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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Una mirada a los códigos emergentes de dadvertising y la equidad de género / A look at the emerging codes of dadvertising and gender equality

Morales Vivanco, Verónica 05 December 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / Esta investigación analiza el dadvertising, el nuevo tipo de publicidad paternal que promueve representaciones cercanas y multifacéticas de los hombres en su rol de padre dentro del hogar. Al ser una tendencia emergente, no hay suficientes estudios para construir mensajes publicitarios empáticos e inclusivos dirigido a los padres; siendo relevante identificar los códigos del dadvertising asociados a la equidad de género que muestre imágenes más equitativas de los padres en la industria publicitaria alejada de los estereotipos tradicionales. La metodología cualitativa analiza el fenómeno de dadvertising a través del spot publicitario “Más tiempo para crecer” de la marca bancaria Interbank. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 15 padres de familia de 25 a 39 años de edad. Como resultado, se sostiene que los códigos de dadvertising orientados a la equidad de género contribuyen a la construcción de un discurso publicitario con características más profundas y consistentes de los padres de familia para generar una identificación y actitud positiva de marca con ellos. / This research analyzes dadvertising, the new type of paternal advertising that promotes close and realistic representations of men associated with gender equality in their role as father within the home. Being an emerging trend, there are not enough studies to build empathetic and inclusive advertising messages directed at parents; it is relevant to identify the dadvertising codes associated with gender equality that show more equitable images of parents in the advertising industry away from traditional stereotypes. The qualitative methodology analyses the phenomenon of dadvertising through the advertising spot “Más tiempo para crecer” from the Interbank banking brand. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 parents from 25 to 39 years of age. As a result, it is argued that dadvertising codes oriented to gender equality contribute to the construction of an advertising discourse with deeper and more consistent characteristics of parents to generate a positive brand identification and attitude with them. / Tesis

“Doing Gender” in the music classroom: Analytical short film (ASF) about “Doing Gender”-processes in the Bavaria-Lesson

Höschel, Friederike 23 July 2019 (has links)
The Chapter shows the phenomenon of “Doing Gender” taking place in a part of the Bavaria-Lesson. And what is more, it shows, that boys are “doing girl” and girls are “doing boy”. The chapter doesn’t offer implications for music educators explicitly, but shows an Analytical Short Film (ASF) serving as evidence.

”EN TRÄNARE ÄR EN AUKTORITÄR MAN SOMPEKAR MED HELA HANDEN” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga huvudtränaresunderrepresentation inom Svensk handbollselit / “A COACH IS AN AUTHORITY MAN WHO POINTSWITH THE WHOLE HAND” : A qualitative study on the underrepresentation offemale head coaches in Swedish Handball Elite

Mattsson, Denise, Nilsson, Hannele January 2021 (has links)
Underrepresentationen av kvinnligt ledarskap inom idrott har under de senaste åren blivit mycket uppmärksammat av både forskare och institutioner. Forskningen redogör för att kvinnliga huvudtränare stöter på hinder både på samhälls-, organisations- och individnivå. Problemen relateras framför allt till rekrytering och könsstereotyper, det finns uppfattningar om hur en kvinnlig ledare ska vara och det finns uppfattningar om hur en tränare ska vara - dessa två stämmer inte alltid överens med varandra. Kvinnliga ledare hämmas av de könsstereotyper som råder i samhället samtidigt som forskning visar att kvinnliga huvudtränare hämmas vid en rekrytering. Kvinnliga huvudtränare är underrepresenterade generellt i idrottsvärlden.Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka om samma problematik som forskningen redogör för även förekommer i Sverige. Syftet med studien är därför att bidra med ökad förståelse om varför kvinnliga huvudtränare är underrepresenterade i SHE, svenska högstaligan för damer i handboll. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte och svara på problemformuleringen utgår rapporten från semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts med sju olika föreningar som deltar i SHE säsongen 2020/2021. Den teoretiska referensramen är utformad utifrån tidigare forskning, statistik över hur många män och kvinnor som har genomfört en tränarutbildning, könsstereotyper som tycks hämma kvinnor samt information om hur en rekryteringsprocess går till. Studiens empiri som grundar sig i föreningarnas svar ställs i relation till den teoretiska referensramen i studiens analys. I studiens analys kan författarna konstatera att det finns faktorer som hämmar men också faktorer som borde gynna kvinnor. Kvinnliga huvudtränare anses till viss del hämmas av de könsstereotyper som råder i dagens samhälle och det finns även en del av rekryteringsprocessen där kvinnliga ledare skulle kunna hämmas. Den slutgiltiga slutsatsen som presenteras är tudelad men tyder trots allt på att kvinnliga huvudtränare i den svenska högstaligan skulle kunna hämmas av både rekryteringsprocessen och könsstereotyper. / The underrepresentation of female leadership in sports has recently been noticed by both researchers and institutions. Female head coaches face obstacles on social, organizational, and individual levels. The problems are mainly related to recruitment and gender stereotypes, there are perceptions of how a female leader should be and how a head coach should be. These two do not match each other. Female leaders are affected negatively by the society’s gender stereotypes and research shows that female head coaches are examined more closely. Female head coaches are underrepresented generally in the world and statistics show that it’s the same in Sweden. The purpose of the work is thus to examine the Swedish Handball Elite (SHE) and investigate if the same problem exists in Sweden too. The purpose of the study is to contribute with a better understanding of why female head coaches are underrepresented in the SHE.To be able to fulfill the purpose of the study and respond to the problem formulation semi-structured interviews have been made with different teams in the SHE. The theoretical frame of reference is designed based on previous research, statistics of how many women and men that have completed a coaching education, gender stereotypes that affect women negatively and information about how a recruitment process works. The study’s empirical data that is based on the team’s answers and is set in relation to the theoretical frame of reference in the analysis of the study. In the analysis of the study the authors can state that there are factors that both positive and negative affect women. Female head coaches are considered to be negatively affected by the gender stereotypes that prevail in the society and there are also parts of the recruitment process where women could be negatively affected. The conclusion that is presented is somewhat divided but indicates that female head coaches in the SHE partly could be affected negatively by both the recruitment process and gender stereotypes.

