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Essential and Nonessential Genes of Bovine Herpesvirus-1Karl Robinson Unknown Date (has links)
Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) is an important pathogen of cattle associated with respiratory and reproductive disease and is the most common viral agent implicated in the bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC). BRDC is an economically significant multifactorial disease of feedlot cattle estimated to cost Australian feedlot producers $AU60 million/year in lost production, therapeutics and disease management. Worldwide BRDC is attributed to cost $US2 billion to cattle industries. In an effort to limit the associated economic costs and enhance animal health and welfare of feedlot cattle, the concerted use of vaccination and diseased animal management are practiced. Numerous vaccines are available in North America and Canada however, in Australia, feedlot producers are reliant on three vaccines. These vaccines target either the bacterial or viral agents of the BRDC and encompass antibody, subunit and attenuated live BoHV-1 preparations. Live attenuated vaccines are developed by numerous methods including, deletion or disruption of certain genes. The development of an attenuated live virus vaccine was traditionally a laborious task requiring numerous rounds of in vitro purification. Contrastingly, technological advances introduced this decade, allowing the stable maintenance of the complete herpesvirus genome in bacteria as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), has advanced herpes virology exponentially in that investigation and manipulation of the herpesvirus genome can be conducted independent of a cell culture system. With respect to BRDC and the generation of vaccines to combat the disease, the tools to fully utilise the potential of BoHV-1 as a live vaccine vector are now routine. It is now possible to vii construct BoHV-1 as a delivery vector by inserting appropriate antigens of those bacterial and viral pathogens implicated in the BRDC into a BAC maintained BoHV-1 genome. However, there is a significant lack of genetic information regarding BoHV-1 and inserting several antigenic sequences would expand the genome of BoHV-1 inducing non-viability. Therefore, to further develop BoHV-1 as a vaccine vector, a study was conducted to identify the essential and nonessential genes required for the in vitro viability of BoHV-1. Identifying the essential and nonessential genes will establish which genes may be preferentially deleted or replaced with exogenous antigenic sequences in a BoHV-1 derived vaccine vector. To define the requirement of genes encoded by BoHV-1, random-insertion mutagenesis utilising a Tn5 transposition system and targeted gene deletion catalysed by GET recombination was employed to construct gene disruption and gene deletion libraries, respectively, of an infectious clone of BoHV-1. Transposon insertion position and confirmation of gene deletion was determined by direct sequencing. with the essential or nonessential requirement of either transposed or deleted open reading frames (ORFs) assessed by transfection of respective BoHV- 1 BAC DNA into host cells. Of the 73 recognised ORFs encoded by the BoHV-1 genome, 33 were determined to be essential and 36 to be nonessential for virus viability in cell culture with the requirement of the two dual copy ORFs inconclusive. The majority of ORFs were shown to conform to the in vitro requirements of BoHV-1 homologues encoded by Human herpesvirus 1. However, ORFs encoding for glycoprotein K (UL53), regulatory, membrane, tegument and capsid proteins (UL54, UL49.5, UL49, UL35, UL20, UL16 and UL7) were shown to differ in requirement when compared to Human herpesvirus-1 encoded homologues. Further analysis of clones encompassing restriction digestion profiling, one-step growth and replication kinetic analysis defined the genetic constitution and replicative capacity of the mutant clones. Thirty-three individual ORFs of the 36 defined nonessential ORF were identified as being amenable to deletion without causing significant replicative detriment to a potential BoHV-1 vaccine vector. This study has provided the foundational information required for the future development of BoHV-1 as a multivalent vaccine vector for the protection of feedlot cattle from BRDC. Furthermore, the genetic information generated in this study contributes to the general knowledge of the prototype ruminant herpesvirus, BoHV-1, and contributes to the comparative study of gene function between the large and diverse family that is Herpesviridae.
