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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mariage et divorce : harmonisation des normes civiles et religieuses dans une perspective de droit préventif

Paul, Florence 08 1900 (has links)
Les couples mariés qui ont des convictions religieuses fortes doivent respecter deux ordres juridiques parallèles: l’ordre étatique et l’ordre religieux. Des conflits peuvent surgir entre ces deux ordres, notamment lors du divorce des parties. Une brève présentation du droit québécois du mariage et du divorce ainsi que des droits religieux catholique, musulman et juif permet d’effectuer des comparaisons entre ces droits et d’identifier un certain nombre de points de jonctions normatifs. Des voies permettant d’harmoniser les deux univers normatifs sont explorées, dans une perspective de droit préventif: l’adaptation du contrat de mariage civil et du processus de la médiation familiale et la rédaction des ententes entre conjoints. / Married couples with strong religious beliefs must respect two parallel legal orders : the state order and the religious order. Conflicts can arise between these two orders, in particular when the parties divorce. A brief presentation of Quebec’s marriage and divorce laws and catholic, muslim and jewish religious law allows comparison between these systems of law and reveal some normative jonction points. In a preventive law perspective, ways to harmonize these two normative universes are explored : arrangement of the civil marriage contract, of the family mediation’s processus and of the writing of the agreements between partners.

Influencing elections with statistics: targeting voters with logistic regression trees

Rusch, Thomas, Lee, Ilro, Hornik, Kurt, Jank, Wolfgang, Zeileis, Achim 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In political campaigning substantial resources are spent on voter mobilization, that is, on identifying and influencing as many people as possible to vote. Campaigns use statistical tools for deciding whom to target ("microtargeting"). In this paper we describe a nonpartisan campaign that aims at increasing overall turnout using the example of the 2004 US presidential election. Based on a real data set of 19,634 eligible voters from Ohio, we introduce a modern statistical framework well suited for carrying out the main tasks of voter targeting in a single sweep: predicting an individual's turnout (or support) likelihood for a particular cause, party or candidate as well as data-driven voter segmentation. Our framework, which we refer to as LORET (for LOgistic REgression Trees), contains standard methods such as logistic regression and classification trees as special cases and allows for a synthesis of both techniques. For our case study, we explore various LORET models with different regressors in the logistic model components and different partitioning variables in the tree components; we analyze them in terms of their predictive accuracy and compare the effect of using the full set of available variables against using only a limited amount of information. We find that augmenting a standard set of variables (such as age and voting history) with additional predictor variables (such as the household composition in terms of party affiliation) clearly improves predictive accuracy. We also find that LORET models based on tree induction beat the unpartitioned models. Furthermore, we illustrate how voter segmentation arises from our framework and discuss the resulting profiles from a targeting point of view. (authors' abstract)

A grande imprensa "liberal" da Capital Federal (RJ) e a pol?tica econ?mica do segundo governo Vargas (1951-1954) : conflito entre projetos de desenvolvimento nacional

