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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från mästare till kommunalarbetare : En undersökning om trädgårdsmästaryrkets status- och kompetensförändring under perioden 1920-1955

Sundin, Anton January 2014 (has links)
This study of literature from the period 1920-1955 has shown that the profession of gardeners in Sweden went through several structural changes in the early and midst 20th century. The gardeners knowledge, which used to cover the whole horticultural spectra, was due to that no longer appreciated or useful. Prior the 1920’s the gardeners, especially the skilled craftsmen working for the upper-classes, were the ones who led progression in the horticultural field forward and their qualifications were many and diverse. Due to many factors, such as low economic and social status, functionalistic style and the fact that the branch were rationalized and modernized in general, lead up to a point where the gardener of old no longer fitted in, in the much more globalized and modern world of the 1950’s.

Les jardins d'agrément en Nouvelle-France (aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)

Fortier, Marie-José January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Les jardins d'agrément en Nouvelle-France (aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)

Fortier, Marie-José January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


Gaklik, émille Schmidt 04 May 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In face of the increasing development of policies and actions in order to preserve the assets of property of society, occurred during the last years, there is one outstanding item, that has to be mentioned: the notion of cultural heritage, which is not restricted to goods built by man, but it also includes the landscape and other examples of human interaction with nature. This paper has the purpose of mapping the pathological manifestations existing in the historical garden of the Mansion Dr. Astrogildo de Azevedo, in the municipality of Santa Maria - RS. The garden, eclectic trend, dated approximately from late 1940 and early 1950 decades, is obsolete. There is no insertion of activities and no public visitation. The garden gets only little care and presents many pathologies and degradations. This dissertation seeks to rescue the local culture of the garden and to lead to a recovery and readjustment for current use, so that it can be returned to the population of Santa-Maria, and be rescued as cultural heritage of the city as a milestone of the Belle Époque. As subsidy for the development of this project, there were addressed theoretical references on the location of the project, also the processes and concepts of restoration and conservation of monuments, history of the gardens in Brazil, as well as concepts concerning degradations and pathologies of the buildings and its representation in the form of Maps of damage . The methodology applied to the project consisted of case study: the garden. In this study were conducted surveys of data - metric, photographic survey and existing pathologies - besides an experimental cleaning program, aiming at the removal of dirt found in different types of materials of the garden`s elements. This program of cleaning helped to find out that the pathological manifestation more found in the Garden the biodeterioration- can be eliminated through the use of simple products like soap, detergent and bleach together with manual brushing. So, cleaning up is a major step toward maintenance of the garden and serves as preparation for a later stage of restoration or intervention. The results after tabulated and interpreted, culminated in the drafting of an intervention Project for the site. Through this the garden will be preserved and adapted to a more current usage, ensuring its preservation and rescuing local culture heritage. / Diante do crescente desenvolvimento de políticas e ações para preservação patrimonial dos bens da sociedade verificado durante os últimos anos, destaca-se a noção de patrimônio cultural, a qual não se restringe a bens edificados pelo homem, mas inclui também a paisagem e demais exemplos de interação do homem com a natureza. Este trabalho tem a finalidade de mapear as manifestações patológicas existentes no jardim histórico do Palacete Dr.Astrogildo de Azevedo, no município de Santa Maria- RS. O jardim, de tendência eclética, datado aproximadamente do final da década de 1940 e início da década de 1950, encontra-se obsoleto, sem inserção de atividades e visitação de público, com poucos cuidados e apresenta muitas patologias e degradações. Através da realização dessa dissertação, pretende-se resgatar a cultura local do jardim, visando uma recuperação e readequação deste a um uso atual, de forma que o jardim possa ser devolvido à população santa-mariense e resgatado como patrimônio cultural da cidade, marco de um passado da Belle Époque. Como subsídio para o desenvolvimento desse projeto, foram abordados referenciais teóricos sobre o local de inserção do projeto, os processos e conceitos de restauro e conservação de monumentos, um histórico dos jardins no Brasil, além de conceitos referentes às degradações e patologias das edificações e de sua representação na forma de Mapas de danos. A metodologia aplicada ao projeto constou de estudo de caso: o jardim. Nesse estudo foram realizados levantamentos de dados- levantamento métrico, fotográfico e das patologias existentes - além de um programa experimental de limpeza, visando a remoção das sujidades encontradas em diferentes tipos de materiais dos elementos do jardim. Com este programa de limpeza, constatou-se que a manifestação patológica mais encontrada no jardim a biodeterioração- pode ser eliminada através do uso de produtos simples como sabão, detergente e água sanitária aliados à escovação manual. Logo, a limpeza compõe uma etapa importante para a manutenção do jardim e serve como preparo para uma posterior fase de restauração ou intervenção Os resultados depois de tabulados e interpretados, culminaram na elaboração de um Projeto de Intervenção para o local. Através deste, o jardim será conservado e adaptado a um uso mais atual, garantindo sua preservação patrimonial e resgatando sua cultura local.

