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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilka personlighetsegenskaper predicerar att en person är prosocial eller icke-prosocial? / What personality characteristics predicts if a person is prosocial or not?

Oldeen, Freja, Esmeralda, Blomqvist January 2018 (has links)
Inom psykologin har det länge varit intressant att studera personligheter för att förklara individers beteenden. Ett välstuderat beteendemönster är om personer är prosociala eller inte. Prosociala är generösa mot andra och icke-prosociala ser till sin egen vinning. Tidigare studier har visat att personlighetsegenskaper som Big Five och socioekonomisk status kan påverka en persons generositet och förmodligen predicera prosocialitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka personlighetsegenskaper som predicerar att en person är prosocial. Social önskvärdhet kontrolleras för att se om personer som beter sig socialt önskvärt även var prosociala. Social Value Orientation, ett ekonomiskt spel, användes i studien för att mäta om en person var prosocial. Resultatet baserades på 131 undersökningsdeltagares svar på en enkät. En multipel regressionsanalys visade att ingen prediktor förutom socioekonomisk status var relaterad till om en person var prosocial. Dock gick samtliga variabler i förutspådd riktning vilket är värt att lyfta fram.

Construção, normatização e validação das escalas de socialização e extroversão no modelo dos cinco grandes fatores

Nunes, Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva January 2005 (has links)
Esse projeto visou a construção, validação e normatização de escalas para a avaliação dos Fatores Extroversão e Socialização no modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade. A partir deste Modelo, Socialização é uma dimensão da personalidade que agrupa traços como altruísmo, franqueza, confiança nas pessoas, bem como frieza, falta de empatia, comportamentos antisociais, etc. Extroversão engloba traços que descrevem nível de comunicação, assertividade, gregariedade, busca por diversão, etc. A validade de construto da Escala Fatorial de Socialização (EFS) e Escala Fatorial de Extroversão (EFE) foi realizada a partir de amostras independentes compostas por aproximadamente 1.100 pessoas de cinco estados brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, com nível de escolarização médio ou superior. Foram realizadas análises fatoriais para a verificação da dimensionalidade da EFS, sendo que a solução de três fatores foi considerada a mais adequada. Os fatores extraídos foram denominados Amabilidade, Pró-sociabilidade e Confiança nas pessoas, com Alpha’s de 0,91; 0,84 e 0,80 respectivamente. A escala geral apresentou uma consistência interna de 0,92. Foram realizadas análises fatoriais para a verificação da dimensionalidade da EFE, sendo que a solução de quatro fatores foi considerada a mais adequada. Os fatores extraídos foram denominados Comunicação, Altivez, Assertividade, Interação Social, com Alpha’s de 0,90; 0,78; 0,78 e 0,83 respectivamente. A escala geral apresentou uma consistência interna de 0,91. / The present project aimed the development, validation and standardization of scales to measure Extraversion and Agreeableness in the Five Factor Model of Personality. In this model, Agreeableness is comprised by traits that describe altruism, straightforwardness, trust in people, as well as coldness, antisocial behavior, among others. Extraversion includes traits that describe level of communication, assertivity, gregariousness, search for pleasure, among others. The participants in the construct validity study of the Agreeableness Factorial Scale (EFS) and Extraversion Factorial Scale (EFE) were approximately 1.100 individuals, from five States in Brazil, of both sexes, with high school or university level of education. Factor analyses were conducted to determine the EFS dimensions. A 3-factor solution was found to be more adequate. The factors found were named: Amiableness, Pro-social behavior, and Trust. Cronbach’s alphas were .91, .84, and .80 respectively. The general scale presented an internal consistency level of .92. Factor analyses were also conducted to verify the EFE dimensions. A 4-factor solution was found to be more adequate. The factors found were named: Communication, Pride, Assertiveness, and Social Interaction. Cronbach’s alphas were .90, .78, .78, and .83 respectively. The general scale presented internal consistency level of .91.

