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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Santos, Wagner Serafini dos 17 February 2016 (has links)
This master degree s conclusion study is part of History Heritage and Cultural Heritage Research Line of Professional Masters Course in Cultural Heritage of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The purpose of this study was carrying out a photographic exhibition about the military revolt that took place in Santa Maria city (RS) in November 1926, from research conducted in Correio da Serra, Gaspar Martins, Diário do Interior and O Castilhista newspapers, in photographs and several documents of that time in order to spread this local history chapter. It was surveyed the collections of the Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria, the library of the Colégio Marista Santa Maria (Biblioteca Irmão Daniel), Casa de Memória Edmundo Cardoso, Centro Histórico Coronel Pillar, Memorial Mallet and the Museu Educativo Gama d Eça. The revolt began with the uprising of two Brazilian Army barracks, the 5º Regimento de Artilharia Montada (current 3º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Autopropulsado Regimento Mallet) and the 7º Regimento de Infantaria (current 7º Batalhão de Infantaria Blindado Regimento Gomes Carneiro), which attacked the 1º Regimento de Cavalaria of the Brigada Militar (current 1º Regimento de Polícia Montada Regimento Coronel Pillar) forces, resulting in a bombardment over downtown area. The battle ended with the withdrawal of the rebellious military, who left Santa Maria due to the Brigada Militar resistance. We worked to show the military revolt events from the Santa Maria´s press viewpoint of that time, alongside the focus of books describing the fact. The exhibition was created to be displayed on a mobile way in Santa Maria town. According to the placed methodology, the research is applied, exploratory, bibliographic and documentary. The dissertation reports as newspapers, pictures and other surveyed documents relate to Santa- Mariense cultural heritage, reproduces the information collected in these sources and contextualizes the military revolt of 1926 history, showing that this was part of the tenentista movement of the 1920s. / Este trabalho de conclusão de mestrado faz parte da Linha de Pesquisa Patrimônio História e Patrimônio Cultural do Mestrado Profissional em Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma exposição fotográfica sobre a revolta militar ocorrida na cidade de Santa Maria (RS) em novembro de 1926, a partir de pesquisa realizada nos jornais Correio da Serra, Gaspar Martins, Diário do Interior e O Castilhista, em fotografias e documentos diversos daquela época, a fim de divulgar ao público esse capítulo da história local. Foram pesquisados os acervos do Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria, da biblioteca do Colégio Marista Santa Maria (Biblioteca Irmão Daniel), da Casa de Memória Edmundo Cardoso, do Centro Histórico Coronel Pillar, do Memorial Mallet e do Museu Educativo Gama d Eça. A revolta começou com a sublevação de dois quartéis do Exército Brasileiro, o 5º Regimento de Artilharia Montada (atual 3º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Autopropulsado Regimento Mallet) e o 7º Regimento de Infantaria (atual 7º Batalhão de Infantaria Blindado Regimento Gomes Carneiro), os quais atacaram as forças do 1º Regimento de Cavalaria da Brigada Militar (atual 1º Regimento de Polícia Montada Regimento Coronel Pillar), resultando num bombardeio sobre a região central da cidade. A batalha terminou com a retirada dos militares rebelados, que saíram de Santa Maria devido à resistência da Brigada Militar. Trabalhamos para mostrar os acontecimentos da revolta militar a partir do enfoque da imprensa de Santa Maria daquela época, paralelamente ao enfoque dos livros que descrevem o fato. A exposição foi criada para ser exibida de forma itinerante na própria cidade de Santa Maria. De acordo com a metodologia empregada, a pesquisa é aplicada, exploratória, bibliográfica e documental. A dissertação informa como os jornais, as fotografias e outros documentos pesquisados relacionam-se com o patrimônio cultural santamariense, reproduz as informações coletadas nessas fontes e contextualiza a história da revolta militar de 1926, mostrando que esta fez parte do movimento tenentista da década de 1920.

