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A forma??o do m?sico popular: perspectivas a partir da trajet?ria culturalmusical dos instrumentistas Eduardo Taufic e Jubileu FilhoSantos J?nior, Valdier Ribeiro 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-04T00:24:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Os diversos espa?os em que os m?sicos transitam em busca da sua forma??o s?o assuntos em
debate na atualidade. Diante disso, a Educa??o Musical, pensada como a ?rea que contempla
o estudo e os processos de forma??o em m?sica, certamente est? atenta em perceber os
distintos ambientes em que acontece a aprendizagem musical. Com foco nessa busca, o
presente trabalho tem o objetivo de aprofundar a compreens?o acerca das distintas dimens?es
formativas dos m?sicos populares. Nesse sentido, proponho compreender a forma??o musical
dos instrumentistas Eduardo Taufic e Jubileu Filho, sujeitos da pesquisa. O trabalho traz uma
revis?o de literatura com o fito de evidenciar o estado do conhecimento sobre o tema. A
fundamenta??o te?rica proporciona uma media??o no debate, apontando as infer?ncias dos
autores em constantes interlocu??es com o campo. O estudo de caso com a abordagem
qualitativa ? o procedimento metodol?gico proposto. Na fase de coleta de dados, foram
usados o question?rio eletr?nico, a observa??o direta, o caderno de campo e a entrevista
semiestruturada. A organiza??o e, posteriormente, a an?lise dos dados foram materializadas
sob a ?tica da an?lise textual discursiva. A constru??o textual das an?lises foi objetivada a
partir de tr?s pontos centrais: forma??o musical inicial, forma??o musical em distintos
espa?os e forma??o musical em contextos de profissionaliza??o. Diante disso, a categoriza??o
oportunizou a compreens?o sobre os diversos espa?os formativos em que m?sicos populares
transitam desde os seus primeiros contatos espont?neos com a m?sica at? a fase da atua??o
profissional. Os resultados obtidos revelam que os m?sicos populares est?o imersos em
diferentes espa?os formativos, assumindo caracter?sticas sazonais. Esses espa?os est?o
acess?veis desde os primeiros contatos com o material sonoro at? a fase formativa. / The diverse environments that musicians transit when in search for their formation are
subjects debated nowadays. Considering that the Music Education thought as an area that
contemplates the study and the process of music graduation certainly perceives the different
environments in which the musical learning occurs. Focusing on it, this paper aims to deepen
the understanding about the formative environment of popular musicians. In that sense, I
submit to understand the musical formation of the instrumentalists Eduardo Taufic and
Jubileu Filho, both subjects of this study. This paper brings a literature revising that aims to
highlight the knowledge about the subject. The theoretical foundation provides a mediation on
the debate, pointing the authors? inferences in constant interlocutions with the field. The case
study with qualitative approach is the methodological procedure used. During the data
collection, electronic questionnaires, direct observation, a notebook and an open-ended
interview were used. The organization, and eventually, the analysis of the data were
materialized under the discursive textual analysis. The textual analysis construction was
thought from three central points: initial musical formation, musical formation in different
environments and musical formation in professionalization contexts. In light of this, the
classification allowed the understanding about the different formative environments in which
popular musicians transit through from their first spontaneous contact with music to their
professional performance. The results reveal the complexity of the formation of popular
musicians. That formation is utterly connected to the practice in different environments. In
this case, the social environment revealed itself as a strong motivating agent, especially for
the spontaneous treatment that music assumed in those spaces. In addition, family, friends,
teacher, technological resources, work environment, musical tests were certainly the great
responsible for the musical formation of the popular musicians studied in this paper.
