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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictors of Collateral Consequences From Marijuana-Related Police “Stop, Question and Frisk” Experiences for Black and Latinx Adults—and Their Views on the “Stop” Coping Strategies, Reparations, and Marijuana Equity

Nelson, Minerva January 2021 (has links)
This study created the new Collateral Consequences Survey on Marijuana-Related Stop, Question, and Frisk Experiences tool. The tool was administered to a sample (N = 73) 65.8% (N = 48) male, 31.5% (N = 23) female, 68.5% (N = 50) Black, 31.5% (N = 23) Latinx, with 90.4% (N = 66) born in the United States—with a mean age of 30.04 years (min =18, max = 55, SD = 9.42). Some 46.6% (N = 34) completed a Bachelor’s degree or higher, while 63% (N = 46) were employed—with a mean annual household income of $40,000 to $49,000 (mean = category 4.23, min = 1, max = 11, SD = 1.899). Participants suffered multiple long-lasting damages as collateral consequences from Stop, Question, and Frisk. Pearson Correlations showed the higher the global collateral consequences scores, then lower Age (r = -.572, p = .000); darker Skin Color (r = .281, p = .016); lower Income (r = -.269, p = 023); lower Life Satisfaction (r = -.469, p = .000); more Negative Impact on Physical Health (r = -.264, p = .024); more Negative Impact on Mental Health (r = -.413, p = .000); lower BMI (Body Mass Index) (r = -.439, p = .000); greater frequency of various types of marijuana-related police contact (r = .580, p = .000); and greater extent of invasive experiences with police (r = .117, p = .000). While controlling for social desirability, the significant predictors of the study outcome variable of the Global Collateral Consequences Score (GCCS-8) were as not born in the US (β = -.607, SEB = .294, p = .044); lower life satisfaction (β = -.141, SEB = .044, p = .002); lower Body Mass Index (β = -.042, SEB = .010, p = .000); more positive attitudes on marijuana equity and reparations (β = .347, SEB = .099, p = .001); greater frequency of various types of marijuana-related police contact (β = -.232, SEB = .099, p = .024); and greater extent of invasive experiences with police (β = .324, SEB = .084, p = .000). This model accounted for 62.4% of the variance (R2 = 0.669 and Adj R2 = 0.624). Qualitative data expanded on the quantitative data findings. Implications and recommendations covered how the new tool created for this study may be used in future research and for screening purposes to identify those needing interventions from police stress and trauma.

Hälsofrämjande arbete i fritidshem : En studie om hur fritidslärare arbetar hälsofrämjande med specifikt fokus på psykisk hälsa och ohälsa / Health enhancing work progress in after-school centre : A study on how school-age educare teachers work using a health - enhancing approach; with a specific focus on mental health- and mental illness.

Karlsson Lindberg, Simone, Söder Ringdahl, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att jämföra hur fritidslärare arbetar hälsofrämjande i fritidshemmet. Studien använder sig av en kvalitativ ansats för att belysa hur utbildade fritidslärare hanterar psykisk ohälsa i verksamheten. Resultatet uppvisar likheter och skillnader i hur det hälsofrämjande arbetet implementeras i verksamheten utifrån frågeställningarna: Hur arbetar fritidslärare hälsofrämjande generellt? Hur arbetar fritidslärare hälsofrämjande när det gäller psykisk ohälsa? Hur kan det hälsofrämjande arbetet utvecklas och förbättras? Studiens resultat visar på faktorer som bidrar till det hälsofrämjande arbetet såsom vikten av fysisk aktivitet och att eleverna känner trygghet. Resultatet lyfter också fram fritidsläraranas förebyggande arbete med psykisk ohälsa på fritidshemmet och värdet av att arbeta relationskapande utifrån värdegrund samt med den fysiska och psykiska miljöaspekten. Slutligen framkommer att delaktighet är en central del för utvecklingen och att faktorer såsom gemensamma arbetssätt och disponering av tid kan påverka.

