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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mood Marking in Unangam Tunuu

Newhall, Christina Laree, Newhall, Christina Laree January 2016 (has links)
Unangam Tunuu has been recorded since the early days of contact in the mid 1700s; it is the sole representative of the 'Aleut' branch in the Eskimo-Aleut language family, and though it shares certain features with Yupik, Inuktitut and other Eskimo languages, it is distinct and employs a host of unique strategies to convey meaning. In this paper I will give an overview of the language, Unangam Tunuu, and background of the Indigenous people who speak it. I will also give a brief overview of the grammatical category of mood, discuss how mood is traditionally understood to function in European languages, and how it is represented in Unangam Tunuu. I will argue that the category of mood in Unangam Tunuu and the markers which have been glossed as such show many irregularities from what has been traditionally considered mood, and argue that this category needs to be critically re-examined. I will also suggest elicitation plans to assist in testing for mood-marking, specifically the indicative, as well as subjunctive-like or irrealis inflections.

O tratamento da variação linguística em livros didáticos - estudos de caso do português culto / The treatment of linguistic variation in textbooks case studies in erudite Portuguese.

Menezes, Gláucia da Silva Lobo 24 June 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa a estudar o tratamento da variação linguística nos livros didáticos, considerando a apresentação e sistematização de fatos linguísticos em variação no português brasileiro culto. Nossas reflexões baseiam-se nas concepções de que a língua apresenta variação e mudança (Labov 1972, 2001) e que as gramáticas podem competir nos diferentes usos (Kroch, 1989, 2001). Também consideramos as orientações presentes nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN 1998) e os diversos estudos produzidos nas últimas décadas nas grandes universidades do país. Os livros didáticos que constituem nosso corpus são as coleções Tudo é Linguagem, de Borgatto, Bertin e Marchezi (2010), e Gramática Reflexiva, de Cereja e Magalhães (2008). Ambas são adotadas nas escolas privadas, e se referem ao Ensino Fundamental do 6.º ao 9.º ano. Os fatos gramaticais que constituem o objeto de investigação desta pesquisa referem-se ao emprego dos termos você/vocês e a gente como constituintes do atual quadro pronominal do português brasileiro, e ao uso de pronomes na função de objeto direto. Verifica-se ainda se a diversidade de gêneros textuais, presente no material didático examinado, contribui para a veiculação dos fenômenos em variação escolhidos para nosso estudo. Pretende-se discutir se os livros didáticos incorporaram as pesquisas recentes, promovendo a sistematização e reflexão dos aspectos gramaticais em variação no português culto brasileiro / The main goal of this dissertation is to discuss the treatment of linguistic variation in didactic books, related to two aspects of the pronominal system of writen and spoken standard Brazilian Portuguese. The first aspect refers to the variable use of the pronominal forms você/vocês and a gente, in subject position; the second one to the strategies that alternates with the forms o, a, os, as accusative second and third person clitics. The didactic books that constitute our corpus are part of the two collections Tudo é Linguagem, by Borgatto, Bertin e Marchezi (2010), and Gramática Reflexiva, by Cereja e Magalhães (2008), from the 6th to the 9th grades of the Middle School (Ensino Fundamental), and adopted in private schools. We adopetd the ideas and the theorectical concepts formulated in the Theory of Linguistic Variation and Change (Labov 1972, 2001) and in the Theory of Principles and Parameters, under the perspective of competing grammars (Kroch, 1989, 2001). We also based our discussion of linguistic variation on the guidelines found in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN, 1998), and in the results of recent quantitative studies. Moreover, it will be checked whether the diversity of textual gender contributes to the systematization of the variants that characterize the linguistic variation in Brazilian Portuguese

Mimetic devices of style in the earlier fiction of James Joyce : 'Dubliners', 'Stephen Hero', 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'

