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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des rythmes biologiques de l'huître Crassostrea gigas et de leur perturbation par l’algue toxique Alexandrium minutum / Analysis of biological rhythms in the oyster Crassotrea gigas and of potential rhythm disruption by the harmful algae Alexandrium minutum

Mat, Audrey 27 November 2012 (has links)
Les rythmes biologiques constituent une propriété fondamentale de la vie, permettant aux organismes d’appréhender leur environnement et d’en anticiper les changements. Ces rythmes possèdent une double origine : une horloge moléculaire génère ces rythmes, qui sont ensuite synchronisés par des facteurs environnementaux. Si les organismes terrestres sont essentiellement soumis au rythme d’alternance jour/nuit, les espèces marines côtières et estuariennes occupent un biotope plus changeant encore : ils sont en effet également confrontés au rythme des marées. Pourtant, leurs rythmes biologiques sont à ce jour encore mal connus et les mécanismes moléculaires de(s) (l’) horloge(s) sous-jacente(s) ne sont pas caractérisés. Parallèlement, les efflorescences d’algues toxiques, en constante augmentation depuis 1970, constituent un problème écologique majeur, tant local qu’international. Les objectifs du présent travail consistaient à caractériser les rythmes de référence de l’huître Crassostrea gigas et d’en déterminer l’origine (moléculaire, zeitgebers). Il s’agissait ensuite d’étudier les perturbations potentielles de ces rythmes par l’algue toxique Alexandrium minutum, qui produit des toxines paralytiques et est régulièrement présente dans de nombreuses mers du globe. Les travaux réalisés ont permis de mettre en évidence l’existence d’un rythme d’activité valvaire circadien, faible et dual, et n’a pas permis de supporter l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une horloge circatidale. Nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que, chez C. gigas, le rythme tidal est soit d’origine exogène, soit produit par l’horloge circadienne synchronisée par les marées. Les analyses moléculaires réalisées sur le gène circadien cryptochrome dans le muscle adducteur - effecteur du mouvement des valves - ont montré que ce gène oscille à une fréquence tidale dans le muscle strié, favorisant notre seconde hypothèse. Par ailleurs, au-delà des gènes de l’horloge, l’algue A. minutum réprime l’expression de gènes impliqués dans différentes voies métaboliques importantes : la lutte contre le stress oxydant (cat, gpx), la respiration mitochondriale (cox1), l’immunité (ilk), la détoxification (mdr). Finalement nos analyses ont permis de mettre en évidence un impact génotoxique d’A. minutum chez C. gigas. / Biological rhythms constitute a fundamental property of life, allowing organisms to anticipate and adapt to their changing environment. These rhythms present a double origin: they are generated by a molecular clock and synchronized by environmental cues. Whereas terrestrial organisms are mainly subjected to day/night alternation, coastal and estuarine marine species inhabit an even more cycling biotope. They are indeed also submitted to tides. Nevertheless, biological rhythms in marine species are still unrecognized and molecular mechanisms of the underlying oscillator(s) are to date not determined. At the same time, toxic algae blooms are increasing since the 1970s and represent a major ecological concern, both at local and international levels. An objective of the present work was the characterization of biological rhythms in the oyster Crassotrea gigas and of their origin (molecular mechanism, zeitgebers). Furthermore, the work was designed to study the potential disruption of these rhythms by the toxic algal of worldwide distribution Alexandrium minutum, which produces paralytic toxins. The present results show the existence of a weak and dual circadian rhythm of valve activity in the oyster, and do not provide evidence for the existence of any circatidal clock. We suggested that, in the oyster C. gigas, the tidal rhythm could either be generated exogenously or endogenously by the tidally-synchronized circadian clock. Molecular analyses performed on the circadian gene cryptochrome in the adductor muscle of oyster, the effector of valve movements, revealed that Cgcry oscillates at tidal frequency in the striated muscle. This result supports our second hypothesis. Furthermore, A. minutum represses the expression of genes involved in key metabolic pathways: struggle against oxidative stress (cat, gpx), mitochondrial respiration (cox1), immunity (ilk), detoxification (mdr). Moreover, A. minutum impacts C. gigas at DNA level, being thus genotoxic.

