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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem får ställa ut på den samtida konstscenen? : Betydelsen av kön / En studie av jämställdhetsarbete inom utställningsproduktion : Betydelsen av kön

Carnestedt Ljungberg, Molly January 2014 (has links)
This examination studies the gender balance of contemporary art exhibitions in Sweden. To what extent genders are equally represented assumes to be based on how the curating process considers equality work. Three categories of art organisations are studied with the intention to determine differences in equality approach between the categories. Official documents of each organisation are examined to understand how they formally relate to equality work. Statistics of the actual gender balance of each organisation are produced based on the last two years exhibition archives. The study includes interviews with a curator or director from two private exhibition halls, two private art galleries and two public art institutions. The aim is to create an understanding of how the decisions are made and on what basis the artists are chosen. The theoretic base is institutional theory, the study uses a part of the theory called the logic of appropriateness, which explains individual behaviour as a result of how the three aspects identity, rules and situation interact and combine. The conclusions of this study are that all respondents show awareness of the gender balance issue yet other variables are more important for the decision. There is generally a loose coupling between the formal and the informal structure. Equality work can be implemented as a policy without making any difference in the practice. / Studien undersöker hur könsfördelningen ser ut på den samtida konstscenen i Sverige. I vilken utsträckning kön representeras på ett jämställt sätt inom utställningsproduktion antas kopplat till hur de delaktiga i beslutsprocessen förhåller sig till externt jämställdhetsarbete. Tre kategorier av organisationer studeras för att kunna avgöra om det finns skillnader i tillvägagångssätt. Officiella dokument från varje organisation undersöks för att förstå hur de formellt förhåller sig till jämställdhetsarbete. Statistik av den faktiska könsfördelningen för varje organisation tas fram från de två senaste årens utställningsarkiv. Studien innefattar även intervjuer med en beslutsfattande person från respektive organisation; två statliga konstinstitutioner, två privata konsthallar och två privata gallerier. Undersökningen syftar till att skapa förståelse för vad som ligger till grund för valet av konstnärer. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i institutionell teori och använder en del av teorin som kallas lämplighetslogiken. Teorin förklarar individuellt beteende som beroende av sin kontext, utifrån de tre aspekterna identitet, regler och situation. Slutsatserna för undersökningen är att samtliga respondenter visar en stor medvetenhet kring könsfördelningen men att andra variabler tenderar att vara viktigare i valet av konstnärer. Hur organisationerna formellt förhåller sig till jämställdhetsarbete har en begränsad påverkan på det praktiska utfallet. Desto mer betydelsefullt är huruvida dessa värderingar finns implementerade i företagskulturen och hos de som är delaktiga i beslutsprocessen.


Boddin, Ilse, Bürger, Thomas, Bach, Christa 07 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
CHEMNITZ - Kostbarkeiten der Stadtbibliothek Chemnitz / DRESDEN - Mathematische Weltliteratur aus der SLUB / DRESDEN - Kinderwelt – heile Welt? : Die Kinderbuchillustratorin Gertrud Caspari (1873–1948) / DRESDNER AUSSTELLUNG - AB 20. MAI IN KARLSRUHE : Die Kunst zu essen und zu genießen / DRESDEN - Das Fotoarchiv Adam „Zwischen Schankwirtschaft und Ballsaal“ in der SLUB / LEIPZIG - Jöchers 60 000 – Ein Mann. Eine Mission. Ein Lexikon.

Der Ring

Thießen, Friedrich, Liebold, Sebastian 18 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
- Friedrich Thießen: Der Fall Snowden oder das Ende der anonymen Welt (S. 2-3) - Sebastian Liebold: Imi Knoebel - eine Ausstellung leuchtet in den Winter hinaus (S. 23-24)

Exhibitions As The Medium Of Architectural Reproduction &quot / modern Architecture: International Exhibition&quot

Tabibi, Baharak 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis studies the influential role of architectural exhibitions in shaping and directing architectural discourses. The study accepts architectural exhibitions and associated publications as the critical act of architecture, in which (the work of) architecture is interpreted, reproduced and publicized. The main focus of this thesis is Modern Architecture: International Exhibition, held in 1932 at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). This particular exhibition is a significant historical event, which officially announced architecture of the early 20th century as International Style. The thesis underlines the role of the 1932 exhibition and MoMA as an architectural media in reproducing the works of architecture and reformulating the agenda of 20th century modern architecture especially in U.S.A.

