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The Big Five Personality Characteristics of World of Warcraft PlayersWinter, Jessica L. 05 1900 (has links)
This study is a comparative analysis of the personality characteristics of a sample of World of Warcraft players (n = 147) and a large normative sample (n = 20,993). The 120-item International Personality Item Pool, based on the five factor model, is used. Independent t-tests were conducted and statistical significance was found for some factors; however, the effect sizes were small, indicating a limited practical difference between the two groups.
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Critical review of strategic theories : Applicable to new technologiesHansson, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
There are few theories that focus on future digital business. This article evaluates how a traditional theory like Porter’s five forces and a more modern like Red ocean vs. Blue ocean can be used.
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The Role of the Environment in the Individual Difference and Creativity RelationshipReaves, Angela C 21 June 2012 (has links)
This study examined the relationship between several individual differences (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, creative self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and polychronicity) and creativity. It also examined how the organizational climate (support for creativity) moderated the relationship between the individual differences and creativity. All the individual differences except for polychronicity were positively correlated with creativity as well as support for creativity. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) found that the individual differences explained 58% of the variance in creativity and that support for creativity moderated the relationship between conscientiousness and creativity and between extraversion and creativity. Because of noticed similarity between creativity and creative self-efficacy items, a factor analysis was done which confirmed some overlap. Implications of the findings of this paper are discussed.
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Justice League vs The Fatal Five : Protagonisten, bikaraktärerna och den terapeutiska resan avkaraktärsutvecklingEdlund, Noa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur psykologiska verktyg kan användas föratt lättare förstå en films karaktärer för att kunna göra det enklare att bygga upp democh filmens struktur. Filmen Justice League vs the Fatal Five (2019) analyseras för attse hur protagonisten utvecklas genom och utvecklar sidokaraktärerna i birollerna, hurbiroller också förtjänar att utvecklas till en viss del och hur användbara psykologiskametoder av terapi kan vara för att göra en bra, intressant film. Uppsatsen argumenteraratt det finns en viss dramaturgisk demokrati som karaktärerna följer, att det är okej attutveckla birollerna något, även om protagonisten förstås får mest och tydligastutveckling. Uppsatsen argumenterar också att sorgens faser är en bra struktur att följaför att förenkla hur en karaktär utvecklas.
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Representing Truth Through Narrative : The Use of Historiographical Techniques in Creative Non-FictionKavalieris Galvão, André January 2019 (has links)
This essay is an attempt to show how certain elements, or techniques of history writing, can be used in creative non-fiction. It uses three major sources of theory. First, there is Charlotte Canning and Thomas Postlewait’s view on “the five themes of historiography,” which are indispensable for researching history: time, space, archive, identity, and narrative. The essay primarily focuses on narrative, because it is connected to representations of human lives, and as such contributes to meaning- creation. Second, the essay employs Hayden White’s concept of the historian’s working process and the notions of chronicle, story, mode of emplotment, mode of argument and ideological implications. Third is the method developed by Thomas Andrews and Flannery Burke of the five C’s of historical thinking: change over time, causality, context, complexity and contingency. Although these are separate theories, the essay shows how they can be complementary and help in the development of memoir writing, which is here my creative work, A Family Memoir in Essays, in particular the essays entitled “Trimdiniekis,” “Brasiliana,” and “A Sertaneja”.
