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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betydande faktorer vid fysisk aktivitet hos personer med funktionsnedsättning i åldern 13-25 år. / Significant factors for physical activity among people with disabilities in aged 13-25.

Eriksson, Josefina, Karlsson, Marina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Undersökning visar att en person med funktionsnedsättning som har en stillasittande fritid löper dubbelt så stor risk för fetma än en person utan funktionsnedsättning. Det är vanligt att personer med funktionsnedsättning är fysiskt inaktiva och en orsak kan vara de hinder som finns i vårt samhälle som omöjliggör delaktighet i fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som har betydelse för fysisk aktivitet hos personer med funktionsnedsättning i åldern 13-25 år. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades och sammanställdes utifrån de faktorer som visades påverka vid deltagande i fysisk aktivitet. Fem övergripande teman kunde identifieras och artiklarna kunde kategoriseras. Resultat: Studien påvisade behov av ökad möjlighet till fysisk aktivitet för ungdomar och unga vuxna med funktionsnedsättning. Ett genomgående tema är olika personliga och miljömässiga faktorer som påverkar ungdomar och unga vuxna till fysisk aktivitet. Även föräldrar är en viktig del i deras barns fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Slutsats: Den fysiska aktivitetsnivån påverkas av flera faktorer på både individ- och miljömässig nivå. Forskarna är ense om att möjligheten för fysisk aktivitet är väldigt begränsad för personer med funktionsnedsättning. / Background: Survey shows that a person with disabilities, who have a sedentary leisure, are twice as likely of the risk of obesity than a person without a disability. It is common that people with disabilities are physically inactive and one reason may be the barriers that exist in our society that prevent participation in physical activity. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate which factors are important for physical activity among people with disabilities aged 13-25 years. Method: Literature study. Ten articles were analyzed and summarized based on the factors shown to affect the participation in physical activity. Five main themes were identified and the articles could be categorized. Results: The study demonstrated the need for increased opportunities for physical activity for youth and young adults with disabilities. A recurring theme is the variety of personal and environmental factors affecting adolescents and young adults for physical activity. Parents are an important part of their children's physical activity level. Conclusion: The physical activity level is affected by several factors at both the individual and environmental level. Scientists agree that the opportunity for physical activity is very limited for people with disabilities.

Fertilitet- mer än bara blommor och bin : Reproductive Life Plan i ett svenskt perspektiv, en pilotstudie.