Martins, Luis Carlos dos Passos 16 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:47:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 427638.pdf: 3691045 bytes, checksum: e2bdc7499e6a530582bae7e64757b12c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / O tema do posicionamento da grande imprensa do Rio de Janeiro e brasileira frente ao segundo Governo Vargas ? um dos mais abordados pela historiografia especializada no estudo deste per?odo. A esta imprensa ? atribu?do um papel central na gera??o e na condu??o da crise que provocou o t?rmino prematuro do mandato de Get?lio, com o seu suic?dio em 1954. Entre as interpreta??es que procuram explicar este posicionamento dos grandes di?rios est? a tese de que ele teve origem em diferen?as incompat?veis entre o projeto econ?mico levado adiante pelo presidente no seu retorno ao Catete e aquele defendido pelos jornais. Enquanto o programa de Get?lio seria nacionalista, favor?vel ao desenvolvimento aut?nomo da economia brasileira, anti-imperialista e, para alguns, at? "popular", a grande imprensa seria liberal e, assim, advogava a m?nima interven??o do Estado na economia e o m?ximo de liberdade ao fluxo de capital e de mercadorias no pa?s. Por isso, era defensora ou mesmo fiel aliada do capital estrangeiro, do com?rcio importador e, em alguns casos, da burguesia industrial partid?ria de um capitalismo associado. Por?m, apesar da grande difus?o dessa interpreta??o, n?o existem estudos espec?ficos sobre o tema, o que deixa uma lacuna ?queles que pretendem dela se utilizar. Al?m disso, o Segundo Governo Vargas ? considerado, por boa parte dos especialistas em Hist?ria Econ?mica, como o in?cio, no pa?s, da elabora??o e implementa??o de um projeto de industrializa??o acelerada, que tinha na burguesia industrial brasileira o seu principal suporte social.Entretanto, embora ressaltem que este projeto implicava em uma forte interfer?ncia do Estado na economia e procurava direcionar a aplica??o dos investimentos externos no pa?s, estes autores contestam que ele fosse hostil ao capital estrangeiro ou anti-imperialista, na medida em que contava como a participa??o desse capital e com a ajuda dos EUA para se desenvolver. Para estes pesquisadores, o Segundo Governo Vargas correspondeu ao in?cio do projeto nacional-desenvolvimentista que se tornava hegem?nico no per?odo e foi a base do grande desenvolvimento brasileiro dos anos seguintes. Dessa maneira, se aceitarmos a hip?tese de que a grande imprensa se op?s ao Segundo Governo Vargas por causa de seu programa econ?mico, ter?amos que aceitar tamb?m que ela era igualmente contr?ria ao nacional-desenvolvimento e aos interesses da burguesia industrial brasileira que o sustentava. O objetivo desta tese ? discutir essas duas quest?es, ou seja, analisar o posicionamento da grande imprensa do Rio de Janeiro considerada liberal frente ao econ?mico de Get?lio e frente ao projeto nacional-desenvolvimentista que o embasava. Com efeito, achamos bastante aceit?vel contestar esses dois pontos: tanto que as diverg?ncias entre projetos econ?micos tenham sido a base da oposi??o dos grandes jornais ao governo quanto que estes jornais tenham realmente defendido uma linha program?tica liberal ou neoliberal. Para tanto, selecionamos os quatros principais di?rios do Rio de Janeiro considerados ou autoidentificados como liberais ou neoliberais: O Globo, O Jornal, Correio da Manh? e Jornal do Brasil. Com base na an?lise desses di?rios, pretendemos defender: de um lado, que havia mais aproxima??o do que distanciamento entre as bases do programa econ?mico do governo e o apregoado por esta parcela da imprensa; de outro lado que ela sustentava um projeto de desenvolvimento que n?o pode ser considerado propriamente liberal. Ao contr?rio, a maior parte dos peri?dicos em quest?o havia incorporado ou estava incorporado muitos elementos do pensamento desenvolvimentista e cepalino, ajudando na sua difus?o e legitima??o no debate p?blico sobre o desenvolvimento brasileiro no per?odo contra os pr?prios c?nones do liberalismo e do neoliberalismo.

Pol?ticas de sa?de p?blica no Rio Grande do Sul : continuidades e transforma??es na era Vargas (1928-1945)

Alves, Gabrielle Werenicz 15 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:47:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 430450.pdf: 7605594 bytes, checksum: a0d7f352fbaf52ea5115b7007359b7b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-15 / Esta disserta??o tem por objetivo analisar as pol?ticas p?blicas elaboradas pelo governo do estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a ?rea da sa?de p?blica, entre os anos de 1928 e 1945. Neste per?odo, a sa?de p?blica passou por diferentes transforma??es, tanto na sua estrutura administrativa, quanto no pensamento que a norteava e nas pr?ticas adotadas. Duas reformas sanit?rias - realizadas em 1929 e 1938 - estabeleceram as diretrizes para o setor e propuseram algumas inova??es para esta ?rea de atua??o governamental. Novas institui??es foram criadas, com objetivos e servi?os inovadores. Al?m disso, neste momento, a sa?de p?blica passou a ter a educa??o sanit?ria como princ?pio norteador. Por outro lado, apesar destas transforma??es, houve tamb?m continuidades nas concep??es e pr?ticas sanit?rias herdadas do s?culo XIX e dos anos iniciais do s?culo XX.

