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Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Their K-12 Mathematics Education Experiences and Their Future Mathematics Teaching PracticesMarjanovich, Angel 01 May 2016 (has links)
So many students enter college without the conceptual knowledge of mathematical principles needed in order to succeed in higher education. Pre-service teachers entering teacher education programs are not exempt from this dilemma. While training to be educators, many pre-service teachers struggle to understand the concepts behind elementary level mathematics. These pre-service teachers will then continue in the education field and teach mathematics to the future generation. Will they teach their students the way they were taught? The purpose of this study is to investigate how pre-service teachers view their past experiences with math during their K-12 education and to compare those views with their perceptions of how they will teach math in the future. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods through surveys, short answer responses, and interviews, this study examines 38 pre-service teachers currently taking math methods courses at Southern Illinois University Carbondale in order to find out (1) how pre-service teachers view their past experiences with mathematics during their K-12 education, (2) what pre-service teachers' visions of how they will teach mathematics to their students in the future are, (3) which appears to have more influence on pre-service teachers' perceptions of their own future math teaching practices: their past learning experiences or their current teacher preparation program, and (4) what pre-service teachers perceive as effective ways of mathematics teaching and learning. Findings revealed that pre-service teachers tend to view their past K-12 math education experiences as mostly consisting of steps and procedures they were taught to memorize, but they have strong feelings about teaching mathematics for conceptual understanding instead of focusing on memorization like they were taught during their math classes in K-12 education. The results from this study also revealed that pre-service teachers feel it will be difficult not to fall back on the way they were taught mathematics when encountering unfamiliar concepts they have to teach. The need for more field experiences and learning how to incorporate project-based learning and presenting diverse ways of problem solving also came out as ways to improve teacher education programs.
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Att se människan bakom sjukdomen är som att lösa en gåta : En litteraturbaserad studie om vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens (BPSD) / Seeing the person behind the disease is like solving a mystery : A literature-based study about healthcare professionals' experiences of person-centered care in Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD).Lind, Maria, Appasi, Bisan January 2018 (has links)
Background: There are around 150.000 people with dementia in Sweden. It is common to suffer from BPSD sometime during the course of the disease, which adversely affects the quality of life. Symptoms cause impairment to varying degrees, making everyday life difficult to handle independently. Person-centered care means seeing the person behind the disease and it is necessary to find the cause of behavior and to compensate for loss of function. Knowledge of experience of working person-centered is a prerequisite for being able to provide staff with necessary support. Aim: To highlight healthcare professionals' experiences of person-centered care in BPSD. Method: This is a qualitative literature study based on 12 scientific articles. Result: The main themes that emerged were: Own conditions and obstacles, External conditions and obstacles and Contradictory feelings at work. With associated subthemes: Seeing the person behind the disease, To balance between strategies and routines,To take personal responsibility, To have knowledge and experience, Being in need of support and cooperation, To meet organizational / environmental factors, To have access to background information, To feel success and satisfaction and To feel insufficient and powerless. Conclusion: Several conditions that favor dementia care emerged from the results, but there were also factors and obstacles that hampered nursing work. Person-centered work practices increase the possibility of well-being for all involved. In order to care for people with dementia with a person-centered approach, more research in the subject, more resources and in-depth education is required. / Demenssjukdom är ett växande problem inom såväl hälso- och sjukvården som för samhället i stort. Det finns tillgång till symtomlindrande behandling men demenssjukdomar går idag inte att bota utan kan innebära ett stort livslångt lidande för de drabbade men även för deras anhöriga samt en ständig utmaning för vårdpersonal. De flesta drabbas någon gång under sin sjukdomsperiod av beteendemässiga eller psykiska symptom, som till exempel utmanande eller avvikande beteende. Det är viktigt att komma på vad som orsakar symtomen för att kunna lindra, förebygga eller minska lidandet. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård vid Beteendemässiga och Psykiska Symtom vid Demenssjukdom (BPSD) och studiens resultat baseras på en sammanställning av 12 kvalitativa artiklar. Resultatet visade att vårdpersonal beskrev egna och yttre förutsättningar och hinder och motstridiga känslor i arbetet. Att ha helhetssyn, förståelse och kunskap gentemot personer med demenssjukdom underlättar omvårdnaden. Vårdpersonal strävar efter att behandla personer med demenssjukdom utifrån det som passar personen och situationen bäst. Att anpassa mötet och se människan bortom sjukdomen är en viktig utgångspunkt som resulterar i bättre vårdkvalitet. Kunskap och kännedom om tidigare livshistoria är en förutsättning för att lära känna och förstå personen och arbeta personcentrerat vid BPSD. Olika strategier och rutiner används som redskap för att skapa kontakt och tillgodose behov. Vårdpersonal har erfarenhet och medvetenhet om att omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom är komplex och kräver kunskap och tålamod. Det ställs stora krav på vårdpersonalens anpassningsförmåga då det som fungerar ena gången, kanske inte fungerar gången därpå. Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter handlade även om behovet av stöd och samarbete, att möta organisatoriska miljöfaktorer och ha tillgång till bakgrundsinformation om patienten. Samarbete mellan kollegor främjar personcentreringen och bidrar till en förbättrad arbetssituation. Svårigheten i att påverka organisatoriska beslut är märkbar och brist på resurser, samarbete och förståelse från organisationens sida bidrar till att vårdpersonal får svårt att arbeta personcentrerat. Detta tillsammans med vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av hur välfungerande personcentrerad vård gynnar arbetet med personer med BPSD skapar motstridiga känslor i arbetet. Vårdpersonalen kände sig ibland otillräcklig och maktlös men kunde även känna framgång och tillfredsställelse
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Shikantaza : -erfarenheter av flow och rent medvetande i enzenbuddhistisk kontext / Shikantaza : -experiences of flow and pure consciousness ina zen buddhist contextPettersson, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Shikantaza - erfarenheter av flow och rent medvetande i en zenbuddhistisk kontext (Shikantaza - experiences of flow and pure consciousness in a zen buddhist context) The zen buddhist meditation practice of Shikantaza (just sitting) is the core practice of the japanese soto-zen tradition. It is described as one of the simplest yet most subitle forms of meditation but also one of the most easily misunderstood. In this study the experience of Shikantaza meditation is investigated from a psychological point of view. Six in depth interviews are analysed with support from the theoretical framework provided by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Robert Forman. The result of the study suggests that the core experience of Shikantaza zazen can be identified as a pure consciousness event and that this experience, with continuous practice, can become permanent and brought in to the daily life of the practitioner. The study also shows that this experience, when it has become a part of the ordinary life, helps the practitioner to cultivate autotelic personality traits and as a result of this he or she can appreciate and enjoy the simple and small things in life.
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Antes e depois do diagnóstico : o trabalho na história de pessoas que vivem com HIVColomby, Renato Koch January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho é tema de interesse de muitos autores que convergem em sua centralidade na sociedade. Da mesma forma, diversos pesquisadores, especialmente da área da saúde, tem como foco a epidemia do HIV. A presente dissertação se propôs a unir ambos os objetos de estudo e avançar nas pesquisas partindo de um olhar do indivíduo com HIV e problematizar sua relação com o trabalho. O esforço de investigação justificou-se pela escassez de estudos que analisem essa questão pela ótica da administração e pelo impacto da epidemia no mundo do trabalho. A dissertação teve como objetivo geral identificar e analisar como o diagnóstico do HIV e suas implicações alteram a vida de uma pessoa em sua relação com o trabalho. Para subsidiá-la, além de um histórico do HIV e suas implicações no mundo do trabalho, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre o trabalho frente a diferentes perspectivas: fisiológica, cultural, religiosa, espiritual, ideológica, econômica, política, legal, psicológica e social. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem qualitativa e como caminho metodológico a História de Vida por sua capacidade de compreender um fenômeno por múltiplas facetas e ser um meio de reflexão, intervenção e transformação social. Sendo assim, através de duas histórias de vida recolhidas entre os meses de março e agosto de 2016, a pesquisa concluiu que após o diagnóstico de HIV os indivíduos pesquisados passaram a se perceber e ser percebidos de maneira diferente afetando as diversas esferas da vida, incluindo a profissional. As formas de pensar e agir passaram a levar em consideração seu estado de saúde e o sigilo da soropositividade, por exemplo. No contexto das significativas alterações na vida após o diagnóstico de HIV foram relatadas diversas dificuldades enfrentadas por eles quanto ao trabalho e as alternativas engendradas frente às barreiras apresentadas no mundo do trabalho como a busca pela estabilidade no serviço público ou a informalidade como forma de minimizar o risco de exposição da soropositividade. Destaca-se o entendimento de que vida e trabalho cada vez menos são possíveis de serem compreendidos separadamente e que as relações estabelecidas entre HIV e trabalho são singulares a cada individuo. Por isso, não se buscou a generalização de resultados