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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envolver-se com o fascinio pelo patrimonio "Real-Maravilhoso" Latino-Americano como forma de apropriação da lingua-alvo / Being involved by the patrimony "Real-Maravilhoso" of Latin America as a way of appropriateness of the foreign language

Ginarte Agra, Maria Caridad 23 July 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Carlos Paes de Almeida Filho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas,Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T08:24:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GinarteAgra_MariaCaridad_D.pdf: 1205185 bytes, checksum: 1fbc2877e2874aec7164dc083c83df68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O presente trabalho descreve e interpreta como se constrói a competência comunicativa na sala de aula de Espanhol Língua Estrangeira (doravante, ELE) a partir de uma abordagem comunicacional-intercultural que prioriza a produção e troca de sentidos ao redor de um eixo temático histórico-cultural ¿real-maravilhoso¿ (Carpentier, 1977) latino-americano examinando para isso a qualidade da interação gerada no ambiente de aprendizagem. Nesse processo, que teve como cenário um curso de ELE de uma universidade do sudeste brasileiro com aprendizes cuja primeira língua é o Português, foi criado um ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem, de produção interativa-discursiva que gerou possibilidades de apropriação da nova língua (Espanhol). Assim, na presente pesquisa qualitativo-interpretativa de cunho etnográfico, foram analisados e interpretados 44 extratos de tarefas desenvolvidas pelos aprendizes de ELE no período compreendido entre 2003-2005. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a competência comunicativa foi atingida por meio de uma ¿vontade sustentada¿ dos aprendizes de significar na nova língua propiciada pelo ¿fascínio¿ do ¿real -maravilhoso¿ inerente ao eixo temático proposto. Essa produção interativo-discursiva ¿sustentada¿ se caracterizou por ser estendida, aprofundada e personalizada. Considerando os dados gerados, pudemos perceber que a partir do espaço privilegiado da sala de aula de ELE, pretendeu-se interpretar não só o que aconteceu durante o processo pesquisado, mas a ¿interação vivenciada¿ sem simulações desenvolvida entre a professora e seus alunos que constituiu-se num patamar de produção da L-alvo para atingir uma competência comunicativa não idealizada à luz do respeito pela ¿língua do Outro¿ e considerando ¿a realidade sócio- histórica e cultural do aprendiz de ELE no Brasil¿ / Resumo: This work describes and interprets how the communicative competence was developed while teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language to students who first language was Portuguese. This process of teaching and learning was orientated by a ¿communicative intercultural¿ approach that worked as a ¿potential force¿ and established the guidelines of learning and teaching the foreign language. It was necessary to plan a course to develop a kind of interactive language learning process for using and acquiring the new language. Focus on classroom as a social setting, it was constructed a socio-historical communicative environment ¿real -maravilhoso¿ (Carpentier, 1977) to teach and learn Spanish in an University in the southeast of Brazil. There were analyzed and interpreted 44 samples of tasks during the period between 2003 and 2005 throughout the six editions of the course. The results evidenced that the communicative competence was achieved through a kind of interactive process that was characterized for the students' ¿strong desire¿ of using, producing and sharing meaning in the foreign language produced by ¿the fascination¿ for the topic. There were recognized three features of this maintained classroom interaction that was nominated as expansion, depth and identity. From the data we have collected we could realize that this work not only pretended to be a progress report on what happened in the Spanish foreign classroom as a context for the language of teaching and learning but also focused how an authentic and real ¿vivid interaction¿ was developed between a teacher and her students as a step to get a non idealized communicative competence. It was taken into consideration the socio-historical and cultural background of the Portuguese students learning Spanish as foreign language in Brazil / Doutorado / Lingua Estrangeira / Doutor em Linguística Aplicada

Um olhar sobre a interculturalidade no livro didático de espanhol: os gêneros como mediadores culturais

