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O Prob?sica e a forma??o de professores no P?lo de Parnamirim: pol?tica de forma??o profissional no Rio Grande do Norte?Tavares, Andrezza Maria Batista do Nascimento 28 December 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-12-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work studies the thematic of the politics of formation of teachers in the Program of Professional Qualification for Basic Education (PROB?SICA) developed in the City of Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte. It has as its main objective to identify and to analyze the contribution of this politics of initial formation for the professional formation of teachers. To install the work, we will use the procedures of bibliographical research, documentary analysis, comment, structuralized interview, questionnaire-script and virtual research. In the analysis of the data, we trace a general view on PROB?SICA while initial formation along with the continued formation, pedagogical research, collaborative research and the exercise of the teaching profession, identifying the possibilities and limits of the Program in the direction to reach the objective considered in this work. From the inquiry, we construct the institutional land scope of the program in question, also focusing, the organizational aspects of its functioning. We have to take care about the results, we evidence that PROB?SICA is making the possible to access of the teachers in the educational service to the University, what the main aspect that consists, trying to prove eminent weak points in its systematic due to give to the organizational structure of this educational politics that does not count with curricular, institutional and financial the necessary conditions for the success of the professional formation of the teachers. The research will try to understand that the operationalization of the politics of formation in Parnamirim will be belong with it the main idea of the Educational Reformation in years of 1990, articulated to the neoliberal interests, that the responsibility for the problems of the public system of education attributed to the teachers, and that are not answered completely through the purpose of the professional formation, and ti seems that it does not define one global national politics that deals with seriousness to the questions the initial formation, permanent formation, pedagogical research, , career and conditions of work for the teachers / Esta disserta??o aborda a tem?tica da pol?tica de forma??o de professores em servi?o, expressa no Programa de Qualifica??o Profissional para Educa??o B?sica (PROB?SICA), desenvolvida no Munic?pio de Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte. Tem por objetivo identificar e analisar a contribui??o desta pol?tica de forma??o inicial para a forma??o profissional de professores. Para consubstanciar a investiga??o, utilizamos metodologicamente os procedimentos de pesquisa bibliogr?fica, an?lise documental, observa??o, entrevista semi-estruturada, question?rio-roteiro e pesquisa virtual. Na an?lise dos dados, tra?amos um quadro geral sobre o PROB?SICA enquanto forma??o inicial e sobre suas articula??es com a forma??o continuada, pesquisa pedag?gica, pesquisa colaborativa e o exerc?cio da profiss?o docente, identificando as possibilidades e limites do Programa, no sentido de atingir o objetivo proposto neste trabalho. A partir da investiga??o realizada, constru?mos o desenho institucional do Programa em quest?o, focalizando inclusive, os aspectos organizacionais do seu funcionamento. Quanto aos resultados, constatamos que apesar do PROB?SICA possibilitar o acesso do professor em servi?o ? Universidade, o que se constitui um aspecto forte, evidencia-se eminentes pontos fracos em sua sistem?tica devido ? pr?pria estrutura organizacional dessa pol?tica educacional, que n?o conta com as condi??es curriculares, institucionais e financeiras necess?rias para o ?xito da forma??o profissional. Mediante a pesquisa, entende-se que a operacionaliza??o da pol?tica de forma??o em Parnamirim coaduna-se ao ide?rio da Reforma Educacional difundida nos anos 1990, articulada aos interesses neoliberais, que atribuiu ao professor a responsabilidade pelas mazelas do sistema p?blico de ensino, n?o respondendo completamente a finalidade da forma??o profissional, haja vista que n?o define uma pol?tica nacional global que trate com seriedade das quest?es da forma??o inicial, forma??o permanente, pesquisa pedag?gica, sal?rio, carreira e condi??es de trabalho
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A forma??o / a??o multiplicadora da pr?tica infantil: um estudo das pr?ticas formativas do PIDEPE RN.Dantas, Soraneide Soares 09 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-09 / This study examined the training of teachers in service developed by the Integrated Program for the Development of Early Childhood Education in Rio Grande do Norte - PIDEPE / RN - UFRN, whose central focus of action is the action of the multiplying practice within Natal. The methodology used is a reflection on the training strategies of the practice of early childhood education in order to build a knowledge that can be generalized to other formative experiences of teachers. The instruments used for data collection were the desk research and literature from the perspective of qualitative research. The study focused on the instrument were related to the structure and organization of the stage and
the process of action multiplying of the infantile practice. We concluded that the process of training needs to be carefully reviewed. It is necessary to rethink the definition of objectives, criteria and tools for continuous evaluation that they wish to maintain and / or setting up on stage. Look not only for the formative role of education but also indicators of professionalization of teaching. / Este trabalho analisou a forma??o de professoras em servi?o desenvolvidas pelo Programa Integrado para o Desenvolvimento da Educa??o Infantil no Rio Grande do Norte PIDEPE/ RN UFRN, cujo foco central de atua??o ? a a??o multiplicadora da pr?tica infantil no interior potiguar. A metodologia utilizada ? uma reflex?o sobre as estrat?gias formativas da pr?tica de ensino infantil, tendo em vista construir um conhecimento que possa ser generalizado para outras experi?ncias formativas de professoras. Os instrumentos utilizados para coleta de dados foram a pesquisa documental e a pesquisa bibliogr?fica, na perspectiva da investiga??o qualitativa. Os aspectos investigados no instrumento foram referentes ? estrutura e organiza??o do est?gio e ao processo da a??o multiplicadora da pr?tica infantil. Conclu?mos que o processo de est?gio precisa ser cuidadosamente revisto. Torna-se necess?rio repensar a defini??o dos objetivos, crit?rios e instrumentos de avalia??o continuada que se deseja manter e/ou implantar no est?gio. Atentar n?o s? para a fun??o formativa da doc?ncia, mas tamb?m aos indicadores da profissionaliza??o da doc?ncia.
