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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

10,000 Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BC. / Ten thousand Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BC

Delaney, Kara 30 April 2013 (has links)
The mixed method design examined the impact of a 6-week pedometer based 10,000 moderate-vigorous steps a day employee workplace wellness challenge on aerobic fitness, chronic disease markers, and self-reported physical activity. The study used prompts to both educate and facilitate the intervention. Pre and post-test data analyzed self-report physical activity and sedentary time, sub max aerobic walking levels, and anthropometric measures. Participants logged their step count across the intervention and were challenged to increase their steps throughout. Participants were on average unable to achieve the goal step count and thus no statistically significance was found between pre-post tests. Qualitatively, three themes emerged from discussions with participants about their experiences: awareness of physical activity (PA) levels, demands of both work and family, and the frequency and content of the information given as prompts. The combination of prompts and the pedometer created an awareness of PA levels among participants but failed to fully motivate them to hit their target step count. / Graduate / 0354 / karadelaney_04@hotmail.com

Migrän: En osynlig sjukdom : En litteraturstudie om icke-farmakologiska metoder vid migränanfall hos vuxna / Migraine: an invisible disorder : A literature study on non-pharmacological methods in adult patients with migraine

Andersson, Jonna, Gaviola Poblete, Marianne, Volioti, Christina January 2014 (has links)
Migrän är en återkommande, anfallsvis huvudvärk som räknas till en av de 20 mest handikappande sjukdomarna i världen. Det är sjuksköterskans ansvar att främja hälsan hos patienter med migrän genom att upplysa om sjukdomen och informera om vilka icke-farmakologiska metoder som kan verka mot migrän. Syftet med studien var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder vid migränanfall hos vuxna. Litteraturstudiens resultat baserades på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar som genererade tre olika teman: akupunktur, kunskap kring utlösande faktorer samt livsstilsförändringar. Resultatet visade att akupunktur, kunskap och utbildning kring utlösande faktorer samt livsstilsförändringar är bra behandlingsalternativ i det hälsofrämjande arbetet vid migrän, då metoderna visade på signifikant minskning av migränanfall. För att bevisa om metoderna är tillförlitliga behövs ytterligare forskning angående icke-farmakologiska metoder vid migrän. Utformning av riktlinjer gällande migrän och adekvata behandlingsmetoder ute i vårdverksamheten vore betydelsefullt. Utökad utbildning om migrän i sjuksköterskeutbildningarna är av stor vikt. / Migraine is a recurrent headache that occurs in periods of sudden attacks and is regarded as one of the 20 most disabling disorders in the world. It is the responsibility of the nurse to promote the health of patients with migraine by educating about migraine and by providing vital information about non-pharmacological methods that has beneficial effects on migraine. The aim of this literature study was to describe non-pharmacological methods on adult migraine patients. The result of this literature study was based on 13 scientific articles that generated three themes: acupuncture, knowledge about trigger factors and lifestyle changes. The result showed that acupuncture, knowledge about migraine triggers and lifestyle changes are favourable alternative treatments in migraine health promotion as they demonstrated significant reduction of migraine attacks. To attest its validity further research regarding the use of non-pharmacological methods on migraine is necessary. Specific guidelines regarding migraine and adequate available treatment methods in healthcare settings would be of great importance. We encourage additional education on migraine and nonpharmacological, preventive methods to be integrated in nursing schools.