Barns leksaker och könsstereotyper : Hur produktdesign kan underlätta för föräldrar att göra varierande och normbrytande val av leksaker och lek / Childrens toys and gender stereotypes : How product design can facilitate parents to make more varied and norm breaking choices of toys and play

Carlzon, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Könsnormerna bekräftas av föräldrar redan från barnets födsel, genom att välja könsstereotypiska leksaker, som enligt samhällets normer delar upp barnen mellan de biologiska könen. Detta påverkar inte endast barnets syn på sig själv utan även hur andra ser och behandlar barnet. Ett antal studier visar hur stereotypa leksaker ger barn en snäv syn på verkligheten och deras framtidsvisioner, något som påverkar jämställdheten mellan könen i framtiden. Det som saknas i litteraturen är föräldrars känslomässiga koppling till könsstereotypiska leksaker och problemen de står inför som resulterar i att de gör stereotypa leksaksval. I detta arbete blir det tydligt att föräldrar vill variera lek men att uppmuntra till detta tar för mycket tid och baserar då val av lek och leksaker framförallt på barnets egen vilja. För att exemplifiera en tänkbar lösning på detta problem utformades en produkt som underlättar för föräldrar att variera och göra normbrytande lek med barnets redan existerande leksaker. Detta arbete påpekar en viktig byggsten för ett framtida jämställt samhälle och hur detta lättare kan uppnås genom design. / Gender norms are validated by parents from the birth of a child by choosing gender stereotypical toys according to societal norms which divide children among the biological sexes. This affects not only the child's self-image but also how others judge and treat the child. A number of studies show how stereotypical toys give children a narrow world view and their visions for the future, something that affects gender equality. Parents' emotional bond to gender stereotypical toys and the difficulties they face that result in them making stereotypical toy choices is what is missing in the literature. In this project it becomes apparent that parents wants to vary play, but encouraging this takes too much time which leads the parents to make stereotypical choices of toys and play primarily based on their child's own will. To exemplify a possible solution to this problem, a product was designed, that makes it easier for parents to vary and make norm-breaking play with their child's already existing toys. This study points out an important building block for an equal future society and how this can be more easily achieved through design.