Specialpedagogens roll – fokus på det friska genom yrkesspråkets intentioner

Haramaty, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie är en nulägesbeskrivning och belyser specialpedagogens roll utifrån det främjande arbetet i dagens gymnasieskola. Fyra specialpedagoger som börjat arbeta runt 2010 då den nya skollagen infördes har i enskilda intervjuer resonerat kring begreppet främjande arbete kopplat till specialpedagogrollen. Studien är en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Metoden är inspirerad av diskursanalys och fenomenologi och begreppet främjande arbete belyses ur språkbruket. Teori och bakgrundsbeskrivningen ramar tillsammans in studiens utgångspunkter. Studien utgår från forskning och teorier om specialpedagogik, socialantropologi och yrkesspråkets betydelse. Bakgrunden beskriver nuläget med fokus på Elevhälsans nya uppdrag att stötta elevernas utveckling mot utbildningens mål. Intervjuerna är utformade utifrån att undersöka vilka konkreta exempel på främjande arbete som specialpedagogerna väljer att prata om. Resultatet visar att samtalsinnehållet snarare handlar om hinder och svårigheter med det främjande arbetet än det faktiska främjande arbetet. Resultatet visar vidare att specialpedagogerna inte förhåller sig till ett enhetligt språk utan att yrkepsspråket snarare färgas av den organisation man är verksam inom. Specialpedagogerna berättar om insatser kopplat till det främjande arbetet på individ-grupp och organisationsnivå. Resultatet sätts i relation till skollagen från 2010 och hur den till viss del omformulerar lärares och specialpedagogers uppdrag.

Avhopparnas attityder kring sitt forna religiösa engagemang : En studie av faktorer som bidrar till personers religiösa inträde och avhopp / Defectors´ attitudes regarding their former religious activity : A study of factors contributing to joining and leaving a religion

Ripén, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in defectors former religious lives. The literature is rich in references topeople from secular societies being fascinated by religions that are individualistic in nature and hence allowpeople freedom of choice in regards to their beliefs. However, we rarely hear about people who have left this new age belief environment or other religious environments. The study specifically focuses on the defectors, who have left a religious organization or have chosen to leave their religious belief. This study seeks to discover why defectors first came to believe and what got them to leave the religious arena. What happened to their faith, and what caused them to leave their former religion? This is what this study is attempting to shed more light on. The findings indicate that close group-relationships can be vital to one's person and create both positive and negative experiences. The social connections with other people is vital to not create a feeling of alienation and emptiness, leading to loss of meaning in life. Peter L Berger and other sociologists have stressed that religion is meaningful to people, that every society has religion, and that people need religious consolation to face difficult existential questions.