Public Health and Dementia - with focus on access to society

Johannessen, Aud January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to learn more about how to contribute to improving the daily lives of persons with dementia and those of their carers, and to increase these people’s participation in society. Methods: The thesis comprises four studies carried out between2003and2011. Study Iwas based on qualitative interviews with 20 persons with early-onset dementia living in the Southern Norway. Study II was a qualitative study with interviews of 19 support contacts,from the Southern Norway. Study III was also based on interviews, in this study with 35 administrators in local authorities, from 32 Norwegian rural and urban local authorities.Study IV was an evaluation study of an intervention for carers of people with dementia and datawere obtained in three steps; (1) a self-derived questionnaires with space for comments, completed by 45 carers after the intervention and 12 months after the starting point of the intervention; (2) interviews with 13 carers 12 months after the starting point of the intervention and analysed together with the comments from the evaluation questionnaires; and (3) a new intervention for carers of younger persons with dementia was developed based onthe findings from the two first steps. The new intervention was evaluated with a self-report questionnaire completed by the carers with space for comments based on the findings from the two first steps. The questionnaire was completed by 48 carers after the new intervention and 12 months after the starting point of this intervention. Main findings: StudyI describes how people with dementia experience living with dementia, their experiences of the process towards a dementia diagnosisand their descriptions of how they try to maintain their “quality of life”. Study II describes how support contacts perceive their work in dementia care. The study also shows the support contacts’motives for becoming a support contact and their encouraging and discouraging experiences while being a support contact. Furthermore, Study III describes the variation in the process that leads or does not lead to the use of support contacts as a service offered to families with dementia. The administrators’ skills, the accessibilityand management of the service are factorsthat influence this process of offering families with dementia a support contact.Study IV showsthat carers rated the original intervention as beingbeneficial for them,a benefit that remained. These findingscorrespondwith the findings from the interviews. Study IV also shows that the carers of younger persons with dementia benefited from the new intervention aimed at carers of younger people with dementia, a benefit that remained. The carershad valuable proposals for further interventions. Conclusion: This thesis shows us that the opinions of these families, their supporters and those of other health personnel should not be overlooked when developing services in order to facilitate the provision of the chance to participate in society to families with dementia / Mål: Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen er å få mer kunnskaper om hvordan man kan legge til rette for å bedre hverdagen tilpersoner med demens og deres pårørende,samthvordan man kan bidra til å øke deres muligheter til deltagelse i samfunnet. Metode: Avhandlingen består av fire studier som ble gjennomført i tidsrommet 2003-2011. Studie Ivar basert på kvalitative intervjuer med 20 personer som hadde fått diagnosen demens før de fylte 65 år, som kom fra Sør-Norge. Studie II var en kvalitativ studie hvor 19 støttekontakter ble intervjuet,også disse ble inkludert fraSør-Norge.StudieIII baserte segpå intervjuer, hvor 35 ledere fra 32 norske kommunerble inkludert. Disse kommunenerepresenterte store og små byer og bygder.Studie IV var en intervensjonsstudie for pårørende til personer med demens, og data var innhentet gjennom tre steg; (1) et selvutfyllende spørreskjema med plass til kommentarer, som ble fylt ut av 45 pårørende etter intervensjonen og 12 måneder etter oppstart av intervensjonen; (2) intervjuer av 13 pårørende 12 måneder etter oppstart av intervensjonen,og analysert sammen med kommentarer fra spørreskjemaene; og(3) basert på funnene ide to første stegene ble en nyintervensjonfor pårørende til yngre personer med demens(< 65 år) utviklet. Evalueringsskjemaene til denne nye intervensjonen ble utviklet på bakgrunn av funn fra de to første stegene i Studie IV. Skjemaene blefylt ut av 47 pårørende etterintervensjonen og 12 måneder etter oppstartav intervensjonen.Disse skjemaene hadde også plass til kommentarer. Hovedfunn: Studie I beskriverhvordan mennesker med demens opplever å leve med demens og deres erfaringer knyttet til prosess som leder til å få stillet en demens diagnosen. Studien viserogsåhvordan de forsøker å opprettholde livskvalitet i det daglige. Studie II beskriver hvordan støttekontakter opplever deres arbeidsoppgaver i demensomsorgen. Studien viserogså støttekontaktenes motiver for å bli støttekontakt, og motiverendeog demotiverende erfaringer knyttet til det å være støttekontakt.Studie III beskrivervariasjonen i prosessen som leder til eller ikke leder til at støttekontakt tjenesten blir tildelt familier med demens. Lederes kunnskaper, organisering avkommunene og tilgjengelighet av tjenesten er variasjoner som påvirker tildelingen av en støttekontakt.Studie IV viser at pårørende hadde nytte av den opprinnelige intervensjonenogeffekten forble. Disse funn samsvarermed funn fra intervjuene med pårørende. Studien viser også at den nye intervensjonen for pårørende til yngre personer med demens var nyttig for disse pårørende og denne effekten forble. Pårørende forbedret intervensjonene og de hadde verdifulle forslag til videre utvikling av intervensjonene. Konklusjon: Denne avhandlingen viser at disse familiene, støttekontaktene og annet helsepersonells meninger ikke må bli oversett når en skalutvikle tjenestetilbud og tilrettelegge tjenester slik at det er mulig for familier med demens å delta i samfunne

