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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ferrocement Super-Insulated Shell House Design and Construction

Lugowski, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the ferrocement building technique for sustainable housing. Ferrocement involves the use of conventional cement with fine aggregate and several layers of steel, with the advantage of higher strength than conventional reinforced concrete, limited formwork and thinner sections. It is particularly suitable for thin shell structures, where geometry minimizes bending loads. Architectural flexibility is one of the main priorities considered in sustainable housing, along with energy efficiency, occupant comfort, resistance to seismic and tornado events, affordability and durability. Ferrocement’s historical and present applications are covered, along with other building techniques, in order to establish best practices and possible improvements. Reducing construction labor is a particular focus, which has limited ferrocement development in recent years. Computer modeling of shell form finding is described, with three case studies created. A structural analysis method is described and applied to each case study to verify general building code safety. Energy modeling is performed in two climates for each case study in the United States and compared to key PassivHaus energy demand limits. Net zero energy use is possible with on-site solar photovoltaic generation.

Miljöcertifierade byggnader Värde för investeraren / Environmentally certified buildings The value for the investor

Wellius, Kristina, Svensson, Luckas January 2013 (has links)
This bachelor thesis describes why investors should invest in environmentally certified buildings instead of non certified buildings. The report provides an overview of possible factors influencing an investor in the investment process of an environmentally certified building. The report explains why building companies find incentive to build green buildings and how a cash flow method can be adapted so it can be used in the valuation process of an environmentally certified building. Environmentally certified buildings are used as a strategy to reduce emissions that threaten the environment as well as a strategy to obtain market shares for the building companies. This report focuses on the economic advantages of an environmentally certified building. The construction- and real estate industry stands for approximately 40 percent of the energy consumption in the world. Therefore, it is important to find solution for buildings that can reduce the energy consumption. The demand of environmentally certified buildings is increasing and therefore property owners need to adapt their buildings so that they don’t lose significant market shares. With the enlarged awareness of the environmental problem in the world it is time for investors to consider investing in sustainable buildings in a larger scale. After a discussion has been made about how the cash flow method should be adapted to sustainable factors, a conclusion has been presented. The report found that it is possible for an environmentally certified building to have a market value that is 37 percent higher than for a non-environmentally certified building. / Denna kandidatuppsats skildrar varför investerare bör investera i miljöcertifierade byggnader istället för icke miljöcertifierade byggnader. Rapporten ger en överblick på tänkbara faktorer som påverkar en investerare vid en investering av en miljöcertifierad byggnad. Rapporten redogör varför byggföretagen motiveras till att bygga grönt samt hur en kassaflödesmetod kan anpassas så att den blir användbar vid värderingsprocessen för en miljöcertifierad byggnad. Miljöcertifierade byggnader används bland annat som strategi för att minska utsläpp och även som marknadsföring hos företagen. I denna rapport ligger fokus på den ekonomiska fördelen hos den miljöcertifierade byggnaden. Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen står idag för ungefär 40 procent av världens energiåtgång. Därför är det viktigt att finna byggnadslösningar som kan minska energiförbrukningen. Allt fler hyresgäster efterfrågar miljöcertifierade byggnader och fastighetsägarna måste därför anpassa sina befintliga byggnader till kundernas efterfråga för att inte tappa viktiga marknadsandelar. Med den ökande miljömedvetenheten bland världens befolkning kräver det att investerarna tänker på hållbarhetsrelaterade faktorer vid ett investeringstillfälle och därför väljer att investera i hållbart byggande, det vill säga miljöcertifierade byggnader. Efter att ett resonemang har förts om hur kassaflödesmetoden bör anpassas med hänsyn till hållbarhetsrelaterade faktorer, har en slutsats presenterats. Rapporten fann att det är möjligt för en miljöcertifierad byggnad att ha ett marknadsvärde som är 37 procent högre än för en icke miljöcertifierad byggnad.