e sim a reflexão acerca deste tema ainda imbuído de elementos como preconceito, estigma e discriminação. Por fim, na perspectiva de que gerar reflexão é uma forma de intervenção social, o autor se posiciona no entendimento de que esses elementos podem ser minimizados, se não extinguidos, através da informação e o ato de “descortinar” assuntos como esses de tamanha importância acadêmica e social. / The labor is the subject of interest of many authors who converge in their centrality in society. Likewise, several researchers, especially in the health area, focus on the HIV epidemic. This dissertation aimed to unite both objects of study and advance the research starting with a look of individuals with HIV and discuss their relationship with work. The research effort was justified by the lack of studies to examine this issue from the perspective of management and the impact of the epidemic in the workplace. The dissertation aimed to identify and analyze how HIV diagnosis and its implications on life of a person and its relationship to work. It was added a history of HIV and its implications to the world of work and literature review on different perspectives: physiological, cultural, religious, spiritual, ideological, economic, political, legal, psychological and social. The research has a qualitative approach and as a methodological path the History of Life for their ability to understand a phenomenon of multiple facets and be a means of reflection, intervention and social transformation. This way, through two life stories that were collected between March and August 2016, the dissertation concluded that after diagnosis of HIV surveyed persons began to perceive themselves and be perceived differently, being affected in the different walks of life, including professional. The ways of thinking and acting started to take into consideration their health status and the confidentiality of HIV status. In the context, significant changes in life after diagnosis of HIV have been reported, including various difficulties faced by them about the work. Alternatives were engendered for facing the barriers presented in the working world as the search for stability in public service or informality in order to minimize the risk of seropositivity exposure. Noteworthy is the understanding that life and work are less and less possible to be understood separately and that the relations between HIV and work are unique to each individual. So not sought the generalization of results but the reflection on this subject still imbued of elements such as prejudice, stigma and discrimination. Finally, the perspective that generate reflection is a form of social intervention, the author stands on the understanding that these elements can be minimized, if not extinguished, through information and the act of "unveil" issues like as those of such academic and social importance.
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O lugar das expriências culturais na constituição de um Ethos DocenteDalla Zen, Laura Habckost January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese se situa no campo da formação de professores, com foco nas relações entre experiência, cultura e formação. Ao apostar nas possibilidades de um pensamento em Educação elaborado a partir da experiência, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar o lugar das experiências culturais, especificamente, na constituição de um ethos docente, isto é, em um certo modo de ser professor. Examina, inicialmente, sob que condições históricas o discurso sobre formação cultural de professores ganha legitimidade hoje, bem como sua dispersão em espaços que orientam a carreira docente, quais sejam: pesquisas acadêmicas, políticas públicas e diretrizes curriculares. Como forma de construir uma memória discursiva da concepção de cultura como instância formativa, diretamente relacionada ao discurso em questão, resgata os conceitos de Paideia, Bildung e Hallbildung para, então, inscrever uma concepção particular sobre formação cultural de professores, à luz do nosso tempo. Os movimentos teórico‐metodológicos, por sua vez, compreenderam a revisão de dados históricos, em uma perspectiva de inspiração genealógica, aliada à análise foucaultiana do discurso. O material empírico da tese constituiu‐se de portfólios de experiências culturais, realizados por alunas de Pedagogia, bem como de interações oriundas da organização de um grupo focal com seis dessas alunas. Diferentes autores compõem a ancoragem teórica que sustentou as discussões da tese, dentre os quais destaco: Michel Foucault, Jorge Larrosa e Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer. As análises desenvolvidas possibilitaram identificar que as experiências culturais aparecem implicadas com a constituição de um ethos docente, na medida em que: (1) desencadeiam e potencializam uma abertura aos processos de negociação, o que pressupõe, não raras vezes, rever posicionamentos e acomodar novas verdades; (2) sugerem um certo empoderamento, não no sentido de uma tomada de poder pelas alunas, mas como ampliação de possibilidades de vida; (3) ao se configurarem como um compromisso assumido por essas alunas, naquilo que Foucault denominou cuidado de si, articulam modos de saber e de criar a si mesmo, em direção, quem sabe, à vida boa de que fala a ética. / This thesis is situated in the area of teacher education, focused on the relations among experience, culture and education. From betting in the possibilities of one knowledge directed to education, elaborated from the experience, this study had the objective of