Guadelupe, Lucila Carneiro 20 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-03T18:40:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lucilacarneiroguadelupe.pdf: 5456055 bytes, checksum: 8181b564e1c2ae56dfee3c0ee197c1c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-02-05T10:50:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lucilacarneiroguadelupe.pdf: 5456055 bytes, checksum: 8181b564e1c2ae56dfee3c0ee197c1c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-05T10:50:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lucilacarneiroguadelupe.pdf: 5456055 bytes, checksum: 8181b564e1c2ae56dfee3c0ee197c1c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-20 / The presen t study, which is situated in the Linguistics area - Linguistics and Language Teaching, aims to verify whether the guidelines indicated in the official documents articulate with the intercultural proposals presented by the textbook . In general terms, throu gh an analysis of textbooks, we observed whether interculturality is present in the book and whether the work that has been done with discursive genres takes into consideration an intercultural perspective. We verified if a dialogue between cultures, the c ulture s of the target language and Brazilian culture s , exists considering not only the Peninsular Spanish, but also the presence of Hispanic - America in the teaching materials. We aimed to establish a correlation between the interculturality approach and th e proposals presented by official documents. In order to do that, the corpus analysis was done based on: genre theories, especially , Bakhtin's propositions (1979/2010; 1929/1995), and the concept of culture and interculturality by Aguilera Reija et al , (20 09). We also used as research sources official documents that view language teaching as culture. This study demonstrated that the discourse genres found in the textbook “ Enlaces: español para jóvenes brasileños”, more specifically in the section “ Más cosa s‖, portray representative subjects for the culture s of young people in terms of sociocultural experiences, and also allow a reflection on the construction of meanings in an interculturality perspective. The obtained results also confirmed that the proposa ls presented by the collection, in their majority, are consistent and make the intercultural function of genres clear, mainly, of those that effectively circulate in the social world. Concerning the impacts for future research, this study intends to supply subsidies for the (re)cognition of the importance that must be giv en to the intercultural perspective , considering, primarily, the didactic - pedagogical proposals presented by textbooks and their use in the classroom. / Situado na área de Linguística –Linguística e Ensino de Língua, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se as diretrizes apontadas nos documentos oficiais se articulam com as propostas interculturais assumidas pelo livro didático de espanhol. Em linhas gerais, através de uma análise de livros didáticos, observamos se a interculturalidade está present e no interior da obra e se o trabalho que vem sendo realizado com os gêneros discursivos atende a uma perspectiva intercultural. Verificou-se se existe diálogo entre culturas, a (s) cultura (s) da língua - alvo e a(s) cultura(s) brasileira(s) , considerando não só o espanhol peninsular, mas também a presença da Hispano-América nos materiais didáticos. Procuramos estabelecer correlação entre a visão de interculturalidade e as propostas apresentadas pelos documentos oficiais. Para tanto, a análise do corpus é feita com base em: teorias de gêneros, em especial, na vertente de Bakhtin (1979/2010; 1929/1995), e nos conceito de cultura e interculturalidade, de Aguilera Reija et al, (2009). São também fontes de pesquisa documentos oficiais que tratam do ensino de língua como cultura. Este estudo demonstrou que os gêneros discursivos presentes no livro didático “Enlaces: español para jóvenes brasileños”, mais especificamente na seção “Más cosas‖, retratam temas representativos para a(s) cultura (s) dos jovens em termos de experiências socioculturais, além de permitirem uma reflexão sobre a construção de sentidos dentro de uma visão que traz questões de interculturalidade. Os resultados obtidos confirmam , ainda, que as propostas apresentadas pela coleção , em sua maioria, são consistentes e evidenciam a função inter cultural dos gêneros, em particular, daqueles que circulam efetivamente no mundo social. Com relação aos impactos para futuras pesquisas, esta investigação pretende fornecer subsídios para o (re) conhecimento da importância que deve ser dada à perspectiva intercultural, atentando, principalmente, para as propostas didático - pedagógicas apresentadas pelos livros didáticos e seu uso em sala de aula.