Metoder för förvaltning av gröna bostadsrättshus : - En undersökning ur ett kontraktsteoretiskt perspektiv / Methods of property management of green buildings : - a study from a contractual theory perspective

Kenne, Erika January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige idag byggs alltfler gröna bostadsrättshus. Detta ökar kravet på tekniskt kunnande hos bostadsrättsföreningen för att kunna underhålla och förvalta de tekniska komponenterna i fastigheten. För att möta det ökade kravet krävs det en förändring av fastighetsförvaltningen som den ser ut idag. Uppsatsen undersöker två metoder för detta; ett utökat förvaltningsansvar hos byggherren samt en auktorisation av förvaltare av gröna hus. För byggherrar vilka vill bibehålla en seriös profil finns klara fördelar med att ha ett utökat förvaltningsansvar, detta ger dem incitament att bygga huset mer långsiktigt samt att det ger en lägre risk för deras köpare i och med att det ger en bättre relation med bostadsrättsföreningen. Bostadsrättsföreningar styrs av en styrelse med boenden i föreningen. Dessa personer agerar inte alltid efter vad som är bäst för bostadsrättsföreningen utan styrs ibland utav egenintressen. Detta gör att det finns ett behov att skapa en högre auktoritet hos förvaltaren, en auktorisation av densamme skulle öka förtroende hos styrelsen och i slutändan ge en mer långsiktigt bättre förvaltning av huset. Det finns även ett behov av att göra förvaltningstjänsten heltäckande, detta gör att förvaltarens intressen bättre kommer stämma överens med bostadsrättsföreningens. För samhället i stort finns det ett behov att få förvaltningen av bostadsrättshus att fungera. Bostadsrätt är en av de största boendeformerna i Sverige och det finns många ekonomiska risker relaterade med boendeformen. Att då lagstifta om förvaltningen skulle minska riskerna för många medborgare i Sverige. Lagen bör vara utformad så att båda metoderna inkluderas, att byggherren har ett förvaltningsansvar och att en förvaltare av gröna bostadsrättshus måste vara en auktorisad förvaltare av gröna hus. / In Sweden today more and more green condominiums are built. This increases the demand of technical knowledge of the housing cooperative to be able run the maintenance and operations of technical components of the house. To meet the increased demand a change is needed in the property management as it is today. This thesis looks at the methods of improving the property management; a prolonged maintenance and operations responsibility for the contractor and an authorisation of property managers of green houses. For developers who want to maintain a reputable profile there are clear advantages to having prolonged management responsibilities, this gives them an incentive to build the house more long-term and that they represent a lower risk to their buyers, in that it gives a better relationship with the housing association. A board governs Housing Associations with members of the association. These people are not always acting in the best interest of the housing association but instead sometimes out of selfinterest. This means that there is a need to create a higher authority of the property manager, an authorization by him would increase the authority of the board and ultimately provide a more long-term and improved property management of the house. There is also a need to make the property management a wide-ranging management service, this will make the manager's interests better match the interests of condominium association. For society at large, there is a need to have the management of multi-family housing to work. Cooperative housing is one of the most common forms of housing in Sweden and there are many economic risks associated with the housing form. To regulate the management would reduce the risks of many citizens in Sweden. The law should be designed in a way that Abstract Title: Methods of property management of green buildings - a study from a contractual theory perspective Authors Erika Kenne Department Department of Real Estate and Construction Management Thesis number 207 Supervisor Hans Lind Keywords Property management, contractual theory, green buildings, authorisation 3 includes both methods, the constructor have a prolonged maintenance and operation responsibility and that the property manager needs to be authorized as a property manager of green houses.