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Variation of English passives used by Swedes : A corpus-based study of the usage of be-passives and get-passivesGustafsson, Elias January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the grammatical constructions of be-and get-passives and their usage by Swedes writing in English. The investigation is based on findings from four different corpora, two of which were compiled for the purpose of this study. The first one, SWENC (the Swedish English Newspaper Corpus), contains texts from online newspapers and a corporate newsletter written by Swedes in English. The second, BESC (Blogs in English by Swedes Corpus), contains material collected from blogs written in English by Swedes. The results from these corpora are compared with results from the press sub-corpora of the native English Frown (American English) and F-LOB corpora (British English). The results show that Swedes writing in English use passive constructions to a similar extent as native English speakers do within the news genre. Furthermore, Swedes writing in English use significantly more be-passive constructions within the news genre than the more informal blog genre. Lastly, the study shows that Swedes writing in English use get-passives, and that they are considerably more common in the informal language used in blogs than the more formal language used in online newspapers.
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Comparison of System Performance During DDoS Attacks in Modern Operating SystemsPettersson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Distributed Denial of Service attacks are an ever prevalent challenge for system administra-tors today to overcome. The attack, which is all about restricting legitimate users access to a service, such as a web-page. Can cost companies and governments millions of dollars if not properly managed. This study aims to explore if there is any difference in performance between some of the most modern iterations of popular server operating systems today. Those server operating systems are: Windows Server 2016, Ubuntu 16 and FreeBSD 11. And submitting them to one of the most popular DDoS attacks at the time of writing, a so called HTTP-Get request. The webservers used are some of the most widely used today, Apache and Microsoft IIS. Each server will be submitted to attacks, and compared between one another. Different de-fence methods will also be tested and examined. Tests include shorter tests that is repeated multiple times for data validity, and one longer test for every condition in order to control if the results are similar. During these tests, the operating systems will measure CPU/RAM utilization, and a control computer will measure Round Trip Time. Windows Server 2016 using IIS and FreeBSD 11 perform similarly resource wise, but Win-dows Server 2016 with IIS had a better Round Trip Time performance. Windows Server 2016 with Apache performs worst in all measurements, while Ubuntu 16 performs in the middle, but has the most stable performance.
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Disrupting Dominant Discourses: : Hybridity in Jane Eyre and Get OutNuman, Nimrod January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the theme of hybridity in Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre and Jordan Peele’s film Get Out. Both the narrative text in the novel and the script with visual elements of the film use the concept of hybridity through Gothic motifs: a mad non-white woman in the attic in Jane Eyre and a psychological place in Get Out, where members of a white family hypnotise black people in order to exploit their physical capabilities. This is employed to disrupt dominant discourses of authoritative class, revealing the ways in which these discourses are constructed through the exclusion of certain identities. Bertha Mason, the Creole wife of Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre, and Chris Washington, the African American protagonist of Get Out, both embody a sense of hybridity that challenges established norms of individuality and representation. Through a comparative analysis of these characters, this essay argues that hybridity serves as a means of exposing and subverting the power structures that reinforce presiding stereotypes of othered characters. By deconstructing these sovereign discourses, hybridity creates space for alternative voices and perspectives that are often excluded from ascendant literatures. Ultimately, this essay accentuates the importance of inspecting the intersectional identities of characters in literature and film, as a means of challenging prepotent discourses and promoting social justice.
