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Developpements d'outils d'aide au diagnostic en contexte incertain / Development of a diagnostic support tools in uncertain contextMabrouk, Ahmed 13 September 2016 (has links)
Le diagnostic des scénarios d'accidents nucléaires graves représente un enjeu majeur pour la sûreté nucléaire et la gestion de crise. Le problème est complexe à cause de la complexité des phénomènes physiques et chimiques sous-jacents des accidents graves, la difficulté de la compréhension des différentes corrélations entre ces derniers, et de surcroît la rareté des base de données descriptives. Ainsi, ce travail de thèse vise à proposer un outil dédié à la modélisation et au diagnostic des scénarios d'accident à base de réseaux bayésiens. L'usage des réseaux bayésiens reposera sur l'apprentissage à partir de bases de données de calculs créés avec le logiciel de calcul d'accident grave ASTEC. Dans ce contexte, l'utilisation des réseaux bayésiens a été, tout au long de ce travail doctoral, sujet à de nombreuses difficultés, notamment l'apprentissage de ces derniers à partir des données accidentelles qui, suite à de nombreuses études menées, ne se sont avérées pas tout à fait pertinentes pour mener à bien cette tâche. Ces difficultés proviennent principalement du fait que les données utilisées sont d'un coté de nature continue et de l'autre côté reliées à la fois par des relations déterministes et probabilistes. Ces deux contraintes posent un sérieux problème pour les algorithmes de construction des réseaux bayésiens qui supposent à la fois que toutes les relations entre variables sont de nature probabiliste et l'ensemble des variables utilisées sont de nature factorielle (ou discrète). Concernant le premier point, nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme d’apprentissage de structure utilisant un ensemble de nouvelles règles (dont l'efficacité a été prouvée théoriquement et expérimentalement). Concernant l’étape de discrétisation, nous avons proposé une approche multivariée, qui d’après une étude expérimentale détaillée, nous a permis de pallier les inconvénients des algorithmes de l'état de l'art tout en minimisant la perte de l’information lors de la transformation des données. / The diagnosis of severe nuclear accident scenarios represents a major challenge for nuclear safety and crisis management. The problem is complex and remains until now one of the main research topics due to the complexity of the physical and chemical phenomena underlying severe accidents, the difficulty in understanding the different correlations between them, and in addition the unavailability of efficient public datasets. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to propose a dedicated tool for modeling and diagnosis of accident scenarios based on Bayesian networks. The learning process of the Bayesian networks is based on the use of databases created with the ASTEC severe accident software. It should be emphasized that the use of Bayesian networks in this context has faced many challenges, notably the learning process from the accidental data which, after numerous studies, has been doomed to be ineffective to address efficiently this task. These difficulties arise mainly because the used data contains on the one hand, many continuous variables and on the other hand a set of both deterministic and probabilistic relationships between variables. These two constraints present a serious problem for the learning algorithms of Bayesian networks because these latter assume that all relationships between variables are probabilistic and all the used variables in the datasets are factorial (or discrete). Concerning the first point, we proposed of a new structure learning algorithm based on the use of a set of new rules (whose effectiveness has been proven theoretically and experimentally). Regarding discretization step, we proposed a multivariate approach which, according to a detailed experimental study, has enabled us to overcome the drawbacks of these latter while minimizing the information loss during the data transformation.
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”Why do fireflies have to die so soon?" : En adaptionsstudie av Grave of The FirefliesOlsson, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Studien analyserar Akiyuki Nosakas novell Grave of the Fireflies (1967) ochStudio Ghiblis film med samma titel (1988) i syfte att undersöka vilka förändringar somskett under bytet av medium. Dem olika element som undersöks är narration, karaktärsgestaltningar samt budskap vilket görs igenom en komparativ metod. Resultatet avundersökningen visar på att filmen introducerar många nya scener och element somförhöjer berättelsen utan att sträva långt ifrån narrativet som den baserades på. Trots attnovellen och filmen besitter samma budskap - om livets flyktighet - så utforskas dettabudskap mycket djupare i filmen då vi får mycket mer kontext till hur dessa karaktärersrelationer och liv faktiskt var i denna version av berättelsen.
