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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samisk rätt i Sápmi? : Om mediebilden av markkonflikten i Kallak

Auran, Inga January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur mediebevakningen av Kallak-konflikten sett ut och hur samiska intressen och värden gjorts förståeliga i och genom bevakningen av konflikten. Metoden som har använts är det diskursanalytiska logikperspektivet, vilket strukturerar materialet genom att identifiera och beskriva de logiker som används för att förstå situationen. Teorin är baserad på internationell forskning kring ursprungsfolk som behandlar hur marken förstås och värderas, och även behandlar vilka större komplexa implikationer en markkonflikt kan ha för ursprungsfolk. Analysen består av citat eller utdrag ur tidningsartiklar, och i slutsatsen diskuterar jag de tre större logikerna som har identifierats i materialet: Ekonomilogiken, Miljölogiken och Rättighetslogiken. / The aim of this thesis it to examine how the 'Kallak-conflict had been portrayed in the news coverage and how Sami interests and values has been made comprehensible through and by the news coverage. The method that has been used is the discourse analytic logic perspective, which, by structuring the material can identify and describe the logic’s that are used to understand the situation. The theory is based on international research on indigenous people that handle how the land can be perceived and valued, and handle the bigger more complex implications a land conflict can have for indigenous people. The analysis is based on quotes, or sections from newspaper articles, and in my conclusion I discuss the three major logic’s I found in the material: The economic logic, the environmental logic and the logic of rights.

En konsekvensanalys för Jåhkågasska tjielldes rennäring av den eventuella gruvetableringen i Kallak/Gàllok / An impact assessment for the reindeer husbandry of Jåhkågasska tjiellde due to a potential mine establishment in Kallak/Gàllok

Mattsson, Sara, Eriksson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Gruvindustrin växer i norra Sverige och sedan början av 2000-talet har ansökningar om bearbetningskoncessioner ökat drastiskt. Planerande av gruvor kan dock vara problematiska när de sker i renskötselområden och företrädare för det samiska samhället har kritiserat gruvbolagen för att inte ta hänsyn till samebyarnas synpunkter i sina miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar för nya gruvprojekt. Denna rapport ämnar synliggöra samebyn Jåhkågasska tjielldes perspektiv angående påverkan för deras rennäring av en eventuell gruvetablering i Kallak/Gállok. Med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt kartläggning i ArcGIS har en scenarioanalys gjorts för att kunna beskriva och bedöma möjliga framtidsscenarier för Jåhkågasska tjielldes rennäring. Därefter har en jämförelse gjorts mellan scenarioanalysen och gruvbolagets syn på gruvans påverkan på rennäringen. Scenarioanalysen visade att samebyn ser en större påverkan på rennäringen än vad gruvbolaget gör. Bidragande orsaker till det är att gruvbolagets miljökonsekvensbeskrivning saknar utredd påverkan av kumulativa effekter, den har en för snäv systemgräns samt att den inte har tagit med berörda renskötares kunskaper om rennäring. Detta gör att det saknas en helhetsbild av påverkan på rennäringen, vilket gör att olika uppfattningar och konflikter uppstått. / The mining industry is expanding in northern Sweden and ever since the beginning of the 21st century the applications for exploitation concessions have increased rapidly. However, the planning of mines can be problematic when it's done in reindeer husbandry areas and representatives for the sami society have criticized mining companies for not taking the sami people’s aspect into account in their environmental impact assessments for new mining projects. This report aims to make visible the perspective of the Sami village of Jåhkågasska tjiellde regarding the impacts on their reindeer husbandry due to a potential mining establishment in Kallak/Gállok. With the help of a literary study and maps created in ArcGIS, a scenario analysis has been made to describe and evaluate possible scenarios for the future of the reindeer husbandry in Jåhkågasska tjielldes. After that, a comparison between the scenario analysis and the mining company's view of the mine’s impact on the reindeer husbandry has been made. The scenario analysis showed that the Sami village sees a greater impact on the reindeer husbandry than the mining company. Causal factors for the different views are that the company's environmental impact assessment lack an evaluation of impacts of cumulative effects, has a too narrow system boundary and does not include the reindeer herders knowledge about reindeer husbandry. This leads to an absence of an overall picture of the impacts on the reindeer husbandry, which has led to different opinions and conflicts.

