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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Platono metodologijos metmenys: elenktikos taikymas ankstyvuosiuose dialoguose / Outlines of Plato's Methodology: Application of the Elenchus in the Early Dialogues

Saulius, Tomas 31 May 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama ankstyvoji Platono filosofija, kuriai lietuviškoje mokslinėje literatūroje iki šiol, deja, nebuvo skiriamas deramas dėmesys. Nuo pat devynioliktojo šimtmečio dominuoja nuomonė, jog platoniškosios filosofijos pagrindas yra vadinamoji „idėjų teorija“, kuria remiantis sprendžiamos etinės, epistemologinės bei ontologinės problemos; nors pati ši „teorija“ susiformuoja tik viduriniojo laikotarpio dialoguose, yra manoma, jog jau „sokratiniame“ laikotarpyje išsikristalizuojančios etinės doktrinos suponuoja „grynųjų pavidalų“ egzistavimo teigimą. Disertacijoje šis stereotipas yra atmetamas ir, vadovaujantis Gregory Vlastoso idėjomis, pasiūloma alternatyvi dialogų interpretavimo perspektyva. Šiuo atveju platoniškosios filosofijos originalumas siejamas ne su tam tikra bendra „idealistine sistema“, bet būtent su specifine filosofinio tyrimo metodika. Pirmiausiai dėmesys sutelkiamas ties elenktikos metodu, kurį Vlastosas apibūdina kaip Sokrato (pagrindinio dialogų veikėjo) dažnai naudojamą priemonę nuneigti pašnekovo pradinę tezę, įrodant jos nesuderinamumą su kitomis pašnekovo išsakytomis nuomonėmis. Visgi logikos požiūriu elenktikos metodas nėra neproblemiškas: anot Vlastoso, elenktika neapsiriboja vien tik nuneigimu ir gali teikti pozityvių rezultatų, tačiau akivaizdu, kad jos kaip deduktyvaus metodo rezultatų vertė priklauso nuo prielaidų teisingumo, o Sokratas nenurodo aiškaus jų pasirinkimo kriterijaus. Tad nenuostabu, kad kai kuriais atvejais elenktika... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation treats Plato’s early philosophy which, unfortunately, till now didn’t receive due attention in Lithuanian scholarship. From the nineteenth century a belief dominates among scholars that so-called “theory of ideas” is a foundation of Platonic philosophy and that ethical, epistemological and ontological issues are considered on the basis of this “theory”; although the latter was explicitly formulated only in the dialogues of the middle period, scholars believe that even doctrines which took shape in the “Socratic” dialogues presupposes the assertion of the existence of “pure forms”. In the dissertation this stereotype is discarded and, following Gregory Vlastos’ ideas, an alternative perspective of the interpretation of dialogues is proposed. In this case, the originality of Platonic philosophy is related with a specific methodic of the philosophical investigation, not with certain general “idealistic system”. First of all, we focus on the method of elenchus which Vlastos describes as a device (constantly used by Socrates, the main character of the dialogues) to refute interlocutor’s primary thesis, demonstrating its inconsistency with his other beliefs. However, from the point of view of logic, this method isn’t unproblematic: according to Vlastos, elenchus does not confine strictly to the refutation and can provide positive results, but it is evident that the value of its results depends on the veracity of its premises (because elenchus is deductive... [to full text]

Tu esi aš / You're i

Kundrotienė, Vilma 03 August 2011 (has links)
Žmogus, jo būtis jau šimtmečius jaudina ne vieną filosofą, dramaturgą, poetą ir kiekvieną iš mūsų. Todėl ši tema išlieka aktuali ir neišsemiama bet kuriuo laikmečiu. / A man, his existence is not worried about a century philosopher, playwright, poet and every one of us. Therefore, this topic remains relevant and inexhaustible in any era.