As colocações verbais em três dicionários bilíngues e bilemáticos de alemão-português / The verbal collocations in three bilingual and bilemmatical german-portuguese dictionaries

Nara Cristina Sanseverino Mahler 06 November 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pertence à área de conhecimento chamada Lexicografia e trata da inserção de colocações verbais em dicionários bilíngües e bilemáticos de alemão-português. Tendo em vista que a maioria dos livros didáticos de alemão como língua estrangeira não dá um tratamento adequado a elas, é necessário que o aprendiz procure-as nos dicionários, tanto no momento da decodificação, quanto no da codificação de textos. Essa pesquisa levantou certo número de colocações verbais consideradas fundamentais na formação de um vocabulário-base em situações rotineiras de comunicação, verificando em três dicionários se elas ocorrem e como ocorrem, na tentativa de estabelecer até que ponto tais dicionários se constituem numa ajuda efetiva não só na compreensão, como (principalmente) na produção de textos. / This research belongs to the area of knowledge called Lexicography and treats of the insertions of verbal collocations in bilingual and bilemmatical German- Portuguese dictionaries. Considering that the majority of the didactic books of German as foreign language does not treat them properly, it is necessary that the learner looks them up in dictionaries at the moment of the decoding as well as when coding texts. For this research we selected a certain number of verbal collocations considered fundamental to the formation of a basic vocabulary for routine communication situations, checking in three dictionaries if they occur and how they occur, in an attempt to establish how these dictionaries represent an effective help not only for comprehension but also for text production.

Masculinidades e feminilidades dentro dos manuais do FLE (Francês língua estrangeira): das visões sexistas às relações de gênero / Masculinities and femininities in the manuals of the FLE (French as a Foreign Language): of the sexist looks to gender relations

Sergio Luiz Baptista da Silva 21 October 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar como as masculinidades e feminilidades são mostradas, cronologicamente, nos manuais do FLE (Francês Língua Estrangeira), analisando sobretudo as visões sexistas da diferença dos sexos e as relações de gênero. Segundo Scott (1999), a visão sexista dominou durante séculos as análises que se propunham refletir sobre a problemática das diferenças sexuais. Na verdade, tratava-se de uma visão estática do que representava ser homem ou ser mulher nas sociedades ocidentais. Somente a partir da revolução sexual proposta pelo Movimento feminista anglo-americano dos anos 1960 que se começou a pensar em gênero como resultado sócio-cultural das diferenças dos corpos masculino e feminino, percebendo que a identidade de gênero é construída para além do corpo biológico e, além do mais, passível de variações no tempo e no espaço. Para a realização desta pesquisa, selecionamos alguns manuais representativos na história do FLE, mais especificamente seis manuais produzidos a partir de 1960, ano da publicação do manual VIF, que coincide com o início movimento feminista. Para tanto, foi feita uma análise descritiva das imagens e textos pertinentes à pesquisa. Nossa hipótese de partida era a de que encontraríamos dentro desses manuais muito mais visões sexistas do que variações das identidades de gênero. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa é promissora no domínio do Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras, em especial do FLE, pois pode oferecer aos professores de LE outros elementos de análise e de crítica sobre o livro didático e, conseqüentemente, sobre suas práticas pedagógicas. / The object of this research was to check how male and female chracteristics are chronologically presented in the FFL (French as a Foreign Language) manuals, through the analysis of sexist views of the difference between genders and their relations. According to Scott (1999), for centuries the sexist point of view was predominant in the analyses of sexual differences. In fact, it was a stactic view of the representation of what was believed to be a man or a woman in the Western civilization. Just after the sexual revolution resulting from the American Liberation Movement of the 1960s did one start to reflect on gender as a result of social and cultural-based concepts between male and female bodies, and to notice that gender identity is built beyond the biological body, thus subjected to time and space variations. For the sake of this research , we selected some manuals which are benchmarks in the history of FFL, more specifically six manuals produced as of 1960, year of the publication of the VIF, which coincides with the start of the Liberation Movement. We proceeded to make a descriptive analysis of the images and texts which fit the research. We hypothesized finding many more sexist views in these manuals than variations of gender identities. We believe that this research is very promising in the Foreign Language Studies domain, specially in FFL, for it may offer FL teachers other elements of analysis and criticism of the textbook and, consequently, of its pedagogic practices.

