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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifiering av svenska fragment : har kontexten någon betydelse? / Identifying Swedish Fragments : Does the Context have any Meaning?

Mårtensson, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om identifiering av fragment och ordigenkänning visar att resultaten ökar om deltagare har sett orden de ska identifiera tidigare eller om ordfragmenten presenteras i sin rätta kontext. I den här studien undersöktes påverkan av kontexten vid identifiering av svenska fragment genom att använda primingparadigm. Svenska talare blev indelade i två grupper, Priming och Kontroll och testades med online-enkäter. I Priming fick deltagarna läsa en text och sedan fylla i fragment från texten medans deltagarna i Kontroll endast fyllde i fragmenten. Resultaten visade motsatsen till tidigare forskning. Deltagarna i kontrollgruppen presterade bättre och lyckades identifiera fler korrekta fragment än de deltagare som fick läsa orden i en komplett text innan de blev ombedda att fullfölja fragmenten. En möjlig orsak till detta kan vara att texten var för lång vilket ledde till en frustration hos deltagarna som hämmade dem från att få ett bra resultat. Resultaten visade även att män, överlag lyckades identifiera fler korrekta fragment än vad kvinnor kunde. Detta kan bero på faktorer som koncentration eller förmåga att komma ihåg detaljer. Vid identifiering av verb och substantiv visade det sig vara enklare att identifiera verb när de presenterades i isolation och substantiv när de presenterades i sin rätta kontext. Detta stämmer överrens med tidigare forskning som visade att verb och substantiv är representerade på olika platser i hjärnan och påverkas därför annorlunda vid processning. Vidare forskning med fler deltagare uppmuntras för att kunna undersöka ytterligare aspekter som kan ha påverkat resultatet. / Previous research on identification of fragments and word recognition showed that results increased if participants had seen the words that they were supposed to identify previously, or if the fragments were presented in their accurate context. In this study, the influence of context was investigated in identification of Swedish fragments by using priming paradigm. Swedish speakers were divided into two groups, Priming and Kontroll and were tested with online surveys. In Priming the participants read a text and then filled in fragments to create words, whilst the participants in Kontroll only filled in the fragments. The results in this study contrast with previous research on context priming. Participants in the control group performed better and were able to identify more accurate fragments then the participants that read the words in their right context before they were asked to complete the fragments. A possible reason for this could be that the text they read was simply too long which lead to frustration among the participants which had an inhibitory effect. The results also showed that men were able to identify more accurate fragments than women, over all. Factors like concentration or the ability to remember details could be a reason for this. Identification of verbs and nouns showed that it was easier to identify verbs when they were presented in isolation and nouns when they were presented in their right context. This corresponds with previous research that showed that verbs and nouns are presented in different places in the brain and hence, affected differently when processed. Further research, with more participants is encouraged in order to investigate additional aspects that could have influenced the results.

Prediktorer för negativ kroppsuppfattning : - en studie av mediekonsumtion och psykologiska mekanismer / Predictors of Negative Body Image : - a study of Media consumption and Psychological mechanisms

Ericson, Linda, Berglund, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Betydelsen av mediekonsumtion innehållande ideal/utseendefokus och olika psykologiska mekanismer för kroppsuppfattning studerades genom en enkätundersökning. Urvalet bestod av 331 svenska unga kvinnor och män. För kvinnor fanns ett svagt positivt samband mellan mediekonsumtion och positiv kroppsuppfattning. BMI var en tredjevariabel alternativt en mediator i detta samband. Selektiv exponeringsteori föreslås som en förklaringsmodell för att förstå dessa resultat. Vidare var internalisering och social jämförelse viktiga mekanismer kopplade till kroppsuppfattning. Jämfört med män hade kvinnor mer negativ kroppsuppfattning, lägre självkänsla, ägnade sig mer åt social jämförelse samt var mer utseendeorienterade. Den här studien visar på komplexiteten i processer som är kopplade till kroppsuppfattning och belyser vikten av vidare forskning på området. / The importance of media consumption containing ideal/appearance focus and different psychological mechanisms to body image was examined by a survey. The sample consisted of 331 Swedish young men and women. For women, there was a weak positive correlation between media consumption and positive body image. BMI was a third variable, alternatively a mediator in this relationship. Selective exposure theory is proposed as a framework for interpreting these results. Furthermore, internalization and social comparison were important mechanisms related to body image. Compared with men, women experienced more negative body image, had lower self-esteem, more social comparison tendencies, and were more appearance-oriented. This study shows the complexity of processes connected to body image and highlights the importance of further research in this area.

