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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de novos genes humanos envolvidos no processo de regulação da expressão de genes homeóticos / Characterization of novel human genes involved in the regulation of expression of homeotic genes

Diana Noronha Nunes 03 September 2004 (has links)
A identidade na segmentação do corpo de diversos organismos, durante o desenvolvimento, é devida, em grande parte, à ação das proteínas homeóticas. Em especial, dois grupos de proteínas, Trithorax (trxG) e Polycomb (PcG) têm um papel fundamental na manutenção, respectivamente, da ativação e da repressão da transcrição gênica, associando-se à cromatina. A importância das PcG nos estimulou a buscar a caracterização das proteínas humanas ortólogas ao \"Enhancer of Polycomb\" (Epc) de Drosophila, até então não descritas no genoma humano. Para tanto, buscamos: - obter a sequência completa e mapear o cDNA do novo gene humano homólogo ao \"Enhancer of Polycomb\" de Drosophila; - analisar sua expressão em tecidos fetais, adultos e tumorais e fazer estudos buscando sua caracterização funcional. Encontramos, mapeamos e obtivemos a seqüência completa de dois genes humanos, ortólogos de Epc1 (10p11-22) e de Epc2 (2q21-23) de camundongo, publicando estes dados em 2001 (Camargo et al., 2001). Ambos os genes são bastante conservados entre várias espécies, sendo que o cDNA de hEPC2 humano, por exemplo, é 94% idêntico ao Epc2 de camundongo e possui 96% de identidade ao nível de proteína, sugerindo que a função do gene deve ter sido mantida durante a evolução. No entanto, as seqüências protéicas de hEPC1 e hEPC2 humanos possuem apenas 68% de identidade entre si. Portanto, é provável que após a duplicação dos parálogos, estes tenham divergido funcionalmente. A expressão de ambos os genes foi avaliada utilizando \"dot-blots\" contendo 76 mRNAs de amostras de tecidos fetais, adultos e tumorais, mostrando-se fraca e ubíqua. Análises in silico sugeriram a existência de 4 isoformas de splicing para hEPC2, as quais foram validadas por RT-PCR ou \"Northern blots\". Uma das isoformas (de 2.7 Kpb) se mostrou mais abundante em todas as linhagens tumorais estudadas através de análises de \"Northern blot\", principalmente nas linhagens de linfoma de Burkitt\'s Raji e na linhagem de leucemia pró-mielocítica HL-60. Esta isoforma é gerada através de um sítio alternativo de poli-adenilação, que reduz sua porção 3\'UTR, retirando 4 dos 5 \"elementos ricos em adenilatos e uridilatos\" (AREs), envolvidos com a degradação de mRNAs lábeis que codificam proteínas regulatórias. Estes resultados se encontram em um manuscrito recentemente submetido à publicação (anexo à tese). Interação entre hEPC2 e SMADs e sua modulação por TGF-β. Durante a montagem da seqüência completa de hEPC2, verificamos que duas ESTs patenteadas mostravam alta identidade com o gene. Estas seqüências foram descritas como sendo parte de uma nova proteína de interação com as proteínas da família SMAD, envolvidas com transdução de sinais desencadeados por TGF-β. Esta citocina por sua vez, regula a proliferação, diferenciação e morte celular. Partimos para a avaliação da possível interação entre hEPC2 e as SMADs, em colaboração com o grupo do Dr. Aristidis Moustakas, do Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research de Uppsala, Suécia. Os resultados de co-imunoprecipitação sugeriram que as SMADs 2, 3, 4, 7 e 8 interagem com hEPC2, sendo que a interação entre as SMAD2, SMAD3, SMAD4 e hEPC2 nas células tratadas com TGF-β1, mostraram uma redução na co-imunoprecipitação. Este resultado sugere que TGF-β1 modula negativamente a interação entre essas proteínas. Da mesma maneira, foi observada uma redução na interação de hEPC2 com SMAD8 após o tratamento com BMP-7. Esse resultado é ainda mais destacado para as SMADs 2 e 3. Estes dados foram observados para ambas as construções de hEPC2, o que sugere fortemente a veracidade da interação entre estas proteínas. A localização celular de hEPC2, e também sua co-localização com SMAD2 foram investigadas através de imunofluorescência indireta e confirmaram a predição do programa PSORTII, de que hEPC2 se localiza no núcleo. No entanto, não foi possível observar a co-localização entre hEPC2 e SMAD2. É possível que hEPC2 não se ligue diretamente ao DNA, necessitando se associar como parceiro de um fator de transcrição. Esta foi uma das hipóteses para a atuação de hEPC2, como um co-fator que se associe com uma das SMADs e se ligue a um elemento específico de ligação a SMAD (SBE). Para investigar essa hipótese um ensaio de gene repórter foi feito utilizando uma construção de um repórter contendo 12 repetições da seqüência CAGA (seqüência específica de ligação das SMADs 2,3 e 4) fusionado com o gene da luciferase. No entanto, este ensaio não demonstrou que a transcrição de SMAD2 é dependente de hEPC2 e o experimento deverá ser repetido. Para confirmar a interação entre hEPC2 e as SMADs, será feito um experimento de \"pull-down\". Para tal o cDNA de hEPC2 foi clonado no vetor pET-32A de expressão indutível em bactérias. A proteína recombinante já foi produzida, tendo sido induzida e posteriormente purificada em condições desnaturantes. Apesar de dezenas de genes PcG terem sido caracterizados em Drosophila, poucos destes genes foram estudados em mamíferos. Portanto, a descrição do gene hEPC2 e seus transcritos alternativos, contribui para o conhecimento de PcG humanos, indicando a associação de maior expressão de uma de suas isoformas em linhagens celulares tumorais. Em