L'utilisation des TIC dans l'apprentisage du FLE au Soudan : étude de cas à l'université de Nyala au Darfour / Utilisation of ICT in learning french as foreign language in Sudan : case study at university of Nyala in Darfur

Mohammed Abdallah Ishag, Babiker 18 January 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette recherche consiste à postuler les effets de l'intégration des TIC dans l 'apprentissage du FLE au Soudan, à partir d'une étude de cas des étudiants de FLE de l'Université de Nyala (état du Sud Darfour). L'hypothèse principale porte sur l'usage des TIC en classe de FLE soudanaise comme facteur de maîtrise de la langue française et d'initiation à la culture française par une modification du rapport aux savoirs. La méthodologie croisée comprend 1) une enquête qualitative préliminaire auprès d'enseignants sur leurs usages des TIC ; 2) un questionnaire (N = 220 ; population exhaustive des étudiants en FLE de Nyala) ; 3) une étude comparée de pratiques de classes sans/avec usage des TIC (2112 séquences ; classe en semestre 5 ; 90 étudiants). Les résultats montrent que l 'usage des TIC dynamise les interactions et modifie le rapport au savoir, ouvrant des perspectives de démocratisation et de désenclavement du territoire ainsi qu'une opportunité de renouvellement des pratiques professionnelles et étudiantes dans leur dimension interculturelle. / This research aim lays on the impact of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) during French teaching class in Sudan. This case study focused on the students from Nyala University (South Darfur State). The hypothesis was about the ICT impact on the learning as a vector for the French language mastering and the initiation towards its cultural aspects by the modification of the knowledge relationship. The crossed methodology used 1) a qualitative inquiry interview on teachers about their ICT uses; 2) a survey questionnaire (N=220; all the student population enrolled at Nyala university in the language curriculum); 3) a comparative study on classroom pracTICs with(out) the ITC use (2/ 12 sequences duration; semester 5 level; 90 students). Results showed that the ITC use impacts the interaction dynamics and modifies the rapport to knowledge, opening perspective s for democrati zing and the area as well as renewing the professional and student pracTICs towards crosscultural perspectives.

Paroles sur images : Les interactions orales déclenchées par des photographies d'auteur en classe de français, langue étrangère / Talking about Visual Images : Analysis of Oral Interactions Triggered by Photographs in French as a Foreign Language Lessons

Muller, Catherine 25 October 2011 (has links)
Cette étude relève de la didactique des langues, mais elle s’appuie également sur l’analyse des interactions verbales et des interactions en classe de langue, ainsi que sur l’anthropologie et la sociologie. Elle repose sur la capacité de l’image à susciter des productions verbales. La photographie d’auteur est ici considérée comme un déclencheur d’interactions orales permettant de communiquer en classe de langue. Nous avons mis en oeuvre une technique didactique dans descours de français enseigné comme langue étrangère en contexte pluriculturel à Paris avec des apprenants de niveaux A1 à B2. Le projet mené en groupe consiste à commenter des photographies d’auteur sans objectifs langagiers prédéterminés. Nous n’avons pas cherché à transmettre des informations concernant les images, volontairement énigmatiques. La question de recherche porte sur la nature des échanges verbaux déclenchés. L’analyse des données dans la partie 2 révèle l’importance de la communication entre les apprenants. Ceux-ci déploient des stratégies de communication et d’appropriation. L’interaction fortement coopérative encourage un apprentissage mutuel entre pairs avec des phénomènes d’étayage collectif. Dans la partie 3, nous analysons les manifestations verbales de la réception des photographies. L’observation des images donne lieu à de la description et de la narration, à la recherche de solutions ou de messages, à des réactions esthétiques, interprétatives, ou encore à des phénomènes d’immersion fictionnelle. Les apprenants mettent en relation les photographies avec d’autres images, ce qui révèle l’importance de l’intericonicité dans la perception visuelle et favorise des échanges interculturels. / The study lies in the field of foreign language education, but it also refers to verbal interaction analysis, foreign language classroom research, anthropology, and sociology. It rests onthe capacity of visual images to trigger verbal expression. Photography is here considered as ameans to induce oral interaction, thus enabling students to communicate in language courses. Wehave implemented a task in lessons of French taught as a foreign language in a pluricultural contextin Paris, learners’ levels ranging from A1 to B2. In this group project, students were invited tocomment on fine art and documentary photographs. We had no predetermined language objectivesand we did not seek to pass on information about the images, which were intentionally enigmatic.Our research question deals with the nature of the verbal interactions triggered by the photographs.In part 2, the analysis of the corpus highlights how learners interact. They implement strategies to communicate and to learn. The interactions are highly cooperative, which encourages students tolearn from their peers by using collective scaffolding. In part 3, we analyse the verbal reactions of the students when they comment on the photographs. These learners describe the images, they buildnarratives, they seek solutions, messages or interpretations, they evaluate the pictures esthetically,and they immerse themselves in the fiction of the photographs. They also find analogies with other images, which reveals the importance of intericonicity in visual perception and encourages learners to engage into intercultural exchanges.