Egzistencinės filosofijos dimensija Antano Ramono kūryboje / Dimension of Existential Philosophy in the Works of Antanas Ramonas

Lapėnienė, Laima 04 August 2011 (has links)
Literatūros filosofijos perspektyvoje ir fenomenologijos metodologiniu pagrindu bakalauro darbe tiriama egzistencializmo dimensija A. Ramono kūryboje. Šio darbo objektas – lietuvių prozininko rinktinė „Vasario upės“ (2007). Tiriamojo darbo problema formuluojama keliant A. Ramono prozoje svarbiausius žmogaus ir jo būties klausimus. Teorinėje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama literatūros ir filosofijos sąveikos problema, būties ir kalbos klausimai literatūros filosofijos akiratyje (V. Daujotytės atrama). Remiantis M. Heideggerio, V. Sezemano, A. Maceinos, A. Šliogerio ir kitų autorių mintimi, iš egzistencializmo tradicijos teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjami žmogaus esmės ir jo tapsmo, būties transcendencijos, būties-pasaulyje, būties-myriop ir kiti klausimai. Iš fenomenologijos teorijos bakalauro darbo tyrimui ypač aktuali patirties, juslinio pasaulio suvokimo, santykio su pasauliu ir sąmonės koncepcijos. Tiriamojoje dalyje nagrinėjama, kaip skleidžiasi egzistencinės filosofijos problematika A. Ramono tekstuose. Knygos „Vasario upės“ analizė leido suprasti, kad joje vaizduojamą žmogų su egzistencializmo filosofijos dimensija suartina būtis-myriop, erdvės, laiko ir daiktų patirtys, ribiniai kančios, ligos, rašymo išgyvenimai, o visa tai išreiškiama filosofiniam mąstymui artimu pasakojimu, dviprasmiškomis metaforomis ir simboliais. Žmogaus egzistencija būties-pasaulyje lauke vyksta nuolat persikeliant į kitas būties siūlomas egzistencijos struktūros atmainas: nuolat vyksta ciklinis gyvybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the perspective of the philosophy of literature and on the methodological basis of phenomenology, the Bachelor’s work analyses dimension of existentialism in the works of Antanas Ramonas. The object of this work is the selection of the Lithuanian prosewriter’s works “Vasario upės” (February Rivers) (2007). The problem of the study is formulated raising the most important questions of man and his existence in the prose of A. Ramonas. In the theoretical part of the work the problem of interaction between literature and philosophy, questions of existence and speech in the outlook of the philosophy of literature are analysed (reference to V. Daujotytė). Referring to the ideas of M. Heidegger, V. Sezeman, A. Maceina, A. Šliogeris and other authors, from the tradition of existentialism in the theoretical part there are analysed the essence of man and his formation, transcendence of Being, being-in-the-world, life-to death and other questions. From the theory of phenomenology, for this study especially important is perception of experience, sensitivity of the world, relantionship with the world and the conception of consciousness. In the research there is analysed how the problem of existential philosophy unfolds in A. Ramonas’ texts. The analysis of the book “Vasario upės” indicates that the depicted man is linked with the dimension of existentialist philosophy by the conception of life-to death, experiences of space, time and things, limit experiences of suffering, illness... [to full text]

Paradigmos sąvoka Thomo S. Kuhno mokslo filosofijoje / The concept of paradigm in Thomas S. Kuhn's philosophy of science

Okunauskas, Aurimas 22 July 2014 (has links)
Paradigmos sąvokos išklaida chronologiškai sekant T. Kuhno minties raidą. Aptariami trys paradigmos sąvokos raidos etapai ir kai kurios implikacijos, pavyzdžiui nebendramatiškumas ir sąntykis su Karlo Popperio kritiniu racionalizmu. / Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigm is expounded by chronologically following his publications. Three different stages of development of the concept are analysed and then compared to Karl Popper's critical rationalism.