Étude, élaboration et caractérisation d'hétérostructures «auto-protégées» à base d'ondes élastiques / Study, elaboration and characterization of packageless heterostructures based on elastic wave

Legrani, Ouarda 14 November 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de réaliser des hétérostructures packageless par l'intermédiaire d'une couche protectrice contre les environnements atmosphériques néfastes tels que l'oxydation et l'humidité mais aussi dans les milieux agressifs à hautes températures. La première hétérostructure envisagée dans cette étude, utilise le principe des ondes isolées. Le silicium a été employé en combinaison avec le ZnO car il offre de bonnes propriétés électroacoustiques mais aussi la possibilité de travailler à de hautes fréquences. Ainsi, cette configuration AlN/IDT/ZnO/Si a été principalement choisie pour des applications en environnements néfastes et intégrable dans la technologie CMOS. Par ailleurs, une couche de protection d'AlN permettra à l'onde de se confiner dans la couche active de ZnO et de rester insensible à la surface mais sensible à la température. Le ZnO étant toutefois conducteur à haute température (> 400°C), cette hétérostructure reste peut applicable en milieux sévères à haute température. C'est pourquoi une seconde hétérostructure packageless utilisant comme base l'IDT/AlN/Saphir a été étudiée dans ce manuscrit. Il s'agit donc de protéger les IDTs par un film mince contre les phénomènes d'agglomération des électrodes à hautes températures (1000 °C) / The objective of this thesis is to realize heterostructures packageless through a protective layer against harmful atmospheric environments such as oxidation and moisture and also in aggressive environments (high temperatures). The first heterostructure considered in this study, uses the principle of wave isolated. Silicon was used in combination with ZnO as it offers good performances and the possibility to work at high frequencies. Thus, this configuration AlN/IDT/ZnO/Si was chosen for applications in environments with harmful and integrated in CMOS technology. In addition, a protective layer of AlN allows the wave is confined in the active layer of ZnO and remains insensitive to the surface but sensitive to temperature. However, ZnO is conductive at high temperature (> 400 ° C) wich is limited her utilization in harsh environments. This is why a second packageless heterostructure using the IDT/AlN/sapphire has been studied in this manuscript. It is therefore to protect the IDTs by a thin film against the phenomena of agglomeration of the electrodes at high temperatures (1000 ° C)

Avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias da carne-de-sol comercializada em casas do norte no município de Diadema - SP / Evaluation of sanitary-hygienic conditions of sun meat sold in the houses of the north in the municipality of Diadema - SP

