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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztah morálky a práva v právních koncepcích H. L. A. Harta a R. M. Dworkina / Relationship of morality and right in conceptions of right H. L. A. Hart and R. M. Dworkin

Mach, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vztahem práva a morálky v iusnaturalismu a iuspozitivismu, přičemž poukazuje na různé významové konotace pojmů právo a morálka. Naznačuje historický vývoj obou směrů až do období dvacátého století a u dílčích období vývoje uvádí i významné představitele, a to včetně jejich hlavních filosofických myšlenek. Těžiště práce však spočívá ve srovnání přístupů a pojetí vztahu práva a morálky v koncepcích významných právních filosofů H. L. A. Harta a R. M. Dworkina. Oba muži bývají považováni za představitele zmíněných směrů a jejich názorový střet lze pokládat za jeden z nejvýraznějších momentů ve filosofii práva druhé poloviny dvacátého století. Práce se tak detailně věnuje problematice práva a morálky nejprve u H. L. A. Harta a následně pak u R. M. Dworkina. Snaží se předložit základy jejich právních tezí, charakterizovat přístup k chápání morálky a v neposlední řadě také popsat již výše zmiňovaný vztah dvou normativních systémů - práva a morálky. Diplomová práce vychází ze studia řady pramenů, jako jsou monografie, učebnice, sborníky, články odborných časopisů či internetové zdroje. Klíčovými se však mezi použitými zdroji stala především díla obou právních filosofů, která umožnila pochopit jejich rozdílná stanoviska k problematice práva a morálky. Pro naplnění stanovených cílů...

Krigföringens grundprinciper i marina asymmetriska konflikter

Löv, Tim January 2019 (has links)
The principles of war have been institutionalised in the western world’s military doctrines despite many scientists and military officers having questioned them for a long time. They believe the principles are too broad, unspecific and even invalid. So why are they used in military education and why can they be found in doctrines? The purpose of this study is to examine if the principles of war could explain the outcome of asymmetric maritime conflicts.  Liddell Hart´s theory regarding the principles of war will be analysed through two cases, the battle of Latakia in the Yom Kippur war and the Sea tigers in the Sri Lankan civil war. Liddell Hart´s theory is based on analysing primarily land warfare, yet the principles of war are considered universal in all military arenas. Therefore, the theory should be applicable to maritime warfare. The analysis shows that the principles security and mobility could be identified to a lesser extent in the Sri Lankan case. However, in the case of the Battle of Latakia, the principles of concentration and surprise are identified to a lesser extent. The conclusion being that there could be a difference between irregular and regular forces regarding the use of the principles. Liddell Hart´s theory can explain the outcome of asymmetric maritime warfare because all four principles have been identified in both cases, however, in varying degrees.

Död, var är din udd? : En komparativ studie av den moderna universalismen hos Hans Urs von Balthasar och David Bentley Hart. / O death, where is thy sting? : A Comparative Study of the Modern Universalism of Hans Urs von Balthasar and David Bentley Hart

Forss, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats definieras tydligt av sin undertitel, En komparativ studie av den moderna universalismen hos Hans Urs von Balthasar och David Bentley Hart.. Den utgör just en jämförelse mellan de universalistiska argumenten hos dessa två tänkare. Det angivna syftet är att klarlägga vad som teologiskt kan ligga till grund för ett universalistiskt synsätt på eskatologin, samt att evaluera dessa i relation till varandra, till kristen ortodoxi samt deras retoriska koherens. Frågan om vad som sker med människan efter döden och då framförallt vad som sker med dem som står utanför den egna religiösa traditionen har alltid varit en känslig fråga. Den har blivit så alltmer i modern tid där ett alltmer mångfacetterat samhälle innebär att en gemensam religiös tillhörighet inte kan förutsättas. Detta har i sin tur lett till ett ökat intresse för den kristna universalismen. Tanken om att alla i slutändan oavsett tro och gärningar i livet blir frälsta. Och då specifikt genom det kristnafrälsningsekonomiska narrativet. Det har därför varit av intresse att i denna uppsats undersöka vad som kan ligga till grund för ett sådant ställningstagande, och huruvida dessa argument kan kombineras med den rådande majoritetstolkningen i frågan. Det grundläggande perspektiv som förfäktas av både Balthasar och Hart är att det i såväl Bibeln som i den kristna traditionen finns en till synes omöjlig syntes mellan en Gud som är god, en Gud som dömer åtminstone vissa människor till ett evigt helvete. Balthasars tes är att människan trots detta inte bara kan utan bör känna ett hopp för att alla människor i slutändan blir frälsta. Att det är möjligt att känna hopp för att ingen döms till ett evigt helvete. Harts tes är mer konträr och gör snarare gällande att syntesen som sådan är omöjlig eftersom den är inkorrekt i sak. Hart argumenterar därför istället för en radikal omtolkning av kristna eskatologiska läror. Uppsatsen har därför dels klarlagt dessa tänkares respektive argumentation, kontrasterat dem medvarandra, och evaluerat dem utifrån ett antal kriterier. Fokus har lagts framförallt på deras kompatibilitet med den historiska såväl som nutida majoritetstolkningen av det eviga helvetet. Frågan om den dubbla utgången i allmänhet har också avhandlats. Därmed har i förlängningen hur representativt ett sådant synsätt kan sägas vara för kristendomen som religiös tradition i relation och dialog med andra traditioner också belysts. Slutsatsen blir att skillnaden utmynnar i två säregna påståenden. Utifrån en undersökning grundad i uppsatsens problemformulering framgår att Balthasars argument är potentiellt förenligt med kristen majoritetstolkning. Hoppet för universellfrälsning är det centrala, inte det faktiska utfallet. Hart menar att det eviga helvetet är teologiskt omöjligt utifrån Guds självuppenbarelse. Hart lyckas dock inte på ett övertygande sätt belägga denna tes i det att han inte lyckas vederlägga de infernalistiska argumenten.