relação à interação de hEPC2 com as SMADs, é interessante observar que nenhuma outra proteína foi descrita por possuir a particularidade de interagir com as SMADs de diferentes categorias. Talvez este seja um dado importante, que indique o papel singular de hEPC2 na sinalização de TGF-β1. / The identity of body segmentation in several organisms during development is, to a large extent, due to the action of the homeotic proteins. In particular, two groups of proteins, the Trithorax (trxG) and Polycomb (PcG), have a major role in maintenance of respectively, transcription activation and repression, when associated to the chromatin. The importance of PcGs has motivated us to pursue the isolation and characterization of two new human proteins that are orthologs of the \"Enhancer of Polycomb\" (Epc) of Drosophila. To achieve this goal we undertook the task of the cloning and mapping of complete cDNA sequence of the novel genes hEPC1 and hEPC2, analyzing its expression in fetal, adult and tumoral tissues and functionally characterizing the hEPC2 protein. In 2001, we published the mapping and cloning of the complete cDNA sequences of both genes, as being orthologs of the mouse Epc1 (10p11-22) and Epc2 (2q21-23), together with the strategy used to obtain the full-length cDNAs (Camargo et al., 2001). Both genes are shown to be highly conserved among several species. Thus, the human hEPC2 cDNA is 94% identical to the mouse Epc2 and displays 96% identity at the protein level, suggesting maintenance of its function during the evolution. However, the protein sequences of the human hEPC1 and hEPC2 display only 68% identity. Therefore, it is likely that they have undergone a functional divergence after their duplication. The expression of both genes was evaluated using \"dot-blots\" containing 76 mRNAs samples from fetal, adult and tumoral tissues and is shown to be weak and ubiquitous. \"In silico\" analysis suggested the existence of 4 hEPC2 splicing isoforms that were validated by RT-PCR and/or Northern-blots. One of the isoforms (of 2.7 Kbp) is shown to be more abundant in all of the tumoral cell lines evaluated using Northern-blot analysis, mainly in the Burkit\'s Raji lymphoma and in the promyelocytic leukemia HL-60. This isoform results from the use of an alternative polyadenylation site that reduces the 3\'UTR, abolishing 4 of 5 \"adenylates and urilates rich elements\" (AREs), involved in the degradation of labile mRNAs that codify to regulatory proteins. These results have been recently submitted to publication (manuscript attached to this thesis). Interaction between the hEPC2/SMADs and its modulation by TGF-β. During the assembly of the hEPC2 full-length cDNA sequence, we found two patented ESTs that tagged a portion of the gene. These sequences were described as partial sequences of a \"new SMAD interacting protein\", involved in signal transduction of TGF-β, a cytokine that regulates cell proliferation, differentiation and death. To evaluate this putative interaction between hEPC2 and the SMADs proteins, we begun a collaboration with the TGF-β signalling group of the Dr. Aristidis Moustakas, from the Uppsala Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Sweden. The results of co-imunoprecipitation assays suggested that SMADs 2, 3, 4, 7 e 8 interact with hEPC2. Moreover, the interaction among SMAD2, SMAD3, SMAD4 and hEPC2 in cells treated with TGF-β1 showed decreased co-imunoprecipitation. This result suggests that TGF-β1 negatively modulates the interaction of these proteins. Likewise, we observed a reduction in hEPC2 interaction with SMAD8 upon BMP-7 treatment. This effect was even more dramatic for SMADs 2 and 3. These data were observed for both hEPC2 plasmid constructs, which strongly suggest the veracity of these proteins interaction. The cell localization of the hEPC2 protein, as well as its co-localization with the SMAD2, were investigated through indirect immunofluorescence assay, confirming the predicted localization of hEPC2 in the cell nucleus using the PSORTII program. However, we were not able to confirm the co-localization of hEPC2 and SMAD2. It is possible that hEPC2 does not bind directly to the DNA, requiring an association with a partner such as a transcription factor. This raises the hypothesis of hEPC2 having a role as a co-factor associated to one of the SMADs and binding to a \"SMAD binding element\" (SBE). To investigate this hypothesis, gene reporter assays were undertaken using a reporter construct containing 12 CAGA sequence repetitions (specific binding sequence of the SMADs 2, 3 and 4) fused to the luciferase gene. However, this assay could not demonstrate that the transcription of the SMAD is dependent on hEPC2. This experiment must be repeated. To confirm the interaction of hEPC2 and SMADs, a pull-down assay will be performed. To this end, the coding region of hEPC2 was cloned into the pET-32A bacterial inducible expression vector. The recombinant protein was already produced, having been induced and purified under denaturing conditions. Despite the dozens of PcG genes that were described in Drosophila, only a few of these genes have been characterized in mammals. Therefore, the description of the hEPC2 and its alternative transcripts is a contribution to better knowledge of the human PcGs. Regarding the hEPC2 and SMADs interaction, it\'s it is noteworthy that this is the first protein described to interact with SMADs of distinct categories. This may be an important indication of a unique role for hEPC2 in the TGF-β1 signaling pathway.

