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Osobnostní charakteristiky u záchranářů / Personal characteristics of rescuersDAVIDOVÁ, Klára January 2009 (has links)
The profession of rescuers is very stressful and requires high level of resistance against stress, connected to pro-social tendencies, which are altruism and empathy. The theoretical part is divided into five topics related to the research. These topics are: helping professions, competence of helping professions, pro-social behaviour, integrated emergency system in the Czech Republic and the last theoretical part concerns personality. The objective of this research was to identify some personality characteristics of rescuers in South Bohemian region, in consideration of pro-social behaviour. The research was carried out in rescue service in South Bohemian region and at the University of South Bohemia. Research was devised through a questionnaire that was given to 77 rescuers (12 of them were studying the subject rescuer at the University of South Bohemia).
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The Big Five dimensions of individual differences in personality / Las cinco grandes dimensiones de la personalidadLaak, Jan J. F. ter 25 September 2017 (has links)
This is a review anide about the different theoretical positions on the Big Five dimensions of personality . This article presents the similarities and dilferences among the theoretical positions following a thorough reflection on the following topics: (a) the genesis of the content and structure of the Big Five; (b) the robustness of the five dimensions; (e) a description of the research on the relationship of the Big Five with other personality constructs; (d) a di~cussion about the predictive value of the Big Five profile scores for relevant criteria; (e) the theoretical status of the Five is analyzed; (f) historical criticisms on the Big Five are discussed; (g) sorne guesses for the future of the Five are put forward; and (h) conclusions and remarks about the Five dimensions of personality are drawn and made. / Este artículo revisa las distintas posiciones teóricas sobre las cinco grandes dimensiones de la personalidad, mostrando las semejanzas y diferencias entre las posturas teóricas. Esta contribución presenta lo siguiente: (a) la génesis del contenido y la estructura de las cinco dimensiones; (b) la fortaleza de las cinco dimensiones; (e) la relación de las cinco grandes dimensiones con otros constructos de personalidad; (d) discute el valor predictivo de las puntuaciones del perfil de las cinco dimensiones para criterios pertinentes; (e) analiza el estatus teórico de las cinco dimensiones; (f) discute críticas históricas sobre las cinco grandes dimensiones y se formulan respuestas a estas críticas; (g) hace conjeturas para el futuro de las cinco grandes dimensiones; y (h) concluye con algunas conclusiones y comentarios.
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A critical review of lexical analysis and Big Five model / Una revisión crítica del enfoque lexicográfico y del modelo de los cinco factoresRichaud de Minzi, María Cristina 25 September 2017 (has links)
In the last years the idea has resurfaced that traits can be measured in a reliable and valid and this can be useful inthe prediction of human behavior. The five-factor model appears to represent a conceptual and empirical advances in the field of personality theory. Necessary orthogonal factors (Goldberg, 1992, p. 26) to show the relationships between the descriptors of the features in English is five, and its nature can be summarized through the broad concepts of Surgency, Agreeableness, Responsibility, Emotional Stability versus neuroticism and openness to experience (John, 1990, p96) Furthermore, despite the criticisms that have been given to the model, represents a breakthrough in the field of personality assessment. This approach means a contribution to the study of personality, without being the integrative model of personality. / En los últimos años ha reaparecido la idea de que los rasgos pueden ser medidos de manera confiable y válida y esto puede ser útil enla predicción de la conducta humana. El modelo de los cinco factores parece representar un avance conceptual y empírico en el campo de la teoría de la personalidad. Los factores ortogonales necesarios (Goldberg, 1992, p. 26) para mostrar las interrelaciones entre los descriptores de los rasgos en idioma inglés es cinco, y su naturaleza puede resumirse a través de los conceptos amplios de Surgency, Agradabilidad, Responsabilidad, Estabilidad emocional versus neuroticismo y Apertura a la experiencia (John, 1990, p96 ) Asímismo, a pesar de las críticas que se han dado al modelo, representa un avance en el campo de la evaluación de la personalidad. Este enfoque significa un aporte a los estudios de la personalidad, sin ser el modelo integrativo de la persobalidad.
