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Roundtable "Collective Bargaining and Group of Companies" / Mesa Redonda “Negociación Colectiva y Grupo de Empresas”Sánchez Reyes, Christian, Ugaz Olivares, Mauro, Pasco Lizárraga, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this roundtable, our speakers analyze, evaluate and criticize the new legal scenario which is the collective labor law, specifically related to collective bargaining, in an area influenced by the development of capitalism, which is beginning to cause different forms business organizations that break the paradigm of the definition of company we know, and thus leads us to redesign legal parameters to meet the challenges of the now called “business groups” and “network companies” for a proper defense of the collective rights of workers and defend the interests of employers. / En la presente mesa redonda, nuestros ponentes analizan, evalúan y critican el nuevo escenario legal en el cual se encuentra el derecho colectivo del trabajo, específicamente relacionado con las negociaciones colectivas, en un ámbito influenciado por desarrollo del capitalismo, que empieza a originar distintas formas de organizaciones empresariales, que rompen el paradigma de la definición de empresa que conocemos, y que de esta manera, nos lleva a rediseñar parámetros legales para sobrellevar los desafíos de los ahora llamados “grupos empresariales” y “empresas en red” para un adecuada defensa de los derechos colectivos de los trabajadores y la defensa de los intereses de los empleadores.
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Papel dos receptores adrenérgicos b1 e b2 na termogênese facultativa. / Role of adrenergic receptor b1 e b2 in facultative thermogenesis.Cintia Bagne Ueta 17 March 2009 (has links)
O peso corporal dos animais tende a ser relativamente estável durante longos períodos de tempo. Situações de restrição calórica ou aumento na ingestão de calorias levam a alterações fisiológicas compensatórias que resistem aos efeitos destas perturbações. De fato, o gasto energético aumenta em animais submetidos à dieta hipercalórica, a chamada termogênese facultativa, de modo a manter os estoques energéticos constantes. É possível que defeitos na termogênese facultativa estejam envolvidos no desenvolvimento da obesidade. O BAT, o principal sítio de termogênese facultativa, é ativado pela liberação de NE pelo Sistema Nervoso Simpático, que se liga aos receptores adrenérgicos b1, b2 e b3 expressos nos adipócitos marrons. Diversos estudos demonstram que os receptores b são importantes na proteção contra a obesidade, mas ainda não é claro qual o papel de cada isoforma neste processo. Assim sendo, o objetivo do nosso trabalho foi avaliar o papel das isoformas b1 e b2 na mediação da termogênese facultativa induzida pela dieta. Para tanto, nós tratamos camundongos com nocaute para o receptor adrenérgico b1 (KOb1) e camundongos com nocaute para o receptor b2 (KOb2) com dieta hipercalórica por 22 semanas. O peso corporal foi medido diariamente e o consumo de oxigênio foi determinado usando-se um sistema de respirometria aberto ao final do experimento. A composição corporal foi determinada pela análise da carcaça. Animais foram expostos ao frio de 4ºC por 4h e sua temperatura corporal foi medida em vários tempos e a resposta térmica do iBAT foi determinada pela infusão de NE ou agonista b adrenérgico. Além disso, foram determinados os níveis de RNAm das isoformas de receptores adrenérgicos b nos animais nocaute. Os resultados obtidos em nosso estudo mostram que os animais KOb1 e KOb2 tratados com dieta hipercalórica não desenvolvem obesidade mais severa do que os animais selvagens mas não são capazes de aumentar o consumo de oxigênio induzido pela dieta, sugerindo que estes receptores não são relevantes na termogênese induzida pela dieta. Por outro lado, nossos dados indicam que a presença do receptor b1 é exigida para termogênese induzida pelo frio, uma vez que os camundongos KOb1 são sensíveis ao frio e a capacidade termogênica do BAT destes animais em reposta à NE é bastante reduzida quando comparados com animais selvagens. A ausência do receptor b2 não piora a resposta dos animais ao frio sugerindo que esta isoforma não esteja envolvida na termogênese induzida pela dieta ou pelo frio. Os nossos achados indicam que a isoforma do receptor adrenérgico b1 é fundamental na termogênese induzida pelo frio, mas não pela dieta. Além disso, é provável que a termogênese induzida pela dieta seja regulada por mecanismos distintos da termogênese induzida pelo frio. / The body weight of animals tends to be relatively stable over long periods of time. Situations of caloric restriction or increase in intake of calories lead to compensatory physiological changes that resist the effects of these disorders. In fact, the energy expenditure increases in animals treated with diet hypercaloric called facultative thermogenesis, in order to keep to energy stock constant. Defects in this facultative thermogenesis may be related to the development of obesity. Brown adipose tissue is the main site of facultative thermogenesis and is activated by signaling of b1, b2 e b3 adrenergic receptors by Norepinephrine released by Sympathetic Nervous System. Several studies showed that the isoforms b of adrenergic receptors are important in mechanisms involved in obesity and also in promoting cold tolerance. Nonetheless, it is unclear the role of each isoform in these process. