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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jornalismo cultural e megaexposições de artes visuais no Brasil (2010-2016) : mapa de um acontecimento espetacular

Roloff, Bianka Nieckel da Costa January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a cobertura realizada por jornais de referência brasileiros sobre as megaexposições de artes visuais no país de 2010 a 2016. Parte da perspectiva construcionista, pressupondo que os acontecimentos são a matéria-prima básica da atividade jornalística e que o jornalismo cultural é um lugar especializado de construção de sentidos sobre arte, além de mediador entre esta e os públicos. Lançando mão dos estudos do acontecimento, verificamos quais indícios o jornalismo acionou para cobrir as megaexposições de artes visuais no período de estudo. Foi escolhida a metodologia de Análise de Conteúdo, que, em uma etapa quantitativa, examinou 152 textos sobre seis exposições, e, na fase qualitativa, aprofundou o olhar sobre 20 dessas reportagens. Encontramos uma cobertura que se revela proeminente e mobilizadora de públicos para visitar as exposições. Verificamos que o jornalismo media o ciclo de existência do acontecimento, elaborando sobre ele um mapa de consensos e construindo-o de forma paulatina, em um reiterado roteiro desde a apresentação até o balanço posterior. Concluímos também que as coberturas promovem uma espetacularização das exposições, a partir de uma pré-mediação, oriunda das marcas envolvidas com sua produção, e praticamente apenas reproduzida pelos veículos jornalísticos. As matérias valorizam aspectos como biografias, mobilização de multidões e números e lançam mão de um discurso marcadamente superlativo, buscando recuperar a aura da arte das megaexposições, com forte acionamento de fontes ligadas à produção do evento e pouco espaço de fala aos visitantes. / This master thesis digs into the news coverage promoted by important Brazilian newspapers about blockbuster visual arts exhibitions that happened in Brazil between 2010 and 2016. It takes off from a constructionist approach, assuming that the events are the basic raw material of journalistic activity and that cultural journalism is a specialized environment for building senses about art, as well as a mediator between the craft and its publics. With that in mind, putting the event studies into use, we analyzed which evidences journalism triggers to cover the blockbuster art exhibitions in the referred period. For this research, it was chosen the Content Analysis methodology, that, in a quantitative phase, examined 152 texts about six exhibitions and, in the qualitative stage, took a deeper look on 20 of these stories. We found a prominent coverage and able to call on the public to visit the exhibitions. We verified that journalism mediates the cycle of existence of these happenings, gradually drawing over them a map of perceptions, in a repeated script since their initial presentation up to the final reviews. We also concluded that the news coverage promote a spectacularization of the exhibitions, from a pre-mediation role, originated in the brands involved with their production, and basically just reproduced by the journalistic media. The stories highlight aspects such as biographies, ability of driving crowds and event numbers through a clearly superlative speech, reaching to recover the art aura of the blockbuster exhibitions, with strong use of sources connected to the events’ execution and very little space dedicated to reflect the visitors views.

Exposição e texto na arte contemporânea / Exhibition and text on contemporary art

Gurgel, Thais Macedo 27 September 2013 (has links)
Os textos apresentados nas exposições de arte são importantes recursos de mediação nesse ambiente. Este trabalho faz uma aproximação a essa produção textual, usualmente desenvolvida pela curadoria e que se constitui como o principal canal de comunicação entre o realizador da mostra e o seu público. Em especial, há a preocupação em compreender a dinâmica de relações proporcionada pelo uso de textos em exposições de arte contemporânea, cuja recepção estética pressupõe a participação do espectador. A partir de exposições e textos tomados como exemplares, busca-se delinear as formas mais comuns desses escritos, bem como regularidades em termos de conteúdo. Um panorama histórico do uso de textos em museus de diferentes partes do mundo também ajuda a situar as demandas por essas produções textuais e o seu emprego ao longo do tempo. Propõe-se, por fim, o texto de exposição em interação com os demais elementos do espaço expositivo como a expressão de um entendimento sobre a função educativa da exposição, a julgar pela forma de endereçamento assumida em relação ao visitante. / The texts shown in art exhibitions are important resources for mediation. The present thesis overlooks this textual production, which is usually written by the curators and is commonly the main source of communication between the exhibit producer and its audience. In particular, there is a concern on understanding the dynamics provided by the use of texts in contemporary art exhibitions, which aesthetic response requires viewer participation. From exhibitions and texts taken as examples, we seek to outline the most common forms of writing in art spaces, as well as content patterns. A historical overview of the use of texts in museums in different parts of the world also adds to place the demands for this textual production and its use over time. Finally, it is suggested that text interacting with other elements in the exhibition room express an understanding of the educational role of the exhibition, considering the way to address the spectator.