analysing cultural experiences, specifically in the constitution of an ethos docent, in other words, from the teacher way of being. Initially, it examines under which historical conditions the discourse on the cultural teacher education gain legitimacy today, as well as its dispersion in spaces that guide the teaching career, which are: academic researches, public policies and curricular directives. As a way of constructing a discursive memory of the conception of culture as a formative instance, directly related to the discourse in question, it rescues the concepts of Paideia, Bildung and Hallbildung for inscribing a particular conception about the cultural teacher education in the light of our time. The theoreticalmethodological movements, in turn, comprised the revision of historical data, from a perspective of genealogical inspiration, allied to the foucaultian analysis of discourse. The empirical material of the thesis consisted of portfolios of cultural experiences carried out by Pedagogy students, as well as interactions from the organization of a focal group with six of these students. Different authors make up the anchorage. The empirical material of the thesis is constituted of portfolios from cultural experiences, realized by pedagogy students as well as interactions deriving from the organization of one focal group constituted by six students. Different authors compose the theoretical anchorage that supported the discussions of the thesis, among which I highlight: Michel Foucault, Jorge Larrosa and Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer. The analysis that have been developed enabled the identification of cultural experiences implicated with the constitution of an ethos docent, in the means that: (1) unleash and enhance openness to negotiation processes, which often presupposes revising positions and accommodating new truths; (2) suggest a certain empowerment, not in the sense of a power takeover by the students, but as an extension of life possibilities; (3) in what they called the care of themselves, articulate ways of knowing and creating themselves, towards, perhaps, the good life of which ethics speaks.
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Cannabis Use, Psychotic-like Experiences, and Vascular Risk in Young AdultsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: There is a robust association between psychosis and cannabis use, but the mechanisms underlying this relation are poorly understood. Because both psychosis and cannabis use have been linked to cardiovascular problems, it is possible that cannabis use exacerbates an underlying vascular vulnerability in individuals prone to psychosis. To investigate microvascular differences in individuals with psychotic symptoms and cannabis use, the current study tested associations between psychotic-like experiences, cannabis use, and retinal vessel diameter in 101 young adults (mean age=19.37 years [SD=1.93]). Retinal venular diameter did not differ between participants with (M=218.08, SD=15.09) and without psychotic-like experiences (M=216.61, SD=16.18) (F(1, 97)=0.01, p=.93) or between cannabis users (M=218.41, SD=14.31) and non-users (M=216.95, SD=16.26) (F(1, 97)=0.37, p=.54). Likewise, mean retinal arteriolar diameter did not differ between participants with (M=157.07, SD=10.96) and without psychotic-like experiences (M=154.88, SD=9.03) (F(1, 97)=0.00, p=.97). However, cannabis users had statistically significantly wider retinal arterioles (M=159.10, SD=9.94) than did non-users (M=154.29, SD=10.20) (F(1, 97)=5.99, p=.016), and this effect was robust to control for covariates. There was no evidence of an interaction between psychotic-like experiences and cannabis use in predicting retinal vessel diameter. These results indicate that cannabis use is associated with microvascular differences in young adulthood. Given current trends toward legalization of recreational cannabis use, future research should explore these differences and their potential consequences for cardiovascular health. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2016
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Indigenous Worldviews: Teachers’ Experience with Native Studies in OntarioLagarde, Natasha 10 July 2018 (has links)
This research is an analysis of Ontario teachers’ experiences with Grade 11 NDA3M Current Aboriginal Context in Canada curriculum. By deconstructing and critically analyzing the curricular and pedagogical implications, my thesis is a targeted response to number 63 of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. As outlined by Clandinin and Connelly (2000), this research is centred in narrative research techniques. Additionally, I draw on Miller’s (1996) 3L’s: Look, Listen, and Learn approach, paired with Dion and Dion’s (2004) storytelling as a means of telling and (re)telling the story. I used one-on-one interviews with teachers and one sharing circle with teachers and elders to synthesize data from documents to capture the essence of the lived experiences. Participants revealed their experiences of what Aoki claims is curriculum-as-planned and curriculum-as-lived in this course. The results of this research were revealed responses to components of number 63 of the Calls to Action; NDA3M requires a review of curriculum expectations to align with teachers’ classroom experiences; participants discussed how their respective schools are using every opportunity to students’ capacity and awareness of Indigenous Worldviews; and professional development to support Indigenous education is in high demand.
