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Kulturskolan - en skola för alla? : En diskursanalytisk studie om musiklärares syn på arbete för inkludering och ökad mångfald i kulturskolan / Swedish Community School of Music - a school for everyone? : A discourse analysis study of music teachers' view on the work for inclusion and increased diversity in Swedish Community School of MusicAlmer, Alicia January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka musiklärares syn på arbete för inkludering och ökad mångfald i kulturskolan. Studiens forskningsfråga handlar om hur musiklärare konstruerar och legitimerar sin syn på arbete för inkludering och ökad mångfald i kulturskolan. För att undersöka detta har tre fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförts på tre olika kulturskolor. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av diskursteori och den data som genererats ur fokusgruppintervjuerna har bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av diskursanalytiska redskap. I resultatet presenteras sex diskurser utifrån lärarnas konstruktioner om synsätt på arbete för inkludering och ökad mångfald i kulturskolan. Dessa handlar om att arbetet för inkludering och ökad mångfald ses som givet, som motsägelsefullt, som socialt utvecklande, som extern verksamhet, som svårt och som gemensamt ansvar. Resultatet presenterar även föräldrar och skola som två kontextuella påverkansfaktorer som på olika sätt påverkar diskurserna. I diskussionen behandlas två mer övergripande motstridiga diskurser om arbete för inkludering och ökad mångfald som självklart respektive icke självklart, i relation till tidigare presenterad litteratur. / The purpose of this study is to examine music teachers’ views on the work for inclusion and increased diversity in Swedish Community School of Music. The study’s research question concern how music teachers’ construct and legitimate their views on the work for inclusion and increased diversity in Swedish Community School of Music. To examine this three focus group interviews were held at three different schools. The theoretical framework of the study is discourse theory and the data generated from the focus group interviews has been processed and analyzed with discourse analytical tools. In the result the six discourses found are presented based on the teachers’ constructions about the work for inclusion and increased diver- sity in Swedish Community School of Music. These discourses is about how the work for inclusion and increased diversity is seen as given, as contradictive, as social developing, as ex- ternal activity, as difficult and as mutual responsibility. The result also shows parents and school as two contextual factors which affects the discourses in different ways. In the discussion two more general contrarious discourses, about the work for inclusion and increased diversity as obvious and non-obvious, are discussed in relation to previous presented literature.
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Vilket bra uttryck! : En studie om lärares och elevers konstruktioner av begreppen personligt, konstnärligt och musikaliskt uttryck. / What a nice expression! : A study about teachers' and students' constructions of the concepts personal, artistic and musical expression.Wettergren, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är undersöka hur såväl lärare som elever på gymnasieskolans estetiska pro- gram och på musikhögskola ser på begreppen konstnärligt, musikaliskt och personligt uttryck. Tidigare forskning på området visar att det inte finns någon entydig definition av begreppen. Studien har genomförts genom fokusgruppsamtal med lärare från en gymnasieskola, lärare från en musikhögskola, elever från en gymnasieskola och studenter från en musikhögskola. I ana- lysen av intervjuerna har ett diskurspsykologiskt perspektiv använts. I resultatet presenteras två övergripande tolkningsrepertoarer per begrepp. Det framkommer att musikaliskt uttryck kon- strueras som speltekniskt kunnande och som musikens uttryck. Konstnärligt uttryck konstrueras som skapande samt som fördjupning och spetskunskaper. Personligt uttryck konstrueras som eget och något unikt samt som musikalisk tolkning. Resultatet visar att det inte finns ett sätt att definiera begreppen utan flera. I diskussionen diskuteras svårigheter med att definiera begrep- pen då dessa anses gå ihop med varandra och att kontexten och erfarenheten av att använda dem har betydelse för hur de kan definieras. Vidare diskuteras även begreppen i relation till Skolverkets kursplaner. / The purpose of the study is to investigate how teachers as well as pupils at the upper secondary school's aesthetic program and at the music college approach the concepts of artistic, musical and personal expression. Previous research in the field shows that there is no clear definition of the concepts. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with teachers from a secondary school, teachers from a music college, students from a high school and students from a music college. In the analysis of the interviews, a discourse psychological perspective has been used. The result presents two general interpretation repertoires per concept. It appears that musical expression is constructed as technical knowledge and as the expression of music. Ar- tistic expression is constructed as creation as well as profound and expert knowledge. Personal expression is constructed as peculiar and something unique and as a musical interpretation. The result shows that there are different ways to define the concepts. The discussion discusses dif- ficulties in defining the concept though the concepts are considered to overlap with each other and that the context and experience of using the concepts are important for how the concepts can be defined. The concepts are also discussed in relation to Skolverkets curriculum.