Djurattraktioner : En studie om djurattraktioner utifrån svenska intressenters perspektiv

Utterborn, Ylva, Kindstedt, Linus January 2017 (has links)
Att använda djur inom turismindustrin är vanligt, trots det har lite forskning inom ämnet riktats mot människors etiska hänseenden. Turistaktiviteter som elefantridning, gå på delfinshow eller besöka djurparker är vanliga inslag under semestern. Denna uppsats syftar till att studera djurattraktioner utifrån olika svenska intressenters perspektiv och dess uppfattningar om djurattraktioner. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer har genomförts med följande intressenter: Kolmården djurpark, djurrättsorganisationen Djurens Rätt, researrangören NAZAR, samt besökare av djurattraktioner. Utöver det har även en platsobservation gjorts samt enkätfrågor delats ut på Kolmården. De valda teorierna för studien utgår från två huvudteman vilket är följande: “Djur och etik” samt “Djurens utrymmen i förhållande till besökarnas upplevelser”. I resultatavsnittet får läsaren ta del av de olika intressenternas syn på djurattraktioner inom turismen. Kapitlet presenteras med resultat utifrån producenternas perspektiv för att sedan övergå till besökarnas. Därefter analyseras resultatet i förhållande till tidigare forskning och teori. Slutsatsen av studien redovisas i det sista kapitlet med tillhörande diskussion. Resultatet visar att djurens välbefinnande är av största vikt för samtliga intressenter men att det finns olika uppfattningar om vilket tillvägagångssätt som är bäst för att säkerställa djurens välbefinnande i framtiden. / Using animals in the tourism industry is common, although some research on the subject has been directed towards people's ethical concerns. Tourist activities such as elephant riding, dolphin shows or visiting zoos are common features during the holidays. In this study, we will try to provide new knowledge about how visitors relate to and argue about animal attractions. This paper aims to study animal attractions based on the views of different Swedish stakeholders and their views on animal attractions related to tourism. The study is based on a qualitative method where interviews have been conducted with the following stakeholders: Kolmården zoo, animal rights organization Djurens Rätt, tour operator NAZAR, as well as regular visitors of animal attractions. In addition to this, a site observation has also been made and questionnaires were distributed at Kolmården zoo. The chosen theories for the study are based on two main themes which are: “Animals and ethics” as well as “Animal spaces in relation to visitor’s experiences”. In the result chapter, each stakeholder’s view of animal tourist attractions is presented. The chapter starts with the results based on the producer's perspective and then switched to the visitors. Thereafter, the result is analyzed in relation to previous research and theory. The conclusion of the study is presented in the last chapter, along with an accompanying discussion. The results shows that animal welfare is the most important to all stakeholders but there are different perceptions how to ensure the future for the animals.

Oral history in the exhibitionary strategy of the District Six Museum, Cape Town

Julius, Chrischené January 2007 (has links)
Masters of Arts / District Six was a community that was forcibly removed from the centre of Cape Town after its demarcation as a white group area in 1966. In 1989, the District Six Museum Foundation was established in order to form a project that worked with the memory of District Six. Out of these origins, the District Six Museum emerged and was officially opened in 1994 with the Streets: Retracing District Six exhibition. The origin moments of the museum in the 1980s occurred at the same moment that the social history movement assumed prominence within a progressive South African historiography. With the success of Streets, the decision to ‘dig deeper’ into the social history of District Six culminated in the opening of the exhibition, Digging Deeper, in a renovated museum space in 2000. Oral history practice, as means of bringing to light the hidden and erased histories of the area, was embraced by the museum as an empowering methodology which would facilitate memory work around District Six. In tracing the evolution of an oral history practice in the museum, this study aims to understand how the poetics involved in the practices of representation and display impacted on the oral histories that were displayed in Digging Deeper. It also considers how the engagement with the archaeological discipline, during the curation of the Horstley Street display as part of Streets, impacted on how oral histories were displayed in the museum. / South Africa

Being for others : critical reflections on the stranger, the estranged and the self in participatory art / Ineffaceable

