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Exploring mindfulness in self–injuring adolescents in a psychiatric setting / R. KokKok, Rumando January 2010 (has links)
This study explored mindfulness in eight self–injuring psychiatric adolescents. A
concurrent triangulation mixed–method design was used. In–depth semi–structured
clinical interviews and clinical records constituted the qualitative data, while
quantitative data was gathered using the Five–Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
(FFMQ). Thematic analysis was used to generate themes and subthemes for both selfinjury
and mindfulness. Findings regarding self–injury were in line with the literature.
In terms of mindfulness, two groups emerged: one sometimes acting mindfully and
the other often acting mindfully. Both similarities and differences were found between
the groups. Similarities in self–injuring behaviour can be explained by their similar
scores on Observe and Nonreact, while the differences can be explained by the
differences in their scores on Describe, Act with Awareness and Nonjudge. Those
who sometimes act mindfully tend to be more self–critical, report more severe and
lethal self–injuring episodes and more often use self–injury for self–punishment.
Although those who often act mindfully self–injure more often, they show more selfcompassion
and report less severe injuries and less lethal methods. Future research
should explore the usefulness of mindfulness–based interventions, especially teaching
Nonjudge and Nonreact skills, to not only increase mindfulness, but to decrease selfinjuring
behaviour. Seeing that this is an exploratory study on a small sample, the
results presented here should be considered to be preliminary until replicated with a
larger clinical sample. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Personlighet och objektivitet inom revisionsarbete : Har revisorns personliga egenskaper inverkan på förmågan att stå emot extern manipulation?Wernerson, Anna, Larsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Objectivity is often emphasized as one of the fundamental principles for the auditing profession and is also a requirement for preserving satisfactory professional practice. The multiple company scandals in the first decade of the 21st century have created distrust for auditors’ capability to maintain objectivity. The purpose of this study is to contribute with a new way of thinking when it comes to the factors that affect objectivity. Earlier studies have indicated that personality factors may affect work performance in many different fields and this study is exploring the connection between separate personality factors, and the capability of less experienced auditors to maintain objectivity in the relationship with dominating and demanding clients. Data was collected through a survey that was divided into two separate parts where the first part measured the participant’s score on different personality factors, and the other part measured the participant’s score on perceived objectivity. 133 subjects participated in the study and these subjects were divided into non-authorized or non-approved auditors and recently authorized or approved auditors. The result of the study did not indicate any significant connection between perceived objectivity and the different personality factors. However, there was a statistically significant connection between authorization and perceived objectivity. Non-authorized and non-approved auditors in the study tended to score higher on perceived objectivity than did their authorized counterparts. In order to regain the trust for auditors and to strengthen the role of the profession it is important to increase objectivity. The surprising evidence supplied by this study creates a curiosity and urge to further investigate the factors affecting objectivity, especially in combination with possible psychological aspects. This study is unique because it focuses strictly on individual instead of contextual factors and it thereby contributes to the literature about the influence of individual factors as well as to the study of objectivity among auditors. This is a step towards greater understanding of the factors that actually affect objectivity and, as a consequence, also affect the quality of the audit as a control mechanism. / Objektivitet framhålls ofta som en av de grundläggande principerna för revisorsyrket samt ett krav för att upprätthålla god yrkessed. Det tidiga 2000-talets stora företagsskandaler har dock skapat en misstro till revisorer som yrkesgrupp och har dessutom föranlett ett tvivel gentemot revisorers objektivitet. Avsikten med denna studie är att bidra med nya tankebanor kring vad som skulle kunna påverka objektiviteten. Tidigare studier har indikerat att personlighetsfaktorer kan påverka arbetsprestationen inom vitt skilda branscher och denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan olika personlighetsfaktorer och mindre erfarna revisorers förmåga att bibehålla objektiviteten i relationen med dominerande och krävande klienter. Data till studien samlades in genom en tvådelad enkät där en del mätte personligheten och den andra delen mätte graden av objektivitet. I studien deltog 133 respondenter fördelat på revisorsassistenter, revisorer som varken är auktoriserade eller godkända samt revisorer som har auktoriserats det senaste året. Resultatet av studien påvisar inte några signifikanta samband mellan graden av objektivitet och de studerade personlighetsfaktorerna. Istället påvisades ett signifikant samband mellan auktorisation och graden av objektivitet. Revisorer som varken var godkända eller auktoriserade visade i studien tendenser till högre grad av objektivitet än sina auktoriserade kollegor. I fråga om att vinna tillbaka förtroendet för revisorerna och att stärka deras yrkesroll är det viktigt att öka graden av objektivitet. Informationen som den här studien ger är överraskande och skapar framför allt en nyfikenhet och forskarlust att gräva djupare i objektivitetens påverkansfaktorer, och då i synnerhet i kombination med tänkbara psykologiska aspekter. Denna studie är unik då den i allra högsta grad fokuserar på individfaktorer istället för kontextuella faktorer och därmed bidrar till litteraturen om individfaktorers påverkan såväl som till studiet av objektivitet hos revisorer. Detta är ett led i förståelsen av vilka faktorer som faktiskt har inverkan på objektivitet och därmed också har inverkan på kvaliteten hos revisionen som kontrollfunktion.