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Entre telas, di?logos e estrat?gias: forma??o docente para a m?dia televisivaCordeiro, Sandro da Silva 17 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Cette recherche ? comme but montrer l'importance de la formation des
enseignants pour la m?dia t?l?visive. R?aliser le potentiel des strat?gies de
formation, comme des ?l?ments essentiels pour faire les enseignants
professionnels capables de d?velopper des interventions ?ducatives pour la
lecture critique de la m?dia t?l?visive. le travail repose sur l'apport conceptuel
pr?vu sp?cialement par Belloni (2001), Buckingham (2005, 2007), Elias (1998),
Fantin (2007), Fischer (2001, 2007), Imbern?n (2009), Placco e Souza (2006),
Ramalho, Nu?ez e Gauthier (2004) e Tardif (2002). Organiser un groupe de
discussion avec la participation des enseignants dans les ?coles publiques de
ville, en ayant des r?unions p?riodiques pour la r?alisation de discussions
autour de l'arbre de la m?dia t?l?visive et l'?ducation. Le travail emploie des
strat?gies de formation, en ayant le but de promouvoir le d?veloppement de
l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des enseignants concern?s. Il utilise la
m?thodologie de recherche-action-formation, en se fondant sur des
d?clarations de Thiollent (2007) et de Vosgerau (2009). Ce travail applique
l'analyse du contenu de Bardin (2009), pour aider ? l'organisation des
cat?gories ?merg?es ? partir des donn?es recueillies. Il croit ? une possible
sp?cificit? de la formation des enseignants pour l'utilisation critique de la m?dia
t?l?visive, en consid?rant le potentiel cr?atif de l'enseignant, le contexte
personnel et de la performance professionnelle, leurs exp?riences avec les
m?dias de t?l?vision, ainsi que celles des ?tudiants, et la capacit? de r?fl?chir
sur la pratique, et c'est ?a la th?se de cette recherche / A pesquisa em evid?ncia busca mostrar a import?ncia da forma??o docente
para a m?dia televisiva. Percebe o potencial das estrat?gias de forma??o, como
elementos indispens?veis para tornar os professores profissionais aptos ao
desenvolvimento de a??es educativas voltadas para a leitura critica da m?dia
televisiva. Ap?ia-se no aporte conceitual fornecido especialmente por Belloni
(2001), Buckingham (2005, 2007), Elias (1998), Fantin (2007), Fischer (2001,
2007), Imbern?n (2009), Placco e Souza (2006), Ramalho, Nu?ez e Gauthier
(2004) e Tardif (2002). Organiza um grupo de discuss?o, com a participa??o de
professores de escolas p?blicas municipais, prevendo encontros peri?dicos, a
fim de realizar debates em torno do eixo m?dia televisiva e educa??o. Emprega
algumas estrat?gias de forma??o, visando promover o desenvolvimento do
processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos docentes envolvidos. Utiliza a
metodologia da pesquisa-a??o-forma??o, baseando-se nos enunciados de
Thiollent (2007) e Vosgerau (2009). Aplica a an?lise de conte?do de Bardin
(2009), para auxiliar na organiza??o das categorias surgidas a partir dos dados
coletados. Acredita numa poss?vel especificidade da forma??o docente para o
uso cr?tico da m?dia televisiva, considerando o potencial criativo do professor, o
seu contexto pessoal e de atua??o profissional, as suas viv?ncias com a m?dia
televisiva, assim como as dos discentes, e a capacidade de refletir sobre a
pr?pria pr?tica, sendo esta a tese defendida pela investiga??o em destaque
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Alfabetizar letrando: investiga??o-a??o fundada nas necessidades de forma??o docenteVieira, Giane Bezerra 05 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-05 / The accomplished researches in the education field focus on the importance of the accomplishment of
actions involved in the analysis of the needs to graduate teachers as a way to adequate to socialcultural
changing that require more and more a creative activity to prepare teachers in their graduation
perspective. The worry with a fail at school linked to public school students lead us to make this thesis
which goals are: investigate the needs of the graduation of teachers at public Elementary Schools
concerning to the subjacent knowledge to the development of a pedagogic practice of alphabetizing
with literacy and (re)create, with some teachers as active participants in the researches, knowledge
regarding the process of alphabetization with literacy , based on the graduation of teachers. The study
was accomplished in a municipal Elementary School in the Cear?-Mirim city, located in the state of Rio
Grande do Norte, which offers both I and II levels of the Elementary School, 7 teachers and the
principal of the school were subjects of our researches. The starting point was the needs of the
graduation as subject phenomena, socially created and that allow people to be aware of the goals of a
graduation. The investigative broach is qualitative, whose fundamental purpose is the understanding
of the meanings, symbols, values and intentions of the mankind actions, as regards to other humanbeing
and the contexts in which they interact. Within this context, we chose the investigation-action for
we consider this kind of research a place for investigation and professional graduation, in which
teachers and the researcher herself assume responsibility of problematizing, build the needs of
graduation and think about their practices. As proceedings to create and analyze data, we developed
participant observations during the activities in classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and in
groups) with teachers and the principal; analysis of documents and meetings at school for reflexive
studies that enabled us to gather data in a pyramidal panoramic view and analyze the contents. The
research revealed that the analysis of necessities to graduate teachers is a resource able to contribute
to the planning of projects of keeping on graduating more properly, and thus create a critical and
reflexive identity for teachers. This way, it was possible the graduation necessities could be revealed
and also the knowledge of teachers as regards to alphabetization inserted in a perspective of literacy.