A Study on Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer

Chen, Yu-Ching 31 January 2008 (has links)
Due to the great change of Taiwan social environment, values are seriously distorted. Many adolescents would gather together at holiday nights for dangerous driving on road (racing) which not only causes gridlock on road and interferes traffic seriously, what¡¦s worse is these youths even attack the public, police officers on duty and related competed agency with force. This behavior not only violates legal regulations but damages social security severely, threatens citizens¡¦ life, body and property safety. Since the role of police officer serves as the function of social security maintenance, to clamp down and hold back dangerous driving is one important segment for the exercise of police powers. The exercise method of police powers in Taiwan has been reformed greatly due to the change of political and economical situation. During Martial Law Period, to meet the demand, this nation conferred authority on police officers to great extension. The nature of duty enforcement also belonged to regulation, clampdown, and penalty with compulsive implementation upon enforcement. However, the delegation scope pursuant to law is unspecific and the requirement of enforcement is general, human right violation controversy is often occurred. Till Interpretation of Shih-Zih No. 535 made by Grand Justice of Judicial Yuan, police authority then faces the importance of administrative procedure and is able to step forward to a country of nomocracy. With the promotion from all circles, ¡§Act of Exercise of the Police Powers¡¨ of Taiwan was effected on Dec. 1, 2003, herein not only regulates specifically the definition, function of power limits and implementation method of police officer, it also stipulates the practical measures of civil rights adopted for police powers exercise in proclamation to demand police officers to be in compliance with principle of proportionality while exercising authority. It also bestows the legal basis on police powers exercising that can look after both the insurance of human right and the maintenance of police safety which really possesses groundbreaking meaning of a time. Only that whether the formulation of the said act in practical really indicates the dangerous driving prevention legal system of police officers has already achieved its perfection worth the further research and exploration by this study. Administrative law is deep and profound as well as extensive and infinite and hasn¡¦t formed a complete administration law till now. Only that with observation from the method and principle of administrative act, it can be divided into five main structures of Basic Principle, Organization Framework, Limit of Administrative Rights, Administrative Relief, and Administrative Surveillance. Any administrative legal system pursuits to achieve its perfection, it then shall be analyzed by the five main structures of administrative act. Therefore, the five main structures of administrative act serve as the center in this study to examine the dangerous driving prevention legal system of police officer and review the practice method of police authority and compare to current relative decrees and regulations, expecting police officers can work out the problems concerning to the requirements of power exercise and procedure and to be advantageous to the reinforcement of dangerous driving prevention. Under this pattern of thought, this study tries to examine all systems upon dangerous driving prevention and clampdown of Taiwan police officers from the angle of administrative act with the said five main structures of administrative act basic principles as the research method in this study. The main frameworks of this study are divided into seven chapters respectively: Chapter 1 Introduction To bring forth the dubious interpretation of current dangerous driving prevention reinforcement by police authority firstly to explain the research motive, purpose, research scope, limits, research method, framework, the determination of related terms, and so on. Chapter 2 The Basic Principle of Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer. To interpret the concept and definition of dangerous driving firstly and then bring forth the cruxes in reality and data analysis against the four aspects of society with actual phenomena, economy with most appropriate adjustment, politics of interrogation and legal system of decrees and regulations to make us understand the establishment background of dangerous driving prevention legal system of police officers. And further to compliment with Japan dangerous driving prevention system, the analysis of international aspect to adopt the successful experiences of dangerous driving prevention in foreign countries; and then explore the nomocracy of dangerous driving legal system of police officers from the angle of three principles of administrative act and seven principles of procedure justices to discuss the related legal basis and regulations concerning police power exercise; and finally explore the participation of relative parties of dangerous driving prevention legal system of police officers, expecting to assist police officers in the reinforcement of dangerous driving prevention with the participation of the public to make the dangerous driving prevention legal system more complete. Chapter 3 The Organization Framework of Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer To explore current central and local police administrative organization to deep understand the problems of organization framework, personnel system and fund budget of police authority, expecting to establish complete organization framework for the advantages of practical operation of dangerous driving prevention of police authority. Chapter 4 The Limit of Administrative Rights and Implementation of Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer Traditional clampdown with penalty and other administrative actions exempted from high power type are included. The types and meaning is to be explored against the regulation items of seven ¡§Administrative Procedure Law,¡¨ including Administrative Investigation, Administrative Plan, Administrative Legislation, Administrative Penalty, Administrative Contract, Administrative Instruction, and the insurance of Administrative Duty Reinforcement that is helpful for the clear-up of the requirements and procedures of police power exercise. Chapter 5 The Relief and Solutions to Problems Arising from Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer According to the different categories of agency receiving relief procedures, they can be divided into the administrative relief within and outside administrative system. Start from the relief system of compliant, declaration against different opinions and petition; and then discuss the administrative suit system outside administrative system; and then continue to compliment other relief ways of petition and pleading; and finally to explore national compensation, constitute interpretation and public vote one by one to cover all surveillance rights of people in details. Chapter 6 The Administrative Surveillance of Dangerous Driving Prevention Legal System of Police Officer Due to quality and quantity changes of modern country administration, the necessity of administrative control increases day by day. Complete administrative surveillance legal system consists in exploring the supervising system of inspect, supervise, political affairs and sales within police authority and outer supervising system of power, the public, opinion and social groups. With the supervising function of administrative surveillance to expect the work of dangerous driving prevention of police officer would meet the demand of nation, society and people in the respects of legal system and effects. Chapter 7 Conclusion and Suggestion To bring forth problems discovered after research and propose suggestions for improvements against dangerous driving prevention for the reference of police officers upon the reinforcement.

