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The Suboptimal Solution to Food Waste : A Qualitative Research of Swedish Grocery Shoppers’ Attitudes and Purchase Intentions towards Suboptimal FoodKarlsson, Miranda, Magnfält, Peter January 2019 (has links)
Background Worldwide, one-third of all produced food is going to waste, and the number is increasing every year which consequently calls for action. A substantial share of the food waste is the outcome of grocery stores throwing away suboptimal food which yet is eatable but due to the date labeling, damaged packaging or in terms of appearance standards cannot be sold. Throughout the last years, numerous unique businesses have been formed in Sweden to offer suboptimal food both online and in physical stores. Still, Swedish grocery stores stand for 30 000 tons of food being wasted which is directly linked to the still evident unwillingness to offer, purchase and consume suboptimal food. By no means, this is a significant problem and need to be changed in order to reach a more sustainable world. Till this day, qualitative research on the topic is scare. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to understand which components that affected Swedish grocery shoppers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards suboptimal food in-store. Method In order to fulfil the purpose of this study, a qualitative methodology has been utilized. The qualitative data has been collected through semi-structured interviews amongst Swedish grocery shoppers. To explore the attitudes and purchase intentions towards suboptimal food product, an abductive research approach was applied to strengthen previous research findings and attempt to discover possible new theory. Conclusion The empirical findings revealed that Swedish grocery shoppers in this research study hold an overall positive attitude towards suboptimal food. The study further reports four prominent barriers towards Swedish grocery shoppers’ purchase intentions of suboptimal food. In result, even though an overall positive attitude presented, the intention to purchase suboptimal food could be severely weakened by substantial restrictions encountered in grocery stores.
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Fatores críticos na sustentabilidade das centrais de negócios do setor supermercadista / The critical factors for the sustainability of the business networks composed by the small and medium grocery retailers in BrazilGhisi, Flávia Angeli 17 May 2005 (has links)
Mesmo reconhecendo a importância das centrais de negócios no contexto brasileiro, pode-se dizer que existe pouco conhecimento sobre o assunto. Essa iniciativa ganhou força apenas nos últimos cinco anos no país e a maioria dos estudos encontrados na literatura, possuem caráter predominantemente exploratório. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho buscou fomentar importantes discussões sobre as centrais de negócios de supermercadistas de pequeno e médio porte, ao analisar de forma crítica a sua formação, identificando os fatores que influenciam a sua sustentabilidade. A metodologia do estudo fundamenta-se em cinco etapas que se complementam. A primeira refere-se ao levantamento bibliográfico e pesquisa em dados secundários, cujo objetivo era ampliar o conhecimento teórico sobre as centrais de negócios. Em um segundo momento, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória junto a três centrais de negócios, visando uma percepção prática do tema, a definição das etapas metodológicas, e a elucidação do problema, proposições, perguntas e variáveis da pesquisa. Na seqüência foi realizado um estudo qualitativo com seis centrais de negócios formadas há pelo menos um ano e que possuíam maior conhecimento e experiência no seu processo de formação. Na quarta etapa metodológica foi feita uma pesquisa quantitativa com 21 centrais de negócios em diversos Estados brasileiros para analisar proposições, investigar a correlação entre as variáveis e descrever as características das centrais de negócios no território nacional. Finalmente, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, buscou-se identificar nas experiências internacionais dinamarquesas, potenciais ações que pudessem ser adaptadas ao contexto nacional. Os resultados discutidos podem contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do processo de formação das centrais de negócios. Pôde-se concluir que para ser bem sucedida, ela precisa ter uma proposta abrangente, mas ao mesmo tempo focar em objetivos claros, tratar da qualificação e capacitação profissional dos seus membros e incluir e unir o econômico, o social e o cultural. No final do estudo apresentam-se recomendações voltadas à sustentabilidade das centrais de negócios de supermercadistas de pequeno e médio porte. / Even recognizing the importance of the business networks composed by the small and medium grocery retailers for its sustainability in Brazil, the lack of publications is notable. This working force has just received more attention in the country in the last five years and the studies found in the literature have predominantly exploratory character. Based on these facts, the