Nowadays, conceptualized needs upon difficulties of teachers, there is a tendency to translate them
into theorization of problems, without application to these knowledge of teachers, as well as their
wishes for changing, especially when those needs are built to analyze and consider concrete
practices. Therefore, the graduation experiences have enabled the abandon of a mechanical broach
for teaching reading and writing. It has also lead teachers to assume a posture of providing their
students the understanding about the reading and writing processes and their functions as social
instruments. The graduation theme contents allowed the knowledge to conceive reading and writing in
new perspectives, according to their social functions, so that they can improve the education with
literacy quality. This theoretical construction has enabled us to understand and consider the
necessities of the graduation as progressive process, and has given us the possibility of re-think our
own learning processes at the university and review the pedagogical practices of public school
teachers. Our conclusion is that once teachers consider their own graduation needs, it contributes to
change their concepts and practices in education and literacy, even though there used to be many
difficulties in their graduation and organization of the pedagogical work / As pesquisas realizadas na ?rea de educa??o t?m atentado para a import?ncia da realiza??o de
a??es voltadas para a an?lise de necessidades formativas como forma de ajuste ?s mudan?as s?cioculturais
que exigem cada vez mais uma atividade criadora na prepara??o dos professores na
perspectiva da sua forma??o. A preocupa??o com o fracasso escolar ligado ? alfabetiza??o de
crian?as que frequentam a escola p?blica nos levou ? constru??o desta tese que tem como objetivos:
investigar necessidades de forma??o de professores do Ensino Fundamental da escola p?blica
acerca de conhecimentos subjacentes ao desenvolvimento de uma pr?tica pedag?gica de
alfabetiza??o na perspectiva do letramento e (re)construir, com os professores participantes da
pesquisa, conhecimentos relativos ao processo de alfabetizar letrando , a partir de suas
necessidades de forma??o. O estudo foi realizado em uma escola municipal da cidade de Cear?-
Mirim-RN, que oferece Ensino Fundamental I e II, contando com a participa??o de 7 professores e
uma supervisora dessa institui??o, sujeitos de nossa pesquisa. Partimos do princ?pio de que as
necessidades de forma??o s?o fen?menos subjetivos, socialmente constru?dos que permitem a
tomada de consci?ncia dos objetivos para a forma??o. A abordagem investigativa ? de natureza
qualitativa, cuja premissa fundamental ? a compreens?o dos significados, valores, inten??es que os
seres humanos colocam em suas a??es, em rela??o com os outros e com os contextos em que
interagem. Nesse contexto, optamos pela investiga??o-a??o por considerarmos esse tipo de pesquisa
como um espa?o, tanto de investiga??o, quanto de forma??o profissional, em que professores e
pesquisadora assumem, conjuntamente, a responsabilidade de problematizar, construir necessidades
de forma??o e refletir as suas pr?ticas. Como procedimentos de constru??o e an?lise dos dados,
desenvolvemos observa??es participantes nas atividades de sala de aula; entrevistas semiestruturadas
(individuais e coletivas) com professores e supervisora; an?lise de documentos
escolares e sess?es de estudos reflexivos que possibilitaram a triangula??o dos dados e a an?lise de
conte?do. O percurso de pesquisa revelou que a an?lise de necessidades formativas dos professores
? um recurso capaz de contribuir para o planejamento de projetos de forma??o cont?nua mais
apropriados ? constru??o da sua identidade cr?tica e reflexiva. Neste sentido, permitiu que fossem
constru?das/reveladas necessidades de forma??o e a constru??o de conhecimentos dos professores
em rela??o ? alfabetiza??o na perspectiva do letramento. As necessidades conceitualizadas a partir
das dificuldades dos professores, das car?ncias percebidas e dos desejos de mudan?a manifestados
por eles, quando s?o constru?das na an?lise e reflex?o de pr?ticas concretas, tendem a traduzir-se
em teoriza??o de problemas, sem uma dimens?o de aplica??o de saberes. Desse modo, as viv?ncias
do processo formativo est?o possibilitando a reflex?o das pr?ticas de ensino da leitura e da escrita e
a assun??o de posturas mais voltadas para propiciar aos alunos condi??es de entendimento,
compreens?o e uso social dos escritos e da fun??o do sistema de escrita. Os conte?dos tem?ticos da
forma??o permitiram o acesso ao conhecimento de novas formas de conceber e trabalhar com a
leitura e a escrita e suas fun??es sociais e saltos qualitativos dos professores com rela??o ? pr?tica
de alfabetizar letrando. Essa constru??o te?rica nos possibilitou: conhecer e refletir necessidades de
forma??o no ?mbito da forma??o continuada de professores; ressignificar nossa pr?pria forma??o e
revisitar a nossa pr?tica como formadora de professores que atuam na escola p?blica. Conclu?mos
com a confirma??o de que a reflex?o dos professores sobre as suas pr?prias necessidades de
forma??o contribuiu para transforma??es de suas concep??es e pr?ticas de alfabetiza??o e
letramento, mesmo diante de dificuldades encontradas, tanto na forma??o, quanto na organiza??o do
trabalho pedag?gico
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A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes : um estudo de suas inter-rela??es / A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes : um estudo de suas inter-rela??esSousa, Ana Teresa Silva 16 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study The Dyad of knowledge and teaching practices: an inter-relational study deals
with the relationship between conceptual knowledge on behalf of the teachers and their
teaching practices. The research aims to investigate the relations amongst conceptual
meanings related to the professor and the practices of three (03) Fundamental Cycle public