Starikova, Anastasia January 2011 (has links)
At present the office real estate market in Sweden faces new challenges since the economic and real estate crisis of 2008-2010 years. Since the time of economic and real estate crisis of 2008-2010 years, the office real estate market has started to face new challenges. For example, office vacancy rates have increased significantly and challenges how to find the tenant for office premises became very actual. At the same time the demand for high quality office premises still exists on the market but with new requirements to the standards of the office working space. It is happening because the employees’ needs and requirements become more oriented to the comfort and safety of the working place. The employers try to keep and motivate employees by providing the most efficient and comfortable office space to work in and balance on cost-quality issues at the same time. In order to influence on demand from tenants’ and empower tenant search process the landlords have to use new, more competitive methods. The external design of the building and internal design of the office space in particular become more and more significant in leasing, sub-leasing and buying premises property purchase at the real estate office market. It is also useful and important because tenants can change the interior and design project upon their business needs and company’s strategies. The aim of this research paper is to set up the hypothesis that the office’s space design has a significant influence on tenant search process, plays the key role in so-called optimal office for tenant and tests above mentioned hypothesis by the empirical research study (method of questionnaire) among real “market players”-tenant representatives, consulting agencies and property owners. The location for the research and analysis activities is selected as Stockholm and Stockholm’s region, time frame is September - October 2010.

Gröna Byggnader : En redogörelse av miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar för byggnader på den svenska bostadsmarknaden med fokus på byggaktörers lönsamhet / Green Buildings

Lindstrand, Jesper, Ålander, Astrid January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete fokuserar på gröna byggnader på bostadsmarknaden, samt vad miljöcertifiering och miljömärkning av byggnader innebär. Hur stor är egentligen vetskapen om miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar hos kunder på marknaden för bostäder? Det är en intressant fråga som är återkommande i denna uppsats. Att konsumenter blir mer och mer miljömedvetna och strävar efter att göra mer hållbara val och välja rätt alternativ när det kommer till livsmedel och resor är inget som är främmande för någon. Men hur ser det ut när det kommer till bostadsmarknaden och när en konsument ställer sig inför att välja en bostad som finns i ett hus som omfattas av miljöcertifieringar? Examensarbetet behandlar tre huvudfrågor som berör efterfrågan på miljöcertifieringar på bostäder, vad detta har för koppling till byggaktörer lönsamhet samt vilken eller vilka miljöcertifieringar eller miljömärkningar som är att föredra på bostadsmarknaden.I examensarbetet har totalt sex intervjuer utförts under hösten 2019 där de deltagande representerar olika byggföretag i Sverige från antigen den kommersiella marknaden, bostadsmarknaden eller entreprenadföretag från byggskedet. De intervjuade är antingen hållbarhetschefer, VD eller på något sätt ansvariga för hållbarheten på företaget. Utöver dessa intervjuer skapades även en enkät som undersökte vilka tre variabler som hamnade högst när det kommer till att välja en ny bostad. Resultatet från empirin, i form av intervju och enkät, knöts samman med redogörelsen om miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar är i en avslutande analys. Examensarbetet mynnade ut i att efterfrågan på miljöcertifieringar och miljömärkningar på bostadsmarknaden inte är i paritet med efterfrågan på dessa på den kommersiella marknaden. Kunden har inte tillräckligt med information om vad dessa innebär och företagen behöver bli bättre på att nå ut till kunderna för att göra miljöcertifierade och miljömärkta bostäder