Classificação do conhecimento nas esferas de produção e comunicação do saber : a exposição "Em casa, no universo" do Museu da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Semensatto, Simone January 2010 (has links)
Os museus podem, hoje, ser caracterizados por dois paradigmas: o tradicional e o contemporâneo, que influenciam as atividades de pesquisa, documentação e exposição. Observa-se a existência de diversas tipologias e novos modelos de museus. Contudo, a maneira de se fazer e comunicar ciência também está mudando, de um fazer regido pela especialização e fragmentação para um fazer investigativo, governado pela ―mistura‖ a partir das relações disciplinares e da contextualização do conhecimento. Hoje em relação ao conhecimento científico temos de um lado os saberes divididos em disciplinas e de outro a realidade e problemas cada vez mais globais e multidisciplinares. O Museu da UFRGS caracteriza-se por ser um museu Universitário, mas que não abrange em seu espaço físico laboratórios de pesquisas acadêmicas e científicas. Com isso, o objetivo deste estudo é observar como ocorre a transposição da classificação do conhecimento das linhas de pesquisa do Departamento de Astronomia da UFRGS (DepAstro), em uma esfera de produção, para a classificação do conhecimento da exposição "Em Casa, no Universo" do Museu da UFRGS, em uma esfera de comunicação. A presente pesquisa se constitui em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa, realizada através de entrevistas, análise documental, observação, indexação e classificação. Para análise dos dados se utilizou a Classificação Decimal Universal - CDU - nas temáticas das linhas de pesquisa e na exposição. Como considerações finais da pesquisa destacam-se as relações disciplinares existentes nas instâncias de produção e de comunicação do conhecimento por meio de três graus: inter, trans e multidisciplinar. A esfera de comunicação do saber apresentou um número maior de relações disciplinares comparado com a esfera de produção A dissertação apresenta a CDU como uma proposta metodológica para estudos bibliométricos e cienciométricos para Ciência da Informação. / Nowadays, museums may be characterized by two paradigms: traditional and contemporary, with research, documentation and exhibition activities being influenced by those two models. However, the way science is made and communicated is also changing, ie, from a specialized, fragmented practice toward an investigative practice, reigned by the "mix" of disciplinary relations and knowledge contextualization. The aim of this study is to observe how occurs the transposition from the knowledge classification of the UFRGS's Astronomy Department research lines, in a production sphere, to the knowledge classification of the UFRGS's Museum "At Home, in the Universe" exhibition, in a communication sphere. This research is a case study with qualitative approach, made by means of interviews, document analysis, observing, indexing and classification. The Universal Decimal Classification — UDC — was used for data analysis in the research lines' themes ad in the exhibition. As final considerations, this work points to the existing disciplinary relations in knowledge production and communication, in three levels: inter, trans and multidisciplinary. It also presents the UDC as a methodology for bibliometric and scientometric studies.