Comunica??o e imagin?rio : Get?lio Vargas nas redes sociais

Jeffman, Tauana Mariana Weinberg 21 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:41:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 446218.pdf: 5989402 bytes, checksum: 79728c4f86b24d213ecfb1c509067038 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-21 / In an era of technological and symbolic changes, the postmodernity finds his fervor. In this, the archaic and technological development come into synergy, the time returns and, therefore, the myths are present today, telling stories and behaviors, giving rhythm to life and integrating into the everyday. In this era, the world finds itself and enchants itself again, the vertical becomes horizontal and social ties are not merely soil and blood, forming symbolic and emotionally. It is in this context that we understand the presence of Get?lio Vargas in social networks. For that, we enter the story of the former president and the communication actions developed in their governments. We seek to work references theoretical notions of myth and imaginary. We researched the development witnessed in the digital age, where the age of mass culture becomes the era of digital culture. We observe the convergence of medias and the role of technology, internet and culture in such transformation. The Internet becomes and ceases to be seen exclusively as a means, where the messages transiting from only one sender to one or more receivers. In this context, social networks become our squares. This is where the tribes meet, interact, talk, agree or disagree. That's where social ties now exist, or are strengthened. Brazilian society is in social networks and Get?lio Vargas too because, between conversations and interactions, imaginarys are shared and nourished, myths are revived, stories are told, and daily life is told and observed. It is in these squares (villages), which groups (tribes) who enjoy or repudiate the former president meet. Get?lio Vargas is characterized as the totem of these tribes, worshiped and stoned. Manning is a generous look, seeking common knowledge to understand the different perspectives on the object of our study, we analyzed these tribes, we understand their views of reality and their emotions, presented in their publications and talks / Em uma era de transforma??es tecnol?gicas e simb?licas, a p?s-modernidade encontra seu fervor. Nesta, o arcaico e o desenvolvimento tecnol?gico entra em sinergia, o tempo retorna e, assim, os mitos encontram-se presentes na atualidade, narrando hist?rias e condutas, dando ritmo ? vida e integrando-se ao cotidiano social. Nessa era, o mundo reencontra-se e reecanta-se, o vertical passa a ser horizontal e os la?os sociais deixam de ser apenas de solo e sangue, formando-se simb?lica e emocionalmente. ? nesse contexto que compreendemos a presen?a de Get?lio Vargas nas redes sociais. Para tanto, adentramos na hist?ria do ex-presidente e das a??es comunicacionais desenvolvidas em seus governos. Buscamos refer?ncias te?ricas para trabalharmos as no??es de mito e imagin?rio. Averiguamos o desenvolvimento presenciado na era digital, onde a era da cultura de massa passa a ser a era da cultura digital. Observamos a converg?ncia das m?dias e o papel da tecnologia, da internet e da cultura em tal transforma??o. A internet transforma-se e deixa de ser encarada exclusivamente como um meio, onde as mensagens apenas transitam de um emissor para um ou mais receptores. Nesse contexto, as redes sociais tornam-se nossas pra?as. ? neste local que as tribos se encontram, interagem, conversam, concordam ou divergem. ? onde os la?os sociais passam a existir, ou s?o fortalecidos. A sociedade brasileira est? nas redes sociais e Get?lio Vargas tamb?m, pois, entre conversas e intera??es, imagin?rios s?o compartilhados e nutridos, mitos s?o revividos, hist?rias s?o contadas, e o cotidiano ? falado e observado. ? nessas pra?as (aldeias), que os grupos (tribos) que apreciam ou repudiam o ex-presidente se encontram. Get?lio Vargas caracteriza-se como o totem dessas tribos, venerado e apedrejado. Equipando-se de um olhar generoso, que busca o conhecimento comum para compreender as diferentes perspectivas sobre o nosso objeto de estudo, analisamos tais tribos, compreendemos suas vis?es de realidade e suas emo??es, apresentadas em suas publica??es e conversa??es

A rep?blica nos livros did?ticos de hist?ria da era Vargas (1938-1945)