Leva med döden i rummet : Om terapeutisk behandling vid anorexi / To live with death in the room : About therapeutic treatment with Anorexia Nervosa

Andersson, Marie-Louise January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att närmare undersöka den fronetiska kunskapen kring vad det är iterapeutisk behandling som hjälper människor i riskzonen att utveckla eller redan har utvecklat långvariganorexi. Genom tre material – min teoretiska och praktiska kunskap och tidigare kvalitativa forskning, enfallstudie från den kliniska verksamheten vid Anorexiamottagningen i Stockholm samt en fältstudie medintervjuer med en forskare och fem terapeuter från två olika enheter. Denna studie utforskar gemensammanämnare i behandling med särskilt fokus på vikten av terapeuternas perspektiv. Informanterna har ett holistisktperspektiv och arbetar med olika existentiella, integrativa och systemiska modeller. Det som står ut iinformanternas svar, och som bekräftas av familjen och klientens egen röst, är att personen bakom symtomentonas fram – särskilt inför sig själv – och att sjukdomen tonas ner. Viktigt är också att terapeuterna kan förmedlabåde sin tro på att det är en mänsklig möjlighet att bli fri från anorexi och att det även finns anledning att tro påden enskilda klientens möjligheter att återhämta sig. Andra teman av betydelse är hur man hanterar ångest,negativa självbilder, ambivalens och rädsla för förändring och hur man inviterar till reflexion över alternativasätt att komma vidare i livet utan sin ”bästa” vän Anorexia. Denna studie föreslår mitt material och familjernasberättelse och informanternas bidrag tillsammans frambringar en kollektiv fronetisk kunskap. Det öppnar för attfortsatt forskning går vidare med de aspekter som diskuteras i slutreflektionen. / The aim of hisqualitative study is to examine more closely the fronetic knowledge of what it is in a therapeutic treatment thathelps people who are on the edge to develop, or already have developed, long term anorexia. Through threematerials –my own theoretical and practical knowledge and previous qualitative research, one case study fromthe clinical praxis at the Anorexiamottagningen in Stockholm and one field study where one researcher and fivetherapists from two different unities are interviewed. The study has explored common denominators in treatmentwith special focus on the importance of the therapists ́ perspective. All informants have a holistic view and workwith different existential, integrative and systemic models. What stands out in the answers of the informants, andis confirmed by the family and the voice of the client, is that the person behind the symptoms is tuned up –especially for herself – and the illness is downplayed. It is also important that the therapists can mediate boththeir belief that it is a human possibility to become free from anorexia and that there is also good reason tobelieve in the possibility for the individual client to recoup. Other themes of importance are how to deal withanxiety, ambivalence, negative self-images and fear of change, and how to invite to reflection on alternativeways to proceed in life without their “best” friend, Anorexia. This study suggests that my material together withthe account of the family and the contribution of the informants at the treatment units and bring forth aconsiderable amount of collective phronetic knowledge. This suggests that future research look further into someof the aspects discussed in the final reflection.