Consumo de frutas e vegetais em adolescentes de Porto Alegre: associação com idade, gênero e escolaridade

Rieth, Marta Andresa January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais por adolescentes, residentes em Porto Alegre, RS, e verificar sua associação com características demográficas. Métodos: Foram estudados 568 adolescentes, com 12 a 19 anos, em estudo transversal realizado em amostra aleatória representativa de Porto Alegre. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, administrando-se um questionário de freqüência alimentar (QFA) e perguntas específicas para avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais nas últimas 24 horas. O total de frutas e vegetais foi aferido através do QFA ou IR24h, permitindo criar seis grupos: frutas (QFA), vegetais (QFA), vegetais sem arroz (QFA), vegetais com arroz e feijão (QFA), arroz e feijão (QFA), Five-a-day (IR24h) e Five-a-day colorido (IR24h). Análises foram realizadas utilizando-se teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson, análise de variância e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por meninos (49,5%), 50% brancos e com 7,5 ±2,5 anos de escolaridade. Cerca de 14,3% dos adolescentes apresentavam sobrepeso e 8,8% obesidade. Aproximadamente 60% dos adolescentes consumiam o número de porções de frutas e vegetais recomendados, mas apenas 22% consumiam as cinco cores de frutas e vegetais por dia. Observou-se que 36,7% dos meninos e 31,0% das meninas consumiam menos do que uma porção de fruta por dia, sendo que 3,6% e 5,6%, respectivamente, ingeriam menos do que uma porção de vegetal por dia. O consumo de vegetais em geral e de arroz e feijão associaramse positiva e independentemente com gênero masculino e idade e inversamente com escolaridade. Conclusão: A adequação do consumo em relação às recomendações de frutas e vegetais foi facilmente alcançada na presença de arroz e feijão entre os adolescentes estudados. Intervenções são necessárias para aumentar a ingestão de frutas e vegetais para prevenir doenças não transmissíveis. / Purpose: To evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables by teenagers, residents in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and verify its association with demographic characteristics. Methods: We studied 568 adolescents, with 12 to 19 years in cross-sectional study conducted in random sample representative of Porto Alegre. The data were collected through interviews, managing to be a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and specific questions to evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the last 24 hours. The total fruits and vegetables was benchmarked through the FFQ or IR24h, allowing create six groups: fruits (FFQ), vegetables (FFQ), vegetables without rice (FFQ), vegetables with rice and beans (FFQ), rice and beans (FFQ ), Five-a-day (IR24h) and Five-a-day color (IR24h). Analyses were performed, using the chisquare test of Pearson, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. Results: The sample consisted of boys (49.5%), 50% white and with 7.5 ± 2.5 years of schooling. Approximately 14.3% of adolescents were overweight and 8.8% obesity. Approximately 60% of adolescents consumed the number of servings of fruits and vegetables recommended, but only 22% consumed the five colors of fruits and vegetables per day. It was found that 36.7% of boys and 31.0% of girls consumed less than one serving of fruit per day, of which 3.6% and 5.6%, respectively, ingested less than a serving of vegetable per day. The consumption of vegetables in general and rice and beans is positively associated with males and independently and inversely with age and education. Conclusion: The adequacy of consumption in relation to the recommendations of fruits and vegetables was easily achieved in the presence of rice and beans among teenagers studied. Interventions are needed to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to prevent noncommunicable diseases.

The Five-Valve C Trumpet: History, Design, and Advantages

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Since 1913, some of the world’s finest trumpeters have utilized the advantages of specialized custom trumpets that can be played in multiple key centers through the operation of additional valves and slides. Merri Franquin (1848-1934), a leading trumpet teacher in twentieth-century Paris, patented two multiple-key trumpets: a four-piston- valve model that plays in the keys of C and D, and a five-piston-valve model that plays in the keys of A, B , C, and D. Thibouville-Lamy (1867-1969), a now-defunct French instrument company, built both models by adding extra valves and slides to three-valve C trumpets. In the mid-1900s, top performers such as Roger Voisin, Armando Ghitalla, and David Hickman began using similar trumpets in performances and recordings. Regrettably, only a privileged few have had access to these instruments and the numerous advantages that they can provide. Thus, by reviewing and building upon current data on multiple-key trumpet design and performance, the author aims to unlock a vast potential for performance enhancement, waiting to be tapped by current and future trumpet performers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2016

