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Racismo e violência, prática de extermínio contra a juventude negra / Racism and violence, extermination implemented against the black youthSuzete de Paiva Lima 15 December 2010 (has links)
A Dissertação busca fazer uma reflexão sobre o racismo, a violência e o extermínio de adolescentes e jovens pobres e negros. Não é uma situação nova. Contudo, é pertinente levantar de que modo, como e por quais vias histórico-político-sociais este problema se constituiu. A forma extrema da violência vivenciada pela juventude negra, as execuções sumárias, não exclui outras formas de violações de direitos, como pouco acesso aos bens materiais e culturais, entre os quais educação, saúde, lazer. A nossa hipótese é de que o racismo tem sido o eixo central perverso impedindo a juventude negra de ter sua cidadania efetivada. Ao lado desta reflexão, trazemos o caso de Vitória da Conquista/BA, para ilustrar como está violência não se encontra restrita aos grandes centros urbanos, mas atinge também as pequenas e médias cidades do interior. Através dos depoimentos dos familiares das vítimas, bem como notícias de jornais, confirma-se a participação de policiais em muitos dos casos de execução. Neste sentido, é nossa hipótese, que o racismo e a violência tem sido incorporados ao aparelho repressor do Estado, dificultando e mesmo impedindo que políticas públicas direcionadas aos jovens tenham maior efetividade. / This dissertation tries to make a reflection on the racism, violence and the killing of black and poor youth. This is not a new situation. However, it is pertinent to understand the way, how and in what ways this historical, political and social aspect of this problematic. This extreme form of violence experienced by black youth, summary executions, include other forms of rights violations, such as poor access to material and cultural goods , among which education, health, leisure. Our hypothesis is that racism hás been the central issue preventing black youth to have their citizenship effective. Alongside this discussion, we present the case of Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia, to illustrate how this type of violence is not restricted to large urban centers, but it also affects the small and medium communities. Through the testimonies of victims' relatives, as well as newspaper reports, this study confirms the involvement of police in many cases of execution. In this sense, our hypothesis is that racism and violence has been incorporated into the repressive apparatus of the state, making it difficult and even preventing public policies directed at young people have more effect.
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Racismo e violência, prática de extermínio contra a juventude negra / Racism and violence, extermination implemented against the black youthSuzete de Paiva Lima 15 December 2010 (has links)
A Dissertação busca fazer uma reflexão sobre o racismo, a violência e o extermínio de adolescentes e jovens pobres e negros. Não é uma situação nova. Contudo, é pertinente levantar de que modo, como e por quais vias histórico-político-sociais este problema se constituiu. A forma extrema da violência vivenciada pela juventude negra, as execuções sumárias, não exclui outras formas de violações de direitos, como pouco acesso aos bens materiais e culturais, entre os quais educação, saúde, lazer. A nossa hipótese é de que o racismo tem sido o eixo central perverso impedindo a juventude negra de ter sua cidadania efetivada. Ao lado desta reflexão, trazemos o caso de Vitória da Conquista/BA, para ilustrar como está violência não se encontra restrita aos grandes centros urbanos, mas atinge também as pequenas e médias cidades do interior. Através dos depoimentos dos familiares das vítimas, bem como notícias de jornais, confirma-se a participação de policiais em muitos dos casos de execução. Neste sentido, é nossa hipótese, que o racismo e a violência tem sido incorporados ao aparelho repressor do Estado, dificultando e mesmo impedindo que políticas públicas direcionadas aos jovens tenham maior efetividade. / This dissertation tries to make a reflection on the racism, violence and the killing of black and poor youth. This is not a new situation. However, it is pertinent to understand the way, how and in what ways this historical, political and social aspect of this problematic. This extreme form of violence experienced by black youth, summary executions, include other forms of rights violations, such as poor access to material and cultural goods , among which education, health, leisure. Our hypothesis is that racism hás been the central issue preventing black youth to have their citizenship effective. Alongside this discussion, we present the case of Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia, to illustrate how this type of violence is not restricted to large urban centers, but it also affects the small and medium communities. Through the testimonies of victims' relatives, as well as newspaper reports, this study confirms the involvement of police in many cases of execution. In this sense, our hypothesis is that racism and violence has been incorporated into the repressive apparatus of the state, making it difficult and even preventing public policies directed at young people have more effect.