The male fashion bias

Neighbour, Mark Lyle January 2008 (has links)
Since the establishment of the first European fashion houses in the nineteenth century the male wardrobe has been continually appropriated by the fashion industry to the extent that every masculine garment has made its appearance in the female wardrobe. For the womenswear designer, menswear’s generic shapes are easily refitted and restyled to suit the prevailing fashionable silhouette. This, combined with a wealth of design detail and historical references, provides the cyclical female fashion system with an endless supply of “regular novelty” (Barthes, 2006, p.68). Yet, despite the wealth of inspiration and technique across both male and female clothing, the bias has largely been against menswear, with limited reciprocal benefit. Through an exploration of these concepts I propose to answer the question; how can I use womenswear patternmaking and construction technique to implement change in menswear design?

Forging diplomacy: a socio-cultural investigation of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the "Art of Australia 1788-1941" exhibition

Ryan, Louise Frances, Art History & Art Education, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The study is an historical investigation exploring the impact of the Carnegie Corporation's philanthropic cultural and educational activities in North America and Australia during the 1940s. The author examines the Carnegie's formation of public values and perceptions using cultural and aesthetic material in order to transmit American ideological ideals with the goal of influencing Australian, Canadian and USA cultural norms. The principal case examined in the paper is the "Art of Australia 1788-1941" exhibition, which toured the USA and Canada during 1941-42. Scrutiny of the exhibition uncovers the role it played in alliance building and the promotion of a range of cultural and political agendas. The investigation deploys a theoretical framework derived from the writings of Tony Bennett. The framework takes the form of a matrix that uses concepts of institutionalized agencies/power and individual agencies/knowledge detailed in a nine-cell matrix composed of propositional statements under the intersecting categories of culture, technologies, ethics, zones, objects, and visualization. The "Art of Australia" Exhibition is a paradigmatic case of the instrumental, cultural application of exhibitions in the interest of the state, using government and non-government, public and private organizations as intermediaries. The analysis reveals the existence of diverse agendas and power/knowledge relationships between governments, corporations and the exhibition. This account highlights the museum as a significant arena for establishing and legitimating social norms and practices whilst steering cultural values. Such actions sponsored by government and entrepreneurial philanthropy are analyzed and interpreted as an early instance of building civic values and promoting the public belief in shared national identity. In this sense the investigation explores the educational mission of the museum and it's supporting agencies in the broadest public context.

A Search For Common Pleasures: CURATING THE CITY

Helsel, Sand, n/a January 2009 (has links)
The project-based research questions how professionals working in the built environment can engage a broader range of 'others' (students, client, users) in ways of seeing and acting in a meaningful way. It challenges the role of the expert in architecture and urban design and in particular their use of the masterplan, which is often an oversimplified reductive response, laden with generalisations and the ill-considered overlay of inappropriate models. Design methods are designed to enable us to see afresh and respond accordingly. These are demonstrated in three suites of projects that include urban installations such as Five Walks for the Melbourne International Arts Festival, war memorials, lectures, photographs and teaching practice such as Taipei Operations, a student workshop, architectural exhibition, and book. The design research is situated within an expanded field of cross-disciplinary practice that includes art, landscape architecture, urban design, architecture and geography. Tools are developed to enable us to understand the city at many spatial and temporal scales; observations made at a micro scale reveal systems at a macro scale - a bottom-up approach. The application of the methods explored implies that