Aspectos de física estatística na evolução e no crescimento molecular. / Aspects of statistical physics on evolution and in molecular growth.

Wenderson Alexandre de Sousa Silva 18 June 2009 (has links)
A evolução molecular, impulsionada pela Teoria Sintética da Evolução, tornou um assunto indispensável na compreensão da evolução da vida. O crescimento genômico, etapa responsável pelo maior potencial de armazenamento de informação e estabilidade, também foi submetido à indelével ação da seleção natural. Utilizando a metodologia dos ciclos de amplificação-mutação-seleção, tal como o SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment), que mimetizam a seleção natural, e ferramentas da Teoria de Informação, foram desenvolvidos e implementados programas para simular a evolução, considerando, além de outros, um parâmetro pouco explorado na literatura: a variação do tamanho do genoma. Foram estudados dois cenários distintos; no primeiro a seleção era dependente da busca exata de uma sequência pré-determinada (o filtro). Além disso, a entropia de Shannon considerada era referente ao alinhamento da molécula toda. Avaliando configurações simples desse modelo, foi possível desenvolver uma equação analítica que descreveu bem os resultados (para tamanho de genoma constante). No segundo cenário, foram exploradas a seleção não específica de uma sequência, o número máximo de bases constante, a entropia apenas das regiões de interesse e a presença de até cinco filtros de seleção. A entropia da molécula toda se mostrou pouco significativa (primeiro cenário), diferentemente da avaliada em apenas uma região. Foi possível observar que o crescimento do genoma foi pouco acentuado, predominando as moléculas menores, mesmo com grande quantidade de filtros, o que indica que o sistema está sob \"seleção por compressão\", sendo, pois, necessário atribuir explicitamente vantagens às moléculas mais complexas para poder haver aumento no crescimento médio. / Molecular Evolution, stimulated and supported by Evolution Synthetic Theory, became essential to understand evolution of life. Genomic growth was responsible to increase the capacity of storage information and to stability of the molecule; besides, it was also submitted to natural selection. Using amplification-mutation-selection methodology, such as SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment), and tools of Information Theory, it was developed computer program to simulate macromolecule evolution taking into account, besides other, a less study parameter in specialized journal: the genome size variation. It was studied two different scenarios. In the first one, selection was dependent of a specific sequence to be searched; moreover, Shannon entropy took into account all nucleotides of all molecules and it was studied with until two sequence target. It was possible develop an analytical equation to well describe simple settings of this model. In the second scenario, in another hand, selection depends on a specific sequence, but is not required to match the whole sequence. Also, to compute Shannon entropy it was taking into account only the least Hamming distance sequence of each molecule. It was studied until five sequence target in this scenario. Entropy was not significant in first scenario as it was in the second one. Size genome evolution shows the system were under compression selection, being necessary to get other advantage to become possible an increase in genome size.