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Chasing Vertical: Diversity & Recognition in the field of Graphic Design.Souza, Omari Abijah 08 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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DDoS: Ett evolverande fenomen / DDoS: An evolving phenomenonAndersson, Emil January 2012 (has links)
Internetfenomenet ”Distributed Denial of Service”, förkortat DDoS, beskrivs ofta som ett av destörsta hoten mot Internet idag. Genom att utnyttja den grundläggande strukturen i kommunikationmellan nätverk och datorer kan kriminella blockera och stänga ute webbplatser och -tjänster frånanvändare, samtidigt som det är mycket svårt för offret och myndigheter att någonsin identifieraden eller de skyldiga. Enorma globala nätverk av ovetande människors infekterade datorer fjärrstyrstill att utföra angrepp mot alla sorters organisationer på Internet med olika motiv, som finansiella,politiska eller för ren vandalism. Syftet med det här arbetet är att göra en dagsaktuell kartläggningöver läget kring DDoS-angrepp och titta på statistik över de mest förekommande angreppstyperna,och se om den nyare publicerade forskningen kan svara på de pågående och framträdande trendersom kan ses. Sex forskningsartiklar väljs ut att jämföra med dessa trender för att se var merforskning krävs. Resultatet visar att forskningen kring försvar mot HTTP-GET-angrepp är bristande,samt att den framträdande trenden där angreppen allt oftare använder sig av olika angreppstypersamtidigt inte har undersökts. Mer öppen forskning bör riktas mot dessa bristande områden. / The Internet phenomenon ”Distributed Denial of Service”, in short DDoS, is often said to be one ofthe greatest threats to the Internet today. By abusing the foundation of inter-network and computercommunication, criminals can block and shut out websites and services from users while making itvery hard for the victim and the authorities to ever identify who was behind it. Enormous globalnetworks made up of unknowing peoples' infected computers can be remotely controlled to conductattacks against all sorts of organisations on the Internet with different motives, from financial orpolitic to sheer vandalism. The purpose of this study is to create an up-to-date mapping of thesituation of DdoS-attacks and look at statistics of the most prevalent attack types, and to check ifnewly published research can answer the current and emerging trends that can be seen. Six researcharticles are chosen to compare with these trends to see where more research is required. The resultsshow that the research around defense against HTTP-GET-attacks is lacking, and that the emergenttrend of DDoS-attacks that make use of more than one attack type at the same time has not beenexamined. More open research should be directed to these lacking areas.
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中、韓兩國耕地租佃制之比較研究鄭文燮, ZHENG, WEN-XIE Unknown Date (has links)
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Influencing Elections with Statistics: Targeting Voters with Logistic Regression TreesRusch, Thomas, Lee, Ilro, Hornik, Kurt, Jank, Wolfgang, Zeileis, Achim 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Political campaigning has become a multi-million dollar business. A substantial proportion of a campaign's budget is spent on voter mobilization, i.e., on identifying and
influencing as many people as possible to vote. Based on data, campaigns use statistical
tools to provide a basis for deciding who to target. While the data available is usually rich,
campaigns have traditionally relied on a rather limited selection of information, often including only previous voting behavior and one or two demographical variables. Statistical
procedures that are currently in use include logistic regression or standard classification
tree methods like CHAID, but there is a growing interest in employing modern data mining approaches. Along the lines of this development, we propose a modern framework
for voter targeting called LORET (for logistic regression trees) that employs trees (with
possibly just a single root node) containing logistic regressions (with possibly just an intercept) in every leaf. Thus, they contain logistic regression and classification trees as special
cases and allow for a synthesis of both techniques under one umbrella. We explore various
flavors of LORET models that (a) compare the effect of using the full set of available
variables against using only limited information and (b) investigate their varying effects
either as regressors in the logistic model components or as partitioning variables in the
tree components. To assess model performance and illustrate targeting, we apply LORET
to a data set of 19,634 eligible voters from the 2004 US presidential election. We find that
augmenting the standard set of variables (such as age and voting history) together with
additional predictor variables (such as the household composition in terms of party affiliation and each individual's rank in the household) clearly improves predictive accuracy.