Sex and the City har inte åldrats som ett fint vin : En narrativ studie av Sex and the Citys kvinnliga huvudkaraktärer i relation till män ur ett feministiskt perspektiv / Sex and the City has not aged like fine wine : A narrative study of Sex and the City´s main female characters in relation to men from a feminist perspective

Daneri, Natalia, Andersson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Denna narrativa studie har analyserat de fyra kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i Sex and the City för att hitta mönster av hur patriarkala, icke feministiska samt feministiska aspekter äger rum i serien för att hitta traditionella och postfeministiska mönster. För att ta reda på detta har scener från sju olika avsnitt valts ut där relevanta samtal och händelser utspelas för att sedan analyseras utifrån metoden narrativ analys och  kvalitativ innehållsanalys. De scener som valdes ut innehåller händelser som speglar kvinnornas syn på dejting, relationer, sex eller kärlek samt scener där kvinnorna vistas tillsammans med män i dejting- eller relationssammanhang. Dessa scener delades in i sex olika tematiseringar för att kunna analysera alla relevanta aspekter för att kunna hitta mönster som ifrågasätter den feministiska stämpeln som serien har haft och fortfarande har än idag, 23 år efter premiäravsnittet. Dessa tematiseringar avhandlar kvinnornas syn på kvinnor  i relation till män, kvinnornas behov av män och deras självständighet och porträtteringen av de kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna och män. Genom att analysera dessa aspekter besvaras studiens två frågeställningar: Hur porträtteras de fyra kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i Sex and the City? och Hur speglas patriarkala strukturer i serien Sex and the City?. Studien har använt Laura Mulveys den manliga blicken- och postfeministisk-teori, samt teorier om könsnormer och könsstereotyper.  Resultatet visar att serien Sex and the City, som har hyllats för att vara feministiskt banbrytande till stor del har feministiska aspekter då serien har fyra starka, kvinnliga huvudkaraktärer där deras liv och tankar skildras. Trots detta genomsyras serien av patriarkala strukturer och icke feministiska aspekter då kvinnornas huvudfokus är män. Större delen av deras samtal handlar om män och hur de ska anpassa sig själva för att vara åtråvärda för män. Osäkerheter som kvinnorna har grundar sig i en oro för att inte vara attraktiva nog för män och den säkerhet de känner kring sina utseende grundar sig till stor del i manlig bekräftelse. Kvinnorna visar tendenser på att trycka ner andra kvinnor på grund av egen osäkerhet när det kommer till män. Män och kvinnors beteenden i relationer porträtteras på ett könsstereotypiskt sätt där kvinnorna övervägande är mer omhändertagande, känslostyrda och anpassningsbara medan männen är mer känslomässigt stängda och mindre anpassningsbara. Serien handlar om kvinnorna, men fokuset hamnar ändå tillslut på män. Med dessa resultat som grund kan seriens traditionella feministiska samt postfeministiska aspekter ifrågasättas. / This narrative study has analysed  the four female main characters from the series Sex and the City, to find patterns of patriarchal, non-feminist and feminist structures that take place in the series, by applying the following theories - the male gaze by Mulvey and postfeminism, as well as theories of gender norms and stereotypes. Different scenes from seven episodes, of relevance to this study, have been chosen to perform a narrative analysis, along with qualitative content analysis. The scenes that have been considered, were chosen for containing events that reflect the main characters´ view of dating, relations, sex, and love, as well as scenes where the women are seen with men. The study has selected different themes to narrow the analysis, which are: women’s view on other women in relation to men, women’s need for men, and their independence, and lastly the portrayal of  the female main characters and men. By analysing the themes above, it makes it possible to answer and discuss the study´s two issues, how are the four female main characters portrayed in Sex and the City?, and how are patriarchal structures reflected in the series Sex and the City?.  The results show that Sex and the City, which has been praised for being feminist pioneering, demonstrates several postfeminist aspects, as the series incorporates four strong-willed women who openly expose their sexuality. Despite this aspect, the series is impregnated by patriarchal discourses and non-feminist views - men are the women´s main focus. Most of their conversations are about men and how they should adapt themselves to be appealing to men. Women's insecurities are based on an unaware concern of not being attractive enough for men, and the confidence they have is built up by mens approval. The main characters show tendencies to judge other women because of their insecurities and desire to be attractive for men. Men and women’s behaviors in relations are portrayed in a gender stereotypical way, where women are  predominantly more caring, emotionally driven, and adaptable while men are more emotionally closed, less adaptable and more dominant. Sex and the City is about women, but in the end, the main core of the series is men. Based on these conclusions, the series' postfeminist and feminist aspects can be questioned.