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Forma??o e doc?ncia de professores bachar?is na educa??o profissional e tecnol?gica no IFRN: uma interface dial?gica emancipat?riaBarros, Rejane Bezerra 14 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-08-09T17:19:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O estudo trata da forma??o e atua??o did?tico-pedag?gica de professores bachar?is, no ?mbito do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do RN (IFRN). Professores bachar?is s?o profissionais graduados ou p?s-graduados em ?reas espec?ficas, cuja maioria assume a doc?ncia sem a forma??o pedag?gica e sem experi?ncia no ensino. A partir da Lei n. 11.892/2008, os Institutos Federais assumiram nova institucionalidade e a amplia??o da sua fun??o social na condi??o de institui??es de educa??o superior, b?sica e profissional, pluricurriculares e multicampi, integrantes da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica (EPT). Esse novo contexto requer dos professores lecionar em diferentes modalidades e n?veis de ensino. Questiona-se, portanto: em que medida a forma??o espec?fica dos professores bachar?is responde aos saberes necess?rios para o exerc?cio docente? Quais as necessidades formativas dos professores bachar?is? De que modo a aus?ncia de forma??o pedag?gica implica na atua??o docente? Como o exerc?cio da doc?ncia passa a ter regula??o especial na EPT? Assim, o estudo tem como objetivo nuclear analisar a vis?o dos professores bachar?is sobre a dimens?o profissional da doc?ncia e as interfaces entre a forma??o profissional e a atua??o docente. Toma-se como base de estudos as ideias de Freire (1996); Machado (2008); Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005); N?voa (2009); Flores e Viana (2007); Day (2001; 2007); Ramalho e Nu?ez (2014); Tardif (2002); Garcia (1999; 2009); Pacheco e Morgado (2002); Estrela e Caetano (2012); Esteves (2014); Shulman (2005); Pinar (2006); Oliveira (2014); Moreira (2008); Fullan e Hargreaves (2001), dentre outros. Parte-se da premissa que a forma??o docente pressup?e conhecimentos e saberes inerentes ? doc?ncia como profiss?o. S?o esses conhecimentos, saberes e experi?ncias que implicam na constru??o da identidade docente e no processo de desenvolvimento profissional. Trata-se de um estudo de caso (IFRN), seguindo a abordagem da pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Houve o envolvimento de professores e gestores que atuaram como informantes comprometidos com a reflex?o e a busca de alternativas para o problema abordado. Recorreu-se ? an?lise documental, question?rio, entrevista e grupo focal. O estudo revela que os professores e gestores t?m forma??o acad?mica bastante heterog?nea e elevada titula??o, perfil t?pico do magist?rio superior. A maioria reconhece a necessidade da forma??o pedag?gica para uma melhor compreens?o, dom?nio e atua??o nas atividades docentes. Fica revelada, portanto, uma certa excepcionalidade no que diz respeito a uma brecha na legisla??o em vigor, o que julgamos corresponder ? fase de transi??o na mudan?a do perfil da institui??o. Essa pode ser uma compreens?o poss?vel, abstra?da da leitura dos marcos regulat?rios (leis, pareceres e resolu??es), que alicer?am o magist?rio no ?mbito dos Institutos Federais. Prop?e-se a implementa??o de um Programa de Forma??o e Atualiza??o Pedag?gica de Docentes, como pol?tica interna de forma??o continuada em servi?o, visando contribuir para fortalecer a identidade docente e o novo perfil dos Institutos Federais. / This study deals with teachers? training and the didactical-pedagogical work of bachelor teachers in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). By bachelor teachers here it is meant graduates or post-graduates in specific areas, who take teaching duties without teachers? training and with no experience in teaching. With Law n. 11,892 from 2008, the Federal Institutes took on a new institutional framework and they expanded their social function as multi-curricular and multi-campus institutions for basic, vocational, and higher education and as members of the Federal Network for Vocational and Technological Education (EPT). This new context requires teachers to teach different types of courses at different levels. It is questioned, therefore: to what extent does the specific training of bachelor teachers respond to the knowledge needed for their teaching duties? What are the teachers? training needs for bachelor teachers? How does the lack of teacher training imply teaching practices? How does teaching receive special regulation on the EPT? Its objective is to analyze how bachelor teachers view the professional dimension of teaching and the interfaces between their specific training and their teaching practice. It is based on studies by Freire (1996); Machado (2008); Frigotto, Ciavatta and Ramos (2005); N?voa (2009); Flowers and Viana (2007); Day (2001; 2007); Ramalho and Nu?ez (2014); Tardif (2002); Garcia (1999, 2009); Pacheco and Morgado (2002); Star and Caetano (2012); Esteves (2014); Shulman (2005); Pinar (2006); Oliveira (2014); Moreira (2008); Fullan and Hargreaves (2001), among others. It starts with the premise that teacher training requires knowledge inherent to teaching as a profession. These skills, experiences and knowledge are involved in the construction of teachers? identity and in their professional development. This is a case study in the IFRN, carried out through a qualitative and quantitative research approach. Teachers and managers acted as informants committed to reflection and the search for alternatives to the addressed problem. It used document analysis, inquiries, interviews and focus groups. The study reveals that teachers and managers have very heterogeneous academic training and high level titles, a typical university teaching profile. Most recognize the need for teachers? training to better understanding, mastery and expertise in the teaching activities. It is revealed, however, a certain exceptionality in regard to a breach of law, which we think corresponds to the transition in changing the profile of the institution. This may be a possible understanding retrieved from the reading of regulatory frameworks (laws, opinions and resolutions) which underpin the teaching in the Federal Institutes. It proposes to implement a Teachers? Training and Updating as domestic policy for continuous in-service training in order to contribute to strengthen teacher?s identity and the new profile of the Federal Institutes.