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Destruction et métamorphoses du corps dans l'enfermement. Représentation de la déshumanisation chez Primo Levi, Georges Perec et Samuel Beckett / Destruction and metamorphoses of the body in confinement. Dehumanisation’s representation in Primo Levi, Georges Perec and Samuel Beckett’s worksMunaro, Béatrice 20 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse de littérature comparée a pour objectif de mettre en rapport des œuvres habitées par l’Histoire, et d’interroger les représentations littéraires du corps face à l’épreuve extrême de l’enfermement. Le but de cette recherche, qui se déploie en trois temps, est de questionner la nature humaine à travers le prisme de l’écriture face à l’expérience bouleversante des camps de concentration et d’extermination nazis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en mettant en parallèle des œuvres tant de témoignage que de fiction, qui puisent leurs ressources chacune dans le réel et le fictionnel, dans un jeu de vases communicants.Plus précisément, dans le cadre de la première partie, nous nous concentrons sur la manière dont l’expérience-limite de l’être se manifeste dans ces récits : la confusion identitaire et la déshumanisation y bousculent la représentation du corps, le mettent en doute. Ce doute s’inscrit dans le langage même : comment raconter ce qui paraît inimaginable ? Dans cette deuxième partie, nous mettons l’accent sur l’aspect indicible de l’évènement, et réfléchissons aux contournements, aux déplacements que peut offrir la littérature pour dire ce qui semble, au premier abord, inénarrable. Les images et symboles créent de nouvelles formes littéraires. Ces analyses nous permettent de développer enfin la thématique de ce que nous appelons l’écriture organique, qui se compose et s’articule autour de la corporéité. Langage et corps se superposent dans une dynamique architecturale. Écrire laisse une trace. L’écriture engendre. La littérature serait alors le terrain fécond d’une renaissance, de l’écriture d’un homme nouveau, à jamais métamorphosé par l’expérience concentrationnaire. / This thesis of comparative literature aims to relate pieces inhabited by history and to question literary representations of the body in the face of the extreme hardship of confinement. The aim of this research, which unfolds in three parts, is to question human nature through the prism of writing when confronted with the traumatic experience of concentration camps and Nazi exterminations in the Second World War, by paralleling pieces, factual and fictional, which draw their ressources from both reality and fiction like interconnecting vessels. More specifically, as part of the first section we concentrate on the way the limit-experience of being manifests itself in these accounts. The confusion of identity and the dehumanization disrupt the representation of the body, thus impeaching it.This doubt fits into the language itself : how does one tell the unimaginable ? In the second section we focus on the inexpressible aspect of the event and reflect on the diversions, the displacements that literature can offer to say what, at first, seems indescribable. Imagery and symbolism create new forms of literature.This analysis allows us to develop the theme that we call organic writing, which is composed of and articulates itself through corporeity. Language and body superpose themselves in an architectural dynamic. Writing leaves a trace. Writing gives rise to new forms. Literature would therefore be the fertile soil of revival, the writing of a new human being, forever metamorphosed by the concentration camp experience.