Le contexte en question : les expositions de projets d’art public et leur influence sur la création artistique contemporaine / A question of context : public art project exhibitions and their influence on contemporary artistic creation

Bauerfeind, Bettina 19 December 2009 (has links)
Les expositions de projets d’art public, nouvelle forme de commande artistique née dans les années 1970, changent de manière significative les paramètres de la création artistique contemporaine dans la ville. Associant une présentation dans l’espace public à la création in situ, elles incitent les artistes à réaliser leurs œuvres en vue d’un événement citadin et en fonction d’éléments spécifiques du contexte d’exposition urbain (comme la topographie du lieu, son histoire, son architecture...). Si l’impulsion première que ces manifestations délivrent aux artistes est primordiale pour la création de tout projet d’art public, elles laissent une marque plus précise dans les attaches individuelles qui relient ces œuvres à leurs sites urbains. Retraçant l’évolution du concept d’exposition de ses origines jusqu’en 2007, se dessinent successivement trois générations principales dont la césure correspond, au niveau de leur contenu artistique, à des élargissements substantiels du vocabulaire formel des participants. Une distinction entre formes abstraite, urbaine et relationnelle nous permet d’évaluer des retombées importantes de la commande artistique sur les œuvres en saisissant les différents degrés de leur intégration contextuelle, laquelle atteint son apogée dans des projets qui se construisent autour de ready-mades assistés ou simples trouvés sur place.Nouveaux types de monuments, éphémères pour la plupart, ces derniers constituent un art public sans précédents historiques dont nous mesurons, à travers l’exemple de douze études de cas, le rapport à la démarche artistique individuelle. / In the 1970s site-specificity revolutionizes the framework for artists working in the arena of public art. A new exhibition format, entirely based on new commissions, extends institutional activity way into the heart of the city space. By challenging artists to create new works that engage their particular urban surroundings (for example, the topographical, historical or architectural aspects of a site), these exhibitions of mostly temporary public art projects give a crucial new impulse to contemporary artistic creation in the city.This dissertation examines the effects this new form of commission exerts on the artists’ works by analyzing the ties that bind the projects to their installation sites. Following the evolution of public art project exhibitions from their inception to 2007, we distinguish between three main trends. Not only do they present major organizational differences, but their artistic content is characterized by a successive and substantial expansion of the participants’ formal vocabulary. A distinction between an abstract, an urban and a relational form enables us to evaluate the different degrees of contextual integration of extrinsic elements into the works of art and to locate the impact these commissions have on projects created with urban ready-mades found on the site. New types of monuments, mostly ephemeral, constitute a public art without historic precedents and of which we measure, at the example of twelve case studies, the relation to individual artistic methods.

A indumentária no Museu Goiano Professor Zoroastro Artiaga: visualidade e patrimônio / The clothing in the Museu Goiano Professor Zoroastro Artiaga: visuality and heritage

Di Calaça, Indyanelle Marçal Garcia 19 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-20T15:34:50Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Indyanelle Marçal Garcia Di Calaça - 2018.pdf: 11984637 bytes, checksum: daab13de100f0c180c42202bb1bbaa1d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-20T15:37:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Indyanelle Marçal Garcia Di Calaça - 2018.pdf: 11984637 bytes, checksum: daab13de100f0c180c42202bb1bbaa1d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-20T15:37:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Indyanelle Marçal Garcia Di Calaça - 2018.pdf: 11984637 bytes, checksum: daab13de100f0c180c42202bb1bbaa1d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation presents the study of the costumes and ornaments exhibited at the Museu Goiano Professor Zoroastro Artiaga (MUZA) in Goiânia, Goiás. The museum has more than one hundred artifacts of this type in its collection, which are divided into several collections. The questions that guide this research are: in relation to the Brazilian heritage in museums, how the clothing is present at MUZA? What senses are produced from the exhibition of these costumes and ornaments? What do they hide or reveal? In order to answer these questions, the study is based on the visual analysis of the objects, using the methods proposed by the researchers Jules Prown (analysis of artifacts), Heloísa S. F. Capel (image analysis) and Rita Morais de Andrade (textile artifacts analysis). As for the procedures, the study consists of a literature review, which involves the areas of Visual Culture, Material Culture, Heritage, Museology and Study about Clothing. In addition, there was the analysis of documents related to the costumes, visits to the museum and interviews with employees and former employees. Through this study, it was possible to perceive how was the creation of the museum and the formation of its first collections; to quantify and qualify the clothing and adornments belonging to its collection; identify how the collections that have this type of artifact were formed and the criterion used to acquire these items; to realize that it is possible to carry out the study of clothing not only from the textile artifact, but also through the visual analysis of paintings, photographs and sculptures; and to identify that the way the artifacts are organized in the exhibitions place contributes to the construction of specific identities of the state of Goiás. / Esta dissertação apresenta o estudo dos trajes e adornos expostos no Museu Goiano Professor Zoroastro Artiaga (MUZA) em Goiânia, Goiás. O museu possui mais de cem artefatos desse tipo em seu acervo e que se dividem em coleções diversas. As questões que norteiam a pesquisa são: em relação ao patrimônio brasileiro nos museus, como a indumentária está presente no MUZA? Que sentidos são produzidos a partir da exposição desses trajes e adornos? O que eles escondem ou revelam? Para isso, o estudo se alicerça na análise visual dos objetos, a partir dos métodos propostos pelos pesquisadores Jules Prown (análise de artefatos), Heloísa S. F. Capel (análise de imagens) e Rita Morais de Andrade (análise de artefatos têxteis). A revisão bibliográfica envolveu os campos da Cultura Visual, Cultura Material, Patrimônio, Museologia e Estudos sobre Indumentária. Além disso, houve a análise de documentos relativos aos trajes, visitas ao museu e entrevistas com funcionários e ex- funcionários. Através deste estudo, foi possível perceber como se deu a criação do museu e a formação das suas primeiras coleções; quantificar e qualificar as vestimentas e adornos pertencentes ao seu acervo; identificar como as coleções que possuem esse tipo de artefato foram formadas e os critérios utilizados pelo museu para a aquisição destes itens; perceber que é possível realizar o estudo da indumentária não apenas a partir do artefato têxtil, mas também por meio da análise visual de pinturas, fotografias e esculturas; e identificar que o modo como os artefatos estão organizados no espaço expositivo contribuem para a construção de identidades específicas do estado de Goiás.

