Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grau"" "subject:"gran""
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Etude et optimisation de l'usinage par faisceau laser des alliages de titane et des matériaux composites intermétalliques à base de titane / Study and optimization of laser beam machining of titanium alloys and titanium-based intermetallic composite materialsEl Aoud, Bouthaina 14 June 2019 (has links)
La technologie laser est couramment utilisée dans les industries aéronautiques depuis les années 1980. La découpe au laser, comme étant un procédé d’enlèvement de matière, offre plus d’avantages que les procédés conventionnels de la découpe. Parmi les apports du laser, l’absence de contact mécanique avec le matériau à usiner, une limitation de contamination des matériaux et une production élevée due à une haute vitesse de coupe. Les alliages de titane et les composites intermétalliques à base de titane jouent un rôle important dans le domaine de la science et de l’ingénierie ainsi ils permettent de satisfaire les activités de fabrication avancée dans les industries aéronautiques. L’amélioration de ce procédé de fabrication est souhaitable pour augmenter les performances techniques et accentuer l’intérêt économique. Les travaux réalisés ont porté sur l’étude et l’analyse des effets des paramètres de l’usinage par faisceau laser sur l’intégrité de la surface en termes de qualité et morphologie de la surface usinée de plusieurs matériaux, tels que, le titane pur, les alliages de titaneTi-6Al-4V et Ti6242 et le composite intermétallique à base de titane afin d’optimiser les conditions de découpage par laser.La sélection des paramètres de coupe dans le processus d’usinage laser tels que la puissance du laser, la vitesse de coupe, la pression du gaz d’assistance est importante pour assurer l’exactitude de l’usinage et l’amélioration de la microstructure, la rugosité, la zone affectée thermiquement, la largeur de la saignée, la micro dureté et le taux d’enlèvement de matière, résultant des sollicitations mécaniques et thermiques subies durant les différentes étapes de production.Cette étude se base sur une approche empirique faisant intervenir la méthodologie des plans d’expériences (ANOVA, Taguchi), la technique de la logique floue et les méthodes de décision multicritères (FTOPSIS, GRA) pour définir d’une façon rationnelle les essais expérimentaux visant à optimiser les conditions de découpe au laser dans le but de maximiser la production en assurant une meilleure qualité de fabrication. / Laser technology has been widely used in the aeronautics industry since the 1980s. Laser cutting, as a material removal process, offers more advantages than conventional cutting processes. Among the contributions of the laser, the absence of mechanical contact with the material, a limitation of contamination of the materials and a high production due to a high cutting speed. Titanium alloys and titanium-based intermetallic composites have an important role in the field of science and engineering, making it possible to satisfy advanced manufacturing activities in the aerospace industries. Improvement of this manufacturing process is desirable to increase technical performance and economic interest. The present framework focused on study and analysis of the effects of laser beam machining parameters on the surface integrity in terms of quality and morphology of several materials, such as pure titanium, titanium alloysTi-6Al-4V and Ti6242 and the titanium-based intermetallic composite to optimize laser cutting conditions.Selection of cutting parameters in the laser machining process such as laser power, cutting speed, assist gas pressure is important to ensure machining accuracy and microstructure , roughness, heat affected zone, kerf width, microhardness and rate of removal of material improvement, resulting from the mechanical and thermal stresses undergone during the different stages of production.This study is based on an empirical approach involving the experimental design methodology (ANOVA, Taguchi), the fuzzy logic technique and the multicriteria decision methods (FTOPSIS, GRA) aiming at optimizing laser cutting conditions in order to maximize production by ensuring better manufacturing quality.