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’The Big Five of Teamwork’ i en flygtrafikledningsdomän : En observationsstudie på Arlanda ATCC / 'The Big Five of Teamwork' in an air traffic control domain : An observation study at Arlanda ATCCAdolfsson, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Idag är många branscher beroende av ett gediget teamwork. Det finns dock ett behov av objektiva mätsystem för teamwork och därför har detta projekt som syfte att skapa och testa ett observationsprotokoll utifrån den teoretiska modellen ’The Big Five of Teamwork’ framtagen av Salas, Sims & Burke (2005). Observationsprotokollet användes för att observera teamwork mellan två flygledare på Arlanda ATCC. Därefter fick flygledarna svara på en enkät för att bidra med subjektiva aspekter från modellen. Totalt genomfördes 15 stycken strukturerade observationer. Resultatet visade att det är möjligt att skatta teamwork på flygledare med hjälp av ett observationsprotokoll baserat på sex av åtta komponenter, där inte teamorientering och gemensam mental modell ingick. Komponenterna visade sig vara mer än bara ett observerbart beteende och enbart observationer frambringar inte en rättvis bild över komponenten. Resultatet visade också på att flygledarna själva upplever samtliga komponenter som en del av arbetet. Observationerna visade att samarbetet kunde se olika ut och skilja sig från team till team, och att flygledarna anpassar sig efter varandras behov. / Today, many industries are dependent on a solid teamwork. However, there is a need for objective measurement assessment for teamwork and therefore this project aims to create and test an observation protocol based on the theoretical model ’The Big Five of Teamwork’ compiled by Salas, Sims & Burke (2005). The observation protocol was used to observe teamwork between two air traffic controllers at Arlanda ATCC. After the observations the air traffic controllers answered a survey to receive subjective aspects from the model. A total of 15 structured observations were conducted. The results revealed that it’s possible to estimate teamwork on air traffic controllers using an observation protocol based on six of eight components, where team orientation and shared mental model were not included. The components appeared to be more than just an observable behavior, thus only observations does not give a fair picture of the component. The result also showed that air traffic controllers themselves perceive all components as a part of the work. The observations showed that the cooperation could look different and differ from team to team, and that air traffic controllers adapt to each other’s needs.
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Personlighetsegenskaper och motivation : En kvalitativ studie om hur mellanchefers personlighetsegenskaper inverkar på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. / Personality traits and motivationOrtiz Andersson, Liv, Snöberg, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Personlighetsegenskaper och motivation Syfte: Att belysa hur en mellanchefs personlighetsegenskaper inverkar på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. Teori: The Big Five, arbetsmotivation och Herzberg tvåfaktormodell. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv samt ur en hermeneutisk synvinkel. Metoden utgjordes av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer som spelades in och transkriberades. Intervjuerna utgick från en intervjuguide som var baserad på studiens teorier. Respondenterna valdes ut med ett målstyrt urval. Empiri: En sammanställning av de fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuerna som genomfördes. Slutsats: En mellanchefs personlighetsegenskaper visade sig ha en viss inverkan på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. Hur stor denna inverkan är varierar mellan olika mellanchefer. I ett fall där en mellanchef hade medelnivåer av de flesta personlighetsdimensionerna och låga nivåer av extraversion samt neuroticism uppfattades hen vara lugn, reserverad och uppgiftsorienterad. Vilket inverkade på hens motivationsarbete genom att hen använde sig av inre motivationsfaktorer på ett sådant sätt där hen lämnade över ansvaret till medarbetarna själva. I ett annat fall hade en mellanchef utmärkande nivåer av tillgänglighet/vänlighet/behag och samvetsgrannhet, lite över medel av extraversion och låg nivå av neuroticism och öppenhet. Där det främst var hens låga nivå av extraversion som antydde på att hen är mer uppgiftsorienterad som visade sig inverka på hens sätt att motivera sina medarbetare, via den inre motivationsfaktor erkännande. En annan mellanchef med liknande personlighetsegenskaper, dock med en betydligt högre nivå av extraversion som innebär att hen är personinriktad istället, involverade sig betydligt mycket i sina medarbetare mer som enskilda individer och visade på ett betydligt större intresse för deras utveckling och välmående. Hen använde inre motivationsfaktorer som erkännande, prestation, personliga utvecklingsmöjligheter och hygienfaktorer som belöningar och lön. En annan mellanchef visade sig använda samma typer av motivationsfaktorer, dock med en helt annan nivå av engagemang och intresse i sina medarbetare, vilket troligen beror på hennes personlighetsegenskaper som är totala motsatsen jämfört med övriga studerade mellanchefer. / Title: Personality traits and motivation Purpose: To illustrate how a senior executive’s personality traits affect how they motivate their employees. Theory: The Big Five, work motivation and Herzberg's