mer attraktiva i kundens ögon. Miljöcertifierade byggnader genererar ett högre driftnetto då drift- och underhållskostnader för en miljöcertifierad byggnad blir lägre då den har högre krav på energianvändning och prestanda, i jämförelse med ett brunt hus. Detta, trots en låg efterfrågan hos kunderna, är en attraktiv aspekt för de byggaktörer som använder sig av miljöcertifieringarna. En miljömärkt byggnad är bra utifrån olika aspekter, liksom att den producerats av noga utvalda material. Däremot berör en inte miljömärkt byggnad den fortsatta förvaltningen, vilket en miljöcertifierad byggnad istället gör. Flertalet av de som intervjuats till detta examensarbete påpekar att Svanenmärkta hus kan vara ett bättre alternativ om företaget vill marknadsföra deras byggnader med ett mer igenkänt varumärke som Svanen. Däremot anser de att Miljöbyggnad är ett bättre alternativ då denna miljöcertifiering inte bara behandlar produktionsskedet utan även förvaltningen av byggnaden. / This bachelor’s thesis has its main focus on green buildings on the market for housing [in Sweden] and what is involved in the area of environmental certifications and ecolabelling of these buildings. How vast is one consumer’s knowledge about environmental certifications and markings on the housing market? This is an interesting question that is discussed continuously throughout this essay. The fact that consumers get more and more sustainable and aim towards making more sustainable choices for themselves when it comes to travel and consuming different goods, is not unfamiliar to anyone. But what does it look like when it comes to the housing market and when a consumer is presented with the choice of choosing a home which is in an apartment that is covered by environmental certifications? This bachelor’s thesis contains three main questions that revolve around how big the demand for apartments in an environmentally certified house is, what connection this has to the profitability of building actors and last but not least, which certification or ecolabel is the most preferable on the market for housing. A total of six people have been interviewed for this bachelor’s thesis, during the spring of 2019. The participants are all working for different building companies, either as contractors or on the market for commercial buildings or the market for housing. These people are either sustainability managers, CEOs or responsible for the sustainability of the company. Apart from these interviews a survey was filled by numerous people where the main question was to examine which three preferences were most popular when it comes selecting a new apartment. The result, from the six interviews and the survey, was entwined with the screening of the different environmental certifications and ecolabels in an analysis. The analysis argued that the demand for environmentally certified buildings on the commercial market is a lot higher than the demand for these on the market for housing. The customer is not briefed enough, and the companies need to step up their marketing and make environmentally certified buildings more attractive for the customer. Buildings that are environmentally certified generates a higher operations net since lower operations and maintenance costs tend to get lower if the building is certified, in comparison to a non-certified building. This, despite the low demand on environmental certifications, is an attractive aspect for building actors that use these certifications. When a building has an ecolabelling, it is effective in different aspects, such as when it comes to the appropriate selection of sustainable materials. A building that is equipped with an ecolabel only affects the production of the building. However, a building that is environmentally certified looks to the continued management of the facility. Most participants in the interviews suggest that the ecolabel Svanen is the best one for the housing market since it is most recognizable by customers. However, they point out that the certification Miljöbyggnad is a better choice if they are interested in, not only the production phase of the building but also the continued facility management.

