Spelling suggestions: "subject:"free"" "subject:"frei""
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Cyberattacker i gråzonen : Om Säkerhetspolisens och Försvarsmaktens brottsbekämpande ansvar för främmande staters cyberattacker mot samhällsviktiga IT-system / Cyber Attacks in the Grey Zone : The Swedish Security Service and Swedish Armed Forces Law enforcement against Cyber Attacks targeting Information systems important to societyGunnarsson, Louise January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Diplomatiska begränsningar mellan Ryssland och Ukraina : En fallstudie om vilka faktorer som har lett till att begränsa internationella institutioners insatser i konflikten.Hadzic, Anela January 2023 (has links)
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has, at the time of writing, been going on for over 14 months. Despite diplomatic efforts and international cooperation, no attempts have so far succeeded in reaching a peaceful end to the conflict. This study has aimed to investigate and analyze the factors that limited the diplomatic success of the international institutions in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The study has used neoliberal institutionalism as a theoretical framework to analyze and answer the question. This theory has been very helpful in identifying what flaws there may be in international systems that can affect conflict solutions. The study has analyzed a selection of factors which, according to a balance based on political relevance and theoretical starting points, are considered to be significant factors. The factors that have been analyzed are territorial, military, security policy and institutional as well as factors around international collaborations. The study's discussion shows how these factors played a role and in what way the limitations they led to may have affected the success of conflict resolution and may affect future conflicts and outcomes. The discussion also highlights the relevance and importance of a functioning and actionable international system based on the theoretical perspective. The study has contributed to highlighting important factors surrounding the Russia-Ukraine conflict that are relevant both to the case itself and to future conflicts. Read more
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Innehållsanalys av Albaniens nationella handlingsplan för genomförandet av UNSCR 1325 / Content analysis of Albania's National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325Lindahl, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Under 2017 påbörjades arbetet med att ta fram en Albansk handlingsplan för genomförandet av UNSCR 1325. Arbetet utmynnade i framtagandet av ett utkast som fastställdes i maj 2017 med målet om att anta slutgiltig version under 2018. Denna studie ska undersöka vilka förutsättningar den albanska handlingsplanen har för att lyckas och identifiera eventuella riskområden där implementationen riskerar att stöta på problem. För att uppfylla studiens syfte kommer en innehållsanalys göras av utkastets innehåll. Innehållsanalysen utgår från två uppsättningar av faktorer: de generella rekommendationerna som har sin grund i tidigare dragna erfarenheter om vad som utgör en framgångsrik handlingsplan, och de landspecifika rekommendationerna som tagits fram för Albanien utifrån den nationella kontexten. Resultatet av innehållsanalysen visar att handlingsplanen i viss mån följer det tidigare dragna erfarenheterna på området, dock med några tydliga brister. Studien presenterar tre riskområden där implementationen av handlingsplanen riskerar att stöta på problem. Avslutningsvis lyfts tio kompletterande rekommendationer inför antagandet av den slutgiltiga albanska handlingsplanen. Read more
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Octagon HouseLohr, Jonathan 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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“Isn’t It Swell . . . Nowadays?”: The Reception History of Chicago on Stage and ScreenKennedy, Michael M. 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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GeneaologyColatosti, Jennifer M. 29 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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(Re)making men, representing the Caribbean Nation: authorialIndividuation in works by Fred D’Aguiar, Robert Antoni, andMarlon JamesUnknown Date (has links)
This dissertation proposes that West Indian contemporary male writers develop
literary authority, or a voice that represents the nation, via a process of individuation.