We also find that LORET models based on tree induction outbeat the unpartitioned competitors. Additionally, LORET models using both partitioning variables and regressors
in the resulting nodes can improve the efficiency of allocating campaign resources while
still providing intelligible models. / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics
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Alla vet väl vad kommunikation står för - eller? En hermeneutisk textanalys kring kommunikation i samverkan mellan myndigheter / Everybody knows what communication is - or? A hermeneutic text analysis on communication in collaboration among Public AuthoritiesNyman, Pamela January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund:</strong> Det har visat sig att en utökad samverkan behövs för att fånga upp de barn och unga som far illa i samhället idag. Därför initierade regeringen år 2006 en nationell samverkanssatsning där målet var att långsiktigt stärka samverkan mellan berörda myndigheter. I anslutning till satsningen som nyligen avslutats har några dokument publicerats, bland annat ett strategidokument vars syfte var att stöda samverkansarbetet, samt en formativ utvärdering som sammanfattar erfarenheterna från projekten. I dokumenten framträdde inledningsvis en otydlig bild av vad som menas med kommunikation samt motstridiga budskap om hur kommunikationen fungerat.</p><p><strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet med studien var att få en större förståelse för hur begreppet kommunikation kan förstås samt för hur det beskrivs att kommunikationen fungerat i samverkanssatsningen.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> En hermeneutisk textanalys har gjorts på ovanstående dokument för att försöka tydliggöra och förstå de oklarheter och paradoxala budskap som kunnat urskiljas i texterna.</p><p><strong>Resultat:</strong> Trots otydliga uttalanden visade textanalysen på att kommunikation i mångt och mycket kan förstås som ett verktyg eller medel för att uppnå en gemensam bas för samverkan. Kommunikation är vidare ett sätt att utbyta kunskap och information på, samt en väg till förståelse. Resultatet visar även att förhållningssättet till kommunikation till stor del överensstämmer med hur kommunikation traditionellt sett brukar uppfattas inom organisationer. På frågan om hur kommunikationen ansetts fungera mellan de samverkande var det svårt att få fram en enhetlig bild. I utvärderingen går det att läsa att det skett få eller inga förbättringar alls, medan det utifrån analysen av dokumentet i sin helhet finns uttalanden som talar både för och emot.</p>
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Alla vet väl vad kommunikation står för - eller? En hermeneutisk textanalys kring kommunikation i samverkan mellan myndigheter / Everybody knows what communication is - or? A hermeneutic text analysis on communication in collaboration among Public AuthoritiesNyman, Pamela January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har visat sig att en utökad samverkan behövs för att fånga upp de barn och unga som far illa i samhället idag. Därför initierade regeringen år 2006 en nationell samverkanssatsning där målet var att långsiktigt stärka samverkan mellan berörda myndigheter. I anslutning till satsningen som nyligen avslutats har några dokument publicerats, bland annat ett strategidokument vars syfte var att stöda samverkansarbetet, samt en formativ utvärdering som sammanfattar erfarenheterna från projekten. I dokumenten framträdde inledningsvis en otydlig bild av vad som menas med kommunikation samt motstridiga budskap om hur kommunikationen fungerat. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att få en större förståelse för hur begreppet kommunikation kan förstås samt för hur det beskrivs att kommunikationen fungerat i samverkanssatsningen. Metod: En hermeneutisk textanalys har gjorts på ovanstående dokument för att försöka tydliggöra och förstå de oklarheter och paradoxala budskap som kunnat urskiljas i texterna. Resultat: Trots otydliga uttalanden visade textanalysen på att kommunikation i mångt och mycket kan förstås som ett verktyg eller medel för att uppnå en gemensam bas för samverkan. Kommunikation är vidare ett sätt att utbyta kunskap och information på, samt en väg till förståelse. Resultatet visar även att förhållningssättet till kommunikation till stor del överensstämmer med hur kommunikation traditionellt sett brukar uppfattas inom organisationer. På frågan om hur kommunikationen ansetts fungera mellan de samverkande var det svårt att få fram en enhetlig bild. I utvärderingen går det att läsa att det skett få eller inga förbättringar alls, medan det utifrån analysen av dokumentet i sin helhet finns uttalanden som talar både för och emot.
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