The Moral Sense of Touch: Teaching Tactile Values in Late Medieval England

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: “The Moral Sense of Touch: Teaching Tactile Values in Late Medieval England” investigates the intersections of popular science and religious education in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the project draws together a range of textual artifacts, from scientific manuals to private prayerbooks, to reconstruct the vast network of touch supporting the late medieval moral syllabus. I argue that new scientific understandings of the five senses, and specifically the sense of touch, had a great impact on the processes, procedures, and parlances of vernacular religious instruction in late medieval England. The study is organized around a set of object lessons that realize the materiality of devotional reading practices. Over the course of investigation, I explore how the tactile values reinforcing medieval conceptions of pleasure and pain were cultivated to educate and, in effect, socialize popular reading audiences. Writing techniques and technologies—literary forms, manuscript designs, illustration programs—shaped the reception and user-experience of devotional texts. Focusing on the cultural life of the sense of touch, “The Moral Sense of Touch” provides a new context for a sense based study of historical literatures, one that recovers the centrality of touch in cognitive, aesthetic, and moral discourses. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2016

Three Business Plan Models to Help a Start-up with Strategic Analysis : Lessons from using SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, and Price Equalizer to write a business plan

Max, Knutsson January 2018 (has links)
This paper examines three models used for business plan analysis. These models highlight some of the most important questions of the business: What are my strengths and how do I compete? More importantly, it gives founders a systematic tool to approach the creation of strategy for their business. There are three business planning tools presented here: Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT, and Price Equalizer.

Rädsla för att misslyckas : En kvantitativ studie om personlighetens påverkan på "Fear of Failure" i arbetslivet / Fear of failure : A quantitative study of the impact of personality on "Fear of Failure" in working life

Arvidsson, Mia, Larsson, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Fear of failure (FF) har negativ påverkan på individers motivation, val av arbete, prestationsförmåga och allmänt välbefinnande och kan uppstå när människor skall ta olika beslut. Vår studie avsåg att undersöka om fear of failure kan förklaras av personlighet och om det fanns andra påverkansfaktorer, så som socioekonomisk status, ålder och kön. En kvantitativ metod användes och datainsamlingen skedde via en webbaserad enkät innehållande 62 frågor. Deltagarna i studien (N = 153), bestod av 115 kvinnor (75%) och 38 män (25%). IPIP-30 användes för att mäta personlighet och Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) användes för att mäta fear of failure. Resultatet visade i regressionsanalys ett mycket starkt statistiskt signifikant samband (r = .69) mellan fear of failure och personlighetsfaktorn neuroticism, samt att det kunde förklara ≈ 53% av variansen inom fear of failure. Resultatet var förvånansvärt starkt och tydligt och visade på ett övertygande sätt att personlighet förklarade en stor del av innehållet i det begrepp som kallas "fear of failure". Vår slutsats är därför att fear of failure som begrepp, tillsammans med tillhörande mätinstrument (PFAI-skalan), blir överflödigt och kan istället ersättas av personlighetsfaktorerna i femfaktormodellen. / Fear of failure (FF) has a negative impact on individuals' motivation, choice of occupation, ability to work and general well-being and can occur when people make different decisions. Our study was designed to investigate whether fear of failure can be explained by personality and whether there were other factors of influence such as socioeconomic status, age and sex. A quantitative method was used, and data collection was conducted via a web-based survey containing 62 questions. The participants in the study (N = 153) consisted of 115 women (75%) and 38 men (25%). IPIP-30 was used to measure personality and the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) was used to measure fear of failure. The result showed in regression analysis a very strong statistically significant relationship (r = .69) between fear of failure and the personality factor neuroticism, and that it could explain ≈ 53% of the variance in fear of failure. The result was surprisingly strong and clear and showed convincingly that personality explained a large part of the content of the term called "fear of failure". Our conclusion is therefore that fear of failure as a concept, together with the associated measuring instrument (PFAI scale) becomes superfluous and can instead be replaced by the personality in the five-factor model.

Analyzing how companies respond to competition in an Industry : A Case Study of two B2C e-commerce companies in China

XU, ZAOXUAN, WU, HOUQIANG January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays global competition has become more and more rigorous when entrepreneur operates a company in e-commerce industry. Companies, which don’t acknowledge the effective ways to respond to global competition, fail to gain more market share and there is also a risk of losing their occupied market share. It is important for companies to respond to competition effectively. By using Porter’s five forces model, we can analyze how companies respond to competition more comprehensive.     The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate some of competition that companies face and analyze how companies respond to competition when operating in e-commerce industry.   In this thesis, we use a case study to analyze two companies’ competition strategies so as to develop an understanding of the e-commerce competitive environment and realize the importance of responding to various competitions in e-commerce market. In order to gather the important information, we interview respondents of two Chinese B2C companies. Two B2C companies are: JD Company and Amazon China. JD Company is a domestic company and Amazon China is a multinational company.   This study demonstrates that the companies need to improve their competitiveness to respond to competition such as improving the quality of product, the logistic system, and the after-sale service. In addition, it is better for companies to make the strategies such as low-price strategy and differentiation strategy to respond to competition.