Nezaměstnanost v České republice z genderové perspektivy pohledem Úřadu práce / Unemployment in the Czech Republic in gender terms from perspective of Labor Office

Černostová, Daria January 2013 (has links)
Unemployment is a subject examined in many fields, e.g. sociology, economics or psychology. However, all these areas for the most part disregard gender implications within the topic. This is why I have attempted in my work to address the issue of unemployment from a gender perspective in greater detail through the activities of the Labor Office, as the central institution dealing with unemployment in the Czech Republic. Specifically, I have examined whether or not there are gender stereotypes in the work of female and male employees of the Labor Office; in particular, whether or not jobs and retraining programs have been offered, or demanded, in a gender-stereotypical manner. Since I conducted interviews for my research shortly after the amendments to the Employment Act and the Labor Code took effect, which fundamentally influenced the activities of female and male employees of the Labor Office, I have obtained significant additional information on the functioning of the new measures in practice. Therefore, my thesis provides an insight not only into gender stereotypes in the work of the Labor Office, but also into the new tools of what is referred to as "active employment policy" (from the point of view of the Labor Office's employees), including both the envisaged benefits of these tools as well...

Vývoj postavení ženy v rodině / Development of Position of the Women in the Family

Hanousková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis researches the development of the position of a woman in the family in the Czech Republic since the fifties of the 20th century. The theoretical part further develops wider background of a researched issue. As a further background are considered mainly the gender socialisation, roles of man and women and gender stereotypes. Furthermore this diploma thesis deals with family main functions and important theories since the second half of the 20th century which deal with the family development and position of women in the family. There are discussed mainly the US and European theories. In the discussed era was in Czech sociology banned and prohibited. Thesis also briefly characterizes demographic development of a family. The results from the mapping of the main issues show historical variability of (un)evenness between man and woman. The research is focused on and their description of common situations which reflect everydayness in the family life. Women were divided into three age groups for simulation of three generations. Their statements helped to get complete information that were further used for mapping of the position of a woman in a family in the Czech Republic in the period of second half of a 20th century. The results of a research reveal those women are more aware of a general...

Návrat rodičů na trh práce po rodičovské dovolené očima personalistů a personalistek / Parents returning to work after parental leave in the eyes of recruiters

Marková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Work, and more particularly paid work, is an essential part of decent human existence. Current conditions on the Czech labour market cannot be considered friendly towards parenthood and parenting duties. The common pressure to fully adjust to the employer's needs and very limited opportunities of family-friendly forms of employment together with other factors have led to a situation where parents of small children (and particularly mothers) find themselves in a disadvantageous position. Family policies do not aim to improve that position and institutional child care does not have sufficient capacity. The qualitative research undertaken for the purpose of this thesis therefore focuses on personal managers as representatives of employers in the employee recruitment process, more precisely on conceptions (stereotypes) personal managers have of men and women, of parents in general and most importantly of parents returning to the labour market after their parental leave. It is very important to research these conceptions (stereotypes) because they are an integral part of the employee selection process and are reflected in the decision-making about hiring/not hiring an individual for a position.

Literární analýza děl M. Viewegha: Román pro ženy a Román pro muže z genderové perspektivy / Literary analysis of M. Viewegh's writing: A Novel For Women and Novel For Men from a gender perspective

Lavičková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with feminist literary analysis of the works of writer Michal Viewegh, specifically his two prose novels Román pro ženy and Román pro muže using a method called resistant reading with a critical gender analysis and subsequent final comparison. This thesis consists of two parts, from the theoretical - methodological, which outlines the theoretical basis for the next analytical part. The key concepts are in the first part the researches of literary critics on Michal Viewegh, theories of Judith Fetterley, Elaine Showalter and Janice A. Radway. Furthermore, there are the theoretical basis of gender, and how gender stereotypes are constructed. This section is mainly based on the theorists Blanka Knotková - Čapková, Annis Pratt, Claire M. Renzetti and Daniel J. Curran and founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung. In describing femininity and masculinity are central lines theories of Naomi Wolf, Simone de Beauvoir and Pierre Bourdieu, Michael Kimmel and Robert Bly. The analytical part is the critical uncovering of gender stereotypes and power discourse. The conclusion is made by the final critical comparison of both novels. Key words: resistant reading, literary canon, gender stereotypes, masculinity, femininity, beauty myth, male domination, power

Role odborů při prosazování genderové rovnosti v pracovněprávních vztazích / The role of unions in promoting gender equality in employment relationships

Brdková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the issue of gender equality in labour relations in order to assess what role the trade unions can or could play in promoting gender equality. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts of gender issues and outlines the historical development of unionization in the Czech lands. Attention is paid to legislative standards governing the conditions unionization and analysis of legal measures to promote equality in labour relations. The research focuses on analysis of the texts of collective agreements, and analyses semi- structured interviews performed with representatives of trade unions and the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women at Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions.

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