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Stratégies directes et indirectes d'usage de la langue : l'exemple d'élèves d'école élémentaire en filière franco-allemande / Direct et indirect language usage strategies at a primary school with a german-french profileFournier, Léonie 13 February 2015 (has links)
Nous définissons les stratégies d'usage de la langue de la façon suivante : il s’agit de stratégies langagières que les élèves appliquent en résolvant des exercices en langue cible (par exemple de DEL 2). Afin d’analyser ces stratégies langagières, nous menons une étude qualitative auprès de 14 écoliers suivant un cursus franco-allemand à Baden-Baden. Nous demandons aux élèves de résoudre des exercices de français tirés des Évaluations nationales des acquis des élèves. Nous appliquons la méthode de la pensée à voix haute. Les élèves choisissent s'ils verbalisent leurs pensées en langue allemande ou française. L'objectif principal de notre étude est d'analyser et d'éliciter les stratégies d'usage de la langue.Environ 1000 stratégies ont été observées et codées avec le logiciel MAXQDA. Les stratégies cognitives sont les stratégies qui ont été appliquées le plus souvent par les élèves testés - en tout presque 350 fois. La langue de base choisie par les élèves pour les protocoles à voix haute était le français et pas l'allemand. / This thesis reports on an empirical study of 3rd and 4th grade students in a German-French bilingual school. The study consisted of research subjects solving exercises by using the thinkaloud method, after which film and transcription analysis allowed for a detailed examination of the strategies used during the exercises. Such strategies have been termed "language usagestrategies" and have been distinguished from learning and communication strategies. This distinction is important because when students use their L2 in this context, their goal is not to learn the language or to communicate, rather, it is to solve the exercise. The students used and combined many cognitive, compensatory, metacognitive, social and affective strategies during the Think aloud Protocols. Also the individual interviews revealed that the students manifested a large number of language usage strategies, suggesting that they are conscious of strategy usage when using their L2.
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Masculinidades e feminilidades dentro dos manuais do FLE (Francês língua estrangeira): das visões sexistas às relações de gênero / Masculinities and femininities in the manuals of the FLE (French as a Foreign Language): of the sexist looks to gender relationsSilva, Sergio Luiz Baptista da 21 October 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar como as masculinidades e feminilidades são mostradas, cronologicamente, nos manuais do FLE (Francês Língua Estrangeira), analisando sobretudo as visões sexistas da diferença dos sexos e as relações de gênero. Segundo Scott (1999), a visão sexista dominou durante séculos as análises que se propunham refletir sobre a problemática das diferenças sexuais. Na verdade, tratava-se de uma visão estática do que representava ser homem ou ser mulher nas sociedades ocidentais. Somente a partir da revolução sexual proposta pelo Movimento feminista anglo-americano dos anos 1960 que se começou a pensar em gênero como resultado sócio-cultural das diferenças dos corpos masculino e feminino, percebendo que a identidade de gênero é construída para além do corpo biológico e, além do mais, passível de variações no tempo e no espaço. Para a realização desta pesquisa, selecionamos alguns manuais representativos na história do FLE, mais especificamente seis manuais produzidos a partir de 1960, ano da publicação do manual VIF, que coincide com o início movimento feminista. Para tanto, foi feita uma análise descritiva das imagens e textos pertinentes à pesquisa. Nossa hipótese de partida era a de que encontraríamos dentro desses manuais muito mais visões sexistas do que variações das identidades de gênero. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa é promissora no domínio do Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras, em especial do FLE, pois pode oferecer aos professores de LE outros elementos de análise e de crítica sobre o livro didático e, conseqüentemente, sobre suas práticas pedagógicas. / The object of this research was to check how male and female chracteristics are chronologically presented in the FFL (French as a Foreign Language) manuals, through the analysis of sexist views of the difference between genders and their relations. According to Scott (1999), for centuries the sexist point of view was predominant in the analyses of sexual differences. In fact, it was a stactic view of the representation of what was believed to be a man or a woman in the Western civilization. Just after the sexual revolution resulting from the American Liberation Movement of the 1960s did one start to reflect on gender as a result of social and cultural-based concepts between male and female bodies, and to notice that gender identity is built beyond the biological body, thus subjected to time and space variations. For the sake of this research , we selected some manuals which are benchmarks in the history of FFL, more specifically six manuals produced as of 1960, year of the publication of the VIF, which coincides with the start of the Liberation Movement. We proceeded to make a descriptive analysis of the images and texts which fit the research. We hypothesized finding many more sexist views in these manuals than variations of gender identities. We believe that this research is very promising in the Foreign Language Studies domain, specially in FFL, for it may offer FL teachers other elements of analysis and criticism of the textbook and, consequently, of its pedagogic practices.