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to evaluate the role of isoforms b1 and b2 in mediate the facultative thermogenesis. For that, we fed nocaute mice for the adrenergic receptor b1 (KOb1) and nocaute mice for the adrenergic receptor b2 (KOb2) with high fat diet for 22 weeks. During treatment body weight was determined daily. By the end of the experiment oxygen consumption was measured using a system of open respirometry and body composition was determined by analysis of the carcass. We also exposed KOb1 and KOb2 animals to cold (4C). The thermogenic response of iBAT was evaluated through i.v NE infusion. The results obtained in our study showed that the animals KOb1 and KOb2 treated with high fat diet did not gain more fat when compared to wild type animals, but are unable to increase the oxygen consumption, suggesting that these receptors are not relevant in development of obesity. Furthermore, our data indicate that the presence of the b1 receptor is required for cold-induced thermogenesis, since the KOb1 mice are sensitive to cold and BAT thermogenic response is significantly impaired when compared with animals wild type. The absence of b2 receptor does not worsen the response of animals to cold suggesting that this isoform is not involved in the diet- or cold- induced thermogenesis. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the b1 isoform of the adrenergic receptor is critical in the cold-induced thermogenesis, but not in diet induced thermogenesis. Moreover, it is likely that the diet-induced thermogenesis and cold-induced thermogenesis are regulated by different mechanisms.
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Thermoregulatory consequences of starvation and digestion in birdsLaurila, M. (Mirja) 10 May 2005 (has links)
In homeothermic birds and mammals, several thermoregulatory adaptations have evolved for surviving in unstable, food-restricted conditions. This study focuses on two adaptive mechanisms in pigeons (Columba livia) and quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica): hypothermia and the adaptive use obligatory heat production connected with feeding and digestion. The plasticity of the hypothermic response in fed and fasted birds and birds with restricted feeding was studied in laboratory and outdoor winter conditions. The other objective was to study adaptive timing of digestion, and substitution of facultative thermogenesis by obligatory heat production in cold and at thermoneutrality.
The results showed that fasting has a strong influence on the level of nocturnal hypothermia in laboratory conditions: hypothermia becomes progressively deeper when fasting continues. In outdoor conditions, ambient temperature and predation risk modulated the daily body temperature (Tb) pattern of fasting pigeons. In very cold conditions, diurnal Tb of fasted birds also dropped below the normal level of the active phase. Predation risk prevented diurnal hypothermia but also attenuated the depth of nocturnal hypothermia in fasting pigeons. This study provides the first empirical effects of predation risk on hypothermia in starving birds.
The study suggests that the presence of crop in pigeons allows adaptive timing of digestion. At thermoneutrality, peak digestion appeared late in the dark phase in birds with fed in the morning. Because the Tb of the birds increases to diurnal levels late in the dark phase, this obligatory heat from digestion can be used to aid re-warming by such timing. On other hand, the results of this study were partly opposite to the classical model of thermoregulatory substitution. In line with the classical model, a postprandial increase in metabolic rate (heat increment of feeding, HIF) was seen at thermoneutrality but not in cold. However, electromyographic measurements showed that there was no postprandial decrease in the intensity of shivering in the fed birds in cold. This indicates that true thermoregulatory substitution may be less common than assumed and suggests a role for facultative thermogenesis in HIF.
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A Study on the Dissolution of Autunite Minerals by Facultative Bacteria in Bicarbonate MediaHerrera Landaez, Sandra C. 01 April 2016 (has links)
Uranium (U) is a key contaminant at the Hanford site. The formation of uranyl-phosphate bearing minerals such as autunite as a result of tripoliphosphate injections has been used as a U immobilization strategy. Bacteria are known as key factors governing the fate and transport of soil contaminants. This research evaluated the interaction of facultative bacteria Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 with autunite mineral in bicarbonate-amended media solutions. The concentration of several elements such as U, calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) released as a result of autunite mineral biodissolution were determined as a function of time; changes in cell density and protein assay were performed to evaluate cells viability. Results suggested that higher bicarbonate concentrations increased aqueous U, Ca and P concentrations while also allowing cells to withstand U toxicity and, additionally suggested the possibility of secondary minerals formation. This research provides a better understanding on the stability of uranyl phosphate minerals in the presence of facultative bacteria in bicarbonate-amended media solutions.