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction : Ett verktyg för ett mer begripligt, hanterbart och meningsfullt liv / Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction : A tool for a more comprehensible, manageable and meaningful life

Johansson, Elin, Mårtensson, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
Hälso- och sjukvården har traditionellt arbetat kurativt. Tidigare forskning har visat att samhällsutvecklingen de senaste 20 åren, med högt tempo och stora krav, har resulterat i en ökning av stressrelaterad ohälsa, både nationellt och internationellt. Vinsterna med att arbeta hälsofrämjande är uppmärksammat i allt fler studier och det är därför av relevans att studera om Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), en förgrening av mindfulness, kan fungera som en effektiv och bidragande resurs för ett mer begripligt, hanterbart och meningsfullt liv. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa de hälsofrämjande effekterna av MBSR. Tio artiklar valdes för granskning och utifrån artiklarnas resultat framkom två kategorier: Kortvariga hälsofrämjande effekter och långvariga hälsofrämjande effekter. Resultatet visade att MBSR har hälsofrämjande effekter, både ur ett kortvarigt och långvarigt perspektiv. Genom kontinuerligt utövande av MBSR ökar självkännedomen och medvetenheten, vilket resulterar i större hanterbarhet i vardagen och utövarna upplever en större meningsfullhet. Den mängd och bredd av olika hälsofrämjande effekter som uppmärksammats i denna litteraturstudie bör vara indikation på vidare forskning för fler användningsområden samt motivationens inverkan på utövande. Fler studier bör även inkludera ett samhällsperspektiv där de kostnadseffektiva aspekterna av MBSR undersöks. / Health services have traditionally worked curative. Previous studies have shown a societal development during the last 20 years, indicating an increased pace and great demands that results in decreased health due to stress, nationally as well as internationally. However, the benefits of working with health promotion is noted in more and more studies and therefore it is relevant to study whether MBSR, a further development of mindfulness, can be used as an effective resource in order to contribute and achieve a more comprehensible, manageable and meaningful life. The purpose of this study was to examine the health effects of MBSR. Ten articles were selected for review and based on the results collected from all articles, two categories were revealed: Short-term health benefits and long-term health effects. The results showed that MBSR has health effects, from both a short-term and long-term perspective. Through continuous pursuit of MBSR increases self-knowledge and awareness, resulting in greater manageability of everyday life and practitioners experience a greater meaningfulness. The variety and breadth of various health promoting effects that was highlighted in this literature study might indicate further research regarding more uses and how motivation influence the amount of exercise and effect. More studies should also include a societal perspective, where the cost aspects of MBSR are investigated.

Helsefremmende samarbeid – en viktig triveselfaktor i anestesisykepleierfaget. : En kvalitativ studie av anestesisykepleieres opplevelse av sitt arbeidsmiljø / Health promoting collaboration - an important factor of well-being in anaesthesia nursing. : A qualitative study of anaesthesia nurses` experience of their working environment.