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A boa forma do corpo na modernidadeDuarte, Bárbara Nascimento 11 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-21T15:35:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-11 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na Modernidade o discurso científico suspeita do corpo e o posiciona como um simples suporte da pessoa, um objeto à disposição sobre o qual é necessário trabalhar a fim de alcançar seu aperfeiçoamento. É também a matéria-prima onde se dilui e concomitantemente se conquista a identidade individual. A partir da leitura dos relatos das leitoras da revista feminina Boa Forma do ano de 2009, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo discutir os significados e valores do corpo, considerando o papel das práticas de modificação corporal reflexiva na busca da concretização de um projeto corporal. A Modernidade viabilizou um projeto do corpo que consiste em moldá-lo para construir e/ou reconstruir a identidade individual. Nessa perspectiva, o corpo não é o lugar da condenação, sim uma nova possibilidade de manifestação do eu, uma nova forma do sujeito se reportar ao mundo, portanto, digno de todo investimento. O corpo tornou-se a possibilidade de “salvação individual” e um estilo de vida. Sob o signo de uma promessa messiânica: os feios ficarão belos e os velhos ficarão jovens, perceber-se-á que mais do que o investimento no invólucro corporal com fim em si, a dedicação ao corpo se deve à constante busca de definir a interioridade a partir da exterioridade. / In modern scientific discourse there is the consideration of the person‟s body and the postulate that it is simply the support of the person, an object which is available and which is necessary to work on in order to achieve improvement. Also, it is seen as the raw material in which an individual person‟s identity is both lessened and simultaneously mastered. From reading the reports of female readers of the magazine Boa Forma from the year 2009, this present research aims to investigate the meanings and values of the body and to advance an understanding of the practices of reflective body modification in order to understand their roles in the search for a body plan.The modern form makes possible a body design that consists of shaping it to build and/or reconstruct its individual identity. From this perspective, the body is not a place for criticism, but rather it becomes a new possibility of the manifestation of the self, a new form of the subject to be presented to the world, and therefore is worth all of the investment. The body becomes the means of a person‟s salvation and also of his/her lifestyle. From being a priori the absolute identity of the individual, it was broken up, accompanying the reformation of the subject. As a sign of the messianic promise: the ugly will become beautiful and old will become young, people will realize that, even more than an investment in the covering of the body as an end in itself, the important question for the body is the constant search to define the interior from the exterior.
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Technologie výroby plastového nástavce se závitem / Production technology of plastic threaded adaptersTurek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The Master thesis deals with the possible production of the plastic unit with thread. As the most suitable material was chosen the polyformaldehyde (POM), its production label is Delrin 500P NC010 by Du Pont. The thesis consists of a part with the information about the technology of injection molding of plastics and a part where processing parameters for the production of the plastic unit are designed. Part of the solution was to create an assembly design of injection mold. Since the plastic unit with thread is very specificly shaped the form is handled as a slide mold. The mold is pieced together from normalized parts by the Hasco and DME company. The serie of 100 000 pieces would be delivered in 5 months. Because of the cost savings a solution of the cold-runner system was suggested. A suitable injection molding machine was chosen from the calculated values from Arburgfroms – Type 370s Allrounder 500-170.At the end of the thesis costs were evalueted for acquire per one piece of adapter.