Computational development of regulatory gene set networks for systems biology applications

Suphavilai, Chayaporn January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In systems biology study, biological networks were used to gain insights into biological systems. While the traditional approach to studying biological networks is based on the identification of interactions among genes or the identification of a gene set ranking according to differentially expressed gene lists, little is known about interactions between higher order biological systems, a network of gene sets. Several types of gene set network have been proposed including co-membership, linkage, and co-enrichment human gene set networks. However, to our knowledge, none of them contains directionality information. Therefore, in this study we proposed a method to construct a regulatory gene set network, a directed network, which reveals novel relationships among gene sets. A regulatory gene set network was constructed by using publicly available gene regulation data. A directed edge in regulatory gene set networks represents a regulatory relationship from one gene set to the other gene set. A regulatory gene set network was compared with another type of gene set network to show that the regulatory network provides additional information. In order to show that a regulatory gene set network is useful for understand the underlying mechanism of a disease, an Alzheimer's disease (AD) regulatory gene set network was constructed. In addition, we developed Pathway and Annotated Gene-set Electronic Repository (PAGER), an online systems biology tool for constructing and visualizing gene and gene set networks from multiple gene set collections. PAGER is available at http://discern.uits.iu.edu:8340/PAGER/. Global regulatory and global co-membership gene set networks were pre-computed. PAGER contains 166,489 gene sets, 92,108,741 co-membership edges, 697,221,810 regulatory edges, 44,188 genes, 651,586 unique gene regulations, and 650,160 unique gene interactions. PAGER provided several unique features including constructing regulatory gene set networks, generating expanded gene set networks, and constructing gene networks within a gene set. However, tissue specific or disease specific information was not considered in the disease specific network constructing process, so it might not have high accuracy of presenting the high level relationship among gene sets in the disease context. Therefore, our framework can be improved by collecting higher resolution data, such as tissue specific and disease specific gene regulations and gene sets. In addition, experimental gene expression data can be applied to add more information to the gene set network. For the current version of PAGER, the size of gene and gene set networks are limited to 100 nodes due to browser memory constraint. Our future plans is integrating internal gene or proteins interactions inside pathways in order to support future systems biology study.

An Investigation into the Evolution of Nucleotide Composition in the Human Genome

Paudel, Rajan 06 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Identifizierung genetischer Biomarker für die Wirksamkeit von Oxaliplatin:Kandidatengen-bezogene und Genom-weite Analysen / Identification of genetic biomarkers for the efficacy of oxaliplatin - candidate gene and genome-wide approaches

Saman, Sadik 02 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Étude structurale du mode de liaison des protéines Whirly de plantes à l’ADN monocaténaire