O lugar da arte-museu, arquitectura, arte e sociedade

Santos, Jorge António Pereira de Sousa January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Classificação do conhecimento nas esferas de produção e comunicação do saber : a exposição "Em casa, no universo" do Museu da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Semensatto, Simone January 2010 (has links)
Os museus podem, hoje, ser caracterizados por dois paradigmas: o tradicional e o contemporâneo, que influenciam as atividades de pesquisa, documentação e exposição. Observa-se a existência de diversas tipologias e novos modelos de museus. Contudo, a maneira de se fazer e comunicar ciência também está mudando, de um fazer regido pela especialização e fragmentação para um fazer investigativo, governado pela ―mistura‖ a partir das relações disciplinares e da contextualização do conhecimento. Hoje em relação ao conhecimento científico temos de um lado os saberes divididos em disciplinas e de outro a realidade e problemas cada vez mais globais e multidisciplinares. O Museu da UFRGS caracteriza-se por ser um museu Universitário, mas que não abrange em seu espaço físico laboratórios de pesquisas acadêmicas e científicas. Com isso, o objetivo deste estudo é observar como ocorre a transposição da classificação do conhecimento das linhas de pesquisa do Departamento de Astronomia da UFRGS (DepAstro), em uma esfera de produção, para a classificação do conhecimento da exposição "Em Casa, no Universo" do Museu da UFRGS, em uma esfera de comunicação. A presente pesquisa se constitui em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa, realizada através de entrevistas, análise documental, observação, indexação e classificação. Para análise dos dados se utilizou a Classificação Decimal Universal - CDU - nas temáticas das linhas de pesquisa e na exposição. Como considerações finais da pesquisa destacam-se as relações disciplinares existentes nas instâncias de produção e de comunicação do conhecimento por meio de três graus: inter, trans e multidisciplinar. A esfera de comunicação do saber apresentou um número maior de relações disciplinares comparado com a esfera de produção A dissertação apresenta a CDU como uma proposta metodológica para estudos bibliométricos e cienciométricos para Ciência da Informação. / Nowadays, museums may be characterized by two paradigms: traditional and contemporary, with research, documentation and exhibition activities being influenced by those two models. However, the way science is made and communicated is also changing, ie, from a specialized, fragmented practice toward an investigative practice, reigned by the "mix" of disciplinary relations and knowledge contextualization. The aim of this study is to observe how occurs the transposition from the knowledge classification of the UFRGS's Astronomy Department research lines, in a production sphere, to the knowledge classification of the UFRGS's Museum "At Home, in the Universe" exhibition, in a communication sphere. This research is a case study with qualitative approach, made by means of interviews, document analysis, observing, indexing and classification. The Universal Decimal Classification — UDC — was used for data analysis in the research lines' themes ad in the exhibition. As final considerations, this work points to the existing disciplinary relations in knowledge production and communication, in three levels: inter, trans and multidisciplinary. It also presents the UDC as a methodology for bibliometric and scientometric studies.

Les Expositions Muséales du Débarquement de Normandie : essai de Muséohistoire / The Museum Exhibitions of the Landing of Normandy : try of "Muséohistoire"

Pascal, Brice 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale porte sur la construction du récit muséal d’un évènement historique majeur du XXe siècle : le Débarquement en Normandie du 6 juin 1944. La Basse-Normandie est un territoire, aujourd’hui marqué par la présence de près d’une trentaine de structures muséales et de lieux de mémoire. Quel discours sur le Jour-J est-il délivré ? Que contient-il ? Sur quels aspects historiques insiste-il ? Au contraire, quels éléments sont passés sous silence ? La narration délivrée dans la région est mise en rapport à l’historiographie la plus récente mais est également comparée aux expositions de musées blockbusters que sont l’Imperial War Museum de Londres, le Musée de l’Armée de Paris et le Musée Royal de l’Armée de Bruxelles. Cette démarche, en plus de nous conduire à déterminer l’existence -ou non- d’un récit typiquement normand, doit nous permettre d’analyser les messages portés par ces structures et de comprendre à qui ils s’adressent en priorité. / His PhD thesis focuses on the museal story construction of one the XXth century main historic event: the landing of June 6, 1944. Nowadays, Lower Normandy is a territory scattered with almost thirty museums and memorials. What is the speech about D-Day? What is it made of? On which aspects does it insist? And which ones are ignored? The storytelling of this region is compared to the newest historiography and also to exhibitions of blockbusters’ museums such as the London’s Imperial War Museum, Paris’s Army Museum and the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History of Brussels. In this approach, we'll try to determine whether a specific speech from Normandy exists or not, and we will also analyse the museums' discourses as well as to whom they are addressed.

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