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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomechanická studie ruky / Biomechanical study of hand

Krpalek, David Unknown Date (has links)
This work deals with issue of human wrist and appropriate total wrist implant allowing a restoration of hand mobility approaching physiological condition after traumatic and degenerative diseases. Treating these diseases are very complex. These issues including a biological and medical issues. To determine the appropriate treatment method and select right total wrist implant is important to know the behavior the human wrist at all stages in terms of medical and biomechanical. For this reason, it was developed a biomechanical study including computation model of human wrist allowing solution of strain and stress of hand in physiological and pathological conditions and condition after total wrist implant. The frost remodeling of bone tissue was used for analysis of human wrist bone tissues and bone tissues after application of total wrist implant RE-MOTION™ Total Wrist.

Eletrodinâmica variacional e o problema eletromagnético de dois corpos / Variational Electrodynamics and the Electromagnetic Two-Body Problem

Souza, Daniel Câmara de 18 December 2014 (has links)
Estudamos a Eletrodinâmica de Wheeler-Feynman usando um princípio variacional para um funcional de ação finito acoplado a um problema de valor na fronteira. Para trajetórias C2 por trechos, a condição de ponto crítico desse funcional fornece as equações de movimento de Wheeler-Feynman mais uma condição de continuidade dos momentos parciais e energias parciais, conhecida como condição de quina de Weierstrass-Erdmann. Estudamos em detalhe um sub-caso mais simples, onde os dados de fronteira têm um comprimento mínimo. Nesse caso, mostramos que a condição de extremo se reduz a um problema de valor na chegada para uma equação diferencial com retardo misto dependente do estado e do tipo neutro. Resolvemos numericamente esse problema usando um método de shooting e um método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Para os casos em que as fronteiras mínimas têm velocidades descontínuas, elaboramos uma técnica para resolver as condições de quina de Weierstrass-Erdmann junto com o problema de valor na chegada. As trajetórias com velocidades descontínuas previstas pelo método variacional foram verificadas por experimentos numéricos. Em um segundo desenvolvimento, para o caso mais difícil de fronteiras de comprimento arbitrário, implementamos um método de minimização com gradiente fraco para o princípio variacional e problema de fronteira acima citado. Elaboramos dois métodos numéricos, ambos implementados em MATLAB, para encontrar soluções do problema eletromagnético de dois corpos. O primeiro combina o método de elementos finitos com o método de Newton para encontrar as soluções que anulam o gradiente fraco do funcional para fronteiras genéricas. O segundo usa o método do declive máximo para encontrar as soluções que minimizam a ação. Nesses dois métodos as trajetórias são aproximadas dentro de um espaço de dimensão finita gerado por uma Galerkiana que suporta velocidades descontínuas. Foram realizados diversos testes e experimentos numéricos para verificar a convergência das trajetórias calculada numericamente; também comparamos os valores do funcional calculados numericamente com alguns resultados analíticos sobre órbitas circulares. / We study the Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics using a variational principle for an action functional coupled to a finite boundary value problem. For piecewise C2 trajectories, the critical point condition for this functional gives the Wheeler-Feynman equations of motion in addition to a continuity condition of partial moments and partial energies, known as the Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions. In the simplest case, for the boundary value problem of shortest length, we show that the critical point condition reduces to a two-point boundary value problem for a state-dependent mixed-type neutral differential-delay equation. We solve this special problem numerically using a shooting method and a fourth order Runge-Kutta. For the cases where the boundary segment has discontinuous velocities we developed a technique to solve the Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions and the two-point boundary value problem together. The trajectories with discontinuous velocities presupposed by the variational method were verified by numerical experiments. In a second development, for the harder case with boundaries of arbitrary length, we implemented a method of minimization with weak gradient for the variational principle quoted above. Two numerical methods were implemented in MATLAB to find solutions of the two-body electromagnetic problem. The first combines the finite element method with Newtons method to find the solutions that vanish the weak gradient. The second uses the method of steepest descent to find the solutions that minimize the action. In both methods the trajectories are approximated within a finite-dimensional space generated by a Galerkian that supports discontinuous velocities. Many tests and numerical experiments were performed to verify the convergence of the numerically calculated trajectories; also were compared the values of the functional computed numerically with some known analytical results on circular orbits.