Selling Art in the Age of Retail Expansion and Corporate Patronage: Associated American Artists and the American Art Market of the 1930s and 1940s

Washington, Tiffany Elena 12 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Folklig flerfärgsvirkning : Hjärtvärmarna i Nås

Sokolov, Helene January 2020 (has links)
This paper is about 33 crocheted shawls, so called heart warmers. The shawls were included in an inventory of crocheted parts of the national costume in Nås in Dalarna, Sweden. The inventory was performed betwee 1993 and 1996. The heart warmers are an important part of the national costume in Nås. They have traditionally, without any interruptions, been worn together with the women´s national costume since the 1860s. The heart warmer has several purposes. It warms the chest and the back of the person wearing it. It is beautiful and tells everyone in the vicinity that skill, time and desire to outshine each other have been put into the labour of crocheting it. This paper investigates how the heart warmers differ in terms of the various crocheted pattern images in several colours, and whether it is possible to determine which models have been used for these different pattern images. To find originals of the pattern images, studies have been performed on items from Nås. The items studied can be found at Nordiska museet (the Nordic Museum) in Stockholm. Those are items that belong to the Nås national costume, as well as items that were in a home in Nås during the second half of the 19th Century. Patterns in printed sources, for example books about embroidery, have also been studied. These studies have made it possible to find originals that could have been used as inspiration.

On location: the poetics of place in modern American poetry

Manecke, Keith Gordon 23 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Normative Political Communities: Foundations for a Hartian Theory of State and Non-State Law

Fabra-Zamora, Jorge L. January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation outlines a theory of law capable of explaining both the legal systems of domestic states and other types of legal phenomena different from state law that I will call non-state legal phenomena. Central examples of non-state law include indigenous and customary laws, the international legal order, the European Union, and transnational commercial law. This theoretical framework aims to formulate and resolve questions about the common features shared by different types of legality and the distinctive legal character of non-state legal phenomena. It also sets the stage for doctrinal and politico-moral inquiries about these phenomena. My account draws liberally from central themes of HLA Hart’s theory of state law that I deem applicable outside the domestic context. One key idea is the notion of normative order or unified complexes of interrelated rules that regulate specific domains of action. The refined Hartian view that I develop here distinguishes between two kinds of normative orders, sets and systems, which differ in their characteristic features and that allow for different doctrinal and moral inquiries. While these tools can be used to explain both state and non-state normative phenomena, I shall consider as law the normative orders of political communities, i.e. groups whose participants efficaciously employ intense forms of social pressure to secure conformity to norms that regulate pressing politico-moral issues. With these elements in place, the legal domain can be characterized as a constellation of sets and systems that constitute political communities at the state, non-domestic, international, supra-national, and potentially global levels. The argument proceeds as follows. Chapter 1 sets the stage of this inquiry. Chapter 2 explicates the key insights of the Hartian framework. Chapter 3 defends the applicability of this framework to non-state contexts. Chapter 4 illustrates its explanatory virtues by applying it to two regimes of international trade law. The conclusion summarizes the central insights of this view and highlights the avenues for future research. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This dissertation outlines a theory of law capable of explaining both state and non-state legal phenomena. This theoretical framework aims to formulate and resolve questions about the common features shared by different types of legality and the distinctive legal character of non-state legal phenomena, and to help to set the stage for further inquiries about them. My account draws liberally from HLA Hart’s theory of state law. The argument proceeds as follows. Chapter 1 sets the stage of this inquiry. Chapter 2 explicates the key insights of the Hartian framework. Chapter 3 defends the applicability of this framework to non-state contexts. Chapter 4 illustrates its explanatory virtues by applying it to two regimes of international trade law. The conclusion summarizes the central insights of this view and highlights the avenues for future research.