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Máquina crack / Crack machineMilonopoulos, Alexis 15 September 2014 (has links)
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Alexis Milonopoulos.pdf: 661841 bytes, checksum: 219e3a2790ffeae487d465869f4e13f4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-09-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Based on a cartographic writing, Crack Machine shows the games of power and the struggling forces within the cracolandia field, pointing out not only the battles, the gears and specific arrangements placed on networks of strategic places, but also dislocations, sinuosity, transversals, tracks, ruts and thresholds that cross the whole cracolandia issue and question our politics. By showing the profusion of useless actions in that area this dissertation treats this matter reaching beyond the discussions about hygienization process and the real estate speculation, pointing out another dimension of the State and the politics and demonstrating a machine that lives off exclusion, speculation, immolation, safety and potentializing more and more lucrative businesses that go from wars against drugs to humanitarianism. In another movement, it exposes the matter of irrecoverable population management, extrapolating the cracolandia space and the discussion about crack cocaine and the control of the undesirable population through technologies that provide administration and risk management. It also shows how these ungovernable populations have been, also with the formation of a new drug market, the main effect of the austerity politics that have taken the globe, questioning our model of society and our political rationality related to the way power has struggled to manage populations since the appearance of the biopower. Taking a step forward from a strictly biopolitical analysis, rewriting the to make die and to let die in the mark of power technologies, pointing out how death became a normal governmental mechanism, inserted in a military-political project of war on drugs and being a privileged strategy that allows the creation of a tension between to make live, to make die and to let die / A partir de uma escritura cartográfica, Máquina Crack mostra jogos de poder e forças em luta no campo da cracolândia, evidenciando não só batalhas, engrenagens e arranjos específicos situados em redes de lugares estratégicos, mas também deslocamentos, sinuosidades, transversais, rastros, sulcos e limiares que atravessam todo a questão da cracolândia e que colocam a nossa política em questão. Ao mostrar a profusão de ações inócuas na área, trata esta questão indo além das discussões acerca de processos de higienização e do fenômeno da especulação imobiliária, evidenciando uma outra dimensão do Estado e da política e demonstrando toda uma máquina que vive da exclusão, da especulação, da imolação e da segurança e que cada vez mais potencializa lucrativos negócios que vão da guerra às drogas ao humanitarismo. Em um outro movimento, expõe a problemática da gestão de populações irrecuperáveis, extrapolando o espaço da cracolândia e a discussão em torno do crack e problematizando a questão da gestão estratégica de populações, mais precisamente da contenção e do controle de populações indesejáveis por meio de tecnologias que propiciam a administração e a gestão de riscos. Mostra também como estas populações ingovernáveis têm sido, juntamente com a formação de um novo mercado de drogas, o principal efeito das políticas de austeridade que tem tomado o globo, colocando em xeque nosso modelo de sociedade e nossa racionalidade política, relacionada ao modo com que o poder esforçou-se para gerir populações desde o aparecimento do biopoder. Dando um passo para além de uma análise estritamente biopolítica, reinscreve o fazer morrer e o deixar morrer no marco das tecnologias de poder, evidenciando como a morte tornou-se um mecanismo normal de governo, inserido-se em um projeto político-militar de guerra às drogas e sendo uma estratégia privilegiada que permite a criação de uma tensão singular entre fazer viver, fazer morrer e deixar morrer
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Máquina crack / Crack machineMilonopoulos, Alexis 15 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:54:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Alexis Milonopoulos.pdf: 661841 bytes, checksum: 219e3a2790ffeae487d465869f4e13f4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-09-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Based on a cartographic writing, Crack Machine shows the games of power and the struggling forces within the cracolandia field, pointing out not only the battles, the gears and specific arrangements placed on networks of strategic places, but also dislocations, sinuosity, transversals, tracks, ruts and thresholds that cross the whole cracolandia issue and question our politics. By showing the profusion of useless actions in that area this dissertation treats this matter reaching beyond the discussions about hygienization process