two factor model. Method: A qualitative study with a constructive perspective with one hermeneutical position. Four semi structured interviews were conducted, all of them were recorded and transcribed. Respondents were selected with a purposive sampling. Empirical: A compilation of the four semi-structured interviews conducted. Conclusion: A senior executive’s personality traits were found to have a certain impact on how they motivate their employees. The extent to which this effect is varied between the various senior executives. In one case where a senior executive had average levels of most personality dimensions and low levels of extraversion as well as emotionality, they were perceived to be calm, reserved and task-oriented. Which affected motivational work by using internal motivation factors in such a way that they left the responsibility to the employees themselves. In another case, a senior executive had distinctive levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness, a little over the means of extraversion and low levels of emotionality and openness to experience. Where primarily, there was a low level of extraversion that suggested that they are more task-oriented, which proved to impact in order to motivate their employees, through the internal motivation factor recognition. Another senior executive with similar personality characteristics, though with a significantly higher level of extraversion, which means that they are person-oriented instead, involved much more in their employees more than individual individuals and showed a much greater interest in their development and well-being. The senior executive used internal motivational factors such as recognition, achievement, personal development opportunities and hygiene factors such as rewards and salaries. Another senior executive was found to use the same types of motivational factors, but with a completely different level of commitment and interest in their employees, which is probably due to the personality traits, which is the opposite of the other senior executives
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Traços de personalidade e resposta ao tratamento em pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático / Personality traits and response to treatment of patients with posttraumatic stress disorderPaula de Vitto Francez 21 September 2015 (has links)
O transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) tem um impacto negativo na vida de seus portadores. Conhecer os traços de personalidade mais preponderantes nas pessoas com TEPT pode auxiliar no sucesso do tratamento, tornando possível planejar intervenções mais adequadas. A terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) é considerada um dos tratamentos mais eficazes para este transtorno; entretanto, nem todos aqueles que completam a terapia evoluem para uma melhora significativa. Uma das razões pode ser encontrada nas características individuais de personalidade de cada pessoa. Portanto, o presente estudo busca explorar a relação existente entre os domínios e traços de personalidade que estão associados à melhora do paciente que realizou a TCC. Método: 66 pacientes com diagnóstico de TEPT, segundo o DSM-IV-TR, com idade entre 18 e 60 anos participaram do estudo. Instrumentos: Para avaliar os traços de personalidade foi utilizado o instrumento NEO-PI-R. Para avaliar a gravidade e melhora da doença foi utilizada a escala de Impressão Clínica Global (CGI). Procedimento: Os pacientes passaram por avaliação psiquiátrica para assegurar o diagnóstico de TEPT. Após aceitarem participar do estudo, responderam ao NEO-PI-R e foram avaliados por médicos quanto a gravidade da doença, utilizando o CGI. Os participantes passaram por 13 sessões de TCC realizadas por profissionais devidamente treinados. Ao final, foram reavaliados para verificar se houve melhora após tratamento. Resultados: Quanto ao perfil de personalidade 71,2% apresentaram neuroticismo (N) alto, 75,8% relataram escore elevado em extroversão (E) e 45,5% eram baixos em conscienciosidade (C). Já os traços amabilidade (A) e abertura para experiência (O) apresentaram pontuações na média. As análises também demonstraram que os participantes que apresentavam o domínio de personalidade denominado consicienciosidade (C) foram associados ao resultado favorável do tratamento. Estima-se que a chance de melhora cresça 3,77 vezes se o paciente apresentar esse traço, quando comparado com os demais que não possuem essa característica. Duas facetas (assertividade e ações variadas) também foram correlacionadas com a melhora no tratamento. Conclusão: Embora a amostra do presente estudo seja limitada, os resultados apontam para a importância de se avaliar a personalidade do paciente. Acessar a personalidade é importante com a finalidade de tentar predizer qual o melhor tipo de tratamento terapêutico para cada um. As terapias breves (frequentemente administradas nos hospitais públicos) possuem um tempo limitado de tratamento, de modo que informações sobre as variáveis de personalidade podem ser particularmente muito útil / The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has a negative impact on the patients lives. Get to know their personality traits can help on the treatment success, by making possible to plan most appropriate interventions. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered a first line treatment for PTSD. However, treatment response is not universal. One reason may be found in personality characteristics. The present study aims at investigating the association between personality dimensions and traits associated with improvement of patients who underwent CBT. Method - 66 PTSD patients diagnosed according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria were included in the study. The patients included were aged 18 to 60 years old. Instruments - We employed the NEO-PI-R instrument for the evaluation of personality dimensions and the Clinical Global Impressions Scale (CGI) for evaluation of clinical outcome. Procedure - Patients were assessed by Psychiatrists to ensure the diagnosis of PTSD. After accepting to participate of the study, they answered the NEO-PI-R Scale and were assessed by doctors to know the disease severity, using the CGI scale. Participants underwent 13 CBT sessions and were reassessed at the end of treatment. Results - The personality profile showed that 71.2% were high in neuroticism (N) and 75.8 reported low Extraversion. 45.5 were low in conscientiouness and the Agreableness (A) and openess (O) factors presented average scores. The analysis also showed that patients presenting the Conscientiousness (C) personality dimension showed a higher chance of improvement (OR=3.77). Two facets other dimensions (Assertiveness and Varied Actions) were also associated with better clinical outcome. Conclusion - determining predictors of outcome such as a patient\'s personality dimensions may point to the use of therapeutic treatment options with the higher odds of success, without too much therapeutic treatment experimentation. As therapies become briefer, information on personality variables may be particularly useful
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Clean coding i team : En fallstudie om hur ett team går tillväga för att etablera ettgemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer / Clean code in team : - A case study to describe how a team works to establish acommon mindset based in the guidelines of Clean codeEmretsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Idag byggs många system som består av svårlästa kodbaser med låg förvaltningsbarhet. En anledning till detta är att utvecklarna av systemet har olika bakgrund och kunskap i hur de skriver kod. Att skriva sin kod på helt skilda sätt är något som kan skapa problem i takt med att system blir större och allt mer komplexa. Nethouse i Borlänge har sedan 2015 arbetat med förvaltningsuppdraget TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrativa Processystem) där en problematiskt förvaltning upplevts i och med att systemet är uppbyggt med hjälp av olika tekniker. Tekniken i TRAP ska lyftas och målet med detta är att skapa en mer lättläst och förvaltningsbar kodbas jämfört med hur TRAP ser ut idag. För att uppnå detta är planen att i teamet etablera ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i de riktlinjer som Clean code förespråkar. Studien syftar till att beskriva hur ett team arbetar med etableringen av ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean Codes riktlinjer samt faktorer som anses vara viktiga att beakta. För att uppnå syftet användes två frågeställningar: Hur arbetar teamet med etableringen av det gemensamma tankesättet idag? Vilka faktorer kan anses som viktiga att beakta när ett nytt gemensamt tankesätt ska etableras? En fallstudie utfördes med intervjuer och enkäter som datainsamlingsmetoder för att ha möjlighet att besvara frågeställningen. Resultatet från studien visar att teamet på Nethouse använder sig av par- och mobprogrammering samt i enstaka fall kodgranskning för att etablera det gemensamma tankesättet. Resultatet beskriver även fyra faktorer som är viktiga att beakta när ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer ska etableras. De fyra faktorerna är ömsesidigt förtroende, ömsesidighet kring det arbete som utförs, tvåvägskommunikation och tillvägagångssätt. / Many of todays systems are made of code bases with low readability which leads to low maintainability. One reason to this is that developers of the system have different experience and knowledge in how to write code. When code is written in totally different ways it can create problems as the system grows and becomes more complex. Since 2015, Nethouse in Borlänge has managed a system called TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrative Process System). TRAP is built with different techniques and during the maintainability process a lot of problems has occured because of that. The technique in TRAP is about to be lifted and by doing this one part of the goal is to create a code base which is more easy to read and maintain compared to todays code base. To achieve this goal the plan is to establish a common mindset in the team. A common mindset which is based in a set of guidelines called Clean code. The purpose of this study is to describe how a team is working to establish a common mindset based in the guidelines of Clean code and to describe important factors to consider in this situation. Two research questions was used to achieve the purpose of this study: How is the team working today to establish a common mindset? Which factors can be considered as important when a common mindset is about to establish? A case study with the help of interviews and questionnaries was conducted to answer these two questions. The result shows that the team is using pair programming, mob programming and also code review to establish a common mindset. The result also shows that the four factors mutual trust, mutual performance monitoring, closed loop communication and method are more important to consider in this situation.