Colored Bodies Matter: The Relationships Between Our Bodies & Power

Olurin, Olayemi January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Haberman, Cory P. January 2015 (has links)
Although hot spots policing has become one of the most promising policing strategies, the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of hot spots policing does not suggest what police should be doing in crime hot spots. To date, police enforcement actions – pedestrian investigations, traffic enforcement, and arrests – still dominate American policing. Yet empirical studies of these actions have not: focused on micro-geographic areas, employed multiple measures of police enforcement actions, or empirically compared the effectiveness of different enforcement actions. Given these gaps in the literature, a mixed-methods study sought to answer four research questions. (1) Do four police enforcement actions focused on offenders or potential offenders reduce violent crime in hot spots? The four police enforcement actions examined were pedestrian investigations, traffic enforcement events, quality of life arrests, and violent crime arrests. (2) Are any one of these four police enforcement actions more effective than the others? (3) When police commanders allocate resources to crime hot spots, what do police commanders think they are doing? (4) What are police commanders’ rationales for what they do in crime hot spots? The first two questions were answered using official data from the Philadelphia Police Department. A purposive sample of 169 high crime street blocks and intersections was drawn and longitudinal data analyses examined the effects of police enforcement actions on monthly violent crime counts from 2009 to 2013 (n = 10,140). Wald Tests were used to test for the differential effectiveness of the four enforcement actions. Qualitative methods answered the remaining two research questions. Field observations of crime strategy meetings (May, 2014 to August, 2014) and interviews with police commanders (November, 2014 to February, 2015) were conducted. The quantitative results found total enforcement and pedestrian stop levels in the previous or same month linked to higher expected monthly violent crime counts. The positive effect of pedestrian stops was significantly larger than the effects of traffic enforcement or quality of life arrests. Despite the positive relationship between police enforcement and violent crime, the qualitative results provided insight into what police commanders thought they were doing in crime hot spots. Three themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1) “locking down” crime hot spots, (2) disrupting high risk offenders, and (3) educating potential victims. Police commanders rationalized these beliefs with four explanations of their effectiveness: (1) making offenders “think twice”, (2) denying potential offenders and victims certain places in order to reduce crime opportunities, (3) getting high risk offenders “off the street”, and (4) target hardening. Drawing on theorizing for how police enforcement actions might actually link to higher levels of crime (Grabosky, 1996) and methodological concerns raised by Taylor (2015), five possible explanations for the observed positive relationships among police enforcement actions and violent crime are provided: (1) an anticipatory effect, (2) over-deterrence, (3) escalation, (4) unintended enticement and self-fulfilling prophecies, and (5) temporal scaling. The anticipatory effect explanation centers on the police correctly anticipating outbreaks of violent crime but violent crime still not being reduced due to (1) dosage, (2) the overuse of enforcement, (3) police legitimacy, (4) temporal displacement or two components the study’s design (5) imprecise measurement and (6) lack of a proper counterfactual. Additionally, police enforcement actions may inadvertently reduce guardianship though over-deterrence, escalate competition among rival offenders, or inform potential offenders of crimes they could or “should” be committing. Finally, the study’s temporal scale (i.e., months) may not be fine enough to capture the actual cycling of how increased enforcement actions produce lower violent crime levels. The qualitative data are drawn upon to possibly support these explanations. Additionally, the pros and cons of police commanders’ perspectives on the use and effectiveness of enforcement actions are discussed in context of the criminological theory and crime control literatures. Finally, the results are discussed in terms of their implications for crime control theory and policy. / Criminal Justice

SJUKSKÖTERSKORS ARBETSMILJÖ : En kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelse av frisk- och riskfaktorer i deras arbetsmiljö / NURSES WORK ENVIRONMENT : A qualitative study on nurse’s experiences of healthy and risk factors in their working environment

