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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algortimy pro sestavování puzzle / Algorithms for composing a puzzle

Šarda, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with constructing of algorithms of consisting a puzzle and suggesting of the workplace for its imaging. There are studied two methods of forming a puzlle. First method is forming of the puzzle with a known pattern. For this method is used the Harris operator and the correlation. In the second method is the puzzle formed without a pattern. Fot this method is used the correlation. In the last part there is a mutual evaluation of these two methods.

Tvorba panoramatických fotografií / Panoramic Photo Creation

Cacek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues automatic composing panoramic photos from individual photos. Gradually examines the various steps of algorithms and methods used in them, which are used in creating panoramas. It also focuses on the design of the own system based on methods discussed to construct panoramas. This system is implemented using OpenCV library and it is created also a graphical interface using a Qt library. Finally, are in this thesis evaluated outcomes of this designed and implemented system on available datasets.

Detektory a deskriptory oblastí v obrazu / Region Detectors and Descriptors in Image

Žilka, Filip January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with an important part of computer vision field. Main focus of this thesis is on feature detectors and descriptors in an image. Throughout the thesis the simplest feature detectors like Moravec detector will be presented, building up to more complex detectors like MSER or FAST. The purpose of feature descriptors is in a mathematical description of these points. We begin with the oldest ones like SIFT and move on to newest and best performing descriptors like FREAK or ORB. The major objective of the thesis is comparison of presented methods on licence plate localization task.

The securitization of climate change in the United States : A case-study of the Biden-Harris administration’s first hundred days in office

Säll, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The Biden-Harris administration’s discussion of climate change is analyzed during the transformative time of the administration’s first hundred days in office. The theoretical framework of the Copenhagen School of Security Studies (CS) is used to develop the coding frame to perform a qualitative content analysis of empirical material consisting of speeches and other documents of the administration. Several securitization moves have been identified and climate change has been presented as a security issue and an existential threat by the Biden- Harris administration. A wide range of referent objects are identified, which is the people and things presented to be threatened by climate change. The whole world, ecosystems, the American people and future generations are a few of the identified referent objects. International and national solutions are presented, though the solutions are not interpreted as extreme measures as discussed by the CS. Therefore, this study supports the critique of a too narrow definition of securitization by the CS.

Detekce poznávací značky v obraze / Image-Based Licence Plate Recognition

Vacek, Michal January 2009 (has links)
In first part thesis contains known methods of license plate detection. Preprocessing-based methods, AdaBoost-based methods and extremal region detection methods are described.Finally, there is a described and implemented own access using local detectors to creating visual vocabulary, which is used to plate recognition. All measurements are summarized on the end.

Posouzení korespondence zájmových bodů v obraze / Similarity Measure of Points of Interest in Image

Křehlík, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This document deals with experimental verifying to use machine learning algorithms AdaBoost or WaldBoost to make classifier, that is able to find point in the second picture that matches original point in the first picture. This work also depicts finding points of interest in image as a first step of finding correspondence. Next there are described some descriptors of points of interest. Corresponding points could be useful for 3D modeling of shooted scene.

"Women and Fiction": The Character of the Woman Writer and Women's Literary History

Garnai, Anna 08 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Heber J. Grant: A Study of Gospel-Oriented Family Relatonships

Pommerening, Robert Richard 01 December 2018 (has links)
Heber J. Grant: A Study of Gospel-Oriented Family RelationshipsRobert Richard Pommerening IIIDepartment of Religious Education, BYUMaster of ArtsUnder the direction of President Gordon B. Hinckley, the fifteenth president of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church released the document, The Family: AProclamation to the World. The Proclamation outlines core values of family life, which ifconsistently practiced can lead to successful family relationships. Through a study of hispersonal journals, letters, and recorded anecdotes from his life, these values can be identified inHeber J. Grants life. As one studies the Proclamation alongside President Grant (particularly theinteractions he had with his mother, wives and children), a portrayal of the man came into focusthat has not been previously scrutinized through scholarly work, Heber J. Grant as a family man.Chapter one begins with the special relationship Heber shared with his mother Rachel. Itoutlines some of the trials and successes they faced together. As Heber grew into manhood,chapter two focuses on his plural marriage relationships during era of the Edmunds-Tucker act. Itexplains some of the challenges the Grant family faced as they lived in a plural marriage during atime when plural marriages were deemed illegal. Chapter three highlights Heber as a care takerfor his aging mother, wives Lucy Stringham, Emily Wells, and numerous sick children. Thepractices of President Grant in the home, including holding Family Home Evening are exploredin chapter four. Chapter five emphasizes President Grants example of personal righteousnesswithin his familial relationships. The leisurely activities of the Grant family are emphasized inchapter six as Heber shared family vacations, cultural events, golf games, and even honeymoonswith his immediate and extended family. Chapter seven details the generosity of President Grantand his desire to share of his material wealth with family members, friends, and strangers. Theteachings of President Grant on the doctrine of the family as taught to the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints are presented in chapter eight. The final chapter concludes with the agingPresident nearing death and how his legacy of love and family devotion continued through hisliving relatives. This thesis provides research into how President Grant implemented principles of theFamily Proclamation in his own home. This research can serve as a model for members of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints desiring to strengthen their relationships and unitywithin the family.