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Arbetslivets nya utmaning - för vem och till vilken nytta? : En kvantitativ studie av olika personlighetstypers behov av feedback / The new challenges of the working life - for whom and to what worth? : A quantitative study of different types of personalities and their need of feedbackStaf, Johanna, Lowentoft, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
Utmattningsdepression till följd av brister i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är ett ökande samhällsproblem i Sverige. En komplex interaktion mellan individuella och organisatoriska faktorer föranleder denna problematik. Forskning visar att en individs personlighet och brist på feedback i arbetslivet är betydande faktorer vid utvecklandet av en utmatt- ningsdepression. Föreliggande studie ämnade därför att undersöka olika personlighets- typers behov av feedback i arbetslivet, i syfte att bidra till en del av ett förebyggande ar- bete att motverka utvecklandet av utmattningsdepressioner. En kvantitativ studie utför- des hos tre olika organisationer där data samlades in från 143 anställda via en webb- enkät. I ett försök att kartlägga behovet av feedback genomfördes en standard multipel regressionsanalys. De universala personlighetsdomänerna ur “The big five personality- theory” utgjorde de oberoende variablerna vilka studerades i förhållande till den bero- ende variabeln “feedback orientation”. Resultatet av den multipla regressionsanalysen visade att modellen förklarade 8,5 % av individers “feedback orientation” där signifi- kanta enskilda prediktorer utgjordes av neuroticism (p = 0,020) och “agreeableness” (p = 0,010) gällande det totala antalet deltagare. En könsbunden skillnad framkom även i resultatet, där en icke-sigifikant modell uppstod gällande män. Vad gäller kvinnor var “agreeableness” en signifikant prediktor (p=0,001) till “feedback orientation”. Avslutningsvis diskuteras studiens resultat, applicerbarhet och brister, där även förslag till framtida forskning läggs fram. / Occupational fatigue syndrome, also known as burnout, is an increasing societal issue in Sweden.Acomplex interaction between individual and organisational factors may cause this problem. Research has shown that personality and absence of feedback, impact the development of the syndrome. This study aim to examine the need of feedback in different personality types, with the purpose to shed light on some factors which could help to prevent the development of burnout. A quantitative study was initiated at three different organisations and 143 employees were assessed through an online sur- vey. With an attempt to chart the need of feedback, a standard multiple regression ana- lysis was performed. The universal domains of personality from “The big five personality-theory” represented the independent variables that was examined in relation to the dependent variable “feedback orientation”. The results of the multiple regression analysis shows that the model explained 8,5 % of individuals feedback orientation, sig- nificant predictors where neuroticism (p=0,020) and agreeableness (p=0,010), regarding the total number of participants. Furthermore, the results also showed a difference between genders where a non-significant modell appeared for men. Although, when it comes to women ”agreeableness” was a significant predictor (p=0,001) for ”feedback orientation”. In conclusion, the study's results, practical implications and inadequacies are discussed as well as suggestions for future research.
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Pedagogiikka Tapiolan kuorossa ja Kari Ala-Pöllänen yhteistoiminnallisena lapsikuoronjohtajanaErkkilä, T. (Tuomas) 16 October 2013 (has links)
The educational process behind the work done with children’s choirs has not been written about or talked about very much. Performances get natural visibility and audibility, but most of the work is done in a closed space. The pedagogical process happens behind the scenes and as a result, children and youths grow up as musicians and human beings, as individuals and as a group. The Tapiola Choir celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2013. In this doctoral thesis, I study the educational part of the work done with the choir. In particular, this thesis examines the co-operative pedagogy of Mr. Kari Ala-Pöllänen as a conductor. The specific focus is on the process of qualifying the travelling choir because this is where many pedagogical processes come together.
