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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic Foot Morphology: Measurements of 3D static and dynamic foot morphology and recommendations for footwear

Barisch-Fritz, Bettina 24 July 2014 (has links)
Background: The foot has to fulfil important and complex functions which are, in most regions of the world, supported by shoes. The interface of feet and footwear has often been considered with respect to comfort and function but also to negative effects of shoes. One main contribution to the improvement of footwear fit is provided by matching the shape of the shoe to the shape of the foot. However, current approaches for implementation only include static information. There is still a lack of dynamic information about foot morphology and deformation. Recent advancements in scanner technology allow capturing the foot during natural walking. These advancements and the development of a dynamic foot scanner system (DynaScan4D) are preconditions for this thesis. The research question is: How does foot morphology differ between static and dynamic situations? This question is further specified toward three hypotheses by findings and deficits of the current state of research. The examination of the three hypotheses and their contribution to the research question are topic of this thesis. Furthermore, the findings are combined with comprehensive knowledge of the literature to formulate recommendations for last and footwear construction. Methods: The three hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) are evaluated within three research articles. The first research article aims to identify the differences in dynamic foot morphology according to age, gender, and body mass (H1). The plantar dynamic foot morphology of 129 adults is recorded and analysed by two statistical methods: (1) comparison of matched groups and (2) multiple linear regression analysis. The second and third research article is dealing with differences between static and dynamic foot morphology in developing feet (H2) and their inter-individual differences (H3). For this reason, a large sample of 2554 children, aged between 6 and 16 years, is analysed. Foot measures, corresponding to last measures, are used to identify the differences between static and dynamic foot morphology (H2) by Student's t-test for paired samples. The influences of gender, age, and body mass (H3) are analysed within the whole sample by multiple linear regression analysis and within matched groups by Student's t-test for independent samples. Results: There are differences in dynamic foot morphology according to age, gender, and body mass in adults which confirm H1. In general, the differences are rather small. Furthermore, the differences must be considered in a more differentiated way, as they are not consistent regarding all plantar foot measures. H2 is confirmed as there are statistically signiffcant differences between static and dynamic foot morphology in developing feet. Theses differences are found for all foot measures. However, the magnitude of these differences varies depending on each foot measure. Relevant differences, in particular the forefoot width and midfoot girth measures as well as the angles of the forefoot, must be considered for footwear construction. Influences of gender, age, and body mass are found for the dynamic foot morphology and the differences between static and dynamic foot morphology of developing feet. Thus, H3 is verified. However, these findings are small, especially considering the high variance within each foot measure. The variables gender, age, and body mass cannot appropriately explain the variance of the differences between static and dynamic foot morphology. Thus, the customization of footwear to dynamic foot morphology can be conducted without individual adjustments to gender, age, or body mass. Conclusion: This thesis presents different aspects to answer the question of differences between static and dynamic foot morphology. The findings of this thesis are critically discussed and recommendations for improvements of dynamic fit of footwear are formulated, taking into account the current state of research as well as practical aspects. The findings of the thesis contribute to the field of fundamental research, i.e. to broaden the knowledge about three-dimensional characteristics of dynamic foot morphology. Furthermore, this thesis can help to improve the fit of footwear and thus contributes to applied research in the field of footwear science. / Hintergrund: Der Fuß erfüllt wichtige und komplexe Funktionen, die in den meisten Regionen der Welt, durch Schuhe unterstützt werden. Die Berührungspunkte zwischen Schuhen und Füßen wurden im Hinblick auf komfortable und funktionelle Schuhe, aber auch hinsichtlich negativer Effekte von Schuhen, häufig betrachtet. Ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Passform von Schuhen liefert die Annäherung der Schuhform an die Fußform. Jedoch beschränken sich bisherige Umsetzungsansätze auf statische Informationen. Bislang fehlen umfangreiche dynamische Informationen zur Fußgestalt und Verformung. Erst aktuelle Fortschritte der Scanner-Technologie ermöglichen es, den Fuß während des natürlichen Gehens zu erfassen. Diese Fortschritte und die Entwicklung eines dynamischen Fuß-Scanner-Systems (DynaScan4D), stellen die Grundlage für diese Dissertation dar. Die Forschungsfrage ist: Wie unterscheidet sich die statische Fußgestalt von der dynamischen? Mit der Aufarbeitung von Ergebnissen und Defiziten aktueller Forschungsarbeiten wird diese Frage durch die Formulierung von drei Hypothesen weiter spezifiziert. Diese drei Hypothesen, sowie deren Beitrag zur Forschungsfrage, sind Thema dieser Dissertation. Darüber hinaus wird umfassendes Wissen aus der Literatur verwendet um Empfehlungen für die Konstruktion von Schuhen zu geben. Methoden: Die drei Hypothesen (H1, H2, H3) werden in drei wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen untersucht. Die erste Veröffentlichung zielt darauf ab, die Unterschiede zwischen der dynamischen Fußgestalt in Abhängigkeit von Alter, Geschlecht und Körpermasse zu ermitteln (H1). Die plantare dynamische Fußgestalt von 129 Erwachsenen wird hierzu erfasst und durch zwei statistische Verfahren analysiert: (1) Vergleich von gepaarten Probandengruppen und (2) multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse. Die zweite und dritte Hypothese befassen sich mit den Unterschieden der statischen und dynamischen Fußgestalt bei heranreifenden Füßen (H2) und deren inter-individuellen Unterschieden (H3). Aus diesem Grund wird eine große Stichprobe mit 2554 Kindern im Alter zwischen 6 und 16 Jahren untersucht. Fußmaße, die den Maßen im Leistenbau entsprechen, werden verwendet um die Unterschiede zwischen der statischen und der dynamischen Fußgestalt (H2) durch einen gepaarten Student's t-Test zu identifizieren. Der Einfluss des Geschlechtes, des Alters und der Körpermasse (H3) werden in der gesamten Stichprobe durch eine multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse und innerhalb gepaarter Probandengruppen durch Student's t-Test für unabhängige Stichproben untersucht. Ergebnisse: Es gibt Unterschiede in der dynamischen Fußgestalt von Erwachsenen, beeinflusst durch Alter, Geschlecht und Körpermasse, welche die Verifizierung von H1 erlauben. Im Allgemeinen sind diese Unterschiede jedoch gering. Die ermittelten Unterschiede müssen differenziert betrachtet werden, da sie nicht konsistent in Bezug auf die gesamte plantare Fußgestalt auftreten. H2 kann verifiziert werden, da es zwischen der statischen und der dynamischen Fußgestalt von heranreifenden Kindern statistisch signifikante Unterschiede gibt. Diese Unterschiede wurden bei allen Fußmaßen gefunden, wobei das Außmaß dieser Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit vom jeweiligen Fußmaß variiert. Relevante Unterschiede, insbesondere Breitenmaße und Winkelmaße des Vorfußes sowie Umfangsmaße des Mittelfußes, müssen bei der Konstruktion von Schuhen berücksichtigt werden. Es zeigen sich Einflüsse von Geschlecht, Alter und Körpermasse auf die dynamische Fußgestalt sowie auf die Differenzen zwischen der statischen und der dynamischen Fußgestalt. Somit ist H3 verifiziert. Jedoch sind diese Einflüsse gering, besonders wenn die Varianz innerhalb der Fußmaße betrachtet wird. Die Variablen Alter, Geschlecht und Körpermasse können die Varianz der Differenzen zwischen der statischen und der dynamischen Fußgestalt nicht angemessen erklären. Damit kann die Anpassung an die dynamische Fußgestalt ohne eine Individualisierung hinsichtlich Alter, Geschlecht oder Körpermasse vollzogen werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt unterschiedliche Aspekte zur Beantwortung der Frage, welche Unterschiede zwischen der statischen und der dynamischen Fußgestalt bestehen, vor. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit werden kritisch diskutiert und es werden, unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes sowie praktischer Aspekte, Empfehlungen zur Optimierung der dynamischen Passform von Schuhen gegeben. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation liefern einen Beitrag zur Grundlagenforschung, insbesondere durch die Erweiterung des Wissensstands der dreidimensionalen Eigenschaften der dynamischen Fußgestalt. Darüber hinaus kann diese Arbeit helfen die dynamische Passform von Schuhen zu verbessern und trägt damit zur angewandten Schuhforschung bei.