Förtrollande ateism? : En undersökning av hur ateism gestaltas i populärkultur - exemplet True Detective 1

Larsson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande religionsvetenskapliga studie är att synliggöra hur betydande aspekter av livsåskådningskaraktär återspeglas i den populära tv-serien True Detective 1 – och med särskilt fokus på ateism undersöka och kartlägga en av tv-seriens karismatiska huvudkaraktärers perspektiv och positioneringar. I centrum står Rustin ”Rust” Cohle och dennes hållning, handlingar och tal. Undersökningen utgår från tre frågeställningar: Vilka olika livssynspositioneringar och tematiker av existentiell livsåskådningskaraktär är utmärkande för karaktären Rust? Hur kan dessa närmare beskrivas och förstås på ett övergripande plan? Och i vilken utsträckning har Rust lösgjort sig från en äldre form av ateism, till förmån för en senmodern och mindre polariserande variant? Runt karaktärskomplexet Rust – som en prototyp för en sorts förtrollande ateism – exponeras följande fyra kategorier: 1) Scientisten: En position präglad av en scientistisk och naturvetenskaplig, ateistisk hållning. 2) Zenbuddisten: En position präglad av asketism, kontemplation och en fascination av jaget som en illusion. 3) Terapeuten: En position karaktäriserad av den terapeutiska diskursen, vars psykologiserande förklaringar går ut på att legitimera individens lycka eller lidande – och därigenom tar över den äldre religiösa berättelsens funktion.4) Messiasgestalten: En position med markant messianska förtecken av både hög- och lågkristologisk natur och som i någon mening här inkorporerar övriga kategorier. Serien avspeglar således genom den messiasliknande karaktären Rust både starka ateistiska och scientistiska strömningar i vår tid, präglade av både naturvetenskap men också ett – till vissa delar – österländskt synsätt bortom den judisk-kristna traditionens epistem, hand i hand med ett semi-sekulärt och terapeutiskt trevande efter reflexivitet, mening och en större sakral och kanske rentav metafysisk öppning. Det är möjligen något av ett paradigmskifte – för att tala med Thomas Kuhn – som karaktären Rust föregriper och förkroppsligar. En både-och-människa som både vill ha det sakrala och profana som en möjlighet – inte som ett akademiskt motsatspar! / Enchanting atheism?: A study of atheism pictured in popular culture. True Detective as an example. The purpose of this study of religious science is to visualize how significant aspects of a characteristic philosophy and views of life are reflected in the popular TV series True Detective 1 – and with particular focus on atheism, explore and map the perspective and positioning of one of the charismatic main characters of the TV series. In the center stands Rustin “Rust” Cohle and his attitude, actions and speech. The study is based on three questions: What different views of life and themes of existential views are characteristic of the character Rust? How can these be more fully described and understood on an overall level? And to what extent has Rust broken himself away from an older form of atheism in favor of a late modern andless polarizing kind? Around the complex of character that is Rust - as a prototype for a kind of enchanting atheism - the following four categories are exposed: 1) The Scientist: A position characterized by a scientific and atheistic stance. 2) The Zen Buddhist: A position characterized by asceticism, contemplation and a fascination of the self as an illusion.3) The Therapist: A position characterized by the therapeutic discourse whose therapeutic narrative is based on legitimizing the happiness or suffering of the individual - thus adopting the function of the old religious narrative. 4) The Messiah character: A position with striking Messianic overtones of Christology of both high and low nature and which in some sense incorporates the other categories. Through the Messiah-like character Rust the series thus reflects both strong atheistic and scientific currents of our time, characterized by not only science but also – to some extent – by an Eastern view of life that goes beyond the episteme of the Jewish-Christian tradition, hand in hand with a semi-secular and therapeutic grasping for reflexivity, meaning and a greater sacred and perhaps even metaphysical opening. It is possibly somewhat of a paradigm shift – to some extent plead Thomas Kuhn – that the character Rust anticipates and embodies. A both-kind-person who wants to have the sacred as well as the profane as an opportunity - not as an academicopposing pair!

Late nineteenth century southern regionalist writing and the African American representation

Chappel, Heidi 01 April 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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