objective of this study is to foment important discussions about the business networks composed by small and medium grocery retailers. It analyzes critically it formation, identifying the influence factors at its sustainability. The methodology of the study is based on five stages that complement each other. The first one refers to the bibliographical research and secondary data research, that attempts to promote the theoretical knowledge on the business networks. In a second moment, an exploratory research was accomplished with three business networks formed by small and medium grocery retailers, seeking a practical perception of the theme, the definition of the methodological stages, and the elucidation of the problem, propositions, questions and variables of the research. In the sequence a qualitative study was conducted with six business networks of small and medium grocery retailers formed at least one year ago that could improve larger knowledge and experience in it formation process. In the fourth methodological stage a quantitative research was realized with 21 business networks in several Brazilian States to analyze propositions, to investigate correlation among the variables and to describe the characteristics of the business networks in the national territory. Finally, through a qualitative research, it was attempted to identify, based on international Danish experiences, potential actions that could be adapted to the national context. The discussed results can contribute to a better understanding of the process of formation of the business networks composed by the small and medium grocery retailers. As a result, for this union succeed, it needs to include a proposal, but at the same time to focus in clear objectives, to improve the qualification of the processes and the professional training of their members, and to include the economical, social and cultural perspective. Since one of the attempt of this study was to provide recommendations focused on the sustainability of the business networks composed by small and medium grocery retailers, the study provides useful insights that should be taken for which business network that aim to be maintainable.
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"Det är ju kunderna som bestämmer" : En kvalitativ fallstudie på livsmedelshandeln och dess digitala utveckling av försäljningskanaler / "It is the customers who decide"Andersson, Annie, Pranjko, Kornelia, Olsson Torstensson, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är den faktor som präglat hela detaljhandeln framåt och utvecklat nya försäljningskanaler. Av studiens resultat har framkommit att digitaliseringen ihop med kundens roll haft den största påverkan på hur försäljningskanalerna utvecklats. Studien har även påvisat viss problematik kring hur fysiska resurser på bästa sätt optimeras då branschen i framtiden tros bli allt mer digitaliserad och robotiserad. Idag strävar livsmedelsföretag att på bästa sätt kunna tillfredsställa kunders behov, vilket tagit dem fram till utvecklingen som skett. Företag kommer även i framtiden arbeta för att tillmötesgå och uppfylla ett unikt kundvärde. Resultatet påvisar att faktorer som tidsbesparing, effektivisering, integrering av försäljningskanaler samt robotisering är nödvändiga för en utveckling som ligger i framkant. / Purpose and research question The purpose of the study is to investigate the change of various sales channels and the customer’s role in the retail sector and how representatives from companies believe that sales channels may develop in the future. With this as a starting point, four research questions have been developed with a focus on the grocery trade. 1. In what ways are sales channels considered? 2. What different types of customer values characterize the company’s work? 3. How is the customer’s role affected depending on the different sales channels? 4. How do representatives of the trade and consultants in the field consider sales channels may develop in the future? Method This thesis is based on this case study of qualitative method in the Swedish grocery trade. The foundation consists of a deductive approach with elements of induction aspects. Empirical data consists of eight semi-structured interviews, after which the respondents are representatives in both retail and grocery trade. Conclusion Digitization is the factor that has characterized the entire retail trade forward and developed new sales channels. The study's result revealed that the digitization together with the customer's role had the greatest impact on how the sales channels have developed. The study has also shown some problems with how ineffectively physical resources are utilized. Due to that the industry is believed to be increasingly digitized in the future. The grocery trade strives it’s best to satisfy the needs of the customer. This yearning has led to futher development. The results show that factors such as time optimization, increased focus on efficiency, and strengthening the integration of sales channels are necessary for the development of the industry. In the future companies will work to not only understand but meet a unique costumer need.