Mennucci, Tatiana Almeida 28 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução A carne-de-sol é um produto artesanal, resultado de técnicas superficiais de salga e desidratação, empregado por populações do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. A ausência de tecnologia sofisticada na elaboração e de padrões oficiais de identidade e qualidade possibilita produção, comercialização e distribuição em condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias, permitindo a presença de microrganismos patogênicos e sujidades prejudiciais à saúde, podendo não atender aos padrões mínimos de qualidade, tornando-se agente de disseminação de patógenos e colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor. Objetivo Avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias da carne-de-sol comercializada em casas do norte quanto à presença de microrganismos patogênicos e matérias prejudiciais à saúde. Metodologia Foram analisadas 88 amostras de carne-de-sol, adquiridas em 22 casas do norte localizadas na cidade de DiademaSP, quanto à presença de coliformes totais e fecais, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp, e matérias estranhas macro e microscópicas, prejudiciais ou não à saúde. As condições de exposição e comercialização do produto nas casas do norte foram avaliadas, servindo de informação complementar na apreciação do grau de segurança alimentar do produto. Resultados e Discussão - O número mais provável de coliformes/mL a 45°C, nas carnes-de-sol, variou de 3 NMP/mL até 240 NMP/mL. Escherichia coli, foi identificada em 3 amostras (13,6 por cento); Staphylococcus aureus em 11 (50,0 por cento), entre contagens de 103 a 105 UFC/mL; e Salmonella spp, em 2 (9,1 por cento). Em 44 amostras foram encontrados diversos tipos de matérias estranhas, tais como, insetos inteiros e fragmentos, larvas, exúvias, ácaros, pêlos de roedor, bárbula de ave, fungos filamentosos, e objetos pontiagudos e cortantes. A refrigeração não era utilizada na maioria dos estabelecimentos e os produtos não estavam protegidos por nenhuma embalagem. As facas e superfícies de corte, confeccionadas em madeira, eram empregadas em outros produtos prontos para consumo. Em 11 locais foi verificada a presença de vetores mecânicos na área de venda. A manipulação simultânea de dinheiro e alimentos foi evidenciada em 16 casas do norte, onde não havia lavatório para os manipuladores. Conclusão Os resultados obtidos indicaram que 90,9 por cento das carnes-de-sol das casas do norte, apresentavam condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias, pela presença de perigos físicos e/ou microbiológicos. Tais resultados, associados às condições observadas nas casas do norte, indicam que estes produtos podem configurar-se em agentes de disseminação de patógenos, colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor / Introduction - The sun meat is a handmade product, combining surface techniques of salting and dehydration, commnly used by people from the North and Northeast of Brazil. The lack of sophisticated technology in its development, and official standards of identity and quality, leds to production, marketing and distribuition in unsatisfactory sanitary-hygienic conditions, allowing pathogenic microorganisms containing dirt harmful to health. Because they may not attend the minimum quality standards, becoming agents of pathogens spreading and putting at risk consumers health. Objective - To evaluate the sanitary-hygienic conditions of sun meat sold in the houses of the north, for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and materials harmful to health. Methodology It was analyzed 88 samples of sun meat, acquired in 22 houses of the north located in the city of Diadema-SP- Brazil, for the presence of total and fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and macroscopic and microscopic foreign matter, that could or not be harmful to health. The product conditions of exposure and marketing in the houses of the north were evaluated, providing the additional information in assessing the degree of food security of this product. Results and Discussion - The most probable number of coliforms /mL at 45°C, ranged from 3 MPN /mL to 240 MPN/mL. Escherichia coli, was identified in 3 samples (13,6 per cent), Staphylococcus aureus in 11 (50,0 per cent) in counts ranging from 103 to 105 CFU /mL, and Salmonella spp in 2 (9,1 per cent). In 44 samples were found various types of foreign materials such as whole insects and debris, larvae, exúvia, mites, hairs of rodent, pieces of bird feather, fungi, and pointed and sharp objects. Refrigeration was absent in most of the establishments and the products were not protected by any package. The knives and cutting surfaces were made of wood, and used in other products ready for consumption. Mechanical vectors were observed in 11 locations of the sale area. The simultaneous manipulation of money and food was seen in 16 houses of the north, in wich there was no sink for the defeat. Conclusion - The results indicated that 90,9 per cent of the sun meat of the houses of north, have unsatisfactory sanitary-hygienic conditions, caused by the presence of physical hazards contamination and/or microbiological contamination. These results, associated with conditions found in the houses of the north, indicate that these products can constitute agents in the spread of pathogens, putting at risk the health of consumers

Regulação da atividade do tecido adiposo de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) parasitada por Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) / Regulation of the fat body activity of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) parasitized by Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