The Solitary Place Shall Be Glad for Them: Understanding and Treating Mormon Pioneer Gardens as Cultural Landscapes

Wheeler, Emily Anne Brooksby 01 May 2011 (has links)
The gardens of early Mormon pioneers are a unique cultural resource in the western United States, but little guidance has been provided for understanding or providing landscape treatments for Mormon landscapes. Mormon pioneers came to Utah and the Great Basin to escape religious persecution and build their own holy kingdom. In relative geographical isolation, they built towns that have a distinctive character delineating a Mormon cultural region in the West. Self-sufficiency was an important feature of these towns and of the religious culture of early Mormons, both because of their geographical isolation and their desire to be independent of the world, which they viewed as wicked. This emphasis on self-sufficiency made gardens and gardening an important part of every household, encouraged by religious leaders and individual need. The cultural and personal preferences of individuals did influence the style and contents of Mormon pioneer gardens, but perhaps not to the extent that the religious culture of self-sufficiency did. When managing or treating Mormon pioneer landscapes or gardens, it is helpful to start by assessing any historic features that still exist. Then, the property owner or manager can choose one of the standard landscape treatments of preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction, or opt for some combination of these treatments. Because Mormon pioneers brought plants from all over the world, a large selection of heirloom plants may be suitable for historic Mormon landscapes. A few historic plants are no longer appropriate in Western landscapes because of ecological concerns such as invasiveness or water efficiency, but substitutions for these plants can be found by considering the plant's form, function, and meaning in the historic landscape.

Georg Potente (1876-1945) : die Entwicklung vom Gartengestalter zum Gartendenkmalpfleger zwischen 1902 und 1938 in Potsdam-Sanssouci

Wacker, Jörg January 2003 (has links)
In der Person von Georg Potente, der von 1902 bis 1938 in Potsdam-Sanssouci tätig war, spiegelt sich eine Entwicklung vom königlichen Ober- und Hofgärtner zum staatlichen Gartendirektor, einem schöpferisch tätigen Gartendenkmalpfleger wider. Sein Schaffen in historischen Gärten ist charakterisiert durch ein zeittypisches Spannungsfeld von kaiserlichen Aufgaben zur Neuanlage und Modernisierung einzelner Parkteile bis zu komplizierten gartendenkmalpflegerischen Wiederherstellungsarbeiten ganzer Parkbereiche. Die dabei von Potente begründete und praktizierte Herangehensweise, nach der Erforschung der Entstehungsgeschichte und der Auswertung aller historischen Pläne und Beschreibungen der Gartenanlage durch eine plangrafische Überlagerung die verschiedenen zeitlichen Zustände zu gewichten und den wiederherzustellenden Zeitstil festzulegen, begründete in den 20er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts die wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweise der sich entwickelnden Gartendenkmalpflege. / The person of Georg Potente who worked at Sanssouci Garden from 1902 until 1938, reflects the developement from a royal gardener to a public garden director - a creative garden heritage preservator. His work in historical gardens is characterized by an area of conflict typical for its time. It implies both imperatorical requirements, redesigning and modernizing of separate park areas and the often complicated re-establishment of such. It was Potentes appoach to explore the history of origin of gardens, to overlap the available historical maps and trough this to define different states of the gardens at different times. He helped to establish the scientifically based work of te developing garden heritage preservation in the 1920s.

Visby vallgravar : del av ett rikt kulturarv eller bara en kuliss? / Visby moats : part of a rich heritage or nothing but a coulisse?

Hofling, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Kulturmiljövårdens hantering av de gröna miljöerna har länge varit bristfällig, vilket Visby vallgravar utgör exempel på. Park­området som sträcker sig utmed ringmuren från norr till söder ger idag ett till viss del naturpräglat intryck trots att det under slutet av 1800-talet genomgick omfattande planteringar och därmed i hög grad är medvetet gestaltat. Detta har medfört att kun­skapen om varför vallgravarna ser ut som de gör är otillräcklig. När Visby togs upp på UNESCO:s världsarvslista 1995 pekades vallgravarna ut som buffertzon. På ett kontrasterande sätt har man från kommunal sida på senare år utvecklat planer för exploa­tering både i och nära inpå vallgravsområdet. Undersökningen har syftat till att med Visby som exempel belysa hur gröna kulturmiljöer kan komma att tolkas på olika sätt när vi väljer att tillskriva dem särskilda tidslager och därmed bortse från andra. Dessutom har syftet varit att syna hur buffert­zonskonceptet applicerats i den kommunala planeringen och på detta sätt lyfta fallet till ett internationellt perspektiv. Undersökningen har visat på att Planteringsgillets verksamhet till stor del format dagens vallgravsområde. Samtidigt har histo­riens bristande förvaltning tillsammans med senare års ”medeltidifiering” lett till att fokus riktats bort från senare historia och snarare koncentrerats till medeltiden. I relation till den medeltida världsarvsstaden och ringmuren har vallgravarna kommit att mer utgöra en kuliss än en del av kulturarvet. Buffertzonskonceptet har visats möta problem i implementering i nationell lagstift­ning vilket är ett av skälen till ett avvaktande förhållningssätt till området i världsarvsfrågan. Paradoxala motsättningar i form av exploateringsplaner och en vilja att utöka och tydliggöra världsarvet är ett av resultaten som uppvisat ett behov av att öka kun­skapen och på ett tydligare sätt säkra världsarvets och vallgravarnas fortlevnad. / The cultural heritage management’s handling of the green environments has long been inadequate, which Visby moats are exemplifying. The park area that extends along the city wall from north to south today provide a rather natural impression de­spite in the late 1800s undergoing extensive plantings and thus are highly deliberately formed. This has resulted in a poor under­standing of why the moats look like they do. When Visby was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1995 the moats were pointed out as a buffer zone. In a contrasting way the municipal authorities have, in recent years, been developing plans for exploitation within and close to the moat area. The research has, with Visby as an example, aimed to show how green cultural environments might be interpreted in different ways when we choose to ascribe to them specific layers of time and thus ignore the others. Secondly, the aim has been to look into how the buffer zone concept is applied in municipal planning and in this way raise the case to an international perspective. The research has shown that the work of Planteringsgillet largely shaped today's moat area. Meanwhile, mismanagement through history along with recent years' “Middle Ageifying" have led to a focus directed away from recent history and rather concentrated on the Middle Ages. In relation to the medieval world heritage city and the city walls the moats have come more to represent a coulisse than a part of cultural heritage. The buffer zone concept has shown to face problems in the implementation in national law which is one of the reasons for a passive approach to the area concerning ​​the World Heritage issue. Paradoxical contradictions in the form of exploitation plans and a desire to expand and clarify the World Heritage Site is one of the results that have demonstrated a need to increase knowledge and a clearer way to secure the viability of the world heritage and the moats.