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Students’ motivation to read in the English five courseCronholm, Petra January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Construção, normatização e validação das escalas de socialização e extroversão no modelo dos cinco grandes fatoresNunes, Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva January 2005 (has links)
Esse projeto visou a construção, validação e normatização de escalas para a avaliação dos Fatores Extroversão e Socialização no modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade. A partir deste Modelo, Socialização é uma dimensão da personalidade que agrupa traços como altruísmo, franqueza, confiança nas pessoas, bem como frieza, falta de empatia, comportamentos antisociais, etc. Extroversão engloba traços que descrevem nível de comunicação, assertividade, gregariedade, busca por diversão, etc. A validade de construto da Escala Fatorial de Socialização (EFS) e Escala Fatorial de Extroversão (EFE) foi realizada a partir de amostras independentes compostas por aproximadamente 1.100 pessoas de cinco estados brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, com nível de escolarização médio ou superior. Foram realizadas análises fatoriais para a verificação da dimensionalidade da EFS, sendo que a solução de três fatores foi considerada a mais adequada. Os fatores extraídos foram denominados Amabilidade, Pró-sociabilidade e Confiança nas pessoas, com Alpha’s de 0,91; 0,84 e 0,80 respectivamente. A escala geral apresentou uma consistência interna de 0,92. Foram realizadas análises fatoriais para a verificação da dimensionalidade da EFE, sendo que a solução de quatro fatores foi considerada a mais adequada. Os fatores extraídos foram denominados Comunicação, Altivez, Assertividade, Interação Social, com Alpha’s de 0,90; 0,78; 0,78 e 0,83 respectivamente. A escala geral apresentou uma consistência interna de 0,91. / The present project aimed the development, validation and standardization of scales to measure Extraversion and Agreeableness in the Five Factor Model of Personality. In this model, Agreeableness is comprised by traits that describe altruism, straightforwardness, trust in people, as well as coldness, antisocial behavior, among others. Extraversion includes traits that describe level of communication, assertivity, gregariousness, search for pleasure, among others. The participants in the construct validity study of the Agreeableness Factorial Scale (EFS) and Extraversion Factorial Scale (EFE) were approximately 1.100 individuals, from five States in Brazil, of both sexes, with high school or university level of education. Factor analyses were conducted to determine the EFS dimensions. A 3-factor solution was found to be more adequate. The factors found were named: Amiableness, Pro-social behavior, and Trust. Cronbach’s alphas were .91, .84, and .80 respectively. The general scale presented an internal consistency level of .92. Factor analyses were also conducted to verify the EFE dimensions. A 4-factor solution was found to be more adequate. The factors found were named: Communication, Pride, Assertiveness, and Social Interaction. Cronbach’s alphas were .90, .78, .78, and .83 respectively. The general scale presented internal consistency level of .91.
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Consumo de frutas e vegetais em adolescentes de Porto Alegre: associação com idade, gênero e escolaridadeRieth, Marta Andresa January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais por adolescentes, residentes em Porto Alegre, RS, e verificar sua associação com características demográficas. Métodos: Foram estudados 568 adolescentes, com 12 a 19 anos, em estudo transversal realizado em amostra aleatória representativa de Porto Alegre. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, administrando-se um questionário de freqüência alimentar (QFA) e perguntas específicas para avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais nas últimas 24 horas. O total de frutas e vegetais foi aferido através do QFA ou IR24h, permitindo criar seis grupos: frutas (QFA), vegetais (QFA), vegetais sem arroz (QFA), vegetais com arroz e feijão (QFA), arroz e feijão (QFA), Five-a-day (IR24h) e Five-a-day colorido (IR24h). Análises foram realizadas utilizando-se teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson, análise de variância e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por meninos (49,5%), 50% brancos e com 7,5 ±2,5 anos de escolaridade. Cerca de 14,3% dos adolescentes apresentavam sobrepeso e 8,8% obesidade. Aproximadamente 60% dos adolescentes consumiam o número de porções de frutas e vegetais recomendados, mas apenas 22% consumiam as cinco cores de frutas e vegetais por dia. Observou-se que 36,7% dos meninos e 31,0% das meninas consumiam menos do que uma porção de fruta por dia, sendo que 3,6% e 5,6%, respectivamente, ingeriam menos do que uma porção de vegetal por dia. O consumo de vegetais em geral e de arroz e feijão associaramse positiva e independentemente com gênero masculino e idade e inversamente com escolaridade. Conclusão: A adequação do consumo em relação às recomendações de frutas e vegetais foi facilmente alcançada na presença de arroz e feijão entre os adolescentes estudados. Intervenções são necessárias para aumentar a ingestão de frutas e vegetais para prevenir doenças não transmissíveis. / Purpose: To evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables by teenagers, residents in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and verify its association with demographic characteristics. Methods: We studied 568 adolescents, with 12 to 19 years in cross-sectional study conducted in random sample representative of Porto Alegre. The data were collected through interviews, managing to be a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and specific questions to evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the last 24 hours. The total fruits and vegetables was benchmarked through the FFQ or IR24h, allowing create six groups: fruits (FFQ), vegetables (FFQ), vegetables without rice (FFQ), vegetables with rice and beans (FFQ), rice and beans (FFQ ), Five-a-day (IR24h) and Five-a-day color (IR24h). Analyses were performed, using the chisquare test of Pearson, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. Results: The sample consisted of boys (49.5%), 50% white and with 7.5 ± 2.5 years of schooling. Approximately 14.3% of adolescents were overweight and 8.8% obesity. Approximately 60% of adolescents consumed the number of servings of fruits and vegetables recommended, but only 22% consumed the five colors of fruits and vegetables per day. It was found that 36.7% of boys and 31.0% of girls consumed less than one serving of fruit per day, of which 3.6% and 5.6%, respectively, ingested less than a serving of vegetable per day. The consumption of vegetables in general and rice and beans is positively associated with males and independently and inversely with age and education. Conclusion: The adequacy of consumption in relation to the recommendations of fruits and vegetables was easily achieved in the presence of rice and beans among teenagers studied. Interventions are needed to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to prevent noncommunicable diseases.