Subsidiarumo principo katalikų socialinėje filosofijoje ir Europos Sąjungos dokumentuose palyginimas / Comparison between the principles of subsidiarity in the catholic social thought and in the documents of the european union

Šiaudvytienė, Elena 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe lyginami subsidiarumo principai katalikų socialinėje filosofijoje ir ES dokumentuose siekiant atskleisti ES subsidiarumo principo interpretavimo problemų šaltinį. Tyrimo tikslas – lyginant subsidiarumo principo katalikų socialinėje filosofijoje ir ES dokumentuose sampratas ir nustatant ryšio (jei toks egzistuoja) tarp jų pobūdį, atskleisti ES subsidiarumo principo prigimtį, kuri leistų paaiškinti, kodėl jo interpretacijų problemų taip ilgai neišeina išspręsti. Dėl aptartojo tyrimo objekto ir problemos pobūdžio, darbe atsiribota nuo socialiniuose moksluose taikomų empirinio tyrinėjimo metodų ir užsibrėžto darbo tikslo siekiama pasitelkus analitinį, istorinį-lyginamąjį, metafilosofinės žiūros ir diskurso analizės metodus. Atskirai analizuojamos katalikų socialinės filosofijos ir ES subsidiarumo principo sąvokos, jų pagrindimas. Šiame darbe metafilosofinio lyginimo metodas svarbus tuo, kad leidžia ne vien ieškoti istoriškai kintančių subsidiarumo ir su juo susijusių kitų sąvokų formalių panašumų ir skirtumų. Jis padeda atskleisti jų ištakas ir pagrindą platesniame filosofiniame kontekste, taigi ir įvertinti, kuris sąvokų grindimo būdas yra objektyvesnis, tikslesnis, o tuo pačiu ir keliantis mažiau interpretavimo bei subsidiarumo principo praktinio įgyvendinimo problemų. Darbo tikslas įgyvendinamas tokia tvarka: 1) pirmojoje dalyje analizuojama subsidiarumo principo samprata katalikų socialinėje filosofijoje. Aptariama katalikiško subsidiarumo principo vystimosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The principle of subsidiarity has been incorporated into the legal system on the European Union (EU) by the Maastricht Treaty. The problem of the essential definition of the principle, however, has not been resolved yet. The aim of this Master thesis, entitled "Comparison Between the Principles of Subsidiarity in the Catholic Social Thought and in the Documents of the European Union", is to reveal the nature of the European principle of subsidiarity that would allow to explain why the problems of it’s interpretation cannot be resolved for such a long time. This aim is achieved by comparing the principles of subsidiarity in the Catholic social thought and in the documents of the EU. Putting the Catholic principle of subsidiarity in contrast with the European principle of subsidiarity can give a possibility to analyse the latter “from outside” and to distance from the unsuccessful attempts to resolve the problem of interpretation only by means of social sciences. The main problem consists in the fact that, while encountering the problems of interpretation of the principle of subsidiarity in the EU, the philosophical presuppositions of this principle are not reflected and it is identified with the principle of subsidiarity of the social Catholicism. The attempt to solve this problem is made by raising a hypothesis that the presuppositions of the principle of subsidiarity in the Catholic social thought and in the documents of the EU differ fundamentally. Notwithstanding that the... [to full text]

Beprotybės interpretacija Gilles Deleuze'o filosofijoje / The interpretation of unreason in Gilles Deleuze's philosophy

Karvelytė, Kristina 23 May 2005 (has links)
The interpretation of unreason in Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophy Deleuze argues that all philosophy must originate itself from violence. The violence in thought is evoken by problems, which aren‘t given but constituted in mind. The fundamental problem of thought is incapacity to think itself, the malaise of mind, stupidity or madness. The dogmatical image of thought takes the common form of an 'Everybody knows . . .' , and in the following way disassociates itself from the problem - it merely dislodges madness from discourse of reason. Deleuze shows that the problem of madness should be included into image of thought, if transforming it simultaneously. The work points out, how Deleuze solves this properly transcendental qestion: how is unreason possibile? The thinker offers three perspectives, three points of view to reflect this problem. It can be seen from a point from highland or platonical tradicion, from a point of surface or virtual philosophy which Deleuze founds in the works of stoics, Leibniz, Nietzsche and Lewis Carrol and from a point of depths into which plunges Artaud. To each of these modes of mind thereby can be diagnosed distinct disease: maniac depresion or paranoia to idealism, active form of schizophrenia- to virtual philosophy and passive form of schizophrenia – to the thinking of depths. The research shows up how eventualy this triad turns to strict disjunction between traditional image of thought and the thought which is able to think of madness, becomings... [to full text]