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Representações de cultura em livros didáticos de português língua estrangeira e inglês língua estrangeira: entrecruzamentos de aspectos dos discursos fundadores das nações brasileira e estadunid / Representations of culture in textbooks of Portuguese as a foreign language and English as a foreign language: an interweaving of aspects of the founding discourses of Brazil and the United StatesFernandes, Glaucia Roberta Rocha 02 October 2018 (has links)
Propomo-nos, neste trabalho, analisar as representações de cultura veiculadas em três livros didáticos (LDs) de inglês como língua estrangeira (EFL) e três de português como língua estrangeira (PLE). Objetivamos observar os possíveis efeitos de sentido dessas representações para realizarmos um estudo comparativo das ideologias constitutivas dos discursos examinados a fim de promover a reflexão dos sujeitos envolvidos nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira no que diz respeito às questões culturais e identitárias relacionadas a esses materiais. Para cumprir o objetivo deste estudo, apoiamo-nos tanto em abordagens discursivas (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) quanto nos campos da Sociologia (BAUMAN, 1999) e Estudos Culturais (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considerando a diferença histórica do desenvolvimento das línguas inglesa e portuguesa e a reconfiguração do mundo pós-colonial com a intensificação do fenômeno da globalização (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), do qual faz parte o discurso multiculturalista, pôde-se perceber que, devido à disseminação ostensiva do inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional, tende-se a minimizar nos livros de EFL a inserção de elementos culturais explícitos especificamente relacionados à cultura estadunidense, ainda que se abordem em quantidade outras culturas. Em contrapartida, foi observada nos livros de PLE presença significativa de elementos culturais brasileiros explícitos em variados tipos de atividades. As análises dos LDs apontaram para o entrecruzamento dos discursos fundadores das nações estadunidense e brasileira com o discurso didático-pedagógico. Contudo, em virtude da diferença no desenvolvimento dos dois países e na disseminação das línguas inglesa e portuguesa, foram observados não apenas funcionamentos discursivos diversos, mas representações de cultura que colaboram na criação de imaginários díspares. Se, por um lado, sobressaem nos livros de PLE representações que evocam mistério, perigo, exotismo, misticismo, sedução e alegria, além de imagens de riqueza e exuberância tanto cultural quanto natural e linguística; por outro lado, os livros de EFL representam a cultura do Outro como diferente, supersticiosa, exótica, intolerante, menos civilizada e necessitada, ao passo que aos EUA vinculam-se imagens de excelência, tolerância, altruísmo, desenvolvimento e liberdade. / In this study, we proposed to analyze the representations of culture conveyed in three textbooks of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and three of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). Our aim was to observe the possible effects of meaning in these representations to perform a comparative study of the ideologies that constitute the discourses examined in order to promote the reflection of the subjects involved in the processes of teaching and learning a foreign language with regard to the cultural and identity issues related to these materials. To achieve the aim of this study, we relied on discursive approaches (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) as well as approaches from the fields of Sociology (BAUMAN, 1999) and Cultural Studies (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considering the historical difference in development between the English and Portuguese languages and the reconfiguration of the postcolonial world with the intensification of the globalization phenomenon (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), in which the multiculturalist discourse plays a role, it was found that, due to the ostensible dissemination of English as a lingua franca or international language, there is a tendency to minimize the inclusion of explicit cultural elements specifically related to US culture, even though references to other cultures are plentiful. On the other hand, we found a significant presence of explicitly Brazilian cultural elements in various types of activities in the PFL books. The analyses of the textbooks revealed an interweaving of the founding discourses of the US-American and Brazilian nations with the didacticpedagogical discourse. Nevertheless, due to the differences in the development of the two countries and in the dissemination of the English and Portuguese languages, we not only observed different discursive functioning, but also representations of culture that collaborate in the creation of disparate notions. Where, on the one hand, the PFL books feature representations that evoke mystery, danger, exoticism, mysticism, seduction and joy, in addition to images of cultural, natural and linguistic richness and exuberance, on the other hand, the EFL books represent the culture of the Other as different, superstitious, exotic, intolerant, less civilized and destitute, while associating images of excellence, tolerance, altruism, development and freedom with the United States.