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O sentido da f? em PascalGarcia, Carlos Frederico Lauer 05 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-05 / Pascal s theory of faith involves a constant conflict between, on the one hand, the craving of a created being for an eternal state of glory and, on the other, the present state of sin wherein this creature finds himself abandoned to his own resources. In the absence of grace, man wants and does nothing that could actually approximate him to God, but continues enclosed in himself; whereas the influence of grace dispenses human being from deciding between the good and the bad use of it, leading man to desire and act according to God s will without expecting any reward for it. Although the relationship between God and man might be described in these terms, Pascal does not so restrict his thinking. On the contrary, the Jansenist philosopher searches for the manifestation of sin through all orders of human constitution, that is, body, intellect and will, showing what are the new forms of desiring, deciding and behaving of a being who no longer possesses a clear and sound view of God s and his own nature. Pascal thereafter tries to understand the role of grace in face of human confusion with his misery and endurance. This study attempts to answer what, according to Pascal, is the status of faith in human life. For such, the relation between the three human constitutive orders, both in state of sin and in state of grace, needs to be elaborated on, with an emphasis on the order of will in manifestations of pride and charity. This investigation is deepened through an enquiry not only into the sinner and the convert, but especially into those undergoing a conversion process. / A teoria da f? de Pascal envolve um constante conflito entre, de um lado, os anseios de um ser criado para um eterno estado de gl?ria e, de outro, o atual estado de pecado desse mesmo ser largado ?s suas pr?prias for?as. Neste estado, o homem sem aux?lio da gra?a nada faz e nada quer que o aproxime verdadeiramente de Deus, mas segue encerrando-se em si mesmo, ao passo que a atua??o da gra?a dispensa a decis?o humana acerca de seu bom ou mau uso, levando o homem a desejar e fazer a vontade de Deus sem qualquer leg?tima pretens?o de m?rito. Apesar, por?m, da rela??o entre homem e Deus poder ser descrita em tais termos, Pascal n?o limita assim seu pensamento. Ao contr?rio, o jansenista busca dar conta da manifesta??o do pecado em todos os n?veis da constitui??o humana, isto ?, em n?vel do corpo, em n?vel do intelecto e em n?vel da vontade, mostrando quais as novas formas de desejar, deliberar e se comportar de um ser que n?o possui mais uma vis?o clara e justa da natureza e de si mesmo e de Deus. Feito isso, busca compreender a atua??o da gra?a justamente face ? confus?o humana, com suas ang?stias e resist?ncias. A pergunta que buscaremos responder ao longo deste trabalho ? seguinte: para Pascal, qual o estatuto da f? na vida do homem? Para tanto, ser? necess?rio compreender a rela??o das tr?s ordens em pecado e tamb?m em estado de gra?a, enfatizando a ordem da vontade, nas manifesta??es de orgulho e caridade. Todavia, procuraremos aprofundar a quest?o investigando n?o apenas o pecador e o convertido, mas principalmente aquele que est? se convertendo.
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Likvärdig bedömning i musik : lägesbeskrivning av arbete med likvärdig bedömning av musikaliska kunskaper i grundskolans obligatoriska musikkursPåhlsson, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
A major dilemma for music teachers in Sweden is that the educational system since 15 years dictates that local adaptations should be made, since all students shall be assessed equivalently. In this study I have examined what strategies music teachers have in the grading process, and specifically how they do to grade equivalently. Previous research shows that Swedish music teachers have difficulties when it comes to make use of regulatory documents. Working conditions for Swedish music teachers also often differ from other teacher groups (e.g. it is usually only one music teacher at a school) and therefore, and because of the fact that the area is largely unexplored, new knowledge and understanding is needed.The thesis consists of two parts: A web survey (quantitative and qualitative parts) and core questions in the survey (on how to grade equivalently in music). I emanate in my reasoning from a music teacher’s awareness but with an open approach. With socioculture influences and a critical approach I question the prevailing circum- stances. With the qualitative approach, I aim to get close to the material and identify music teachers' strategies for assessment in accordance with the requirements of national equivalence.More than 600 music teachers contributed to the survey, representing around 50% of all final grades that are written each year in Swedish compulsory school music. The outcomes show that during the last decade an ongoing professionalization has taken place among music teachers. The findings also include knowledge about how impor- tant note taking is for equivalence and the problems music teachers have with physi- cal conditions for the teaching (such as group sizes and instrumentation). Also the gut felling, as a cultural tool, is observed in a particular way in the assessment work. Last, the picture of “music teachers as their own curriculum” is suggested to be revised. Since music teachers need to adjust to local conditions, and now have a greater knowledge and experience in the mechanism of grading equivalently, it is suggested that music teachers are forced to be their own curriculum.