Breeding season habitat use and response to management activities by greater sage-grouse on Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada

Davis, Dawn M. 06 June 2002 (has links)
Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) have experienced declines throughout their range over the last 50 years. Long-term declines in sage-grouse abundance in Nevada and Oregon have been attributed to reduced productivity. From 1995-1997, sage-grouse production on Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), Nevada was greater compared to Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (HMNAR), Oregon. Specific causes for the difference were unknown. Thus, the objectives were to: 1) Determine sage-grouse breeding season habitat use (especially with regard to wildfire) on SNWR; 2) Evaluate reproductive parameters to discern differences between SNWR and HMNAR; 3) Compare habitat components which may relate to differences in sage-grouse reproductive success on SNWR and HMNAR; and 4) Establish hematological and serum chemistry reference ranges for sage-grouse hens to assess physiological condition. Cover type was important in selection of nest sites at SNWR; however, nest cover did not affect nesting success and nest-site selection was not related to experience. Vegetative characteristics at successful nest sites were similar to unsuccessful nests but nest sites had greater amounts of tall residual grass (���18 cm) and medium height shrub cover (40-80 cm) than at random sites. Broods used areas with greater forb cover than random sites, indicating use was influenced by availability of forbs. Plant communities in wildfire and associated control sites did not differ appreciably in species composition. Although burning had little stimulatory effect on total forb cover 10-12 years post-burn, alteration of the sagebrush community did not limit sage-grouse use for successful nesting and brood-rearing. Fire did not negatively impact arthropod abundance. Differences in habitat use and sage-grouse productivity between SNWR and HMNAR may be related to differences in forb availability. Forb cover was greater at HMNAR than at SNWR for all cover types. Correspondingly, home range size for sage-grouse broods was greater on SNWR than at HMNAR. Nutrient analysis of forbs indicated higher crude protein, potassium, and magnesium levels at HMNAR than at SNWR; however, these nutrients are not likely to be deficient in most sage-grouse diets. Thus sagebrush-steppe communities supporting these forbs likely meet the dietary nutritional requirements of sage-grouse. Although blood calcium and uric acid levels were greater in sage-grouse hens on HMNAR than at SNWR, differences were attributed to capture date. Furthermore, physiological condition did not affect a hen's ability to nest successfully, nor was condition related to a hen's ability to recruit chicks to 1 August. Causes of sage-grouse decline are varied, but ultimately they are habitat based. Comparisons of reproductive parameters and habitat evaluations, combined with sage-grouse physiology data, may provide insight into habitat differences between study areas not previously recognized. Land management practices (e.g., prescribed fire) which recast the balance of native herbaceous species in degraded big sagebrush communities, may be necessary in the restoration of sagebrush-steppe ecosystems, and ultimately, the recovery of sage-grouse populations. / Graduation date: 2003

Die representasie van Kwasi/Aquasi : 'n ondersoek na die voortsetting al dan nie van die koloniale diskoers in De zwarte met het witte hart deur Arthur Japin