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Kundlojalitet inom dagligvaruhandeln / Consumer loyalty within grocery storesSpiegel, John January 2014 (has links)
Att ha lojala kunder är något att sträva efter. Men vad gör en kund lojal? Den har studien försöker att ta reda på det genom att intervjua tio olika svenska personer för att få deras syn på lojalitet som fenomen och vad det innebär att vara en lojalkund för dem. Slutsatsen är att kundlojalitet är en relevant term men när det kom till att vara lojal visade det sig att de flesta av respondenterna inte var lojala, även om de hade ett lojalt beteende. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för deras köpbeteende var den geografiska platsen affären låg på i förhållande till deras eget boende. En av de viktigaste slutsatserna är även att det är genom ditt handlande(beteende) du visar din lojalitet inom dagligvaruhandeln. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i företagsekonomi
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Analysing and conceptualising mobile grocery shopping behaviour in the UKLi, Junxiong January 2018 (has links)
Mobile commerce is becoming an important component of modern business especially in the retail sector thanks to the fast diffusion of smartphones. This new shopping technique enables consumers to shop wherever and whenever they choose. It also helps retailers to grow their business in omni-channel – many major UK retailers including the “Big Four Grocers” (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons) have adjusted their digital and category strategies in response to mobile customers. Despite the growing body of literature on mobile commerce, little research has been conducted to provide a comprehensive list of factors that affect the mobile grocery shoppers’ decision-making and their loyalty. In addition, some of the studies had issues relating to inappropriate sampling techniques, which led to unrepresentative findings. This thesis will explore the factors that drive consumers’ intention to use smartphones for grocery shopping, and to identify the key elements that drive consumer loyalty to the mobile grocery provider. Building on an extensive literature review, the key determinants of mobile commerce adoption were analysed with a consideration of issues around online grocery shopping, diffusion of innovation, and customer satisfaction. The key research methods and approaches were compared along with an analysis of the research methods used by the existing literatures, and concluded that a mixed-method approach was the most appropriate way to meet the aim and objectives of this study. Following the research design, the author undertook 32 interviews with shoppers from various backgrounds, 12 of which had previous experience of using a smartphone for grocery shopping. Content analysis was carried out to produce 13 themes relating to the mobile grocery shopping acceptance. Based on the result from the thematic analysis and existing literature, a questionnaire was designed and launched. Three hundred valid responses were collected, including 150 purchasers and 150 non-purchasers. Statistical techniques such as factor analysis and multiple-regression analysis were used to analyse the survey data. Results from the quantitative study suggested there were 7 factors affecting shoppers’ decision to use smartphones for grocery shopping, while purchaser and non-purchaser models showed a different pattern. In parallel, the study also identified factors affecting mobile grocery shopping satisfaction and customer loyalty. Drawing together these findings, the thesis helps grocers to understand their mobile channel customer in a wider angle. It also provides managerial applications to improve both customer experience and digital strategy.
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Design of an off-grid renewable-energy hybrid system for a grocery store: a case study in Malmö, SwedenGhadirinejad, Nickyar January 2018 (has links)
On planet Earth, fossil fuels are the most important sources of energy. However, these resources are limited and being depleted dramatically throughout last decades. Finding feasible substitutes of these resources is an essential duty for humanity. Fortunately, Mother Nature is providing us a number of good solutions for this crucial threat against our planet. Solar irradiance, wind blowing, oceanic and maritime waves are natural resources of energy that are capable of completely covering the annual consumption of all inhabitants on the Earth. In this research a set of components including “Northern Power NPS 100-24” wind generators, “Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU” PV arrays, “Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube” battery bank and HOMER bi-directional converter system were considered and successfully applied on HOMER tool and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The main design goals of the presented hybrid system are to use 100% renewable energy resources in the commercial sector, where all power is produced in the immediate vicinity of the business place, adding