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The Role of Individual Differences and Personality Factors in Distracted and Aggressive Driving BehaviorsHolcomb, Alyssa M 01 January 2022 (has links)
Government reports indicate that, on average, more than 3000 people die due to distracted driving each year, accounting for nearly 10% of all fatal car crashes. Other reports claim that two-thirds of fatal car accidents result from aggressive driving. Previous research has been inconclusive regarding how personality impacts distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. Therefore, the goal of this current study is to fill the gap in the literature concerning the role that personality plays in distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. We also explored the role that distracted and aggressive driving behaviors played in accident involvement. A sample of (N=327) participants were recruited using social media and the UCF SONA System. They were asked to self-report their driving behaviors and personality traits by completing a series of online questionnaires (ADBQ, BFI, DBQ, DDQ, DEMO, and IPIP NEO PI-R). Using this data, bivariate correlations were run using the Pearson Correlation Coefficients to determine the role that personality (OCEAN) plays in distracted and aggressive driving behaviors. We used the DDQ and the IPIP NEO PI-R to evaluate the relationship between personality and distracted driving, and we found that personality traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism were all significant predictors of distracted driving. Openness was the only one of the five personality traits to have no significant correlation. We used the ADBQ and the IPIP NEO PI-R to assess the relationship between personality and aggressive driving, and we found the same four personality traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism were all significant predictors of aggressive driving. Openness was, again, the only one of the five personality traits to have no significant correlation. Backward regression analyses were performed to determine what caused these relationships. The regression analysis displayed trait subscales: Morality, Cooperation, Self Discipline, Activity Level, Excitement Seeking, Anger, Emotionality, and Liberalism, each significantly contributed to driver distraction. Another backward regression analysis reveals trait subscales: Morality, Self-Efficacy, Dutifulness, Self Discipline, Anger, and Artistic Interests, each significantly contributed to driver aggression.
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Is it them? Or is it you? Examining Perceptions of Workplace Incivility Based on Personality CharacteristicsRada-Bayne, Alison M. 20 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Big Five Personality Model and Motivation in SportBrinkman, Craig 13 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The five-factor model and career self-efficacy: general and domain-specific relationshipsHartman, Robert Owen 14 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Personlighet och preferens av forskningsmetod för studenters kandidatuppsatserKottorp, Anton, Sjöstedt, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Studien utgick från femfaktorteorin som bygger på fem personlighetsfaktorer: samvetsgrannhet, öppenhet, extraversion, vänlighet och neuroticism. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om dessa personlighetsfaktorer påverkar studenters val mellan en kvantitativ eller kvalitativ forskningsmetod för en kandidatuppsats, samt om kön och andra studierelaterade variabler påverkar detta val. Tidigare forskning antyder att personlighet påverkar bland annat val av programinriktning på universitetet och yrke. Om personlighet påverkar val av forskningsmetod är däremot inte något som tidigare har undersökts. Etthundratre studenter deltog i enkätundersökningen som bestod av personlighetstestet Big Five Inventory, samt frågor om studierelaterade variabler. Data analyserades med hjälp av korrelationstest och regressionsanalys. Studien fann ingen koppling mellan personlighetsdimensionerna och val av forskningsmetod, däremot med kön och studierelaterade variabler, däribland universitetets genomgång av forskningsmetoderna samt huruvida studenten ansåg sitt program vara utmanande eller ej. Mer forskning behövs för att säkerställa att personlighet inte har någon koppling till val forskningsmetod för studenter.