Museu-Terreiro: o sagrado afro-brasileiro em um ambiente museológico / Museu-Terreiro: the sacracy of the Afro-Brazilian in a museological environment

Bruna Amaro dos Santos 14 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo, a partir das reflexões teóricas sobre arte e antropologia, realizar uma análise interpretativa sobre a construção e representação do sagrado afro-brasileiro em um dos núcleos expositivos do Museu Afro Brasil. A análise do ato expositivo e a pesquisa iconográfica em um dos núcleos do acervo permanente da instituição será utilizada como ponto de partida para pensarmos na presença do sagrado nesse ambiente, tendo como aspecto central de estudo a forma como se constrói e se manifesta o trabalho expográfico que fica a cargo, principalmente, do atual diretor e artista plástico Emanoel Araujo. Refletir sobre os artistas, objetos e símbolos presentes no núcleo Religiosidades Afro-brasileiras a partir de sua expografia nos ajudará a pontuar questões relevantes quanto aos fenômenos estético e religioso presentes em uma das categorias da arte afro-brasileira, assim como sobre as interpretações que se fazem desse encontro no espaço museológico pelos públicos que o frequentam, um campo ainda de abordagens latentes. / This work aims, from the theoretical reflections on art and anthropology, to create an interpretative analysis on the construction and representation of the Afro-Brazilian sacredness in one of the exhibition sectors of the Afro Brazil Museum. The analysis of the exhibition act and the iconographic research in one of the permanent collections of the institution, will be used as a starting point to think about the presence of the sacred in this environment, having as a central aspect of the study the way in which the exhibition display is constructed and manifests itself as an outcome, mainly, of the current director and visual artist Emanoel Araujo. To think the artists, objects and symbols present in the Afro-Brazilian Religiosities sector from their exhibition display will help us to point out relevant questions about the aesthetic and religious phenomena present in one of the categories of Afro-Brazilian Art, as well as on the interpretations that are being made with the encounters in the museum space by the attending audience, a field of latent and possible approaches.