strong advertising values to the setup. In order to supply hourly required load for a grocery store (1000 ) in Malmö city with 115 kW peak load and 2002 kWh/d with maximum 0.1% unmet, the system was optimized to achieve minimum Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the lowest Net Present Cost (NPC). The HOMER simulation for quantitative analysis, along with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) solution method is proposed and the results are compared. The results show that an optimized hybrid system with 3.12 LCOE, and power production of 28.5% by PV arrays and 71.5% by wind generators, is the best practice for this case study. / De fossila bränslena är idag de viktigaste energikällorna på jorden. Dessa resurser är dock begränsade och har utarmats i en allt högre takt under de senaste decennierna. Att hitta möjliga ersättare för dessa resurser är därför viktigt. Lyckligtvis tillhandahåller naturen ett antal bra lösningar för detta avgörande hot mot vår planet. Solstrålning, vind, havsströmmar och -vågor är naturliga resurser av energi som kan täcka hela den årliga globala förbrukningen. I den här rapporten studeras ett hybridsystem bestående av Northern Power NPS 100-24 vindkraftverk, Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU solcellerspaneler, Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube batteribank och HOMER dubbelriktad växelriktare. Detta modellerades och optimerades dels i mjukvaran HOMER, dels via optimeringsmetoden Particle Swarm Optimaization (PSO). Det övergripande designkravet för det presenterade hybridsystemet är att använda 100% förnyelsebar energi i en kommersiell verksamhet, där all elektricitet produceras i närhet av verksamheten, vilket kan ge tydliga marknadsföringsvärden till installationen. För att kunna möta energibehovet varje timme för en livsmedelsbutik (1000 ) i Malmö med 115 kW toppförbrukning och 2002 kWh/dag, med maximalt 0,1% ej mött behov, optimerades systemet för att uppnå minimal energikostnad (Levelized Cost of Energy, LCOE) och lägsta nettonuvärde (Net Present Cost, NPC). En HOMER-simulering för kvantitativ analys, tillsammans med en PSO-optimering, har genomförts och resultaten har jämförts. Resultaten visar att ett optimerat hybridsystem med LCOE på 3,12 SEK/kWh, där solceller står för 28,5% av kraftproduktionen och vindkraftverk för 71,5%, är den bästa lösningen för denna fallstudie.
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The Ability to Purchase Organic Food Items among Participants of the Women, Infants, and Children Program in Los Angeles CountyDoran, Brenna Colleen 01 January 2016 (has links)
Lack of accessibility to healthy foods is a factor associated with the increase in obesity, diabetes, and other negative health consequences. While programs such as WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) provide supplemental nutritional access to healthy foods, few organic food items are included in the WIC authorized food list. Government programs and policy makers that provide to the most vulnerable populations are concerned about equal availability of healthy foods. The purpose of this study was to compare variability and cost of organic food items in 24 large chain grocery stores located in high- and low-income areas. The theoretical concepts of social production of disease and political economy of health guided the study. The study used a quantitative research design to investigate the relationship between neighborhood income level and the consumer nutrition environment. Organic food scores were compared by neighborhood income level using t test and ANOVA. There were significant differences in availability and variability scores of healthy organic foods between high- and low-income neighborhood stores. Organic food items, specifically 15% fat content ground beef, peanut butter, apple juice, and eggs were priced significantly higher than conventional items (p < 0.05). Pricing of organic foods varied and no significant pricing trends were noted between neighborhood income levels. This study may contribute to social change by enhancing the conversation on organic food availability and affordability. Social change may be promoted through identification of the need to expand WIC authorization of organic food items and increasing produce voucher amount to allow WIC participants to purchase higher amounts of organic produce.
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Multi-warehouse inventory control systemYin, Tzu-Hsiao 01 January 2006 (has links)
The thesis discusses the development of Multi-Warehouse Inventory Control System (MWICS), a uniquely designed web application that targets membership based food wholesalers. The main goal of MWICS is to provide a real-time inventory control ability to all warehouses and present them as if it were single warehouse. The program consists of three main components: user account management sub-system, product and purchase management sub-system, and a warehouse inventory management sub-system. User interfaces are constructed primarily in HTML, PHP, and Javascript. MySQL is used to add, access, and process data.