Modelling infectious agent transmission using social mixing data / Modélisation de la transmission d'agents infectieux à partir de données de contact françaises

Béraud, Guillaume 18 December 2015 (has links)
L'évaluation économique de nouveaux vaccins exige de modéliser la transmission infectieuse au sein de la population, et donc des hypothèses sur la structure et la répartition des contacts. Les matrices de contact obtenues à partir d’enquête de population ont été déterminées pour 8 pays européens. Mais aucune donnée de ce type n'existe à ce jour pour la France. L’étude ComesF (Contact Matrix Estimation – France) vise à combler cette lacune.MéthodologieL'enquête s’est effectuée sur 3 périodes (Février-Mars, Avril, Mai-Avril) avec 278 participants communs à la première et dernière période. Les participants devaient rapporter tous leurs contacts au cours de 2 jours consécutifs dans un journal, avec l'âge, le sexe, l'endroit, la fréquence, le type et la durée du contact.En combinant des enquêtes sérologiques de 2009 et 2013 et les données de couverture vaccinales, nous avons modélisé la séroprévalence de la rougeole, des oreillons et de la rubéole; puis extrapolé la susceptibilité selon l’âge par département à l'année d'intérêt (2016) ; enfin le potentiel épidémique et l'incidence relative selon l’âge d'une future épidémie ont été estimés.Nous avons analysé l'influence de conditions météorologiques sur les variations temporelles des matrices de contact. La population de l'étude a été analysée selon le jour et la météorologie pour estimer le nombre moyen de contacts et le potentiel de transmission estimée avec le R0. Nous avons effectué une revue systématique de la littérature sur les différences selon le genre pour la grippe, la rougeole, les oreillons et la rubéole, puis exploré l'impact du genre sur les matrices de contact et la modélisation des maladies infectieuses.Résultats2033 participants ont rapporté 38881 contacts (médiane pondérée [premier quartile-troisième quartile] : 8 [5–14] par jour) et 54378 contacts avec les contacts professionnels supplémentaires (9 [5–17]). Contrairement à l'âge, le genre, la taille du foyer, les vacances scolaires, le week-end et l'activité professionnelle, la période de l'année influait peu le nombre de contacts ou les schémas de contact. Les schémas de contact étaient influencés par l'âge indépendamment du lieu de contact, et par le genre, les femmes ayant 8 % plus de contacts que les hommes. La plupart des contacts avaient lieu à la maison et à l'école, mais l'ajout des contacts professionnels modifiait la structure des schémas de contact. Les vacances scolaires et les week-ends réduisaient le nombre de contacts, et le R0 de 33 % et de 28 %, respectivement. Le risque pour les Oreillons et la Rubéole concerne surtout le Sud Est et le Centre de la France, alors que le risque pour la rougeole est plus dispersé. Le risque varie avec le genre pour la Rougeole et la Rubéole. Outre les bébés < 1 an, l’épidémie toucherait surtout les adolescents et les jeunes adultes.Les conditions météorologiques influençaient les schémas de contact différemment entre les jours de semaine ou les weekends. La correction pour analyse répétée limitait le nombre de résultats significatif, mais la tendance pour un effet de la météorologie variant entre les jours de semaine et le week-end restait.Les différences de genre dans le schéma de contact pourraient expliquer en partie les différences de genre dans l'épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses. L'utilisation de données spécifiques par genre avait un impact significatif sur le résultat de la modélisation du risque d’une épidémie.Les matrices de contact françaises partageaient de nombreux points communs avec les autres matrices européennes, notamment avec un impact substantiel des fermetures d’école en cas d’épidémie sur la progression de l’épidémie. Le risque d'une nouvelle épidémie de rougeole persiste, mais prédomine pour les oreillons. L'effet des conditions climatiques sur les schémas de contact était modeste, voire négligeable. L’utilisation des données spécifiques par genre est à considérer en modélisation. / The economic evaluation of new vaccines requires the modeling of infectious disease transmission within a population, which in turn requires some assumption of specific mixing patterns. Matrixes generated from social contact studies were determined for 8 European countries. To date, no such data exist for France. The ComesF study (Contact Matrix Estimation – France) aimed to fill this gap.MethodologyThe survey was carried out over 3 different periods (Feb-Mar, Apr, Apr-May) with 278 participants common to the first and the last periods. Participants had to list all their contacts for 2 consecutive days in a diary, with the age, sex, location, frequency, type and duration of the contact, from which we estimated French contact matrixes.Combining cross-sectional serological surveys from 2009 and 2013 and vaccine coverage information, we have determined an optimal model for the serology of measles, mumps and rubella for the year of the data collection; age-dependent susceptibility by department was then derived to the year of interest (2016), and effective reproduction number and age-dependent relative incidence of a potential outbreak were estimated using the French contact matrixes.We analysed the influence of meteorological conditions on the temporal variations in mixing patterns. The population of the study was split according to the day and the weather at the time when the diary was filled in. The mean number of contacts and the potential for transmission summarized with R0 were calculated for type and location of contact under different weather conditions.We conducted a systematic review on gender differences in infection focusing on influenza, measles, mumps and rubella. Finally, we provided an exploration of the impact of gender on mixing patterns, and eventually the potential implication for modelling.ResultsThe 2033 participants reported 38 881 contacts (weighted median [first quartile-third quartile]: 8[5–14] per day), and 54 378 contacts with supplementary professional contacts (9[5–17]). Contrary to age, gender, household size, holidays, weekend and occupation, the period of the year had little influence on the number of contacts or the mixing patterns. Contact patterns were highly assortative with age, irrespective of the location of the contact, and gender, with women having 8% more contacts than men. Although most contacts occurred at home and school, the inclusion of professional contacts modified the structure of the mixing patterns. Holidays and weekends reduced the number of contacts dramatically, and as proxies for school closure, reduced R0 by 33% and 28%, respectively.The risk for Mumps and Rubella mainly concerned southeastern and south central France, while the risk for measles was more scattered over the country. Risk differed with gender for Measles and Rubella. Besides infants under 1, the highest share of participation would concern teenagers and young adults.The weather had a differential effect on social mixing according to the type of day, notably weekdays and weekend. But correction for repeated analysis made some results no more significant, although the trend for a differential effect between weekdays and weekend remained.Gender differences in social mixing might explain some gender differences in infectious disease epidemiology. Using gender-specific susceptibility and gender-specific contact matrixes had a significant impact on the result of the modeling. Despite the differences, French contact matrixes shared many aspects with those of other European countries. Notably, school closures were likely to have a substantial impact on the spread of close contact infections in France. While the risk of a new Measles outbreak persists, it predominates for Mumps. The effect of weather on social mixing was mild, if not negligible. Gender differences in modelling should be emphasized.