This process enables the contemporary male writer to unite the disparities of the
matriarchal and patriarchal authorial traditions that inform his development of a
distinctive creative identity. I outline three stages of authorial individuation that are
inspired by Jung’s theory of individuation. The first is the contemporary male writer’s
return to his nationalist forebears’ tradition to dissolve his persona, or identification
with patriarchal authority; Fred D’Aguiar’s “The Last Essay About Slavery” and
Feeding the Ghosts illustrate this stage. The second is his reconciliation of matriarchal
(present) and patriarchal (past) traditions of literary authority via his encounter with his
forebears’ feminized, raced shadow; Robert Antoni’s Blessed Is the Fruit evidences this process. The third is the contemporary male writer’s renunciation of authority defined
by masculinity, which emerges as his incorporation of the anima, or unconscious
feminine; Marlon James’s The Book of Night Women exemplifies this final phase of his
individuation. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. Read more
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Metaphor, Myth and Memory in Caribbean Literature : the Work of Fred D'Aguiar / Métaphore, Mythe et Mémoire dans la Littérature Caraïbe : l'Oeuvre de Fred D'AguiarCourbot, Leo 25 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche propose une étude de l’œuvre intégrale, en vers et en prose, de Fred D'Aguiar, à travers le prisme du mythe, de la métaphore et de la mémoire, et dans le cadre d'une définition large, inclusive et interculturelle de la littérature caraïbe. A partir de la mise en lumière de la relation hypomnésique de la métaphore à la mythologie et à la métaphysique occidentale, l'argumentation s'étend sur des questions telles que celle du lien entre référent et monde et élabore une vision à la fois interculturelle et géographique de la métaphore en tant que tropicalité. La tropicalité donne, à son tour, son élan à l'argumentation, en permettant, pour la première moitié de ce travail de recherche, la production d'une lecture singulière de la poésie de Fred D'Aguiar, qui s'avère aussi liée à un vaste corpus littéraire, s'étendant de l'Antiquité romaine au réalisme magique américain et caraïbe, du romantisme britannique à la philosophie de Jacques Derrida. La deuxième moitié de ce travail explore la prose de Fred D'Aguiar à travers le thème de l'orphelinat, car tous les protagonistes de ses romans sont des orphelins – et, qui plus est, parce-que le roman est aussi, par définition, le genre qui nie toute filiation. Divisée en deux chapitres, cette deuxième partie de l'étude commence par une problématisation des liens qui opèrent entre textualité et orphelinat ainsi qu'entre orphelinat et esclavage, mais aussi entre esclavage et illettrisme, afin d'étudier la représentation de l'esclavage dans les romans de Fred D'Aguiar. Cette deuxième moitié progresse ensuite vers une réflexion sur les qualités surnaturelles, voire orphiques des orphelins de la prose d'aguiarienne, ainsi que sur leur relation, tout autant orphique, à l'environnement. En conséquence, le présent travail de recherche se clôt sur deux questions : celle de la tradition orphique qui sous-tend l'histoire de la littérature, de l'antiquité jusqu'à présent, et celle de la dimension écocritique de la littérature contemporaine, que l'on proposera de défendre pour certains cas, en tant qu'environnementalisme vatique. / The present dissertation proposes a study of Fred D'Aguiar's complete verse and prose works, through the triple lens of myth, metaphor and memory, and from within a broad, inclusive, and cross-cultural understanding of Caribbean literature. Beginning with an exacerbation of metaphor's hypomnesic relationship to mythology and Western metaphysics, the argument expands to address issues such as that of the relationship between word and world, and elaborates a cross-cultural, and geographically-based understanding of metaphor as tropicality. Tropicality in turn gives the argument its thrust, as it allows, in the first half of the dissertation, for a singular reading of Fred D'Aguiar's entire verse corpus, which is also shown, in the process, to intersect with a vast body of literature, ranging from Roman antiquity to American-Caribbean magic(al) realism and from British romanticism to the philosophy of Jacques Derrida. The second half of this research work explores D'Aguiar's novels in terms of orphanhood, as all the protagonists of his six novels – itself a genre which, presenting itself as newness, denies filiation – are orphans. Divided in two chapters, the second half of this dissertation begins with a problematization of the links that relate textuality to orphanhood and orphanhood to slavery, but also slavery to literacy, in order to study Fred D'Aguiar's novelistic accounts of slavery. It then proposes a reflection on the supernatural, Orphic qualities of D'Aguiar's orphan characters, and of their relation to the environment, which leads, in turn, to reflections on the Orphic traditions pervading literary history, and opens up onto the ecocritical dimensions of contemporary literature, through the tentative coinage of the notion of vatic environmentalism. Read more
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Piecing Together the Puzzle of the Past: A Biographical Research Project on "Doing History" the Fred Morrow Fling WayNapoleon, Kerri B 13 May 2016 (has links)
Change all but defines the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in American history. In the midst of these tumultuous times, America experienced a revolution of reform meant to develop and enhance all areas of life from politics to society, which led historians to call this time period the Progressive Era. However, the progress of the nation was not always the winning ideology. At times, the backlash against progressive ideas restrained innovators and caused them to disappear into the mires of history.