Cappadocia, Laurent 12 1900 (has links)
Les plantes doivent assurer la protection de trois génomes localisés dans le noyau, les chloroplastes et les mitochondries. Si les mécanismes assurant la réparation de l’ADN nucléaire sont relativement bien compris, il n’en va pas de même pour celui des chloroplastes et des mitochondries. Or il est important de bien comprendre ces mécanismes puisque des dommages à l’ADN non ou mal réparés peuvent entraîner des réarrangements dans les génomes. Chez les plantes, de tels réarrangements dans l’ADN mitochondrial ou dans l’ADN chloroplastique peuvent conduire à une perte de vigueur ou à un ralentissement de la croissance. Récemment, notre laboratoire a identifié une famille de protéines, les Whirly, dont les membres se localisent au niveau des mitochondries et des chloroplastes. Ces protéines forment des tétramères qui lient l’ADN monocaténaire et qui accomplissent de nombreuses fonctions associées au métabolisme de l’ADN. Chez Arabidopsis, deux de ces protéines ont été associées au maintien de la stabilité du génome du chloroplaste. On ignore cependant si ces protéines sont impliquées dans la réparation de l’ADN. Notre étude chez Arabidopsis démontre que des cassures bicaténaires de l’ADN sont prises en charge dans les mitochondries et les chloroplastes par une voie de réparation dépendant de très courtes séquences répétées (de cinq à cinquante paires de bases) d’ADN. Nous avons également montré que les protéines Whirly modulent cette voie de réparation. Plus précisément, leur rôle serait de promouvoir une réparation fidèle de l’ADN en empêchant la formation de réarrangements dans les génomes de ces organites. Pour comprendre comment les protéines Whirly sont impliquées dans ce processus, nous avons élucidé la structure cristalline d’un complexe Whirly-ADN. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que les Whirly lient et protègent l’ADN monocaténaire sans spécificité de séquence. La liaison de l’ADN s’effectue entre les feuillets β de sous-unités contiguës du tétramère. Cette configuration maintient l’ADN sous une forme monocaténaire et empêche son appariement avec des acides nucléiques de séquence complémentaire. Ainsi, les protéines Whirly peuvent empêcher la formation de réarrangements et favoriser une réparation fidèle de l’ADN. Nous avons également montré que, lors de la liaison de très longues séquences d’ADN, les protéines Whirly peuvent s’agencer en superstructures d’hexamères de tétramères, formant ainsi des particules sphériques de douze nanomètres de diamètre. En particulier, nous avons pu démontrer l’importance d’un résidu lysine conservé chez les Whirly de plantes dans le maintien de la stabilité de ces superstructures, dans la liaison coopérative de l’ADN, ainsi que dans la réparation de l’ADN chez Arabidopsis. Globalement, notre étude amène de nouvelles connaissances quant aux mécanismes de réparation de l’ADN dans les organites de plantes ainsi que le rôle des protéines Whirly dans ce processus. / Plants must protect the integrity of three genomes located respectively in the nucleus, the chloroplasts and the mitochondria. Although DNA repair mechanisms in the nucleus are the subject of multiple studies, little attention has been paid to DNA repair mechanisms in chloroplasts and mitochondria. This is unfortunate since mutations in the chloroplast or the mitochondrial genome can lead to altered plant growth and development. Our laboratory has identified a new family of proteins, the Whirlies, whose members are located in plant mitochondria and chloroplasts. These proteins form tetramers that bind single-stranded DNA and play various roles associated with DNA metabolism. In Arabidopsis, two Whirly proteins maintain chloroplast genome stability. Whether or not these proteins are involved in DNA repair has so far not been investigated. Our studies in Arabidopsis demonstrate that DNA double-strand breaks are repaired in both mitochondria and chloroplasts through a microhomology-mediated repair pathway and indicate that Whirly proteins affect this pathway. In particular, the role of Whirly proteins would be to promote accurate repair of organelle DNA by preventing the repair of DNA double-strand breaks by the microhomology-dependant pathway. To understand how Whirly proteins mediate this function, we solved the crystal structure of Whirly-DNA complexes. These structures show that Whirly proteins bind single-stranded DNA with low sequence specificity. The DNA is maintained in an extended conformation between the β-sheets of adjacent protomers, thus preventing spurious annealing with a complementary strand. In turn, this prevents formation of DNA rearrangements and favors accurate DNA repair. We also show that upon binding long ssDNA sequences, Whirly proteins assemble into higher order structures, or hexamers of tetramers, thus forming spherical particles of twelve nanometers in diameter. We also demonstrate that a lysine residue conserved among plant Whirly proteins is important for the stability of these higher order structures as well as for cooperative binding to DNA and for DNA repair. Overall, our study elucidates some of the mechanisms of DNA repair in plant organelles as well as the roles of Whirly proteins in this process.

Différenciation génétique des populations humaines pour les gènes de la réponse aux médicaments / Genetic Differentiation of Human Populations for Genes Involved in Drug Response