and the real estate speculation, pointing out another dimension of the State and the politics and demonstrating a machine that lives off exclusion, speculation, immolation, safety and potentializing more and more lucrative businesses that go from wars against drugs to humanitarianism. In another movement, it exposes the matter of irrecoverable population management, extrapolating the cracolandia space and the discussion about crack cocaine and the control of the undesirable population through technologies that provide administration and risk management. It also shows how these ungovernable populations have been, also with the formation of a new drug market, the main effect of the austerity politics that have taken the globe, questioning our model of society and our political rationality related to the way power has struggled to manage populations since the appearance of the biopower. Taking a step forward from a strictly biopolitical analysis, rewriting the to make die and to let die in the mark of power technologies, pointing out how death became a normal governmental mechanism, inserted in a military-political project of war on drugs and being a privileged strategy that allows the creation of a tension between to make live, to make die and to let die / A partir de uma escritura cartográfica, Máquina Crack mostra jogos de poder e forças em luta no campo da cracolândia, evidenciando não só batalhas, engrenagens e arranjos específicos situados em redes de lugares estratégicos, mas também deslocamentos, sinuosidades, transversais, rastros, sulcos e limiares que atravessam todo a questão da cracolândia e que colocam a nossa política em questão. Ao mostrar a profusão de ações inócuas na área, trata esta questão indo além das discussões acerca de processos de higienização e do fenômeno da especulação imobiliária, evidenciando uma outra dimensão do Estado e da política e demonstrando toda uma máquina que vive da exclusão, da especulação, da imolação e da segurança e que cada vez mais potencializa lucrativos negócios que vão da guerra às drogas ao humanitarismo. Em um outro movimento, expõe a problemática da gestão de populações irrecuperáveis, extrapolando o espaço da cracolândia e a discussão em torno do crack e problematizando a questão da gestão estratégica de populações, mais precisamente da contenção e do controle de populações indesejáveis por meio de tecnologias que propiciam a administração e a gestão de riscos. Mostra também como estas populações ingovernáveis têm sido, juntamente com a formação de um novo mercado de drogas, o principal efeito das políticas de austeridade que tem tomado o globo, colocando em xeque nosso modelo de sociedade e nossa racionalidade política, relacionada ao modo com que o poder esforçou-se para gerir populações desde o aparecimento do biopoder. Dando um passo para além de uma análise estritamente biopolítica, reinscreve o fazer morrer e o deixar morrer no marco das tecnologias de poder, evidenciando como a morte tornou-se um mecanismo normal de governo, inserido-se em um projeto político-militar de guerra às drogas e sendo uma estratégia privilegiada que permite a criação de uma tensão singular entre fazer viver, fazer morrer e deixar morrer
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Wannseekonferensen- början på slutet : En historiografisk studie om planerandet av Förintelsen / The Wannsee Conference - the beginning of the end : A historiographical study of the planning of the HolocaustBlom, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how historiography has portraited the planning of the Holocaust. This has benn carried out with the support of a qualitative text alalysis as a method. The study has its starting point in how different historians have attributed the role of the Wannsee Conference. The reasearch's theoretical approach is based on concepts about modernity and conceptual analyzers about rationality, bureaucracy and industrialization. These concepts have been used as analysis tools in order to contrast historians' conlusions. The result shows that there are several intrepretations about the significance of the Wannsee Conference. Several histrians agree that the Wannsee Conference can be considered a clear turning point. This is because the violent persecution of the legal population will increase after the conference takes place. However, other historians belive that there were several decisive fators in the war that led to what became the Holocaust. Much indicates that it was a bureaucratic mess within the Nazi elite, while several historians point out that the Holocaust will grow out of the war. The reulst clearly has shown how historians have problematized structures as casual axplanations, rather than discussing the role of Adolf Hitler, as previous reasearch has stated was one of the main areas in early historiography. The Holocaust became a means of how the Nazis feared to be defeated in the war, Finally, a discussion regarding didactics has also been held about how this subject ahould be utilized in a teaching context.