Personality in Elite Athletes: A Review of the Five-Factor Model and Athletic Outcomes

Ely, Jack 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality is the most psychometrically supported taxonomies of personality in psychology. Widely applicable and scalable in its implementation, it is increasingly becoming integrated into the literature regarding sports psychology. This literature review examines the role of the FFM (or “Big 5” model) in profiling elite athletes competing at the national or international level. Studies are scrutinized by design and analytical methods, and comparisons are drawn on that basis and on the basis of their findings. The review argues for further research into specifically the personality of elite athletes as compared to less competent ones, more longitudinal studies, and adoption of the model by elite athletic associations looking to attract and cultivate athletic talent.

Consumo de frutas e vegetais em adolescentes de Porto Alegre: associação com idade, gênero e escolaridade

Rieth, Marta Andresa January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais por adolescentes, residentes em Porto Alegre, RS, e verificar sua associação com características demográficas. Métodos: Foram estudados 568 adolescentes, com 12 a 19 anos, em estudo transversal realizado em amostra aleatória representativa de Porto Alegre. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, administrando-se um questionário de freqüência alimentar (QFA) e perguntas específicas para avaliar o consumo de frutas e vegetais nas últimas 24 horas. O total de frutas e vegetais foi aferido através do QFA ou IR24h, permitindo criar seis grupos: frutas (QFA), vegetais (QFA), vegetais sem arroz (QFA), vegetais com arroz e feijão (QFA), arroz e feijão (QFA), Five-a-day (IR24h) e Five-a-day colorido (IR24h). Análises foram realizadas utilizando-se teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson, análise de variância e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por meninos (49,5%), 50% brancos e com 7,5 ±2,5 anos de escolaridade. Cerca de 14,3% dos adolescentes apresentavam sobrepeso e 8,8% obesidade. Aproximadamente 60% dos adolescentes consumiam o número de porções de frutas e vegetais recomendados, mas apenas 22% consumiam as cinco cores de frutas e vegetais por dia. Observou-se que 36,7% dos meninos e 31,0% das meninas consumiam menos do que uma porção de fruta por dia, sendo que 3,6% e 5,6%, respectivamente, ingeriam menos do que uma porção de vegetal por dia. O consumo de vegetais em geral e de arroz e feijão associaramse positiva e independentemente com gênero masculino e idade e inversamente com escolaridade. Conclusão: A adequação do consumo em relação às recomendações de frutas e vegetais foi facilmente alcançada na presença de arroz e feijão entre os adolescentes estudados. Intervenções são necessárias para aumentar a ingestão de frutas e vegetais para prevenir doenças não transmissíveis. / Purpose: To evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables by teenagers, residents in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and verify its association with demographic characteristics. Methods: We studied 568 adolescents, with 12 to 19 years in cross-sectional study conducted in random sample representative of Porto Alegre. The data were collected through interviews, managing to be a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and specific questions to evaluate the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the last 24 hours. The total fruits and vegetables was benchmarked through the FFQ or IR24h, allowing create six groups: fruits (FFQ), vegetables (FFQ), vegetables without rice (FFQ), vegetables with rice and beans (FFQ), rice and beans (FFQ ), Five-a-day (IR24h) and Five-a-day color (IR24h). Analyses were performed, using the chisquare test of Pearson, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. Results: The sample consisted of boys (49.5%), 50% white and with 7.5 ± 2.5 years of schooling. Approximately 14.3% of adolescents were overweight and 8.8% obesity. Approximately 60% of adolescents consumed the number of servings of fruits and vegetables recommended, but only 22% consumed the five colors of fruits and vegetables per day. It was found that 36.7% of boys and 31.0% of girls consumed less than one serving of fruit per day, of which 3.6% and 5.6%, respectively, ingested less than a serving of vegetable per day. The consumption of vegetables in general and rice and beans is positively associated with males and independently and inversely with age and education. Conclusion: The adequacy of consumption in relation to the recommendations of fruits and vegetables was easily achieved in the presence of rice and beans among teenagers studied. Interventions are needed to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to prevent noncommunicable diseases.

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