Development and Application of Policy-Based Tools for Institutional Green Buildings

Cupido, Anthony F. 04 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>An opportunity exists to enhance policy development and application in higher education as it relates to the promotion of sustainable building practices and the application of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED<sup>®</sup>) principles. No previous research has been conducted to determine if policy instruments are essential for sustainable building practices, together with the use of LEED<sup>®</sup>, for the implementation of institutional green buildings in North America.</p> <p>The primary research goal is to determine if policy is essential for sustainable building practices and the implementation of LEED<sup>®</sup> for new construction and major renovations in higher education buildings in Canada and the United States. A specific focus on water conservation and water quality is undertaken related to green buildings. A comprehensive quantitative web-based survey was developed and administered to poll members of APPA (formerly the Association of Physical Plant Administrators) on their use of policies or other instruments for sustainable development and the specific use of LEED<sup>® </sup>applications for new construction and major renovations on their campuses. Qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with a subset of the survey respondents to explore and supplement components of the survey and to gain greater insight as to the strategic application of sustainable facility initiatives at their respective institutions. A sustainable building policy template is developed for application to the higher education sector.</p> <p>Using a mixed-methods approach has provided clear evidence that these institutions are contributing to the growth in sustainable practices in higher education and that the facility professionals are contributing to much needed leadership in this field. Institutions that have implemented sustainable/green building policies for their new buildings or major renovations are exhibiting policy compliance and meeting their LEED<sup>®</sup> targets, while some institutions that utilize non-policy practices are not complying.</p> <p>This research provides a framework for an institutional sustainable building policy that is suitable for use as a template for senior facility professionals and their specific policy development. This work contributes to a foundation for future research related to sustainable/green building policy development and its application to the higher education sector.</p> <p>A review of survey participants’ water conservation approaches was undertaken with a specific application to a rainwater harvesting-to-potable water system in the Engineering Technology Building (ETB) at McMaster University. <strong></strong>Field research was undertaken on the evaluation of three white roof membranes: modified bitumen finish ply, polyvinylchloride (PVC), and thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO); and their effects on the runoff water quality were studied. An analysis of the quality of rainwater runoff was performed from each of these three membranes and compared to Ontario provincial drinking water standards. Analyses were performed to determine if there is a preferred membrane for this function.</p> <p>Results of the water quality testing and analysis indicate that the selected white roof membranes will provide a suitable catchment surface for a green building and/or use in a rainwater collection system. When compared to Ontario’s MOE water quality requirements, no particular roof membrane of the three researched (modified bitumen, PVC and TPO) provided superior water quality results to suggest that either was preferred or recommended as a rainwater harvesting (RWH) catchment surface.</p> <p>This research has revealed that higher education institutions are engaging in water conservation practices across Canada and the United States. Operational challenges are evident, particularly as they relate to waterless urinals. The ETB system that harvests rainwater and provides treatment to potable standards is showing significant promise for future site–based solutions.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Orsi, Alessandro 13 October 2017 (has links)
As the world becomes aware of its limited resources it is increasingly important to consider the development of buildings which could respond to the requirements of sustainability. During the last decades the development of the so-called green buildings has been gaining momentum through the implementation of appropriate reference standards, new technologies, innovative design strategies and processes. Such changes introduced new challenges for all subjects involved and, most of all, the need of working with new technologies and services through fully-integrated processes. Designers are also affected by such issue and, within this scope, project management plays a key role for the optimization of the design-project development. This research analyzes the design process of four case-study projects from the project management perspective taking into consideration all sustainability-related tasks and activities that negatively affected the project design development. A new methodology was created in order to analyze the design process and evaluate the effect of detected project-management issues under three main independent variables related to costs, time and sustainability. The research makes full use of the Lean approach to classify the issues, or wastes, experienced during the different design processes and to identify possible solutions for the process optimization. The four case studies are referred to four real projects developed in different European countries under the LEED and BREEAM reference standards. More specifically the