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Ekonomika fakultativního zajištění z pohledu zajišťovny / The Economy of facultative reinsurance from the point of view of a reinsurance companyPůhoná, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of my master thesis is the economy of facultative reinsurance from the point of view of a reinsurance company. First, the thesis briefly deals with the general structure of reinsurance and then is focused only on the facultative part. The thesis puts emphasis on the specific characteristics of facultative reinsurance and the creation of reinsurance slip and then uses this knowledge in a case study. The case study shows the risk from the insurance company and reinsurance company side and its aim is to create proper reinsurance structure for a power plant in Bulgaria. The thesis finishes with a chapter about the development of several reinsurance companies in the market.
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Fonctions et organisations de l’hétérochromatine au cours du développement sexué chez le champignon filamenteux Podospora anserina / Heterochromatin Functions and Organizations during Sexual Development in the Filamentous Fungus Podospora anserinaCarlier, Florian 26 November 2018 (has links)
Pour se défendre des effets délétères des éléments transposables, les pezizomycotina ont développé un système de défense génétique et épigénétique appelé « Repeat Induced Point Mutation » (RIP). Chez N. crassa, le RIP survient dans la cellule dicaryotique avant la caryogamie et conduit à la méthylation de novo des cytosines (5mC) inclues dans les séquences répétées de chacun des noyaux parentaux haploïdes. De plus, certaines de ces cytosines sont la cible d’un processus de mutation qui les transforme en thymines. Cette étape est suivie par la mise en place locale de l’hétérochromatine constitutive permettant une répression transcriptionnelle durable des séquences cibles du RIP au cours des divisions nucléaires. L’acteur majeur du RIP correspond à une cytosine méthyltransférase putative appelée RID (RIP Defective). Bien que son génome ne montre pas une quantité significative de 5mC, l’inactivation de PaRid chez Podospora anserina aboutit à un blocage du développement sexué survenant après la fécondation. Dans ce contexte, nous avons voulu déterminer si la fonction de PaRid dans le développement sexué consiste à éteindre l’expression de gènes cibles via l’installation de foyers d’hétérochromatine constitutive aux loci concernés. Pour ce faire, nous avons identifié les gènes PaKmt1 et PaHP1, codant respectivement l’histone méthyltransférase PaKmt1 (l’homologue de SU(VAR)39 qui catalyse la tri-méthylation du résidu H3K9 (H3K9me3) et PaHP1 (l’homologue de Heterochromatin Protein 1 qui se lie à H3K9me3). Les deux protéines interviennent dans une même voie de régulation qui aboutit à la mise en place de l’hétérochromatine constitutive. Par opposition, PaKmt6, homologue de l’histone méthyltransférase E(Z), correspond à la sous-unité catalytique du complexe PRC2 qui catalyse la marque H3K27me3 pour permettre l’établissement de l’hétérochromatine facultative. Nos résultats ont montré que l’absence de PaKmt1 et PaHP1 ne provoquent que des défauts mineurs. A l’inverse, l’inactivation du gène PaKmt6 conduit à un ensemble de défauts sévères : croissance végétative altérée, surproduction des gamètes mâles, malformations critiques des fructifications, production très réduite d’ascospores dont la germination est pour partie déficiente. Une étude d’épistasie a montré que les protéines PaRid et PaKmt6 interviennent chacune dans deux voies développementales distinctes. Par ailleurs, nous avons établi par immuno-précipitation de la chromatine les profils de distribution à l’échelle du génome entier des modifications H3K9me3, H3K27me3 et H3K4me3. Caractéristique rare, la marque H3K9me3 colocalise avec H3K27me3 sur des gènes transcriptionnellement réprimés et les séquences répétées ripées. Conformément à sa fonction canonique, H3K4me3 est présente en 5’ des gènes transcrits et est exclue des domaines H3K9me3 et H3K27me3. Comme attendue, PaKmt6 est essentielle à la mise en place de la marque H3K27me3, mais, de manière surprenante, elle serait aussi impliquée dans le dépôt et/ou le maintien d’une partie des marques H3K9me3, dévoilant ainsi une voie de méthylation non canonique de ces résidus. / In pezizomycotina, transposable elements are targeted by a genome defense system named Repeat Induced Point Mutation (RIP). First described in Neurospora crassa, RIP occurs before karyogamy in each parental haploid nucleus of the dikaryotic cells and results, within the repeats, in de novo methylation of cytosine (5mC) and mutations, mainly C to T transitions. This initial step triggers local assembly of constitutive heterochromatin, which allows transcriptional gene silencing. RID (RIP Defective) is a putative cytosine methyltransferase essential for RIP. Despite the absence of 5mC in its genome, PaRid inactivation in Podospora anserina results in sexual reproduction arrest right after fertilization. In this context, we asked whether PaRid is required to silence expression of some of sexual development-specific genes by nucleation of constitutive heterochromatin. To this end, we identified PaKmt1 and PaHp1 genes encoding