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Tecnologia postcollita de l'avellana. Assecatge i frigoconservació de l'avellana, Corylus avellana L.Piqué Ferré, Maria Teresa 19 September 1995 (has links)
L'assecatge i emmagatzematge de l'avellana són processos molt importants en latecnologia postcollita de l'avellana que poden influir en la seva qualitat i idoneïtat per alconsum. Aquesta Tesi estudia la cinètica d'assecatge i la influència de les condicionsd'assecatge i frigoconservació sobre la qualitat de l'avellana; prèviament, però, es fa un estudidel comportament higroscopio de l'avellana.Per a l'estudi del comportament higroscòpic de l'avellana s'han determinat les corbesde rehidratació i les isotermes d'humitat d'equilibri a diferents temperatures. L'equació dePeleg dóna un bon ajust a les corbes de rehidratació; mentre que dels diferents modelsmatemàtics als que s'han ajustat les dades experimentals d'humitat d'equilibri, l'equació deG.A.B. és la que prediu millor les isotermes d'humitat d'equilibri de l'avellana.L'estudi de la influència de les condicions de frigoconservació sobre la qualitat del'avellana en gra s'ha fet emmagatzemant, durant un any, mostres d'avellana de les varietatsNegret, Pauetet i Tonda Romana a temperatures entre 0°C i 10°C i a humitats relatives de40% i 60%. Per avaluar la qualitat de l'avellana emmagatzemada s'ha determinat l'índexd'acidesa, els coeficients d'extinció K232 i K270, el període d'inducció, l'activitat dels enzimslipasa, peroxidasa i polifenoloxidasa, l'evolució del color i l'acceptació organoléptica del'avellana. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest que la conservació de l'avellana enaquestes condicions de frigoconservació és bona.Per a l'estudi de la influència de les condicions d'assecatge sobre la qualitat del'avellana s'han realitzat experiències d'assecat amb avellana de la varietat Negt'et en gra i enclosca i amb avellana de la varietat Pauetet en gra, a temperatures entre 30°C i 80°C, i s'hadeterminat el grau d'alteració de la fracció lipídica i l'evolució del color de l'avellana. Elsresultats obtinguts indiquen que les temperatures d'assecat superiors a 50°C afavoreixen eldesenvolupament dels enranciments hidrolític i oxidatiu.En darrer terme, s'ha estudiat la cinètica d'assecat de l'avellana ajustant les corbesd'assecat en capa prima a diferents equacions. També s'ha realitzat la validació de l'algoritmede simulació de l'assecat d'avellana en llit profund que utilitza el model de Nellist i l'equacióde velocitat d'assecat de Page, mitjançant la realització d'experiències d'assecat industriald'avellana.
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Développement de systèmes membranaires modèles pour la vacuole parasitophore de Toxoplasma gondii :<br />Interactions des protéines de granules denses (protéines GRA) avec des vésicules unilamellairesRuffiot, Pauline 11 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les protéines GRA sont sécrétées par le parasite intracellulaire Toxoplasma gondii dans la vacuole parasitophore, où elles interagissent pour la plupart avec deux systèmes de membranes tubulaires : les tubules séquestrant des organites de l'hôte (HOSTs) et le réseau de nanotubes membranaires (RNM). Bien que la plupart des protéines GRA contiennent des domaines transmembranaires potentiels, elles sont sécrétées sous des formes solubles et ne s'associent à des membranes qu'une fois qu'elles ont atteint leurs membranes-cibles dans la vacuole. Cette propriété inhabituelle nous a amenés à les considérer comme des modèles intéressants pour l'étude d'interactions protéinemembrane. J'ai développé deux approches expérimentales pour étudier les interactions des protéines GRA, extraites du parasite ou de la vacuole, avec des membranes-modèles. Premièrement, des approches biochimiques m'ont amenée à caractériser les formes de solubilisation des protéines GRA et leur association avec les membranes des petites vésicules unilamellaires (SUVs). Deuxièmement, j'ai développé une approche par spectroscopie de fluorescence, de protéines GRA associées aux membranes de vésicules unilamellaires géantes (GUVs). Les résultats fournissent des éléments de réponse qui (1) aident à décrypter le trafic des protéines dans le parasite et dans la vacuole et (2) ouvrent la voie pour la mise en place d'un système in vitro pour l'étude de la maturation de la vacuole parasitophore et de ses membranes tubulaires internes.