Averlid, Getrud January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Medarbeiderundersøkelsen i 2006 ved anestesiavdelingen seksjon 2, Rikshospitalet iOslo, avdekket dårlige skår for anestesisykepleieres mulighet til å påvirke sin egen arbeidssituasjon. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å kartlegge faktorer i anestesisykepleierens arbeidssituasjon som oppleves som helsefremmende og å finne ut på hvilken måte ledelsen kunne bidra til et mer helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø. Nytteverdien av studien blir at de faktorer som fremmer helse foranestesisykepleiere blir synliggjort overfor ledelsen. Metode: Det ble brukt en kvalitativ metode med intervjuer av fjorten yrkesaktive anestesisykepleiereved seks forskjellige anestesiavdelinger. En modifisert Grounded Theory ble benyttet somanalysemetode. Resultat: Analysen av intervjuene resulterte i kjernekategorien: Samarbeid på godt og vondt,anestesisykepleierens lodd i yrkeslivet og tre kategorier: Ledelsen som premissleverandør; Trivsel iet operasjonsmiljø; Rolleklarhet.Kjernekategorien belyser den koordinerende helheten som anestesisykepleieren i varetar i forhold tilpasient og andre profesjoner. Den beskriver både en stor tilfredsstillelse i arbeidssammenheng men samtidig gir den en anelse om at uoverensstemmelser kan forekomme. Ledelse utkrystalliserte segsom en viktig faktor for å tilrettelegge for et helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø, slik at grunnleggende behov ble tilfredsstilt. Produksjonspress og kommunikasjonsvansker i forhold til de nære samarbeidspartnere var faktorer som opplevdes som demotiverende og kunne noen ganger skapemistillit. Kollegastøtte spilte en avgjørende rolle i anestesisykepleiernes opplevelse av et godtarbeidsmiljø. En sammenfattende modell ble utviklet som beskriver grunnforutsetninger for utøvelseav sitt fag, hinder og begrensninger, opplevelsen av optimal pasientbehandling og ledelsens overordnede påvirkningspotensiale på både de positive og negative faktorene. Konklusjoner: Studien viser at flere viktige faktorer medvirker til at arbeidsmiljøet oppleves som helsefremmende for anestesisykepleiere. Ledelsen er en viktig faktor og den bør være mer aktiv vedå gi forsvarlige rammer for drift, og i større grad initiere helsefremmende tiltak og motivere til bedresamarbeid mellom profesjonene. Andre viktige faktorer for trivselen var det selvstendige arbeidet og det tverrfaglige samarbeidet om pasienten. / Background: The 2006 employee survey from Anaesthesia Unit 2, at Oslo’s Rikshospital, revealedlow scores regarding anaesthesia nurses` opportunity to influence their own work situation. Purpose: This study aimed to examine work factors that anaesthesia nurses perceive health promoting and to analyze how hospital leadership could initiate a healthier work environment. The value of this assessment is that factors that promote a healthy work environment for anaesthesia nurses will become visible to department management. Method: A qualitative method was used, which included interviews with fourteen anaesthesianurses, working in six different departments. A modified Grounded Theory was applied as a methodfor analysis. Result: Analysis of the interviews yielded a core category: Cooperation for Better or Worse-Anaesthesia Nurses` “Ticket” in the Workplace, and three categories: Leadership, An Organizer of Conditions; Well-being in an Operations Environment and Clarity of Roles.The core category illustrates the coordinated entirety that anaesthesia nurses consider a safeguard inrelation to the patients and other professions. Nurses described great satisfaction in their work aswell as an inkling that differences can occur. Leadership was crystallized as an important factor infacilitating a healthy working environment that satisfies basic personal and professional needs. The respondents perceived production pressure and communication difficulties with close collaborators,as demotivators that sometimes caused lack of trust. Collegial support was a crucial factor in creatingthe perception of a good working environment. A model was developed, which illustrates the basic conditions of practicing the profession, obstacles and restrictions, how nurses experience optimal patient care and fundamental and potential influence of department leadership on both positive and negative factors. Conclusions: The study shows that several important factors contribute to a healthy working environment for the anaesthesia nurses. Leadership should work more actively toward developing ajustifiable framework of management and initiating health promoting efforts that motivate better cooperation between team members. Other important factors for well-being in the workplace included independent work and interdisciplinary collaboration around patient care. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-75-7</p>