Sandberg, Maja January 2014 (has links)
Mycket pekar på att det finns en brist hos många svenska unga kvinnor vad gäller kunskap om fertilitet och reproduktion. Det finns ett behov av att formulera ett evidensbaserat redskap för barnmorskor att använda sig av i samtal om en Reproduktiv Livsplan och för att ge hälsoförebyggande information inför en eventuell graviditet. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att genomföra en pilotstudie beträffande implementering av en Reproduktiv Livsplan i svensk vårdkontext. Ett andra syfte var att testa ett instrument och proceduren inför kommande forskningsprojekt samt att utvärdera dess effekt. Metod: Föreliggande studie hade en kvantitativ ansats och hade designats som en randomiserad kontrollerad interventionsstudie. Totalt deltog 75 unga kvinnor i tre grupper; interventionsgruppen (IG), kontrollgrupp 1 (CG1) och kontrollgrupp 2 (CG2). Data samlades in via enkäter vid baslinje och telefonintervju vid uppföljning. Av de 75 kvinnorna var det 70 som fullföljde studien. Resultat: Få kvinnor uppgav att de tidigare hade funderat speciellt mycket på frågor kring fertilitet. Kunskapen om reproduktion och fertilitet var jämn mellan grupperna vid baslinjemätningen. Vid uppföljningen visade resultaten en kunskapsökning bland den tredjedel av kvinnorna som tagit del av interventionen. Det mest utmärkande fyndet var att flertalet av kvinnorna i interventionsgruppen var ganska eller mycket positiva till att barnmorskan frågade dem om deras Reproduktiva Livsplan. Alla kvinnorna svarade att det var ganska eller mycket sannolikt att de skulle vända sig till sin barnmorska om de hade fler frågor angående fertilitet. Flertalet ansåg att vårdpersonal borde ha som rutin att diskutera frågor om en Reproduktiv Livsplan. Slutsats: Det finns ett behov av att formulera ett evidensbaserat redskap för barnmorskor att använda sig av i samtal med unga kvinnor vad gäller deras Reproduktiva Livsplan och för att informera om hälsoförebyggande faktorer inför en graviditet. Genomförbarheten för denna studie var god och materialet väl lämpat för syftet, därmed kan det även rekommenderas för kommande forskning. Ytterligare visade det sig även att kvinnorna som deltog i interventionen ställde sig positiva till samtalet med barnmorskan om en reproduktiv livsplan. / Research indicates that there is a shortage among Swedish young women in terms of knowledge about fertility and reproduction. There is a need to formulate an evidence-based tool for midwives to use in conversation about a Reproductive Life Plan and to provide information about health prevention before a possible pregnancy. Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct a pilot study on the implementation of a Reproductive Life Plan in a Swedish caring context. A second aim was to test the instrument and procedure for future research projects and to evaluate its effect. Method: The present study had a quantitative approach and was designed as a randomized controlled intervention study. In total, 75 young women participated in three groups; intervention group (IG), control group 1 (CG1) and control group 2 (CG2). Data were collected via questionnaires at baseline and at follow-up by telephone interview. Out of the 75 women, 70 completed the study. Results: Few women reported that they had previously thought much about issues surrounding fertility. The knowledge of reproduction and fertility was similar between the groups at baseline. At follow-up there was a knowledge increase among the third of the women who took part of the intervention. The most striking finding was that most of the women in the intervention group were somewhat or very positive about the midwife asking them about their Reproductive Life Plan. All the women replied that it was somewhat or very likely that they would turn to their midwife if they had more questions about fertility. The majority felt that healthcare professionals should routinely discuss issues of a Reproductive Life Plan. Conclusion: There is a need to formulate an evidence-based tool for midwives to use in conversations with young women in terms of their Reproductive Life Plan and to provide information on health prevention factors before pregnancy. The feasibility of this study was good, and the material well suited for the purpose, thus it can be recommended for future research. Furthermore the results also showed that the women that participated in the intervention where positive to the talk they had with the midwife concerning the reproductive life plan.

Förderung regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität am Beispiel der Gesundheitskommunikation und Zusammenhänge mit kognitiven Funktionen

Pfeffer, Ines 15 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Wirkung regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität auf die Gesundheit ist mittlerweile umfangreich dokumentiert. Während die Evidenz zur Wirksamkeit regelmäßiger Aktivität auf verschiedene Gesundheitsparameter eindeutig ist, sind Maßnahmen zur Förderung ei-nes körperlich aktiven Lebensstils häufig nur begrenzt wirksam. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung psychologischer Interventionen zur Förderung eines körperlich aktiven Lebensstils und der psychischen Gesundheit zu leisten. Basierend auf dem Interventionsansatz der Gesundheitskommunika-tion werden die Vor- und Nachteile zielgruppenspezifischer, maßgeschneiderter und inter-personeller Ansätze zur Förderung regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität diskutiert und schwerpunktmäßig Persönlichkeitsmerkmale als Moderatoren von Gesundheitsbotschaften untersucht. Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wurden für die Bildung von Zielgruppen bisher kaum berücksichtigt. Die Ergebnisse der eigenen Arbeiten weisen darauf hin, dass Persönlich-keitsmerkmale die Wirkung von Gesundheitskommunikation auf die Motivation, das Ver-halten zu zeigen, moderieren. Eine Anpassung von Gesundheitskommunikation an Persön-lichkeitsmerkmale scheint daher eine Option für maßgeschneiderte Botschaften zu sein. Für die regelmäßige Durchführung körperlicher Aktivität ist neben einer ausgeprägten Motivation die Selbstregulation relevant. Exekutive Funktionen bilden die biologische Basis der Fähigkeit zur Selbstregulation und können durch körperliche Aktivität gefördert werden. Die Ergebnisse der eigenen Arbeiten zeigen an Probanden des höheren Erwachse-nenalters, dass die körperliche Fitness als Mediator zwischen der körperlichen Aktivität und der kognitiven Funktionsfähigkeit gesehen werden kann. In einer randomisierten und kontrollierten Studie konnte durch ein multimodales Gesundheitssportprogramm im Ver-gleich zu einer inaktiven Kontrollgruppe dagegen kein Effekt der Bewegungsintervention auf die kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse werden kritisch diskutiert und in den Forschungsstand eingeordnet. Abschließend wird ein integratives Modell der Gesundheitsförderung durch körperli-che Aktivität am Beispiel der Gesundheitskommunikation dargestellt, das neben gängigen sozial-kognitiven Variablen Umweltfaktoren sowie exekutive Funktionen und neurokogni-tive Variablen einbezieht. Für die empirische Überprüfung dieses Modells ist die Integrati-on von Forschungsansätzen der Verhaltens-, Kommunikations- und Neurowissenschaften gefragt. Basierend auf diesem Modell werden zukünftige Forschungsfelder und praktische Ableitungen aufgezeigt.