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Cinevivo / CinevivoAlexandre da Silva Carvalho 18 October 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o relato das apresentações de Fluidos, o primeiro projeto realizado no formato CineVivo. Trata-se de uma experiência inédita de longa-metragem realizado ao vivo, com captação, edição e exibição simultâneas. Em diversas locações, atores encenam a história de ficção captada por três câmeras. Essas imagens são transmitidas para a edição em tempo real e a exibição para os espectadores na sala de cinema. As apresentações aconteceram no Centro Cultural São Paulo, no Sesc Pompeia e no CineSESC entre o período de maio de 2009 a maio de 2010. Em anexo, encontram-se o último tratamento do roteiro, o DVD com a versão apresentada no CineSESC e as principais reportagens publicadas na mídia. / The aim of this dissertation is to report the exhibitions of Fluids. This is the first project completed in the format CineVivo. It is a new experience for feature film performed live, with capture, editing and projection simultaneously. At several locations, cast acts the story captured by three cameras that transmit live for realtime editing and projection in the theater. The film was screened at Centro Cultural São Paulo, SESC Pompeia and CineSESC, between May 2009 to May 2010. Attached the last screenplays treatment, DVD with the version presented in CineSESC, and main reports in the media.
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An Exploratory Study of Curiosity in Three-, Four- and Five-Year-Old ChildrenFoote, Martha M. (Martha McNew) 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the development of curiosity in young children. A previous study by Kreitler, Zigler, and Kreitler had identified five specific types of curiosity, manipulatory curiosity, perceptual curiosity, conceptual curiosity, curiosity about the complex, and adjustive-reactive curiosity. The basic problem was to describe the development of these five types of curiosity in three-, four-, and five-year-old children. A secondary problem was to determine if children follow a predictable pattern in their development of the five types of curiosity. Five tasks, measuring nineteen variables of curiosity, were administered individually to thirty three-year-olds, thirty four-year-olds, and thirty five-year-olds by a trained rater. Mean scores for each variable and each type of curiosity were calculated for each group.
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Att utvärdera en digital affärsidéJohansson, Annie January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete belyser tre olika organisationsteorier, PESTLE, Porter´s five forces och SWOT. En genomgång görs kring vad de olika teorierna innebär, hur de kan bidra till att förstå en organisations omvärld och dess styrkor och svagheter vilket i sin tur ger indikationer på vad man bör ha med i beräkningen när man tar strategiska beslut i en befintlig eller nystartad organisation. Teorierna används i detta fall som ett sätt att utvärdera en digital affärsidé, vad man bör ha i åtanke samt att lyfta fram dess styrkor och svagheter. På så vis har en tydlig bild skapats kring hur man kan använda sig utav de valda teorierna.
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Främling, vad döljer du för mig? : Skillnaden i personlighetsbedömningar av närstående och främlingar utifrån FacebookHanborg, Oskar, Selin, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att vi drar slutsatser om andra personer redan utifrån ansikten och detta påverkar oss i många skeden i livet. Till viss del har även korrektheten av dessa bedömningar undersökts i olika situationer, t.ex. foto och/eller text utifrån arbetsansökningar och sociala medier. Ingen studie har undersökt hur väl vi kan bedöma andra individers personlighet beroende på relationsperspektiv och grad av information. Vi testade därför två hypoteser gällande Facebook; 1) Närstående bedömer bättre en individs personlighet än främlingar, oavsett informationsgrad, 2) Mer information kommer ge främlingarna en mer korrekt bedömning. För att besvara hypoteserna fick 90 deltagare skatta 15 deltagares personlighet utifrån tre olika relationsperspektiv; närstående, främling utifrån profilbild eller främling utifrån Facebookprofil. Samtliga deltagare rekryterades huvudsakligen från två lärosäten och genom bekvämlighetsurval. Resultatet gav stöd för första hypotesen men inte andra hypotesen. En närstående bedömer personlighet bättre än en främling och informationsgrad påverkar inte främlingars korrekthet signifikant. Dock kunde främlingar göra en bedömning som påvisade en bättre korrelation än noll. Detta menar vi har implikationer för främst rekryterare som ofta utgår från sociala medier i sin bedömning av arbetsansökande.
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