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Traços de personalidade e resposta ao tratamento em pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático / Personality traits and response to treatment of patients with posttraumatic stress disorderFrancez, Paula de Vitto 21 September 2015 (has links)
O transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) tem um impacto negativo na vida de seus portadores. Conhecer os traços de personalidade mais preponderantes nas pessoas com TEPT pode auxiliar no sucesso do tratamento, tornando possível planejar intervenções mais adequadas. A terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) é considerada um dos tratamentos mais eficazes para este transtorno; entretanto, nem todos aqueles que completam a terapia evoluem para uma melhora significativa. Uma das razões pode ser encontrada nas características individuais de personalidade de cada pessoa. Portanto, o presente estudo busca explorar a relação existente entre os domínios e traços de personalidade que estão associados à melhora do paciente que realizou a TCC. Método: 66 pacientes com diagnóstico de TEPT, segundo o DSM-IV-TR, com idade entre 18 e 60 anos participaram do estudo. Instrumentos: Para avaliar os traços de personalidade foi utilizado o instrumento NEO-PI-R. Para avaliar a gravidade e melhora da doença foi utilizada a escala de Impressão Clínica Global (CGI). Procedimento: Os pacientes passaram por avaliação psiquiátrica para assegurar o diagnóstico de TEPT. Após aceitarem participar do estudo, responderam ao NEO-PI-R e foram avaliados por médicos quanto a gravidade da doença, utilizando o CGI. Os participantes passaram por 13 sessões de TCC realizadas por profissionais devidamente treinados. Ao final, foram reavaliados para verificar se houve melhora após tratamento. Resultados: Quanto ao perfil de personalidade 71,2% apresentaram neuroticismo (N) alto, 75,8% relataram escore elevado em extroversão (E) e 45,5% eram baixos em conscienciosidade (C). Já os traços amabilidade (A) e abertura para experiência (O) apresentaram pontuações na média. As análises também demonstraram que os participantes que apresentavam o domínio de personalidade denominado consicienciosidade (C) foram associados ao resultado favorável do tratamento. Estima-se que a chance de melhora cresça 3,77 vezes se o paciente apresentar esse traço, quando comparado com os demais que não possuem essa característica. Duas facetas (assertividade e ações variadas) também foram correlacionadas com a melhora no tratamento. Conclusão: Embora a amostra do presente estudo seja limitada, os resultados apontam para a importância de se avaliar a personalidade do paciente. Acessar a personalidade é importante com a finalidade de tentar predizer qual o melhor tipo de tratamento terapêutico para cada um. As terapias breves (frequentemente administradas nos hospitais públicos) possuem um tempo limitado de tratamento, de modo que informações sobre as variáveis de personalidade podem ser particularmente muito útil / The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has a negative impact on the patients lives. Get to know their personality traits can help on the treatment success, by making possible to plan most appropriate interventions. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered a first line treatment for PTSD. However, treatment response is not universal. One reason may be found in personality characteristics. The present study aims at investigating the association between personality dimensions and traits associated with improvement of patients who underwent CBT. Method - 66 PTSD patients diagnosed according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria were included in the study. The patients included were aged 18 to 60 years old. Instruments - We employed the NEO-PI-R instrument for the evaluation of personality dimensions and the Clinical Global Impressions Scale (CGI) for evaluation of clinical outcome. Procedure - Patients were assessed by Psychiatrists to ensure the diagnosis of PTSD. After accepting to participate of the study, they answered the NEO-PI-R Scale and were assessed by doctors to know the disease severity, using the CGI scale. Participants underwent 13 CBT sessions and were reassessed at the end of treatment. Results - The personality profile showed that 71.2% were high in neuroticism (N) and 75.8 reported low Extraversion. 