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Porovnání efektivity bruslení rozvíjené drillovou a herní formou u věkové kategorie U - 10 / The comparison of ice skating efficiency developed by drill vs. gaming form in the U - 10 categoryDvořák, Luboš January 2020 (has links)
Title: The comparison of ice skating efficiency developed by drill vs. gaming form in the U - 10 category. Objectives: The aim of this dissertation is to compare the efficiency of skating developed by drill and game forms of training using speed-skill tests for ice hockey players under the age of 10. Methods: This work used the method of quantitative analysis of test results for ice hockey players of the U10 age category. The tested group consisted of 18 players of the U10 age category from the HC Hvězda Praha team. The dissertation includes three stages of data collection. The first set of data is preliminary, the second set of data is collected after the intervention by the drill form of training and the third set of data is collected after the intervention by the game form of training. The development of skating skills in drill and game form of training always took place in the first twenty minutes of the training. The obtained sets of data were recorded and then evaluated in accord with Friedmanan and Wilcoxon tests. Results: In the 6.1 m sprint, the 35 m sprint and the S-Corner test, slalom with a puck test and the crossing with a puck test there was recorded improvement after each intervention. In the crossing without a puck test the difference was recorded only after the drill form of...
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Utvärdering av generativa design- och analysverktyglikt Forma ur ettimplementeringsperspektiv / Evaluation of generative design- and analysis toolslike Forma from an implementation perspectiveBackman, Måns, Johansson, Eddie January 2023 (has links)
Byggbranschen är en av de snabbast växande branscherna i världen men samtidigt är denen av de minst utvecklade gällande digitaliseringen. Fördelarna med digitalisering ärmånga men trots det anses implementeringen av digitala teknologier vara svår ochlångsam. Ledande personer på företagen spelar en viktig roll i adaptionen av nyateknologier och en ny teknologi som börjat användas på senare år är generativadesignverktyg. Generativ design handlar om att med hjälp av artificiell intelligens ta framolika byggplaner utifrån angivna kriterier. Ett program som bygger på denna teknologi ärForma. Forma är tänkt att vara en del av den fjärde industriella revolutionen och hjälpatill att minska tidsåtgång och kostnad samt öka hållbarhet och samarbetet i byggprojekt.Arbetet i den här studien har fokuserat på programmet Forma och undersökt vilkafaktorer som påverkar implementeringen av teknologin samt försökt härleda faktorernatill hur de varierar mellan olika företagsmodeller och uppdragstyper. Arbetet syftar till attutforska hur generativa design- och analysverktyg kan utveckla design- ochbyggprocesser samt lokalisera möjligheterna till implementering av den typen avprogram. Målet är att bidra med kunskap som kan hjälpa beslutsfattare att ta merinformerade och bättre beslut vid implementering av nya programvaror.För att uppnå syfte och mål har två typer av metoder använts. Den ena är en intervjustudiesom utgår från semistrukturerade intervjuer där representanter från fyra olika företagintervjuades. Den andra metoden som använts är en fallstudie där två objekt av olikastorlek och användningsområde undersökts. För att knyta ihop intervjuerna medfallstudien har en teknikacceptansmodell (TAM) med ett teknik-, organisation- ochmiljöramverk (TOE) använts.Resultatet visade att de två viktigaste faktorerna för ett företags implementering avgenerativa design- och analysverktyg är den upplevda användbarheten och den upplevdaanvändarvänligheten av programmet. Dessa påverkas i sin tur av bakomliggande externafaktorer som organisationens storlek, uppdragstyper, konkurrenssituation, förkunskaper,tekniska kompetens samt användarens behov. Forma ansågs vara ett bra program utifråntrovärdighet, tid, kostnad och funktionalitet, med vissa undantag för komplexiteten. Detär på processuell nivå som generativa design- och analysverktyg upplevs mest nyttiga urett implementeringsperspektiv. Fördelarna med Forma är framför allt hurimplementeringen av programmet ökar effektiviteten och produktiviteten i ett projekt ochsamtidigt skapar en bättre informations- och kommunikationshantering. Nackdelarnahandlar främst om brister i den mark- och höjddata programmet utgår från, risker att gåmiste om grundläggande kvaliteter för stadsbyggande samt en minskad användbarhet vidmindre och kommersiella projekt. / The construction industry is rapidly growing but lags in digitalization. Implementing digital technologies has been slow despite their advantages. Key personnel play a significant role in adopting new technologies, such as generative design tools. This study focuses on Forma, a generative design program, examining implementation factors across different business models and project types. The aim is to explore how these tools can improve design and construction processes. Two methods were used: interviews with representatives from four companies and a case study of two objects. Results highlighted perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as key factors. Forma was considered good in terms of credibility, time, cost, and function, with some exceptions regarding complexity. Generative design tools were most useful at the procedural level, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and information management. Drawbacks include limitations in data and reduced usability in smaller projects.