Methodologically, my thesis is a data based case study. The data is based on an in-depth interview. The empirical part is only focused on the period (1994–2008) when Mr. Ala-Pöllänen acted as a conductor of the choir. However, in the beginning of the book I create a view of the whole frame of reference for the choir by exploring the complete archive of the Tapiola Choir and the written material about choral pedagogy. The analysis was done by searching for characters in the qualification process and by using a theory called Big Five personality domains.
The results show how a co-operative way of thinking and working promoted the educational goals in all of the teaching done by conductor Ala-Pöllänen. Art and education worked hand in hand, serving the aims of both a shorter and a longer time frame. The naturally occurring interaction between both harder and softer values, in addition to the determined aim to develop the social skills of children, is emphasized in the communication. Both the artistic and educational ambition of the conductor is obvious, but yet does not appear to conflict with the teaching in practice. Many demands are made of the children and youth in a choir that is conducted co-operatively, and they get special instruction to help them with that responsibility. The basic characteristics that the conductor requires from the choir are mainly clear and they are consistent with the professional attitude and favourable prerequisites that are for collaboration. This thesis is about the pedagogical wisdom that is needed to succeed in educating a mostly heterogenic group of children. According to my survey, this is based on sufficient theoretical knowledge, an understanding of the behaviour and growth of a child and a practical personal background - all of these things are connected to the communication skills that are needed to influence a group of individuals in a cohesive manner. / Tiivistelmä
Kasvatuksellisista päämääristä lapsikuorotyössä puhutaan ja kirjoitetaan vähän. Esiintymislavalla tapahtuva toiminta saa näkyvyyttä ja kuuluvuutta, mutta suurin osa työstä tapahtuu suljetussa tilassa. Juuri siellä tapahtuu se pedagoginen prosessi, jonka seurauksena lapset ja nuoret kasvavat muusikkoina sekä ihmisinä, yksilöinä ja ryhmässä. Tapiolan kuoro, espoolainen lapsi- ja nuorisokuoro täyttää 50 vuotta vuonna 2013. Väitöstutkimuksessani käsittelen kasvatuksellista toimintaa Tapiolan kuorossa ja Kari Ala-Pölläsen yhteistoiminnallista pedagogiikkaa Tapiolan kuoron johtajana. Erityinen fokus on matkakuorovalinnan prosessissa, jossa toiminnan pedagogisia sisältöjä kiteytyy.
Menetelmällisesti väitöstyöni on aineistolähtöinen tapaustutkimus. Aineisto perustuu syvähaastatteluun. Empiirinen osa keskittyy Kari Ala-Pölläsen johtajakauteen 1994–2008, mutta työn alussa luon kuoron arkiston ja muun kuoropedagogisen aineiston kautta läpileikkauksen kuoron toiminnan viitekehykseen. Analyysimenetelmänä matkakuorovalinnan tarkastelussa toimii valintatilanteen kuvauksessa ilmenevien persoonallisuudenpiirteiden tarkastelu ns. viiden suuren mallin mukaisesti.
Tulokset osoittavat, kuinka Kari Ala-Pölläsen johtajakaudella yhteistoiminnallinen työskentelytapa palveli kasvatuksellista tavoitetta johtajan kaikessa toiminnassa. Taide ja kasvatus tukevat toisiaan palvellen lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin päämääriä. Kovien ja pehmeiden arvojen luonteva vuorovaikutus sekä määrätietoinen pyrkimys sosiaalisten taitojen kehittämiseen korostuvat Kari Ala-Pölläsen kommunikaatiossa. Ilmeistä tutkimukseni tulosten nojalla on kuoronjohtajan sekä taiteellinen että kasvatuksellinen kunnianhimo, mikä ei ole ristiriitaista käytännön toiminnassa. Lapsilta ja nuorilta odotetaan yhteistoiminnallisesti johdetussa kuorossa hyvin monenlaisia taipumuksia ja edellytyksiä, ja näihin heitä määrätietoisesti kasvatetaan. Persoonallisuuden piirteiden perusasiat, joita johtaja toivoo ja odottaa kuoroltaan, ovat selkeitä ja liittyvät jäsenten ammattimaiseen asenteeseen ja suotuisiin yhdessä toimimisen edellytyksiin. Onnistuminen hyvin heterogeenisen ryhmän kasvatuksessa kiteytyy pedagogiseen viisauteen. Se tarkoittaa tässä tutkimuksessa riittävää teoreettista osaamista ja lapsen käytöksen ja kehityksen ymmärtämistä, omakohtaista kokemustaustaa ja tälle perustalle rakentuvaa kommunikatiivista taitoa kohdata ja vaikuttaa samanaikaisesti yksilöistä koostuvaan ryhmään.