Aspects of guaranteed error control in computations for partial differential equations

Merdon, Christian 17 September 2013 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt garantierte Fehlerkontrolle für elliptische partielle Differentialgleichungen anhand des Poisson-Modellproblems, des Stokes-Problems und des Hindernisproblems. Hierzu werden garantierte obere Schranken für den Energiefehler zwischen exakter Lösung und diskreten Finite-Elemente-Approximationen erster Ordnung entwickelt. Ein verallgemeinerter Ansatz drückt den Energiefehler durch Dualnormen eines oder mehrerer Residuen aus. Hinzu kommen berechenbare Zusatzterme, wie Oszillationen der gegebenen Daten, mit expliziten Konstanten. Für die Abschätzung der Dualnormen der Residuen existieren viele verschiedene Techniken. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich vorrangig mit Equilibrierungsschätzern, basierend auf Raviart-Thomas-Elementen, welche effiziente garantierte obere Schranken ermöglichen. Diese Schätzer werden mit einem Postprocessing-Verfahren kombiniert, das deren Effizienz mit geringem zusätzlichen Rechenaufwand deutlich verbessert. Nichtkonforme Finite-Elemente-Methoden erzeugen zusätzlich ein Inkonsistenzresiduum, dessen Dualnorm mit Hilfe diverser konformer Approximationen abgeschätzt wird. Ein Nebenaspekt der Arbeit betrifft den expliziten residuen-basierten Fehlerschätzer, der für gewöhnlich optimale und leicht zu berechnende Verfeinerungsindikatoren für das adaptive Netzdesign liefert, aber nur schlechte garantierte obere Schranken. Eine neue Variante, die auf den equilibrierten Flüssen des Luce-Wohlmuth-Fehlerschätzers basiert, führt zu stark verbesserten Zuverlässigkeitskonstanten. Eine Vielzahl numerischer Experimente vergleicht alle implementierten Fehlerschätzer und zeigt, dass effiziente und garantierte Fehlerkontrolle in allen vorliegenden Modellproblemen möglich ist. Insbesondere zeigt ein Modellproblem, wie die Fehlerschätzer erweitert werden können, um auch auf Gebieten mit gekrümmten Rändern garantierte obere Schranken zu liefern. / This thesis studies guaranteed error control for elliptic partial differential equations on the basis of the Poisson model problem, the Stokes equations and the obstacle problem. The error control derives guaranteed upper bounds for the energy error between the exact solution and different finite element discretisations, namely conforming and nonconforming first-order approximations. The unified approach expresses the energy error by dual norms of one or more residuals plus computable extra terms, such as oscillations of the given data, with explicit constants. There exist various techniques for the estimation of the dual norms of such residuals. This thesis focuses on equilibration error estimators based on Raviart-Thomas finite elements, which permit efficient guaranteed upper bounds. The proposed postprocessing in this thesis considerably increases their efficiency at almost no additional computational costs. Nonconforming finite element methods also give rise to a nonconsistency residual that permits alternative treatment by conforming interpolations. A side aspect concerns the explicit residual-based error estimator that usually yields cheap and optimal refinement indicators for adaptive mesh refinement but not very sharp guaranteed upper bounds. A novel variant of the residual-based error estimator, based on the Luce-Wohlmuth equilibration design, leads to highly improved reliability constants. A large number of numerical experiments compares all implemented error estimators and provides evidence that efficient and guaranteed error control in the energy norm is indeed possible in all model problems under consideration. Particularly, one model problem demonstrates how to extend the error estimators for guaranteed error control on domains with curved boundary.