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Kan du se vem jag är? : En kvantitativ studie om första intryckets bedömning och individens självuppfattning / Can you see who i am? : A quantitative study on first impression assessment and individual self-perceptionPääjärvi, Hanna, Eriksson, Ibba January 2024 (has links)
Tänker du på det första intryck du får av någon du möter i vardagen? Kanske du funderar på hur dem är som person? Efter att ha sett någon för första gången bildas omedelbart ett första intryck och en uppfattning om dennes personlighet. Syftet med vår kvasiexperimentella studie är att undersöka hur bedömningen baserad på första intrycket av en individs personlighets stämmer överens med hur individen uppfattar sig själv. Urvalet bestod av 10 deltagare, sex kvinnor och fyra män. Åldersspannet låg mellan 23 till 55 år (M= 31,6; SD= 12,0). Deltagare har genomfört personlighetstest, fått se bilder av andra deltagare och sedan bedömt hur de uppfattat deras personlighet. Differensmåtten belyste att deltagare tenderade att självskatta högre poäng än vad de blev bedömda inom personlighetsdragen. Bedömningarna och självskattningarna inom några av personlighetsdragen visade en måttlig till stor effektstyrka (d.v.s. samvetsgrannhet, öppenhet, neuroticism). Men i studien förekom ingen signifikant korrelation mellan bedömd och självskattad personlighet. / Do you think about the impression you make of someone you meet in everyday life? Maybe you are thinking about what they are like as a person? Upon meeting someone, an impression of their personality swiftly develops. Our quasi- experimental study aimed to explore if assessment based on the first impression of an individual's personality is consistent with how the individual perceives themself. The sample consisted of 10 participants, six women and four men. Participants' age range was between 23 to 55 years old (M= 31,6; SD= 12,0). Participants underwent personality tests, viewed images of other participants, and then assessed how they perceived their personality. Differential measure showed that participants tended to self-assess higher scores than they were rated within the personality traits. The ratings and self-assessments in some of the personality traits showed a moderate to large effect size (i.e. conscientiousness, openness, neuroticism). However, there was no significant correlation between rated and self-assessed personality in the study.
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The Predictive Utility of Personality Facets in Examining Risk and Resiliency in Transient and Chronic StressJanis, Beth M. 08 1900 (has links)
Chronic or prolonged stress has been shown to have deleterious impacts on mental health, physical health, and cognitive functioning. However, not all individuals show the negative effects of continued exposure to stress. Past research has identified personality as a contributor to resiliency, while also identifying it as an important predictor of negative outcomes, such as psychopathology. More recently, personality researchers have emphasized the importance of examining personality at the level of specific underlying facets, as it can provide a more refined and predictive picture than higher-order personality traits. The current study examined the predictive utility of personality facets in regard to risk and resiliency in high-achieving individuals exposed to transient and chronic stress. Results indicated personality facets provided strong prediction of mental health and behavioral functioning outcomes, and added to the understanding of the association among personality and functioning. In particular, hierarchical linear modeling analyses identified significant risk and protective facets prior to the inclusion of stress and also when interacting with stress. The implications of these analyses, such as identification of particular strategies for boosting protective facets and limiting harmful facets, is discussed.