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Buttlekrigarens grav : Om stolphål och Buttlekrigarens grav som rituell arena / The Buttlewarrior’s grave : Postholes and the Buttlewarrior’s grave as a ritual arenaAndersson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utforskar vad stolphålen i ”Buttlekrigaren” indikerar utifrån hur de förhåller sig till varandra, till andra konstruktioner i graven samt till den övriga gravkontexten. Ytterligare har de omkringliggande lämningar i Buttle Änge samt de källkritiska aspekterna av dokumentation av stolphål beaktas. Materialet avgränsas till Buttle Änge och grävningarna sedan 2009. Analysen av materialet har genomförts utifrån ett kronologiskt och rumsligt perspektiv samt via tolkningar och definitioner av konstruktionselement av gravar; rituella företeelser och minnen kopplade till gravar; samt utifrån källkritiska aspekter över metodik och tolkning. Resultatet indikerar att stolphålen i ”Buttlekrigarens grav” var en del av begravningsritualen och utgjordes av en eller flera konstruktioner som var uppförda tidigare eller samtida med primärgraven. Graven har successivt förändrats jämte bruket av den och området Buttle Änge samtidigt som de ursprungliga avgränsningarna och användningsområden har behållits. Å andra sidan är stolphål enklare att tolka men svårare att fastställa. / The aim of this study is to explore what the postholes in the “Buttlewarrior’s grav” indicate based on how they relate to each other, to other constructions in the grave and to the rest of the grave context. Additionally, the surrounding remains of Buttle Änge, and a source-critical aspect of the documentation of postholes has been taken in consideration. The material is delimited to the area of Buttle Änge and to the excavation conducted since 2009. The study applies a chronological and spatial perspective and analyses the material though interpretations and definitions of construction parts of graves; ritual aspects and memories connected to graves; and source-critical aspects of methodology and interpretation. The results shows that the postholes in the “Buttlewarrior’s grave” were a part of the burial ritual and consisted of one or a few constructions erected later or contemporary with the primary grave. The grave has gradually changed along with the use of it and the area of Buttle Änge, while the original boundaries and areas of use have been preserved. On the other hand, postholes are easier to interpret but more difficult to verify.
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Early Athenian Figural Representation in ContextKocurek, Charlie 25 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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The Bronze Age funerary cups of southern EnglandCopper, Claire January 2017 (has links)
’Pygmy’, ‘incense’, ‘accessory’ or ‘funerary’ cups are small Early Bronze Age
vessels, almost all from mortuary contexts, united by their diminutive size.
Although several small-scale and regional studies have previously been
undertaken, until recently there has been little attempt to consider such vessels
as a whole. The vessels from the north of England were recently examined in
detail by Hallam (2015), and the present study of the southern English vessels
will complement Hallam’s work with the ultimate goal of producing a national
corpus. Details of over three hundred and fifty vessels, from thirty counties, are
presented together with a comprehensive literature review.
Analysis demonstrates how the form and depositional contexts of such vessels
probably arose within Beaker ceramic and funerary traditions. Many have
complex biographies, some being deposited ‘fresh’ whilst others are fragmented
or otherwise damaged. Perforations, long seen as a key feature of the tradition,
appear to be restricted to certain forms only, and it is suggested that
fenestration may be a development of this practice. Regional links and networks
may be discerned through the distribution of attributes and similar vessel types
and probably reflect trade networks. It is suggested that the cups had a primary
role within Early Bronze Age funerary rituals associated only with certain
individuals, perhaps marked out by the nature of their deaths / The full text will be available at the end of the embargo period: 21st Feb 2023
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The mirror in ancient South Italian funerary context : A study of the mirror’s function and symbolic meaning in graves in the Greek colonies Locri Epizefiri and Metaponto / Spegeln i antik Syditaliensk gravkontext : En studie av spegelns funktion och symboliska betydelse i gravar i de grekiska kolonierna Locri Epizefiri och MetapontoJäger, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
The mirror appears frequently in funerary contexts in the Greek colonies Locri Epizefiri and Metaponto and this thesis endeavours to rebuild the contexts of these mirrors using the approach of contextual archaeology. To explore the mirror’s contemporary function and meaning within the burial record and to discern why mirrors appear within a funerary setting, a chain of contexts is followed from the archaeological material to iconographical analysis, to comparative archaeological data, widening the contextual circles step by step. In the first part, the appearance of the graves with mirrors in Locri Epiezefiri and Metaponto is examined. The result is then compared with the iconographical evidence and the comparative archaeological data. The thesis further examines the mirror’s female association and discusses how the colonies of Magna Graecia should be studied as a third culture in accordance with the middle ground. Based on the results from the analysis, the discussion argues for a connection between mirrors and the Orphic-Dionysiac-Pythagorean cult, especially pronounced in Magna Graecia during this period, but also possible ritualistic functions such as divination and the notion of “female knowledge”.