Problèmes inverses de points sources dans les modèles de transport dispersif de contaminants : identifiabilité et observabilité / Inverse problems of point-wise sources in dispersive transport models of contaminants : identifiability and observability

Khiari, Souad 19 October 2016 (has links)
La recherche et les questions abordées dans cette thèse sont de type inverse : la reconstitution d'une source ponctuelle ou la complétion d'une donnée à la limite inconnue à l'extrémité du domaine dans les modèles paraboliques de transport de contaminants. La modélisation mathématique des problèmes de pollution des eaux fait intervenir deux traceurs, l'oxygène dissous (OD) et la demande biochimique en oxygène (DBO) qui est la quantité d'oxygène nécessaire à la biodégradation de la matière organique. En effet, au cours des procédés d'autoépuration, certaines bactéries aérobies jouent un rôle principal. Ces micro-organismes décomposent les matières organiques polluantes en utilisant l'oxygène dissous dans le milieu. Afin de compenser ces données manquantes, les champs, solutions du problème, sont observés directement ou indirectement. Les problèmes inverses qui en résultent sont quasi certainement mal-posés voire même sévèrement mal-posés pour la plupart. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons justement une analyse aussi poussée que possible sur la question de l'identifiabilité pour les deux problèmes inverses décrits ci-dessus. Nous avons démontré un résultat d'unicité pour des sources fixes dans le cas d'observations décalées. La réalité pour l'observation est nuancée et l'idéal n'est pas acquis ; des mesures directes sur la DBO sont difficiles à obtenir. En revanche collecter des données sur l'OD est possible en temps réel et avec un faible coût. La DBO est donc observée de façon indirecte, grâce au couplage dans le système de Streeter et Phelps, l'information passe de l'OD à la DBO. Pour ce problème aussi, nous avons produit un résultat d'unicité pour la reconstruction de la source ou puits ponctuel qui serait présent dans l'équation de transport sur l'OD. Nous avons ensuite examiné des questions annexes à l'identifiabilité telles que le degré d'instabilité des équations à résoudre. De ce type d'informations dépendent le comportement des méthodes numériques et des algorithmes de calcul à utiliser. / The research and the questions approached on this thesis are inverse type : the reconstruction of point-wise source or the data completion problem in parabolic models of transport of contaminants. The mathematical modelling of the problems of water pollution includes two tracers, the dissolved oxygen (DO) and the biochemical demand in oxygen (BDO) which is the quantity of oxygen necessary for the biodegradation of organic matter. Indeed, during the biodegradation process, aerobic bacteria play a leading part. These micro-organisms decompose polluting organic matters by using the dissolved oxygen in the middle. To compensate these missing data, fields, solutions of the problem, are observed directly or indirectly. The resulting inverse problems are ill-posed. Their mathematical study rises big complications and their numerical treatment isn't easy. We demonstrated a uniqueness result for fixed sources in the case of moved observations. The reality for the observation is qualified and the ideal is not acquired; direct measures on the BOD are difficult to obtain. On the Other hand to collect data on the DO is possible in real time With a moderate cost. The BOD is thus observed in indirect way, thanks to the coupling in the system of Streeter and Phelps, the information passes from the DO to the BOD. For this problem, we produced a uniqueness result for the reconstruction of source. Then, we examined the degree of instability of the equation to be solved. The behaviour of numerical methods depend on this type of information.