Dirie, Mona January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla människor har rätt till en trygg och hälsosam arbetsmiljö. Hälsan påverkas oundvikligen av olika faktorer i arbetsmiljön som verkar för eller emot hälsan. Att sträva efter att skapa hälsofrämjande arbetsplatser är därför en viktig del av den nationella och globala folkhälsopolitiken. Tidigare forskning, som främst är av kvantitativ karaktär, har visat att det finns frisk- såväl som riskfaktorer i sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö. Det behövs dock fler kvalitativa studier som belyser sjuksköterskornas egna upplevelser av frisk-och riskfaktorer för att kunna identifiera förbättringsfaktorer i arbetsmiljön och utveckla det framtida hälsofrämjande arbetet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av frisk-och riskfaktorer i sin arbetsmiljö, med fokus på förbättringsfaktorer. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats användes för att analysera data från de fem sjuksköterskor i Mellansverige, som intervjuats med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjumetod. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom två kategorier: ´Arbetstillfredsställelse`, med tillhörande tre subkategorier: Meningsfulla interaktioner, Ett öppet och jämlikt arbetsklimat, Socialt stöd. Vidare kategorin: ´Bemanning och resurser`, som innehöll följande subkategorier: Personalstyrkan och dess konsekvenser, Kompetensutveckling samt Fysisk miljö. Slutsats: En god och hållbar arbetsmiljö var av stor vikt för sjuksköterskornas hälsa och välbefinnande på arbetet. Vidare beskrevs det finnas en del riskfaktorer i arbetsmiljön som försämrade arbetsglädjen och sjuksköterskornas välbefinnande. Sammantaget framkom det av intervjuerna att det är viktigt att fortsätta arbeta för att stärka sjuksköterskornas arbetsmiljö, eftersom arbetsmiljön också påverkar vårdkvaliteten och patienternas välmående. Något som är av vikt för folkhälsan och en god hälsa på lika villkor. Nyckelord: Arbetsmiljö, Frisk- och riskfaktorer, Hälsofrämjande arbete, Kvalitativ vetenskaplig metod, Sjuksköterskor / Background: All humans have the right to safe and healthy work environments. Health is inevitably affected by different factors in the working environment that work for or against health. Striving to create health-promoting workplaces is therefore an important part of the national and global public health policy. Previous research, mainly of a quantitative nature, has shown that there are healthy as well as risk factors in nurses' work environment. More qualitative research is however needed which highlights nurses' own experiences of healthy and risk factors in the work environment, to be able to identify improvement opportunities in the work environment and develop the future health promotion work. Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight nurses' experiences of healthy and risk factors in their work environment, with a focus on improvement factors. Method: A qualitative study was conducted and a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach was used to analyse data from the five nurses in Central Sweden, who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview method. Results: From the analysis, two categories emerged: `Work satisfaction`, with associated three subcategories: Meaningful interactions, An open and equal working climate, Social support. Furthermore, the category: "Staffing and resources", which contained the following subcategories: Lack of personnel and its consequences, Skills development and Physical environment. Conclusion: A good and sustainable work environment was of great importance for the nurses' health and well-being at work. Furthermore, there were some risk factors in the working environment that worsened work satisfaction and the nurses' well-being. Overall, it was important to continue working to strengthen the nurses' work environment, as the working environment also affects the quality of care and the well-being of the patients. Something that is important for public health and good health on equal terms. Keyword: Health promotion work, Healthy- and risk factors, Nurses, Qualitative method, Working environment

Infrastruktur och miljöpåverkan från tunga transporter vid ett slutförvar av kärnavfall i Oskarshamns kommun

Nilsson, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
Denna rapport utreder översiktligt regional och kommunal infrastruktur ochmiljöpåverkan från transporter av bergmassor, bentonit och lera vid ett slutförvar avkärnavfall eller om det inte blir ett slutförvar i Oskarshamns kommun. Strategin harvarit att utefter de regionala miljökvalitetsmålen begränsad klimatpåverkan, frisk luftsamt det länsegna målet fossilbränslefri zon år 2030 undersöka hur olika lastbärare(lastbil, tåg och fartyg) bidrar till måluppfyllelse. Slutsatsen är att det mest troligascenariot med transporterna är olika transportalternativ beroende på vart materialetskall någonstans och vad det skall användas till. Oavsett om det blir ett slutförvar ellerej i Oskarshamns kommun, kommer infrastrukturen att bli förändrad, speciellt för deboende i Misterhults socken. Fossilbränslefrizon år 2030 är det målet som inte skullenå måluppfyllelse ifall enbart lastbärare med fossilt bränsle skulle användas vidtransporterna. 2008:Nr 3 Teknik

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