Niklaso Luhmanno sistemų teorijos pritaikymas komunikacijos mokslams / The application of niklas luhmann's systems theory to communication sciences

Vaketis, Ramūnas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – komunikacijos samprata komunikacijos moksluose, darbo dalykas – vieninga komunikacijos samprata komunikacijos moksluose. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Niklaso Luhmanno sistemų teoriją ir jos pritaikymo komunikacijos mokslams aspektus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti komunikacijos sampratą komunikacijos moksluose; išanalizuoti Luhmanno sistemų teoriją; nustatyti ir išanalizuoti Luhmanno sistemų teorijos pritaikymo komunikacijos mokslams aspektus; kritiškai įvertinti Luhmanno sistemų teoriją. Atlikus literatūros analizę, taikant lyginimo ir sintezės metodus, darbu nustatyta, kad šiandien komunikacijos mokslai patiria daug mokslui esminių problemų, iš kurių paminėtinos šios: kelios besiskiriančios ir tarpusavyje dialogo beveik neieškančios komunikacijos paradigmos, šimtai ribotų komunikacijos teorijų, komunikacijos mokslų fragmentiškumas ir jų lėtas progresas. Tačiau esmine komunikacijos mokslų problema siūloma laikyti vieningos komunikacijos sampratos komunikacijos moksluose nebuvimu. Šiuo darbu kelta hipotezė, kad Luhmanno sistemų teorija, atliepdama daugelį komunikacijos mokslų problemų, pateikia universalią (vieningą) komunikacijos sampratą, kuri taikytina komunikacijos mokslams. Šiuo darbu hipotezė patvirtinta ir argumentuota, kad Luhmanno sistemų teorija teoriškai ir praktiškai pritaikoma komunikacijos mokslams. Teorinis Luhmanno sistemų teorijos pritaikymo komunikacijos mokslams apsektas – persvarstydama informacijos ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work aimed to tackle some problems of communication sciences that were suggested to be counted as key ones, such as several different and distant communication paradigms, heaps of limited communication theories, fragmented study field in communication sciences, slow progress of communication sciences. But the general problem of communication sciences is suggested to be the absence of a single and unified understanding of communication as such in communication sciences. The work is pointed to the search of a unified conception of communication in communication sciences. The hypotheses of the work suggests that Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory gives you a unifying conception of communication in communication sciences. To prove that the author of this work analyzed the application of Luhmann’s systems theory to communication sciences. Doing that he analyzed the conception of communication in today’s communication sciences, as well as the Luhmann’s systems theory as an object, and the aspects of the application of Luhmann’s systems theory to communication sciences. Lastly, Luhmann’s systems theory was valued critically. The analysis of Luhmann’s systems theory showed that this theory has a twofold relevance to communication sciences. Firstly, coping with core problems of communication sciences Luhmann’s systems theory suggests a new conception of communication. According to Luhmann, communication could be described as a social system formed in the process of interaction of... [to full text]

Ugdymo filosofija ikimokyklinių įstaigų ugdymo programose / Education philosophy in education programmes of preschool institutions