Patillon, Blandine 16 July 2014 (has links)
Tous les individus ne répondent pas de la même façon à un même traitement médicamenteux, tant sur le plan pharmacologique (efficacité) que sur le plan toxicologique (effets indésirables). Des facteurs génétiques affectant la pharmacocinétique et la pharmacodynamie des médicaments jouent un rôle déterminant dans cette variabilité interindividuelle de réponse. Certains de ces facteurs sont distribués de manière hétérogène entre les populations humaines. Ces différences s’expliquent en partie par des phénomènes d’adaptation locale des populations à leur environnement. Au cours de son histoire, l’homme a dû en effet faire face à des changements de son environnement chimique, qui ont entraîné des pressions de sélection naturelle sur les gènes intervenant dans la réponse de l’organisme aux xénobiotiques. Ce sont ces mêmes gènes qui, aujourd’hui, influencent la réponse aux médicaments.La formidable accélération des progrès de la génétique donne accès aujourd’hui à la variabilité génétique des populations humaines sur l’ensemble du génome, facilitant la découverte et la compréhension des mécanismes génétiques à l’origine des traits complexes comme la réponse aux médicaments. Les outils de la génétique des populations permettent notamment d’identifier des variants affichant un niveau de différenciation génétique inhabituel entre les populations humaines et de déterminer dans quelle mesure la sélection naturelle a joué un rôle dans les profils atypiques observés.Dans cette thèse, nous avons appliqué ces outils à des données de génotypage et de séquençage pour analyser les profils de différenciation génétique des populations humaines pour les gènes de la réponse aux médicaments. Nous avons ainsi démontré qu’une sélection positive récente en Asie de l’Est dans la région génomique du gène VKORC1 était responsable d’une hétérogénéité de distribution du variant fonctionnel de VKORC1, à l’origine des différences de sensibilité génétique aux anticoagulant oraux de type antivitamine K entre les populations humaines. Puis, en étendant notre analyse à l’ensemble des pharmacogènes majeurs, nous avons identifié de nouveaux variants potentiellement intéressants en pharmacogénétique pour expliquer les différences de réponse aux médicaments entre les populations humaines et les individus. Enfin, l’étude approfondie du gène NAT2 nous a permis de révéler un processus de sélection homogénéisante ciblant un variant fonctionnel associé à un phénotype d’acétylation très lent. Ces résultats soulignent l’influence déterminante de la sélection naturelle dans la variabilité de réponse aux médicaments entre les populations et les individus. Ils montrent l’apport de la génétique des populations pour une meilleure compréhension de la composante génétique de la réponse aux médicaments et des traits complexes. / Response to drug treatment can be highly variable between individuals, both in terms of therapeutic effect (efficacy) and of adverse reactions (toxicity).Genetic factors affecting drug pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics play a major role in this inter-individual variability. Some of these factors are heterogeneously distributed among human populations. Local adaptation of populations to their environment partly explained those differences. Indeed,during human evolution, populations had to cope with changes in their chemical environment that triggered selective pressures on genes involved in xenobiotic response. Those genes are the same ones that influence drug response today.The tremendous recent advances in genotyping and sequencing technologies now provide access to the genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in a growing number of human populations, facilitating our understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying complex traits such as drug response. Population genetic tools allow the identification of variants showing an unusual pattern of genetic differentiation among human populations and the determination of the role played by natural selection in shaping the atypical patterns observed.In this thesis, we have applied these tools on both SNP-chip genotyping data and Next Generation Sequencing data to analyze the genetic differentiation patterns of human populations for genes involved in drug response. We show that a nearly complete selective sweep in East Asia in the genomic region of the VKORC1 gene is responsible for an heterogeneous distribution of theVKORC1 functional variant and can explain the inter-population genetic differences in response to oral anti-vitamin K anticoagulants. Extending the analysis to all major pharmacogenes, we have identified new variants of potential relevance to pharmacogenetics which could explain inter-population and inter-individual differences in drug response. Finally, by a comprehensive analysis of the NAT2 gene, we evidence a homogenizing selection process targeting a functional variant associated with a very slow acetylation phenotype. These results emphasize the crucial role of natural selection in the inter-population and inter-individual drug response variability.They also illustrate the relevance of population genetics studies for a better understanding of the genetic component underlying drug response and complex traits.

Molecular-cytogenetic analysis of repetitive sequences in genomes of Beta species and hybrids / Molekular-cytogenetische Analyse der repetitiven Sequenzen in Genomen von Beta Arten und Hybriden