respectively the histone methyltransferase PaKmt1 (SU(VAR)39 homologue protein) and the heterochromatin protein 1 (PaHP1). To assemble constitutive heterochromatin, PaKmt1 catalyses tri-methylation of H3K9 (H3K9me3), latter on bound by PaHP1. By contrast, the E(Z) histone methyltransferase homologue PaKmt6, as part of the PRC2 complex, catalyses tri-methylation of H3K27 (H3K27me3) to form facultative heterochromatin. Our results showed that loss of either PaKmt1 or PaHP1 does not cause major defects. Conversely, PaKmt6 gene inactivation results in severe defects: altered mycelium and vegetative growth rate, overproduction of male gamete, development of crippled fructifications, reduced production ascospores, part of which does not germinate. Furthermore, epistatic study showed that PaRid and PaKmt6 likely act in two different developmental pathways, with respect to sexual reproduction. In addition, using chromatin immuno-precipitation we characterized H3K9me3, H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 genome-wide distribution patterns. We observed an uncommon overlapping distribution between H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 on transcriptionally repressed genes and RIP target repeats. As expected, H3K4me3 localizes in 5’ of the transcribed genes and is excluded from the H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 domains. As expected, PaKmt6 is essential for H3K27me3 modification, but surprisingly, could also be responsible for some of the H3K9me3 setting up or maintenance.
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L'égalité entre les créanciers dans le cadre de la saisie attributionKahil, Omran 11 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Premier arrivé, premier servi. Que cela s'appelle un privilège ou un droit de préférence particulier, il reste inacceptable au regard des règles substantielles du droit positif français.Cette répartition des sommes saisies sacrifie, pour des raisons procédurales, une règle importante à savoir l'égalité entre les créanciers.Cette étude propose une solution intermédiaire entre le droit civil et le droit des voies d'exécution. La proposition consiste à donner à tous les créanciers, qui ont obtenu par leur vigilance des titres exécutoires avant le premier acte de saisie, la possibilité d'associer le premier saisissant dans la répartition des sommes saisies dans le cadre d'une saisie attribution.La combinaison de l'effet attributif immédiat de la saisie avec une durée de quinze jours,pendant laquelle les créanciers titulaires des titres exécutoires viennent en concours sous réserve des causes légitimes de préférences et des privilèges, aboutit à un double résultat. Le recouvrement des créances reste rapide et simple et l'égalité entre les créanciers sera respectée
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The facultative endosymbionts of grain aphids and the horizontal transfer of ecologically important traitsLukasik, Piotr January 2011 (has links)
Insects are often infected with facultative endosymbiotic bacteria, which can have a range of important ecological effects. The grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, harbours diverse facultative symbionts, which suggests their importance in grain aphid biology. This thesis attempts to explain the ecological roles of the facultative endosymbionts in S. avenae. It also examines the question of whether the horizontal transmission of symbionts between aphid clones and species can be important for shaping the ecology and evolution of multi-species aphid communities. Novel techniques developed for research with the grain aphid study system are presented. Grain aphid clones vary in their tolerance to low temperatures, but this trait is not affected by their facultative endosymbionts. Strains of a symbiont Hamiltonella defensa do not protect grain aphids from hymenopterous parasitoids, regardless of the host genotype. However, experienced parasitoid females preferentially oviposit in aphids which do not harbour symbionts. Comparison of the fitness consequences of infection with the same Hamiltonella strains in their original and in novel grain aphid host clones reveal no consistent differences. Symbiont strains establish easily following artificial transfer between clones of the grain aphid, but the symbionts transferred from other aphid species form less stable infections. Hamiltonella strains do not affect the fecundity of their grain aphid host clones regardless of their host species of origin, but also do not generally confer protection against parasitoids. There are no clear patterns in the distribution of parasitoid-resistant phenotypes across phylogenetic trees of Hamiltonella and its bacteriophage APSE. Strains of four unrelated species of endosymbionts, Rickettsia, Spiroplasma, Rickettsiella and Regiella, confer the same pathogen-resistant phenotype to a single pea aphid clone. The same symbiont strains can confer resistance to clones of two different aphid species. Some strains in multiple infections may compensate for the costs of infections with other symbionts. The importance of these results for understanding the ecological and evolutionary role of facultative endosymbionts in aphids and other insects are discussed, and directions for further research are proposed.