Koizumi, Symphorosa Sophia Yoko January 2009 (has links)
The major characteristics of Joyce's stylistic achievement in the organic unity of contents and expressions are, firstlyp the 'style* is not intended to reveal the author but the whatness, of his characters and subjects described and secondly Joyce's 'style' contains in itself particular meanings beyond the limits of the semantic and lexical contents of words. These features are more specifically defined as his use of the language for mimetic purposes to revealp suggest and represent consciousness (sometimes even unconscious and subconscious) mood, emotion mental patterns thought processes physical movement situation impression and sound effects through his command of the rhythmical syntactical and other grammatical, and phonological possibilities of his medium. In his earlier worksp Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(and Stephen Hero for comparison with the Portrait) examination of the variety of his mimetic devices and their purposes contributes to the better comprehension of his works where each stylistic pattern, whether occurring in limited locality or throughout is woven into the whole design of the works. The main recurrent devices can roughly be distinguished as follows andt accordingly, Joyce's mimetic creative ability and variety in his earlier works are to be examined under the following classification: 1. Rhythmic (defined as 'repetition with variations') devices to represent and reveal certain concealed aspects and qualities of his characters; firstly, for characterization by means of special devices of appellations and secondly for revealing the preoccupations and concerns. II. Syntactical grammatical and rhythmic devices to represent, reflect and suggest firstly, his characters thought processes mental patterns emotion, mood and other psychological aspects, and secondly physical movement situation, atmosphere and impression. III. Phonological devices to imitate and suggest actual and imaginary sounds.


JOSE FERRARI NETO 09 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho consiste em uma caracterização inicial das habilidades de processamento presentes nas crianças que adquirem o sistema de número gramatical em português. Foi realizada uma coleta longitudinal de dados de produção durante 4 meses com 2 crianças de 24-28 meses e 21-25 meses, cujo objetivo foi obter dados de produção lingüística semi-espontânea que permitissem identificar exemplos de produção de formas flexionadas em número. Realizaram-se também 3 experimentos de reconhecimento de imagens, com crianças de 18 a 28 meses e 30 a 42 meses, os quais visavam a verificar (i) se a criança distingue nome flexionado em número de nome não-flexionado; (ii) se a criança percebe onde se localiza a marca de número no português em palavras de seu vocabulário e em pseudo- palavras que remetem a objetos inventados; e, por fim, contrastar dados de experimentos semelhantes relativos a gênero gramatical, de modo a averiguar se crianças processam concordância de número no DP. A hipótese de trabalho que orienta esta dissertação é a de que a informação relativa a número contida nos elementos que formam a categoria funcional Determinante (D) é crucial para a identificação do sistema de número no português. Os valores relativos a número identificados nos elementos da categoria D como marcado/não marcado são interpretados semanticamente como singular e plural por meio do mecanismo da concordância, sendo a identificação do número gramatical mais custosa do que a do gênero gramatical em virtude de o número ser um traço opcional e de este traço veicular informação semântica a ser associada a classes morfofonológicas identificadas no Det e no Nome. O modelo de língua assumido nesse estudo é o sugerido pelo Programa Minimalista (Chomsky, 1995). / [en] This work is concerned with the acquisition of the Portuguese number system. Longitudinal production data of two children (24-28 months and 21-25 months) were collected for 4 months in order to verify whether there is evidence of the use of number inflected forms. 3 picture- identification experiments were carried out with children ranging from 18 to 28 months and 30 to 42 months, whose aim was to verify (i) whether children would distinguish number inflected from number uninflected nouns (ii) whether they would process number agreement in the DP and the extent to which they would perceive number incongruence and ungrammaticality as far as number agreement in the DP is concerned. Both nouns from children`s vocabulary and pseudo- nouns were used. The latter was indented to constraint semantic information to the number affix. These data were contrasted with the results on gender (Name, 2002), which suggest that young children (mean age 24 months) perceive gender incongruence between D and N in the processing of a DP. The working hypothesis of this study is that children identify morphological information concerning number and gender within the closed class of determiners. The fact that number is basically an optional feature, which can be expressed in the Noun, would nevertheless, make the acquisition of grammatical number to be relatively more demanding than the identification of grammatical gender. The linguistic framework assumed here is the Minimalist Program (Chomsky, 1995).