Salvador, Gabriela 15 March 2010 (has links)
Ao longo do processo evolutivo, parasitóides desenvolveram a habilidade de manipular inúmeros processos fisiológicos de seus hospedeiros. Entre os efeitos induzidos pelo parasitismo, incluem-se alterações no ambiente nutricional, sistema endócrino e imunológico do hospedeiro, além da manipulação da capacidade de síntese protéica de seus tecidos. O tecido adiposo é o principal órgão de síntese de proteínas em insetos e a manipulação de sua atividade é de fundamental importância para o sucesso do parasitismo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a expressão gênica do tecido adiposo de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) parasitada por Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), visando à obtenção de dados para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de controle da broca da cana-deaçúcar. Lagartas de D. saccharalis na pré-muda para o último ínstar foram separadas, sendo parte delas sujeita ao parasitismo por C. flavipes, enquanto outra foi mantida como controle. O tecido adiposo de hospedeiros sadios e parasitados foi coletado 1, 3, 5, 7 e 9 dias após o parasitismo e submetido a extração de RNA, síntese de cDNA e análise de expressão gênica diferencial via DD-PCR (Differential Display PCR). Fragmentos expressos diferencialmente entre os tratamentos foram selecionados, clonados e sequenciados. As sequências obtidas foram comparadas àquelas disponíveis em banco de dados. C. flavipes induziu alterações na expressão de um transcrito codificador de uma proteína de armazenamento logo no início do parasitismo. As proteínas de armazenamento, ou hexamerinas, apresentam grande importância no desenvolvimento de insetos, atuando como fonte de aminoácidos a serem utilizados pela pupa e adulto durante a metamorfose e reprodução. Dada a importância desta proteína, o cDNA responsável por sua codificação foi caracterizado via extensão das porções terminais 5 e 3. A sequência completa do cDNA apresentou 2.353 pb, e o polipeptídeo deduzido, 745 aminoácidos. O conteúdo de metionina e aminoácidos aromáticos, bem como a análise filogenética realizada, indicaram que a hexamerina identificada em D. saccharalis é uma proteína rica em metionina. A identificação e caracterização da hexamerina de D.saccharalis podem representar o primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de controle da broca da cana-de-açúcar, baseados nas interações hospedeiro-parasitóide / During evolution, parasitoids evolved the ability to manipulate the physiology of their hosts. Among the common effects of the parasitism, hosts may show an alteration of their hemolymph composition (parasitoid nutritional environment), endocrine and immune systems, and protein synthesis activity of host tissues. The fat body is the main organ of protein synthesis of insects and the manipulation of its activity is key for parasitoid successful development. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of parasitization by Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on the gene expression activity of the fat body of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), to provide additional information on key regulatory pathways to control host metabolism as a step forward for the development of new control strategies based on parasitoid host regulation strategies. Fifth-instars of D. saccharalis at the head slippage stage were isolated and separated in two different groups. One group was individually parasitized by C. flavipes, and the other was kept as control. The fat bodies of parasitized and non-parasitized hosts were collected 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days after parasitism, subjected to RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis and differential gene expression analysis by DD-PCR (Differential Display PCR). Transcripts that were differentially expressed between treatments were selected, cloned and sequenced. The obtained sequences were compared to those available at the NCBi data bank. C. flavipes up-regulated the expression of a transcript enconding for a storage protein soon after parasitization. The storage proteins, or hexamerins, are essential for insect development, acting as a reservoir of aminoacids and nitrogen to be used by the pupa and adults during metamorphosis and reproduction. Due to the importance of these proteins, the cDNA encoding this protein was characterized by the amplification of 5 and 3 terminal ends. The complete cDNA has 2,353 bp and the deduced aminoacid sequence is 745 aa long. The methionine and aromatic aminoacids content, as well as phylogenetic analysis, indicated that the hexamerin identified in D. saccharalis is a methionine-rich protein. The identification and characterization of the hexamerin identified in D. saccharalis is the first step towards to the development of new control strategies based on host-parasitoid interactions.

Stanovení základních emisí z výfuků osobních vozidel ve vybraných úsecích dopravní trasy

KAHUDA, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of environmental pollution caused by the production of harmful substances originated from the automobile combustion engines and the calculation of production of basic pollutants emitted from the passenger car exhausts travelling on selected sections of transport route. The aim of the work was to calculate the amount of emitted harmful substances, according to the composition of the vehicle fleet on some selected monitored sections of transport routes. For analysis were selected three stretches of roads in České Budějovice. The analysis considered the vehicle fleet composition, determination of traffic intensity, average speed of vehicles and traffic fluency on the transport routes. The calculated values were obtained using the special software MEFA 13

Seleção de linhagens e efeito da temperatura e do alimento no desempenho de Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para o controle de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) em milho / Strains selection and effect of temperature and food in the performance of Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) for the control of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in corn

