Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkman"" "subject:"folkman's""
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Roma discrimination in Europe : an investigation using the analytical framework of Zygmunt BaumanEhrenstråhle, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
This paper investigates the discriminatory situation of Romas in contemporary Europe with the use of Zygmunt Bauman’s analytical framework he developed on the situation of Jews and the Holocaust. Characteristics of the Modern Society have, according to Bauman, created opportunities for cornerstones of discrimination to occur and together with facilitators they can hold the discrimination alive and make it long lasting. In the case Bauman examined, it all ended in genocide. With the aim to investigate how Bauman’s analytical framework would explain why Roma discrimination could continue and by using a qualitative method of text substance analysis of foremost academic articles, the situation of the Romas are presented in a code according to the concepts in a scheme of Bauman’s analytical framework. There is no genocide going on today against Romas, but when looking through the glasses of Bauman and implementing his analytical framework on the Roma situation, only one stone is missing for it to happen. This paper concludes that there are no reasons to deny that a new Holocaust can happen in the modern society of Europe, but this time with another minority group as victims. Racism seems to be there, the only missing element is a stronger belief in racial hierarchy. This paper also offers an analytical scheme for future studies on other groups that have been suffering of long lasting discrimination, to further emphasize how Bauman’s framework would be able to become generalized on discrimination.
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The Holocaust and genocide in history and politics : a study of the discrepancy between human rights law and international politics /Isaksson, Malin, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2010.
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Ska man frossa i eländet? – En studie i lärares inställning till folkmordsundervisningJohansson, Marcus, Rosén, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka några gymnasielärares och lärarutbildares inställningar till undervisning om folkmord. Vi vill undersöka deras inställning till didaktiseringen om folkmord. Vi vill också skapa oss en bild av det material som finns till förfogande i ämnet, främst läroböcker. De intervjuade lärarnas syfte till undervisning om folkmord varierade. Vissa betonade den etiska aspekten. Andra ville placera in folkmord och förintelsen i en historisk kontext för att kunna dra paralleller bakåt i historien, men även fram till vår samtid. Vår läromedelsanalys visade att läromedlen inte avhandlar folkmord och förintelse på något djupare plan. När det tas upp så är det oftast i samband med judendom i läromedlen i ämnet religion och i samband med andra världskriget i läromedlen i ämnet historia. / The purpose of our essay is to examine some teachers’, working at the gymnasium and teacher educator’s attitude to teaching about genocide. We want to study their thoughts about the didactication of genocide. We also want to survey the teaching materials which are available in the subjects, foremost textbooks and teaching aids. The interviewed teachers’ purpose to educate about genocide in school varied among them. Some emphasized the ethical perspective, others wanted to place genocide in its historical context in order to draw parallels to historical events, but also to our contemporary period. Our text book analysis showed that the textbooks did not describe genocide to any greater extent. It is most often described in relation with the discussion of Judaism in the textbooks in the subject religion or in connection with World War Two in the subject history. Key words: Religion didactics, genocide, holocaust, education
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Historiska berättelser – en användbar undervisningsmetod?Andersson, Lotta January 2009 (has links)
Undersökningen gick ut på att undersöka om historiska berättelser är en relevant undervisningsmetod för att öka elevers historiemedvetande och fördjupa deras kunskaper. Kunskaper ansågs i detta fall vara fördjupad förståelse och empati samt faktakunskaper. Även elevers och lärares syn på undervisningsmetoden undersöktes. Undersökning skedde på en mindre skola i nordvästra Skåne i två niondeklasser. En berättelse och en Power Point konstruerades och den ena klassen fick lyssna till berättelsen och den andra till Power Point undervisning. Kunskaperna i de olika klasserna testades sedan genom ett kunskapstest för att undersöka skillnaderna mellan metoderna. Efter det fick eleverna som fått lyssna till berättelsen svara på en enkät och sju av eleverna intervjuades för att undersöka vad de ansåg om historiska berättelser samt för att undersöka deras fördjupade historiemedvetande.. Även elevernas lärare i svenska och So intervjuades för att undersöka deras syn på historiska berättelser.Resultatet på undersökningen tyder på att metoden är användbar när det gäller att öka historiemedvetande. Dessutom verkar elever få djupare kunskaper vad gäller förståelse och empati men inte några djupare faktakunskaper. Dessutom uppskattas metoden av elever och lärare anser den vara relevant i undervisningen. / The purpose of the study was to investigate if using historical stories in the classroom is a relevant teaching method when it comes to deepen the historical consciousness of pupils and making them gain more knowledge. Also the pupil’s and the teacher’s thoughts about the method was examined. The investigation took place in the northwestern parts of Scania in two ninth-grade classes. One class heard a constructed historical story and the other one had a Power Point lecture. Afterwards both classes hade a test to examine the differences between the two methods. Also the class who heard the story answered a questionnaire and several interviews with both pupils and teachers were held to investigate their thoughts about the method and to study if the historical counsciouness had deepend.The result of the investigation shows that the method is useful to deepen the historical consciousness and also when wanting the pupils to gain more knowledge. Both pupils and teachers were satisfied with the method.
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Aldrig mer! Att undervisa om folkmord i grundskolans tidigare årNilsson, Emilia January 2011 (has links)
Arbetets syfte är att visa hur skolan kan dra nytta av att undervisa om 1900-talets folkmord i lärandet om skolans värdegrund. Med hänvisning till historiedidaktiska teorier och en granskning av skolans styrdokument och läroplaner ämnar detta arbete att bidra till utvecklingen av elevernas historiemedvetande samt en större hänsyn till sin omvärld och en önskan att kämpa för det demokratiska samhället. / This paper aims to show how schools can benefit from teaching about the 1900s genocide in learning about the school's values. With reference to the history didactic theories and an examination of the national curriculum this paper intends to help develop students' historical consciousness and a greater care to their surroundings and a desire to fight for a democratic society.