Tratamento numérico da mecânica de interfaces lipídicas: modelagem e simulação / A numerical approach to the mechanics of lipid interfaces: modeling and simulation

Rodrigues, Diego Samuel 04 September 2015 (has links)
A mecânica celular jaz nas propriedades materiais da membrana plasmática, fundamentalmente uma bicamada fosfolipídica com espessura de dimensões moleculares. Além de forças elásticas, tal material bidimensional também experimenta tensões viscosas devido ao seu comportamento fluido (presumivelmente newtoniano) na direção tangencial. A despeito da notável concordância entre teoria e experimentos biofísicos sobre a geometria de membranas celulares, ainda não se faz presente um método computacional para simulação de sua (real) dinâmica viscosa governada pela lei de Boussinesq-Scriven. Assim sendo, introduzimos uma formulação variacional mista de três campos para escoamentos viscosos de superfícies fechadas curvas. Nela, o fluido circundante é levado em conta considerando-se uma restrição de volume interior, ao passo que uma restrição de área corresponde à inextensibilidade. As incógnitas são a velocidade, o vetor curvatura e a pressão superficial, todas estas interpoladas com elementos finitos lineares contínuos via estabilização baseada na projeção do gradiente de pressão. O método é semi-implícito e requer a solução de apenas um único sistema linear por passo de tempo. Outro ingrediente numérico proposto é uma força que mimetiza a ação de uma pinça óptica, permitindo interação virtual com a membrana, onde a qualidade e o refinamento de malha são mantidos por remalhagem adaptativa automática. Extensivos experimentos numéricos de dinâmica de relaxação são apresentados e comparados com soluções quasi-analíticas. É observada estabilidade temporal condicional com uma restrição de passo de tempo que escala como o quadrado do tamanho de malha. Reportamos a convergência e os limites de estabilidade de nosso método e sua habilidade em predizer corretamente o equilíbrio dinâmico de compridas e finas elongações cilíndricas (tethers) que surgem a partir de pinçamentos membranais. A dependência de forma membranal com respeito a uma velocidade imposta de pinçamento também é discutida, sendo que há um valor limiar de velocidade abaixo do qual um tether não se forma de início. Testes adicionais ilustram a robustez do método e a relevância dos efeitos viscosos membranais quando sob a ação de forças externas. Sem dúvida, ainda há um longo caminho a ser trilhado para o entendimento completo da mecânica celular (há de serem consideradas outras estruturas tais como citoesqueleto, canais iônicos, proteínas transmembranares, etc). O primeiro passo, porém, foi dado: a construção de um esquema numérico variacional capaz de simular a intrigante dinâmica das membranas celulares. / Cell mechanics lies on the material properties of the plasmatic membrane, fundamentally a two-molecule-thick phospholipid bilayer. Other than bending elastic forces, such a two-dimensional interfacial material also experiences viscous stresses due to its (presumably Newtonian) surface fluid tangential behaviour. Despite the remarkable agreement on membrane shapes between theory and biophysical experiments, there is no computational method for simulating its (actual) viscous dynamics governed by the Boussinesq- Scriven law. Accordingly, we introduce a mixed three-field variational formulation for viscous flows of closed curved surfaces. In it, the bulk fluid is taken into account by means of an enclosed-volume constraint, whereas an area constraint stands for the membranes inextensible character. The unknowns are the velocity, vector curvature and surface pressure fields, all of which are interpolated with linear continuous finite elements by means of a pressure-gradient-projection scheme. The method is semi-implicit and it requires the solution of a single linear system per time step. Another proposed ingredient is a numerical force that emulates the action of an optical tweezer, allowing for virtual interaction with the membrane, where mesh quality and refinement are maintained by adaptively remeshing. Extensive relaxation experiments are reported and compared with quasi-analytical solutions. Conditional time stability is observed, with a time step restriction that scales as the square of the mesh size. We discuss both convergence and the stability limits of our method, its ability to correctly predict the dynamical equilibrium of the tether due to tweezing. The dependence of the membrane shape on imposed tweezing velocities is also addressed. Basically, there is a threshold velocity value below which the tethers shape does not arise at first. Further tests illustrate the robustness of the method and show the significance of viscous effects on membranes deformation under external forces. Undoubtedly, there is still a long way to track toward the understanding of celullar mechanics (one still has to account other structures such as cytoskeleton, ion channels, transmembrane proteins, etc). The first step has given, though: the design of a numerically robust variational scheme capable of simulating the engrossing dynamics of fluid cell membranes.