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Terminis vienaskilčių piktžolių naikinimas vandens garu / Thermal monocotyledonous weed removal using water vapourVirbickaitė, Rasa 13 June 2005 (has links)
Subject of investigation - thermal extermination of monocotyledonous weed plant (barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.))) using hot water vapour. Ecological weed control in crops is very important for development of ecological agriculture economy. While carrying out thermal weed extermination, it was noticed that monocotyledonous weeds are difficult to exterminate (to affect) thermally. The analysis of thermal extermination of the monocotyledonous weed plant (barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.))) using wet water vapour is presented in the work. On the basis of temperature spread regularities in barnyard grass tissues established, the main technological indexes of thermal weed extermination using wet water vapour, application of which enables the efficient and ecological control of this difficult to exterminate weed plant, were determined. The data obtained were analysed statistically using the two-factor dispersion analysis. Growth stage efficiency of barnyard grass not dependent on the thermal effect duration, thermal effect duration influence not dependent on growth stages, as well as their interaction was discussed. The aim of this work is investigation of the water vapour thermal impact on the weed plant barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.)) in various growth stages, with the purpose of its thermal extermination.
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A paleozoological perspective on predator extermination and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Boddaert) overabundance in central Texas.Wolverton, Steven J. 05 1900 (has links)
Archaeological and paleontological datasets are used in conservation to add time-depth to ecology. In central Texas several top carnivores including prehistoric Native American hunters have been extirpated or have had their historic ranges restricted, which has resulted in pest-level white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus texana) populations in some areas. Predator extermination has dramatically reduced the average body size of members of the extant predator guild, and large carnivores most capable of hunting white-tailed deer are extirpated. Character release in the remaining “large” predatorsmesocarnivoresis a predicted outcome related to the adaptive vacuum at the top of the trophic hierarchy. Differences in body size of deer between prehistory and modernity are expected given that a lack of predation likely has increased intraspecific competition for forage among deer resulting in smaller body size today. In fact modern deer from settings without harvest pressure are significantly smaller than those from harvested areas and from prehistoric deer. From a natural history perspective, this research highlights potential evolutionary causes and effects of top-predator removal on deer populations and related components of biological communities in central Texas.
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Historie terezínských transportů Dl a Dm do Osvětimi / History of the transports Dl and Dm from Teresienstadt to AuschwitzStrmisková, Sabina January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the history of two transports, transports Dl and Dm dispatched september 6 1943 from ghetto Terezín to Auschwitz. It is possible to find a lot of information in many publications, but this thesis introduces this subject throught testimonies of eyewitnesses. Starting with the family background, continuing with deportation to Theresienstadt from where the transports were dispatched. Concerning the transport to Auschwitz, I elaborated its characteristics looking at the age and sex of the transported inmates. Due to the witness's testimonies, I tried to concentrate on the history of two day's journey to the biggest extermination camp during the second world war. And the eyewitness's testimonies are illustrating all the welcoming ceremony, the desinfection, tattoo and dormitory allocation. In my thesis, I would like to describe the Terezin inmates' biannual stay in family camp B IIb, tragical death of 3 792 of them at night of 8 to 9 March 1944, seeking to recreate the Dr. Mengele's list of medical personnel and twins. Finally, I would like to emphasise the fate of 41 survivors of those transports.
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Ve stínu Lidic - srovnání proměn paměti obcí vyhlazených v období Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / In the Shadow of Lidice - Comparison of changes in the memory of the villages exterminated during the Protectorate of Bohemia and MoraviaKyliášová, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on changes of perception of selected municipalities, which were affected by extermination action during the existence of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Unlike Lidice and Ležáky, however, they are not so well-known today. For comparison, I chose five Moravian villages and settlements, of which Zákřov and Javoříčko lay in the Olomouc, Ploština, Prlov and Vařákovy paseky were in the area of Wallachia. The introductory part is devoted to the theory of memory, focusing on collective memory and memory space with inspiration from sociology and history authors. Namely Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora, Jan Assmann and Miroslav Hroch in Czechia. This is followed by a chronological summary of historical developments in individual localities, from their origin, through their destruction to development after World War II. The main passage of this work is an overview of professional, non-fiction and, rarely, fictional literary sources and media sources that have created memory of these places since the end of World War II to the present day. These sources show a political and social shift between periods of time, including propaganda based on the omission of some information or the fabrication of ideologically burdened theories. It also includes a final comparison of...
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