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Kan folkmord legitimera folkmord? En narrativanalys av ryska strategiska narrativ i anslutning till kriget i UkrainaArveskär, Molly January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Förintelsen och kommunistiska regimers brott mot mänskligheten i svensk undervisning : En innehållsanalys av svenska läroböcker ämnade för gymnasieskolans historiekurser / The Holocaust and communist regimes' crimes against humanity in Swedish education : A content analysis of Swedish textbooks intended for upper secondary school history coursesGratte, Noel January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study The Holocaust and Crimes Against Humanity by Communist Regimes in Swedish Education: A Content Analysis of Swedish Textbooks Intended for High School History Courses is to investigate how the changes in the swedish curriculum regarding genocide have affected the content of history textbooks aimed at highschool. The essay therefore investigates how and why the textbooks have remained the same or changed. Both a qualitative and quantitative method is used to answer the study’s purpose. The quantitative method aims to count the amount of words and characters, to gain a broad picture of which crimes against humanity the textbooks focuses on. The qualitative method has two parts, a content analysis on six textbooks and a connection of the textbooks and the study’s theory, Hayden Whites theory Metahistory. The study's analysis showed that the publisher of the textbooks was a large factor in what influenced which crimes against humanity would be given the most space. Regarding White's categories, the presentation of the crimes against humanity was similar, consisting mostly of tragedy and formism. The Holocaust had a larger space in most of the books that were examined than the communist crimes against humanity.
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The Devils of History : Understanding Mass-violence Through the Thinking of Horkheimer and Adorno – The Case of Cambodia 1975-1979Becker, Lior January 2016 (has links)
Why does mass-violence happen at all? This paper takes the first steps to establish a model to answer this question and explain extreme mass-violence as a phenomenon. This paper seeks to fill a gap in the field of research, in which models exist to explain the phenomenon of violence, with cases of genocide being seen as problems or exceptions, and as such researched as individual cases rather than as part of a wider phenomenon. This paper uses a selected part of the writings of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer to establish the basis for a model to explain extreme-cases of mass-violence. The Five-Pillar Model includes 5 social elements - (1) Culture Industry (2) Mass-Media (3) Propaganda (4) Dehumanization (5) Ideological Awareness. When these pillars all reach a high enough level of severity, conditions enable elites to use scapegoating - to divert revolutionary attention to a specific puppet group, resulting in extreme mass-violence. The Five-Pillar Model is then used to analyze an empirical case - Cambodia 1975-1979 and shows how these pillars all existed in an extreme form in that case. This paper presents scapegoating as a possible explanation for the Cambodian case.
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Svärdets årGharib, Noor January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete riktas framför allt till omvärlden, men också till assyrierna/syrianerna, främst till andra generationen assyrier/syrianer som lever idag i exil. De som lever i trygghet och säkerhet, skall uppmärksammas om vad som händer där ute i det verkliga livet. Arbetet skall förhoppningsvis bidra till högre kunskaper om minoritetsfolken i krigshärjade och diktatoriska länder som Irak, Iran, Syrien och Turkiet. Dessa är bara några få länder av de vars befolkning lider av tortyr, förtryck och förföljelse. Faktum är att en del etniska minoriteter har övergivits och lämnats åt sitt öde. Arbetet är ett rop på hjälp för alla de som behöver hjälp av alla slag. Några sådana är folkgruppen assyrier/syrianer vars situation jag behandlar närmare i texten.</p>
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Genocide : The complexity of genocidal intent / Folkmord : Komplexiteten av folkmordsavsiktGhebrai, Ruth, Tesfaye, Biya January 2012 (has links)
Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide stipulates the definition of the crime. A key element of genocide is the criterion of “intent”; this requisite must be met in order to determine criminal liability. Even though “intent” is a paramount element of the crime neither definition nor guidance regarding its interpretation is provided for under Article II, this void of interpretation is absolute throughout the Genocide Convention. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to examine this void in the provision. In order to fulfill the purpose of this thesis the following research questions have been regarded: How is the requisite intent defined in relevant preparatory work of Genocide Convention? How is the requisite intent interpreted in relevant case law and judicial doctrines and are these interpretations in line with the preparatory work of the Genocide Convention? Is the definition and interpretation of the requisite intent in the abovementioned legal sources consistent with the object and purpose of the Genocide Convention? We found that in the preparatory work of the Genocide Convention, the requisite intent has not been labeled. However, the Drafters definition of intent is in accordance with international criminal law’s definition of specific intent. Also, the case law and judicial doctrines that we have examined all fall within either the purpose-based or the knowledge-based approach. Both approaches acknowledge that a perpetrator needs to possess an inner aim or desire to meet the level of intent required for the Crime. Notwithstanding, the knowledge-based approach holds that “policy or plan” is part of the Crime whereas the purpose-based approach rejects it and consequently the application of genocidal intent is distinctively different. With regard to preparatory work, the purpose-based approach is in line with the definition of the Drafters whereas the knowledge-based approach is not in its literal meaning. However, the Drafters did not explicitly reject the knowledge-based approach in the preparatory work of the Genocide Convention. We have concluded that the purpose-based approach is not consistent with the object and purpose of the Genocide Convention. We hold that the knowledge-based approach is in line with the object and purpose of the Genocide Convention, and hence this approach upholds the goal of preventing and punishing genocide. Moreover, the method for this thesis is in accordance with the method in international law for interpretations of international treaties; the Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties. Hence, the selection, systemization and interpretation of legal sources are in line with the Vienna Convention.
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