : William Guild, biblical types, and Reformed Protestantism in Early Modern ScotlandNewton, Russell William Dennis January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines how biblical typology was used in early modern Scotland. It focuses on the works of the Aberdonian minister and theologian, William Guild (1586–1657), who was one of the most prominent seventeenth-‐century typological exegetes. His handbook, Moses Unvailed (1620), has been repeatedly noted as one of the key works in the development of Protestant typology. Yet his typological exegesis has not been properly explored. Indeed, detailed analysis of Guild’s life and works has been lacking. This study seeks to address those issues. Chapter One offers an updated biography of Guild, focusing on his intellectual development and religious involvement. Chapter Two provides the first detailed study of the theological influences on, and beliefs undergirding, Moses Unvailed, showing that Guild’s typological exegesis became more Christocentric in the period between 1608 and 1620. Chapters Three and Four explore the varied uses of typology in Guild’s sermons, biblical study aids, polemical works, and political treatises, drawing comparisons with his Scottish contemporaries. Chapter Three examines how typology was used in works addressed to godly audiences, while Chapter Four focuses on how typology was used in works aimed at theological opponents and political authorities. These chapters suggest that typology was consistently used – either directly or indirectly – to edify Reformed Protestants. Chapter Five turns to Guild’s commentaries to consider how typology related to allegorical, moral, and prophetic exegesis. This chapter argues that while typology was rarely Guild’s primary interpretative approach it still served vital functions in allowing him to reinforce, clarify, and expand his expositions. This thesis provides the first study of early modern typology in a Scottish context and also represents the most detailed engagement with Guild’s works to date. It challenges the divisions that have been drawn by scholars between different applications of typology and argues that Guild’s distinction between types and comparisons offers a more helpful way of understanding the varied uses of typology in early modern Scotland. From this analysis a clearer understanding of the functions of typology for early modern exegetes emerges. This thesis argues that while, for Guild and his contemporaries, typology served to demonstrate how the Old Testament reveals Christ, they were frequently drawn to this approach because it also gave them a biblically and providentially grounded means of articulating their vision of Protestant godliness.
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Les humanistes français face aux crises du début du XVe siècle / French humanists face up with critical times at the beginning of the XVth centuryJollivet, Lucie 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le royaume de France connaît durant la première moitié du XVe siècle une série de crises qui affectent l’ensemble de la société et engendrent un profond bouleversement. Alors que les humanistes français livrent déjà une âpre bataille philologique et littéraire contre leurs adversaires italiens, pour exercer le leadership culturel de l’Europe, ils élaborent en parallèle un projet de société, afin de guérir cette dernière des maux qui l’accablent. L’enjeu de notre recherche réside donc dans l’identification du projet humaniste français et de ses ténors, en croisant sources « littéraires » et données historiques, ce qui permet de réviser la vision actuelle de l’humanisme.Dans un ensemble d’oeuvres à première vue hétérogène et dont certaines sont encore inédites, allant du poème à l’exégèse biblique, Pierre d’Ailly, Nicolas de Clamanges, Jean Gerson et Alain Chartier, qui exercent des fonctions très différentes, expriment le même amour de la patrie. Un à un, les fauteurs de crise sont dénoncés, les péchés de chacun révélés, le diagnostic établi. Pour mener leur tâche à bien, les auteurs usent de tout leur talent, de larges connaissances et surtout de méthodes critiques qu’ils veulent rationnelles afin d’éclairer des textes parfois obscurs et controversés. Sur cette base, ils esquissent les contours d’un monde rénové par la réactualisation du pacte conclu avec Dieu, condition indispensable du retour à la paix. Alors, les pouvoirs spirituel et temporel pourront restaurer le droit en mettant sur pied une norme plus rigoureuse, en particulier en matière d’homicide. Les chrétiens évoluant ainsi dans un monde où règneront la concorde et la justice pourront enfin accéder au bonheur / Le royaume de France connaît durant la