Wendt, Wanessa Tag 11 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-08-31T11:25:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 474333 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1043984 bytes, checksum: 735ac21483e0ac79413f0511b9bb4c20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-31T11:25:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 474333 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1043984 bytes, checksum: 735ac21483e0ac79413f0511b9bb4c20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-11 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Throughout this paper we sought to identify and analyze, specifically, how the republic is represented by seven authors - Alfredo Gomes, Bas?lio de Magalh?es, H?lio Vianna, Jo?o Pereira Vit?ria, Joaquim Silva, Jonathas Serrano, M?rio Sette ? in their history textbook for high school students. The books were published during the Vargas Period, more specifically between the first teaching reform, for that level in 1931, and the after the CNLD creation in 1938 until the end of the regime in 1945. For that purpose, in the first moment, we mapped the educational model implanted by the Vargas regime and we highlighted the history teaching definitions for high school students through CPDOC documents. The CNDL creation in 1938 was also the object of discussion as well as the establishment of specific rules to make and authorize those textbooks that circulated in the Brazilian schools in that moment. Those questions, that were part of Vargas nationalist project, had influence directly the creation of those materials. Therefore, for the second part of this paper, we investigated how those seven authors that produced the high school materials made for history teaching adapted themselves to the state rules and how they represented in their textbooks the two republican periods: the first republic (1889 ? 1930) and the second republic which begins in 1930. For this purpose we use discursive textual analyses methodology. (MORAES, p. 2003; 2011). / Ao longo desse trabalho procuramos, especificamente, identificar e analisar de que modo sete autores - Alfredo Gomes, Bas?lio de Magalh?es, H?lio Vianna, Jo?o Pereira Vit?ria, Joaquim Silva, Jonathas Serrano, M?rio Sette - representaram a rep?blica em seus livros did?ticos de Hist?ria destinados ao primeiro ciclo do ensino secund?rio e publicados durante os anos Vargas, entre a primeira reforma do ensino para aquele n?vel, em 1931, e ap?s a cria??o da CNLD em 1938, at? a queda do regime em 1945. Para isso, em um primeiro momento, por meio de documenta??o sob guarda do CPDOC e do Arquivo Nacional, mapeamos o modelo educacional implantado pelo Estado varguista e destacamos suas defini??es para o ensino de Hist?ria no primeiro ciclo do n?vel secund?rio. Discutimos tamb?m a cria??o da CNLD, em 1938, e o estabelecimento de regras especificas para elabora??o e autoriza??o dos livros did?ticos que circularam nas escolas brasileiras naquele momento hist?rico. Tais quest?es, parte do projeto nacionalista de Vargas, influenciaram diretamente o processo de elabora??o desses materiais. Por isso, j? na segunda parte do trabalho, investigamos de que forma sete autores desses materiais, destinados ao ensino de Hist?ria, se adequaram a tais regras estatais e representaram em suas obras did?ticas o per?odo republicano brasileiro, em seus dois momentos: a Primeira Rep?blica (1889 ? 1930) e a Segunda Rep?blica, iniciada em 1930. Utilizamos para isso a metodologia de an?lise textual discursiva (MORAES, 2003, p. 2011).

Envelhecer na colônia: uma história de dor e superação / Ageing in colony: a story of pain and overcoming