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蒙古國的五色料理 / Mongolian five-colors cuisine于琍雯, Yu, Li-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「蒙古國的五色料理」為題,主要以蒙古國當地的料理為論述對象。五色分別為《白食》(Цагаан идээ),奶製品;《紅食》(Улаан идээ),五畜的肉;《綠食》(Ногоон идээ),各種植物及水果;《黃食》(Шар идээ),各種農作物及雜糧之油炸食物;《黑食》(Хар идээ),各種飲料及酒類、礦泉水等五種稱為五色料理,就是蒙古料理。
第二章 紅食:游牧民族料理的意象。分別從游牧民族的生活與牲畜、肉類保存的加工製作、肉類的料理、內臟及零碎肉的處理介紹蒙古牧民仰賴的五畜(綿羊、牛、山羊、馬、駱駝);以及各種肉類加工方式、肉類料理與新式料理手法如綜合熱炒、肉絲炒麵。此外,受到南方中國的影響,出現「精細料理」的包子、扁食、餡餅,比較獨特的是碗裝火腿。蒙古民族愛吃也擅長處理動物內臟,有熱炒肝臟、用心、腎、肝、肺、瘤胃(肚)等內臟組成的五臟湯最有名;還有愛啃骨肉,有水煮羊頭、舌頭肉、肉凍。
第三章 白食:日常生活的主食。以草原生活環繞白食、白食食品特性、奶品的來源、日常生活裡的奶製品等分述奶品的製程、製作時節與生乳相關的民俗。
第四章 黃食與青食:生活中不可或缺的配角。有「隨手可吃的黃食」,包括油品與點心(Боов)。黃食就是油品。油品分為兩種,分別是動物油和植物油。蒙古族傳統上都吃動物油,近代則吃植物油的比例逐漸提高。
第五章 黑食:待客之道。分三節:第一節 奶酒(忽迷思Kumis,Гүүний сүү),第二節 白酒(Цагаан архи),兼提「日本提煉的可爾必思」與「蒙古國發展製酒業」,第三節 有色酒(答剌速Дарс,沙棘果Чацаргана)。 / This article is based on the theme of "Mongolian Cuisine", which is mainly based on the local cuisine of Mongolia. (Цагаан идээ), various plants and fruits; "yellow food" (Шар идээ), "red food" (Улаан идээ), five kinds of meat; Various kinds of crops and grains of fried food(Ногоон идээ); "black food" (Хар идээ), a variety of drinks and alcohol, mineral water and other five kinds of five-color dishes, that is, Mongolian cuisine.
This article is divided into five chapters to discuss. The second to the fifth chapter is about the five-color dishes, and the first chapter is discussed as the stove, which is the base of cuisine.
The first chapter introduces the Mongolian stove and five-colors cuisine, introducing the Mongolian traditional "stove culture" and the tools used in the process of cuisine.
Chapter II Red Food: The Image of Nomadic Cuisine. (Sheep, cattle, goats, horses, camels) from the nomadic life and the processing of livestock, meat, meat processing, viscera and petrique treatment, and the various meat processing methods, Meat dishes and new cooking techniques such as integrated stir-fried, pork fried noodles. In addition, by the impact of the South China, the emergence of "fine food" buns, flat food, pies, more unique is the bowl of ham. Mongolians love and is also good at dealing with animal offal, hot liver, heart, kidney, liver, lung, rumen (belly) and other internal organs composed of the most famous “dirty soup”; also love to bite flesh and blood, boiled sheep, sheep tongue, aspic.
Chapter III White Food: Daily staple food. To the grassland life around the white food, and its characteristics, the source of milk, daily life in the dairy products such as the preparation of the milk process, the production season and milk-related folk.
Chapter IV Yellow Food and Green Food: an indispensable supporting role in life. There are "ready to eat yellow food", including oil and snacks (Боов). Yellow food refers to oil. Oil is divided into two kinds, namely, animal oil and vegetable oil. Mongolian traditions eat animal oil, modern times the proportion of vegetable oil is gradually increased.