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Den kreativa personligheten : En socialpsykologisk studie om femfaktormodellens personlighetsdrag och dess samverkan med konstnärlig kreativitet / The creative personality : A social psychological study about the personality traits of the five factor model and it’s correlation with artistic creativityBolin, Irina, Magnusson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka personlighet och dess eventuella kausala samband med konstnärlig kreativitet. Femfaktormodellen användes för att undersöka personlighetsdragen öppenhet, extroversion och neuroticism. Begreppet kreativitet beskrivs genom tidigare forskning och konstnärlig kreativitet utgör grunden för studien. En kortare pilotstudie genomfördes för att testa förståelsen av mätinstrumentet för kreativitet, som tidigare översatts från engelska till svenska. I undersökningen ingick 89 respondenter som besvarade en online-enkät utlagd i facebookgruppen “studenter vid högskolan i Skövde”. Resultatet visade att personlighetsdraget öppenhet predicerar konstnärlig kreativitet. Resultaten för personlighetsdragen extroversion och neuroticism visade inte på någon predicering av konstnärlig kreativitet. Dock visade resultatet att facetten sällskaplighet för personlighetsdraget extroversion predicerar den konstnärligt kreativa domänen dans, medan personlighetsdraget neuroticism och facetten depression predicerar den konstnärligt kreativa domänen kreativt skrivande. Därigenom kunde följande slutsats dras: ett flertal av studiens respondenter uttrycker sig på ett konstnärligt kreativt sätt och vilken typ av konstnärligt kreativt uttryckssätt som individen föredrar beror på individens personlighet. / The purpose of this study was to investigate personality and it’s potential causality with artistic creativity. The five-factor model was used to investigate the personality traits openness, extraversion and neuroticism. Creativity is described by earlier research and artistic creativity creates the basic of this study. A short pilot-study was performed to evaluate the understanding of the instrument for creativity, that had been translated earlier from english to swedish. The sample used consisted of 89 respondents, who participated in an online-survey posted at a facebook-group named “studenter vid högskolan i Skövde”. The results showed that the personality trait openness predicts artistic creativity. The results of the personality traits extraversion and neuroticism did not show any predictability of artistic creativity. However, the results showed that the facet gregariousness from the personality trait extraversion predicts the artistic creative domain of dance, while the personality trait neuroticism and the facet depression predicts the artistic creative domain creative writing. Thereby the following conclusion could be made: several respondents of this study are expressing themselves in an artistic creative way and what kind of artistic creative expressions they use is defined by the personality of the person.
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De la connaissance de la valeur sociale à la prédiction de performance. Approche psychosociale de la description de soi dans les inventaires de personnalité / From knowledge of social value to performance prediction. A Psychosocial approach of self-description in personality inventoriesCaruana, Sylvain 02 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était de montrer que les autodescriptions dans les inventaires de personnalité expriment la connaissance que les individus ont de valeur sociale qu'il convient d'exprimer selon les contextes de passation. Nous nous sommes principalement appuyés sur la littérature relative au jugement social, qui définit la valeur sociale à partir de deux dimensions fondamentales : la désirabilité sociale et l'utilité sociale. La première, la désirabilité sociale, exprime la réputation des personnes à susciter des affects positifs dans les relations sociales. La seconde, l'utilité sociale, exprime la réputation à performer dans un système social. Dans ce cadre, nous avons examiné l'hypothèse générale selon laquelle les réponses données à un inventaire de personnalité reposent davantage sur la valeur d'utilité et/ou de désirabilité des items (information évaluative) que sur les facteurs de personnalité qu'ils sont censés mesurer (information descriptive). Nous avons d'abord montré que les individus attribuent plus ou moins de désirabilité et d'utilité sociale aux différents items des inventaires de personnalité. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence que la prise en compte de cette information évaluative permet aux répondants de mieux faire correspondre leurs réponses aux prescriptions sociales (explicites ou implicites). Dans un troisième ensemble d'études, nous avons étudié le rôle des informations descriptives et des informations évaluatives dans les inférences de performance professionnelle. Les données ont mis en évidence que les individus utilisent davantage l'information évaluative lorsqu'ils doivent pronostiquer la performance professionnelle. Enfin, les deux dernières études montrent que les facteurs de personnalité prédisent la performance essentiellement à travers les items dont la valeur sociale est congruente avec la valeur mobilisée par le critère de performance (sélection, relations sociales). Pris ensemble, nos résultats soutiennent notre hypothèse générale et indiquent que les individus expriment une connaissance intuitive de leur valeur sociale dans les inventaires. / Our aim was to show that self-description in personality inventories communicate individuals' self-knowledge about their social value. Following social judgment framework, social value is defined around two fundamental dimensions: social desirability and social utility. The former refers to the individuals' reputation to elicit positive affects in interpersonal relations. The latter refers to the individuals' reputation to perform in social systems. We postulated that self-description in personality inventories rely more on the social utility and social desirability of the items (evaluative information) than on the personality factors they are supposed to measure (descriptive information). We first showed that personality items could cover more or less social desirability or social utility. Then, we showed that these two components serve the malleability of self-descriptions according to explicit or implicit social exigencies. In a third set of studies, we studied the role of descriptive and evaluative information on performance inferences. Results showed the primacy of evaluative over descriptive information for professional performance inferences. Finally, the last two studies show that personality factors predict performance primarily through the items whose social value is congruent with the value mobilized by the performance criterion (selection, social relations). Taken together, the results support our hypothesis and indicate that individuals express an intuitive knowledge of their social value in personality inventories.