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As colocações verbais em três dicionários bilíngues e bilemáticos de alemão-português / The verbal collocations in three bilingual and bilemmatical german-portuguese dictionariesMahler, Nara Cristina Sanseverino 06 November 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pertence à área de conhecimento chamada Lexicografia e trata da inserção de colocações verbais em dicionários bilíngües e bilemáticos de alemão-português. Tendo em vista que a maioria dos livros didáticos de alemão como língua estrangeira não dá um tratamento adequado a elas, é necessário que o aprendiz procure-as nos dicionários, tanto no momento da decodificação, quanto no da codificação de textos. Essa pesquisa levantou certo número de colocações verbais consideradas fundamentais na formação de um vocabulário-base em situações rotineiras de comunicação, verificando em três dicionários se elas ocorrem e como ocorrem, na tentativa de estabelecer até que ponto tais dicionários se constituem numa ajuda efetiva não só na compreensão, como (principalmente) na produção de textos. / This research belongs to the area of knowledge called Lexicography and treats of the insertions of verbal collocations in bilingual and bilemmatical German- Portuguese dictionaries. Considering that the majority of the didactic books of German as foreign language does not treat them properly, it is necessary that the learner looks them up in dictionaries at the moment of the decoding as well as when coding texts. For this research we selected a certain number of verbal collocations considered fundamental to the formation of a basic vocabulary for routine communication situations, checking in three dictionaries if they occur and how they occur, in an attempt to establish how these dictionaries represent an effective help not only for comprehension but also for text production.
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An analysis of the communicative functions of the revised English syllabuses for Hong Kong schools.January 1986 (has links)
by Mo Ping-kui. / Includes bibliographical references / Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986
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Representações de cultura em livros didáticos de português língua estrangeira e inglês língua estrangeira: entrecruzamentos de aspectos dos discursos fundadores das nações brasileira e estadunid / Representations of culture in textbooks of Portuguese as a foreign language and English as a foreign language: an interweaving of aspects of the founding discourses of Brazil and the United StatesGlaucia Roberta Rocha Fernandes 02 October 2018 (has links)
Propomo-nos, neste trabalho, analisar as representações de cultura veiculadas em três livros didáticos (LDs) de inglês como língua estrangeira (EFL) e três de português como língua estrangeira (PLE). Objetivamos observar os possíveis efeitos de sentido dessas representações para realizarmos um estudo comparativo das ideologias constitutivas dos discursos examinados a fim de promover a reflexão dos sujeitos envolvidos nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira no que diz respeito às questões culturais e identitárias relacionadas a esses materiais. Para cumprir o objetivo deste estudo, apoiamo-nos tanto em abordagens discursivas (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) quanto nos campos da Sociologia (BAUMAN, 1999) e Estudos Culturais (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considerando a diferença histórica do desenvolvimento das línguas inglesa e portuguesa e a reconfiguração do mundo pós-colonial com a intensificação do fenômeno da globalização (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), do qual faz parte o discurso multiculturalista, pôde-se perceber que, devido à disseminação ostensiva do inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional, tende-se a minimizar nos livros de EFL a inserção de elementos culturais explícitos especificamente relacionados à cultura estadunidense, ainda que se abordem em quantidade outras culturas. Em contrapartida, foi observada nos livros de PLE presença significativa de elementos culturais brasileiros explícitos em variados tipos de atividades. As análises dos LDs apontaram para o entrecruzamento dos discursos fundadores das nações estadunidense e brasileira com o discurso didático-pedagógico. Contudo, em virtude da diferença no desenvolvimento dos dois países e na disseminação das línguas inglesa e portuguesa, foram observados não apenas funcionamentos discursivos diversos, mas representações de cultura que colaboram na criação de imaginários díspares. Se, por um lado, sobressaem nos livros de PLE representações que evocam mistério, perigo, exotismo, misticismo, sedução e alegria, além de imagens de riqueza e exuberância tanto cultural quanto natural e linguística; por outro