One reformer who experienced this backlash was Fred Morrow Fling. Although he was an internationally-known historian, he remained a rather invisible history education reformer because his ideas were overshadowed by the enormous human events of his lifetime, including the work of other reformers and his unexpected death in 1934. As a trained scientific historian, Fling was a pioneer of historical method and the application of what became known as “source method” in the classroom and he espoused a radical approach to critical education that sought to embed a scientific approach into the teaching of history that has clear parallels with best teaching practices today. Thus, using traditional historical research methods and archival records from both Bowdoin College and the University of Nebraska, the author presents in this dissertation a biographical portrait of Fling’s life. Through the analysis of these historical documents and the evidence of his life recorded in publications and the public press, this portrait will serve to uncover both how Fred Morrow Fling’s conception of history education influenced his practice as a history professor and researcher and how Fred Morrow Fling’s philosophy of education formed and developed over his lifetime. Specifically, this author will consider: how can the philosophy of history education created by Fred Morrow Fling inform our current history education practices today? By investigating Fling’s life, researchers will finally be able to acknowledge Fling’s myriad contributions to history education, which are vital to composing a fuller picture of the history of social studies education. Read more
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Fredsmuseer & Försvarsmuseer : Två perspektiv på fred och säkerhet inom kulturvården / Peace museums & War museums : Two perspectives on peace and security in cultural heritageRibohn, Mio January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker huruvida freds- och konfliktvetenskapliga teorier kan kopplas till freds- respektive försvarsmuseer. Tidigare forskning som kopplar dessa två tvärvetenskapliga ämnesområden till varandra är ytterst bristfällig, vilket kan ge negativa konsekvenser på det museer förmedlar till sina besökare. Är freds- och försvarsmuseerna inte medvetna om vilka teoretiska utgångspunkter de faktiskt har kan de omedvetet ge besökarna en snedvriden och ensidig bild av verkligheten. I uppsatsens undersökning beskrivs Fredens Hus och Armémuseum utifrån ett freds- och konfliktvetenskapligt analysverktyg för att utröna hur de tolkar och förmedlar säkerhet. De två freds- och konfliktvetenskapliga teorierna realism och feminism används sedan för att se om endera museum faktiskt förmedlar en verklighetsuppfattning baserad på någon av dessa teorier. I slutsatsen redogörs att Fredens Hus förmedlar en verklighetssyn som sammanfaller med det kritiska perspektivet feminism och att Armémuseum förmedlar ett perspektiv som sammanfaller med det traditionella perspektivet realism. / The thesis explores wether peace- and conflict studies theories can be linked to peace and war museums. Previous research on these multidisciplinary subject areas merged together is deficient, a situation which could be an adverse impact on what the museums conveys to their visitors. If the peace and war museums aren’t consciously choosing either peace- and conflict studies theory to base their work on, they could inadvertency give their visitors an one-sided and skewed view of the world. The thesis analysis describes Fredens Hus and Armémuseum from a peace- and conflict studies analysis tool set, designed to determine how they interpret and convey security. The two theoretical perspectives, the traditional perspective realism and the critical perspective feminism, is then used to analyse wether either museum actually conveys either two theories. In the conclusion of the thesis it is apparent that Fredens Hus conveys a perspective that coincides with feminism and that Armémuseum coincides with realism. Read more
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