Könsföreställningars inverkan på uppfattningen av en individ

Olausson, Mathilda, Granqvist, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Att kvinnor och män bedöms olika enbart baserat på könstillhörighet har tidigare kunnat konstateras i flertalet olika sammanhang. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka hur personlighetsdragen hos en individ uppfattades beroende på om individen var kvinna eller man, samt huruvida skillnader i uppfattningen av individen gick i linje med generella könsföreställningar. I undersökningen deltog 105 socionomstudenter (M=23,3 år), vilka indelades i två grupper. Grupperna fick lyssna till olika versioner av en och samma inspelade dialog, där individen Kim framställdes med antingen kvinnlig eller manlig röst genom en röstförvrängningsmetod. Detta akustiska material hämtades från ett forskningsprojekt, Raising Awareness through Virtual Experience (RAVE), vid Umeå universitet. Formuläret Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), som mäter personlighetsdrag utifrån femfaktorteorin, användes för att mäta uppfattningen av individen Kim samt generella föreställningar om kvinnor och män. Resultaten visade att en och samma individ uppfattades olika enbart baserat på könstillhörighet, då Kim som kvinna uppfattades mer extrovert, samvetsgrann, emotionellt stabil och öppen än Kim som man. Avseende generella föreställningar om kvinnor och män, ansågs kvinnor generellt sett mer vänliga, samvetsgranna och öppna än män, medan män generellt sett ansågs mer emotionellt stabila än kvinnor. Individen Kim som kvinna och man uppfattades både i linje med generella könsföreställningar och emot. Ett område att vidare undersöka är på vilket sätt könsföreställningar inverkar på oss i bildandet av en uppfattning av en individ. / The fact that women and men are judged differently solely on the basis of their gender has previously been found in several different contexts. The present study aimed at investigating how the personality traits of an individual were perceived depending on whether the individual was a woman or a man, and whether differences in the perception of the individual were in line with gender beliefs. The survey included 105 students at the bachelor of social service (M = 23.3 years), who were divided into two groups. The groups listened to different versions of the same recorded dialogue, where the individual Kim was presented with either female or male voice through a voice morphing method. This acoustic material was gathered from a research project, Raising Awareness through Virtual Experience (RAVE), at Umeå University. The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), which measures personality traits based on five-factor theory, was used to measure the perception of the individual Kim as well as general beliefs about women and men. The results showed that the individual Kim was perceived differently solely based on gender. Kim as a woman was perceived more extrovert, conscientious, emotionally stable and open than Kim as a man. Regarding general beliefs about women and men, women were considered more agreeable, conscientious and open than men, while men were considered more emotionally stable than women. The individual Kim as a woman and man was perceived both in line with and in opposite of gender beliefs. An area to further investigate is how gender beliefs affect us when forming an opinion of an individual.