Stabilized finite element methods for convection-diffusion-reaction, helmholtz and stokes problems

Nadukandi, Prashanth 13 May 2011 (has links)
We present three new stabilized finite element (FE) based Petrov-Galerkin methods for the convection-diffusionreaction (CDR), the Helmholtz and the Stokes problems, respectively. The work embarks upon a priori analysis of a consistency recovery procedure for some stabilization methods belonging to the Petrov- Galerkin framework. It was ound that the use of some standard practices (e.g. M-Matrices theory) for the design of essentially non-oscillatory numerical methods is not appropriate when consistency recovery methods are employed. Hence, with respect to convective stabilization, such recovery methods are not preferred. Next, we present the design of a high-resolution Petrov-Galerkin (HRPG) method for the CDR problem. The structure of the method in 1 D is identical to the consistent approximate upwind (CAU) Petrov-Galerkin method [doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(88)90108-9] except for the definitions of he stabilization parameters. Such a structure may also be attained via the Finite Calculus (FIC) procedure [doi: 10.1 016/S0045-7825(97)00119-9] by an appropriate definition of the characteristic length. The prefix high-resolution is used here in the sense popularized by Harten, i.e. second order accuracy for smooth/regular regimes and good shock-capturing in non-regular re9jmes. The design procedure in 1 D embarks on the problem of circumventing the Gibbs phenomenon observed in L projections. Next, we study the conditions on the stabilization parameters to ircumvent the global oscillations due to the convective term. A conjuncture of the two results is made to deal with the problem at hand that is usually plagued by Gibbs, global and dispersive oscillations in the numerical solution. A multi dimensional extension of the HRPG method using multi-linear block finite elements is also presented. Next, we propose a higher-order compact scheme (involving two parameters) on structured meshes for the Helmholtz equation. Making the parameters equal, we recover the alpha-interpolation of the Galerkin finite element method (FEM) and the classical central finite difference method. In 1 D this scheme is identical to the alpha-interpolation method [doi: 10.1 016/0771 -050X(82)90002-X] and in 2D choosing the value 0.5 for both the parameters, we recover he generalized fourth-order compact Pade approximation [doi: 10.1 006/jcph.1995.1134, doi: 10.1016/S0045- 7825(98)00023-1] (therein using the parameter V = 2). We follow [doi: 10.1 016/0045-7825(95)00890-X] for the analysis of this scheme and its performance on square meshes is compared with that of the quasi-stabilized FEM [doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(95)00890-X]. Generic expressions for the parameters are given that guarantees a dispersion accuracy of sixth-order should the parameters be distinct and fourth-order should they be equal. In the later case, an expression for the parameter is given that minimizes the maximum relative phase error in 2D. A Petrov-Galerkin ormulation that yields the aforesaid scheme on structured meshes is also presented. Convergence studies of the error in the L2 norm, the H1 semi-norm and the I ~ Euclidean norm is done and the pollution effect is found to be small. / Presentamos tres nuevos metodos estabilizados de tipo Petrov- Galerkin basado en elementos finitos (FE) para los problemas de convecci6n-difusi6n- reacci6n (CDR), de Helmholtz y de Stokes, respectivamente. El trabajo comienza con un analisis a priori de un metodo de recuperaci6n de la consistencia de algunos metodos de estabilizaci6n que pertenecen al marco de Petrov-Galerkin. Hallamos que el uso de algunas de las practicas estandar (por ejemplo, la eoria de Matriz-M) para el diserio de metodos numericos esencialmente no oscilatorios no es apropiado cuando utilizamos los metodos de recu eraci6n de la consistencia. Por 10 tanto, con res ecto a la estabilizaci6n de conveccion, no preferimos