première moitié du XVe siècle une série de crises qui affectent l’ensemble de la société et engendrent un profond bouleversement. Alors que les humanistes français livrent déjà une âpre bataille philologique et littéraire contre leurs adversaires italiens, pour exercer le leadership culturel de l’Europe, ils élaborent en parallèle un projet de société, afin de guérir cette dernière des maux qui l’accablent. L’enjeu de notre recherche réside donc dans l’identification du projet humaniste français et de ses ténors, en croisant sources « littéraires » et données historiques, ce qui permet de réviser la vision actuelle de l’humanisme.Dans un ensemble d’oeuvres à première vue hétérogène et dont certaines sont encore inédites, allant du poème à l’exégèse biblique, Pierre d’Ailly, Nicolas de Clamanges, Jean Gerson et Alain Chartier, qui exercent des fonctions très différentes, expriment le même amour de la patrie. Un à un, les fauteurs de crise sont dénoncés, les péchés de chacun révélés, le diagnostic établi. Pour mener leur tâche à bien, les auteurs usent de tout leur talent, de larges connaissances et surtout de méthodes critiques qu’ils veulent rationnelles afin d’éclairer des textes parfois obscurs et controversés. Sur cette base, ils esquissent les contours d’un monde rénové par la réactualisation du pacte conclu avec Dieu, condition indispensable du retour à la paix. Alors, les pouvoirs spirituel et temporel pourront restaurer le droit en mettant sur pied une norme plus rigoureuse, en particulier en matière d’homicide. Les chrétiens évoluant ainsi dans un monde où règneront la concorde et la justice pourront enfin accéder au bonheur
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Žalm 118. Výklad a interpretace biblického textu / Psalm 118: Exegesis and InterpretationŠenkyřík, Jáchym January 2017 (has links)
The thesis Psalm 118: Exegesis and Interpretation deals with the exegesis of a biblical text Psalm 118 (LXX 117). It approaches the psalm from various perspectives (both synchronic and diachronic) and giving compact exegesis. Thus the first focus of the thesis is the text itself, its different variants and its conceivable translation. Then, there is the stylistic-poetic analysis showing stylistic and poetic elements and also the connections between expressions of the psalm. Thus it is possible to understand the logic flow of the text, its structure. Then the thesis determines the genre of the psalm in order to make clear in what way and form the psalm expresses itself. Thanks to that it is possible to do more elaborate exegesis of several motives and poetic images that can be found in the text. Another perspective of the exegesis of the psalm is to consider its musical denotation. Next part is concerned by how the text fits within the context of the Psalter and the Hebrew bible and also the outline of its basic ways in its history of influence.
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Sexualitetens olika former och användningsområden i ett antikt : perspektiv med fokus på grekisk-romersk homoerotik / Sexual function and practice in classical Antiquity with special regard to Greco-Roman homoeroticismÅkermo, Per-Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>I och med debatten om huruvida äktenskap för homosexuella ska bli en verklighet i dagens samhälle har frågan om sexuell läggning kommit att bli central. Ofta handlar det om människor med en religiös grunduppfattning som debatterar om rätt och fel, naturlig och onaturlig sexualitet. Ofta används nytestamentliga citat hämtade speciellt från aposteln Paulus, men frågan är om hans syn på sexualiteten är densamma som vår? När vi närmar oss dessa texter måste vi vara medvetna om den tidens syn på sexualiteten. Detta för att vi inte ska applicera vår förförståelse av sexualitet på en text som skrivits i en annan tid. I den här uppsatsen vill jag försöka ge en glimt av hur man i den dåtida grekisk-romerska kulturen kan ha sett på sexualiteten i dess kroppsliga och sociala uttrycksformer och funktioner. Detta för att lyfta fram vikten av att placera antika texter som till exempel de skrivna av Paulus i sin rätta kontext, innan vi tolkar in dem i vår tids kontext. Det är så lätt att vi i vår iver att hävda vad som är rätt och fel glömmer texternas ursprungsmiljö och på så sätt enligt min mening tolkar dem på ett ofullkomligt sätt. Jag menar att det är viktigt att se texten i sin ursprungsmiljö för att kunna förstå till vilka den riktar sig och med vilket syfte och på så sätt nå en bredare tolkning.</p><p>Jag vill med denna uppsats göra ett försök att placera in Paulus kritik mot homoerotiska relationer i Romarbrevet 1:26-27 samt 1 Korintierbrevet 6:9-10 i sin tids kontext. Frågan blir då vilka traditioner som var rådande i den hellenistisk-romerska miljön? Hur beskrev man kroppens funktion med fokus på den sexuella funktionen? Hur uppfattade man sexuella relationer mellan två personer av samma kön? Betraktades sexuella relationer mellan kvinnor på ett särskilt sätt? Hur bedömde den grekiska alternativt den romerska traditionen sexuella relationer, vilka ansågs naturliga och vilka ansågs onaturliga?</p><p>Hur kan man tolka de ovan nämnda bibelcitaten?</p>