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[pt] Crítica da forma jurídica: método, debates e questões atuais. A crítica da
forma jurídica é uma vertente que, com apoio na crítica marxiana da economia
política, pretende avaliar o complexo jurídico a partir de sua forma e da relação
desta com a forma mercadoria. Suas principais implicações críticas são a crítica ao
sujeito de direito enquanto interpelação ideológica e a integração da crítica ao
direito no complexo de problemas ligados à reificação, ao estranhamento e à
ideologia. Este trabalho tem como objetivos renovar a crítica da forma jurídica em
seus fundamentos metodológicos, e refletir sobre sua pertinência para a crítica ao
direito no contexto brasileiro. Para tanto, conjuga a pesquisa bibliográfica de fundo
teórico com aportes bibliográficos de fundo empírico, vindos da historiografia e da
sociologia. A pesquisa conclui que o desenvolvimento desigual dos complexos
sociais brasileiros, as permanências do escravismo na demarcação da massa
marginal, a generalização lenta e heterogênea do regime assalariado de trabalho e o
papel ideologicamente protagonista do Estado na dinamização da economia e do
complexo jurídico determinam uma forma jurídica definida pela seletividade das
interpelações jurídicas. Assim, convivem na sociedade brasileira a interpelação
tipicamente burguesa definida na categoria do sujeito de direito e um conjunto
variado de modos de interpelação que, em geral, rebaixam ainda mais a situação
jurídica dos grupos marginalizados. Esta conclusão indica possibilidades de manejo
da crítica da forma jurídica para o interior da luta ideológica que perpassa o direito,
visando compreender e superar as contradições que expressam estes vários tipos de
estranhamento no complexo jurídico brasileiro. / [en] Critique of the legal form: method, debates and current issues. Critique of the
legal form is a branch that, based on Marxian critique of political economy, intends
to evaluate the legal complex based on its form and its relation to the commodity
form. Its main critical implications are the critique of the subject of law as an
ideological interpellation and the integration of the critique of law in the complex
of problems linked to reification, estrangement, and ideology. This dissertation aims
to renew the critique of the legal form in its methodological foundations, and to
reflect on its relevance for the critique of law in the Brazilian context. To this end,
it combines bibliographical research on a theoretical basis with bibliographical
contributions on an empirical basis from historiography and sociology. The research
concludes that the uneven development of the Brazilian social complexes, the
permanence of slavery in the demarcation of the marginal masses, the slow and
heterogeneous generalization of the salaried labor regime, and the ideologically
protagonist role of the State in dynamizing the economy and the legal complex
determine a legal form defined by the selectivity of legal interpellations. Thus, the
typically bourgeois interpellation defined in the category of the subject of law
coexists in Brazilian society with a varied set of interpellation modes that, in general,
further debase the legal situation of marginalized groups. This conclusion indicates
possibilities of handling the critique of the legal form within the ideological struggle
that permeates law, aiming at understanding and overcoming the contradictions that
express these various types of estrangement in the Brazilian legal complex.