lado, os livros de EFL representam a cultura do Outro como diferente, supersticiosa, exótica, intolerante, menos civilizada e necessitada, ao passo que aos EUA vinculam-se imagens de excelência, tolerância, altruísmo, desenvolvimento e liberdade. / In this study, we proposed to analyze the representations of culture conveyed in three textbooks of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and three of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). Our aim was to observe the possible effects of meaning in these representations to perform a comparative study of the ideologies that constitute the discourses examined in order to promote the reflection of the subjects involved in the processes of teaching and learning a foreign language with regard to the cultural and identity issues related to these materials. To achieve the aim of this study, we relied on discursive approaches (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) as well as approaches from the fields of Sociology (BAUMAN, 1999) and Cultural Studies (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considering the historical difference in development between the English and Portuguese languages and the reconfiguration of the postcolonial world with the intensification of the globalization phenomenon (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), in which the multiculturalist discourse plays a role, it was found that, due to the ostensible dissemination of English as a lingua franca or international language, there is a tendency to minimize the inclusion of explicit cultural elements specifically related to US culture, even though references to other cultures are plentiful. On the other hand, we found a significant presence of explicitly Brazilian cultural elements in various types of activities in the PFL books. The analyses of the textbooks revealed an interweaving of the founding discourses of the US-American and Brazilian nations with the didacticpedagogical discourse. Nevertheless, due to the differences in the development of the two countries and in the dissemination of the English and Portuguese languages, we not only observed different discursive functioning, but also representations of culture that collaborate in the creation of disparate notions. Where, on the one hand, the PFL books feature representations that evoke mystery, danger, exoticism, mysticism, seduction and joy, in addition to images of cultural, natural and linguistic richness and exuberance, on the other hand, the EFL books represent the culture of the Other as different, superstitious, exotic, intolerant, less civilized and destitute, while associating images of excellence, tolerance, altruism, development and freedom with the United States.
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Stratégies d'apprentissage des sinogrammes chez les étudiants francophones / A study on the chinese character learning strategies of french studentsLi, Jing 29 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans les domaines de l’acquisition et de la didactique des langues étrangères. Sa nature est quantitative et descriptive. Elle porte sur les stratégies d’apprentissage des sinogrammes par des étudiants francophones dans un environnement instructif. L'objectif, dans un premier temps, est de connaître les stratégies spécifiques employées par les étudiants francophones pour apprendre les sinogrammes et de savoir si les stratégies employées dépendent du niveau de connaissance de la langue, du sexe, de l’âge et du style d'apprentissage.Le questionnaire, nommé SILCC (Strategy Inventory of Learning Chinese Character), que nous avons conçu dans cette étude a pour but d'observer les stratégies utilisées, puis les données sont analysées à l'aide de méthodes statistiques inférentielles. Le deuxième objectif est d’appliquer les résultats à la didactique du chinois langue étrangère. En fonction des résultats obtenus, des modèles de formation aux stratégies d’apprentissage et leur intégration dans les matériaux pédagogiques sont ensuite proposés. / This thesis is in the field of acquisition and teaching foreign language. It covers learning strategies of Chinese characters by French students in an instructional environment. The nature of this study is quantitative and descriptive. The first objective is to know which strategies are used by French students to learn Chinese characters and how those strategies are correlated with the student’s Chinese level, the student’s gender, the age and the learning style. A questionnaire, called SILCC (Strategy Inventory of Learning Chinese Character), has been designed in this study to analyze those strategies. The output data are analyzed using inferential statistical methods. The second objective is to apply the results for teaching activities and to propose a model of training strategies that can be used in academic materials.