Gender Differences in the Influence of Protective Factors, Risk Factors, and Health Risk Behaviors on HIV Risk Behaviors Among Youth in South Florida

Navarro, Christi M 22 February 2013 (has links)
Adolescents engage in a range of risk behaviors during their transition from childhood to adulthood. Identifying and understanding interpersonal and socio-environmental factors that may influence risk-taking is imperative in order to meet the Healthy People 2020 goals of reducing the incidence of unintended pregnancies, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections among youth. The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in the predictors of HIV risk behaviors among South Florida youth. More specifically, this study examined how protective factors, risk factors, and health risk behaviors, derived from a guiding framework using the Theory of Problem Behavior and Theory of Gender and Power, were associated with HIV risk behavior. A secondary analysis of 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data sets from Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach school districts tested hypotheses for factors associated with HIV risk behaviors. The sample consisted of 5,869 high school students (mean age 16.1 years), with 69% identifying as Black or Hispanic. Logistic regression analyses revealed gender differences in the predictors of HIV risk behavior. An increase in the health risk behaviors was related to an increase in the odds that a student would engage in HIV risk behavior. An increase in risk factors was also found to significantly predict an increase in the odds of HIV risk behavior, but only in females. Also, the probability of participation in HIV risk behavior increased with grade level. Post-hoc analyses identified recent sexual activity (past 3 months) as the strongest predictor of condom nonuse and having four or more sexual partners for both genders. The strongest predictors of having sex under the influence of drugs/alcohol were alcohol use in both genders, marijuana use in females, and physical fighting in males. Gender differences in the predictors of unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, and having sex under the influence were also found. Additional studies are warranted to understand the gender differences in predictors of HIV risk behavior among youth in order to better inform prevention programming and policy, as well as meet the national Healthy People 2020 goals.

Gender Differences in Response to Sales Promotion / Rozdíly mezi pohlavími jako reakce na prodejní pobídky

Solilyak, Maryna January 2015 (has links)
Today, more and more similar products in one product line appear on store shelves, and buying decisions have become more complicated for the consumer. Despite this, producers have a clear vision that one of the most effective tools that can be used to distinguish their products is sales promotion. Nevertheless, every customer is unique, and the responses to sales promotion tools differ as well. The reason for sales promotion campaigns success depends on the depth of understanding of consumer behaviour. In order to create a successful communication campaign, marketers should be aware in the best ways of reaching the desired consumers. In this work we will take a look at the gender differences in consumer behaviour. In particular, we would like to see different responses toward men and women toward sales promotion campaigns.

“Jag älskar att betala mindre än vad jag egentligen skulle ha gjort.” : Manligt och kvinnligt konsumentbeteende inom modekonsumtion kopplat till rabatter / “I love paying less than what I was supposed to.” : Male and female consumer behaviour in fashion consumption with discounts