schools teachers in Natal-Brazil. Thus, a collaborative research of qualitative nature was
performed by us. It was based on collaboration and critical reflection, as well as the socialhistorical
theoretical methodological principles of Ferreira (2009). This was acknowledged as
an analytical support for the reflections that were realized on concepts related to teachers and
teaching considering the archeology on these concepts. The methodological procedures and
tools we used consisted of Formative Autobiographies, Reflexive Study, Collaborative
Observation, as well as some Reflexive Sessions. The analysis framework was based on
information obtained by these methodological procedures as well as the critical collaborative
and reflexive procedures. The studies permitted us to widen our knowledge related to the
conceptual meaning of teaching and teachers. But it was not always possible for us to
(re)elaborate these meanings in the conceptual phase. This was only possible to understand
once our Formative Autobiographies were analyzed. They reveal that the concept elaboration
process is not a part of our own formative path. The time that was dedicated to that proved to
not be enough. The concept elaboration process demands time, effort as well as life-long
learning skills. This is not always possible to achieve in this part of the study, on the other
hand, this was possible to acknowledge that in the different stages of our conceptual
elaboration. The teaching practices that we analyzed were predominantly heterogeneous and
were fundamented on meanings of concepts related to teachers and teaching, that were
internalized beforehand, (re)elaborated according to the conflicted and contradictory
situations. The reflexive and collaborative process that we experimented during the Reflexive
Sessions pointed out the predominance of technical and practical reflection process. In some
moments it was possible for us to critically reflect on teaching practices due to the
collaborative mode that we experienced. The importance of collaboration for teaching
formation and professional development of behalf of teachers in general is pointed out by this
research. Also regarding this research it was possible to see that there was personal and
professional growth, experiencing learning together to collaborative reflect, as well as to
counter-argument, reformulate concepts and conceptions aiming to transform our teaching
practice / O estudo que apresentamos, intitulado A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes: um estudo de
suas inter-rela??es, trata da rela??o entre os saberes conceituais de professor e doc?ncia e as
pr?ticas docentes. Teve como objetivo investigar a rela??o entre os significados conceituais
relativos a professor e doc?ncia e a pr?tica docente de tr?s (03) professoras do Ensino
Fundamental que atuam em escolas p?blicas da cidade do Natal. Realizamos uma pesquisa
colaborativa, de natureza qualitativa, com foco na colabora??o e reflex?o cr?tica, tendo os
princ?pios da teoria s?cio-hist?rica e a metodologia conceitual de Ferreira (2009) como
suporte anal?tico para as reflex?es que realizamos sobre os conceitos de professor e doc?ncia,
assim como sobre a arqueologia desses conceitos. Fizemos uso dos seguintes procedimentos
metodol?gicos: Autobiografias de Forma??o, Ciclos de Estudos Reflexivos, Observa??o
Colaborativa e Sess?es Reflexivas. O corpus de an?lise se constituiu das informa??es obtidas
por meio desses procedimentos metodol?gicos, acrescidos do processo colaborativo reflexivo
e cr?tico. Os estudos que realizamos permitiram ampliar nosso conhecimento relativo ao
significado conceitual de professor e de doc?ncia, por?m nem todas n?s conseguimos
(re)elaborar esses significados no est?gio conceitual, fato compreens?vel se voltarmos o olhar
para as nossas Autobiografias de Forma??o, as quais revelaram que o processo de elaborar
conceitos n?o fez parte do nosso percurso formativo. Os momentos dedicados para tal
finalidade n?o foram suficientes porque esse processo de elabora??o de conceitos demanda
tempo e um longo aprendizado, nem sempre atingido de uma s? etapa de estudo, fato
comprovado nos est?gios diferenciados de nossas elabora??es conceituais. As pr?ticas
docentes que analisamos caracterizaram-se como predominantemente heterog?neas,
fundamentadas ora nos significados dos conceitos de professor e de doc?ncia, internalizados
anteriormente, ora nos (re)elaborados, determinando muitas vezes situa??es conflituosas e
contradit?rias. Quanto ao processo reflexivo colaborativo vivenciado por n?s durante as
Sess?es Reflexivas, a predomin?ncia foi da reflex?o t?cnica e pr?tica, mas em alguns
momentos refletimos criticamente sobre as pr?ticas docentes, gra?as ? instaura??o do
processo de colabora??o por n?s vivenciado. Destacamos a import?ncia que tem a pesquisa
colaborativa para forma??o e desenvolvimento profissional de professores de modo geral. No
caso desta pesquisa, crescemos como profissionais e enquanto pessoas, aprendendo juntas a
refletir colaborativamente, argumentar, contra-argumentar, reformular concep??es e
conceitos, objetivando a transforma??o de nossa pr?tica docente
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Narrativas de forma??o de professoras dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: Concep??es e constru??es de necessidades formativas na Geografia EscolarCavalcante, Iracy Gabriella Morais 14 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the
field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect
about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process
that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning,
considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the
readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The
discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference
constitutes to a private school in the city of Cear?-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino.