Faasen, Petro 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The term 'representation' is often used to refer to the possibility of a link between literature and reality. The word also suggests the reiteration of an event and is used in literary studies to indicate that a representation should be read as the author's interpretation of events and thus as a mediated rendition thereof. This study focuses on the representation of a black character who lived in the 19th Century by a white author from the zo" Century, Arthur Japin, in his novel, De zwarte met het witte hart (1997). This novel, based on historical events, is a rendering of the lives of two Ashanti princes who were taken to the Netherlands in 1837 as guarantee to an agreement between the king of the Ashanti and the Netherlands. This study therefore looks at the way in which Japin interpreted and represented the available information in his novel. This study furthermore focuses on ways in which this novel, written in what may be termed a postcolonial era could be read as a continuation of the colonial discourse in the 21st Century. This is demonstrated by identifying and examining the characteristics of colonial discourse, postcolonial discourse, the historic novel and the didactic novel, as well as ways in which these genres deal with representation. The study refers to the work of literary and social theoreticians such as Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Homi Bhabha, Gayatri Spivak, Linda Hutcheon and Maaike Meijer. The study indicates that this novel can partially be read as a continuation of the colonial discourse. The results of this study also indicates that an uncritical reading of the novel De zwarte met het witte hart could lead to a continuation of the colonial discourse in the 21st Century. The role and responsibility of the reader in the interpretation and the subversion of the colonial discourse could therefore be further investigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die term 'representasie' word dikwels gebruik om die moontlikheid van 'n verband tussen die letterkunde en die werklikheid aan te dui. Die woord suggereer die herhaling van 'n gegewe en word in die letterkunde gebruik om aan te dui dat die representasie wat gelees word, die outeur se interpretasie en dus bemiddelde weergawe van gebeure is. Hierdie ondersoek fokus op die representasie van 'n swart hoofkarakter uit die 19de eeu deur 'n blanke outeur in die 20ste eeu soos dit in die roman, De zwarte met het witte hart (1997) deur Arthur Japin, weergegee word. Hierdie roman, gebaseer op historiese gegewens, handeloor die lewens van twee Ashanti prinse wat in 1837 as onderpand vir 'n ooreenkoms tussen Nederland en die Ashantynse koning na Nederland geneem is en die gevolge wat dit vir hulle ingehou het. Daar word dus in dié ondersoek gekyk na die manier waarop Japin die gegewens tot sy beskikking geïnterpreteer en in die roman weergegee het. Verder fokus die ondersoek op die manier waarop hierdie roman, geskryf in wat as 'n postkoloniale era gesien kan word, moontlik as 'n voortsetting van die koloniale diskoers in die 21ste eeu gelees kan word. Dit word gedoen deur kenmerke van die koloniale diskoers, die postkoloniale diskoers, die historiese roman en die tendensroman te identifiseer en ondersoek, saam met die wyses waarop hierdie genres met representasie omgaan. Daar word verwys na die werk van letterkundige en sosiale teoretici soos Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, Homi Bhabha, Gayatri Spivak, Linda Hutcheon en Maaike Meijer. Uit die ondersoek blyk dat hierdie roman gedeeltelik as 'n voortsetting van die koloniale diskoers gelees kan word. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek dui ook aan dat 'n onkritiese lees van die roman De zwarte met het witte hart kan lei tot die voortsetting van die koloniale diskoers in die 21ste eeu. Die rol en die verantwoordelikheid van die leser in die interpretasie en ondermyning van die koloniale diskoers kan dus verder ondersoek word.

The infinitude of beauty as expression of the beauty of the infinite? : a critical evaluation of the use of the analogia entis in the theological aesthetics of David Bentley Hart

Havenga, Marnus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate if American Orthodox theologian David Bentley Hart's use of the classical Thomistic principle of the analogia entis (in his monograph The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth), can be deemed to be a valid, responsible and beneficial manner of affirming a continuity between the beauty of God and the beauty of creation, and opposing the seemingly problematic worldview of dualism. After reviewing a selection of works in the field of theological aesthetics, this study is conducted both as a historical analysis and a systematic exposition on the analogia entis, by critically examining the use (and critique) of analogy and the analogy of being in Greek (Aristotle), Scholastic (Thomas Aquinas) and 20th century thought (Erich Przywara, Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar), before inspecting and ultimately affirming David Bentley Hart’s own use thereof (in regards to the beauty of God and the beauty of creation). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel of die Amerikaanse Ortodokse teoloog David Bentley Hart se gebruik van die klassieke Thomistiese beginsel van die analogia entis (in sy monografie The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth) as geldige, verantwoordelike en voordelige wyse geag kan work om 'n kontinuïteit tussen die skoonheid van God en die skoonheid van die skepping te bevestig, en sodoende die oënskynlike problematiese wêreldbeskouing van dualisme aan te spreek. Na die beskouing van 'n reeks werke in die veld van teologiese estetika, fokus hierdie studie op beide die historiese analise en die sistematiese uiteensetting van die analogia entis, deur die gebruik (en ook kritiek) van analogie en die synsanalogie in Griekse (Aristoteles), Skolastiese (Thomas Aquinas) en 20ste eeuse denke (Erich Przywara, Karl Barth en Hans Urs von Balthasar) onder die loep te neem, waarna David Bentley Hart se eie gebruik daarvan (in terme van die skoonheid van God en die skoonheid van die skepping) ondersoek en uiteindelik bevestig word.

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