Hultberg, Ebba, Jansson, Fanny, Birgersson, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
This study examines whether discounts affect the behavior of fashion consumers during the different parts of the buying decision process and in what ways. It also examines if and how this is different between men and women. The study is of qualitative form and the data collection has been done through semi-structured interviews. The purpose is to increase the understanding of whether discounts have an impact on the consumer behavior of fashion consumers in the different parts of the buying decision process and how this is different between men and women. The analysis is based on previous research on fashion consumption, discounts and male and female consumption, as well as a theoretical framework containing the buying decision process and emotional decision making. The results of the study show that discounts have an impact on the consumer behavior. The results confirm that the effect of discounts varies depending on when in the buying decision process they are offered. The study also identified differences between men and women’s attitudes and behaviors when they are offered discounts during the buying decision process. We can confirm that there are differences and that the differences depend on which part of the buying decision process the consumer is in. This study contributes to increase the understanding of the effects of discounts on male and female fashion consumers and when they are most effective. In future research, it would be appropriate to examine this in another area of consumption. Further on the study will be written in Swedish. / I denna studie undersöks om rabatter påverkar modekonsumenters beteende underköpbeslutsprocessens olika delar och på vilka sätt. Den undersöker också hur detta skiljer sig åt mellan män och kvinnor. Studien är av kvalitativ form och datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet är att öka förståelsen kring huruvida rabatter harpåverkan på modekonsumenters konsumentbeteende i köpbeslutsprocessens olika delar samt hur detta skiljer sig åt mellan män och kvinnor. Analysen baseras på tidigare forskning kring modekonsumtion, rabatter och kvinnlig och manlig konsumtion, samt ett teoretiskt ramverk i form av modellen över köpbeslutsprocessen och emotionellt beslutsfattande. Studiens resultat visar att rabatter har påverkan på konsumentbeteende. Genom resultatet bekräftar studien att rabatters påverkan skiljer sig åt beroende på när i köpbeslutsprocessen de erbjuds. Resultatet tar även upp de identifierade skillnader som uppstått mellan män och kvinnors attityder och beteende kopplat till rabatter under köpbeslutsprocessen. Även här kan vi bekräfta att det finns skillnader och att det skiljer sig åt beroende på del avköpbeslutsprocessen. Denna undersökning bidrar till att öka förståelsen kring rabatters påverkan på manliga och kvinnliga modekonsumenter samt hur påverkan skiljer sig i köpbeslutsprocessen. I framtida forskning skulle det vara lämpligt att undersöka detta inom ett annat konsumtionsområde

Kan organisatoriskt engagemang till arbetsplatsen vara en prediktor för upplevd stress? / Can organizational commitment to the workplace be a predictor of perceived stress?

Finnson, Annika, Lindberg, Frida January 2020 (has links)
Sjukskrivningar med anledning av stressrelaterade åkommor har ökat stort de senaste åren och det skiljer sig i antalet mellan kvinnor och män. Tidigare forskning visade på att medarbetare med högt organisatoriskt engagemang hade en starkare vilja till att utöva större arbetsinsatser och ansträngningar på uppdrag av organisationen. Det fanns dock en risk med att den anställda gjorde en så stor ansträngning att det påverkade återhämtningen, som i sin tur kunde leda till stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Studier på arbetsrelaterad stress förekommer i stor utsträckning, dock har få studier undersökt sambanden mellan variablerna organisatoriskt engagemang och arbetsrelaterad stress. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en kvantitativ studie gjorts där datainsamlingen skedde genom både onlinebaserad enkät samt pappersenkäter med totalt 25 påståenden. Enkäten bestod av två etablerade frågeformulär; Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) samt Perceived Stress Scale 10-items (PSS) som avsåg att mäta engagemang på arbetsplatsen samt arbetsrelaterad stress. Totalt deltog 233 personer i studien (M= 34,9 år, SD= 10,2 år, åldersintervall 18–68 år, 63% kvinnor). Variablerna visade på en normalfördelning och därför kunde en enkel linjär regression göras. Resultatet visade på ett negativt statistiskt signifikant samband mellan engagemang och stress hos kvinnor, dock inte hos män. Engagemangsnivåer kan i högre utsträckning predicera stressnivåer hos kvinnor än hos män. / Sick leave due to stress-related problems has increased in recent years and the number of sick leave days varies between women and men. Previous research has shown that employees with high organizational commitment had a stronger desire to practice greater work efforts and efforts on behalf of the organization. However, there was a risk that the employee made such an effort that it affected the recovery, which in turn could lead to stress-related illnesses. Studies on work-related stress occur to a large extent, however, few studies have done research on the correlations between organizational commitment and work-related stress. A quantitative study was conducted to answer the research questions; data collection was done through both online- and paper questionnaires with a total of 25 items. The survey was designed by two established questionnaires; Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) and Perceived Stress Scale 10-items (PSS) that were intended to measure workplace engagement and work-related stress. A total of 233 people participated in the study (M = 24.9 years, SD = 10.2 years, range of ages 18-68 years, 63% women). The variables showed a normal distribution and therefore a simple linear regression was conducted. The results showed a negative statistically significant correlation between commitment and stress for women, but not for men. Engagement levels can to a greater extent predict stress levels in women than in men.