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Do People Report the Same Big Five Personality in Social Media and Online Contexts as Offline?January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Previous research used the context-free Big Five model of personality traits to predict social media behaviors. The perspective implicit in this research assumes that expression of the Big Five is free of situational context. This thesis challenges this assumption to address whether people express the same Big Five on social media as offline. In two studies, this thesis addressed three issues: (1) whether there are self-reported differences in the Big Five between social media/online and offline contexts, (2) whether a five-factor structure replicates in the offline and social media context reports, and (3) whether the predictive validity of the Big Five is the same between offline and social media contexts. College students (total N = 2102) reported their offline and social media Big Five. Main findings reveal that, first, all of the Big Five have lower expressions in social media/online than offline, except for those in the lowest quartile of offline trait expressions; possible explanations include regression towards the mean or the environmental impact of social media. Second, a similar factor structure appeared with openness, extraversion, and neuroticism items being the most robust between offline and social media contexts. However, some conscientiousness and agreeableness items did not apply across offline and social media contexts. Third, the Big Five had different predictive patterns of social media behaviors depending on the context. These findings inform that future research may better serve to specify the context of Big Five expression to understand social media behavior. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2020
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Learning Environments of Five Teachers Who Embrace the Constructivist Philosophy.Evanshen, Pamela, Myron, Mary 01 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Sambandet mellan personlighetsdrag och kostval bland universitetsstudenter / The relationship between personality traits and food choices among university studentsThunell, Angelica, Lindell, Christopher January 2019 (has links)
Femfaktormodellen är en personlighetsteori som används för att beskriva och utvärdera människors personligheter. Denna studie utgick från Femfaktormodellen och undersökte sambandet mellan personlighetsdrag och kostval, vilka könsskillnader som fanns avseende personlighetsdrag och kostval samt vilka de främsta självrapporterade anledningarna till att avstå eller minska köttkonsumtion var. Deltagarna (N=274) var universitetsstudenter över 18 år gamla vid ett svenskt universitet. Deltagarna rekryterades via Internet och besvarade en digital enkät. Resultaten av bivariat korrelationsanalys samt variansanalyser visade att personlighetsdraget ”Öppenhet” korrelerar med kostval och att det finns könsskillnader i en människas kostval beroende på grad av personlighetsdragen ”Känslomässig instabilitet” och ”Vänlighet”. Resultaten visade även att de främsta självrapporterade anledningarna att avstå eller minska köttkonsumtion beror på kön, kostval samt grad av ”Känslomässig instabilitet”. Sammanfattningsvis har denna studie bidragit med ny kunskap beträffande sambandet mellan personlighetsdrag och kostval. / Big-Five personality is a personality theory that is used to describe and evaluate people's personalities. This study was based on the Big-Five personality theory and examined the relationship between personality traits and food choices, what gender differences that existed regarding personality traits and food choices and which the primary self-reported reasons to abstain or decrease meat consumption were. The participants (N=274) were university students over 18 years old at a Swedish university. The participants were recruited through Internet and answered a digital survey. The results from bivariate correlational analysis and analysis of variance showed that the personality trait ”Openness” correlates with food choices and that there are gender differences in a person's food choice depending on the level of the personality traits ”Neuroticism” and ”Agreeableness”. The results also showed that the primary self-reported reasons to abstain or decrease meat consumption depends on gender, food choices and level of ”Neuroticism”. In summary this study has contributed new knowledge regarding the relationship between personality traits and food choices.
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The effect of maternal exposure to alcohol and nicotine on pancreas and kidney size, aorta and carotid intima thickness and visceral fat in their children.De Smidt, Juléy Janice Abigail January 2019 (has links)
Doctor Scientiae / In utero exposure to teratogens, increasing urbanization, rapid nutritional transition from poverty to affluence, adoption of a Western-style diet and physical inactivity have contributed to the growing obesity epidemic in the low-income countries. To investigate the associations between in utero exposure to alcohol and nicotine on the growth and development of children aged five years from a low-income setting. These effects will be observed in children aged five years as a reduced pancreas and kidney size, higher aorta and carotid intima thickness as well as higher visceral abdominal adiposity measurements.
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Podpora manažerského rozhodování / Support of Managerial Decision MakingPekárek, Radek January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on creation of reports, which will enable managers access to information. Thanks to this information managers will have basis for decision making. Not only managers, but also company management will have access to this reports, company management will be able to control managers. The first chapter describes methods, which are, used in next chapter for analyses the company. The last chapter contains draft of creation for all reports and evaluation of benefits.
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