Pacientų, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija, fizinė ir emocinė sveikata / Physical and Emotional Health of Patients after Liver Transplantation

Lukošaitienė, Inga 18 June 2013 (has links)
Lietuvoje vis daugiau atliekama kepenų transplantacijų. Šiuo metu pacientų išgyvenimas didėja, todėl atsiranda problema, kad slaugytojams, trūksta žinių ir informacijos apie fizinės ir emocinės sveikatos problemas kylančias pacientams, kuriems yra atlikta kepenų transplantacija. Gastroenterologijos skyriaus slaugytojų, kurios slaugo pacientus po atliktos kepenų transplantacijos, vienas iš slaugos tikslų yra skatinti pacientus dalyvauti slaugoje bei siekti sveikatą skatinančio elgesio. Atlikus tyrimą bus išsiaiškinta, kokios fizinės ir emocinės sveikatos problemos kyla pacientams, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija. Suprasdami ir žinodami šiems pacientams kylančias problemas, slaugytojai galės geriau planuoti slaugą, pasitelkti į pagalbą kitus specialistus. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti, kokia yra pacientų, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija, fizinė ir emocinė sveikata. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo pasirinktas atlikti kokybinis tyrimas. Kokybinio tyrimo klausimas: Kokia yra pacientų, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija, fizinė ir emocinė sveikata? Tyrimo objektas – pacientų, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija, fizinė ir emocinė sveikata. Tyrimo priemonė – pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Tyrimo dalyviai – pacientai, kuriems atlikta kepenų transplantacija ne mažiau kaip prieš du mėnesius. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad: 1. Pacientams po atliktos kepenų transplantacijos iškilo naujų fizinės sveikatos problemų susijusių su atsiradusiu cukriniu diabetu, padidėjusiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year more and more liver transplantations are performed in Lithuania.these days more Patients trial these operations and this creates a problem that nursing staff lacks informatikon about physical and emotional healtcare problems that these Patients face. One of the tasks for nursing staff of Gastroenterology divisions is to encourage Patients to participate in the nursing process and to promote Health-improving behavior. The research aims to help explaining what physical and emotional healthcare problems Patients face after liver transplantation. By knowing and understanding these problems nursing staff will have more tools in nursing planning and also will be able to ask for a timely help by other specialists. Goal of this thesis is to examine physical and emotional Health of Patients after liver transplantation. Qualitative method was chosed to implement this research. Key question of the research is: what is the physical and emotional Health of Patients after liver transplantation? Object of the research is physical and emotional Health of Patients after liver transplantation. Tool of the research is semi-structured interview. Respondents of the research are Patients who experienced liver transplantation not more than two month ago. Results of the research are the following: 1. Patients after liver transplantation face new physical healthcare problems related to diabetes, increased arterial blood presure, special diet, physical activity, smoking and consunning... [to full text]

Moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, teikiančių sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas, bendradarbiavimo galimybių ir kliūčių analizė / Analysis of possibilities and obstacles of cooperation between women from families at social risk and public health care specialists providing health promotion services