45.5 were low in conscientiouness and the Agreableness (A) and openess (O) factors presented average scores. The analysis also showed that patients presenting the Conscientiousness (C) personality dimension showed a higher chance of improvement (OR=3.77). Two facets other dimensions (Assertiveness and Varied Actions) were also associated with better clinical outcome. Conclusion - determining predictors of outcome such as a patient\'s personality dimensions may point to the use of therapeutic treatment options with the higher odds of success, without too much therapeutic treatment experimentation. As therapies become briefer, information on personality variables may be particularly useful
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從唐代墓葬壁畫看唐代繪畫風格. / Cong Tang dai mu zang bi hua kan Tang dai hui hua feng ge.January 1987 (has links)
余雪霞. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學, 1987. / Reprint of manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 248-284). / Yu Xuexia. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1987. / 撮要 --- p.I / 序言 --- p.IIII / 目錄 / Chapter 第一章 --- 總論唐代壁畫的重要性及唐墓壁畫概況 / Chapter 第一節 --- 唐代背景概述 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 唐代壁畫之功用 --- p.4 / Chapter 第三節 --- 唐代墓葬之分佈及墓葬形制與壁畫內容、佈局之關係 --- p.13 / 注釋 --- p.26 / Chapter 第二章 --- 從唐代墓葬壁畫看唐代繪畫之特色──人物畫和山水畫 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言──唐代繪畫之分科 --- p.30 / Chapter 第二節 --- 人物畫──兼論《樹下人物 圖》 --- p.37 / Chapter 一 --- 綺羅人物 --- p.39 / Chapter 二 --- 步卒屬吏與男僕 --- p.53 / Chapter 三 --- 樹下人物圖與墓主肖像 --- p.59 / Chapter 甲 --- 樹下人物圖之源起 --- p.60 / Chapter 乙 --- 唐墓中的樹下人物圖 --- p.83 / Chapter 丙 --- 樹下人物圖之藝術特色 --- p.82 / Chapter 第三節 --- 山水畫 --- p.88 / 注釋 --- p.112 / Chapter 第三章 --- 從唐代墓葬壁畫看唐代繪畫之特色──花鳥畫和界畫 / Chapter 第一節 --- 花鳥畫 / Chapter 一 --- 前言 --- p.125 / Chapter 二 --- 花卉翎毛 --- p.135 / Chapter 三 --- 鞍馬走獸 --- p.162 / Chapter 四 --- 小結 --- p.170 / Chapter 第二節 --- 界畫 --- p.172 / 注釋 --- p.191 / Chapter 第四章 --- 唐代繪畫之風格分析 / Chapter 第一節 --- 從唐代墓葬壁畫總論唐畫之風格 --- p.201 / Chapter 第二節 --- 由唐代墓葬壁畫看唐代 之畫評 --- p.210 / 注釋 --- p.235 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.239 / 附表一 --- p.243 / 附表二 --- p.244 / 附表三 --- p.245 / 附表四 --- p.246 / 附表五 --- p.247 / 參考書目 --- p.248 / 附圖 --- p.285
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Har lärare en viss personlighet? : En kvantitativ studie / Do Teachers have a certain Personality? : A Quantitative StudyHermansson, Jim, Wertwein Samuelsson, Sally January 2019 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker om lärare har en universal personlighetstyp inom fem-faktor modellen och om det finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan kön och personlighet hos lärare. Ämnet är av intresse då det för närvarande är brist på lärare i Sverige och yrket är i behov av höjd attraktivitet. Diskussioner för att hitta en lösning har varit att ta reda på vem som vill bli lärare, varför de arbetar kvar i yrket och vad dessa individer har gemensamt, och personlighet framkommer som ett möjligt svar. Studien var genomförd genom självskattningsformulär skickat via e-mail till ett antal skolor; universitet, folkhögskolor, gymnasium och högstadium i södra Sverige. Analys av resultaten visade på en möjlig personlighetstyp hos lärare. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan kön hittades. / The current study investigates if teachers show a consistent trend of personality traits within The Big Five personality model and if there is any significant difference between gender and personality among teachers. This study is relevant due to the overall lack of consistent workforce within the profession and struggles to try to improve its status throughout Sweden. Part of the discussions to find solutions is to find out who becomes a teacher, why they remain within the profession and what these people have in common, personality being a topic of interest. The Big Five personality model is one of the more commonly used instruments to distinguish personality through the use of five main traits and values that individuals score within them. The study was conducted through the use of a self-report survey e-mailed to a number of schools; universities and secondary schools, in southern Sweden. Analysis of the results showed that there was a personality trend among teachers and no significant difference between the genders but due to the study’s size it is unclear how universal these results are.