Invisible Histories and Stories of Progress : Discourses and Narratives in Decision-Making Institutions in Mining Affairs in Sweden

Nyström, Markus January 2015 (has links)
During the summer of 2013, fierce protests broke out against a test-mining operation in Gállok (Kallak) outside Jokkmokk, Sweden. Environmental activists joined with local indigenous Sámi in the protest. The incident made national and international headlines, resonating with other instances of conflict between mining companies and indigenous peoples around the world. This thesis aims to explore political discourses and historical narratives behind those, and other, protests and tensions in relation to mining between, on the one hand, the Swedish state which express – through various institutions – to be a proud 'mining nation' with a firm environmental legislation, and, on the other, indigenous Sámi in the Swedish north. Using discourse analysis in combination with a novel application of concepts from narrative theory (the concept of masterplots), the narratives and ideologies of the national institutions responsible for decision-making in mining affairs in Sweden – the government, the parliament, and the Mining Inspectorate – are investigated by analyzing various written and verbal sources. The investigation show a coherent trend within the institutions in making the Sámi people, their rights to land and water, and Sweden's colonial history towards them and their land, Sápmi, invisible, misunderstood, and/or belittled. Mining is understood as an evidently vital and typically Swedish industry, fundamental for the rise of Sweden as a modern welfare state, and an industry which 'makes the world better' by providing the necessary raw materials for the (assumed) inevitable progress and benefit of (western) technology and (western) civilization. The exclusion of certain histories allow for a hegemony in which a certain future is naturalized, made out to be unavoidable. Furthermore, the plot structures employed to create and sustain the hegemony draw on several colonial masterplots. The conclusion of this thesis is that the hegemonic discourse sustains a colonial attitude towards Sápmi and the Sámi people, without it ever being expressed nor understood as such.

Does violence against land equal violence towards its people? : Understanding Sámi perspective of the land-use conflict in Gállok through Galtung´s violence triangle

Hultkrantz, Lumi January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Sápmi, located in the North of Fennoscandia, including Finland, Sweden, Norway and parts of Russia, is the home of the majority of the indigenous Sámi people. With a high amount of natural resources in the shape of minerals, forests, and energy extraction, Sápmi is a place of a dispute between different actors such as the Nordic governments, corporations, locals, and Europe’s only indigenous people, the Sámis. On 22 March 2022, the Swedish Government granted a mining license to mobilize an iron ore mine in Gállok, the Swedish side of Sápmi, which has contributed to land-use conflicts and discrimination against the Sámi people. Thus, this issue continues today, making it vital to continue research on the land-use conflict in Sápmi. This qualitative study method uses an abductive approach and case study design. The interview method used is semi-structured interviews with purposive sampling to collect Sámi interviewees. Indigenous methodologies are used to conduct ethical research and apply Johan Galtung's violence triangle as a theory. The study's objective is to understand the land-use conflict in Gállok through the Sámi perspective. The study looks at the methods external actors use to access Gállok and the consequences of a mine in the area. The thesis findings showed that the three violences are visible in the land-use conflict in Gállok. The study presents that the methods used to access Gállok originates from education and media, furthers the laws and regulations by the Swedish authorities and the use of language to promote a green transition and civilization. The consequences found was the negative impact on the Sámi development through their perspective, hindering the chances to continue Sámi livelihood and an effect on Sámi well-being and identity. Additionally, the findings showed that the violences were differently dominating. However, cultural violence has shown to be the core contribution to structural and direct violence. Future research can focus on an intersectional impact on the mining establishment Sámis experience and furthering a decolonizing process.

Mining for Whose Future? The Recycling of Narratives for Continuous Extraction : A discursive study of the Gállok mine / Gruvor för vems Framtid? Återanvändning av Narrativ för Fortsatt Brytning : En diskursstudie av Gállok gruvan