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Den olönsamma e-‐handeln för dagligvaror : Möjligheter och utmaningar i en decentraliserad organisation / The Unprofitable E-commerce for Groceries : Opportunities and Challenges in a Decentralised OrganisationHellsten, Mimmi, Johansson, Sophie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Livsmedelsförsäljningen online befinner sig i den mest expansiva fasen i branschens historia. Det är svårt att hitta en prisnivå som täcker de tillkommande kostnaderna som onlinehandeln medför och som kunderna är villiga att betala. Den decentraliserade styrningen och det självständiga ägandet som ICA innehar står i konflikt med hur en effektiv e-handel bedrivs. Det råder således många frågetecken kring hur onlinehandeln för dagligvaror ska bli ekonomiskt hållbar. Syfte: Studien syftar till att genom en fallstudie undersöka och förklara upplevda möjligheter och utmaningar som har uppstått vid implementeringen av e- handeln inom dagligvaruhandeln. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka och förklara hur den decentraliserade styrningen har påverkat upplevda möjligheter och utmaningar samt hur organisationen arbetar för att skapa en ekonomiskt hållbar affärsmodell. Genomförande: Studien är en fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär där empirin har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från ICA-butiker och ICA Sverige. Den abduktiva ansatsen har möjliggjort en djupare förståelse av fenomenet då empirin och teorin har utvecklats och bearbetats under studiens gång. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på flertalet möjligheter och utmaningar som är relaterade till organisation, internt nätverk samt kundrelation. Möjligheter som har uppstått är bland annat; nya marknadsandelar, ökad kundkännedom samt ökat kundvärde. Utmaningar som har uppstått är bland annat; ökad konkurrens, prissättningsproblematik, ineffektiv plockningsprocess och en enhetlig bild av företaget. Vissa av dessa är specifikt relaterade till den decentraliserade styrningen och franchiseägandet och andra är oberoende av organisations- och distributionsstruktur. En ekonomiskt hållbar affärsmodell skapas genom bland annat; motiverade medarbetare; nyttjande av lastbilens fulla kapacitet samt en framåtanda som genomsyrar hela organisationen. / Background: Online grocery shopping is in its most expansive phase in history. It is difficult to find a price level that covers the additional costs related to e-commerce and the customer’s willingness to pay. The decentralised control and the franchise ownership ICA possesses is in conflict with an effective e- commerce. Therefore, there are several questions about how e-commerce for groceries can be economic sustainable. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and explain perceived opportunities and challenges that have emerged by the implementation of e-commerce. Furthermore, the study aims to examine and explain how the decentralised control has affected perceived opportunities and challenges and how the organisation works with creating an economic sustainable business model. Completion: This is a case study based on a qualitative method and the data has been gathered through semi structured interviews with representatives from ICA stores and ICA Sverige. The abductive research approach has enabled a deeper understanding of the phenomenon by allowing the data and theory to adapt during the process. Conclusion: The result of the study displays several opportunities and challenges related to organisation, internal network and customer relationship. Opportunities that have emerged are for example; new market shares, increased customer knowledge and increased customer value. Challenges that have emerged are for example; increased competition, pricing problems, ineffective picking process and a homogenous picture of the company. Some of these challenges are specifically related to the decentralised control and the franchise ownership while other are neither affected by the organisation- nor distribution structure. An economic sustainable business model is created by, for example, motivated employees, usage of the truck’s full capacity and a forward thinking that influences the entire organisation.
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Beyond IT and Productivity : Effects of Digitized Information Flows in Grocery DistributionHorzella, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
<p>During the last decades organizations have made large investments in Information Technology (IT). The effects of these investments have been studied in business and academic communities over the years. A large amount of research has been conducted on the relation between the investments in IT and productivity growth. Productivity is a central measure of national and organizational success and is often considered in economic decisionmaking. Researchers have however found it difficult to present a clear-cut answer to the effect of IT investments on productivity growth; an inability defined as the productivity paradox.</p><p>Within the Impact of IT on Productivity (ITOP) research program the relevance of the productivity measure as an indicator of the value of IT is questionned. IT has over the years replaced physical interfaces with digital and in this way enabled new ways to process information. A retrospective research approach is therefore applied where the effects of digitized information flows are studied within specific organizational settings.</p><p>In this thesis the effects of digitized information flows within Swedish grocery distribution are studied. A comprehensive presentation of the development is first conducted and three focal areas are thereafter presented. These describe supply chain information flows including order information, information on new items and analysis of point-of-sales information. The presentation of the focal areas identifies a number of effects from the digitization of information flows. The effects are analyzed according to a predefined analytical framework. The effects are divided into five categories and are thereafter evaluated when it comes to potential for generating value.</p><p>The study shows that the digitization of information flows has generated numerous, multifaceted effects. Automational, informational, transformational, consumer surplus and other effects are observed. They are difficult to evaluate using a single ndicator. Specific indicators that are closely related to the effects can however be defined. The study also concludes that the productivity measure does not capture all positive effects generated by digitized information flows.</p> / ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2005:39
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