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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem är Eva? : Hur Eva och genussystemet har utvecklats i barnbiblar mellan 1940–2020. / Who is Eve? : How Eve and the Gender System Have Developed in Children’s Bibles Between 1940-2020.

Glemdal, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
This essay discusses gender systems in children’s bibles with narrative criticism and discourse analysis. The focus in the essay is on gender studies and how the stories in the children’s bibles change between 1940 to 2020. The children’s bibles used were published 1940, 1961, 1989, 1999 and 2020. The story of Adam and Eva is analyzed. The purpose for this essay is to find out how the gender system shows in these bible stories for children. What is feminine and what is masculine. What makes a woman and a man, what are their differences. How are Adam and Eve portrayed. With Hirdman’s (1988) gender system clear differences can be found. The stories tell of what female and male roles are and what they entail. The guilt of the fall of humanity always stays Eves, but how Eve is represented changes. Who Eve is changes. Eve goes from an extension of the man to a being of her own. The conclusion for this essay is that in the period between 1940-2020 there is a change to how Eve is portrayed. When the reader first meets Eve in the 1940 edition of the Children’s Bible, Eve is an extension of the man. Eve is naïve and her decision to go against God and eat the forbidden fruit is framed as her not knowing better. The next Children’s bible, published 1961, follows the same pattern. Both editions are heavy on details and closely follow the Bible. The third and fourth Children’s bible in the study, published 1989 and 1999, breaks this pattern. The story gets less detailed, and the authors are beginning to step away from Eve being naïve to Eve being curious. Noteworthy that the authors for the Children’s bibles published 1940 and 1960 are men, and the authors of Children’s bibles published 1989 and 1999 are women. From the first Children’s bible in the study to the last a vast difference can be seen. Adam and Eve are now created equally for the first time and the biggest change is in the illustration not the text. When Eve is talking with the snake about eating the forbidden fruit, in the right corner we can see another hand reaching out to the fruit. This may be Adam. In conclusion in this study Eve has gone dooming humanity by her naivety and Adam being smarter to Adam on his way to make the same decision maybe even before Eve.

Lärares genusmedvetenhet : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares beaktning av genus i undervisningen

Fungula, Bob January 2013 (has links)
This is an empirical study based on Physical Education and health (PE) teachers' experiences and builds on, for the study, significant literature. The study is about PE teachers’ consideration of gender in the assessment as well as in the selection of lesson content. Semi-structured interviews were employed as method for the data collecting process. Four teachers were interviewed, teachers of PE in elementary and upper secondary school with varied length of professional experience and ages. The interviews were analyzed by the means of content analysis. The results indicate that teachers are gender-aware in sense that they see the student or individual rather than a group of individuals, assesses students' progression rather than the immediate performance and offer a wide range of lesson content so that it will fit all students. Furthermore, the results indicate that gender-aware teachers reflect on their own gender awareness and on what they can do better. Without a gender thinking in school the teaching quality will suffer.   Keywords: Gender, Gender systems, Physical education and health, Sex, Pedagogy

När de kommer upp i tonåren så slutar de ändå bara : En kvalitativ studie om flickors förutsättningar att spela fotboll i Malmö ur ett tränarperspektiv

Högborg, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Den ideella sektorn i Sverige är den som aktiverar flest barn och unga (4-25 år) och fotboll är den idrott som är överlägset störst i Sverige. Även i Malmö är fotboll den idrott som aktiverar flest barn och unga. Tyvärr är de barn och unga som är aktiva inom fotbollen främst pojkar och flickorna blir färre och färre för varje år. Enligt Ung Livsstil forskningsrapport från 2017 var fotbollen på flicksidan svagare i Malmö än i övriga Sverige. Syftet med denna studie är därför att ge en djupare förståelse för vilka förutsättningar tränare i fotbollsföreningar upplever att de har för att skapa fotbollsverksamhet för flickor i Malmö. Vilka hinder och möjligheter stöter tränarna på och hur ser de på framtida tillväxt? Studiens empiriska material består av sex kvalitativa intervjuer samt styrdokument och lokala strategier från Fritidsförvaltningen, Malmö Stad. Vid analys av det empiriska materialet har Pierre Bourdieus kapitalteorier och Yvonne Hirdmans teori kring genussystem och genuskontrakt använts.  Studiens resultat visade att de köns- och genusnormer som finns i samhället påverkade tränarnas förutsättningar att få flickor att spela fotboll både på och utanför planen. För att få tillgång till planen ställdes flickornas verksamhet i relation till pojkarnas både sett till antal utövare, men även på vilket sätt fotbollen förväntades utföras. Utanför planen påverkade föräldrarna genom att upprätthålla och reproducera bilden av flickan som en icke tävlingsinriktad individ. Analysen visade att tränarna upplevde sig som ensamma i rollen att få verksamheten att behålla men även att rekrytera nya medlemmar. Tränarnas upplevelser följde de mönster som tidigare forskning sett det vill säga att fotbollen domineras av manliga normer, värderingar och flickorna tilläts inte avvika alternativt få tillgång till samma arenor som pojkarna. Slutligen visade studien att genom bättre samarbete internt i föreningen men även externt med andra föreningar kunde förutsättningarna för tränarna förbättras och därigenom öka antalet fotbollsspelande flickor.