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Prévention et vieillissement : l'expérience individuelle du vieillissement face à la norme contemporaine du "bien vieillir" / Prevention and aging : individual experience of aging face of contemporary standard of "aging well"Alvarez, Stéphane 01 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de questionner les expériences individuelles du vieillissement dans un contexte de structuration d'une politique de prévention. Il s'agit tout d'abord de questionner le sens de l'élaboration d'une politique de prévention de la dépendance en vue de « bien vieillir » et de mettre à jour la production sociale d'un discours sur les parcours du vieillir. Une lecture foucaldienne, en termes de gouvernement des corps, fait apparaitre la prévention dans le vieillissement comme une tentative de définition des pratiques et des modes de vie de la vieillesse, par une sécurisation et une normalisation des parcours individuels de vieillissement. La recherche restitue alors la diversité des acteurs qui concourt à la constitution de carrières institutionnelles autour de la dépendance – la prévention venant en amont : des acteurs politiques tout d'abord, qui ont participé à la mise sur l'agenda gouvernemental d'une nouvelle forme de problématisation de la vieillesse, en s'appuyant sur des recherches scientifiques sur le « vieillissement réussi », élaborées par des gériatres et des psychologues à la fin des années 90. La politique de prévention implique également des acteurs traditionnels des politiques de la vieillesse et du vieillissement : les caisses de retraite du régime général et les caisses de retraite complémentaire, par leurs fonds d'action sociale, mettent en œuvre des programmes d'action orientés vers les plus « fragiles » des retraités et participent à la construction du champ de la prévention de la dépendance. La thèse, qui repose sur une mise en confrontation du discours des personnes âgées et du discours de la prévention, montre l'écart qui existe entre celles et ceux qui vivent la vieillesse et ceux qui la traitent et tentent de la prendre en charge, et remet en cause les périodisations de la vie que les politiques publiques contribuent à construire. Une sociologie des parcours de vie pointe le fait que l'expérience du vieillissement et le rapport à la prévention sont dépendants de l'inscription dans des classes sociales particulières. L'ancrage social est apparu comme fortement discriminant des pratiques quotidiennes, des modes de vie, des capacités et des compétences mobilisées et mobilisables, tout autant que des perceptions des parcours de vie et des trajectoires de vieillissement. Le vieillissement apparait alors dans cette étude comme un temps de maturation, lors duquel les individus relisent leur passé, à la faveur des événements centraux de leur parcours de vie et de l'idée qu'ils se font de leur futur. / The objective of this thesis is to question the individual experiences of aging in the context of structuring a prevention policy. This is first of all to question the direction of policy development for the prevention of dependence in order to "aging well" and to update the social production of a speech on the route of the old. A reading Foucault in terms of government bodies, brings up prevention in aging as an attempt to define practices and lifestyles of old age, a security and standardization of individual pathways of aging. The search then returns the diversity of actors contributing to the creation of institutional careers around dependence - prevention from upstream: the political actors first, who participated in setting the agenda for a new government problematization form of old age, based on scientific research on the "successful aging", developed by geriatricians and psychologists in the late 90s. Prevention policy also involves traditional actors of old age policies and aging: the cases of the state pension and supplementary pension funds, through their social action fund, implement actions for “frailty" retired and participate in the construction of the field of prevention of dependence. The thesis, based on a formal comparison of the speech of the elderly and speech of prevention, shows the gap between those who are aging and those who treat it and try to take in charge, and questions the periodization of life that public policies build. A sociology of life course points to the fact that the experience of aging and to prevention are dependent on position on special social classes. The social roots appeared to be highly discriminating concerning daily practices, lifestyles, abilities and skills mobilized, as well as perceptions of life course trajectories and aging. Aging then appears in this study as a time of maturation, during which individuals proofread their past, thanks to the central events of their life course and their perception of their future.