Differences in college students' attitudes toward wellness

Houin, Marilyn S. January 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to identify college students' attitudes toward wellness and to identify the differences in these attitudes among various groups of university students. The subjects who participated in this study were students randomly chosen from the six wellness residence halls and six traditional residence halls at Ball State University. One hundred and twenty-one of the 200 subjects selected, completed and returned a modification of the Archer Wellness survey on college students' attitudes toward wellness. A two-way analysis of variance on the data between groups of students living in wellness residence halls and students living in traditional residence halls found significant differences in the following categories: 1) need for information and assistance, 2) current level of wellness, 3) health and longevity concerns, and 4) environment. Differences between male and female respondents were found on the need for information and assistance score and the environment score. The chi-square statistic was computed for the data where subjects selected activities and behaviors they believed were beneficial and detrimental to their wellness. From the activities/behaviors selected to be detrimental to wellness, lack of leisure time was found to be significant between the two groups. / Department of Physiology and Health Science

A prioritization of assessed behavioral health risks of the employees of Land's End, Incorporated

Gloudeman, Thomas F. January 1992 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine behavioral risk factor prevalence at Lands' End, Incorporated, and to prioritize these risk factors for health promotion program intervention. A randomly-selected stratified sample of employees from three employee classifications were invited to participate in the study anonymously. Of the 493 subjects selected, 333 (67.5%) completed the Centers for Disease Control's Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. Population Descriptive Statistics were used to determine prevalence estimates for nine risk factors. Sedentary lifestyle was found to be the most prevalent risk factor (47.4%), followed by obesity (29.4%), acute drinking (26.4%), and lack of safety belt use (22.0%).The Hanlon Method, a process to prioritize health interventions, was used to determine risk factor intervention priorities. This method combines four components; size of the problem, seriousness of the problem, solubility, and pertinent organizational factors, into an Overall Priority Rating formula. Sedentary lifestyle received the highest priority rating, followed by obesity, safety belt use, and smoking. / Institute for Wellness

Factors that support and inhibit the development and maintenance of healthy lifestyle behaviors in Land's End employees

Friedman, Terry A. January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify familial, as well as organizational factors that support and inhibit the development or maintenance of healthy lifestyle behaviors of Lands' End, Inc. employees. Participation by the twelve employees and eight spouses was based on employees' Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Questionnaire scores. Participants answered questions in during a 20minute semi-standard interview. The data was analyzed and interpreted, resulting in four emergent themes. The themes included: a perception of family support, a perception of organization support, a perception of barriers to family support, and a perception of barriers to organizational support for healthy lifestyle behaviors. The results of this study support the literature on support mechanisms for healthy lifestyle behaviors and provides suggestions which may be useful for future study in this area. / Fisher Institute for Wellness

Främjande av fysisk aktivitet på lokal nivå : En studie av en lokal hälsokampanj

Nilsson, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Nilsson, P. (2014). Promoting physical activity at a local level, a study conducted at a local health campaign. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science. The academy of health and working life. University of Gävle.   The aim: Physical activity is strongly associated to good health, both physically and mentally. In this study carried out at a local health campaign, the aim was to investigate whether the participants found the campaign motivating for physical activity. Method: This was examined through interviews in which 4 participants were asked to answer some questions about motivation and physical activity. Results: The results showed that the respondents experienced the local health campaign motivating to physical activity. The participants felt that they received social support from other participants, which seemed motivating to physical activity. Conclusion: Those who were interviewed in this study experienced the local health campaign as motivated for physical activity. Their participation has helped them find new ways to do their exercise. The inspiration the participants got during the campaign, they also had used for from a longer period of time after their participation.   Keywords: Physical activity, motivation, health promotion, health campaign

Ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan ur ett lärarperspektiv : en kvalitativ studie / School-Based Health Promotion. Teachers’ Perspective : a qualitative study

Törnblom, Cia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan har visat sig vara en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande arbete. Det hälsofrämjande projektet Hälsoverkstaden genomfördes i 13 skolor i Helsingfors med omnejd under åren 2006-2008 med temaområdena kost, fysisk aktivitet och sömnvanor.Syftet: Att undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av engagemang och deltagande i Hälsoverkstadsprojektet.Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och fokusgrupper användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med 20 lärare från projektskolorna. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: En god kommunikation och samverkan inom skolan och med projektorganisatören avgjorde hur fruktbart projektet i skolan hade varit. Faktorer som påverkade engagemanget var, hur skolan vid starten hade förbundit sig (commitment) och hur kollegiet förhöll sig, stödjande eller mindre stödjande, till projektarbetet. Commitment påverkades också av kommunikationen och informationsflödet. Ledarskapet i skolan hade en inverkan på organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan, vilket inverkade på hanterbarheten och lärarnas engagemang. Lärarna önskade väl utarbetade verktyg som utgick från skolans behov och var formade för att integreras i undervisningen. Skolan upplevdes som en bra arena för att arbeta med hälsa och de valda levnadsvanorna upplevdes som meningsfulla. Projektprocessen hade upplevts som fragmenterad, men också som logisk och lätt. Skolornas målsättningar för projektet var oklara, vilket också kom fram i svårigheten att beskriva implementeringen av verktygen. Trots detta upplevde lärarna att de hade fått nya insikter, positiva erfarenheter och mycket hade genomförts under projektåren.Slutsatser: En god kommunikation och dialog mellan alla berörda parter stöder engagemang och delaktighet i ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan. Ändamålsenligt utarbetat material och organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan gör det hanterbart och begripligt för lärarna / Background: Schools have long been considered a good arena for health promotionactivities. The Health workshop was a health promotion project that was implemented in 13schools in the Helsinki area during 2006–2008. The three health habits used were physicalactivity, nutrition and sleeping patterns.Aim: This study aimed to explore how teachers experienced their participation andengagement in the Health Workshop project.Results: Good communication between schools and project administrators was crucial for afruitful process. Factors such as initial commitment and teachers’ approach, whethersupportive or unsupportive, influenced their experience, and communication andinformation flow influenced their commitment to the project. Internal management figuredimportantly in the project organization, affecting teachers’ ability to manage and participatein the work. Teachers wanted well-designed and easily integrated tools based on theparticular needs of the school. They perceived school as a good arena for health promotion,and they experienced the chosen health habits as meaningful. They ranked the projectprocess as logical and easy, but also as fragmented. The schools’ goals for the project wereunclear, making it difficult to describe the implementation of the tools. However, theteachers’ felt that they gained new insights and positive experiences, and that much had beenaccomplished during the project period.Conclusion: Good communication and active dialogue among all participants supportinvolvement and participation in school-based health promotion projects. Appropriatelydesigned tools and well-organized tasks make health promotion both manageable andunderstandable for teachers. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-96-2</p>

Helsefremmende lederskap : en utforskende studie blant førstelinjeledere ved et norsk helseforetak / Health promoting leadership : an explorative study among first-line managers employed at a Norwegian health trust.