Flour Mongolian wheat, barley grilled flour, these flour processing and reproduction of the food that is the pastry, known as the bakery (Боов). Then we talked about "the demand for green food in nomadic life". There are inherently developed green food (fruit, wild fruit, mushrooms, pine nuts, barley, wheat), there are ancient incoming green food (garlic, onions, cabbage), there are modern incoming green food (potatoes, vegetables, tomato, cucumber, pepper), and then explain the various kinds of green food. After the discussion of "milk tea", characterized by fried tea and boiled tea, followed by "Mongolian tea culture", there are guests pour tea and rebate "blessing words" after drinking, they concern more of tea than food, often "drink tea three times a day" but "one day a meal", there are brick tea. In addition, "Mongolian tea custom", there are tea-toss, including "Deji" and "Miraz", a gift, for tea was expensive goods, even was currency.
Chapter V Black Food: Hospitality. There are three sections: the first section of horse milk wine (Kumis, Гүүний сүү), the second section of white wine (Цагаан архи), and "Japan refined Calpico" and "Mongolian wind industry", the third section of Colored wine (Дарс, Чацаргана).
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Validation d'un outil d'investigation de l'image de soi / Evidence on the dimensions of the Q-PEYakimova, Sonya 15 January 2016 (has links)
La théorie contemporaine de Validité met l’accent sur la validité de construit des inventaires psychologiques et sur la nécessité de mettre à jour les arguments de validité qui sous-tendent leur interprétation. C’est pourquoi la société éditeur a lancé une nouvelle campagne de validation, dans le cadre de cette thèse CIFRE, pour le questionnaire d’auto-évaluation de son outil en développement Q-PE). Q-PE investigue l’image de soi dans un contexte professionnel au moyen d’un inventaire personnologique qui mesure 10 dimensions bipolaires liées aux cinq dimensions du modèle personnologique Big Five au moyen de 70 items à choix obligé (ICO), chacun constitué de deux propositions de réponse. Nos deux objectifs principaux étaient d’étudier 1) la représentativité et la pertinence du contenu de l’actuelle version du Q-PE au regard du Big Five, 2) la validité de l’appariement des items en investiguant si les deux options de réponse de l’item sont des indicateurs d’une ou de plusieurs mêmes dimensions ou si elles renvoient à des dimensions différentes. Les résultats des trois études de cette thèse montrent que les options de réponse du Q-PE, à l’exception de quelques-unes, mesurent des dimensions du Big Five ainsi que des dimensions de Réalisation, de Rigueur et de Combativité. L’appariement des options de réponse, étudié pour 53 ICO et en attente d’analyses supplémentaires pour les 17 ICO dont les options de réponse n’ont pas été administrées aux mêmes participants, peut être considéré comme bien adapté pour 65% des ICO étudiés. Ces recherches dégagent donc plusieurs arguments de validité en faveur du Q-PE administré dans un contexte professionnel, apportent des éléments d’information sur les dimensions qui sous-tendent la description de l’image de soi et dégagent plusieurs pistes pour continuer le processus de validation. / The contemporary theory of Validity emphasizes the construct validity of psychological inventories and the need to make updates about existing arguments of validity that underlie their interpretation. For this reason the enterprise editor launched a new validation campaign, as part of this CIFRE thesis, for the self-assessment questionnaire of its (Q-PE). The Q-PE investigates the self-image in a professional context by 70 forced choice items (FCI), each consisting of two response proposals, and measures 10 bipolar dimensions related to the Big Five or The Five-factor model of personality. Thus, our two main objectives were to study 1) the representativeness and the relevance of the content of the current version of Q-PE under the Big Five theoretical model, 2) the validity of matching the proposals in items, for example, we investigate if the item proposals are indicators of one or more same dimensions or if they refer to different dimensions. The results of the three studies in this thesis show that the Q-PE item proposals, with little exception, measure personality traits in reference to the Big Five dimensions of personality as well as to the dimensions of Realization (Achievement), Rigor and Combativeness. Regarding matching between items, 65% of 53 FCI that could be studied are considered as suitable and further analysis are awaited for the 17 FCI which answer options were not administered to the same participants. This research provides therefore some more validity arguments in favor of Q-PE, brings some information about the dimensions that underlie self-image description and its evaluation in a professional context and releases ways to continue this validation process
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