Polne razlike u mehanizmima vegetativne regulacije srčane frekvencije / Gender Differences in Autonomic Heart Rate Control Mechanisms

Mladenović Milan 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove teze bio je utvrđivanje polnih razlika<br />u mehanizmima vegetativne regulacije srčane<br />frekvencije, kao i utvrđivanje razlika u regulaciji srčane frekvencije kod žena po<br />fazama menstrualnog ciklusa. Kori&scaron;ćeni su<br />parametri varijabilnosti srčanog ritma (heart<br />rate variability) - HRV i oporavka srčane<br />frekvencije (heart rate recovery) - HRR.</p><p>Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 90 ispitanika; 45<br />osoba mu&scaron;kog pola (20.4&plusmn;0.7 god., 184&plusmn;5.00<br />cm, 79.38&plusmn;9.42 kg, BMI 23.53&plusmn;2.83) i 45<br />osoba ženskog pola (20.5&plusmn;0.6 god., 168&plusmn;5.25<br />cm, 60.96&plusmn;6.93 kg, BMI 21.57&plusmn;2.23) -<br />studenata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Za<br />prikupljanje podataka kori&scaron;ćen je pulsmetar<br />(Polar, Finska). Ispitivanje je sprovedeno u<br />mirovanju, kao i u periodu oporavka posle<br />kratkotrajnog fizičkog opterećenja poznatog<br />intenziteta. U prvom modulu snimanje je<br />obavljano u miru, u sedećem poloţaju na<br />samom ergo-biciklu, stopala na platformi<br />ispred pedala, noge u fleksiji od 90&deg; u<br />kolenom zglobu, ruke na natkolenicama. U<br />drugom modulu snimanje je obavljeno u<br />priodu petominutnog oporavka posle<br />maksimalnog opteraćenja u trajanju od 30<br />sekundi (supramaksimalno opterećenje) -<br />Wingate protokol. U grupi mu&scaron;karaca<br />sprovedeno je jednokratno merenje, dok su za<br />grupu ţena isti moduli snimanja primenjeni u ri navrata: 1. U fazi menstrualnog krvarenja,<br />rana folikularna faza - najniži nivoi estrogena<br />i progesterona. 2. Kasna folikularna faza -<br />visok estrogen. 3. Srednja lutealna faza -<br />visok nivo progesterona i estrogena.<br />U miru kao i u poslednjem trominutnom<br />intervalu petominutnog oporavka određeni su<br />sledeći parametri varijabilnosti srčanog ritma:<br />srednja vrednost NN intervala - RRNN,<br />standardna devijacija NN intervala - SDNN,<br />kvadratni koren iz srednje vrednosti kvadrata<br />sukcesivnih razlika susednih NN intervala<br />(root mean square of successive differences) -<br />RMSSD, broj sucesivnih NN intervala koji<br />se razlikuju za vi&scaron;e od 50ms - NN50 i<br />procentualni udeo NN50 u ukupnom broju<br />NN intervala - pNN50. Od parametara<br />frekvencijskog domena, nakon brze Furijeove<br />transformacije analizirani su sledeći<br />parametri: snaga spektra niske frekvencije<br />(LF; 0,04-0,15Hz) i snaga spektra visoke<br />frekvencije (HF; 0,15-0,40Hz).<br />Oporavak srčane frekvencije u toku<br />petominutnog oporavka nakon<br />supramaksimalnog opterećenja na bicikl<br />ergometru procenjivan je pomoću sledećih parametara: 1. Apsolutna razlika između<br />vrednosti srčane frekvencije odmah po<br />zavr&scaron;etku opterećenja i frekvencije<br />registrovane nakon 60 sekundi oporavka -<br />HRR60. 2. Vremenska konstanta<br />kratkoročnog oporavka srčane frekvencije u<br />prvih 30 sekundi - T30. 3. Vremenska<br />konstanta opadanja srčane frekvencije u toku<br />petominutnog oporavka - T.<br />Utvrđeno je da mu&scaron;karci imaju veći pik snage<br />kao i prosečnu snagu pri supramaksimalnom<br />opterećenju u odnosu na grupu ţena bez<br />obzira na fazu menstrualnog ciklusa; dok su<br />bazalna i maksimalna srčana frekvencija bile<br />iste u obe grupe.<br />Postoje polne razlike u mehanizmima<br />vegetativne regulacije srčane frekvencije u<br />mirovanju. Najbolje su vidljive kroz<br />parametre frekvencijkog domena HRV-a (LF<br />i HF), odnosno prirodne logaritme ovih<br />vrednosti (lnLF i lnHF). Statistički značajne<br />razlike u vrednostima parametara<br />frekvencijskog domena HRV-a između grupe<br />mu&scaron;karaca i grupe ţena u sve tri faze<br />menstrualnog ciklusa potvrđene su i u fazi<br />oporavka posle supramaksimalnog opterećenja.<br />Postoje polne razlike u parasimpatičkoj<br />reaktivaciji posle supramaksimalnog<br />opterećenja koja je značajno brţa kod<br />mu&scaron;karaca. One se najbolje mogu proceniti<br />kroz matematičke modele oporavka srčane<br />frekvencije i vremensku konstantu opadanja<br />srčane frekvencije u prvih 30 sekundi<br />oporavka - T30.<br />Nisu utvrđene razlike u mehanizmima<br />vegetativne regulacije srčane frekvencije u<br />miru u grupi ţena po fazama menstrualnog<br />ciklusa; procenjeno kroz parametre<br />vremenskog i frekvencijskog domena HRVa.<br />Parametri vremenskog i frekvencijskog<br />domena HRV-a registrovani u mirovanju kao<br />i u fazi odmora posle supramaksimalnog<br />opterećenja nisu dovoljno osetljivi za<br />utvrđivanje razlika u vegetativnoj regulaciji<br />srčane frekvencije kod žena po fazama<br />menstrualnog ciklusa.