Engström, Julia January 2023 (has links)
The Exploitation of land for economic growth has been an ongoing issue for locals’ rights to land, especially indigenous people. In Sweden, EU’s largest producer of Iron ore, the conflict between the State, indigenous Sámi, and mining industries have caused many controversies over the years, where mining projects repeatedly infringe upon land inhabited by Sámi. It is argued that exploitation is a “common good” for economic and social development, arguments which are rooted in the historical oppression and colonialist thoughts of the past. Recently, the argument has shifted, adding environmental concerns, where development projects claim to be an indispensable part of the national and global green transition. Ideas stemming from green growth narratives, such as technological solutions, are consistently put forward as the right path towards a green transition, with little consideration paid towards communities who pay the price. One such instance is the case of the proposed mine in Gállok, which was granted a processing concession in 2022. The project is asserted to be a necessity for producing green iron ore for a sustainable future, while opposing parties argue that it will cause irredeemable consequences on the environment and the Sámi village Jåhkågasska tjiellde. This Master thesis investigates these narratives through Critical Discourse Analysis and an Environmental Justice framework to elucidate misrecognition within green growth politics and how arguments contrived from ideologies and beliefs shape the mainstream narrative. It is not to impart an absolute truth but to highlight one potential contributing factor to the current situation. Documents provided by the Company, the State and Sametinget are used as a basis for the analysis, where they are analysed through themes based on perceived recognition, narratives, and power structures, Namely Language, Representation, and (De)politicisation. It is found that while some progress has been made concerning Sámi rights generally in Sweden, little of it can be observed within the discourse regarding the mine. Both company and the State still lean heavily on technical solutions to create coexistence between the mine and Sámi, something which the Sámi affirms is not a possibility. It is further concluded that a green transition which claims to be sustainable needs to consider the social repercussions against the indigenous experience, heritage, livelihood, and culture to be truly sustainable. / Exploatering av mark för ekonomisk vinning och urbefolkningars rättigheter är ett kontroversiellt ämne globalt. I Sverige, EU:s största producent av järnmalm, har konflikten mellan staten, samer och gruvindustrin orsakat många kontroverser genom åren, varav gruvprojekt kontinuerligt inkräktar på land som brukas av samer. Det hävdas att sådan exploatering genererar en "allmännytta" för ekonomisk och social utveckling, argument som har sina rötter i gamla koloniala världsbilder och historiska förtryck av samer. På senare tid har argumenten för exploatering även inkluderat miljöfrågor, varav utvecklingsprojekt hävdar att de är en väsentlig del av den nationella och globala gröna omställningen. Idéer som härrör från grön tillväxtteori, såsom tekniska lösningar, presenteras konsekvent som den rätta vägen mot en grön omställning, med lite hänsyn till dem som betalar priset. Ett sådant exempel är fallet med den föreslagna gruvan i Gállok, som beviljades en bearbetningskoncession 2022. Projektet hävdas vara en nödvändighet för att producera grön järnmalm för en hållbar framtid, medan motparter hävdar att det kommer att orsaka oåterkalleliga konsekvenser för miljön och samebyn Jåhkågasska tjiellde. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka aktörers olika narrativ genom kritisk diskursanalys och ett ramverk för miljörättvisa för att belysa felerkännande av samiska rättigheter inom grön tillväxtpolitik, och hur argument formade av ideologier påverkar den breda diskussionen. Dokument som hämtats från Beowulf Mining PLC, Staten och Sametinget används som underlag för analysen, där de analyseras genom teman hämtade från upplevd igenkänning, narrativ och maktstrukturer, Nämligen Språk, Representation och (Av)politisering. Det visar sig att även om vissa framsteg har gjorts när det gäller samernas rättigheter generellt i Sverige, kan lite av detta ses i diskursen gällande gruvan. Både företaget och staten lutar sig fortfarande hårt mot tekniska lösningar för att skapa samexistens mellan gruvan och samerna, något som samerna hävdar inte är en möjlighet. Vidare dras slutsatsen att en grön omställning som gör anspråk på att vara hållbar måste ta hänsyn till de potentiella konsekvenserna för samiska erfarenheter, arv, försörjning och kultur för att verkligen kunna bedömas som hållbar.

Mediated Justice : Mapping news media narratives about indigenous peoples’ rights and the mining conflicts in Renca (Brazil) and Gállok (Sweden)

Santana Faria, Natália January 2018 (has links)
Conflicts between the mining industry and traditional communities have been challenging indigenous peoples’ rights and endangering the environment around the world. The purpose of this study is to gain a broad perspective on the role of media representations in framing (or misframing) justice (Fraser 2009) and in reflecting (or not) media responsibility (Silverstone 2017) when reporting such events. Although recent studies have analysed news media coverage of environmental conflicts from a similar theoretical approach, few studies have addressed this inquiry through narrative analysis. Particularly, considering cases from both developed and developing countries, different media ecologies (mainstream and alternative), and scales of production and distribution (national and international). This is the gap that motivates this study. The material consists of 54 articles from diverse new media sources that have reported on two contemporary mining conflicts: the Renca mining reserve in Brazil, and the Gállok/Kallak iron mine in Sweden. The analysis focuses on how the narrator conducts the stories by mapping and comparing the structural and discursive patterns found in the material. The findings show that, in both cases (Brazil and Sweden), the majority of narratives are grounded in Western-centric perspectives that tend to misframe justice. In contrast, the results suggest that fairer and more responsible narratives are the ones told from an absolute local (Cavarero 2012) perspective.

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