Dechyeva, Daryna 19 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The elucidation of the composition and organization of genomes of higher plants is a fundamental problem of modern molecular biology. The genus Beta containing 14 species assigned to the sections Beta, Corollinae, Nanae and Procumbentes provides a suitable system for the comparative study of the nuclear genomes. Sugar beet Beta vulgaris has a genome size of 758 Mbp DNA with estimated 63 % repetitive sequences and the number of chromosomes n=9. The wild beet Beta procumbens is an important natural pool of resistance against pests and tolerance to unfavorable growth conditions. The subject of this research was the isolation and description of new repetitive DNA families from genomes of this Beta species. This work presents the molecular investigation and cytogenetic characterization by high-resolution multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of the satellite and dispersed repetitive sequences in wild and cultivated beet species and in their hybrids. New repetitive sequences were isolated from the B. procumbens genome. The AluI restriction satellite repeats pAp11 are 229-246 bp long and form subfamilies. The satellite is amplified in the section Procumbentes, but also found in distantly related section Beta. Thus, pAp11 is probably an ancient component of Beta genomes. It could be the ancestor of the satellite subfamily pEV4 in B. vulgaris based on sequence analysis, Southern hybridization and comparative FISH. pAp11 was found at centromeric and a few intercalary sites in B. procumbens and formed intercalary blocks on B. vulgaris chromosomes where it co-localized with pEV4. These remarkable differences in the chromosomal position of pAp11 between Procumbentes and Beta species indicate that both satellites were likely involved in the expansion or rearrangement of the intercalary heterochromatin of B. vulgaris. Other two sequence families characterized on molecular, genomic and chromosomal levels are the non-homologous repeats pAp4 and pAp22, 1354 and 582 bp long. They have a dispersed organization in the genome and are widely scattered along B. procumbens chromosomes. pAp4 and pAp22 are specific for the section Procumbentes and can be used as DNA probes to discriminate parental genomes in interspecific hybrids. High-resolution FISH on meiotic chromosomes showed that the both sequences mostly co-localize. The PCR analysis of their flanking regions revealed that pAp22 is a part of a Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) of an Athila-like env-class retrotransposon. This is the first indication that the retrovirus-like DNA elements exist in Beta. An ancient family of subtelomeric satellite DNA pAv34 was isolated from all four sections of the genus Beta and from spinach, a related Chenopodiaceae. Five clones were analyzed from each of the five species. The genomic organization and species distribution of the satellites were studied by sequencing and Southern hybridization. The repeating units in all families are 344-362 bp long and share 46.2-98.8 % similarity. Each monomer consists of two subunits SU1 and SU2 of 165-184 bp. The maximum likelihood and neighbor joining analyses of the 25 subtelomeric satellite monomers and their subunits indicated, that the duplication leading to the emergence of the 360 bp satellite should have occurred early in the phylogeny. The two directions of diversification are the clustering of satellites in two groups of subunits SU1 and SU2 and the arrangement of satellite repeats in section-specific groups. The comparative chromosomal localization of the telomeric repeat, pAv34 and rDNA was investigated by multicolor FISH. B. vulgaris chromosome termini showed unique physical organization of telomeric repeat and the subtelomeric satellite, as studied by high-resolution FISH on extended DNA fibers. The estimated length of the telomeric array was 0.55 - 62.65 kb, the length of pAv34 was 5.0-125.25 kb, the spacer between these sequences spanned 1.0-16.60 kb. Eight various classes of repeats were used to characterize the minichromosomes of the sugar beet fragment addition lines PRO1 and PAT2 by comparative multi-color FISH. The study allowed to propose a schematic pattern of repetitive DNA organization on the PRO1 and PAT2 minichromosomes. PRO1 has an acrocentric minichromosome, while PAT2 possesses a metacentric or submetacentric chromosome fragment. The functional integrity of the fragment addition line centromeres was confirmed by an immunostaining localization of the proteins specific to the active kinetochore. The serine 10-phosphorylated histone H3 was detected in pericentromeric regions of the PRO1 chromosomes. The microtubuli attachment sites were visualized as parts of kinetochore complexes.

Étude structurale du mode de liaison des protéines Whirly de plantes à l’ADN monocaténaire