The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of
elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi
(2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the
historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world
and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological
procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of
memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the
development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives
constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the
theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the
teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a
descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked
to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we
based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini
(2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers
to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in
their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal
pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its
descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions
about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts
that often emerge formative needs of the educational system. / Este trabalho trata de um estudo sobre as necessidades de forma??o de professoras do Ensino
Fundamental no campo da Geografia. ? nosso objetivo apreender as suas concep??es de
necessidades de forma??o e refletir sobre as suas necessidades formativas para ensinar
Geografia. Consideramos a forma??o como processo reflexivo que pressup?e movimento de
mudan?as e aperfei?oamento al?m das aprendizagens formais, considerando suas m?ltiplas
dimens?es. Refletimos sobre Necessidades Formativas ? luz das leituras de Rodrigues e
Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Rodrigues (2006), Vieira (2010). J? as discuss?es sobre
concep??es fundamentaram-se em Ferreira (2007). A refer?ncia emp?rica constitui-se de uma
escola privada situada na cidade de Cear?-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. Os sujeitos
sociais da nossa pesquisa s?o cinco professoras que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino
Fundamental. Recorreremos a pesquisa (auto)biogr?fica ancorada nos estudos de Passeggi
(2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), uma vez que ? nossa inten??o voltar-se
para a historicidade do sujeito e de suas aprendizagens, reconhecendo os v?nculos entre ele e o
mundo e as experi?ncias como base para o aprendizado e a forma??o do adulto. Como
procedimento t?cnico-metodol?gico utilizamos as Narrativas de Forma??o, cuja aplica??o
possibilita a compreens?o de mem?rias e hist?rias de escolariza??o de professores, uma vez
que relatam acontecimentos ocorridos durante o desenvolvimento do indiv?duo por meio de
Semin?rios Biogr?ficos. Verificamos nas narrativas constru?das pelas professoras, a aus?ncia
de atribui??es de significados para uma reelabora??o te?rica das necessidades formativas e
questionamentos dos seus princ?pios organizadores. No entanto, constatamos que foram
capazes de elaborarem sentidos e significados para conceber o fen?meno em estudo, de forma
descritiva, atrav?s de enuncia??es articuladas, incluindo aspectos e possibilidades atreladas ?s
suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas e perspectivas formativas futuras. No tocante a Geografia Escolar,
fundamentamos nossos estudos nas reflex?es de Soares J?nior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003),
Vesentini (2004) e Vlach (1991), entre outros. Verificamos que as necessidades evidenciadas
pelas professoras para ensinar Geografia foram constru?das a partir dos contextos de suas
pr?ticas de ensino, presentes nas suas trajet?rias escolares e profissionais. Portanto,
constatamos a necessidade de capacita??o pedag?gica formal para que se possa conceber o
fen?meno em estudo al?m do seu car?ter descritivo, entendendo que se faz necess?rio pontuar
reflex?es e questionamentos sobre a din?mica da produ??o do capital global, que veicula os
seus interesses nos contextos que frequentemente emergem necessidades formativas do
sistema educacional.