tales metodos de recuperacion . A continuacion, presentamos el diser'io de un metodo de Petrov-Galerkin de alta-resolucion (HRPG) para el problema CDR. La estructura del metodo en 10 es identico al metodo CAU [doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(88)90108-9] excepto en la definicion de los parametros de estabilizacion. Esta estructura tambien se puede obtener a traves de la formulacion del calculo finito (FIC) [doi: 10.1 016/S0045- 7825(97)00119-9] usando una definicion adecuada de la longitud caracteristica. El prefijo de "alta-resolucion" se utiliza aqui en el sentido popularizado por Harten, es decir, tener una solucion con una precision de segundo orden en los regimenes suaves y ser esencialmente no oscilatoria en los regimenes no regulares. El diser'io en 10 se embarca en el problema de eludir el fenomeno de Gibbs observado en las proyecciones de tipo L2. A continuacion, estudiamos las condiciones de los parametros de estabilizacion para evitar las oscilaciones globales debido al ermino convectivo. Combinamos los dos resultados (una conjetura) para tratar el problema COR, cuya solucion numerica sufre de oscilaciones numericas del tipo global, Gibbs y dispersiva. Tambien presentamos una extension multidimensional del metodo HRPG utilizando los elementos finitos multi-lineales. fa. continuacion, proponemos un esquema compacto de orden superior (que incluye dos parametros) en mallas estructuradas para la ecuacion de Helmholtz. Haciendo igual ambos parametros, se recupera la interpolacion lineal del metodo de elementos finitos (FEM) de tipo Galerkin y el clasico metodo de diferencias finitas centradas. En 10 este esquema es identico al metodo AIM [doi: 10.1 016/0771 -050X(82)90002-X] y en 20 eligiendo el valor de 0,5 para ambos parametros, se recupera el esquema compacto de cuarto orden de Pade generalizada en [doi: 10.1 006/jcph.1 995.1134, doi: 10.1 016/S0045-7825(98)00023-1] (con el parametro V = 2). Seguimos [doi: 10.1 016/0045-7825(95)00890-X] para el analisis de este esquema y comparamos su rendimiento en las mallas uniformes con el de "FEM cuasi-estabilizado" (QSFEM) [doi: 10.1016/0045-7825 (95) 00890-X]. Presentamos expresiones genericas de los para metros que garantiza una precision dispersiva de sexto orden si ambos parametros son distintos y de cuarto orden en caso de ser iguales. En este ultimo caso, presentamos la expresion del parametro que minimiza el error maxima de fase relativa en 20. Tambien proponemos una formulacion de tipo Petrov-Galerkin ~ue recupera los esquemas antes mencionados en mallas estructuradas. Presentamos estudios de convergencia del error en la norma de tipo L2, la semi-norma de tipo H1 y la norma Euclidiana tipo I~ y mostramos que la perdida de estabilidad del operador de Helmholtz ("pollution effect") es incluso pequer'ia para grandes numeros de onda. Por ultimo, presentamos una coleccion de metodos FE estabilizado para el problema de Stokes desarrollados a raves del metodo FIC de primer orden y de segundo orden. Mostramos que varios metodos FE de estabilizacion existentes y conocidos como el metodo de penalizacion, el metodo de Galerkin de minimos cuadrados (GLS) [doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(86)90025-3], el metodo PGP (estabilizado a traves de la proyeccion del gradiente de presion) [doi: 10.1 016/S0045-7825(96)01154-1] Y el metodo OSS (estabilizado a traves de las sub-escalas ortogonales) [doi: 10.1016/S0045-7825(00)00254-1] se recuperan del marco general de FIC. Oesarrollamos una nueva familia de metodos FE, en adelante denominado como PLS (estabilizado a traves del Laplaciano de presion) con las formas no lineales y consistentes de los parametros de estabilizacion. Una caracteristica distintiva de la familia de los metodos PLS es que son no lineales y basados en el residuo, es decir, los terminos de estabilizacion dependera de los residuos discretos del momento y/o las ecuaciones de incompresibilidad. Oiscutimos las ventajas y desventajas de estas tecnicas de estabilizaci6n y presentamos varios ejemplos de aplicacion