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Personlighet som prediktor för organisationslojalitet : En kvantitativ studie om sambanden mellan femfaktormodellenoch organisationslojalitet / Personality as a predictor of Organizational Commitment : A quantitative study on therelationships between the Five Factor Model and Organizational CommitmentAndreasson, Julia, Samuelsson, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Studier på personlighetsområdet har genomförts i många år där resultat vittnar om att personlighet spelar roll för olika livsutfall. Däremot har få studier på området undersökt sambanden mellan personlighet och organisationslojalitet. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationer kan undkomma onödiga kostnader genom att anställa individer som tenderar att bidra med hög organisationslojalitet. Vår studie avsåg därmed att fortsätta undersöka sambanden mellan personlighet och organisationslojalitet. En kvantitativ metod användes och datainsamling skedde genom ett webbaserat frågeformulär bestående av 48 påståenden. Frågeformuläret bestod av två etablerade instrument, IPIP-30 och Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), som avsåg mäta personlighetsdimensionerna och organisationslojalitet. Totalt deltog 155 personer i studien (M = 34 år, SD = 12, range18-64 år, 75% kvinnor) med genomsnittlig anställningstid i sin organisation på 6.5år (SD = 8.5, range 0.7-44 år). Resultaten var delvis i linje med tidigare forskning där personlighetsdimensionerna neuroticism, samvetsgrannhet och vänlighet har visat sig predicera organisationslojalitet. Ett oväntat resultat i föreliggande studie var att extroversion inte påvisade samband med organisationslojalitet. En regressionsanalys vittnade om att personlighet kunde förklara ≈ 20% av variansen inom organisationslojalitet. Resultaten bidrar till ökad kunskap kring att personlighet kan användas som prediktor för organisationslojalitet. Vår slutsats är att personlighet kan användas som prediktor för att finna lojala individer, som är en investering för organisationer då man kan undkomma hög personalomsättning och onödiga kostnader, samt erhålla individer som tenderar att bidra med det lilla extra. / Previous studies in the field of personality have been carried out for many years where the results show that personality are important for different life outcomes. However, few studies have investigated relationships between personality and organizational commitment. Previous research shows that organizations can avoid unnecessary costs by hiring people who tend to contribute with high levels of 3 organizational commitment. Thus, our study sought to preserve investigating relationships between personality and organizational commitment. A quantitative method was used, and data collection was done through a web-based questionnaire consisting of 48 statements. The questionnaire consisted of two established instruments, the IPIP-30 and the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), which intend to measure personality dimensions and organizational commitment. A total of 155 people participated in the study (M =34 years, SD = 12, Range 18-64years, 75% women) with average period of employment in their organization of 6.5years (SD = 8.5, range 0.7-44 years). The results were partly in line with previous research where the personality dimensions of neuroticism, conscientiousness and agreeableness have been shown to predict organizational commitment. An unexpected result in the present study was that extraversion did not show any relationship with organizational commitment. A regression analysis testified that personality could explain ≈ 20% of the variance in organizational commitment. The results contribute to increased knowledge that personality can be used as a predictor of organizational commitment. Our conclusion is that personality can be used as a predictor for finding individuals who tend to be loyal, which is an investment for organizations in order to avoid high turnover and unnecessary costs, as well as obtain individuals who tend to contribute the little extra.
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