Dr. Richard Schomburgk and Adelaide Botanic Garden, 1865-1891 / Pauline Payne

Payne, Pauline January 1992 (has links)
xvii, 667, [18] leaves : ill ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of History, 1992

Old and New Objects in the Garden: Spatio-Temporal Strategies of Representation in Irish Landscape Gardens, 1700–1790

Kriedemann, Karen 19 June 2023 (has links)
Die englischsprachige Dissertationsschrift leistet einen grundlegenden Beitrag zur irischen Gartenkunstgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. In ihr wird erstmals übergreifend die Argumentation raum-zeitlicher Inszenierungsstrategien in irischen Landschaftsgärten durch den visuellen und ästhetisch-stilistischen Bezug auf archäologische Überreste (wie Ganggräber, Ringforts und Hünengräber), Ruinen und historischen Stätten analysiert. Dafür werden 38 Gärten vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung vergleichbarer Anlagen in England und auf dem europäischen Kontinent untersucht (vier davon als Fallstudien). Es wird dargelegt, dass die Kompositionen irischer Gartenanlagen, die sich im Besitz sowohl etablierter als auch neu angesiedelter Grundbesitzer befanden, ein Ausdrucksmittel waren, um auf die sozial-politische Situation englischer Herrschaft zu reagieren. In den Gartenanlagen wurde irische Geschichte angeeignet bzw. instrumentalisiert. Die Wahrnehmung von archäologischen Überresten und historischen Stätten war eng mit der zeitgenössischen irischen antiquarischen Debatte verbunden. Gärten an oder in der Nähe von historischen Stätten sind grundsätzlich ein sehr geeignetes Medium um Geschichte erfahrbar zu machen. Denn während sich die Besucher durch den Gartenraum bewegen, können sie Raum und Zeit wahrnehmen. Durch die visuelle Verbindung von alten architektonischen Überresten und zeitgenössischen Gartenarchitekturen über Blickachsen werden darüber hinaus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart miteinander verknüpft. Für die Untersuchung wurde eine interdisziplinäre Methode gewählt, aus rezeptionsästhetischen und raumstrategischen Ansätzen, politischer Ikonographie und mit Verortung der Objekte in ihrem sozial-politischen Entstehungskontext. Die Arbeit enthält einen Katalogteil, der steckbriefartig 24 Gartenanlagen erfasst, die im Text ausführlicher analysiert werden. / This PhD thesis in English makes a fundamental contribution to the history of Irish gardens in the 18th century. For the first time, it analyses the staging of spatio-temporal strategies in Irish landscape gardens through visual and aesthetic-stylistic references to archaeological remains (such as passage tombs, ringforts and cromlechs), ruins and historical sites. For this purpose, 38 gardens are examined against the background of the development of comparable sites in England and on the European continent (four of them as case studies). It is argued that the compositions of Irish gardens, owned by both established and newly settled landowners, were a means of expression in response to the socio-political situation of English rule. Irish history was appropriated or instrumentalised in the gardens. The perception of archaeological remains and historic sites was closely linked to the contemporary Irish antiquarian debate. Gardens at or near historic sites are fundamentally a very appropriate medium for making history tangible. For as visitors move through the garden space, they can perceive space and time. Moreover, by visually linking ancient architectural remains and contemporary garden architecture via visual axes, past and present are interconnected. An interdisciplinary method was chosen for the study, consisting of approaches to reception aesthetics and spatial strategy, political iconography and locating the objects in their socio-political context of origin. The work contains a catalogue section that lists 24 garden sites, which are analysed in more detail in the text.

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