227 |
A ousadia como horizonte: religando vida e ideias na forma??o em enfermagemSaraiva, Ana Karinne de Moura 06 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T18:20:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-09-06 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / A proposal of formation in health/nursing built on classic science, on reducing thought and flexnerian paradigm is insufficient to comprehend and intervening with an amplified way on health needs of population, given that it is produced by fragmentation of knowledge, rationalization of thought, mechanizing and biological attitudes. It is necessary that formation in health/nursing allows the construction of effectiveness of principles and guidelines of Unique System of Health (Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS). In this context of emergency of a complex formation in health/nursing, life trajectories and formation of the nurses: Abigail Moura, Francisca Valda and Raimunda Germano are examples of transgressor and successful experiences which allow inquietude, changing and transforming formation patterns and self-formation. The present study is built from the comprehension of method as strategy , defended by Morin and complexity sciences. Has as objects building biographies of formation of these three nurses who express a formation model more totalizing and humanitarian, analyzing and discussing starting from the three biographic fragments guiding principles for the current process of formation in health/nursing. From the biographies, the courage and humbleness emerge as landmarking principles of their experiences. Humbleness neither as self-depreciation nor humiliation but as consciousness of our uncompleted and unfinished essence, acceptance of boundaries and potential and reduction of intellectual vanity. Courage, for its part, is the human pulsing, uncertain for nature, which brings us to act, to face and persevere on moments of fear and difficulties. A formation in health and nursing based on courage and humbleness allows the subjects to be taken away from indifference, arrogance, inertia, pragmatism: bets on ethic and political subjects capable of minimizing unequal, inhumane and excluding processes. Na intellectual and Professional attitude which politizes the thought and science is what must be expected from a complex formation in health field, in latu mode on nursing, in particular / Uma proposta de forma??o em sa?de/enfermagem calcada na ci?ncia cl?ssica, no pensamento redutor e no paradigma flexneriano ? insuficiente para compreender e intervir de forma ampliada nas necessidades de sa?de da popula??o uma vez que ? produzida pela fragmenta??o dos saberes, racionaliza??o do pensamento, tecnifica??o e biologiza??o das atitudes. ? preciso que a forma??o em sa?de/enfermagem oportunize a constru??o de conhecimentos a partir de uma ci?ncia aberta que possibilite a constru??o e efetiva??o dos princ?pios e diretrizes do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS). Nesse contexto de emerg?ncia de uma forma??o complexa em sa?de/enfermagem, as trajet?rias de vida e forma??o das enfermeiras Abigail Moura, Francisca Valda e Raimunda Germano s?o exemplos de experi?ncias transgressoras e exitosas que possibilitam inquietar, mudar e transformar padr?es de forma??o e autoforma??o. O presente estudo ? constru?do a partir da compreens?o de m?todo como estrat?gia , defendido por Morin e pelas ci?ncias da complexidade. Tem como objetivos construir as biografias de forma??o dessas tr?s enfermeiras que expressam um modelo de forma??o mais totalizador e humanit?rio; analisar e discutir a partir dos tr?s fragmentos biogr?ficos princ?pios norteadores para o atual processo de forma??o em sa?de/enfermagem. Das biografias, a coragem e a humildade emergem enquanto princ?pios balizadores de suas experi?ncias. A humildade n?o enquanto autodeprecia??o, nem humilha??o, mas enquanto consci?ncia da nossa incompletude e inacabamento, aceita??o dos limites e potencialidades e redu??o da vaidade intelectual. A coragem, por sua vez, ? a puls?o humana, incerta por natureza, que nos leva a agir, enfrentar e perseverar em momentos de temor e dificuldades. Uma forma??o em sa?de e enfermagem pautada na coragem e humildade permite que os sujeitos sejam retirados da indiferen?a, da arrog?ncia, da in?rcia, do pragmatismo: aposta em sujeitos ?ticos e pol?ticos capazes de minimizar processos desiguais, desumanos e excludentes. Uma atitude intelectual e profissional que politize o pensamento e a ci?ncia ? o que se deve esperar de uma forma??o complexa na ?rea da sa?de, de modo latu na enfermagem em particular.
228 |
Fun??o quadr?ticaSoares, Jobson Hugo de Sousa 15 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / In general, the study of quadratic functions is based on an excessive amount formulas,
all content is approached without justification. Here is the quadratic function and its
properties from problems involving quadratic equations and the technique of completing
the square. Based on the definitions we will show that the graph of the quadratic function
is the parabola and finished our studies finding that several properties of the function can
be read from the simple observation of your chart. Thus, we built the whole matter
justifying each step, abandoning the use of decorated formulas and valuing the reasoning / Em geral, o estudo de fun??es quadr?ticas ? baseado numa quantidade excessiva de f?rmulas, todo conte?do ? abordado sem justificativas. Apresentamos a fun??o quadr?tica e suas propriedades a partir de problemas envolvendo equa??es do segundo grau e
da t?cnica de completar quadrado. Partindo das defini??es mostraremos que o gr?fico da fun??o quadr?tica ? a par?bola e terminamos nosso estudos verificando que v?rias propriedades da fun??o podem ser lidas a partir da simples observa??o do seu gr?fico.