The Body as a Grenade : Illness Metaphors, The Suffering of Others and Conservativism in Contemporary Sick-Flicks

Gregory, Christian January 2023 (has links)
Film has since its inception been a potent storytelling tool, and the concept of illnesses and death havebeen a critical element in the stories mankind has told through cinema since the beginning. While theearly years of film saw few titles which directly named or featured diseases such as cancer, the 1980’sand 1990’s saw a vast increase in illness narratives being produced. By the beginning of the newmillennium, a new subgenre of film was beginning to emerge, specifically targeted at youngaudiences: Sick-Flicks.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Sick-Flick subgenre, and scrutinize the films which the author has identified according to how they handle a variety of factors. These include the portrayal ofmale and female sufferers in accordance with the feminist theoretical observation of masculinity beingrepresented as active, while femininity is typically passive in nature. Beyond this, the essay alsoattempts to add to Susan Sontag’s essay Illness as Metaphor, exploring how the portrayal of illnessmay have shifted since the essay’s publication in 1978. Finally, this thesis also concerns itself with thereoccurring narrative trend of featuring talented adolescents as terminally ill sufferers and how thismay tie into neoliberalism and belief in the meritocracy.This thesis concludes that while there has been a shift in the metaphorical portrayal of diseases,especially as it pertains to cancer, which Susan Sontag concludes unsuitable for romanticization,overall, many of the criticisms and potentially problematic commonalities which both Sick-Flicks andtheir literary counterpart Sick-Lit have featured through the years remain. There is a remaining focuson heteronormative and racially homogenous victims, and innate talents and intelligence are present,arguably in order to make the eventual loss of the ill characters more tangibly tragic. The authorconcludes that while it is debatable whether or not filmmakers should feel any responsibility to portrayillnesses accurately, they should at least likely strive to reflect the current reality as far as survivalrates are concerned.

The Young & The Dying : The Continued Romanticization of Terminally Ill Adolescents in Contemporary American Cinema

Gregory, Christian January 2020 (has links)
This essay examines how the past decade’s wave of young adult films portraying termi-nal illnesses compare and contrast with similar works from both film as well as literary works commonly referred to as “sick-lit”. By viewing three prominent films released be-tween 2014 and 2019 and applying both literature dealing with sick-lit as well as texts fo-cused on how cinema tends to portray serious illnesses such as cancer, I attempt to dis-cern whether significant change in the way which contemporary film handles severe ill-nesses has occurred.What this study reveals is that while certain narrative traits have been altered and various problematic elements addressed, film still vastly prefers portraying illnesses such as can-cer and cystic fibrosis as bleak, death sentences. The “sick-flicks” of modern-day cinema have also failed to address critique of the sub-genre as being both heteronormative and racially homogenous in nature.However, compared to films depicting terminal illnesses in teenagers from the 2000’s the recent wave of films in general dedicate more time to spotlighting their diseases. No longer relegating them to emotional revelations toward the end of the film.Overall, the findings are that most criticisms of cinema’s portrayal of terminal illnesses remain, yet progress has also been achieved in certain respects. Filmmakers more inter-ested in utilizing illnesses as a way to examine coming-of-age topics than the full experi-ence of terminal illness, notwithstanding.


Rao, Nilin M., Ph.D. 14 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Crossin' Somebody's Line: Gay Black Men in HBO Serial Dramas

Collins, Dustin L. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluering van die Vienna toetsbattery in die voorspelling van effektiewe busbestuurder gedrag

Du Toit, Martina Petronella 30 November 2006 (has links)
Vehicle accidents by means of Public transport annually leads to a large number of passenger deaths and life long disablement. AsDu Toit, Martina Petronella a result, there is a need for preventative measures by identifying the psychomotor abilities of bus drivers during the recruitment and selection process of employment. The study was conducted among 398 bus drivers employed by a large bus company. The Vienna Test Battery was administered. It was found that distance estimation, ability to recognize forms and figures, concentration ability, eye-hand feet coordination and two-hand coordination predicted the effectiveness of bus drivers successfully. It is suggested that further research should focus on client services, attitude of bus drivers and learning potential, as factors that influence the effectiveness of bus drivers. / Industrial psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

"Stealing the story, salvaging the she" : feminist revisionist fiction and the bible