Geremias, Leandro Delalibera 02 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi fornecer subsídios, visando ao controle de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) em milho, com o parasitóide de ovos Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988. Foram realizados estudos do parasitóide, incluindo seleção de linhagens, efeito de fatores abióticos (temperatura e alimento) sobre parâmetros biológicos e de parasitismo, bem como comportamento de postura de D. saccharalis em milho. A seleção de linhagens foi conduzida nas temperaturas de 25 e 30°C e o efeito da temperatura sobre a longevidade e a capacidade de parasitismo foi estudado em 15 condições térmicas (na faixa de 10 a 38°C). O efeito de quatro tipos de alimentos foi avaliado sobre a longevidade e a capacidade de parasitismo. O comportamento de postura de D. saccharalis foi observado em dois níveis de infestação (dois e dez casais por planta). Constatou-se que a linhagem G16080 foi a mais adequada para liberações visando ao controle de D. saccharalis, com base na capacidade de parasitismo e na duração do ciclo e por ter apresentado desempenho equivalente na faixa de 25 a 30°C. A maior capacida de de parasitismo de T. galloi linhagem G16080 ocorreu entre 20 e 28°C, embora ten ha havido parasitismo em todas as temperaturas na faixa de 10 a 38ºC. Não houve correlação entre a longevidade e parasitismo, havendo uma concentração deste parasitismo quando o inseto viveu menos. A presença do hospedeiro interferiu na longevidade de T. galloi linhagem G16080. Considerando-se o parasitismo, mel puro e a solução de pólen são os alimentos mais adequados para T. galloi linhagem G16080. Com ou sem o hospedeiro, mel + pólen foi o alimento que proporcionou a maior longevidade para T. galloi linhagem G16080. Independentemente do nível populacional de D. saccharalis, houve uma acentuada preferência pela região do colmo para postura, em relação às folhas de milho de 45 dias de idade, o que pode definir a amostragem e a forma de liberação do parasitóide. / The objective of this study was to provide information aiming to control Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) in corn with the egg parasitoid Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988. Studies realized on the parasitoid included strain selection; effect of abiotic factors (temperature and food) on biological parameters and parasitism as well as oviposition behavior of D. saccharalis in corn. Strain selection was conducted at a temperature of 25 and 30°C and the effect of temper ature on longevity and parasitism capacity was studied at 15 temperature conditions (in the range of 10 to 38°C). The effect of four types of food sources was evaluated on longevity and parasitism capacity. The oviposition behavior of D. saccharalis was observed in two levels of infestation (two and ten couples per plant). It was verified that the strain G16080 was more suitable for release with the aim to control D. saccharalis based on the parasitism capacity and duration of the life cycle and having equivalent performance at a temperature range of 25 to 30°C. The highest rate of parasitism by the T. galloi strain G16080 occurred between 20 and 28°C, althoug h there was parasitism in all other temperature ranges of 10 to 38ºC. There was no correlation between longevity and parasitism, with concentration of this parasitism when the insect lived less. The presence of the host interfered with longevity of the T. galloi strain G16080. Considering parasitism, pure honey and the pollen solution are more suitable as food for T. galloi strain G16080. With or without the host, honey + pollen was the food that produced the highest longevity for T. galloi strain G16080. Irrespective of the population level of D. saccharalis, there was a clear preference for oviposition on the stem in relation to 45 day old corn leaves that could define sampling and the form of release of the parasitoid.

Avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias da carne-de-sol comercializada em casas do norte no município de Diadema - SP / Evaluation of sanitary-hygienic conditions of sun meat sold in the houses of the north in the municipality of Diadema - SP