Dessa forma, constru?mos todo o assunto justificando cada passo, abandonando o uso de
f?rmulas decoradas e prezando pelo racioc?nio
229 |
An?lise estratigr?fica de subsuperf?cie do Devoniano Inferior da Bacia do Rio do Peixe, Nordeste do BrasilSilva, Jos? Gedson Fernandes da 25 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-03-02T23:01:37Z
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JoseGedsonFernandesDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 27021892 bytes, checksum: 7b5f5e3fe5ef57651e7226b69f4eea85 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-04T21:31:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / Petr?leo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS / A an?lise estratigr?fica de subsuperf?cie de estratos devonianos da Bacia do
Rio do Peixe, rec?m-datados por palinologia, resultou na classifica??o de duas
novas unidades litoestratigr?ficas reunidas no Grupo Santa Helena. A Forma??o
Pil?es (unidade inferior), na qual predominam pelitos escuros e arenitos m?dios a
muito finos, associados a conglomerados e brechas. A Forma??o Triunfo (unidade
superior) composta por arenitos cinza-esbranqui?ados, grossos a conglomer?ticos,
caul?nicos, com estratifica??es cruzadas, conglomerados, pelitos e arenitos finos
intercalados. Estas unidades foram caracterizadas com o apoio de testemunhos,
amostras laterais e de calha, perfis geof?sicos convencionais e de imagem, de tr?s
po?os perfurados pela PETROBRAS, e s?smica 3D. Na Forma??o Pil?es
predominam f?cies prodeltaicas, com f?cies de t?lus e debritos subaquosos e de
lobos turbid?ticos arenosos intercalados, na parte distal de sistemas de leques
deltaicos e f?cies de barras do sistema fluviodeltaico entrela?ado (braided) da
Forma??o Triunfo. O Grupo Santa Helena corresponde ? tectonossequ?ncia
devoniana inferior, cuja espessura m?xima conhecida ? de 343 metros (is?cora) no
po?o 1-PIL-1-PB (Pil?es n?1), depositada durante um ciclo transgressivo-regressivo
em um graben, com eixo deposicional controlado por um segmento NO-SE da Zona
de Cisalhamento Patos. O limite inferior desta tectonossequ?ncia ? n?o-conforme e
o superior ? discordante com a tectonossequ?ncia cret?cea inferior (Grupo Rio do
Peixe), com um hiato de aproximadamente 265 milh?es de anos. Ignimbritos e
brechas coignimbr?ticas (brecha vulc?nica Po?o da Jurema), relacionadas a um
evento vulc?nico pirocl?stico ainda desconhecido, foram reconhecidas na margem
norte do Semigraben de Sousa. H? evid?ncia, a partir de dados de subsuperf?cie, de
que este evento ? contempor?neo ao preeenchimento do graben devoniano. Os
resultados deste estudo indicam que a evolu??o tectonovulcanossedimentar da
bacia ? poli-hist?rica. Esta atualiza??o litoestratigr?fica abre novas perspectivas de
pesquisas geol?gicas na Bacia do Rio do Peixe e em outras bacias interiores do
Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados da pesquisa tamb?m contribuem para o melhor
conhecimento da evolu??o da Prov?ncia Borborema e da paleogeografia do
Gonduana ocidental durante o Eodevoniano. / Subsurface stratigraphic analysis of Devonian strata from the Rio do Peixe
Basin, newly recognized by palynological studies, has resulted in the identification of
two new lithostratigraphic units assembled in the Santa Helena Group. The Pil?es
Formation, the lower unit, is composed mainly of dark mudstones and medium-tovery
fine-grained sandstones, with minor conglomerates and breccias. The Triunfo
Formation, the upper unit, comprises whitish grey, kaolinitic, coarse-grained to
conglomeratic, cross stratified sandstones and conglomerates, with interbedded
mudstones and fine-grained sandstones. These units were characterized using
cores, sidewall and cuttings samples, conventional logs and image log, from three
wells drilled by PETROBRAS, and 3D seismic data. The Pil?es Formation is
interpreted as prodeltaic facies, with lesser associated subaqueous talus, debrite and
sandy turbidite lobe facies, distal part of fandelta and braided fluviodeltaic facies of
Triunfo Formation. The Santa Helena Group corresponds to the Lower Devonian
tectono-sequence deposited in a NW-SE-trending graben during a transgressiveregressive
cycle. With 343 meters of thickness (isochore) in well 1-PIL-1-PB (Pil?es
1), this sequence has a non-conformity at the lower boundary and its upper boundary
is an unconformity with the Lower Cretaceous tectono-sequence (Rio do Peixe
Group), that represents a hiatus of about 265 million years. Ignimbrites and coignimbrite
breccias (Po?o da Jurema volcanic breccia), related to an unknown
pyroclastic volcanic event, were recognized at the northern margin of the Sousa halfgraben.
Evidence from well data suggests that this event is coeval with the Devonian
graben filling. The present study indicates a polyhistorical tectono-volcanosedimentary
evolution of the basin. This lithostratigraphic update brings new
perspectives for geological research in the Rio do Peixe Basin, as well as in other
inland basins of the Northeastern of Brazil. The results of the research also contribute
to the kwnoledge of the Borborema Province and western Gondwana
paleogeography during the Early Devonian.
230 |
Cartografia geof?sica regional do magmatismo mesozoico (mosquito e sardinha) na Bacia do Parna?baMocitaiba, Leonardo da Silva Ribeiro 04 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-02T12:43:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / A Bacia do Parna?ba ocupa uma imensa ?rea na por??o NE do territ?rio brasileiro, abrangendo
v?rios estados do Brasil. Ela ? uma sin?clise paleozoica, que contem registros desde a forma??o e
desagrega??o do supercontinente Gondwana. A bacia ? sustentada por um embasamento
cristalino desenvolvido ap?s a colis?o entre as plataformas Amaz?nica e Brasileira. Em um
contexto tect?nico de ruptura do megacontinente Pangeia no Mesozoico, que levou ? abertura do
Oceano Atl?ntico, rochas ?gneas intrusivas (diques e soleiras) e extrusivas, de composi??o b?sica,
acomodaram-se na Bacia do Parna?ba, que, do ponto de vista estratigr?fico, foram divididas em
duas unidades: Forma??o Mosquito Eojur?ssica e Forma??o Sardinha Eocret?cea. A presente
pesquisa tem por objetivo principal a cartografia geof?sica regional desses corpos magm?ticos
com base em dados aeromagn?ticos e uma t?cnica de mapeamento semiautom?tico (SOM). O
Matched Filter foi aplicado com o objetivo de decompor o Campo Magn?tico An?malo (CMA)
da bacia em componentes relacionadas a fontes magn?ticas em diferentes profundidades. Com
isso, foram obtidos os campos magn?ticos profundo (CMP), intermedi?rio (CMI) e raso (CMR).