Důvody k volbě francouzštiny jako druhého cizího jazyka / Reasons for choosing French as a second foreign language

Šindelářová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Reasons for choosing French as a second foreign language AUTHOR: Bc. Jana Šindelářová DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. RNDr. Hana Voňková, Ph.D. et Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to find out why Czech secondary school students chose to study French as their second foreign language and how satisfied they are with this decision. The theoretical part concerns itself with teaching languages in European schools and in the Czech Republic with the focus on French language. Furthermore, it deals with the status of French language both in the world and in the Czech Republic, and with the benefits the knowledge of French language brings. The empirical part of this thesis depicts a research conducted by means of questionnaire construction. The sample was 100 students from the lower and 163 students from the higher stage of secondary schools called "gymnasium" (grammar school) in Prague. (185 girls and 78 boys) The research shows that students chose the foreign language mainly themselves and the most frequent reason for choosing French was that they liked the language in general. The second reason was that they liked the accent and number three that they did not want to study the other language taught in their school. Furthermore, they chose French language in order to widen their...

Foreign Language Education in Colombia: A Qualitative Study of Escuela Nueva

Ramirez Lamus, Daniel A 20 March 2015 (has links)
Since 2004 the Colombian Ministry of Education has been implementing the Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo (PNB) with the goal of having bilingual high school graduates in English and Spanish by 2019. However, implementation of the PNB has been criticized by English Language Teaching (ELT) specialists in the country who say, among other things, that the PNB introduced a discourse associated exclusively with bilingualism in English and Spanish. This study analyzed interviews with 15 participants of a public school of the Colombian Escuela Nueva, a successful model of community-based education that has begun a process of internationalization, regarding the participants’ perceptions of foreign language education and the policies of the PNB. Six students, five teachers, and four administrators were each interviewed twice using semi-structured interviews. To offer a critique of the PNB, this study tried to determine to what extent the school implemented the elements of Responsible ELT, a model developed by the researcher incorporating the concepts of hegemony of English, critical language-policy research, and resistance in ELT. Findings included the following: (a) students and teachers saw English as the universal language whereas most administrators saw English imposed due to political and economic reasons; (b) some teachers misinterpreted the 1994 General Law of Education mandating the teaching of a foreign language as a law mandating English; and (c) some teachers and administrators saw the PNB’s adoption of competence standards based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages as beneficial whereas others saw it as arbitrary. Conclusions derived from this study of this Escuela Nueva school were: (a) most participants found the goal of the PNB unrealistic; (b) most teachers and administrators saw the policies of the PNB as top-down policies without assessment or continuity; and (c) teachers and administrators mentioned a disarticulation between elementary and high school ELT policies that may be discouraging students in public schools from learning English. Thus, this study suggests that the policies of the PNB may be contributing to English becoming a gatekeeper for higher education and employment thereby becoming a tool for sustaining inequality in Colombia.