Palm, Marianne January 2010 (has links)
Formål: Å få frem førstelinjelederes oppfatninger om hva som ligger til grunn for måten de utøver sitt lederskap på, og om det helsefremmende aspektet spiller inn i forhold til hvordan de utøver sin personalledelse. Metode: Studien er gjennomført som en singel case studie. Data er innhentet fra et helseforetak med flere driftsenheter i Norge. Det er brukt data- og metodetriangulering. Spørreskjemaer ble sendt ut til 15 førstelinjeledere. Svarene fra disse dannet grunnlaget for intervju med tre førstelinjeledere. Dokumenter som handlingsplaner og funksjonsbeskrivelser ble hentet inn og gransket. Intervjuene ble analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Resultater: Tilretteleggelse for et helsefremmende lederskap hadde stor plass i arbeidet som leder. Lederne hadde stort fokus på å tilrettelegge for et godt både fysisk- og psykososialt arbeidsmiljø. De opplevde seg som rollemodeller, og mente at deres lederstil kunne ha betydning både for trivsel og i noen grad produktivitet og måloppnåelse. Valg av lederstil var basert på kunnskaper og erfaring, men krav til aktivitet og effektivitet var også styrende elementer i utøvelsen av lederskapet. I spørreskjemaundersøkelsen svarte nesten alle lederne at de hadde faste treffpunkter med de ansatte, alle svarte at de involverte dem i planlegging og målarbeid. Imidlertid kom det frem at det ikke var like enkelt for alle lederne å ta selvstendige avgjørelser. I dokumentgranskningen kom det frem at overordnede ledere forventet at førstelinjeledere skulle legge til rette for et godt arbeidsmiljø, dette for både å sikre de ansatte gode arbeidsforhold, og for å sikre god kompetanse og kvalitet i utøvelse av arbeidsoppgavene.   Konklusjon: Funnene tyder på at førstelinjelederne var bevisste i forhold til å ha et helsefremmende perspektiv i sitt lederskap. Men det kom også frem at det å sitte som førstelinjeleder, kan sammenlignes med ”å sitte mellom barken og veden”. / Intention: This study aimed to explore the perceptions of first-line managers regarding the reasons they practice leadership, and to determine whether health-promoting aspects are essential to personnel management skills. Method: The study was conducted as a single case study that triangulated both data and methods. Data were collected from a multi-site health trust in Norway. I sent questionnaires to 15 first-line managers, whose responses provided the basis for interviews with three first-line managers. I also collected and examined documents such as action plans and work instructions. I used content analysis to analyze interviews. Results: Arrangements for health-supporting leadership were a major focus in the leaders’ daily work. They also focused on arrangements that could figure importantly in attaining good physical and psychosocial working environments. The leaders considered themselves role models, and they thought that their way of practicing leadership could influence the well-being of their employers as well as worker productivity and goal attainment. While their options for practicing leadership were based primarily on knowledge and experience, demands concerning activity and effectiveness were also important elements of their leadership. Results from the questionnaires showed that almost all first-line managers met regularly with their employers, and all respondents indicated that they involved their employers in the determination of plans and goals. However, making independent decisions did not come easily for all first-line managers. Examination of work instructions showed that their superiors expected first-line managers to emphasize arrangements that would lead to good working environments, thus ensuring good working conditions, and securing professional competence and high quality service provision. Conclusion: Findings indicate that first-line managers want to include a health-promoting aspect in their leadership skills. Interestingly first-line managers feel they -“sit between the devil and the deep sea”-. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-83-2</p>

The role of organizational culture in employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of health

Olafsdottir, Steingerdur January 2008 (has links)
Organizational culture defines how employees should behave in a given set of circumstances. The purpose of this study involved analyzing the organizational culture of an Icelandic software consultancy company in relation to employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of health, and explaining the process for creating and sustaining a supportive work-life culture. Achieving this purpose required answers to several research questions, What are the components of the existing organizational culture? What is the managers´ role in creating and sustaining this organizational culture? What are the challenges in sustaining this organizational culture? This case study used both quantitative and qualitative methods, and four data sources for triangulation purposes. The methodological approaches included a questionnaire-based survey, completed by 72 employees (90%); semi-structured interviews with eight employees; observations conducted during two separate weeks; and document analysis of various documents dating back a maximum of two years. The results suggest that the case organization´s culture was work-life supportive, i.e., the organization supported and valued employees´ integration of work and private life. The components of the existing organizational culture were defined as: fun, ambition, flexibility, international character, openness, cooperation, informality, flat organizational structure, responsibility, trust, understanding, support, and pride. The managers´ role in creating and sustaining this culture involved availability, supportiveness, understanding, trusting, and giving feedback. Among the main challenges in sustaining the culture was the growth of the organization, which could affect considerably the informal culture. Description of the components of the case organization’s existing culture includes description of the culture’s enablers, according to the purpose of explaining how a supportive work-life culture can be created and sustained. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-57-3</p>

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