<br />Nijedan od registrovanih parametara<br />oporavka srčane frekvencije (HRmax,<br />HRoporavak, HRR60, T i T30) nije se pokazao<br />dovoljno osetljivim za utvrđivanje promena u<br />parasimpetičkoj reaktivaciji kroz faze<br />menstrualnog ciklusa.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to determine<br />gender differences in autonomic heart rate<br />control mechanisms, as well as to determine<br />heart rate control differences in women<br />during menstrual cycle. Heart rate variability<br />- HRV and heart rate recovery - HRR parameters were used.<br />The study included 90 participants; 45 males<br />(20.4&plusmn;0.7 yrs., 184&plusmn;5.00 cm, 79.38&plusmn;9.42 kg,<br />BMI 23.53&plusmn;2.83) and 45 females (20.5&plusmn;0.6<br />yrs., 168&plusmn;5.25 cm, 60.96&plusmn;6.93 kg, BMI<br />21.57&plusmn;2.23) - students of the University of<br />Novi Sad. Heart rate monitor (Polar,<br />Finland) was used for data collection.<br />Measurements were conducted while resting<br />as well as in a short recovery period after a<br />brief physical strain of known intensity. In<br />the first mode, heart rate monitoring was<br />conducted on relaxed subjects, in a sitting<br />position on an ergo-bike, feet on the<br />platform in front of the pedals, legs bent at<br />knees at 90&deg;, hands on thighs. In the second<br />mode heart rate monitoring was conducted in<br />a five-minute resting period after 30 seconds<br />of maximal exercise (supramaximal<br />exercise) - Wingate protocol. There was a<br />single monitoring in the male group, while in<br />the female group each monitoring mode was<br />conducted three times: 1. During the phase<br />of menstrual bleeding, early follicular phase<br />- the lowest levels of estrogen and<br />progesterone 2. Late follicular phase - high<br />estrogen. 3. Mid-luteal phase - high progesterone and estrogen.<br />While resting as well as in the last three<br />minutes of five-minute recovery period after<br />the exercise the following parameters of<br />heart rate variability were determined: the<br />mean value of NN intervals - RRNN, the<br />standard deviation of NN intervals - SDNN,<br />the square root of the mean of the squares of<br />the successive differences between adjacent<br />NN intervals (root mean square of<br />successive differences) - RMSSD, the<br />number of pairs of successive NN intervals<br />that differ by more than 50 ms - NN50 and<br />the proportion of NN50 divided by total<br />number of NN intervals pNN50. After the<br />fast Fourier transformation, following<br />frequency domain parameters were<br />analyzed: power spectrum of low frequency<br />(LF; 0,04-0,15Hz) and power spectrum of<br />high frequency (HF; 0,15-0,40Hz).<br />Heart rate recovery during the five-minute<br />resting period after the supramaximal<br />exercise on the ergo-bike was evaluated<br />through following parameters: 1. Absolute<br />difference between the heart rate<br />immediately after the exercise and the heart rate registered after 60 seconds of recovery -<br />HRR60. 2. Time constant of short-time heart<br />rate recovery in the first 30 seconds - T30. 3.<br />Time constant of heart rate decay<br />during the five-minute recovery period - T.<br />It was found that men had greater peak and<br />average power during supramaximal<br />exercise compared to a group of women<br />regardless of the phase of menstrual cycle;<br />while basal and maximal heart rate were the<br />same in both groups.<br />There are gender differences in autonomic<br />heart rate control mechanisms while resting.<br />These are best visible through frequency<br />domain HRV parameters (LF and HF), and<br />their natural logarithms (lnLF and lnHF).<br />Statistically significant differences in the<br />frequency domain HRV parameters between<br />the group of men and the group of women in<br />all three phases of the menstrual cycle, were<br />also found in recovery period after<br />supramaximal exercise.<br />There are gender differences in<br />parasympathetic reactivation after<br />supramaximal exercise which is significantly faster in men. These differences are best<br />assessed through mathematical models of<br />heart rate recovery and the time constant of<br />short-time heart rate recovery in the first 30<br />seconds - T30 .<br />No differences in autonomic heart rate<br />control mechanisms while resting in the<br />female group during three phases of<br />menstrual cycle were found; assessed<br />through the time and frequency domain<br />HRV parameters. The time and frequency<br />domain HRV parameters registered while<br />resting and during recovery period after<br />supramaximal еxеrcise were not sensitive<br />enough to determine differences in<br />autonomic heart rate control in women<br />through three phases of menstrual cycle.<br />None of the registered heart rate recovery<br />parameters (HRmax, HRR60, HRoporavak, T i<br />T30) were sensitive enough to determine<br />changes in parasympathetic reactivation<br />through a menstrual cycle.</p>