Enriching French foreign language learning with African francophone music and creative expression

Rust, Willemien R. January 2015 (has links)
The geographical locations of foreign language French learners are as diverse as their needs. Consequently, teaching material in any French foreign language classroom should be revised on a regular basis. In 2012, a newly developed Creative Expression programme, which consists of a combination of African francophone music and creative writing activities, was presented to the second-year students at the French Department of the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The objective was to explore the potential of combining the use of music and creative writing in the hope that the new programme would enrich the current second-year course. Factors that contributed to the development and organisation of the programme included: the progression in the international context with regard to the French language, accentuating the importance of francophone Africa with regard to the expansion and preservation of French; the widely recognised teaching approach in foreign language French teaching (FLE), being the Approche actionnelle; reevaluating the use of song and creative writing activities in the FLE classroom and lastly, the departmental needs at the University of Pretoria. In this study, the researcher explains in detail how the Creative Expression programme was designed and also how a group of research participants experienced the classes. The following data sources and artefacts were collected: student interviews, journals and creative pieces of writing, the lecturer’s teaching diary and the teaching material of the programme. Qualitative methodologies were followed to analyse the artefacts and uncover themes that represent students’ experience of the programme. Student suggestions with regard to the programme were also incorporated in the analysis. The findings of this study demonstrate that students experienced the Creative Expression programme as contributing to the following: social interaction; the imaginative use of the French language; the development of four principal language skills (speaking, reading, listening, writing); a heightened francophone cultural awareness and a better understanding of the content of their Grammar and Cultural Texts classes. The music also lowered the students’ anxiety levels, which made them more receptive to engage in the creative writing activities. This, in turn, developed their creative expressive capacities. It is concluded that it is in fact the combination of music and creative writing in FLE that brings forth and bridges the following two notions: “Creating a non-threatening environment” and “Learning to express affect”, which are two very topical areas in FLE pedagogy. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / tm2015 / Modern European Languages / MA / Unrestricted

Vocabulario e leitura : a elaboração de uma lista de palavras de uso academico em portugues do Brasil

Santos, Vanderlei dos 29 September 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Matilde Virginia Ricardi Scaramucci / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T17:45:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_Vanderleidos_M.pdf: 343677 bytes, checksum: d406b17a6352a2350cf5929ba2ee4280 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Listas de palavras baseadas em corpora têm sido importantes no ensino e aprendizagem de vocabulário em língua estrangeira. Este trabalho visa compilar uma lista de palavras do português do Brasil, freqüentes e de grande alcance no contexto acadêmico brasileiro, e discutir sua utilidade no ensino de vocabulário, na preparação de textos modificados e de testes de vocabulário para aprendizes de Português como língua estrangeira. Discutimos também a questão do ensino direto e indireto de vocabulário. Para a compilação da lista, foi criado um corpus composto de teses e dissertações de 3 universidades públicas brasileiras, perfazendo um total de pouco mais de 7 milhões de palavras (aproximadamente 15 mil páginas de texto). Foram usados os critérios de freqüência e alcance para a seleção das palavras a serem incluídas na lista. As palavras são apresentadas com a freqüência e, nos casos de polissemia, com os diferentes significados com que ocorrem no corpus / Abstract: Corpora based word lists have been important for the teaching of vocabulary in foreign language. This paper aims to put together a list of high frequency and range Brazilian Portuguese academic words, and discuss direct and indirect vocabulary acquisition, the usefulness of modified texts for language learners and the use of word lists for the elaboration of vocabulary tests. A corpus was assembled from thesis and dissertations from 3 Brazilian public universities, totaling a little over 7 million words (approximately 15.000 pages of text). Frequency and range were the criteria used to select the words to be included in the list. Information about the number of times the words occur in the corpus and the different meanings they have, in the case of polysemy, is provided. / Mestrado / Lingua Estrangeira / Mestre em Linguística Aplicada

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