four projects are: - One nursing-home located Northern Italy certified under the LEED reference standard. - One school-complex located in Northern Italy certified under the LEED reference standard. - One office building located in Barcelona (Spain) certified under the LEED reference standard. - One office building located in South-East of Spain certified under the BREEAM reference standard. The final scope of the research is to develop a methodology for the analysis of the green-building design processes from the project management perspective in order to identify the problems occurred, optimize the process and provide a tool to prevent unnecessary wastes of money, time and sustainability features. / Cada vez mas el mundo toma consciencia de que la disponibilidad de recursos naturales es limitada y el desarrollo de edificios sostenibles se está convirtiendo en una necesidad. Durante las últimas decadas el desarrollo de edificios sostenibles ha sido impulsada por el desarrollo de protocolos especificos, nuevas tecnologias, diseños y procesos inovadores. Dichos cambios han implicado nuevos retos para todos los sujetos involucrados y, sobretodo, la necesidad de operar con nuevas technologías y servicios a través de procesos integrados. Los proyectistas también quedan afectados por dichos cambios y el project management juega un papel imprescindible de cara a la optimización de procesos de diseño integrados. Esta investigación analiza el proceso de diseño de cuatro casos de studio desde el punto de vista del project management enfocando la atención en las actividades relacionadas con la sostenibilidad que afectaron negativamente el desarrollo de los procesos. Se desarrolla una nueva metodología para analizar el proceso de diseño y evaluar los efectos de eventuales fallos experimentados durante los procesos de project management desde la perspectiva de tres variables independientes relacionadas con: costes, tiempos y sostenibilidad. La investigación implementa los conceptos de la metodología Lean para la clasificación de los fallos, o desperdicios, occurridos durante el desarrollo de los varios procesos y para identificar posibles soluciones de cara a la optimización del proceso. Los cuatro casos de estudio están relacionados a cuatro proyectos reales desarrollados en diferentes estados Europeos a través de los protocolos LEED y BREEAM. Mas en detalle los proyectos son - Una residencia para mayores ubicada en Italia del Norte y certificada a través del protocolo LEED. - Un complejo escolar ubicado en Italia del Norte y certificado a través del protocolo LEED. - Un edificio para oficinas ubicado en Barcelona (España) y certificado a través del protocolo LEED. - Un edificio para oficinas ubicado en el Sureste de España y certificado a través del protocolo BREEAM. El objetivo final de la presente investigación es el desarrollo de una nueva metodología para el análisis de los procesos de diseño para edificios sostenibles desde el punto de vista del project management para identificar los problemas occurridos, optimizar el proceso y proporcionar una herramienta a los futuros técnicos para prevenir el desperdicio de dinero, tiempo y caracteristicas de sostenibilidad. / Cada vegada més el món té una major consciència que la disponibilitat de recursos naturals és limitada i el desenvolupament d'edificis sostenibles s'està convertint en una necessitat. Durant les últimes dècades el desenvolupament d'edificis sostenibles ha estat impulsat pel desenvolupament de protocols específics, noves tecnologies, dissenys i processos innovadors. Aquests canvis han implicat nous reptes per a tots els subjectes involucrats i, sobretot, la necessitat d'operar amb noves tecnologies i serveis a través de processos integrats. Els projectistes també queden afectats per aquests canvis i el project management juga un paper imprescindible de cara a l'optimització de processos de disseny integrats. Esta investigació analitza el procés de disseny de quatre casos d' estudi des del punt de vista del project management fixant l'atenció en les activitats relacionades amb la sostenibilitat que van afectar negativament el desenvolupament dels processos. Es va a desenvolupar una nova metodologia per analitzar el procés de disseny i avaluar els efectes d'eventuals errors experimentats durant els processos de project management des de la perspectiva de tres variables independents relacionades como son: costos, temps i sostenibilitat. La investigació implementa els conceptes de la metodologia Lean per a la classificació dels errors, o deixalles, aparegudes durant el desenvolupament dels diversos processos, per identificar possibles solucions de cara a l'optimització dels processos. Els quatre casos d'estudi estan relacionats a quatre projectes reals desenvolupats en diferents estats Europeus a través dels protocols LEED i BREEAM: - Una residència per a gent major situada a Itàlia del Nord i certificada mitjançant el protocol LEED. - Un complex escolar situat a Itàlia del Nord i certificat a través del protocol LEED. - Un edifici per a oficines situat a Barcelona (Espanya) i certificat a través del protocol LEED. - Un edifici per a oficines situat en el Sud Este d'Espanya i certificat a través del protocol BREEAM. L'objectiu final de la present investigació és el desenvolupament d'una nova metodologia per a l'anàlisi dels processos de disseny en edificis sostenibles des del punt de vista del project management, per identificar els problemes possibles, optimitzar els processos i proporcionar una eina als futurs tècnics per prevenir el malbaratament de diners, temps i característiques de sostenibilitat. / Orsi, A. (2017). THE DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN-BUILDING PROJECTS: OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROJECT-MANAGEMENT PROCESSES THROUGH THE LEAN APPROACH [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/89098