Fast algorithms for frequency domain wave propagation

Tsuji, Paul Hikaru 22 February 2013 (has links)
High-frequency wave phenomena is observed in many physical settings, most notably in acoustics, electromagnetics, and elasticity. In all of these fields, numerical simulation and modeling of the forward propagation problem is important to the design and analysis of many systems; a few examples which rely on these computations are the development of metamaterial technologies and geophysical prospecting for natural resources. There are two modes of modeling the forward problem: the frequency domain and the time domain. As the title states, this work is concerned with the former regime. The difficulties of solving the high-frequency wave propagation problem accurately lies in the large number of degrees of freedom required. Conventional wisdom in the computational electromagnetics commmunity suggests that about 10 degrees of freedom per wavelength be used in each coordinate direction to resolve each oscillation. If K is the width of the domain in wavelengths, the number of unknowns N grows at least by O(K^2) for surface discretizations and O(K^3) for volume discretizations in 3D. The memory requirements and asymptotic complexity estimates of direct algorithms such as the multifrontal method are too costly for such problems. Thus, iterative solvers must be used. In this dissertation, I will present fast algorithms which, in conjunction with GMRES, allow the solution of the forward problem in O(N) or O(N log N) time. / text

Chemické a mechanické procesy v synoviálních tekutinách - modelování, analýza, počítačové simulace / Biochemical and mechanical processes in synovial fluid - modeling, analysis and computational simulations

Pustějovská, Petra January 2012 (has links)
vi Title: Biochemical and mechanical processes in synovial fluid - modeling, mathematical analysis and computational simulations Author: Petra Pustějovská (petra.pustejovska@karlin.mff.cuni.cz) Department: Matematický ústav UK, Univerzita Karlova v Praze Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Heidelberg Supervisors: prof. RNDr. Josef Málek CSc., DSc. (malek@karlin.mff.cuni.cz) Matematický ústav UK, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Willi Jäger (jaeger@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de) Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Heidelberg Abstract: Synovial fluid is a polymeric liquid which generally behaves as a viscoelastic fluid due to the presence of polysaccharide molecules called hyaluronan. In this thesis, we study the biological and biochemical properties of synovial fluid, its complex rheology and interaction with synovial membrane during filtration process. From the mathematical point of view, we model the synovial fluid as a viscous incompressible fluid for which we develop a novel generalized power-law fluid model wherein the power-law exponent depends on the concentration of the hyaluronan. Such a model is adequate to describe the flows of synovial fluid as long as it is not subjected to instantaneous stimuli. Moreover, we try to find a suitable linear viscoelastic model...

Modélisation mathématique et simulations numériques des écoulements sanguins dans des artères avec ou sans stents / Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations of the blood-flow in stented and unstented anevrisms