Cappadocia, Laurent 12 1900 (has links)
Les plantes doivent assurer la protection de trois génomes localisés dans le noyau, les chloroplastes et les mitochondries. Si les mécanismes assurant la réparation de l’ADN nucléaire sont relativement bien compris, il n’en va pas de même pour celui des chloroplastes et des mitochondries. Or il est important de bien comprendre ces mécanismes puisque des dommages à l’ADN non ou mal réparés peuvent entraîner des réarrangements dans les génomes. Chez les plantes, de tels réarrangements dans l’ADN mitochondrial ou dans l’ADN chloroplastique peuvent conduire à une perte de vigueur ou à un ralentissement de la croissance. Récemment, notre laboratoire a identifié une famille de protéines, les Whirly, dont les membres se localisent au niveau des mitochondries et des chloroplastes. Ces protéines forment des tétramères qui lient l’ADN monocaténaire et qui accomplissent de nombreuses fonctions associées au métabolisme de l’ADN. Chez Arabidopsis, deux de ces protéines ont été associées au maintien de la stabilité du génome du chloroplaste. On ignore cependant si ces protéines sont impliquées dans la réparation de l’ADN. Notre étude chez Arabidopsis démontre que des cassures bicaténaires de l’ADN sont prises en charge dans les mitochondries et les chloroplastes par une voie de réparation dépendant de très courtes séquences répétées (de cinq à cinquante paires de bases) d’ADN. Nous avons également montré que les protéines Whirly modulent cette voie de réparation. Plus précisément, leur rôle serait de promouvoir une réparation fidèle de l’ADN en empêchant la formation de réarrangements dans les génomes de ces organites. Pour comprendre comment les protéines Whirly sont impliquées dans ce processus, nous avons élucidé la structure cristalline d’un complexe Whirly-ADN. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que les Whirly lient et protègent l’ADN monocaténaire sans spécificité de séquence. La liaison de l’ADN s’effectue entre les feuillets β de sous-unités contiguës du tétramère. Cette configuration maintient l’ADN sous une forme monocaténaire et empêche son appariement avec des acides nucléiques de séquence complémentaire. Ainsi, les protéines Whirly peuvent empêcher la formation de réarrangements et favoriser une réparation fidèle de l’ADN. Nous avons également montré que, lors de la liaison de très longues séquences d’ADN, les protéines Whirly peuvent s’agencer en superstructures d’hexamères de tétramères, formant ainsi des particules sphériques de douze nanomètres de diamètre. En particulier, nous avons pu démontrer l’importance d’un résidu lysine conservé chez les Whirly de plantes dans le maintien de la stabilité de ces superstructures, dans la liaison coopérative de l’ADN, ainsi que dans la réparation de l’ADN chez Arabidopsis. Globalement, notre étude amène de nouvelles connaissances quant aux mécanismes de réparation de l’ADN dans les organites de plantes ainsi que le rôle des protéines Whirly dans ce processus. / Plants must protect the integrity of three genomes located respectively in the nucleus, the chloroplasts and the mitochondria. Although DNA repair mechanisms in the nucleus are the subject of multiple studies, little attention has been paid to DNA repair mechanisms in chloroplasts and mitochondria. This is unfortunate since mutations in the chloroplast or the mitochondrial genome can lead to altered plant growth and development. Our laboratory has identified a new family of proteins, the Whirlies, whose members are located in plant mitochondria and chloroplasts. These proteins form tetramers that bind single-stranded DNA and play various roles associated with DNA metabolism. In Arabidopsis, two Whirly proteins maintain chloroplast genome stability. Whether or not these proteins are involved in DNA repair has so far not been investigated. Our studies in Arabidopsis demonstrate that DNA double-strand breaks are repaired in both mitochondria and chloroplasts through a microhomology-mediated repair pathway and indicate that Whirly proteins affect this pathway. In particular, the role of Whirly proteins would be to promote accurate repair of organelle DNA by preventing the repair of DNA double-strand breaks by the microhomology-dependant pathway. To understand how Whirly proteins mediate this function, we solved the crystal structure of Whirly-DNA complexes. These structures show that Whirly proteins bind single-stranded DNA with low sequence specificity. The DNA is maintained in an extended conformation between the β-sheets of adjacent protomers, thus preventing spurious annealing with a complementary strand. In turn, this prevents formation of DNA rearrangements and favors accurate DNA repair. We also show that upon binding long ssDNA sequences, Whirly proteins assemble into higher order structures, or hexamers of tetramers, thus forming spherical particles of twelve nanometers in diameter. We also demonstrate that a lysine residue conserved among plant Whirly proteins is important for the stability of these higher order structures as well as for cooperative binding to DNA and for DNA repair. Overall, our study elucidates some of the mechanisms of DNA repair in plant organelles as well as the roles of Whirly proteins in this process.

A signal transduction score flow algorithm for cyclic cellular pathway analysis, which combines transcriptome and ChIP-seq data

Isik, Zerrin, Ersahin, Tulin, Atalay, Volkan, Aykanat, Cevdet, Cetin-Atalay, Rengul 08 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Determination of cell signalling behaviour is crucial for understanding the physiological response to a specific stimulus or drug treatment. Current approaches for large-scale data analysis do not effectively incorporate critical topological information provided by the signalling network. We herein describe a novel model- and data-driven hybrid approach, or signal transduction score flow algorithm, which allows quantitative visualization of cyclic cell signalling pathways that lead to ultimate cell responses such as survival, migration or death. This score flow algorithm translates signalling pathways as a directed graph and maps experimental data, including negative and positive feedbacks, onto gene nodes as scores, which then computationally traverse the signalling pathway until a pre-defined biological target response is attained. Initially, experimental data-driven enrichment scores of the genes were computed in a pathway, then a heuristic approach was applied using the gene score partition as a solution for protein node stoichiometry during dynamic scoring of the pathway of interest. Incorporation of a score partition during the signal flow and cyclic feedback loops in the signalling pathway significantly improves the usefulness of this model, as compared to other approaches. Evaluation of the score flow algorithm using both transcriptome and ChIP-seq data-generated signalling pathways showed good correlation with expected cellular behaviour on both KEGG and manually generated pathways. Implementation of the algorithm as a Cytoscape plug-in allows interactive visualization and analysis of KEGG pathways as well as user-generated and curated Cytoscape pathways. Moreover, the algorithm accurately predicts gene-level and global impacts of single or multiple in silico gene knockouts. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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