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Kom så bär jag dig : en studie om föräldrars upplevelse av att bära sitt barn medhjälp av bärdon / Come on, I'll carry you : A study about parents' experience of carrying their child with the help of a babycarrier or babysling.Lind, Emelie, Åsén, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Becoming a parent is a lifechanging event that can be demanding in todays' stressful living. Carrying babies with baby-carrier/baby-slings is becoming more and more acceptable in the society. To meet the requirements of promoting health and growth among children the nurse need greater understanding of parent's experiences of carrying their babies close with the help of a baby-carrier or baby-sling. The aim of this study was to exam parent's experience of carrying their child with the help of a baby-carrier or baby-sling. In this qualitative study eleven parents were interviewed with the help of a semi-structured question guide. Content analyse where used as a method and two themes emerged; Parent-perspective and Child-perspective. The parent's perception of using a baby-carrier or baby-sling was that it is a tool in everyday life as well as a good way to promote bonding and attachment. Parents need information about carrying babies with the help of a baby-carrier or baby-sling and desire it from healthcare professionals. The nurse specialist has a great responsibility in promoting good cooperation with parents and to promote health and growth for the children. It is therefore important that the nurse encourages parents to have their babies close. Using a baby-carrier or baby-sling is an easy tool that can help parents to have their baby close.
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Experiências de seringueiros de Xapuri no Estado do Acre e outras histórias / Experiences of Xapuri rubber tappers in Acre and other storiesCarlos Estevão Ferreira Castelo 16 May 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho procura-se desenvolver reflexões acerca das mudanças nos modos de vida que os seringueiros de Xapuri/AC vêm experimentando desde o assassinato de Chico Mendes, em 1988. Neste sentido, as atenções e energias do estudo foram concentradas na tentativa de perceber, principalmente a partir de relatos coletados com moradores do Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista Cachoeira e Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, os novos temores, as novas experiências e os novos desafios, entre outras histórias experimentadas pelos seringueiros residentes nos locais pesquisados. Para isso, procurou-se estabelecer um diálogo com as experiências desses sujeitos sociais, objetivando traduzir, por meio de relatos colhidos, in loco, as vozes, os rostos e as vivências humanas na cena do estudo. A História Oral foi a estratégia metodológica principal utilizada para a obtenção das fontes. Entretanto, também fontes escritas foram utilizadas. A análise e o diálogo com as fontes apontam que as principais modificações no viver dos sujeitos pesquisados aconteceram, principalmente, após a chegada ao poder estadual de um grupo político denominado Frente Popular do Acre. Esse Governo, que se autodenominou Governo da Floresta, realizou investimentos patrocinados por organizações internacionais que trouxeram mudanças significativas no modus vivendi das pessoas do interior das matas xapurienses. Essas mudanças melhoraram a vida dos sujeitos, mas também trouxeram problemas, riscos e prejuízos. A possibilidade do desaparecimento dos seringueiros, deixando o território limpo para outras explorações, constituiu-se em uma das importantes questões que a pesquisa evidenciou e suscita no meio social da floresta xapuriense / This work seeks to develop reflections on the changes in the lifestyles the rubber tappers from Xapuri/AC have been experiencing since the murder of Chico Mendes, in 1988. In this sense, the attention and the energy of the study were concentrated on trying to perceive, mainly from the reports of the dwellers of the Cachoeira Extractive Settlement Project and the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, the new fears, the new experiences and the new challenges, among other stories the rubber tappers residing in the surveyed areas have gone through. For this purpose, a dialogue was established with the experiences of those social subjects, aiming to translate, through the reports collected, in loco, the voices, the faces and the living experiences in the scene of the study. The Oral History was the main methodological estrategy used to obtain the sources. However, written sources were also used. The analysis and the dialogue with the sources indicate that the major changes in the living of the studied subjects happened, primarily, after a political group called Popular Front of Acre came to power state. That Governance, which called itself Government of the Forest, sponsored investments held by international organizations which brought significant changes to the modus vivendi of the people from the interior of Xapuris forest. Those changes have improved the life of the subjects, but they also brought problems, risks and damages. The possibility of disappearance of the rubber tappers, leaving the territory clean for other holdings, constituted itself into one of the important questions that the survey evidenced and raises in the social environment of Xapuris forest
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