Bey, Mohamed Amine 08 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation mathématique et simulations numériques des écoulements sanguins dans des artères en présence d’une endoprothèse vasculaire de type stent. La présence de stent peut être considérée comme une perturbation locale d’un bord lisse d’écoulement, plus précisément les parois de l’artère sont assimilées à une surface fortement rugueuse. Nous nous sommes principalement intéressés au contrôle de la régularité H² sur un modèle simplifié permettant de prendre en compte l’effet de ces stents lorsque le flux sanguin est gouverné par une équation de Laplace (en lien avec la composante axiale de la vitesse d’écoulement) avec une condition aux limites de type Dirichlet, dans un domaine à bord rugueux (en fonction d’un petit paramètre ε). Dans une première partie, nous soulevons la question d’existence et d’unicité de la solution de ce modèle d’écoulement sanguin et nous traitons la régularité H² par des techniques d’analyse variationnelle. Une étude minutieuse permet de contrôler la régularité H² en O(ε−1). Le deuxième axe est dédié à l’étude de la régularité H² par des analyse asymptotiques multiéchelles. Nous montrons que la norme H² de la solution de ce modèle d’écoulement sanguin est singulière en O(ε−½ ). D’autre part, nous améliorons les ordres de convergence des résultats existants concernant la construction des approximations multiéchelles. Dans un troisième temps, nous présentons des estimations d’erreur et des résultats numériques. Ces résultats illustrent le bien fondé des estimations d’erreur sur le plan pratique. Nous montrons bien l’importance des méthodes asymptotiques qui se révèlent plus efficaces qu’un calcul direct. / This thesis is devoted to mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of the blood-flows in arteries in the presence of a vascular prosthesis of type stent. The presence of stent can be considered as a local perturbation of a smooth edge of flow, more precisely the walls artery can be seen as a strongly rough surface.Weare mainly interested in controlling the H² regularity of a simplified model which takes into account the impact of these stents when the blood flow is controlled by a Laplace equation (in link with the axial component rateof flow) with a Dirichlet boundary condition, in a domain with a rough board (according to a small parameter ε). First, we raise the question of existence and unicity of the solution of this model of blood-flow and we study the H² regularity using variational analysis methods. By a detailed study, we control the H² regularity of order O(ε−1). The second part is devoted to the study of the regularity H² regularity using multi-scale analysis.We prove that the H² norm of the solution of this model is singular of order O(ε−½). Moreover, we improve the convergence rate of the existing results on the construction of the multi-scale approximation. Finally, we present an error estimation and numerical results. These numerical results illustrate the well-founded of the error estimates on a practical level. We show the importance of the asymptotic methods that seem to be more effective than a direct computation.

Controlabilidade exata de sistemas parabólicos, hiperbólicos e dispersivos

Santos, Maurício Cardoso 25 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-15T11:46:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2353317 bytes, checksum: d71ead9d4e0f785df35982fc9318c7da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this thesis, we study controllability results of some phenomena modeled by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): Multi objective control problem, for parabolic equations, following the Stackelber-Nash strategy is considered: for each leader control which impose the null controllability for the state variable, we find a Nash equilibrium associated to some costs. The leader control is chosen to be the one of minimal cost. Null controllability for the linear Schrödinger equation: with a convenient space-time discretization, we numerically construct boundary controls which lead the solution of the Schrödinger equation to zero; using some arguments of Fursikov-Imanuvilov (see [Lecture Notes Series, Vol 34, 1996]) we construct controls with exponential decay at final time. Null controllability for a Schrödinger-KdV system: in this work, we combine global Carleman estimates with energy estimates to obtain an observability inequality. The controllability result holds by the Hilbert Uniqueness Method (HUM). Controllability results for a Euler type system, incompressible, inviscid, under the influence of a temperature are obtained: we mainly use the extension and return methods / Nesta tese, estudaremos resultados de controle para alguns problemas da teoria das equações diferenciais parciais (EDPs): Problema de controle multi objetivo para um problema parabólico, seguindo estratégias do tipo Stackelberg-Nash: para cada controle líder, que impõe a controlabilidade nula para o estado, encontramos seguidores, em equilíbrio de Nash, associados a funcionais custo. Em seguida, determinamos o líder de menor custo. Controlabilidade nula para a equação de Schrödinger linear: com uma discretização espaço-tempo adequada, construímos numericamente controles-fronteira que conduzem a solução de Schrödinger a zero; utilizando técnicas de Fursikov-Imanuvilov (veja [Lecture Notes Series, Vol 34, 1996]) contruímos controles que decaem exponencialmente no tempo final. Controlabilidade nula para um sistema acoplado Schrödinger-KdV: neste trabalho, combinando estimativas globais de Carleman com estimativas de energia, obtemos uma desigualdade de observabilidade. O resultado de controlabilidade segue pelo método de unicicade Hilbert (HUM). Controlabilidade para um sistema do tipo Euler, incompressível, invíscido, sob influência de uma temperatura: Utilizamos os métodos de extensão seguido do método do retorno para provar resultados de controlabilidade para este sistema

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