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Variabilidade temporal da comunicação fitoplanctônica em lagoas facultativas de dois sistemas de tratamento de esgoto com diferentes configurações (Baixo Ribeira de Iguape, SP) / Temporal variability of the phytoplanktonic community in facultative ponds of two waste water plants with different setting (Baixo Ribeira de Iguape, SP)Casali, Simone Pereira 20 June 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida nas lagoas facultativas das estações de tratamento de esgoto dos municípios de Pariquera-Açu (PA) e Jacupiranga (JA), com diferentes configurações, sendo a primeira composta por lagoa anaeróbia seguida de facultativa com chicanas e a outra por lagoa aerada mecanicamente seguida de facultativa. Estas lagoas são consideradas ambientes hipereutróficos, pois apresentam grande quantidade de matéria orgânica oriunda dos esgotos domésticos e industriais. O conhecimento da estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica e sua avaliação em diferentes horários do fotoperíodo são relevantes pois estes organismos são responsáveis pela produção de oxigênio necessário para a degradação da matéria orgânica. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal o estudo sazonal e diário da estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica e da produção primária nestas lagoas. Para atingir este objetivo foi caracterizada a estrutura da comunidade, em relação a biomassa e diversidade, e determinada a produção primária com incubações in situ através do método do oxigênio dissolvido. O estudo foi realizado em quatro épocas do ano (variação sazonal) no período das 7 às 16 horas, com amostragens de 3 em 3 horas (diária). Não foram observadas variações temporais e espaciais na estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica nas duas lagoas facultativas. Apenas as cianobactérias (principalmente a Synechocystis aquatilis e Phormidium sp) e clorofíceas (Kirchneriella lunaris, Chlorella Kessleri, Monoraphidium contortum, Monoraphidium sp, Chlamydomonas sp, Eutetramorus planctonicus e Micractinium pusillum) foram predominantes, nestas lagoas, porém em períodos alternados. Foram observados altos valores de produção primária bruta (15.891 mg\'O IND.2\'/\'M POT.3\'.h em PA; 5.700 mg\'O IND.2\'/\'M POT.3\'.h em JA) na interface água-sedimento das duas lagoas devido, provavelmente, ao padrão de mistura da coluna de água. Foram também observados altos valores de respiração da comunidade (abril, julho e setembro), devido à alta concentração de matéria orgânica presente nestes sistemas e, portanto, maior decomposição, indicando predominância de processos heterotróficos. / This research was developed in facultative ponds of the waste water treatment plant of Pariquera-Açu and Jacupiranga cities with different configurations, being the first composed by anaerobic pond followed by facultative with chicanas and the another composed by aerated mechanic pond followed by facultative. These ponds are considered hypereutrophic environments because it shows a large quantity of organic matter derived from the domestic and industrial sewage. The knowledge of phytoplanktonic community structure and its evaluation in different times of photoperiod are relevant since such organisms was responsible by production of oxygen necessary to the degrade of organic matter. This research had the main goal the seasonal and daily study of the phytoplanktonic community and the primary production in these ponds. To reach this objective the structure of the community was characterized in relation to biomass and density, and determined the primary production with incubations in situ through the dissolved oxygen method. The study was made in four periods of the year (seasonal variation) between the 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., with samplings of 3-to-3 hours (daily). It was not observed temporal and spatial variations in the phytoplanktonic community structure in the facultative ponds. Only cyanobacteria (mainly Synechocystis aquatilis and Phormidium sp) and chlorophycea (Kirchneriella lunaris, Chlorella Kessleri, Monoraphidium contortum, Monoraphidium sp, Chlamydomonas sp, Eutetramorus planctonicus and Micractinium pusillum) were predominant in these ponds, however, in alternated periods. It was observed high rates of gross primary production (15891 mg\'O IND.2\'/\'M POT.3\'.h, PA; 5700 mg\'O IND.2\'/\'M POT.3\'.h, JA) in the interface water-sediment of both ponds due, probably, to the standard of mixed conditions of water column. It was also observed high rates of community respiration (April, July and September), due to the high concentration of organic matter present in these systems and, therefore, greater decomposition, indicating predominance of heterotrophic processes.