Eidukaitytė, Aušra 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, teikiančių sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas, bendradarbiavimo galimybes ir kliūtis. Tyrimo klausimai: 1. Ar moterys iš socialinės rizikos šeimų yra informuotos apie visuomenės sveikatos paslaugas? 2. Koks moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūris į bendradarbiavimą su visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistais, teikiančiais sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas? 3. Kokios galimybės ir kliūtys, moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūriu, bendradarbiauti su visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistais, teikiančiais sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas? Tyrimo metodika. Buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, taikant pusiau struktūruotą giluminį interviu ir kokybinę turinio analizę. Pusiau struktūruotas interviu buvo atliktas naudojant parengtą klausimyną – vedamuosius klausimus. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2013 m. gruodžio– 2014 m. kovo mėnesiais. Viso atlikti 8 interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 8 moterys iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, gaunančios socialinę pašalpą bei socialines paslaugas. Rezultatai. Tyrimo dalyvės yra nepakankamai informuotos apie visuomenės sveikatos biurus bei juose dirbančius specialistus. Nors sveikatos stiprinimą dauguma supranta, tačiau sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugų spektrą, teikimo būdus menkai žino. Informuotumą apie sveikatos stiprinimą lemia nesidomėjimas su sveikatos stiprinimu susijusia informacija dėl nepalankios pacientui sveikatos priežiūros sistemos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to analyze the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation between women from families at social risk and public health care specialists providing health promotion services. Research questions: 1. Are women from families at social risk informed about public health care services? 2. What is the viewpoint of women from families at social risk towards cooperation with public health care specialists providing health promotion services? 3. What are the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation with public health care specialists providing health promotion services as seen by women from families at social risk? Research methods. A qualitative research was carried out by employing a semi-structured in-depth interview and qualitative content analysis. The semi-structured interview was performed by using a prepared questionnaire, i.e. the leading questions. The study was carried out from December 2013 to March 2014. A total of eight interviews were held. Eight women from families at social risk receiving benefits and social services participated in the study. Results. The participants of the study were not sufficiently informed about public health care offices and their specialists. Even though many women understood what public promotion was, they had little knowledge about the range of health promotion services and their provision methods. The level of knowledge about health promotion depended on the lack of interest in information related to health... [to full text]

Acculturation Strategies and its Effect on Depressive Symptoms in the Brazilian Immigrant Community in the Greater Toronto Area

Costa, Iara Regina Da 30 July 2008 (has links)
Among several difficulties associated with immigration, acculturation process has been recognized as one of the main stressors and one of the major risk factors associated in the incidence of mental disorders. The strategies adopted by individuals to deal with the acculturation process appear to be predictive of different mental health outcomes. This exploratory study investigated the relationship between acculturation strategies and the occurrence of symptoms of depression in the context of the Brazilian immigrant community living in the Greater Toronto Area. The results demonstrated that Separation and Assimilation were the predominant strategies for this sample and that acculturation strategies failed to serve as significant predictors of depression scores. However, participants with Separation as their predominant acculturation strategy exhibited higher depressive symptom endorsement. The significance of these findings in the context of previous research as well as its implications for future research and critical multicultural practice in mental health are discussed.

Perceived benefits of, barriers and helpful cues to physical activity among tertiary institution students in Rwanda.

Tumusiime, David Kabagema January 2004 (has links)
According to literature, particularly from data obtained from the World Health Organisation, physical inactivity or sedentarism is one of the leading causes of the major non-communicable diseases, which contributes substantially to the global burden of diseases, death and disability. The burden of mortality, morbidity and disability attributable to non-communicable diseases is currently greatest and is continuing to grow in the developing countries. Most declines in physical activity are during the transition from high school to college or university. The aim of the study was to ascertain perceptions of physical activity, specifically / perceived benefits of, perceived barriers and perceived helpful motivational factors to physical activity among tertiary institution students in Rwanda, and to find out whether demographic and background characteristics have an influence on these perceptions.

The physical needs of the elderly with regard to physiotherapy services in the Livingstone District, Zambia.

Malambo, Pasmore January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the physical needs of the elderly with regard to physiotherapy services in the Livingstone district in Zambia. The objectives were to determine the knowledge of the elderly on the role of physiotherapy in the care of the elderly / the barriers to utilization of the services / the prevalence of physical problems and it also examined associations between education, knowledge and utilization of physiotherapy services in the district.

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