Filosofia e teatro à luz do pensamento benjaminiano: alegoria barroca, interrupção brechtiana e teatro pós-dramático

Altieri, Maria Silvia 20 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:26:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Silvia Altieri.pdf: 591978 bytes, checksum: 609657997da5bf6bfac4be4a45d8d521 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this dissertation is to study the concepts of baroque allegory and Brechtian break in the light of Benjamin's thought, in order to understand the closeness that these concepts establish between the fields of philosophy and theater art through the concept of Darstellung (presentation / exposure). The proximity between theater and philosophy in Benjamin's thought is therefore, the question that guides this research and our hypothesis is that the concept of Darstellung (presentation / exposure) is the key to the elucidation of this question. Moreover, the study of the concept of allegory will be conected to the analysis of contemporary theater, specifically the concept of post-dramatic. Allegory is the link of the union betwen German Baroque drama, Brechtian theater and post-dramatic theater. The present study is not based on a linear and diachronic historical chronology. This is the synchronic sense in which the cutting was done in reverse, to use the words of Walter Benjamin. The dissertation will follow the following breakdown: the cut in the first chapter will be the study of the concept of allegory of the German Baroque drama and of the spectacle of this drama, in the second chapter I will study the Brechtian concept of interruption and the spectacle of Brechtian theater, in the third chapter the focus will be the concept of post-dramatic theater and the spectacle of this theater. The axis of this analysis and of the three chapters will be the relationship between theater and Benjamin philosophy by the key concept of Darstelung. Finally, in the final considerations the consequences of this study will be analyzed in order to open issues that may expand the vision of theater and the relationship between theatrical art and philosophy to the contemporary perspective / O objetivo da presente dissertação é estudar os conceitos de alegoria barroca e interrupção brechtiana, à luz do pensamento benjaminiano, para compreender a proximidade que esses conceitos estabelecem entre os campos da filosofia e da arte teatral através do conceito da Darstellung (apresentação/exposição). A proximidade entre teatro e filosofia no pensamento benjaminiano é, portanto, a questão que norteia o presente trabalho e nossa hipótese é que o conceito da Darstellung (apresentação/exposição) seja a chave para a elucidação de tal questão. Além disso, o estudo do conceito de alegoria se relacionará à análise do teatro contemporâneo denominando de pós-dramático. A alegoria é o nexo que une drama barroco alemão, teatro brechtiano e teatro pós-dramático. O presente estudo não se baseia em uma cronologia histórica diacrônica e linear. Trata-se do sentido sincrônico, em que o recorte foi realizado a contrapelo, para usarmos a expressão de Walter Benjamin. A dissertação seguirá a seguinte divisão: no primeiro capítulo o recorte será o estudo do conceito de alegoria do drama barroco alemão e do espetáculo deste drama; no segundo capítulo estudarei o conceito de interrupção brechtiano e o espetáculo do teatro brechtiano; no terceiro capítulo o foco será o conceito de pós-dramático e o espetáculo deste teatro. O eixo de análise dos três capítulos será a relação entre teatro e filosofia benjaminiana pela chave do conceito de Darstellung. Por fim nas considerações finais serão analisadas as conseqüências deste estudo com o intuito de abrir questões que possam ampliar a visão do teatro e da relação entre a arte teatral e a filosofia para a perspectiva contemporânea

Roteiro Uma bicicleta, minha mãe e dois cinemas e breve história dos cinemas de rua de Curitiba

Pinheiro, Fabio Luciano Francener 02 June 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o roteiro do longa-metragem Uma Bicicleta, Minha Mãe e Dois Cinemas, que aborda o cotidiano de uma família que mora e trabalha em um cinema de bairro em Curitiba. Paralelamente ao roteiro, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa sobre a história dos cinemas de rua de Curitiba, privilegiando depoimentos de profissionais que trabalharam na atividade exibidora. Os relatos influenciaram o formato final da dramaturgia, fornecendo indicações para a criação de personagens e situações, delimitando ainda as épocas onde acontece a estória. O roteiro resulta, portanto, em um tratamento ficcional dos testemunhos obtidos, à medida do possível o mais próximo dos relatos obtidos. A dramaturgia é aplicada na transposição do relato para o universo ficcional. / This paper presents the script of the Uma Bicicleta, Minha Mãe e Dois Cinemas, which addresses the life of a family who lives and works in a cinema district in Curitiba. Parallel to the script, it was developed a research on the history of movie theaters of Curitiba, favoring testimony from professionals who worked in the exhibitor business. The reports influenced the final form of the drama, providing directions for creating characters and situations, limiting even the times where the story happens. The script is, therefore, a fictional treatment of the evidence obtained, the closest to the reports obtained. Dramaturgy is applied in the transposition of the report to the fictional universe.