Munro, Samantha Fawn January 2015 (has links)
By referring to established concepts and theories which contemplate our experiences in relation to others and space, this thesis examines the interactions and responses of an audience during various participatory artworks. I draw upon Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness and Elizabeth Grosz’ Architecture From The Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space in order to understand our interactions with other people, our interactions inside an environment, and the objects and ceremonies we use during these interactions. I align these experiences with the methods which are employed to anticipate and create the interactions between an audience and a participatory artwork. Our daily interactions can be considered a frame that an artist shapes for their represented situation to allow, provide and guide an audience towards their possibilities for movements and actions within a participatory artwork. The interactions that occur in participatory art are done in relation to others and include groups of people interacting with each other rather than an individual disembodied experience. I refer to Claire Bishop in her book, Artificial Hells, and Nicolas Bourriaud in Relational Aesthetics in order to define participatory art. In defining participatory art I focus on the idea that participation is a social activity without which the artwork does not function or exist. I unravel Brett Bailey’s Exhibit A, Anthea Moys Anthea Moys vs The City of Grahamstown and Christian Boltanski’s Personnes in terms of the frame they use to construct participation and interaction. I refer to my own exhibition Ineffaceable as an exploration of these frames which encourage participation. The inside and the outside are a constant theme throughout this thesis and my exhibition. This thematic re-emerges in relation to a number of opposing and fluctuating dynamics: the self and the other; the object and the subject; familiarity and strangeness; the participator and the spectator; the immersive and the disembodied; and the artwork and the audience. Participatory art has not been sufficiently explored particularly in South Africa with South African case studies and particularly from a practical standpoint that includes methodologies for creating participation. This thesis hopes to enrich and contribute to the contemplations on participatory art by focusing on our interactions with others.

Výstavní cyklus SMRT v objektech Národního muzea / Exhibition cycle DEATH at the National museum

Kralertová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a field of museum marketing, particularly on a marketing mix issue. The marketing mix is described on an example of an exhibition cycle named DEATH which took place in five object of the National museum during a period from 18 June 2014 until 31 March 2016. The DEATH was the last from a row of exhibition cycles which prevailed during the closing of the Historical building for the reason of its complex reconstruction. A descriptive analysis of the marketing mix of the DEATH exhibition cycle is conducted in the thesis. Application of marketing tools is subsequently evaluated through detailed analyses which will identify weaknesses. At the same time recommendations are developed to improve the National museums marketing mix and make it more efficient.

Exposer le théâtre. De la scène à la vitrine / Exhibiting theater. From the stage to the museum

Rezzouk, Aurélie 11 December 2013 (has links)
Pour qui, à quelles fins, et comment exposer le théâtre? L’approche muséologique se veut ici à la fois méthode d’investigation du champ théâtral et éthique du muséal, dont elle envisage les enjeux, les moyens et la portée. L’exposition d’objets de théâtre, vestiges, témoins ou empreintes de la scène, ordonnés dans un parcours et intégrés à un propos, interroge la nature de l’événement scénique et de l’événement théâtral. Elle donne à voir l’objet en instance de signification, sans toutefois l’y réduire. Elle joue, pour ce faire, des affinités autant que des tensions entre présence scénique et présence muséale; elle offre, en réponse, une vision du théâtre en son histoire, mais aussi comme processus de création et de réception. L’exposition participe des temps du théâtre pour le visiteur et le spectateur d’aujourd’hui: elle peut être pensée à la fois comme espace de manipulation, par l'expositeur et par le visiteur, de la matière théâtrale (espace, temps, objets et textes) et comme lieu d’une philosophie de la scène, orientée vers un théâtre à venir. Son mode discursif spécifique est de l’ordre du montage, du discontinu et de la polyphonie. Le visiteur s’y exerce à différents régimes scopiques et intellectifs sur des formes théâtrales passées et présentes, met à l’épreuve une pensée du théâtre au contact de l’objet et à celui d’autres pensées, celles des praticiens de la scène, celle de l’expositeur. / For whom, to what end and how may theatre be exhibited? The museologic approach is meant to be both an investigating method of the theatrical field and a museum ethics, whose stakes, means and import it considers. Exhibiting theatre objects -- remnants, pieces of evidence or imprints of the stage -, arranged for display, and used as statements, questions the very nature of on-stage and theatrical events. It shows the object as becoming meaningful without confining it to its meaning. To such an end, it plays both on the similarities and tensions between being on stage and on display and it conveys, as a response, a vision of theatre as part of its own history but also as a process of creation and reception. The exhibition is a theatrical time in itself for today’s visitor and spectator: it can be thought of both as a place for the manipulation of theatrical material (space, time, objects and texts) and as one dedicated to a stage philosophy that looks into theatre as it could be in the future. Its specific discursive mode relies on montage, discontinuity and polyphony. It offers the visitor a chance to try different scopic and intellective regimes on present and past theatrical forms and to put theatre thinking to the test of the object itself and of other modes of thinking – those of stage practitioners and of the exhibitor.