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Využití překladu v hodinách cizího jazyka (se zaměřením na španělštinu). / The use of translation during foreign language lessons (with focus on Spanish)KOVÁŘÍKOVÁ, Mirka January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is the use of translation exercises in foreign language lessons (namely Spanish). The first part of the thesis deals with the development of foreign language teaching, the status of mother tongue (and translation) in foreign language teaching, positive cross-linguistic transfer and interference. Further, individual methods of foreign language teaching are analyzed. It is stated whether or not the translation exercises are used for each of the methods. In the second part, we find the definition and categorization of the translation and examples of the translation exercises. The last part is focused on stylistics (narrative techniques, writing genres and functional styles). The specifics of translation are listed and the translation exercises are suggested for each functional style.
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What, Why, and How Much?: The Integration of Culture in the Secondary Foreign Language ClassroomAsay, Danielle Patricia 01 December 2016 (has links)
Culture is an integral part of the FL classroom, yet teachers often face difficulties when incorporating it into their curricula. This survey study gathered data from teachers of many different languages, including ASL, all at the secondary level in the state of Utah. The study attempts to describe how secondary FL teachers view the role of culture in language teaching. It also details which models, means, or methods teachers use to communicate culture to their students, as well as the amount of culture included in their lesson planning, instruction, and assessment. Factors that contribute to more culture inclusion in the secondary classroom are also discussed. Findings from this study support previous research in the field, but also reveal particular definitions, insights, and dilemmas. These ideas form a basis to suggest pedagogical implications and further research for an effective model of culture integration for the FL teaching profession.
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Towards more effective approaches in teaching oral English to Chinese students in EFL teachingWang, Ning, n/a January 1984 (has links)
This study examines the problems involved in oral
English teaching in the Chinese tertiary institution Erwai
(the Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute). In the
study the author analyses oral English teaching in China
based on his experience as a teacher of English in China,
his two-year study experience as a student in Australia,
interviews with colleagues, and class observation of oral
English teaching by Australian teachers in the C.C.A.E.
Special English Programme. Some materials from Erwai are
also drawn on in the study, such as Erwai-compiled
textbooks and the Erwai teaching curriculum. During the
study the author has referred to many books and journals on
TESOL in various libraries in Canberra. The theoretical
knowledge and teaching techniques learned in the TESOL
Programme at the Canberra College of Advanced Education have
also helped the author carry out this study.
Chapter One introduces the background to the
problems which exist in oral English teaching in China. It
emphasises the importance of Chinese teachers' having a clear
understanding and a good command of a wide range of techniques
in teaching oral English.
Chapter Two examines some approaches now used in
oral English classes at Erwai. This chapter also analyses
students' motivation to learn oral English, the teachers'
performance in oral English classes as well as when and how
to correct students' mistakes in their oral English. Some
practical oral activities which Erwai has arranged for
present students and is thinking of arranging for future
students are also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter Three identifies and analyses in more
detail theories of teaching oral English such as the audiolingual
method, counselling learning, the direct method and
the eclectic approach.
In Chapter Four some activities are suggested to
make oral classes more enjoyable. In second year oral
English classes, repetition and situational dialogue are far
from enough for teaching oral English. Short plays and skits
can be used to enrich the oral English classes. This chapter
also discusses the observation of oral English classes by
Australian teachers in the C.C.A.E. Special English Programme.
Chapter Five considers the choice of materials and
the application of materials in class. Oral English materials
used at Erwai at the moment mainly come from two sources:
home-produced materials compiled by Erwai or other foreign
language institutes in China, and some commerciallypublished
materials imported from foreign countries. There
is another source which can be used in teaching oral English -
materials compiled on the basis of authentic materials such
as excerpts from magazines and newspapers.
In the conclusion it is pointed out that many
suggestions have been made in the study about oral English
teaching techniques and materials.
It is hoped that such suggestions have practical
value in improving the level of oral English in China in
line with the country's present needs. At the same time new
techniques require ample opportunity for trying out in
practice before their full effectiveness will become
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