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A influ?ncia do agregado gra?do na resist?ncia mec?nica e propriedades de fratura de um concreto para pavimenta??o r?gidaPaiva, Danyel Fl?vio Lopes de 25 November 2016 (has links)
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DanyelFlavioLopesDePaiva_DISSERT.pdf: 2519156 bytes, checksum: b31565236fd0ac524181f84e8d976787 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-11-25 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a influ?ncia do agregado gra?do na resist?ncia mec?nica e propriedades de fratura de um concreto destinado a pavimenta??o r?gida, utilizado nas obras de duplica??o e adequa??o de capacidade da BR-101/RN, corredor Nordeste, entre os munic?pios de Parnamirim/RN e Ar?s/RN. Em primeira an?lise, foi variado o teor do agregado gra?do no tra?o de refer?ncia, onde o percentual de agregado gra?do em fun??o da quantidade total dos agregados foi de 59% a 69%. Para a segunda an?lise foi reproduzido o tra?o de refer?ncia apenas com agregados de di?metros m?ximos 12,5 mm, 19 mm e 25 mm. Para ambas as an?lises foram feitos ensaio de resist?ncia ? compress?o axial, tra??o na flex?o e na compress?o diametral, m?dulo de elasticidade, tenacidade ? fratura e energia de fratura. Os resultados da an?lise da influ?ncia do teor mostraram que o tra?o com menor teor de agregado gra?do - T (59%) apresentou maiores resist?ncias mec?nicas em rela??o ao tra?o de refer?ncia - REF (64%), com aumentos de 8% para a resist?ncia ? compress?o e tra??o na flex?o, enquanto sua tenacidade ? fratura e energia de fratura diminu?ram em 7% e 12%, respetivamente. J? o tra?o com maior teor de agregado - T (69%), apresentou diminui??o na resist?ncia mec?nica em 12% para resist?ncia ? compress?o e tra??o na flex?o, por?m aumento de tenacidade ? fratura e energia de fratura de 4% e 2%, respectivamente. J? os resultados da an?lise da influ?ncia do di?metro m?ximo do agregado gra?do, mostraram que a diminui??o do di?metro m?ximo do agregado causou aumento da resist?ncia mec?nica e diminui??o dos par?metros de fratura. O tra?o VAR. 12, apresentou aumentos em rela??o ao tra?o de refer?ncia (REF) de 12% para a resist?ncia ? compress?o axial e 19% para a resist?ncia ? tra??o na flex?o, por?m com redu??es de 38% para a tenacidade a fratura e 22% para a energia de fratura. Os maiores resultados dos par?metros de fratura nesta an?lise foram apresentados pelo tra?o de refer?ncia ? REF, por?m com diferen?a considerada insignificante em rela??o ao tra?o VAR. 25. / This study aims to analyze the influence of the large aggregate on the mechanical strength and fracture properties of a concrete headed for rigid paving, used in the constructions of duplication and capacity adaptation of the BR-101 / RN, Northeast corridor, between cities from Parnamirim / RN and Ar?s /RN. In the first analysis, the content of the aggregate was varied in the reference tract, in which the percentage of large aggregate as a function of the total amount of the aggregates was from 59% to 69%. For the second analysis, the reference trace was reproduced only with aggregates with maximum diameters, such as 12.5 mm, 19 mm and 25 mm. For both analyzes, axial compression, flexural tensile and diametral compression, modulus of elasticity, fracture toughness and fracture energy were tested. The results of the analysis of the contente influence showed that the trait with lower content of large aggregate ? T (59%) presented higher mechanical resistance in relation to the reference trait ? REF (64%), with increases of 8% for resistance to compression and tensile strength in flexion, while its fracture toughness and fracture energy decreased by 7% and 12%, respectively. On the other hand, the trait with higher T - aggregate content (69%) showed a decrease in mechanical strength of 12% for compression strength and flexural tensile strength, but an increase of fracture toughness and fracture energy of 4% and 2%, respectively. With regard to the results of the influence analysis of the maximum diameter of the large aggregate showed that the reduction of the maximum diameter of the aggregate caused an increase in the mechanical resistance and decrease of the fracture parameters. The VAR - 12 trait presented increases with respect to the reference trajectory (REF) by 12% for the axial compressive strength and 19% for tensile strength in the flexure, but with reductions of 38% for fracture toughness and 22% for energy of fracture. The greatest results of the fracture parameters in this analysis were presented by the REF- reference trait , but with a difference considered insignificant in relation to the VAR- 25 trait.