Apprentissage basé sur l’usage en interaction humaine avec un assistant adaptatif / Usage-based Learning in Human Interaction with an Adpative Assistant Agent

Delgrange, Clément 13 December 2018 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, un utilisateur peut interagir avec des assistants virtuels, comme Alexa, Siri ou Cortana, pour accomplir des tâches dans un environnement numérique. Dans ces systèmes, les liens entre des ordres exprimés en langage naturel et leurs réalisations concrètes sont précisées lors de la phase de conception. Une approche plus adaptative consisterait à laisser l'utilisateur donner des instructions en langage naturel ou des démonstrations lorsqu'une tâche est inconnue de l'assistant. Une solution adaptative devrait ainsi permettre à l'assistant d'agir sur un environnement numérique plus vaste composé de multiples domaines d'application et de mieux répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs. Des systèmes robotiques, inspirés par des études portant sur le développement du langage chez l'humain, ont déjà été développés pour fournir de telles capacités d'adaptation. Ici, nous étendons cette approche à l'interaction humaine avec un assistant virtuel qui peut, premièrement, apprendre le lien entre des commandes verbales et la réalisation d'actions basiques d'un domaine applicatif spécifique. Ensuite, il peut apprendre des liens plus complexes en combinant ses connaissances procédurales précédemment acquises en interaction avec l'utilisateur. La flexibilité du système est démontrée par sa forte adaptabilité au langage naturel, sa capacité à apprendre des actions dans de nouveaux domaines (Email, Wikipedia,...), et à former des connaissances procédurales hybrides en utilisant plusieurs services numériques, par exemple, en combinant une recherche Wikipédia avec un service de courrier électronique / Today users can interact with popular virtual assistants such as Siri to accomplish their tasks on a digital environment. In these systems, links between natural language requests and their concrete realizations are specified at the conception phase. A more adaptive approach would be to allow the user to provide natural language instructions or demonstrations when a task is unknown by the assistant. An adaptive solution should allow the virtual assistant to operate a much larger digital environment composed of multiple application domains and providers and better match user needs. We have previously developed robotic systems, inspired by human language developmental studies, that provide such a usage-based adaptive capacity. Here we extend this approach to human interaction with a virtual assistant that can first learn the mapping between verbal commands and basic action semantics of a specific domain. Then, it can learn higher level mapping by combining previously learned procedural knowledge in interaction with the user. The flexibility of the system is demonstrated as the virtual assistant can learn actions in a new domains (Email, Wikipedia,...), and can then learn how email and Wikipedia basic procedures can be combined to form hybrid procedural knowledge

Para uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe / For a standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb

Paula da Costa Caffaro 22 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na investigação da terminologia gramatical árabe, visando à padronização em língua portuguesa. Tendo em vista a grande quantidade dos fenômenos linguísticos, a análise restringiu-se às denominações da classe verbal. Dez termos principais e dezesseis termos secundários foram investigados em três corpora constituídos de gramáticas árabe-árabes; gramáticas árabes elaboradas por arabistas e de obras de referência cujo tema é a terminologia gramatical árabe. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é propor uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe que seja aparente aos leitores especializados brasileiros, a priori, e aos pesquisadores lusófonos cujo objeto de estudo seja a língua árabe. Elabora-se ainda um glossário terminológico Árabe-Português/ Português-Árabe. / This work consists of an investigation of Arabic grammatical terminology, aiming at the standardization in Portuguese language. In view of the great amount of linguistic phenomena, the analysis was restricted to the verbal class names. Ten principal terms and sixteen secondary terms were investigated in three corpora constituted by Arabic-Arabic Grammars; Arabic Grammar elaborated by Arabists and other reference works on Arabic Grammatical Terms. The main aim of this search is to suggest standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb which can be understandable to Brazilian skilled readers, at first, to Lusophone searchers whose study objective is Arabic language. It is elaborated a Terminological Glossary Arabic-Portuguese/ Portuguese-Arabic.

Gramaticalização de verbos: o verbo \'esperar\' no português culto de São Paulo / Grammaticalization of verbs: the verb esperar in Sao Paulo\'s cultured portuguese