Belousienė, Jolanta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Tema: Ugdymo filosofija ikimokyklinių įstaigų ugdymo programose Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjamos ugdymo filosofijos ir ugdymo proceso atitikmuo, pateikiama šiuolaikinės ir klasikinės ugdymo paradigmų įtaka ugdymo procesui. Analizuojamas ugdymo filosofijos programose ir ugdymo procese vaidmuo, bei pedagogų ugdymo institucijose galimybės. Vykstant spartiems pokyčiams visuomenės gyvenime, pakitus visos visuomenės socialiniam statusui, ypač svarbus tampa ugdymo filosofijos vaidmuo ugdymo procesui. Pasirinktos ugdymo filosofijos kryptys programose, paskatino išsiaiškinti jų realizavimo galimybes ugdymo procese. Tyrimo objektas – ugdymo filosofijos ir ugdymo proceso dermė. Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti ar ugdymo procesas grindžiamas ikimokyklinėse ugdymo programose deklaruotomis ugdymo filosofijos kryptimis. Hipotezė - pedagogai vadovaujasi įstaigos programoje pateiktos ugdymo filosofijos(ų) nuostatomis. Tyrimo metodika: tyrime dalyvavo 379 vaikai, 157 pedagogai ; taikyti pedagogų anketinės apklausos ir kriterinio stebėjimo metodai. Išvados: atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad pedagogai iš dalies vadovaujasi pasirinktomis ugdymo filosofijos kryptimis programose ir ugdymo procese bei jos iš dalies dera ugdymo procese. . / Education philosophies and equivalent of education process are examined in this work, as well as influence of modern and classical education paradigm towards education process is presented. Education philosophies in programmes and role of education in process, as well as potentials of pedagogues in teaching institutions, are analyzed. Due to rapid changes in society’s life and because of change of social status of the whole society, role of education philosophy in the education process becomes especially important. The chosen trends of education philosophies in programmes encouraged me to ascertain their implementation possibilities in the process of education. The object of the research is – consistency of education philosophy and process of education. The aim of the research is – to ascertain if education process in preschool education programmes is motivated by declared trends of education philosophy. Hypothesis- pedagogues follow the guidelines of an education philosophy (philosophies) which are introduced in the programme of their institution. Methodology of the research- 379 children and 157 pedagogues participated in the research. A survey by questionnaires for pedagogues and a method of criterion observation were applied. Findings- having done the research it was ascertained that pedagogues follow the chosen trends of education philosophies in programmes and in the process of education partially. Moreover, they partially fit in the process of... [to full text]

Filosofijos ir kūrybos santykis G. Deleuze'o postfilosofijoje / Relationship between philosophy and creation in G. Deleuze postphilosophy

Junutytė, Laura 23 May 2005 (has links)
This master work analyzes relationship between philosophy and creation developed in the works of Gilles Deleuze. This French philosopher thinks in postnietzschean paradigm. He develops philosophy of becoming, taken from Nietzsche. Deleuze rejects thinking of identity, saying that creation is the first princip, whereas identity is the second. He uses the idea of overturned Platon, so his main purpose is to open new perspectives of thinking. Another aspect of difference is considered with Felix Guattari by model of rhizome, what pressupose an open system in mind and in philosophy, too. Creation in philosophy involves three great aspects: creation of concepts, setting up the plane of immanence, inventing conceptual personae. As Deleuze and Guattari insists, philosophy is not contemplation, reflection or communication, but creation of concepts, that are always new. Concepts a not given; it must be created. Concepts opens and acts onto the plane of immanence, what means that philosophy must act only immanently, without any trancendent pressupposition. The conceptual personae produces the plane of immanence and gives to the concepts their specific force. Otherwise, inventing of conceptual personae shows the relationship between philosophy and experience of philosopher or what mode of existence every thinker invents. Creation in philosophy requires experimentation and good taste. There is no abstract thruth: every thruth is created and acts only immanently. Deleuze and Guattari... [to full text]

Išlaidų apskaitos sistemos / Systems of cost accouting

Purlytė, Justina 25 May 2005 (has links)
The object of research - absorption, variable, activity-based and backflush cost accounting systems. The aim of research – after the comparison of cost accounting systems will be performed, with reference to data received from questionnaires, to reveal the appliance of cost accounting systems in Lithuania, evaluate company’s using traditional and modern cost calculation systems, products cost of goods sold decreasing possibilities, possibilities of more effectively recourses managing. The objectives of the work – after the theoretical managerial cost accounting systems have been studied up, to identify the absorption, variable, activity-based and backflush cost accounting systems differences, advantages and disadvantages; to compare cost accounting systems; to substantiate appliance of Just-In-Time expediency. These methods were used while writing the work: Lithuanian and foreign authors work on cost accounting systems literature collection, analysis, graphic, comparison, descriptive, questionairing, and generalization of research results. After the absorption, variable cost systems have been analyzed, it came to conclusion that absorption cost calculation is expedient for long term and variable for short term business decisions. Activity based costing (ABC) allows to assign indirect manufacturing costs by accounting them by activities and applying specific cost calculation unit – cost driver. Just-in-Time philosophy (JIT) considers the possibility to reduce the indirect... [to full text]

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