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Gènes codant pour le Récepteur de Type 1 à l'Angiotensine II (AGTR1) et pour l'Aldostérone Synthase (CYP11B2) : Hypertension Artérielle et Variables de Retentissement Cardiovasculaire chez l'Homme.Gardier, Stéphany 13 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
L'implication du système rénine-angiotensine aldostérone (SRAA) dans le déterminisme génétique de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) et de son retentissement cardiovasculaire, chez des hypertendus hospitalisés, a été explorée selon deux approches : i) l'étude d'une forme monogénique d'HTA, l'hyperaldostéronisme sensible à la dexaméthasone (HSD), ii) des études d'association concernant les gènes AGTR1 et CYP11B2, codant pour le récepteur de type 1 à l'angiotensine II, et pour l'aldostérone synthase. Ce travail a permis d'identifier trois patients, apparentés, porteurs du gène de l'HSD, et a confirmé l'intérêt d'un diagnostic précoce de cette maladie. Nos résultats ont par ailleurs montré que l'allèle A du polymorphisme A1166C du gène AGTR1 est associé à une augmentation de la rigidité artérielle, et que le polymorphisme –344 C/T du gène CYP11B2 influence le déterminisme de l'index de masse ventriculaire gauche, soulignant le rôle majeur des gènes du SRAA dans le remodelage cardiovasculaire.
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Práticas colaborativas: investigação da relação entre abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional, custo de transação e gestão de riscos em alianças / Collaborative practices: an investigation of relationship among inter-organizational cost management approach, transaction costs and alliance risk managementSouza, Rodrigo Paiva 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a relação entre a gestão de custos inter-organizacional (GCI), custos de transação (CT), e gestão de riscos em alianças (GRA) em empresas que operam no Brasil. O método de pesquisa foi o survey, com aplicação de um questionário. Os níveis de GCI, CT e GRA foram medidos tendo como base a percepção dos gestores de compras e suprimentos das empresas selecionadas. A amostra teve 85 respostas válidas, de 5 setores da indústria de manufatura (automotivo, bens de consumo, eletrônica, química e metalurgia). Os resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre GCI e GRA, isto é, empresas que adotam a abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional com maior intensidade possuem maior ênfase nas práticas de gestão de riscos. Além disso, verificou-se que a abordagem de GCI e GRA não afetam a percepção dos gestores sobre os CT, ou seja, a adoção de gestão de custos inter-organizacional não aumenta a percepção de custos de transação quando esta abordagem é adotada juntamente com práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças. Além disso, verificou-se que as empresas do setor de eletroeletrônicos apresentaram maiores níveis de GCI, enquanto as empresas da indústria automotiva tiveram os menores, demonstrando que empresas desse setor possuem menor propensão a compartir recursos, informações e tecnologia com seus fornecedores. Com relação à percepção de custos de transação e práticas de gestão de riscos, a análise demonstrou que não há diferenças significativas entre os setores estudados. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que utilizam ferramentas de gestão de custos, tais como custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) ou custeio alvo, possuem maiores níveis de GCI, o número de fornecedores e o tamanho desses parceiros também influencia na intensidade com que as empresas adotam a abordagem de GCI. Em relação à percepção de custos de transação, os resultados revelam que a experiência dos gestores e do tamanho da companhia influenciam na visão sobre os custos de transação. Já em relação às práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que possuem acordos de ganhos compartilhados com fornecedores tendem a adotar mais intensamente as práticas GRA, além disso, o tamanho do fornecedor e setor de atuação da empresa também influenciam na intensidade com que tais práticas são adotadas. As principais contribuições deste trabalho foram o desenvolvimento de instrumentos para mensuração do nível de adoção de práticas de GCI e GRA, bem como a investigação empíricas sobre a relação entre percepção de GCI, CT e GRA. / This PhD dissertation addresses the relationship between inter-organizational cost management (IOCM), transaction costs (TC), and alliance risk management (ARM) in companies operating in Brazil. The research method consists in applying a survey questionnaire. The scores of IOCM, TC, and ARM were measured having the perception of purchase and supply managers of selected firms as a basis. The sample has 85 valid answers, from 5 sectors of the manufacturing industry (automotive, consumer goods, electronics, chemical, and metallurgy). The results demonstrate a significant association between IOCM and ARM, that is, companies adopting an inter-organizational cost management approach have more emphasis on practices of alliance risk management. Besides, it was found that IOCM and ARM approach do not affect the manager\'s perception about TC, thus, adoption of inter-organizational cost management approach does not increases perception of transaction cost since this approach is combined with practices of alliance risk management. Moreover, it was found that firms from the electronics industry have the highest level of IOCM, while automotive industry firms have the lowest, showing that automotive firms has less likelihoods to share resources, information and technology with suppliers. Regarding perception of transaction cost and alliance risk management, there is no significant difference between the industries studied. Additionally, the research demonstrates that companies using a cost management tool, such as activity-based costing (ABC) or target costing, have a higher level of IOCM, number of suppliers and the size of partners also influences the intensity as firms adopting IOCM approach. Regarding the perception of transaction costs, the results reveal that both manager\'s experience and company size influence the perception of transaction cost. Concerning the practices of alliance risk management, the results demonstrate that the firms having earnings-sharing agreements with suppliers apply more ARM practices, also, the size of suppliers and the industry of the firms influences the intensity as firms adopt practices of alliance risk management. The main contribution of this study was the development of an instrument to measure the level of IOCM and ARM, as well as an empirical investigation of the relationship between perceived level of IOCM, TC and ARM.
