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American Foreign Policy : A Study of American Policy Decisions in Iraq to Promote DemocracySamuelsson, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
The essay aims to analyze and understand the policy decisions taken by the Americans during their tenure as occupying force from 2003-2004. By understanding what policy was enacted it is possible to judge how it impacted things down the line. Using democratization theory, it becomes possible to categorize a large amount of policy during that time. Meaning there can be a large-scale analysis of the policies and judge if they pushed democracy forward in Iraq. The two research questions are how the US planned to turn Iraq into a democracy and if the policy covered all the five arenas of democratization. After analyzing the material through the five arenas, the two research questions are answered. The US planned for the wrong things and only in Iraq did their plan crystalize. It involved focusing on changes in society that benefitted democracy, but with a top down approach. The policies covered all five arenas of democratisation meaning they were widely applied and pushed democracy in Iraq. The US intended to turn Iraq into a democracy and the policy employed during their tenure supports that goal.
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Classification of Five-Dimensional Lie Algebras with One-dimensional Subalgebras Acting as Subalgebras of the Lorentz AlgebraRozum, Jordan 01 May 2015 (has links)
Motivated by A. Z. Petrov's classification of four-dimensional Lorentzian metrics, we provide an algebraic classification of the isometry-isotropy pairs of four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian metrics admitting local slices with five-dimensional isometries contained in the Lorentz algebra. A purely Lie algebraic approach is applied with emphasis on the use of Lie theoretic invariants to distinguish invariant algebra-subalgebra pairs. This method yields an algorithm for identifying isometry-isotropy pairs subject to the aforementioned constraints.
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Inheritance Studies and Possible Linkage Relationships in Barley Involving Five Factor PairsByington, Freeman J. 01 May 1940 (has links)
Many studies on inheritance in barley have been made, but very little progress has as yet been obtained. Barley in many ways is an attractive plant with which to make inheritance studies. Unlike common wheat with 21 chromosome pairs and few distinct characters, barley has only 7 chromosome pairs and consequently only 7 possible linkage groups and many distinct characters that may be readily recognized. The chief difficulty is that many of these characters cannot be readily classified because a number of factors may be responsible for their production.
The purpose of this project has been to study in considerable detail the Mendelian inheritance of several character pairs as they appear in barley crosses and to study possible linkage relationships between factors. The characters studied are rough versus semi-smooth awn, black versus white color of the flowering glumes and pericarp, long-haired vergus short-haired rachilla, fertility of the lateral florets and hulled versus naked caryopsis.
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A Market Analysis For Adult Outdoor Education In Five Western StatesVanderZanden, Karla Joy 01 May 1986 (has links)
Organizations that offer Outdoor Education programs for adults are concerned with how to best attract people to their programs. Effective program design begins with a clear understanding of the people to be served. A marketing orientation--meeting the needs of participants--has begun to pervade non-profit management; specific information on the adult market for Outdoor Education remains limited. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize segments based upon the benefits people seek from such an experience. Secondly, this analysis describes current programs 1n a five state region and identifies discrepancies between available and needed services. A mail survey of past participants of three residential programs (Audubon Camp of the West, National Wildlife Federation Summits and Teton Science School Seminars) was conducted in 1984. Participants were asked their reasons for attendance and their preferences for location, topic, accommodations and other program features. Demographic background such as age, sex, and income, was recorded. Thirty Outdoor Education organizations reported on their existing programs. The proposed method of segmentation--cluster analysis--failed to yield identifiable market segments using the forty three benefit variables selected from similar studies 1n outdoor recreation. Subsequent work in this study was devoted to testing alternative means of segmentation in order to identify a restricted list of variables capable of differentiating the sample public, somewhat specialized at the outset by virtue of past participation 1n Outdoor Education programs. Vacation-oriented and development-oriented segments were shown to significantly differ and the preferences of each described. Each organization appears to be serving slightly different types of people, with the clientele varying in the degree of comfort desired, concern for serious study and cost-consciousness. The overall market for adult Outdoor Education is primarily motivated by a desire to study and be close to nature. Social aspects, quest for knowledge and stimulation, and enjoyment of quiet beauty were also important considerations. Existing services and facilities 10 the five state region match expectations of participants with the exception of accommodations and meals provided. Many organizations continue to program for young adults even though the dominant age group is twenty-six to fifty-five years old with characteristic needs and interests. This market study and literature review form the bas is for recommending improvements in adult programming. A marketing point of view should enable Outdoor Educators to develop learning opportunities in the outdoor classroom that are not only inspirational, but attractive, convenient and affordable for selected target markets.