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Relationer i sångundervisning : En intervjustudie om sånglärares syn på relationen mellan lärare och elev / Relationships in voice teaching : A study of the teacher's view of the relationship between teacher and studentHasselqvist, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Utifrån ett interpersonellt psykologiskt perspektiv och self determination theory har föreliggande studie som syfte att undersöka hur sånglärare samtalar om relationer mellan lärare och elev i sångundervisning. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras litteratur och forskning som belyser olika aspekter av relationer, relationskompetens och relationer i utbildning. Datamaterialet samlades in genom två fokusgruppsintervjuer där sånglärare diskuterade relationer. Den data som har genererats ur intervjuerna har bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av ett tematiskt analyssätt. Resultatet visar att lärarna anser att relationer är viktiga för att eleven skall känna sig trygg och att det krävs en välfungerande relation för att kunna ställa krav i undervisningen. Resultatet visar också att lärarna anser att relationer kan vara svårt när de inte förstår eleven eller när eleven inte mår bra. Vidare visar resultatet att lärarna försöker hitta en bra balans i relationen till sina elever genom att ställa frågor för att visa genuint intresse. Sammanfattningsvis har lärarna svårt att definiera och beskriva vad det är som gör relationer välfungerande eller inte. I diskussionen lyfts två sammanfattade teman fram vilka är relationers betydelse och förutsättningar för relationer. / Through the lens of interpersonal psychological theory and self determination theory, this study explores how vocal teachers converse about relationships between teacher and students. The background chapter presents literature and previous research that describes different aspects of relationships, relationship competence and relationships in education. The data generated from the interviews has been collected through two focus group interviews where vocal teachers discuss relationships. The generated data was processed and analysed applying thematic analysis. The result shows that the teachers consider that relationships are important for the student to feel confident and that well-functioning relationships are needed to be able to make demands for teaching. Furthermore, the result reveals that teachers consider relations to be difficult when they experience that they don’t understand each other or when the student doesn’t feel well. Finally, the result shows that the teachers try to find a balance in the relationships to their students by asking questions to show genuine interest. In summary, the teachers find it difficult to describe and define what makes relationships effective, or lack thereof. In the discussion two concluding themes are highlighted, meaning of relationships and conditions for relationships.
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#SPONSORED : En kvalitativ undersökning om sponsrat innehåll på YoutubeBergsjö, Amanda, Stridsman, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
This essay is based on a qualitative interview study with focus groups as a method and examines how sponsored videos from american influencers are received by their audience. Influencers are a new fenomena within the marketing business and therefore it is interesting to examine how this new marketing tactic is received by the viewers. We used two american beauty influencers with over one million subscribers on youtube as a conversation starter for the groups. We found that, after showing the videos to the participants, that the key to success for both influencer and viewer was that a relationship had to be established between viewer and influencer because if not the influencer did not come across as trustworthy since the viewer lacked the personal connection to him or her, but also they didn’t know their personalities. The women with this attitude did not, on a regular basis, follow any type of influencer in their daily life. However the women who did follow influencers regularly showed understanding in the concept and were also more likely to say that the influencers were in fact trustworthy. However, all of the women agreed that this is commercial and should always be regarded as that. They meant that as a viewer and consumer they should always be critical towards sponsored videos since there is large sums of money involved, and that means that the influencer could not be one hundred percent honest
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以醫療社會學脈絡比較台灣與新加坡未出生胎兒的生命尊嚴 / A Comparative Study on Human Dignity of the Unborn Child between Taiwan and singapore in a context of Medical Sociology蕭慧瑛, Shiao, Whei Ing Unknown Date (has links)
未岀生胎兒的生命尊嚴長期被在公領域被乎略。本研究以質性之焦點團體訪談法,分別在臺灣與新加坡進行24個焦點團體進行訪談。其中包括12個沒有信仰者的團體與12個有信仰者的團體,探索其對未岀生胎兒生命尊嚴的看法,以及臺灣與新加坡如何在聯合國、美國、新馬爾薩斯人口學家、優生學家與國際計畫家庭組織(International Planned Parenthood Federation,IPPF)所推動的家庭計畫,因追求經濟成長而選擇人口零成長的政策,導致未岀生胎兒的生命尊嚴更行惡化。 / The human dignity of the unborn child remains uncertain in public policy domain. The importance of rethinking public reasonableness becomes unavoidable in the stage of late capitalism and liberal democracy. Political power, knowledge, and participation are three key elements of policymaking. The human dignity of the unborn child is neglected in the process of policymaking of population politics. There are advocators, United Nations, United States, eugenicists, neo-Malthusians and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in the process of population policymaking at the international level during the past three decades. This research first attempts to focus on the inter relationship among these five advocators and to review how the unborn child becomes missing within the process of international population policymaking. Secondly, Taiwan and Singapore are two test cases to reveal the policy follower roles who adopt the similar dream of modern states. Thirdly, since the personal religious beliefs play a significant role not only in shaping attitudes, but also in economic development, political stability, sexual morality and gender equality. This research adopts qualitative approach the focus group interview to compare the attitude of human dignity of the unborn child between the faith-based people with non-faith people both in Taiwan and Singapore. In this research 24 focus groups will be organized across Taiwan and Singapore, each country contains 12 groups. Each country contains 6 faith-based focus groups and 6 non-faith focus groups. Attempt to find the difference and similarity of population policy between Taiwan and Singapore and to explore how the religious values and the concept of human dignity of the unborn child excluded in the process of demographic policymaking.