The Impact of Cargo Bikes on the Travel Patterns of Women

Schwartz, Jana E 01 June 2016 (has links)
There are a number of issues preventing the rollout of cargo bikes as a transportation mode in the United States. One concern that has been raised is whether cargo bikes can function as a gender equitable transportation solution in the United States, given documented gender gaps in national bike riding statistics and ongoing inequities in childcare in 2-parent heterosexual households. The research is aimed at reviewing the practicality, enjoyment, and outcome of cargo bike use as a gender equitable transportation solution. This research contributes to new knowledge in gender equitable transportation in 2 ways — a) gender-focused analysis of survey data regarding cargo bikes use; b) extended open-ended interviews with mothers with cargo bikes. Qualitative and quantitative data from surveys and interviews explore the influence of cargo bikes on transportation patterns and follow how behavior, attitude, spatial context, and perception varies between riders. Specific attention is given to the use of cargo bikes by women with children, as this demographic represents a minority group in the bicycle community and a group who could benefit most from the capabilities of a cargo bike design. Research shows, mothers spend more hours a day around their children and take part in more child-related activities. Therefore, the comfort and feasibility of the cargo bike for women with children becomes the topic of exploration to determine whether this mode type is a functional substitution for trips usually made by an automobile. Through the collection of a nation-wide survey of cargo bike riders and in-person interviews with mothers in San Luis Obispo, CA who currently use a cargo bike to transport their children and goods, the research assesses the travel patterns of women and the emotional and physical benefits cargo bikes can provide to this specific demographic. Results show that benefits of cargo bike use include boding opportunities with children and a more enjoyable commute, while barriers to use include ill-performing bicycle infrastructure and time allocation for trips made by the cargo bike, in comparison to the automobile. Mode substitution behavior from the automobile to the cargo bike is geographically and culturally specific, but as results from both parts of the study show, women are receptive to cargo bike use and demonstrate a powerful demographic that has the potential to influence the travel patterns of current and future commuters to shift away from automobile dependency.

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