”Hon får skylla sig själv” : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur kvinnan framställs i våldtäktsdomar utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Velic, Lejla January 2022 (has links)
Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning av hur kvinnor som blivit utsatta för sexuellt våld framställs i våldtäktsdomar utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Frågeställningarna som studien utgår ifrån är; - Hur framställs kvinnor som blivit offer för våldtäkt i domar utifrån ett genusperspektiv?- Hur beskriver männen som blivit dömda för våldtäkt relationen mellan könen i domen utifrån ett genusperspektiv? Den teoretiska ramen utgår ifrån Hirdmans genussystem, samt radikalfeminismen perspektiv på sexuellt våld. I studien användes tretton våldtäktsdomar från år 2021 som analyserades med hjälp av metoden tematisk analys, som syftar till att analysera kvalitativa data. Resultatet av studien visar att kvinnor framställs utifrån stereotypa könsnormer i våldtäktsdomar. Fokus läggs på hur kvinnan reagerade före, under och efter våldtäkten och trovärdigheten hos kvinnan bedöms utifrån stereotypa normer angående hur kvinnan ska vara. Studien visade även att männen beskriver relationen mellan könen utifrån ett heteronormativt synsätt. Männen ser kvinnan som objekt, och flera av de såg inte att det de gjorde var fel. I samtliga fallen försökte männen neutralisera brottet och ursäkta det på olika sätt. Denna studie ger oss en förståelse för hur makt och kön är kopplat och hur kvinnor än idag underordnas männen. / The study is a qualitative study of how women who have been subjected to sexual violence are portrayed in rape convictions from a gender perspective. The issues on which the study is based are; - How are women who have been victims of rape presented in sentencing from a gender perspective?- How do the men who have been convicted of rape describe the relationship between the sexes in the sentencing from a gender perspective? The theoretical framework is based on Hirdman´s gendersystem, as well as radical feminism’s perspective on sexual violence. The study used thirteen rape convictions from the year 2021, which were analyzed using the method of thematic analysis, which aims to analyze qualitative data. The results of the study show that women are portrayed on the basis of stereotypical gender norms in rape convictions. The focus in the convictions is on how women reacted before, during and after the rape and the credibility of the women is assessed on the basis of stereotypical norms regarding how the women should be. The study also showed that men describe the relationship between the sexes from a heteronormative approach. The men in the convictions consider women as objects, and many of them did not find that what they were doing was wrong. In all cases, the men tried to neutralize the crime and excuse it in various ways. This study gives us an understanding of how power and gender are linked and how women are still subordinates to men.

Asymmetric Grammatical Gender Systems in the Bilingual Mental Lexicon

Klassen, Rachel January 2016 (has links)
The nature of the bilingual mental lexicon and how the L1 and the L2 interact in language production and processing has been the focus of decades of research from linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives. In spite of this significant body of evidence, the degree to which the L1 influences L2 production and processing remains an area of debate, especially with respect to formal features such as grammatical gender. While it is clear that non-nativelike production and processing of L2 grammatical gender persist even in highly-proficient adult bilinguals, the underlying representation of the L1 and L2 gender features and how this representation affects the use of gender in the L2 is currently unclear. Furthermore, there is no evidence at present regarding the nature of the L1-L2 grammatical gender system when the L1 and the L2 have asymmetric gender systems (in other words, differ in number of gender values), as is the case with German, which bears three gender values (masculine, feminine and neuter), and Spanish and French, which each display two gender values (masculine and feminine). This dissertation investigates the representation of and interactions between the L1 and the L2 at the level of the formal gender feature, with a particular focus on language pairings with asymmetric gender systems. Through complementary data from L2 production and processing, I examine the representation of the asymmetric grammatical gender systems in the mental lexicon of L1 Spanish-L2 German and L1 French-L2 German bilinguals and the consequences this asymmetry between the L1 and L2 gender systems has on gender use strategies in the L2. From the perspective of bilingual lexical access, this research contributes new evidence to inform existing psycholinguistic theories of L1-L2 gender interactions and also proposes the Asymmetric gender representation hypothesis, a new model to account for the unique integrated nature of the gender system in bilinguals with L1-L2 asymmetric gender systems. From a language acquisition perspective, the present study provides new data on L2 gender use strategies with asymmetric gender systems, formulating the L1 transfer continuum, which extends existing proposals to include the degree of (a)symmetry between the L1 and the L2. This research also connects theoretical proposals regarding gender agreement in functional-lexical code-switches (specifically, switches within the Determiner Phrase such as dieGER-F mesaSPA-F or elSPA-M TischGER-M) to bilinguals’ preferences in code-switching between two languages that display formal gender. Taken together, all of these complementary perspectives addressed in this dissertation offer a well-rounded perspective of grammatical gender in asymmetric gender systems specifically, and contribute novel evidence regarding the interactions between the L1 and the L2 in the bilingual mental lexicon in general.

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