Green Buildings : Exploring performance and thresholds

Bonde, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this research project is to study green/energy-efficient real estate from an economic perspective. The thesis summarizes the results from five different studies with a connection to green/energy-efficient real estate.The aim of the first paper (paper A) is to study how tenants perceive the indoor environment in green-rated premises, and to compare these results with tenants’ perception of a conventional building’s indoor environment. The main result is that the tenants in the green-rated building are more satisfied with the indoor environment than the tenants in the conventional building.Papers B and C assess whether energy efficiency has an impact on buildings’ income and market values using Swedish real-estate data. The key result is that although there is a small impact on building-related income, this does not seem to translate into a higher market value.The last two papers included in this thesis study hindrances to a more energy-efficient building sector. In paper D, two office buildings are used as baseline cases to provide insights into the difficulties that can arise when trying to upgrade a building to make it more energy efficient. The results indicate that changing existing leases is a prohibitive process and that it is often difficult to evaluate the final impact of an energy upgrade. The last paper focuses on why it may be rational to postpone green refurbishments even if they are profitable. The main result is that it may be rational to postpone such refurbishments. However, by introducing different financial penalties and/or subsidies, these investments could be triggered today.To sum up, the results indicate that green buildings are preferred by tenants, but that there still appear to be economic barriers to a greener building sector. / Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att studera grön/energieffektiva byggnader ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingen består av en kappa och fem separata studier, vilka belyser tre olika forskningsfrågor. Syftet med den första studien är att studera hur hyresgäster upplever inomhusmiljön i gröna byggnader. I studien jämförs inomhusmiljön i en grön byggnad med inomhusmiljön i en likvärdig konventionell byggnad. Resultatet visar, på det stora hela, att hyresgästerna är mer nöjda med inomhusmiljön i den gröna byggnaden. De nästföljande studierna, B respektive C, undersöker om byggnadens energiprestanda har någon inverkan på dess hyra respektive marknadsvärde. Resultaten visar på en liten signifikant hyrespåverkan, dock verkar denna inte ha någon effekt på byggnadernas marknadsvärdebedömningar. Skälet till detta kan vara att hyrespremien anses för liten för att ha någon signifikant inverkan på byggnadens marknadsvärde, alternativt att fastighetsvärderare inte beaktar energiprestanda när en fastighet värderas. De två sista studierna studerar varför vissa, tillsynes lönsamma, energiinvesteringar inte genomförs. Resultaten från studie D visar på svårigheterna med att ingå ett samarbetsavtal (för att eliminera felaktiga incitament) mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd. Sådana avtal tar lång tid att förhandla fram och det uppkommer ofta svårigheter med att utvärdera de tänkta energiinvesteringarnas ekonomiska utfall. Studie E utgår ifrån en realoptionsmodell, vilken används för att utvärdera när ”gröna” renoveringar bör genomföras i en befintlig byggnad. Studien visar att det kan vara rationellt att vänta trots att investeringen idag är lönsam. Vidare visar resultaten att det är möjligt att via byggsubventioner/finansiella ”straff” påverka aktörer att tidigarelägga energieffektiviseringsåtgärder.  Dock är det viktigt att dessa utformas korrekt så att det inte skapar några snedvridna incitament. Övergripande visar resultaten att gröna byggnader är att föredra ur ett brukarperspektiv men att det fortfarande finns ekonomiska hinder för en mer hållbar byggsektor. Nyckelord: gröna byggnader, energieffektiva byggnader, EPC, inomhusmiljö, Realoptioner, fastighetsekonomi. / <p>QC 20160407</p>

Sustainability use of information and communication technologies: a case study of an asset management company