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Hög begåvning och samvetsgrannhet: Nyckeln till framgång? / High IQ and conscientiousness: The Key to Success?Norrman, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Relationen mellan ekonomisk framgång (inkomst), personlighetsdragetsamvetsgrannhet och begåvning undersöktes för könsuppdelade grupper medbegåvning i fjärde kvartilen. Syftet var att se om hög samvetsgrannhet och IKkunde predicera ekonomisk framgång bland personer med hög begåvning.Datainsamlingen skedde genom att extrahera relevanta individer urWisconsin Longitudinal Study. I den ursprungliga datainsamlingen deltogtotalt 10 317 personer. T-test genomfördes för att jämföra inkomster för högtbegåvade kvinnor och män. Multipla regressionsanalyser genomfördes föratt undersöka begåvningens och samvetsgrannhetens effekt på årsinkomstenför de högt begåvade männen och kvinnorna. Studien visade att högbegåvadekvinnor och män hade signifikanta löneskillnader samt att samvetsgrannhetoch hög begåvning med signifikans kunde användas för att predicera inkomstför såväl gruppen kvinnor som för gruppen män. / The relationship between economic success (income), the personality traitconscientiousness and IQ were examined for gender-segregated groups withIQ in the fourth quartile. The purpose was to see if high conscientiousnessand IQ could predict financial success in the subgroups. Data collection wascarried out by extracting relevant individuals from the WisconsinLongitudinal Study. A total of 10,317 people participated in the original datacollection. A t-test was performed to compare incomes for women and menwith high IQ. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine theeffect of IK and conscientiousness on the income of the high IQ group of menas well as for the high IQ group of women. The study showed that highlygifted women and men had significant pay differences as well as thatconscientiousness and IQ were significant predictors of income for both thegroup of women and the group of men.
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Demokratisering i Somaliland : En fallstudie om Somaliland som en nybliven nation och deras försök till en demokratiseringsprocess / Democratization in Somaliland : A case study of Somaliland as a new nation and their attempt to democratization processMustaf Aydid, Farhan January 2019 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the new nation Somaliland democratization process since 1991. The research is based on Somaliland conditions to begin a democracy process which is studied on the basis of the Robert Dahl democracy theory. Somaliland is a "hybrid democracy", which means there are democratic structures but the shortcomings in the system makes it impossible recognize Somaliland as a democracy. Somaliland has been influenced by blending Western democratic structures with their own traditional and cultural ways of steering. Somaliland promotes development in terms of democracy and politics. But the new nation faces challenges in the democratization process. Keywords: New nation, Dahl democracy theory, Hybriddemocracy, five criterias.
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Hospitalization risk factors for children’s lower respiratory tract infection: A population-based, cross-sectional study in Mongolia. / モンゴルにおける小児の下気道感染症による入院リスク要因:横断研究Dagvadorj, Amarjargal 24 July 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(社会健康医学) / 甲第20623号 / 社医博第81号 / 社新制||医||9(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科社会健康医学系専攻 / (主査)教授 木原 正博, 教授 中川 一路, 教授 平家 俊男 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Public Health / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Attitude, Perceptions and Development of edTPA as an assessment process among ECE senior cohort studentsRoy, Anuja January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Lyckan kommer, lyckan går. Lycklig den som lyckan får. : en studie om subjektivt välbefinnande i relation till kön, utbildningsnivå och personlighet / Happiness comes, happiness goes. Happy the one who gets happiness. : a study on subjective well-being in relation to gender, educational level and personalityEssén, Jeanette, Schylander, Kristin January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan personlighetsdrag och lycka. Studien ämnade även undersöka om det finns skillnad mellan kvinnors och mäns lycka och om det finns skillnad i lycka beroende på utbildningsnivå. I studien har ordet lycka ersatts med subjektivt välbefinnande som definieras som individens egen uppfattning om det egna välbefinnandet. En enkät utformades utifrån de validerade och välanvända självskattningsskalorna Mini-IPIP Scales, som mäter personlighet utifrån femfaktorteorin, och WHO-5 för att mäta subjektivt välbefinnande. Studien omfattar 200 deltagare mellan 18 och 87 år, av vilka var 163 kvinnor, 35 män och två som identifierar sig som annat. Ingen signifikant skillnad hittades gällande könsidentifikation eller utbildningsnivå i relation till subjektivt välbefinnande. Däremot visade resultaten att det fanns samband med vissa personlighetsdrag och subjektivt välbefinnande. Extraversion visade på ett måttligt positivt samband och samvetsgrannhet ett litet positivt samband. Neuroticism hade ett starkt negativt samband med subjektivt välbefinnande. Därav kan slutsatsen dras att det finns ett samband mellan vissa personligheter och SVB. Extroverta och samvetsgranna personligheter skattar sig lyckligare medan personligheter med hög neuroticism skattar sig mindre