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Sexualitetens olika former och användningsområden i ett antikt : perspektiv med fokus på grekisk-romersk homoerotik / Sexual function and practice in classical Antiquity with special regard to Greco-Roman homoeroticismÅkermo, Per-Erik January 2007 (has links)
I och med debatten om huruvida äktenskap för homosexuella ska bli en verklighet i dagens samhälle har frågan om sexuell läggning kommit att bli central. Ofta handlar det om människor med en religiös grunduppfattning som debatterar om rätt och fel, naturlig och onaturlig sexualitet. Ofta används nytestamentliga citat hämtade speciellt från aposteln Paulus, men frågan är om hans syn på sexualiteten är densamma som vår? När vi närmar oss dessa texter måste vi vara medvetna om den tidens syn på sexualiteten. Detta för att vi inte ska applicera vår förförståelse av sexualitet på en text som skrivits i en annan tid. I den här uppsatsen vill jag försöka ge en glimt av hur man i den dåtida grekisk-romerska kulturen kan ha sett på sexualiteten i dess kroppsliga och sociala uttrycksformer och funktioner. Detta för att lyfta fram vikten av att placera antika texter som till exempel de skrivna av Paulus i sin rätta kontext, innan vi tolkar in dem i vår tids kontext. Det är så lätt att vi i vår iver att hävda vad som är rätt och fel glömmer texternas ursprungsmiljö och på så sätt enligt min mening tolkar dem på ett ofullkomligt sätt. Jag menar att det är viktigt att se texten i sin ursprungsmiljö för att kunna förstå till vilka den riktar sig och med vilket syfte och på så sätt nå en bredare tolkning. Jag vill med denna uppsats göra ett försök att placera in Paulus kritik mot homoerotiska relationer i Romarbrevet 1:26-27 samt 1 Korintierbrevet 6:9-10 i sin tids kontext. Frågan blir då vilka traditioner som var rådande i den hellenistisk-romerska miljön? Hur beskrev man kroppens funktion med fokus på den sexuella funktionen? Hur uppfattade man sexuella relationer mellan två personer av samma kön? Betraktades sexuella relationer mellan kvinnor på ett särskilt sätt? Hur bedömde den grekiska alternativt den romerska traditionen sexuella relationer, vilka ansågs naturliga och vilka ansågs onaturliga? Hur kan man tolka de ovan nämnda bibelcitaten?
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Le chemin créateur de Job : étude exégétique du premier chapitre du livre de Job à la lumière de l'herméneutique du procèsGosselin, Pierre January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Die skrifbeskouing van Sakkie Spangenberg : ʼn dogmatiese studie / Stephan SmithSmith, Stephan January 2011 (has links)
This study examines the validity and reconcilability of the Scriptural view of Sakkie Spangenberg with regard to Reformed Dogmatics. Spangenberg questions the fundamental truths of Christianity, including the descent of Jesus to hell, his resurrection, ascension, the doctrine on the Trinity and the fall of man. The focus of this study will answer the question: "How does the Scriptural view of Spangenberg compare to the traditional Reformed point of view"?
The research will start with a comprehensive literature study, aided by computer assisted database searches, archives of newspapers and journals, as well as earlier publications of Spangenberg.
Various factors that gave rise to the Scriptural view of Spangenberg, as well as the fundamental principles thereof, will be examined. The consequences of the Scriptural view of Spangenberg regarding the traditional doctrines are also determined.
As a second leg of the study, the validity of the Reformed Scriptural view in a postmodern era is also examined. A conclusion is formed that the authority of the Reformed doctrines are set in the authority of the Word of God and is therefore also valid in a postmodern society. Research also indicated that there are various similarities between the Scriptural view of Spangenberg and the Scriptural view of the postmodernists. Before an evaluation of the Scriptural view of Spangenberg can be performed, an attempt is also made to provide a pure definition and formulation of the Scriptural view of Spangenberg. The paramount differences between the Reformed view of Scripture and that of Spangenberg are also indicated.