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Har chefer slutat lyssna? : En studie om kommunikationstillfredsställelse och chefers aktiva lyssnandeBarjakob, Michel, Johansson, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Har chefer slutat lyssna? – en studie om kommunikationstillfredsställelse och chefers aktiva lyssnande. Nivå: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i företagsekonomi. Författare: Michel Barjakob, Mathias Johansson. Handledare: Kristina Mickelsson, Pär Vilhelmson. Datum: 2016 - januari Syfte: I denna studie vill vi söka en djupare förståelse för chefers aktiva lyssnande och hur det formar medarbetarnas kommunikationstillfredsställelse. Metod: Då studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse i chefers aktiva lyssnande så har vi utfört en kvalitativ forskning. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio anställda från en ledande elektronikkedja i Gävle. Materialet har analyserats genom tematisering och presenterats med resultaten. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att chefer bör ha en tillräckligt hög kommunikationskompetens för att veta när ett aktivt lyssnande ska tillämpas eller ej. Chefers kommunikationskompetens formar de anställdas kommunikations-tillfredsställelse samtidigt som det framkommit att chefer inte är medvetna om det aktiva lyssnandet i tillräcklig utsträckning. Förslag till vidare forskning: Studien har varit djupgående med sin kvalitativa forskning och ligger som grund till vårt förslag till vidare forskning. Deltagarna i denna studie har efterfrågat en uppföljning av det aktiva lyssnandet. Ett ytterligare förslag till vidare forskning är en undersökning efter det aktiva lyssnandets avspegling på företagsresultat. Uppsattsens bidrag: Bidraget till studiens målgrupp syftar till det tomrum som lokaliserats samt besvarats. En teoretisk modell har skapats med hjälp av tidigare forskning som kartlägger begrepp inom kommunikation och tillfredsställelse. Det praktiska bidraget syftar till chefer då kunskap inom aktivt lyssnande kan hjälpa chefer att kommunicera med sina medarbetare. Nyckelord: kommunikationskompetens, aktivt lyssnande, kommunikationstillfredsställelse, arbetstillfredsställelse, forma. / Title: Har chefer slutat lyssna? – en studie om kommunikationstillfredsställelse och chefers aktiva lyssnande. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Author: Michel Barjakob, Mathias Johansson. Supervisor: Kristina Mickelsson, Pär Vilhelmson. Date: 2016 – january Aim: In this study we aim to create a deeper understanding in supervisors active listening and how it shapes employees communication satisfaction. Method: Due to the aim of the study, which is to create a deeper understanding in supervisors active listening, we have conducted a qualitative research. Data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with ten employees from a leading electronic store and was conducted in Gävle. Result & conclusions: The study show that supervisors must possess enough communication competence to know when active listening should be used. Supervisors communication competence shapes the employees communication satisfaction meanwhile most supervisors lack knowledge in active listening. Suggestions for future research: Our suggestions for future research are based on this study’s qualitative research. The participants have requested a follow-up of the active listening. A further recommendation for further research is to examine the impact active listening has on company results. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes by filling the gap we found in our research area. A theoretical model was developed based on previous research, which helped find and localize communication and satisfaction and its components. The practical contribution is aimed towards supervisors hoping to receive knowledge in active listening to help them communicate with their co-workers. Key words: communication competence, active listening, communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, shape.
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Fleksografinių spausdinimo formų paruošimo procesų tyrimas / Investigation of the preparation of flexo printing platesVelebskaja, Aliona 19 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti fleksografinių spausdinimo formų gamybos procesai, išnagrinėti ir atskleisti vaizdų rastravimo ypatumai, detaliai aprašyta originalo (projekto) paruošimo spausdinimui eiga ir spausdinimo formų gamyba. Eksperimentiškai ištirta rastravimo proceso režimų įtaka spausdinimo formų kokybei naudojant skirtingas skaitmenines plokštes. Nustatytos geriausios rastravimo programų versijos atskiriems atvejams. / In the MS thesis are analyzed procedures of the flexographic printing plates manufacturing. The peculiarities of the screening processes are revealed. The details of the workflow of the preparation of the originals (projects) for printing and the process of printing plates manufacturing are described. Experimentally is investigated the influence of the screening regimes on the quality of the printing plates using different photopolymeric plates. The best versions of the screening program for the particular cases were determined.
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Interaktyvus projektas. Forma ir faktūra / Interactive project. Form and textureDaugirdaitė, Goda 03 July 2014 (has links)
Besiremdama Helmuto Renerto tyrimais, apie šizofrenijai būdingus piešinių požymius, sukūriau aštuonis interaktyvius paveikslus. Interaktyvus paveikslai – tai lyg ligos kintamumas, simptomų ar požymių judėjimas. / Referring Helmut Renert studies of schizophrenia-specific features drawings, created eight interactive images. Interactive images - it's like disease variability of symptoms or signs of movement.
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