lyckliga. / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and happiness. The study also intended to investigate whether there is a difference between women's and men's happiness and whether there is a difference in happiness depending on the level of education. In the present study, the word happiness has been replaced by subjective well-being, which is defined as the individual's own perception of their own well-being. A questionnaire was designed based on the validated and well-used self-report scales Mini-IPIP Scales, which measures personality based on The Five Factor Theory, and WHO-5 to measure subjective well-being. The study included 200 participants between 18 and 87 years old, of whom 163 were women, 35 men and two who identify as other. No significant difference was found regarding gender identification or educational level in relation to subjective well-being. However, the results showed that there were associations with certain personality traits and subjective well-being. Extraversion showed a moderate positive relationship and conscientiousness a small positive relationship. Neuroticism had a strong negative relationship with subjective well-being. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between certain personalities and SWB. Extroverted and conscientious personalities rate themselves as happier, while personalities with high neuroticism rate themselves as less happy.
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En motståndskraftig äldreomsorg : En kvantitativ studie om resiliens och dess samband med femfaktorteorin hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen / A resilient eldercare : A quantitative study regarding resilience and its relation to the five-factor model of personality among managers in municipal eldercarePagling, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Termen resiliens definieras som förmågan att mentalt eller känslomässigt hantera och återhämta sig efter stressfyllda situationer. Tidigare forskning inom området tyder på att det finns en korrelation mellan särskilda personlighetsdrag i femfaktorteorin och den individuella graden av resiliens. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka detta samband hos chefer inom äldreomsorgen, ett yrke som omfattar en tung arbetsbelastning inom en redan stressfylld sektor i arbetslivet. I studien undersöktes även relationen mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och den individuella graden av resiliens. En enkätstudie utfördes med deltagare som besitter chefsroller inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen (n=58, Målder=48,77, SD=9,54). Data analyserades med två multipla regressionsanalyser, och korrelationen mellan faktorerna analyserades med Pearsons korrelationskoefficient. Efter Bonferroni-korrigering var de enda signifikanta faktorerna samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Resultatet av studien påvisar att samvetsgrannhet har en signifikant positiv korrelation och neuroticism har en signifikant negativ korrelation med resiliens. Angående sambandet mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och resiliens, så påvisar undersökningen att det inte fanns någon signifikant korrelation. De starkaste personlighetsdragen för att predicera en hög grad av individuell resiliens hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen var samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Antalet år som chef inom äldreomsorgen och dess påverkan på resiliens överensstämde inte med tidigare studier, där antalet år som chef borde ha ökat den individuella graden av resiliens. Kunskapen om personlighet och erfarenhets samband med resiliens kan potentiellt bidra till att öka resiliens inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. / The term resilience is defined as the ability to mentally and emotionally cope from stressful events. Research has shown that there is a correlation between some of the personality traits in the five-factor model, and the individual level of resilience. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship in nursing management, an occupation which involves heavy workloads in an already stressful sector. This study also examined the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and the individual level of resilience. A survey was conducted with participants who are in managerial positions in the municipal eldercare (n=58, Mage=48,77, SD=9,54). The data were analyzed using two multiple regressionanalyses, and the correlation between the factors was analyzed with the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. After Bonferroni-correction the only significant factors were conscientiousness and neuroticism. The result corresponds with current research, which proposes that conscientiousness has a significant positive correlation, and neuroticism has a significant negative correlation with resilience. Regarding the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and resilience, the results showed that there was no significant correlation. The traits conscientiousness and neuroticism were the strongest to predict a higher level of individual resilience amongst municipal eldercare managers. Time spent as an eldercare manager and its impact on resilience did not correspond with previous studies, were time spent as an eldercare manager should raise the individual level of resilience. Knowledge of the relationship between personality, experience and resilience might contribute to increased resilience in municipal eldercare.
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