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Die verband tussen werknemersdiefstal en etiese werksklimaat in 'n versorgingsoord (Afrikaans)De Villiers, David 02 August 2004 (has links)
The perpetration of theft by employees in a nursing home is the subject of this study. The investigation focuses mainly on the theft of clients’/residents’ possessions by those people who are supposed to care for them. Previous research indicated a relationship between ethical climate and the behavioural outputs of employees in an organization. This research, which is mainly qualitative in nature, endeavours to study the assumed relation between ethical climate and theft by employees in a specific location, namely at Vergenoeg vir Seniors, an old age home in Pretoria. With the aid of a standardized questionnaire the nature of the ethical climate in the home is clarified. Thereafter the results are evaluated and investigated by utilizing (i) a focus group interview and (ii) six in- depth individual interviews. Certain substantial and formal tendencies which present themselves, are discussed fully. For example, it is detected that “rules and regulations” play a paramount role as regards ethical climate, whereas “friendship and team work” rate very low. Ethical climate however does affect employee theft. Therefore it is recommended that this aspect should be managed with care and should also enhance the climate type of “social responsibility”. Other recommendations involve the need for team building and proper job descriptions, as well as dealing with the perception of most older people that theft practices differ according to race. Finally, some suggestions for further study are made. / Dissertation (MCom (Human Resources Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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Guidelines for empowering secondary school educators, in loco parentis, in addressing truancy among early adolescent learnersVan Breda, Maynard John January 2006 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / This study examined the prevalence and the nature of truancy among early adolescent learners attending secondary schools in the Education Management and Development Centre (EMDC) in the eastern metropole of the Western Cape. The main purpose of the study was to answer the following question: How can secondary school educators, in loco parentis, be equipped with the required skills and resources in order to deal with the issue of truant behaviour among early adolescent learners? A comprehensive literature review was conducted to explore the character and extent of truancy. Thereafter, various theories of child development were highlighted, followed by a synopsis comprising different dimensions of the development of the early adolescent learner. The empirical investigation was carried out through quantitative as well as qualitative research methodology. A focus group interview was conducted with six learners, offering them an opportunity to express their perceptions and experiences as truants. Interviews were conducted with principals to obtain their impressions regarding truant behaviour. Thereafter, a questionnaire, which investigated truancy related aspects such as interaction with peers, parents and caregivers' involvement in learners' school activities, educators' influence on learners' school work and learners' self-esteem regarding their schooling, was administered to three hundred learners. The quantitative investigation revealed significant aspects about truant behaviour, indicating that predominantly more male than female learners (173 male and 26 as in the case of the present study) display this type of behaviour, truants generally originate from single parent families, and that they experience their educators and learning environments as extremely negative. Finally, two in-depth case studies were conducted on two learners, one identified as a truant and the other as a non-truant respectively. The purpose of the in-depth studies was to explore possible differences in their experiential worlds. Although the qualitative
data is not generalisable, the findings of the case studies have revealed significant differences in the life worlds of the two learners. Comparatively speaking, it appears that non-truant learners are significantly better adjusted on all their functioning levels than truant learners. The results of the empirical investigation were compared with relevant findings which emerged from the literature study. Based on the present investigation, the study was concluded by offering a range of recommendations to secondary school educators, in loco parentis,
empowering them in addressing the phenomenon of truancy among early adolescent learners in the Western Cape with its distinctive problems.
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The management of educator redeployment in Limpopo provinceNemutandani, Ntsandeni 01 1900 (has links)
In 1997 a policy of rationalization and educator redeployment was adopted in South Africa to ensure funding equity among the provinces. This research investigates policy implementation with particular reference to the Limpopo Province. A literature review provided an overview of the policy including the determination of excess educators and the establishment of bodies to facilitate redeployment. Problems of implementation and the role of the school principal in this process are discussed. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach explored the experiences of key stakeholders affected by educator redeployment: a government official, principals, educators who were transferred and educators awaiting redeployment. Participants were selected by judgement sampling and data gathered interviews. Findings illustrated the key role of the Department of Education, the educators' unions and principals; the effect on teachers' motivation; educator stress and the impact on receiving and sending schools. Based on the findings recommendations for practice are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Guidelines for empowering secondary school educators, In loco parentis, in addressing truancy among early adolescent learnersVan Breda, Maynard John 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study examined the prevalence and the nature of truancy among early adolescent learners attending secondary schools in the Education Management and Development Centre (EMDC) in the eastern metropole of the Western Cape.