You had to have been there : experimental film and video, sound, and liveness in the New York underground

Wielgus, Alison Lynn 01 May 2014 (has links)
You Had to Have Been There challenges the role of fetishistic materiality throughout Film Studies using the history of New York underground film and video production from 1965 to 1985. It focuses on four situations of underground film and video production and exhibition: the relationship between Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground's Exploding Plastic Inevitable and the Film-makers' Cinematheque, the screening of Michael Snow's Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen at Anthology Film Archives, the production of work by Ed Emshwiller, Nam June Paik, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Bill Viola, and other artists at WNET's Television Laboratory, and the exhibition of No Wave Cinema by Beth and Scott B, Lizzie Borden, Vivienne Dick, John Lurie, James Nares, and others at Max's Kansas City, the Mudd Club, and the New Cinema. This project uses the above exhibition sites to argue for the importance of liveness and presence in recording media, considering the affect of liveness not only on our definitions of cinema, but also on the relationship between cinema and historiography. While a canon of experimental film has emerged within Film Studies, determined by the alignment of experimental filmmakers and the academy, this dissertation carves out an alternate corpus of works screened in non-traditional environments. It finds an affinity between such spaces and the project of post-classical apparatus theory, both of which challenge the regimented space of traditional film spectatorship. The films and videos of this project are connected by two crucial elements: their location in New York City and their attention to sound. The personnel involved in the creation and reception of these films and videos constitute a network forum, or a group of artists who use the spaces of reception and production to reconfigure assumptions about film and video. Some of these spaces share direct links and touchstones, while others are tied together by shared concerns. One shared concern is a critical approach to the relationship between sound and image within cinema. Michael Snow and the filmmakers of the No Wave use pre-existing ideologies of sound to challenge cinematic presence and absorptive spectatorship while embracing the limits of subcultural spectatorship. The Exploding Plastic Inevitable and the Television Laboratory embrace sound's power as present, reorienting our perspective on the relationship between technology and the body. Taken together, these exhibition sites argue for the importance of sound and liveness in understanding experimental film history. They also suggest alternative modes of spectatorship that might hold productive power in our current media environment of hyper-reproduction and communicative capitalism.

Forging diplomacy: a socio-cultural investigation of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the "Art of Australia 1788-1941" exhibition

Ryan, Louise Frances, Art History & Art Education, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The study is an historical investigation exploring the impact of the Carnegie Corporation's philanthropic cultural and educational activities in North America and Australia during the 1940s. The author examines the Carnegie's formation of public values and perceptions using cultural and aesthetic material in order to transmit American ideological ideals with the goal of influencing Australian, Canadian and USA cultural norms. The principal case examined in the paper is the "Art of Australia 1788-1941" exhibition, which toured the USA and Canada during 1941-42. Scrutiny of the exhibition uncovers the role it played in alliance building and the promotion of a range of cultural and political agendas. The investigation deploys a theoretical framework derived from the writings of Tony Bennett. The framework takes the form of a matrix that uses concepts of institutionalized agencies/power and individual agencies/knowledge detailed in a nine-cell matrix composed of propositional statements under the intersecting categories of culture, technologies, ethics, zones, objects, and visualization. The "Art of Australia" Exhibition is a paradigmatic case of the instrumental, cultural application of exhibitions in the interest of the state, using government and non-government, public and private organizations as intermediaries. The analysis reveals the existence of diverse agendas and power/knowledge relationships between governments, corporations and the exhibition. This account highlights the museum as a significant arena for establishing and legitimating social norms and practices whilst steering cultural values. Such actions sponsored by government and entrepreneurial philanthropy are analyzed and interpreted as an early instance of building civic values and promoting the public belief in shared national identity. In this sense the investigation explores the educational mission of the museum and it's supporting agencies in the broadest public context.

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