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Rekonstruerade hästbetsel : En granskning av rekonstruktioners utförande och förmedling / Reconstructed bridles : An examination of reconstructions executionand intermediationKarlsson Ström, Evelin January 2024 (has links)
Rekonstruktioner inom arkeologi är en effektiv metod för att visuellt återskapa forntida föremål och miljöer. De har potentialen att skapa och förmedla trovärdig kunskap, samt engagera allmänheten om vår gemensamma forntid. En väl utförd rekonstruktion bör vara grundad i arkeologisk dokumentation, välgrundade tidigare tolkningar och analogier. Dock har rekonstruktioners kvalité och trovärdighet varit varierande, vilket även påverkar hur tillförlitlig informationen som förmedlas till en betraktare är. I studien utförs en kritisk granskning av två rekonstruerade betsel från båtgravfältet i Vendel, benämnda som praktbetsel XII och betsel XIV. Dessa är för närvarande del av Statens historiska museums utställning ”Forntider”. Rekonstruktionernas utförande undersöks samt utvärderas utifrån parametrarna trovärdighet och funktionalitet. / Archaeological reconstructions are an effective way to visually re-create ancient objects and landscapes. They hold the power to create and convey credible knowledge and engage a broader audience about our common past. A well-made reconstruction should be based on archaeological documentations, legitimate previous interpretations, and analogies. However, the quality and reliability of archaeological reconstructions showcase a wide variety which also effect the conveyed information’s credibility. This study aims to critically examine two reconstructed bridles from the boat-grave cemetery in Vendel, referred as “praktbetsel XII” and “betsel XIV”. These are currently part of the exhibition “Forntider” at Statens historiska museum. The execution of the reconstructions is examined and evaluated based on the parameters of credibility and functionality.
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Beyond the grave: human remains from domestic contexts in Atlantic ScotlandArmit, Ian, Ginn, V. January 2007 (has links)
No / The occurrence of human remains in Iron Age domestic contexts in southern England is well-attested and has been the subject of considerable recent debate. Less well known are the human remains from settlement contexts in other parts of Iron Age Britain. In Atlantic Scotland, human bodies and body parts are found consistently, if in small numbers, in Atlantic roundhouses, wheelhouses, and other settlement forms. Yet these have remained unsynthesised and individual assemblages have tended to be interpreted on a site-specific basis, if at all. Examination of the material as a corpus suggests a complex and evolving set of attitudes to the human body, its display, curation, and disposal, and it is improbable that any single interpretation (such as excarnation, retention of war trophies, or display of ancestral relics) will be sufficient. Although the specific practices remain diverse and essentially local, certain concerns appear common to wider areas, and some, for instance the special treatment accorded to the head, have resonances far beyond Iron Age Britain.
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Buttering up the dead : An archaeological study of the relationship between burial urns and grave gifts from the scandinavian Roman Iron Age from Uppland, Sweden, using lipid-and elemental analysesSundström, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker begravningsurnor som deponerats under romersk järnålder i grav A7000 i Broby bro, Täby Socken, Sverige. Materialet som undersöks är en del av forskningsprojektet; Broby bro – en plats där världen passerar. Teorierna kring begravningsritualer från denna tidsperiod har genom lipidanalyser samt elementanalyser förfinats. Av de fem kärl som undersöks har fyra, F16007, F16152, F16195 och F16263, definierats som begravningsurnor. F16137 är fortfarande oidentifierad. Fokus har lagts på att undersöka relationen mellan fynden och även att fastställa om F16195 och F16263 kommer från samma urna. Resultaten visar att F16195 är en gravgåva till F16263.
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The horror of feminism : understanding the second wave through the reception of controversial filmsFulfs, Patricia Ann 02 November 2010 (has links)
Given feminists’ longstanding concerns about the ideological effects of media images, and prompted by the lack of, but continued need for, feminist activism today, some feminist scholars have become increasingly interested in how popular media shape public understandings of feminism, represent its issues, and define its history. Communication scholars also appreciate that both media texts and social movements are produced and received within particular historical contexts, and that controversies over either are discursive sites in which cultural and political values clash and their meanings are negotiated. During the 1970s, second-wave feminism, especially its radical wing, was a controversial movement which threatened to disrupt basic relations between women and men and, therefore, has been much maligned by men, women, anti-feminists, and a new generation of self-proclaimed feminists. Yet, the second wave is often portrayed inaccurately. This dissertation thus reviews key works, theories, and events associated with radical feminism as well as the debates between it and other schools of feminist thought–liberal, Marxist/socialist, psychoanalytic, cultural, and various ‘new’ feminisms. Then, employing a context-sensitive form of ideological criticism, I examine three films, their promotional strategies, their mainstream critical and scholarly receptions, and how these elements converged with particular feminist discourses within their shared historical contexts. Specifically, I investigate why the horror films Rosemary’s Baby (1968), I Spit on Your Grave (1978), and Snuff (1976)–which each featured an exposed, vulnerable, violated, or ‘monstrous’ female body–became objects of controversy when they tapped into the contemporaneous feminist issues of reproduction, rape, and pornography, respectively, and how the films’ receptions reveal ways in which people have made sense of feminism and its issues. I contend that these controversies, both individually and when viewed as a series, were symptomatic of the hegemonic negotiations of second-wave feminism and its attempts to publicize discourses about sex, violence, and the female body, negotiations which were occurring both inside and outside the women’s movement. Through these controversial cases, then, we can see feminism’s transformation–from an active movement which criticized the structures of women’s oppression to a discursive and primarily academic enterprise focused more on criticizing itself. / text
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