Quintão, Sandra Maria Jannotti 16 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:47:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Maria Jannotti Quintao.pdf: 1546695 bytes, checksum: a8ef30ac4da70fee6bbcaebad766ed62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-16 / The social imaginary old age is thought as an economic burden, both the family and for society, what has led the world to subtract from the elderly the role of thinking their own destiny. Then we must ask, how is the situation of the elderly that in the past have been affected by leprosy? Disabling disease known for its stigma and segregation, which evolution, if not treated properly, brings neurological and motor sequel, considered nowadays a serious public health problem in developing countries. The person who had suspected leprosy was hunted by the Health Guard and compulsorily isolated in a hospital-colony, at that time known as leprosarium. In the condition of residents, they have aged there, isolated from their descendants and the outside world, with important psychosocial consequences, such as difficulties in accessing the labor market, loss of civil, social and political rights and the prejudice of disease marks all over the body. As a strategy, to face this situation, many of these individuals metamorphosed their identities, assuming a new social identity, for being affected with leprosy. However, it was observed that for many of them, going to Colony was a salvation, once that they were sick and had the poverty installed in their lives, surely they would not have survived the disease, which somehow contributed to generate a great sense of belonging to Colony, enabling the rescue of citizenship lost long ago. Therefore, it was possible to write their life stories and defining a place in the world, turning the fragility of the disease in potentiality in order to create new ways of living. This study aims to understand the meaning of getting old inside a former colony of leprosy and it is justified by the need to carry out a survey about the feelings of elderly, still institutionalized or residents nearby the former colony, who carry a suffered past because of the leprosy. It has as a scenery the House Health Father Damien, in the municipality of Uba (MG), where it was possible recounting the lives of an elderly people group who have suffered at some point in their lives, the marks of leprosy. This is a descriptive study and it is expected that the results contribute to support the public bodies in building policies aimed to people over 60 years old, who have experienced the process of compulsory isolation by having contracted leprosy, but also encourage new studies in searching for a more holistic treatment / No imaginário social a velhice é pensada como uma carga econômica, seja para a família, seja para a sociedade, o que tem levado o mundo a subtrair dos velhos seu papel de pensar seu próprio destino. Cabe então questionar, como fica a situação do idoso que no passado foi acometido pela hanseníase? Doença incapacitante marcada pelo estigma e segregação, cuja evolução, se não tratada adequadamente, traz sequelas neurológicas e motoras, considerada nos dias atuais como um sério problema de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. O indivíduo com suspeita de hanseníase era caçado pela Guarda Sanitária e isolado compulsoriamente em algum hospital-colônia, na época conhecido como leprosário. Na condição de residentes, ali envelheceram, isolados de seus descendentes e do mundo exterior, com consequências psicossociais importantes, tais como dificuldades de acesso ao mercado de trabalho, perda dos direitos civis, sociais e políticos e o preconceito das marcas de uma doença no corpo. Como estratégia para enfrentar essa situação, muitos desses sujeitos metamorfosearam suas identidades, assumindo uma nova identidade social, a de serem portadores de hanseníase. Conduto, observou-se que para muitos, ir para a Colônia foi a salvação, uma vez doentes e com a pobreza instalada em suas vidas, com certeza não teriam sobrevivido à doença, o que de certa forma, contribuiu para gerar um grande sentimento de pertencimento para com a Colônia, possibilitando o resgate da cidadania perdida há muito. Assim, foi possível escrever suas histórias de vida e delimitar um lugar no mundo, transformando a fragilidade da doença em potencialidade para se criar novas formas de viver. Este estudo objetiva compreender o significado de envelhecer dentro de uma ex-colônia de hanseníase e justifica-se devido à necessidade de realizar levantamento sobre os sentimentos de pessoas idosas, ainda hoje institucionalizadas ou residentes nas proximidades da ex-colônia, que carregam um passado sofrido pela presença da hanseníase. Tem como cenário a Casa de Saúde Padre Damião, situada no município de Ubá (MG), onde foi possível historiar a vida de um grupo de pessoas idosas que sofreram em determinado momento de suas vidas, as marcas da hanseníase. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e espera-se que os resultados obtidos contribuam para subsidiar os órgãos públicos na construção de políticas direcionadas às pessoas com mais de 60 anos, que sofreram o processo de isolamento compulsório por terem contraído a hanseníase, como também incentivar novos estudos na busca por um tratamento mais holístico

The Causes and Effects of Get Tough: A Look at How Tough-on-Crime Policies Rose to the Agenda and an Examination of Their Effects on Prison Populations and Crime

Harty, Cheyenne Morales 01 January 2012 (has links)
The paper analyzes the rise of get-tough crime legislation to the American public policy agenda and examines the effects of these policies on crime and inmate populations. Get-tough policies analyzed include sentencing reform, the War on Drugs and collateral consequences. Because there is no empirical literature on the effect of collateral consequences on crime, the paper employed an OLS regression model partly derived from institutional anomie theory to test for criminogenic effects. The study then employed OLS regression analysis to determine the affect of these independent variables on crime rates in each of the 50 states. The study concluded that state policies hindering the ability of offenders to find employment have a significant and positive impact on crime. According to the model, the most significant factors affecting crime rates are urban density, high school drop-out rates, a state's population of blacks, non-economic institutions, and policy barriers to offender employment. The research suggests that policy makers should reduce ecomomic barriers to reentry, particularly those barriers focused on employment, to improve public safety.

晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀與擇偶偏好之研究 / A study of marital values and mate-selection preferences of female civil servants who get married late

吳如茵, Wu,ju ying Unknown Date (has links)
近年,臺灣社會晚婚人口急速攀升,導致單身人口增加,進而造成了生育少子化、人口高齡化等人口結構面的影響外,在其他政治、經濟、社會、勞動力等各方面,也衍生不同程度的問題,晚婚現象不只是男女兩性的問題。因此,此課題值得深究。本研究旨在探究晚婚、未婚及單身等現象是否亦反映在收入穩定的女性公務員上,期望藉由窺探晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀及擇偶偏好之樣貌,企圖瞭解真正形成晚婚的深層因素,並提供許多晚婚女性公務員,做為對自我認識之參考。 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計10人,均為30歲(含)以上迄今仍未曾有過法律婚約關係及婚姻經驗、且現仍服務於政府各機關之女性公務員。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究發現綜述如下: 一、對婚姻的必要性多抱持正面看法,普遍認為晚婚是一種趨勢,表示35歲以 後才算晚婚,並抱持著隨緣等待的消極態度。而30歲代表著步入人生另一 個階段,對未來的不確定感也會因此加深。 二、期望中的理想婚姻樣貌係夫妻共組小家庭、經濟無虞,彼此是對等、分享 的關係。在家務分擔上各自負責擅長部分,並能視實際工作狀況相互協 調。 三、生活圈狹隘及已逾適婚年齡為目前最主要遭遇的擇偶困境。此外,對性有 高度自主性,普遍能接受與男友有婚前性行為。 四、交往經驗中對方家人的態度及預期婚後與公婆相處的壓力,都是主要考量 是否進ㄧ步交往或步入婚姻的要素。 五、晚婚女性公務員在選擇其婚配對象時,最看重心靈層面的情感條件,在意 雙方的溝通狀況及親密感。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、建議晚婚女性公務員應積極參與活動,培養個人興趣,拓展生活及增廣自 身見聞,主動發展話題。並應建立正向信念,親友經驗做為參考之用。 二、釐清自我需求,設定適合、務實的擇偶條件,及早規劃人生道路、積極拓 展人際。 三、應建立正確的婚姻教育及觀念,重新確立婚姻的意義及重要性,培養獨立 自主的生活能力及擔當精神。 四、建議機關單位可多舉辦跨機關、跨科室之聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道, 拓展認識異性之機會。 / In recent years, the number of people getting married late in Taiwan has been rising rapidly. It leads to the increases of single people, which results in further demographic structure changes such as fewer newborns and aging populations. It also causes different problems in other social aspects such as politics, economy, society and labor force. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study is about investigating if the phenomenon of people getting married late and single makes an impact on the female civil servants, who have steady incomes. In this study, I try to understand the profound reasons that cause female civil servants to get married late by observing their marital values and mate-selection preferences. This study will serve as a reference to them that might help them to understand themselves better. This study is conducted in a qualitative research methodology through in-depth interviews with 10 female civil servants, who are over 30-year-old and never have marriage relationships. After analyzing their interview data, this study finds as blew: 1. They all feel positive about the necessity of marriage. However, they also think that it’s a trend to get married late, which is over 35-year-old. And they keep passive attitudes toward marriage. Being 30-year-old means step into another stage of life to them, and it will deepen the feeling of uncertainty for the future. 2. The ideal marriage is a nuclear family. The couple are financially free, and having an equal and sharing relationship. They share household chores which coordinate with their works. 3. Narrowness of life circle and being over marriageable age are the main obstacles for them to find partners. In addition, they value sexual autonomy and premarital sex is acceptable to most of them. 4. The attitude of their partner’s family members and the foreseeable pressure of getting along with their parents-in-law after getting married are the main considerations whether they should have a relationship or get married. 5. When it comes to mate-selection, the emotional aspect is the most important condition for those female civil servants who get married late. They care about how they communicate with their mates and the close feeling between them. Based on this study, I made several recommendations as below: 1. For female civil servants who get married late, I suggest that they should be more positive in activities, expand their life and experiences and find conversation topics actively. Establish positive faith and learn from the experiences of relatives and friends. 2. Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. 3. Establish correct ideas about marriage. Re-establish the meaning and importance of marriage. And cultivate an independent life ability and responsible attitude. 4. I recommend the government agencies to hold more gatherings cross organizations and offices. They will provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex.