Santos, Elaine Cristina Silva 06 May 2009 (has links)
Entende-se por gramaticalização a passagem de um item lexical para um item gramatical, ou de um menos gramatical para um mais gramatical. Vinculando este trabalho ao arcabouço teórico da Gramaticalização numa abordagem funcionalista, discutimos a mudança lingüística empreendida pelo verbo esperar até alcançar seu padrão funcional de marcador conversacional sob forma da expressão espera aí. Como ponto de partida, elegemos uma amostra do falar culto paulista a partir de materiais provenientes do acervo CAPH (Centro de Apoio à Pesquisa em História FFLCH-USP), da midiateca do IEA (Instituto de Estudos Avançados-USP) e de entrevistas já organizadas pela equipe do Projeto NURC/SP (Projeto Norma Urbana Culta de São Paulo). Evidenciamos o papel discursivo do interlocutor como gatilho para a emergência do padrão funcional mais inovador. Esta dissertação vincula-se ao Grupo de Pesquisa Mudança Gramatical do Português Gramaticalização (CNPq-USP). / It is assumed that grammaticalization is the passage from a lexical to a grammatical item or from a less grammatical to a more grammatical one. We link this research to a theoretical framework of the Grammaticalization in a functionalist approach, we also argue about the linguistic change undertaken by the verb esperar (wait) until it reaches its functional standard of a conversational marker that is formed by the expression espera aí. A starting point, we elect a sample of the Paulistas (from São Paulo) standard spoken language material proceeding from the CAPH (Center of Support to the Research in History - FFLCH-USP), from the midia-library of the IEA (Institute of Advanced Studies) and the Project NURC/SP (Project Cultured Urban Norm of São Paulo) organized interviews. We evidence the discursive role of the interlocutor as the trigger for the rising of the more innovative functional standard. This dissertation is linked to the Group to Research Portuguese Grammatical Change - Grammaticalization (CNPq-USP).

Para uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe / For a standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb

Caffaro, Paula da Costa 22 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na investigação da terminologia gramatical árabe, visando à padronização em língua portuguesa. Tendo em vista a grande quantidade dos fenômenos linguísticos, a análise restringiu-se às denominações da classe verbal. Dez termos principais e dezesseis termos secundários foram investigados em três corpora constituídos de gramáticas árabe-árabes; gramáticas árabes elaboradas por arabistas e de obras de referência cujo tema é a terminologia gramatical árabe. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é propor uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe que seja aparente aos leitores especializados brasileiros, a priori, e aos pesquisadores lusófonos cujo objeto de estudo seja a língua árabe. Elabora-se ainda um glossário terminológico Árabe-Português/ Português-Árabe. / This work consists of an investigation of Arabic grammatical terminology, aiming at the standardization in Portuguese language. In view of the great amount of linguistic phenomena, the analysis was restricted to the verbal class names. Ten principal terms and sixteen secondary terms were investigated in three corpora constituted by Arabic-Arabic Grammars; Arabic Grammar elaborated by Arabists and other reference works on Arabic Grammatical Terms. The main aim of this search is to suggest standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb which can be understandable to Brazilian skilled readers, at first, to Lusophone searchers whose study objective is Arabic language. It is elaborated a Terminological Glossary Arabic-Portuguese/ Portuguese-Arabic.

Modeling Children's Acquisition of Grammatical Word Categories from Adult Input Using an Adaptation and Selection Algorithm

Stenquist, Nicole Adele 01 March 2015 (has links)
It is understood that children learn the use of grammatical categories in their native language, and previous models have only been partially successful in describing this acquisition. The present study uses an adaptation selection algorithm to continue the work in addressing this question. The input for the computer model is child-directed speech towards three children, ages ranging from 1;1 to 5;1 during the course of sampling. The output of the model consists of the input words labeled with a grammatical category. This output data was evaluated at regular intervals through its ability to correctly identify the grammatical categories of language of the target child. The findings suggest that the use of this type of model is effective in categorizing words into grammatical categories in both accuracy and completion.

The Influence of a Social Communication Intervention on the Syntactic Complexity of Three Children with Language Impairment

Wheeler, Alyse 01 April 2016 (has links)
Research has shown that children with language impairment (LI) exhibit difficulties with both social communication and syntax. This study analyzed the effect of a social communication intervention on syntactic development, focusing on grammatical complexity in three children with LI when enacting stories. The intervention included reading and enacting stories, playing games with picture emotion cards and journaling. Each child's mean length of terminal unit (t-unit), the number and type of subordinate clauses they produced per t-unit, and the grammaticality of their complex sentences was analyzed. While none of the children increased their mean length of t-unit or the grammaticality of their sentences, one participant showed a slight increase in the number of subordinate clauses she used and another participant changed the basic format with which she enacted stories to a more mature format. The results of this study did not support the claim that a single intervention could target both social communicative and syntactic goals simultaneously. There were limitations to this study that, if addressed, could potentially support this claim.

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