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Morpho-physiological bases of spike fertility under contrasting nitrogen availability in durum wheatFerrante, Ariel 27 February 2012 (has links)
Current trends in population growth suggest that global food production is
unlikely to satisfy future demand under predicted climate change scenarios.
Therefore, further improvements on wheat yield potential will be essential to
meet future food demand. Thus, to further raise wheat grain yield it is critical to
understand the physiological basis of grain number per m2 determination. Yield
responsiveness to resource availability is usually related to grain number per m2
in most of grain crops, such as durum wheat. Under Mediterranean conditions,
wheat yields vary widely, mainly in response to erratic rainfall, but it has been
proposed that part of this variability may be reduced through nitrogen (N)
management. Wheat yield responses to N fertilisation are usually related to
those of grains per m2, which in turn is the consequence of processes related to
floret development (floret initiation followed by floret death/survival) during stem
elongation. However, there are almost no studies published relating floret
primordia generation and survival in response to increases in N availabilities in
wheat. Understanding the dynamics of floret primordia development as a
physiological determinant of grain setting can be relevant to further increase
grain yield in wheat. The focus of this thesis was to study the effects of N
availability and the differences among modern cultivars (and, in some cases,
combined with availability of other resources) on dynamics of floret
development and survival determining the fate of these primordia and the
generation of grain number in durum wheat.
Six experiments were conducted (4 semi-controlled and 2 field conditions)
during four consecutive growing seasons at Catalonia, NE Spain, with a
combination of different N and water availabilities and contrasting modern
durum wheat cultivars.
Across all experiments, yield responsiveness to N was, in general, related to
grain number increases as an indirect response to N through its effect on
increasing growth. This is not only based on the fact that the relationship of
grain number with spike dry matter was not improved if spike N were used
instead, but also on the fact that detillering did increased grain number through
the same relationships to spike dry matter. Also, improved spike fertility was
due to both producing more fertile florets (in response to N and water or to the
removal of competing shoots) and to reduce the percentage of failure of fertile
florets in becoming grains. Responsiveness of the number of fertile florets was
determined by a developmental response of floret primordia, which under high
resource availability conditions continued developing normally in some distal
florets of the spikelets, at any position of the spike, whilst in more stressful
conditions their development stopped. Genotypic variation in fruiting efficiency
was found for modern durum wheat cultivars and there was a tendency for
some cultivars to have higher values of fruiting efficiency in most of the
environments. Differences in fruiting efficiency were responsible for genotypic
differences in grain number. A functional negative relationship was found
between grain weight and fruiting efficiency, revealing a trade-off related to
spike growth per floret developing normally.
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Modelování vlastních kmitů Země použité na data ze supravodivých gravimetrů v nízkofrekvenční seismické oblasti / Numerical modeling of free oscillations applied to superconducting-gravimeter data in a low-frequency seismic rangeZábranová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
Title: Numerical modeling of free oscillations applied to superconducting-gravimeter data in a low-frequency seismic range Author: Eliška Zábranová Department: Department of Geophysics Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Ctirad Matyska, DrSc. Abstract: Deformations and changes of the gravitational potential of prestressed selfgravitating elastic bodies caused by free oscillations are described by means of the momentum and Poisson equations and the constitutive relation. For spheri- cally symmetric bodies we transform the equations and boundary conditions into ordinary differential equations of the second order by the spherical harmonic de- composition and further discretize the equations by highly accurate pseudospectral difference schemes on Chebyshev grids. We thus receive a series of matrix eigenvalue problems for eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions of the free oscillations. Since elas- tic parameters are frequency dependent, we solve the problem for several fiducial frequencies and interpolate the results. Both the mode frequencies and the eigen- functions are benchmarked against the output from the Mineos software package based on Runge-Kutta integration techniques. Subsequently, we use our method to calculate low-frequency synthetic accelerograms of the recent megathrust events and compare them with the observed...
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