Como o CMI apresenta principalmente uma contribui??o causada por fontes magn?ticas em
profundidades mais rasas na crosta superior, caracter?stica dos corpos magm?ticos da bacia,
aplicamos as t?cnicas de filtragem espectral Amplitude do Sinal Anal?tico e Derivada Vertical
nas anomalias magn?ticas do CMI, com o objetivo de real?ar ainda mais a resposta geof?sica
dessas fontes magn?ticas, aumentando a resolu??o espacial do m?todo investigativo. Com base
nas anomalias de alta amplitude e curto comprimento de onda, delimitamos dom?nios e
lineamentos magn?ticos nos mapas aeromagn?ticos, correlacionando-os com os poss?veis corpos
causadores. Assim, integrando os mapas geof?sicos com essas assinaturas magn?ticas ao SOM e
ao mapa geol?gico, ? apresentado um mapa interpretativo com a distribui??o superficial das
anomalias magn?ticas associadas ao Magmatismo Mesozoico da bacia. Os resultados indicaram
que o Magmatismo Mosquito tem grande ocorr?ncia nas bordas oeste e sul da bacia, e o
Magmatismo Sardinha est? concentrado nas por??es centro-leste e nordeste. Os dados de
susceptibilidade magn?tica medidos nas rochas vulc?nicas da bacia individualizaram o
Magmatismo Mesozoico, constatando que a Forma??o Sardinha exibe susceptibilidade magn?tica
m?dia de 25,2 x 10-3 SI, aproximadamente duas vezes maior que a susceptibilidade magn?tica
m?dia da Forma??o Mosquito de 11,46 x 10-3 SI, revelando uma diferencia??o composicional
destes dois eventos magm?ticos. Associa??es entre as se??es s?smicas, os dados magn?ticos e o
mapa geol?gico demonstraram que as anomalias do CMA e da ASA est?o relacionadas ?s
soleiras e diques intrusivos, geralmente nos grupos Serra Grande, Canind? e Balsas, e s?o
sensivelmente influenciadas por rochas ?gneas aflorantes ou subaflorantes. Por fim, as dire??es
dos lineamentos magn?ticos revelaram que riftes de dire??es ENE-WSW e NNE-SSW,
associados ? desagrega??o do Gondwana Oeste, e trends estruturais E-W e NE-SW, associados ?
Zona de Cisalhamento Transbrasiliano, exerceram controle estrutural sobre o Magmatismo
Mesozoico da bacia do Parna?ba. / The Parna?ba Basin occupies a large area in the NE portion of Brazil, covering several states. It is
a Paleozoic syneclise that contains records from the formation and break-up of the Gondwana
supercontinent. The basin is supported by a crystalline basement developed after the collision
between the Amazonian and Brazilian platforms. During the Mesozoic break-up of the Pangea
megacontinent, which contributed to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, intrusive igneous (dykes
and sills) and extrusive rocks took place in the Parna?ba Basin. In the stratigraphic context, those
igneous rocks were divided into two units: Early Jurassic Mosquito and Early Cretaceous
Sardinha formations. The main objective of this research is a regional geophysical mapping of
these magmatic bodies based on aeromagnetic data and self-organizing map technique (SOM).
Matched Filter was applied in order to decompose the Total Magnetic Intensity anomalies (TMI)
of the basin in their components related to magnetic sources at different depths: Deep (DMF),
Intermediate (IMF), and Shallow Magnetic Fields (SMF). As the IMF anomalies mainly present
contributions from magnetic sources at shallower depths in the upper crust, characteristics of
such magmatic bodies, spectral filtering techniques (Analytic Signal Amplitude and Vertical
Derivative) were applied to IMF data in order to enhance the geophysical response of these
magnetic sources, increasing the spatial resolution of the investigative method. Based on high
amplitude and short wavelength anomalies, magnetic domains and lineaments were delimited in
aeromagnetic maps and correlated with the possible causative bodies. Thus, the correlation of the
geophysical maps with SOM solutions and the geological map allowed to propose an interpretive
map with the surface distribution of magnetic anomalies associated with Mesozoic Magmatism in
the Parna?ba basin. The results indicated that the Mosquito Magmatism has great occurrence at
the western and southern basin edges and the Sardinha Magmatism is located at the centraleastern
and northeastern parts. Magnetic susceptibility data, measured in the magmatic rocks,
permitted individualizing the Mesozoic Magmatism.The Sardinha Formation displays average
magnetic susceptibility of 25.2 x 10-3 SI, about two times higher than the values of 11.46 x 10 -3
SI obtained to Formation Mosquito, revealing a compositional differentiation of these two
magmatic events. Associations between seismic sections, magnetic data and geological map
showed that the high amplitude anomalies in the Analytic Signal and TMI maps are associated
with sills and dykes intruded usually within Balsas, Canind? and Serra Grande groups, and are
significantly influenced by outcropping or at near-surface buried igneous rocks. Finally, the
directions of the magnetic lineaments revealed that ENE-WSW and NNE-SSW oriented rifts,
associated with the break-up of West Gondwana, and E-W and NE-SW structural trends,
associated with Transbrasiliano Shear Zone, exercised structural control over the Mesozoic
Magmatism of the Parna?ba basin.
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