Essential and Nonessential Genes of Bovine Herpesvirus-1

Karl Robinson Unknown Date (has links)
Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) is an important pathogen of cattle associated with respiratory and reproductive disease and is the most common viral agent implicated in the bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC). BRDC is an economically significant multifactorial disease of feedlot cattle estimated to cost Australian feedlot producers $AU60 million/year in lost production, therapeutics and disease management. Worldwide BRDC is attributed to cost $US2 billion to cattle industries. In an effort to limit the associated economic costs and enhance animal health and welfare of feedlot cattle, the concerted use of vaccination and diseased animal management are practiced. Numerous vaccines are available in North America and Canada however, in Australia, feedlot producers are reliant on three vaccines. These vaccines target either the bacterial or viral agents of the BRDC and encompass antibody, subunit and attenuated live BoHV-1 preparations. Live attenuated vaccines are developed by numerous methods including, deletion or disruption of certain genes. The development of an attenuated live virus vaccine was traditionally a laborious task requiring numerous rounds of in vitro purification. Contrastingly, technological advances introduced this decade, allowing the stable maintenance of the complete herpesvirus genome in bacteria as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), has advanced herpes virology exponentially in that investigation and manipulation of the herpesvirus genome can be conducted independent of a cell culture system. With respect to BRDC and the generation of vaccines to combat the disease, the tools to fully utilise the potential of BoHV-1 as a live vaccine vector are now routine. It is now possible to vii construct BoHV-1 as a delivery vector by inserting appropriate antigens of those bacterial and viral pathogens implicated in the BRDC into a BAC maintained BoHV-1 genome. However, there is a significant lack of genetic information regarding BoHV-1 and inserting several antigenic sequences would expand the genome of BoHV-1 inducing non-viability. Therefore, to further develop BoHV-1 as a vaccine vector, a study was conducted to identify the essential and nonessential genes required for the in vitro viability of BoHV-1. Identifying the essential and nonessential genes will establish which genes may be preferentially deleted or replaced with exogenous antigenic sequences in a BoHV-1 derived vaccine vector. To define the requirement of genes encoded by BoHV-1, random-insertion mutagenesis utilising a Tn5 transposition system and targeted gene deletion catalysed by GET recombination was employed to construct gene disruption and gene deletion libraries, respectively, of an infectious clone of BoHV-1. Transposon insertion position and confirmation of gene deletion was determined by direct sequencing. with the essential or nonessential requirement of either transposed or deleted open reading frames (ORFs) assessed by transfection of respective BoHV- 1 BAC DNA into host cells. Of the 73 recognised ORFs encoded by the BoHV-1 genome, 33 were determined to be essential and 36 to be nonessential for virus viability in cell culture with the requirement of the two dual copy ORFs inconclusive. The majority of ORFs were shown to conform to the in vitro requirements of BoHV-1 homologues encoded by Human herpesvirus 1. However, ORFs encoding for glycoprotein K (UL53), regulatory, membrane, tegument and capsid proteins (UL54, UL49.5, UL49, UL35, UL20, UL16 and UL7) were shown to differ in requirement when compared to Human herpesvirus-1 encoded homologues. Further analysis of clones encompassing restriction digestion profiling, one-step growth and replication kinetic analysis defined the genetic constitution and replicative capacity of the mutant clones. Thirty-three individual ORFs of the 36 defined nonessential ORF were identified as being amenable to deletion without causing significant replicative detriment to a potential BoHV-1 vaccine vector. This study has provided the foundational information required for the future development of BoHV-1 as a multivalent vaccine vector for the protection of feedlot cattle from BRDC. Furthermore, the genetic information generated in this study contributes to the general knowledge of the prototype ruminant herpesvirus, BoHV-1, and contributes to the comparative study of gene function between the large and diverse family that is Herpesviridae.

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