Olho Vivo - Arte-Educação na Exposição Labirinto da Moda: Uma Aventura Infantil / -

Maria Christina de Souza Lima Rizzi 18 February 2000 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como preocupação refletir sobre a experiência de Arte-Educação em exposições a partir do estudo da exposição Labirinto da Moda: Uma Aventura Infantil, realizada pelo SESC - São Paulo de 1996 a 1998, com a curadoria de Gláucia Amaral. A partir do estudo de aspectos do processo expositivo (concepção, musealização e realização) e da reflexão sobre a especifidade do trabalho de monitoria (apreciação em exposições), propõe uma abordagem para a concepção de projetos educativos de exposições. Os procedimentos metodológicos baseiam-se em pesquisa ação participante e estudo de caso. / The research concerns a reflection over the experience of Art- Education in exhibitions, based on a study about the exhibition \"Labirinto da Moda: Uma Aventura Infantil\", carried out by SESC (Commerce\'s Social Service) in Sao Paulo, from 1996 to 1998, with the curatorship of Glaucia Amaral. Starting from studying aspects of the exhibition making process (conception, musealization and execution), and from the reflection about the specificities of the Educational Team\'s work (appreciation in exhibitions), this research proposes an approach for the process of conceiving educational projects for exhibitions. The methodological procedures are based on \"Participant Action-Research\" and \"Case Study\".

SEFO Olomouc / SEFO Olomouc

Abrhámová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The topic of my master’s thesis was to create an architectural study of Central European Forum in Olomouc. The Forum will be housed in refurbished premises of the Museum of Modern Art on Denisova Street and a new building erected on the neighbouring vacant lot, which was created when five historical burgher houses were demolished in 1969.The forum will be focused on collecting, exhibiting and publishing activities regarding various representations of Central European art, with special attention paid to modern and contemporary art. ‘Forum’ is much wider term than, for instance, ‘museum’ or ‘gallery’ – apart from its essential activities, various discussions, lectures, symposiums, and other events will also be organised. Proposed area is located in the heart of Olomouc city, directly in its conservation area and therefore it was crucial to take into consideration the existing historical development in neighbourhood. Main volume of the proposed building connects with building of the existing museum. Gradation of the other volumes based on the sloped terrain configuration lead to a sensitive completion of the vacant gap site and the existing historical surroundings remained preserved. construction of the new building of Central European Forum came to creation of new exhibition and assembly spaces, depositories, studios as well as technical facilities, changing rooms and sanitary facilities for museum crew.

Výškový objekt Brno / High-rise building in Brno

Vlčková, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is an architectural study, proposing a high-rise building in the city of Brno, located at the intersection of Veveří and Šumavská street. The building is designed as a Creative center, bringing together all the creative professions. To present the art to the general public is proposed a Gallery as an important part of the project. The building height is 143,2 meter with a cubic shape and minimalist facade. A part of the proposal is a an exterior exhibition space.

Urbanistické řešení areálu Výstaviště Brno / Urban design Výstaviště Brno

Gajdíková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the urban design of the Exhibition Brno and its idea of using in the long term horizon. The basic prerequisite for solving is the change of property rights in the company Veletrhy Brno a.s.The solution is a new definition of functional areas in the whole territory and connecting to the city life and opening this area to the public. The aim was to design a rational solution structure that will complement and interconnects the existing area. The result should be an effective and functional area.

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