Tatiana Almeida Mennucci 28 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução A carne-de-sol é um produto artesanal, resultado de técnicas superficiais de salga e desidratação, empregado por populações do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. A ausência de tecnologia sofisticada na elaboração e de padrões oficiais de identidade e qualidade possibilita produção, comercialização e distribuição em condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias, permitindo a presença de microrganismos patogênicos e sujidades prejudiciais à saúde, podendo não atender aos padrões mínimos de qualidade, tornando-se agente de disseminação de patógenos e colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor. Objetivo Avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias da carne-de-sol comercializada em casas do norte quanto à presença de microrganismos patogênicos e matérias prejudiciais à saúde. Metodologia Foram analisadas 88 amostras de carne-de-sol, adquiridas em 22 casas do norte localizadas na cidade de DiademaSP, quanto à presença de coliformes totais e fecais, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp, e matérias estranhas macro e microscópicas, prejudiciais ou não à saúde. As condições de exposição e comercialização do produto nas casas do norte foram avaliadas, servindo de informação complementar na apreciação do grau de segurança alimentar do produto. Resultados e Discussão - O número mais provável de coliformes/mL a 45°C, nas carnes-de-sol, variou de 3 NMP/mL até 240 NMP/mL. Escherichia coli, foi identificada em 3 amostras (13,6 por cento); Staphylococcus aureus em 11 (50,0 por cento), entre contagens de 103 a 105 UFC/mL; e Salmonella spp, em 2 (9,1 por cento). Em 44 amostras foram encontrados diversos tipos de matérias estranhas, tais como, insetos inteiros e fragmentos, larvas, exúvias, ácaros, pêlos de roedor, bárbula de ave, fungos filamentosos, e objetos pontiagudos e cortantes. A refrigeração não era utilizada na maioria dos estabelecimentos e os produtos não estavam protegidos por nenhuma embalagem. As facas e superfícies de corte, confeccionadas em madeira, eram empregadas em outros produtos prontos para consumo. Em 11 locais foi verificada a presença de vetores mecânicos na área de venda. A manipulação simultânea de dinheiro e alimentos foi evidenciada em 16 casas do norte, onde não havia lavatório para os manipuladores. Conclusão Os resultados obtidos indicaram que 90,9 por cento das carnes-de-sol das casas do norte, apresentavam condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias, pela presença de perigos físicos e/ou microbiológicos. Tais resultados, associados às condições observadas nas casas do norte, indicam que estes produtos podem configurar-se em agentes de disseminação de patógenos, colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor / Introduction - The sun meat is a handmade product, combining surface techniques of salting and dehydration, commnly used by people from the North and Northeast of Brazil. The lack of sophisticated technology in its development, and official standards of identity and quality, leds to production, marketing and distribuition in unsatisfactory sanitary-hygienic conditions, allowing pathogenic microorganisms containing dirt harmful to health. Because they may not attend the minimum quality standards, becoming agents of pathogens spreading and putting at risk consumers health. Objective - To evaluate the sanitary-hygienic conditions of sun meat sold in the houses of the north, for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and materials harmful to health. Methodology It was analyzed 88 samples of sun meat, acquired in 22 houses of the north located in the city of Diadema-SP- Brazil, for the presence of total and fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and macroscopic and microscopic foreign matter, that could or not be harmful to health. The product conditions of exposure and marketing in the houses of the north were evaluated, providing the additional information in assessing the degree of food security of this product. Results and Discussion - The most probable number of coliforms /mL at 45°C, ranged from 3 MPN /mL to 240 MPN/mL. Escherichia coli, was identified in 3 samples (13,6 per cent), Staphylococcus aureus in 11 (50,0 per cent) in counts ranging from 103 to 105 CFU /mL, and Salmonella spp in 2 (9,1 per cent). In 44 samples were found various types of foreign materials such as whole insects and debris, larvae, exúvia, mites, hairs of rodent, pieces of bird feather, fungi, and pointed and sharp objects. Refrigeration was absent in most of the establishments and the products were not protected by any package. The knives and cutting surfaces were made of wood, and used in other products ready for consumption. Mechanical vectors were observed in 11 locations of the sale area. The simultaneous manipulation of money and food was seen in 16 houses of the north, in wich there was no sink for the defeat. Conclusion - The results indicated that 90,9 per cent of the sun meat of the houses of north, have unsatisfactory sanitary-hygienic conditions, caused by the presence of physical hazards contamination and/or microbiological contamination. These results, associated with conditions found in the houses of the north, indicate that these products can constitute agents in the spread of pathogens, putting at risk the health of consumers

Att hjälpa eller stjälpa en ko : Hur gårdsstödet i EU:s jordbrukspolitik påverkar växthusgasutsläppen från nötkött