Goosen, Adri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis analyses six novels by different women writers, each of which rewrites an originally androcentric biblical story from a female perspective. These novels are The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, The Garden by Elsie Aidinoff, Leaving Eden by Ann Chamberlin, The Moon under her Feet by Clysta Kinstler, The Wild Girl by Michelle Roberts and Wisdom’s Daughter by India Edghill. By classifying these novels as feminist revisionist fiction, this study considers how they both subvert and revise the biblical narratives they are based on in order to offer readers new and gynocentric alternatives. With the intention of establishing the significance of such an endeavor, the study therefore employs the findings of feminist critique and theology to expose how the Bible, as a sexist text, has inspired, directly or indirectly, many of the patriarchal values that govern Western society and religion. Having established how biblical narratives have promoted and justified visions of women as marginal, subordinate and outside the realm of the sacred, we move on to explore how feminist rewritings of such narratives might function to challenge and transform androcentric ideology, patriarchal myth and phallocentric theology. The aim is to show that the new and different stories constructed within these revisionist novels re-conceptualise and re-imagine women, their place in society and their relation to the divine. Thus, as the title suggests, this thesis ultimately considers how women writers ‘steal’ the original biblical stories and transform them in ways that prove liberating for women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis analiseer ses romans deur verskillende vroue skrywers - romans wat die oorspronklik androsentriese bybelse stories herskryf vanuit ’n vroulike perspektief. Die romans sluit in The Red Tent deur Anita Diamant, The Garden deur Elsie Aidinoff, Leaving Eden deur Ann Chamberlin, The Moon under her Feet deur Clysta Kinstler, The Wild Girl deur Michelle Roberts en Wisdom’s Daughter deur India Edghill. Deur hierdie romans te klassifiseer as feministiese revisionistiese fiksie, oorweeg hierdie studie hoe hulle die bybelse verhale waarop hulle gebaseer is, beide ondermyn en hersien om sodoende lesers nuwe en ginosentriese alternatiewe te bied. Met die voorneme om die betekenisvolheid van so ’n poging vas te stel, wend hierdie tesis dus die bevindings van feministiese kritiek en -teologie aan om bloot te lê hoe die Bybel, as ‘n seksistiese teks, baie van die patriargale waardes van die Westerse samelewing en godsdiens, direk of indirek, geïnspireer het. Nadat vasgestel is hoe bybelse verhale sienings van vroue as marginaal, ondergeskik en buite die sfeer van heiligheid bevorder en regverdig, beweeg die tesis aan om te ondersoek hoe feministiese herskrywings van sulke verhale, androsentriese ideologie, patriargale mite en fallosentriese teologie uitdaag en herskep. Die doelwit is om te wys dat die nuwe en anderste stories saamgestel in hierdie revisionistiese romans, vroue, hul plek in die samelewing en hul betrekking tot die goddelike, kan heroorweeg en herdink. Dus, soos die titel voorstel, oorweeg hierdie tesis primêr hoe vroue skrywers die oorspronklike bybelse stories ‘steel’ en herskep op maniere wat bevrydend vir vrouens blyk te wees.

Evaluering van die Vienna toetsbattery in die voorspelling van effektiewe busbestuurder gedrag

Du Toit, Martina Petronella 30 November 2006 (has links)
Vehicle accidents by means of Public transport annually leads to a large number of passenger deaths and life long disablement. AsDu Toit, Martina Petronella a result, there is a need for preventative measures by identifying the psychomotor abilities of bus drivers during the recruitment and selection process of employment. The study was conducted among 398 bus drivers employed by a large bus company. The Vienna Test Battery was administered. It was found that distance estimation, ability to recognize forms and figures, concentration ability, eye-hand feet coordination and two-hand coordination predicted the effectiveness of bus drivers successfully. It is suggested that further research should focus on client services, attitude of bus drivers and learning potential, as factors that influence the effectiveness of bus drivers. / Industrial psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Eucharistie v Janově evangeliu / The Eucharist in the Gospel of John

POLÁČEK, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The presented work deals with the conception of the Eucharist in the Gospel of John. The first chapter is dedicated to terms of the Eucharist, the Last Supper and the Lord{\crq}s Supper and also to the existing division of possible approaches to the sacramentality in the Gospel of John. In the subsequent chapters it deals in detail with five places of the Gospel of John, that are mostly mentioned in connection with the Eucharist. It is the wedding at Cana (2,1-11), the eucharistic section (6,51-58), washing of the feet of disciples (13,1-20), the Vine and the Branches (15,1-17), opening of the side of Jesus (19,34). The work tries to solve the topic (question) in the context as wide as possible including the question of the johannine sources of inspiration. In this way it can be seen the mutual correspondence of these varios places and the deep theological conception of the hole Gospel. The replacement of the institution of the Eucharist in the thirteenth chapter with the washing of the feet and it{\crq}s displacement to {\clqq}the bread of life discourse`` in the sixth chapter is due to the proper evangelist{\crq}s intention. There was an impending danger, that the Eucharist became a magical medicine without any relation to the incarnation and the sacrifitial death of Jesus. These facts have theirs own consequences for the life of the christian community. So the subject of the sacraments has been subordinated to the christological accent.

Prodejní a servisní centrum Praha – stavebně technologický projekt / Sales and service center Prague - the building technological project

Trhlík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
In this diploma thesis deals with execution of ground works, foundation constructions, steel and armored concrete monolithic framework of the sales and service center in Prague. Establishment of the building will be done on armored concrete basement feet, strips and basement plate. The building is desinged in part as a steel framework and in part as a armored concrete framework. The building technological project contains for the phases primarily time and financial plan of object, technology prescription, time schedule, budget, model of the building site accessories, model of the machines, check and test plan, safety plan.

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