Ngwenya, Mpendulo Hilary Farai January 2013 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM) / The problem of global warming has triggered a number of environmental initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change, many of which are driven at governmental level - although private organisations have also taken the initiative. The organisation under study - hereafter referred to as “Company-A” - is one such organisation which has taken strides in incorporating environmental initiatives in its business processes. Company-A is a South African based asset management organisation which has seen rapid growth in its business operations and consequently the number of its employees. This growth has necessitated the need for a new office building. At the commencement of this study the organisation was in the process of planning for a new office building to accommodate its growth. The senior management of Company-A recognised the importance of implementing environmentally friendly practices at the new office building, and sought the services of a sustainability consultancy firm to assist in the planning for the new office building. This study was necessitated by the fact that despite the company’s recognition of the importance and need to implement environmentally friendly processes within its business processes, there was a lack of understanding or appreciation of how ICT could be used in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner in its new office building. With this problem in mind - the researcher - in consultation with the organisations’ new office building project manager and research supervisor, formulated a research question which was continuously refined until such a point that it was clear. It was envisaged that a research study to answer the research question: How can Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) be used to support environmental sustainability in an organisation? - would provide insight on how the organisation’s top management could deal with the aforementioned problem. The primary purpose of the study was to assist Company-A management in making informed decisions regarding sustainability ICT use, the research can also be used as a foundation in the formulation of the organisation’s “green” ICT strategies and policies. The main research question was divided into smaller sub questions to give structure, clarity and direction in addressing the main research question. These sub questions were in turn used to formulate the research objectives which set the goals and boundaries of this study.

住宅類綠建築評估項目對不動產估價調整率之影響 / The influence of green building indicators to the percentage adjustment of appraisal on residential building

曹妤, Tsao, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為改善綠建築與售價之間的定錨效應,本研究以台灣EEWH綠建築評估系統為基礎,建構AHP分析層級程序法之問卷架構,共分為目標、面向、指標以及評估項目四大階層。透過第一階段以及第二階段問卷調查與分析,本研究初步得到不動產估價師平均願提高9.77%之綠建築願付價格,且住宅類綠建築中,價格影響權重較高者為室內環境、節能設備以及空調系統指標。 取得各評估項目的價格影響權重後,以相關分析、價格影響權重分析為基礎,篩選應謹慎考量其價格的評估項目,再輔以盒狀圖分析,將價格影響權重細分為若干加權等級,進而建立更加完善的住宅類綠建築估價應用總表,並提供不動產估價師於實務中使用。 最終,運用實證分析,本研究發現綠建築等級或總得分與溢價幅度具有中度以上的解釋力,當綠建築等級或總得分越高時,其溢價幅度亦隨之提高,然而,當綠建築施作至一定程度後,其上升的溢價幅度將有限;此外,以銀級為例時,同等級內的綠建築總得分與溢價幅度未具顯著解釋力,意旨同等級案例之總得分越高時,並無法解釋其溢價幅度將越大。本研究建議,當衡量綠建築之價格時,應依循本研究提供的應用總表,評估各綠建築的實質溢價情況,以提高綠建築案例於估價時的準確性。 / In order to improve the anchoring effect between green building and selling price, this study based on the EEWH Green Building Assessment System in Taiwan, and constructed the questionnaire structure of AHP analysis hierarchy process which classified into four dimensions: Target, Orientation, Index and Element. Through the first stage and the second stage of the questionnaire survey, the higher weight of the price impact are the indexes of indoor environment, energy-saving equipment and air conditioning system. The average of willing to pay on the green buildings from the appraisals is around 9.77%. Based on the correlation analysis, the weight of price impact analysis and the box analysis, there are some elements which need to be subdivided into several weighting scale. After that, this study would establish a much more complete table called “the application table of residential green buildings.” It will provide for appraisers to use in practice as well. Finally, using the empirical analysis, this study found that there are moderate positive correlation between the levels or the total scores of green buildings and the price premium, which means the higher the green building level or the total score is, the greater the price premium is. However, when the green building level reach a certain extent, the increase on the prie premium will be limited. In addition, take the silver level for example. The total score of green buildings in the same level dose not have significant correlation with its price premium, which means the higher scores of green buildings in the same level can not explain the price premium will be greater. Therefore, this study suggests that green buildings should follow the application table provided in this study to measure the real premiums of the green buildings in order to improve the accuracy of the green building price at the time of appraisal.

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