Nordin, Ida January 2012 (has links)
En stor del av jordbrukets växthusgasutsläpp kommer från nötköttssektorn. Dess produktion påverkas i Sverige och EU av EU:s jordbrukspolitik. En större del av jordbrukssubventionerna var tidigare kopplade till produtionen vilket gav incitament att öka produktionen. 2003 infördes en reform med gårdsstöd som var frikopplat från produktionen. I uppsatsen studeras litteraturen kring hur nötköttsproduktionen påverkas av gårdsstödet, och utifrån detta görs egna beräkningar om förändringar i växthusgasutsläpp. Prognoser från ekonomiska modeller för jordbruksektorn används för att beräkna produktionen, för att uppskatta förändringar i utsläppen av växthusgaser. Då stöden har frikopplats har produktionen, och således utsläppen minskat något. Om gårdsstödet helt togs bort skulle det kunna ge stora utsläppsminskningar. Hur utsläppen totalt påverkas beror dock på världens konsumtion.

Phytoplankton dynamic in permanent and temporary waters of Empordà Salt marshes (NE Spain)

López i Flores, Rocío 05 July 2005 (has links)
Se ha estudiado la dinámica del fitoplancton en las lagunas costeras de Aiguamolls de l'Empordà. El fitoplancton esta sujeto principalmente al control "bottom-up", la variabilidad hidrológica y la disponibilidad de nutrientes tienen una mayor influencia en la composición y distribución de tamaños del fitoplancton, que el zooplancton. La concentración de materia orgánica disuelta es el factor ambiental más correlacionado con el crecimiento de la biomasa fitoplanctónica. Dada la proximidad entre las lagunas costeras y el mar, donde la ocurrencia de Proliferaciones de Algas Nocivas es cada vez más frecuente, se realizan un inventario general de las especies más abundantes del fitoplancton y se llevan a cabo análisis extensivos de la toxicidad. La mayoría de especies de dinoflagelados encontradas son potencialmente nocivas. Hay pocas especies en común entre el mar y las lagunas, sin embargo, existen especies productoras de PANs características de los ambientes lagunares. / The phytoplankton dynamics in the coastal lagoons of Empordà salt marshes was studied. The phytoplankton was mainly subject to the "bottom-up" control, the hydrologic variability and the nutrients availability have a greater influence in the composition and size distribution of the phytoplankton, than zooplankton. The concentration of dissolved organic matter was the environmental factor more correlated with the phytoplanktonic biomass growth. Due to the proximity between the coastal lagoons and the sea environment, where the occurrence of Harmful Algae Blooms is frequent, a general inventory of the most abundant species of the phytoplankton was made and an extensive monitoring of the toxicity was carried out. Most of dinoflagellates species found were potentially harmful. There were few species in common between the sea and the lagoons, nevertheless, some HABs species, characteristic of coastal lagoons, were found.

Les paradis fiscaux dans la concurrence fiscale internationale / Tax haven and international tax competition

Molé, Antoine 23 January 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de l’internationalisation puis de la mondialisation de la sphère économique et financière, les paradis fiscaux se sont développés tout au long du XXe siècle. Emergent à l’abri de la cage de l’Etat-Nation, ce phénomène de déconnexion de la sphère résidente de la sphère d’activité économique effective, a donné lieu à l’émergence de centres offshore, de manière embryonnaire durant la première moitié du XXe siècle, puis à une échelle industrielle sur l’ensemble des secteurs de l’activité économique à partir des années 1950. Les observateurs et les acteurs politiques des pays industrialisés se sont progressivement saisi du sujet dans le cadre de l’appréhension des effets dommageables de la concurrence fiscale internationale. Les difficultés rencontrées dans la lutte engagée à différentes échelles contre ces territoires traduisent l’ambiguïté des relations qu’entretiennent les grands pays industrialisés avec la sphère offshore. / In the framework of the growth and the internationalisation of the financial flows since the beginning of the twentieth century, Tax havens leading positions in the economic and financial environment have become so much important, that many political actors of the well developed countries have tried to assess this phenomenon through the international tax competition studies. Going further in the tax optimisation and tax planning process of the offshore sphere of activity, we can consider that far from being isolated in the sovereignty of a few countries, the offshore financial model is far integrated in the worldwide economic system, which can explain the difficulty and the different means used by the political authority to manage and stop the offshore mechanism through a by territory approach.

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