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Approaching the green market : Swedish natural and organic cosmetic industry analysis. / Approaching the green market : Swedish natural and organic cosmetic industry analysis.OZHOGINA, SOFYA, PELLONPÄÄ, RIIKKA, ZOTOVA, JEKATERINA January 2013 (has links)
The research in natural & organic cosmetics field is particularly scant, and especially in Sweden, no research has been done on the industry of natural & organic cosmetics. In consideration of the global eco-trend and also in order to overcome this research gap, this current thesis is focused on studying Swedish natural & organic cosmetics industry, which nowadays appears to be competitive and challenging as never before. Sweden is one of the most environmentally conscious countries where the consumption of cosmetics reached 15 billion SEK in 2011. There are number of companies and brands which categorize them as natural, and continuously look for ways to attract new and keep existing customers. The increased consumer demand for natural & organic products can be observed, consumer awareness coupled with willingness to purchase products that fit their principles and values, as well as consumer price-sensitivity as a result of global recession and their pursuit of making the best value of money. The requirement of natural beauty products are increasing and are available on environmentally-conscious Swedish market. The motivation behind this study is to enhance understanding about the natural & organic cosmetics industry in Sweden, and take a deeper look by over viewing some companies which are presented on this market. Understanding the industry structure is particularly important. Modified Porter’s five forces model has been used in this thesis in order to make the industry analysis.
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En kvantitativ undersökning om kongruensen mellan fastighetsmäklarens och säljarens personlighetsdrag. / Sellers’ preferences for real estate agents’ personalities. A quantitative study about the congruency between the estate agent's and the seller's personality traits.Johansson Florsjö, Emma, Rosvall Stenman, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Title: Sellers’ preferences for real estate agents’ personalities. A quantitative study about the congruency between the estate agent's and the seller's personality traits. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration. Author: Emma Johansson Florsjö and Amanda Rosvall Stenman Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date: 2019 - May Aim: The purpose is to analyze the congruency between the estate agent's and the seller's personality traits. Method: The study used a quantitative research method done with the personality test The Big Five and the empirical material was gathered through a web-based survey. The study population consisted of individuals that, at some point in their lives have or will have hired a real estate agent at a housing sale. Jamovi was used to analyze and to see connections between the answers obtained from the participants in the survey. The answers were processed through descriptive analyze, correlation analysis and factor analysis. Results & Conclusions: The results of the study showed that sellers preferred real estate agents who had similar personality traits as themselves, which confirmed the similarity hypothesis. The results indicated that none of the sellers preferred a real estate agent with high levels of neuroticism. The survey also showed that the expectations about the real estate agent were different for people who never had hired an agent before as opposed to those who had. Contribution of the thesis: The survey contributes to an understanding that real estate agents should adjust to the sellers’ personality traits to raise the chances of being hired, when interacting with the seller. Real estate agents with high levels of neuroticism should conceal this. Suggestions for future research: It would be interesting to conduct a similar study with a more extensive version of the personality test The Big Five. Further, The Big Five could be done by real estate agents to compare the personal traits of sellers who had hired a specific agent. Lastly, it would have been interesting to study the efficiency of the real estate agent in their perception of similar personality traits between customer and agent from the customers’ side. Key words: The Big Five, personality, service provider, personality matching, co-creation, real estate agent. / Titel: Säljarens preferenser för fastighetsmäklarens personlighet. En kvantitativ undersökning om kongruensen mellan fastighetsmäklarens och säljarens personlighetsdrag. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Emma Johansson Florsjö och Amanda Rosvall Stenman Handledare: Jonas Kågström Datum: 2019 - maj Syfte: Syftet är att analysera kongruensen mellan fastighetsmäklarens och säljarens personlighetsdrag. Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ forskningsmetod genomförd med personlighetstestet The Big Five och det empiriska materialet samlades in genom en webbaserad undersökning. Studiens population utgjordes av individer som någon gång i livet har eller kommer att anlitat en fastighetsmäklare i samband med en bostadsförsäljning. Jamovi användes för att analysera och se samband mellan de svar som erhållits från deltagarna i enkätundersökningen. Svaren bearbetades genom deskriptivanalys, korrelationsanalyser och faktoranalyser. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att säljare föredrog fastighetsmäklare som hade liknande personlighetsdrag som de själva, således bekräftades likhetshypotesen. Resultatet indikerade på att ingen säljare föredrog neurotiska mäklare. Vidare konstaterar undersökningen att förväntningarna av en fastighetsmäklare skiljde sig hos säljare som aldrig har anlitat en mäklare och säljare som har anlitat en mäklare i samband med en bostadsförsäljning. Examensarbetets bidrag: Undersökningen bidrar till en förståelse av att fastighetsmäklare ska anpassa sig utifrån säljarens personlighetsdrag vid bemötandet för att öka chanserna att bli anlitad av säljaren. Vidare bör mäklare med höga värden av neuroticism inte visa det för säljaren. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det skulle vara intressant att genomföra en liknande studie med en mer omfattande version av personlighetstestet The Big Five. Vidare hade The Big Five kunnat genomförts på fastighetsmäklare, i syfte att jämföra personlighetsdragen på säljare som hade anlitat en specifik mäklare. Slutligen hade det varit intressant att studera fastighetsmäklarens effektivitet vid uppfattningen av liknande personlighetsdrag mellan kund och mäklare från kundens sida. Nyckelord: The Big Five, personlighet, tjänsteleverantörer, matchande personlighet, cocreation, fastighetsmäklare.
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黃帝內經五運六氣探討 / To Study and Research for "Five-Transpotation and Six-Atmosphere" of "Huangti-Naegean".裘正, Chao, Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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Who´s who? : Kreativitet, personlighet och att arbeta kreativtTikkanen, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
I dagens samhälle blir kreativitet och nytänkande allt viktigare för företags överlevnad och konkurrenskraft. Därmed har även behovet av kreativa personer på arbetsplatsen ökat. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om kreativitet, genom Runcos ideational scale, kunde kopplas till något personlighetsdrag i Big Five samt till hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Detta undersöktes genom en enkät med 66 frågor i 3 delar. Enkäten lämnades ut i både pappersform och som webenkät till ett stort antal företag. Resultaten av totalt 152 enkäter, som analyserades med hjälp av korrelationer och regressioner, bekräftade alla hypoteser utom en; samvetsgrannhet har en negativ korrelation med kreativitet. Även oväntade kopplingar kunde dras, såsom att det fanns en positiv korrelation mellan vänlighet och hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Studien resulterade i slutsatsen att vissa personlighetsdrag har betydelse för hur kreativ en person är samt hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. / Sofia Tikkanen
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Work, personality and psychological distress : direct and moderating effects of the Big Five personality traitsDi Sanza, Claudia 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les nombreuses associations qui existent entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, les traits de personnalité et la détresse psychologique au travail. La question de recherche principale était : est-ce que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont un effet modérateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la détresse psychologique. De nombreuses autres questions ont aussi été considérées. Pour répondre aux vingt-et-une hypothèses proposées dans cette recherche, nous avons utilisé des données secondaires d’une étude transversale de 395 employés d’un service de police municipal. À la suite d’analyses multivariées, nous avons pu observer quatre associations significatives. Concernant les conditions de l’organisation du travail, nous avons trouvé que les demandes psychologiques en milieu de travail augment la détresse psychologique, tandis que le support d’un superviseur la diminue. En ce qui concerne, les traits de personnalité, nous avons trouvé qu’être névrotique (neuroticism) augmente la détresse psychologique. Finalement, nous avons trouvé un effet modérateur du trait de personnalité, être consciencieux (conscientiousness), sur la relation entre les demandes psychologiques et la détresse psychologique. Bref, nos résultats nous indiquent que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont une influence mitigée sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. / The current thesis sought to observe the multiple relationships that exist between work organization conditions, personality characteristics and psychological distress in the workplace. The main question of interest was whether the Big Five personality traits have a moderating effect on the relationship between work organization and psychological distress, but numerous other questions of interest were also considered. In order to address the twenty-one hypotheses proposed in this study, secondary data was used from a cross-sectional survey of 395 workers from a municipal police service. Multivariate analyses showed four significant relationships between the three variables of interest. With regards to the work organization conditions, it was found that psychological demands in the workplace increase psychological distress, whereas, support from a supervisor decreases psychological distress. With regards to personality, neuroticism was found to increase psychological distress. Finally, a moderating relationship was found for the conscientiousness trait on the relationship between psychological demands and psychological distress. Globally, the results indicate that the Big Five personality traits have a mitigated impact on mental health problems in the workplace.
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Who´s who? : Kreativitet, personlighet och att arbeta kreativtTikkanen, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
I dagens samhälle blir kreativitet och nytänkande allt viktigare för företags överlevnad och konkurrenskraft. Därmed har även behovet av kreativa personer på arbetsplatsen ökat. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om kreativitet, genom Runcos ideational scale, kunde kopplas till något personlighetsdrag i Big Five samt till hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Detta undersöktes genom en enkät med 66 frågor i 3 delar. Enkäten lämnades ut i både pappersform och som webenkät till ett stort antal företag. Resultaten av totalt 152 enkäter, som analyserades med hjälp av korrelationer och regressioner, bekräftade alla hypoteser utom en; samvetsgrannhet har en negativ korrelation med kreativitet. Även oväntade kopplingar kunde dras, såsom att det fanns en positiv korrelation mellan vänlighet och hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Studien resulterade i slutsatsen att vissa personlighetsdrag har betydelse för hur kreativ en person är samt hur pass kreativt en person arbetar.
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Exploring mindfulness in self–injuring adolescents in a psychiatric setting / R. KokKok, Rumando January 2010 (has links)
This study explored mindfulness in eight self–injuring psychiatric adolescents. A
concurrent triangulation mixed–method design was used. In–depth semi–structured
clinical interviews and clinical records constituted the qualitative data, while
quantitative data was gathered using the Five–Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
(FFMQ). Thematic analysis was used to generate themes and subthemes for both selfinjury
and mindfulness. Findings regarding self–injury were in line with the literature.
In terms of mindfulness, two groups emerged: one sometimes acting mindfully and
the other often acting mindfully. Both similarities and differences were found between
the groups. Similarities in self–injuring behaviour can be explained by their similar
scores on Observe and Nonreact, while the differences can be explained by the
differences in their scores on Describe, Act with Awareness and Nonjudge. Those
who sometimes act mindfully tend to be more self–critical, report more severe and
lethal self–injuring episodes and more often use self–injury for self–punishment.
Although those who often act mindfully self–injure more often, they show more selfcompassion
and report less severe injuries and less lethal methods. Future research
should explore the usefulness of mindfulness–based interventions, especially teaching
Nonjudge and Nonreact skills, to not only increase mindfulness, but to decrease selfinjuring
behaviour. Seeing that this is an exploratory study on a small sample, the
results presented here should be considered to be preliminary until replicated with a
larger clinical sample. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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