The main purpose of the study was to answer the following question: How can secondary school educators, in loco parentis, be equipped with the required skills and resources in order to deal with the issue of truant behaviour among early adolescent learners? A comprehensive literature review was conducted to explore the character and extent of truancy. Thereafter, various theories of child development were highlighted, followed by a synopsis comprising different dimensions of the development of the early adolescent learner.
The empirical investigation was carried out through quantitative as well as qualitative research methodology. A focus group interview was conducted with six learners, offering them an opportunity to express their perceptions and experiences as truants. Interviews were conducted with principals to obtain their impressions regarding truant behaviour. Thereafter, a questionnaire, which investigated truancy related aspects such as interaction with peers, parents and caregivers' involvement in learners' school activities, educators' influence on learners' school work and learners' self-esteem regarding their schooling, was administered to three hundred learners. The quantitative investigation revealed significant aspects about truant behaviour, indicating that predominantly more male than female learners (173 male and 26 as in the case of the present study) display this type of behaviour, truants generally originate from single parent families, and that they experience their educators and learning environments as extremely negative. Finally, two in-depth case studies were conducted on two learners, one identified as a truant and the other as a non-truant respectively. The purpose of the in-depth studies was to explore possible differences in their experiential worlds. Although the qualitative data is not generalisable, the findings of the case studies have revealed significant differences in the life worlds of the two learners. Comparatively speaking, it appears that non-truant learners are significantly better adjusted on all their functioning levels than truant learners.
The results of the empirical investigation were compared with relevant findings which emerged from the literature study. Based on the present investigation, the study was concluded by offering a range of recommendations to secondary school educators, in loco parentis, empowering them in addressing the phenomenon of truancy among early adolescent learners in the Western Cape with its distinctive problems. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)
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Intrahospital transport av kritiskt sjuka patienter : Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenhet ur ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv - en fokusgruppstudieGustavsson, Madeleine, Wall, Katarina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: De intrahospitala transporterna av kritiskt sjuka patienter ökar på grund av en alltmer avancerad intensivsjukvård. Transporterna är ofta associerade med komplikationsrisker och kan därmed även påverka patientsäkerheten, trots detta saknas det idag studier om intensivvårds-sjuksköterskans erfarenhet ur ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av en patientsäker intrahospital transport för kritiskt sjuka patienter som vårdas på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Studien utfördes genom semi-strukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med kvalitativ induktiv design. Under tre intervjuer samlades data in med hjälp av totalt tretton intensivvårds-sjuksköterskor. Insamlat material analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier; förberedelsens betydelse för patientsäker intrahospital transport, kommunikationens betydelse för patientsäker intrahospital transport samt yttre faktorer som kan påverka patientsäkerheten. Slutsats: För att förbättra patientsäkerheten rekommenderar författarna att arbeta med och uppdatera checklistor, förespråka god kommunikation samt använda sig av teamövningar. Den nya kunskapen skulle ur ett patient- och samhällsperspektiv kunna ge en ökad insikt och förståelse inför det preventiva arbetet med att motverka vårdskador samt minska onödigt lidande hos patienterna samt även kunna vara användbart ur ett utbildnings-perspektiv. Vidare forskning avseende samarbetets betydelse vid intrahospitala transporter samt att få ökad kunskap om olika förbättringsområden avseende den tekniska utrustningen, vore också önskvärt. / Background: The intrahospital transport of critically ill patients is increasing due to gradually advanced intensive care. Transports are often associated with complication risks and can thus also affect patient safety. Despite this, studies on the experience of the intensive care nurse from a patient safety perspective are lacking. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight the intensive care nurse's experience of a patient-safe intrahospital transport for critically ill patients who are cared for in an intensive care unit. Method: The study was carried out through semi-structured focus group interviews with qualitative inductive design. During three interviews, data were collected using a total of thirteen intensive care nurses. The collected material was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories; the importance of the preparation for patient-safe intrahospital transport, the importance of communication for patient-safe intrahospital transport and external factors that can affect patient safety. Conclusions: In order to improve patient safety, the authors recommend working with and updating checklists, advocating good communication and using team exercises. The new knowledge could, from a patient and societal perspective, provide an increased insight and understanding of the preventive work to counteract health injuries and reduce unnecessary suffering in patients and also be useful from an educational perspective. Further research on the importance of cooperation in intrahospital transport and to gain more knowledge about different areas of improvement regarding the technical equipment would also be desirable.
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