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Flexible compensation of uniparental care: things are not always what they seem / Compensação flexível do cuidado uniparental: as coisas nem sempre são o que parecemPlasier, Sergio Nolazco 22 March 2017 (has links)
In some species with uniparental care, when the parental individual deserts the offspring or dies, its mate may adopt the parental responsibilities, a behaviour known as flexible compensation of uniparental care. However, for most of the species in which this behavioural response has been reported in the literature, there was no thorough investigation of its effects upon offspring fitness to support it. In the Neotropical harvestman Serracutisoma proximum, a species with female uniparental care, harem-owning males stand on unattended clutches when the egg-tending females desert or die. Here, we investigate if this species constitutes an actual example of flexible compensation of uniparental care by evaluating the effects of ecological (namely climatic conditions and mate availability) and life-history factors (namely male attractiveness, clutch size and filial cannibalism) on males\' behaviour and, ultimately, on offspring survival. We expect unfavourable climatic conditions, as well as low mate availability and male attractiveness, to negatively affect the exhibition of compensatory behaviours, but a positive effect of clutch size. Moreover, we expect an increase in the extent of filial cannibalism to be a strategy that alleviates the costs of compensation. However, males\' behaviour towards unattended offspring has no effect on offspring survival, and other results were inconsistent with our predictions except for climatic conditions affecting the extent of both the presumed behaviour of standing on unattended clutches and filial cannibalism. Our results, therefore, do not support the existence of flexible compensation of uniparental care in S. proximum. Rather than a parental activity, we argue that males’ behaviour corresponds to a mating tactic that increases fertilization and mating success with the returning egg-tending females or newcomer mates foraging on the unattended offspring. This study demonstrates that for presumed cases of flexible compensation of uniparental care it is necessary to evaluate the effects on offspring fitness since not always an apparent parental behaviour is what it seems to be / Em algumas espécies com cuidado uniparental, quando o individuo parental deserta a prole ou morre, seu parceiro pode adotar as responsabilidades parentais, um comportamento conhecido como compensação flexível do cuidado uniparental. No entanto, para a maioria das espécies em que esta resposta comportamental tem sido relatada na literatura, não houve uma investigação completa de seus efeitos sobre a aptidão da prole para apoiá-lo. No opilião Neotropical Serracutisoma proximum, uma espécie com cuidado uniparental da fêmea, os machos donos de harem ficam sobre desovas desatendidas quando as fêmeas que deveriam cuidar dos ovos desertam ou morrem. Aqui, investigamos se esta espécie constitui um exemplo real de compensação flexível do cuidado uniparental, avaliando os efeitos de fatores ecológicos (condições climáticas e disponibilidade de parceiras) e de história de vida (atratividade do macho, tamanho da desova e canibalismo filial) sobre o comportamento dos machos e, em última instância, sobre a sobrevivência da prole. Esperamos que condições climáticas desfavoráveis, assim como baixa disponibilidade de parceiras e atratividade do macho, afetem negativamente a exibição de comportamentos compensatórios, mas que o tamanho da desova tenha um efeito positivo. Além disso, esperamos que um aumento na intensidade do canibalismo filial seja uma estratégia que alivie os custos da compensação. Entretanto, o comportamento dos machos em relação à prole desatendida não tem efeito sobre a sobrevivência da prole, e os outros resultados foram inconsistentes com nossas previsões, exceto pelas condições climáticas que afetam tanto a intensidade do comportamento dos machos sobre as desovas quanto o canibalismo filial. Nossos resultados, portanto, não apoiam a existência de compensação flexível do cuidado uniparental em S. proximum. Ao invés de uma atividade parental, argumentamos que o comportamento dos machos corresponde a uma tática de acasalamento que aumenta o sucesso de fertilização e de acasalamento com as fêmeas que retornam às suas desovas ou com novas fêmeas que se alimentam dos ovos desprotegidos. Este estudo demonstra que, para os casos em que se pressupõe compensação flexível de cuidado uniparental, é necessário avaliar os efeitos sobre a aptidão prole, uma vez que nem sempre um aparente comportamento parental é o que parece ser
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