A conclusion is formed that the view of Scripture of Spangenberg is not reconcilable with the Reformed view. It is also indicated that the view of Scripture of Spangenberg questions both the authority of the Word of God, as well as the salvation that Christ brought to the world. / Thesis (M.A. (Dogmatics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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2 Samuel 21-24 : structure, context and meaning in the Samuel conclusionKlement, Herbert H. January 1995 (has links)
The examination of the final chapters of the books of Samuel offered here proceeds initially from an unease about the frequent pejorative appraisal of them as an unsuitable, late addition that is out of place in its context. Taking a cue from the recent interest in initial and concluding texts in the context of literary and "Canonical" methods, the work attempts to describe this text complex, with its six chiastically arranged units, in terms of its literary function as a concluding text in relation to the rest of the preceding book. Following remarks of W. Brueggemann and J. Flanagan, the ring structure is further compared with other groups of texts in the Samuel corpus. The specific, overarching macrostructure which is thus perceived is structured not according to linear-chronological principles but according to patterns of parallelism and chiasmus. This observation of a concept of order that is distinct from modem western convention is understood, following Emma Brunner-Traut, as deriving from an "aspectival" perception of reality. By means of this kind of reading, many inner relationships open up, binding the closing chapters to the other parts of the book in such a way that it is shown to be a unified literary work. The two poetic texts are shown to stand in a complex relationship with the four other songs of the books of Samuel. The allusion to the prophet Gad belongs in a series of six encounters between David and prophets, arranged as a set of three pairs. The two lists of soldiers are interpreted by analogy with the double lists of the sons and ministers of David. The final contrast, in the closing chapter, between the two kings, Saul and David, and the polarity - expressed in the tension between centre and periphery - between rule of Yahweh and sin of the kings, both mirror and finally draw together the main themes of the book. These relationships suggest that the appraisal of the closing chapters as a late addition is in need of revision. It will be argued that they should be interpreted in close connection with the rest of the book.
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[pt] A tese Exegese bíblica em diálogo com estudos literários
apresenta uma
nova perspectiva sobre os estudos exegéticos de textos
bíblicos a partir de
pressupostos teóricos atuais nos estudos de literatura. O
acento é colocado sobre
questões investigadas pela Estética da Recepção e do
Efeito, objetivando a
elaboração de categorias novas para o entendimento de
processos de leitura. A
tese visa, ainda, à formulação de uma historiografia do
ato interpretativo cristão,
em função de premissas desenvolvidas para a leitura e a
construção de sentido de
textos literários, transpostas para o campo disciplinar
exegético, hoje igualmente
aberto ao diálogo e ao questionamento de interpretações
fundadas em pressupostos
essencialistas. Neste sentido, novas posturas hermenêutico-
literárias, levando-se,
em consideração, a historicidade de atos interpretativos,
são articuladas com o
entendimento e a configuração da exegese bíblica, como
fenômeno literário
cristão e como gênero meta-textual. As premissas
heurísticas desenvolvidas
por Wolfgang Iser, em vista de uma antropologia literária,
oferecendo ao
imaginário e aos processos interpretativos novas formas de
produção de sentido -
em particular na apreciação da obra hermenêutica de Santo
Agostinho e no
discurso hermenêutico antigo e medieval - representam
neste projeto as
diretrizes epistemológicas, teóricas e estéticas centrais. / [en] The thesis The Biblical Exegesis in dialogue with the
Literary Studies
presents a new perspective over the exegesis studies of
biblical texts from actual
theoretical presuppositions of the literary studies. The
differential aspect comes
from questions under research by the Aesthetics of
Reception and Effect, which
aim the elaboration of new categories for the
understanding of the reading
processes. The study also aims at formulating a
historiography of the Christian
interpretative act along with premises developed for
reading and understanding of
literary texts, which are transposed to the exegesis
field. Since this latter has been
equally open to dialogue and questioning of
interpretations based in essentialist
presuppositions. In such a sense, considering the history
of the interpretative acts,
new hermeneutical-literary approaches are articulated with
the understanding and
the biblical exegesis configuration as a Christian
literary phenomenon and as a
meta-textual genre. The heuristic premises developed by
Wolfgang Iser, which
offer new ways of meaning production to the imaginary and
the interpretative
processes - particularly in the appreciation of the
hermeneutic work of St.
Augustine and in the ancient and medieval hermeneutic
discourse - towards a
literary anthropology represent the epistemological,
theoretical and aesthetical
guidelines of this project.
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